Page 1: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate

Christianity - Bioethics

Year 12 SOR

Page 2: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate


Ethics is a practical application of belief.

It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate or not

Morality is concerned with the individual decisions taken based on the ethical system.

Christian ethics are based on right relationships with God, with one's neighbour and with oneself

Page 3: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate

Christian ethics are largely based on the teachings found in the Bible—the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2–17), the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3–10/ Luke 6:20–26) and Jesus’ Commandment of Love (Luke 10:25–27)

In Protestant ethics, the primacy of biblical ethical teaching is evident.

In Catholic and Orthodox Churches, natural law is also regarded as important.

In Pentecostal churches, the pastor is a significant source of guidance for ethical teaching.


Page 4: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate


Traditional Christian ethics are grounded either in a natural law approach (which holds that certain actions are wrong because they go against our human nature) or in a Bible-based approach.

Both result in moral absolutes such as the beliefs that homosexuality, abortion and euthanasia is wrong.

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Page 6: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate

Bioethics Bioethics is the area of science that deals with

ethical choices faced in medical research and the treatment of patients where advanced medical technology is used.

Ethical issues that Christians might have concerns with are cloning, IVF and screening embryos, abortion, euthanasia, stem cell technology and genetic engineering.

The key Christian belief that is challenged in bioethical research is the value or sanctity of human life, particularly the beginning and end of life.

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Christians have always believed that life is sacred and should be preserved.

Christians also realise that death is


The question becomes: what is the quality of life that can be achieved for the person, and is sustaining life at any cost appropriate?

Bioethics – The preservation of human life and Euthanasia

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The Fifth Commandment clearly states that it is wrong to take another human life: ‘You shall not murder’ (Exodus 20:13).

The Bible does not give any specific teaching on euthanasia, but many Christians would use this commandment to argue that euthanasia is not permitted.

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Euthanasia would be considered when the patient is suffering from the effects of ongoing illness and their quality of life is not being maintained.

It is the issue of taking life that is of concern for Christians.

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In 1995 a Northern Territory bill allowing euthanasia (assisted suicide) was passed.

The Federal Government took steps to overturn

the Northern Territory legislation and was supported by the churches.

It was overturned in 1997, but in the meantime several people were legally euthanised.

The National Council of Churches in Australia rejected active euthanasia, but felt that passive euthanasia (the refusal of intervention) was more acceptable.

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The Catholic Teaching on the Preservation of life

Catholic teaching is based on the principles of natural law.

In matters of the preservation of human life the distinction is made between ordinary and extraordinary means of prolonging life:

Ordinary means are necessary and reasonable for the preservation of human life.

Extraordinary means are those that are out of balance with the outcome or particularly burdensome for the family.

The balance needs to be maintained between maintaining pain relief and not hastening death for the patient.

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In 2007, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith noted:

The administration of food and water even by artificial means is, in principle, an ordinary and proportionate means of preserving life. It is therefore obligatory to the extent to which, and for as long as, it is shown to accomplish its proper finality, which is the hydration and nourishment of the patient. In this way suffering and death by starvation and dehydration are prevented. (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on Euthanasia, 1980)

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church there are two statements on euthanasia:

Intentional euthanasia, whatever its forms or motives, is murder. It is gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator. (Paragraph 2324) Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable. (Paragraph 2277) (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1997)

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Orthodox- Euthanasia‘All efforts to heal physical and spiritual sickness to alleviate physical and spiritual suffering and

to prevent physical and spiritual death are to be supported and defended”

1992 Orthodox Church in America Synod of Bishops God is wit us, even in times of distress Circumstances beyond medical science to heal Facing the struggles prepares for transition

into the hands of God

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Abortion – Catholic Church Some passages from the Bible that relate

to abortion. Exodus 21:22–25 is often seen as a

condemnation of abortion but it is treated as a finable offence, not a capital offence.

Hosea 13:15–16 suggests abortion could be a judgment from God.

The Catholic Church opposes abortion under any circumstances.

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Abortion – Catholic Church

The Catholic Church emphasises on procreation and its perception of the foetus as a human being from the moment of conception.

It is believed that life is given by God and should only be taken by God.

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Abortion – Catholic Church

The papal encyclical Donum vitae (1987) addressed the issue of abortion. The Catholic Church has emphasised the role of ‘natural law’, a concept that refers to the idea of a natural moral law, as developed by the theologian Thomas Aquinas who lived in the 13th century.

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Abortion – Uniting Church Other Christians, such as those in the Uniting

Church, allow an abortion where the health of the mother would be affected, the child was the product of rape, or where there may be deformities in the foetus.

Many Christians support the right of the mother to choose, but even when the choice to proceed with an abortion is accepted it is usually seen as the lesser of two evils and an occasion for grief.

Page 19: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate

Abortion- Anglican Many Anglicans accept that abortion is not

always wrong. There are relational factors to consider. Where the choice must be made between the health of the foetus and the health of the mother, the mother must be given priority.

The foetus is a human being, but mitigating circumstances must be considered. Orthodox Christians generally have a similar view.

Page 20: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate

Abortion- Orthodox Church“ An act of murder for which those

involved, voluntarily and involuntarily will answer to God”

OCA Synod of Bishops, 1992 Willful and deliberate act of

aborting/destroying an embryo/fetus for purpose of birth control is expressly forbidden. Includes concept of morning after pill

Rape and incest is not excluded- God is always present in creation

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In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF) In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) refers to the conception of a

life outside the uterus, usually in scientific equipment (thus the term ‘test-tube baby’). This practice has been successfully undertaken for many years.

For Christians, this procedure bypasses the natural role of the father and mother, and also leads to the problem of the disposal of fertilised embryos that are (to some) human lives.

It also raises the issues of gene manipulation and the potential to modify the embryo.

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IVF – Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is generally opposed to IVF.

For Catholics, the issue is whether procedures ‘assist’ the marital act (acceptable), or whether they are a ‘substitute’ for the marital act (not acceptable).

Many other churches accept the practice as long as safeguards are in place and emphasis is placed upon the relational aspect of any procedure.

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IVF- Orthodox Church “Married couples may use medical means to enhance conception, but the use of semen or ova other than that of

the married couple who both take responsibility for their offspring is

forbidden”1992 OCA Synod of Bishops

Surrogacy- Forbidden Unused embryos must be stored for future

use, no destruction

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Government (partially) funds it

Helps couples & individuals who may not be able to have children naturally

It helps our national birth rate

Australia has a high rate of success with IVF

What other pros can you add?


It ignores the real reasons there is a reduction in fertility in our society

There haven’t been any longitudinal studies on IVF: Incidence of cancer Incidence of disability Propensity for Mental illness etc.

The use of donor eggs, sperm and even embryos and its effect on the child, family and community

What do we do with surplus embryos: freeze? Destroy? Experiment with?

What other cons are there?

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Page 29: Christianity - Bioethics Year 12 SOR. Ethics  Ethics is a practical application of belief.  It is a system by which conduct is determined to be appropriate

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

At present PGD involves testing fertilised eggs (Embryos) to ensure that the ‘best’ eggs are selected for implantation.

‘Best’ tends to mean those eggs without specific abnormalities.

P.G.D. is already used to select a suitable sibling in order, for instance, to carry out a bone marrow transplant for a child with bone marrow cancer.

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Stem Cell Research With dramatic advances in medical

technology other issues are debated.

Recently a parliamentary bill on stem-cell research was passed in the Federal parliament when parliamentarians were given a conscience vote.

Stem cells offer the opportunity to develop treatment for many illnesses, ranging from Parkinson’s disease to spinal-cord injuries.

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Stem Cell Research For Christians, the argument relates to the

fact that embryos are used, thus there is the issue of destroying potential human life.

Part of the argument against this research is the fact that, while good results have been achieved with adult stem cells, as yet there are no proven results from embryonic stem cells.

A counter-argument is that research has not yet been allowed on embryonic stem cells.

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Gene Manipulation Gene manipulation is becoming an issue of

concern as gene technology develops as a science.

Gene technology raises the possibility of eradicating conditions such as Down syndrome or Parkinson’s disease.

It also raises the possibility of creating the ‘perfect’ baby. There are many ethical issues raised by these possibilities.

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Christian Ethical Teaching Sources

o Man uniquely is created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26f). For Augustine the image is in man’s reason and intellect.

o Alternatively, the creation of male and female (verse 27) suggests man is in the image of God, a loving triune family, when he lives as part of a loving family, sharing and returning God’s love.

o Go forth and procreate/multiply (Verse 28)

o The Decalogue or The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21. )

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Christian Ethical Teaching Sources

Catholic Teachings:Dignitas Personae, 2008, Catholic Teaching on Bioethics, from Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)

Orthodox TeachingsOCA 1992-

Donum vitae 1987 (Previous instruction on Bioethics)

The Encyclicals Veritatis splendor and Evangelium vitae of John Paul II

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The Golden Rule (Matthew 22: 37-39) The Beatitudes (Matthew 5 -7) Actions based on love (1 Corinthians 13: 1) Nature of the final judgment (Matthew: 25) Living a life of service (Luke 26:26-27) “Love one another as I have loved you” (john 13:34) Following the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2) as the basis

of morality “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has

welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). If one were to sun up Jesus’ ethical teachings:

Repentance and forgiveness as the bases of the ethical life.

The radical, demanding nature of God’s ethical call on God’s reign.

The centrality of the love commandment.
