
A Testament Of Healing and Deliverance

A Testament Of Healing and Deliverance

By spring of 1999 the virus made me so weak that I could barely even walk. Stricken with a malady of seven different diseases I was battling for my very life. Having been told by doctors that my condition was grave, I remember on one day in particular crawling upon my hands and knees into the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) office in Nashville, Tennessee. After explaining my feeble situation to the Director of Missions, I said: I am called to missions, but could you use someone like me? The director said plainly Yes, we can. By summer Joseph Chaddock had clearly heard from God and sold his beautiful home and moved to Jerusalem, Israel to serve the Lord on the mission field. Beginning in 1999, the walking evangelism of Joseph P. Chaddock has carried the Good News of Jesus Christ, going out to reach the indigenous people of more than 21 nations around the world. But even before he could answer this walking call-to-evangelism, Joseph Chaddock was no stranger to sickness and disease. In 1997 Joseph had a good job paying and was living in a beautiful brand-new home (see pictures pages 7-8). But everything dramatically changed when Joseph was suddenly diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C. And by 1999 the not curable disease struck him so hard that he could barely crawl. Joseph was told by his team of doctors that his condition critical, and that in order to live he would need a lifetime regime of subcutaneous injections of interferon and riboviron medication. Facing major surgery from chronic kidney failure, the pain became so excruciating that Joseph literally begged the Lord, please GOD, KILL ME - TAKE ME HOME NOW!

2 Having previously been treated for years for an acute kidney defect, I had already been under the Surgeons knife more than 20 times (see a list of surgeries on page 6). But believing that my doctors had finally cured me, my health once again deteriorated when I was diagnosed bi-polar, manic depressive and suicidal. My doctor convinced me that in order to treat manic depression I would need to take Lithium for life. Diseased, depressed and living without hope I later developed severe vertigo and chronic fatigue syndrome. As well I suffered painfully from chronic scoliosis and reverse curvature of the neck and sciatica. Debilitating joint pain which riddled me throughout my entire body combined with severe vertigo made it extremely difficult for me to even walk (see X-rays on page 9). Diagnosed again with another diseased and failing kidney, my doctors told me the diseased kidney inside of my body was actually dying. After having two painful liver biopsies my doctors scheduled me for more surgery. But that was just the beginning of a lifelong battle with disease and even greater pain.

In 1989, at a Youth With A Mission camp, God called me to a lifelong vocation on the mission field. But after going on only two missionary trips to Mexico, I soon discovered that my Church could not support me as a missionary. Instead of trusting that my God Shall provide all my needs according to His riches in glory, I decided to work until I was able to financially support my own mission trips. For 10 years I labored trying to save enough money for missions. Rationalizing that I believed I knew what it was God wanted for my life, I ended up buying a house instead. But in the process of waiting to serve God I found I was wrong, and that I was serving my own needs only. I said, Yes, Lord, I am willing to serve you in missions, but first I want to have enough money so that I dont have to beg people to support me. God immediately answered me, saying: THAT IS NOT THE FAITH I HAVE CALLED YOU TO LIVE. I quickly I learned that by doing it my way, rather than by first trusting and obeying God, that I ultimately had pushed my Call to serve God on the mission field completely out of reach. Then my whole world suddenly and dramatically changed. I remember going to the gym one day to lift weights during my regular workout. But on this day something was terribly wrong and I got so weak that I could not finish my work out. Each week it got worse until I could barely even lift my arms. My doctor, who is a leading specialist, told me that my condition had worsened and that I needed immediate medical treatment. I asked my doctor if I could wait and take the treatment later...? My doctor sternly looked at me and said, son, you dont have later... You are very sick and you need treatment and medicine now! Wrestling with the decision of whether or not to receive medical treatment, I decided to ask my doctor if I could get a second opinion. He said, Yes, absolutely! I replied, I will ask Jesus, then. I knew I had two options: I could either believe fully in the healing power of Jesus, or else I could believe fully in the lie which said that I was not going to recover from this illness without medication. But when I actually did ask Jesus, He said to me: It is by My stripes that you were healed. Then I remembered what Jesus already did for us upon the Cross. How He already bore our sickness and disease. And how He already carried all of our sin and shame and nailed it upon the Cross at Calvary. Only then was I fully able to grasp by faith the deep impact of what IT IS FINISHED means. And for the very first time I began to live by faith.


Right then I remembered how ten years previously in 1989 I pledged my life to serve God on the mission field. Becoming gripped with remorse I desperately asked God for his forgiveness for not having followed His instruction to go on the mission field. Then I said, LORD, I AM GOING TO DIE BUT BEFORE I DIE I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT IN MY WHOLE LIFE I regret ONLY ONE THING! that I did not Do whaT YOU asked of me. Then I heard a Voice clearly speak, Its not too late. Determined that I was going to die, I argued back, Surely Lord, not now! Perhaps 10 years ago when I had the strength, or maybe even two years ago before the virus began to make me too weak to even walk. But certainly not now Lord, I just dont have the strength. God, how can You possibly use me now? And God responded; IT IS NOW THAT I CAN USE YOU! For when you are weak I am made strong. When I finally stopped resisting Gods Call and had re-dedicated my entire life to serve God full-time on the mission field the Lord then whisked me away on a 12-nation mission trip with the support of just one monthly pledge. Faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross of Calvary brought me back from the brink of death. But it wasn't until I was actually serving God on the mission field and doing precisely what it was God called me to do in 1989, when having active Faith in Christ healed me from every disease without the help of surgery, medicine or even a doctors assistance.

And for the first time as a Christian believer I was able to not only just believe in Jesus, but was able to finally Be LIVE in Jesus. Jesus wants all believers to know how it is They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, and that we too can remove the chains of sickness and fetters of iron which the enemy places on us and chain all sickness back on the enemy. I would like to encourage anyone in Christ that is battling with chronic illness right now there is a tremendously HUGE and discernable difference. In 1985 Joseph was not saved and he had used hard drugs for 15 years. He was destitute and homeless and lived in an old broken-down 1967 Ford Ranchero for over one year. (See pictures on page 11-12). Later that same year his Aunt Anita offered to him the basement of the very same two-story house where he was born some 30 years previously, in 1954. The book titled: Wrestling The Angel Of Darkness tells about the unbelievable story how in 1985 Joseph personally met God, wrestled the devil and became born again. Since 1999 Joseph Chaddock has ministered in 21 nations. He now travels extensively throughout the world to speak at crusades, seminars and churches to testify HOW: Jesus Christ the same yesterday; today and forever... is the solely the ONE responsible for his miraculous healing. Joseph frequently has prophetic words of encouragement of Musical Prayer which promotes an active demonstration of Faith to release healing streams throughout the body, soul and spirit. It is while he is worshipping when the LORD frequently has exuded the gift of healing, where on a number of occasions people were spontaneously healed from all kinds of disease both mental and physical.

4 God confirmed to me by his Word through miracles and signs and wonders that my Purpose was indeed missions. And like Jonah, who after God had called him to go to Tarshish, but instead ran in the opposite direction. I discovered that I too had run away from my destiny and my call: For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance (Rom 11:29). But it was when I had confessed to the LORD that I was wrong was when GOD did confide in me and said: My son, you are ready now I can use you!

Anointing Oil pours out from my Bible! There are many other illnesses that the Lord healed Joseph Chaddock of which are not mentioned in this short testimony. Including the at-risk warning from having skin cancer in 2005? But since being healed from skin cancer is without full documentation, that it shall receive no other mention. However all of the other aforementioned maladies and diseases which plagued Joseph P. Chaddock for more than 15 years are fully documented through the lifelong treatment of specialized doctors at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

5Taken in 2006, this picture shows my Bible after it was miraculously filled with fragrant anointing oil. Shortly before I left for the Philippines, Senior Pastor Giannakos prayed for me and told me to open my Bible. After he prayed for me I returned my Bible into its zipper case and closed it up tight. It was while I was sitting among a group of believers when someone cried out. Somebody has received the anointing. They said to me, Quickly brother open up your Bible. \

Right away the sweetest, most aromatic fragrance that I have ever smelled began to fill the entire foyer of the Church. Curiously when I had opened my Bible I could only find a small spot of anointing oil at first. But shortly after that the fragrant anointing oil, which began at first as only the size of a small dot, seemed to flow out from the Gospel of Matthew from Chapter18: verses18-19. That is until the fragrant, sweet anointing oil thoroughly saturated over half of my Bible. Verily I say unto you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Matt 18:18-19Where this outpouring of fragrant anointing oil happened to Joseph Chaddock is the Miracle of Oil Church. James Gianakos is Senior Pastor at Free Evangelic Church in San Francisco, California. Find the Miracle of Oil Church on Google?

Joseph Chaddock lives in the Philippines with his wonderful wife Renah; and they have seven Filipino children. Since 2006 Joseph has dedicated his time, talent and treasure to help the people of the Philippines to fight hunger and poverty. And overcome against the onslaught of deadly, preventable disease.

When I Decided That Only Jesus Could Heal Me? THEN ONLY JESUS DID HEAL ME!Born with a chronically malfunctioning kidney, Joseph Chaddock has been under the Surgeons knife more than 20 times. Surgeries include: 2 exploratory kidney surgeries, 1 major kidney surgery, 5 surgeries to re-attach two cut-off fingers, 2 perio anal abscesses, 7 reconstructive surgeries to reconnect a cut-through tendon from an industrial accident, 1 deviated septum surgery, 2 liver biopsies (very painful surgeries), 5 periodontal reconstruction surgeries. It should be noted that Joseph Chaddock lives 100% disease free and is 100% without any pain! Praise God!

The Lord told me: Joseph, sell your house and FOLLOW ME!

Theres No Turning Back!

This was the beautiful home of Joseph Chaddock in Nashville, Tennessee until 1999.

The first home of me and my wife and our seven children!

My life in the Philippines!

Our Missionary House Today 2014


Joseph and Renah Chaddock. Our children Jude, Julius, Joshua, Jane, Jelyn, Annimae and John

Damaged or Reversed Cervical CurveNormal Healthy Cervical Curve

The X-rays are a dramatization of the serious medical diagnosis sciatica of Joseph P. Chaddock, not the actual pictures. In 1987 I was diagnosed with a severely damaged Reversed Cervical Curve, just like in the pictures above. The pain was so exasperating that I would sit in bed locked-up in excruciating pain completely unable to move any part of my body at all for hours at a time. After several years of regular chiropractic therapy, my doctors were not able to bring me any relief?

I was also diagnosed with advanced chronic sciatica

Sciatic nerve pain, also known as sciatica, is a painful condition that is most commonly indicated by pain that radiates through the leg. Sciatica can be caused by an injury, but sometimes this frustrating condition can be traced to the presence of a degenerative spine condition in the lumbar spine in the lower back. When the sciatic nerve becomes compressed in the spinal column, the regular function of the sciatic nerve is interfered with and sciatic nerve pain is experienced, which can lead to muscle weakness, numbness or tingling and significant leg pain. Even though I saw a CHIROPRACTOR TWICE A WEEK FOR YEARS they all told me the same thing: that my lower back is locked-up tight and very hard to move. Each week they told me I was improving. But still the pain did not go away. And every procedure they tried only left me with incredible pain. But still I paid to them out-of-pocket lots of money, all for nothing. Until one day I decided to trust and try Jesus. JESUS told me the bill for my healing was already paid in full at Calvary.

When I Decided That Only Jesus Could Heal Me? THEN ONLY JESUS DID HEAL ME!

For over one year this large pea-sized abscess infection was deep inside my three incisor teeth and also in my jaw bone.

In September of 2013, Joseph Chaddock came to SACRED HEART DENTAL with three extremely loose lower incisor teeth. Upon thorough Ex-Ray examination Senior Endodontist/Periodontist Dr. Garcia discovered severe infection was deep inside the teeth and was also in the tissues and jaw bone as well. Dr. Garcia recommended extraction and or root canal. Upon follow-up examination on January 16, 2014 the dentists witnessed a major improvement in all three teeth, which now are much tighter. And the tooth infection appears to be in remission. At the present time the dentists at SACRED HEART DENTAL do not recommend pulling these teeth or performing root canal treatments, because healing indeed has occurred. Examining Dentist: January 21, 2014

When I Decided That Only Jesus Could Heal Me? THEN ONLY JESUS DID HEAL ME!

Like the Prodigal Son, I too ran away and lived life in the fast lane. In 1985 I became homeless, and lived in my car for over one year.

Before I became saved in 1985, I lived in this type 1967 Ford Ranchero. I was 30 years old and was completely homeless. That was until my Aunt Anita invited me to live in the basement of the same two story house that I was born in the natural in 1954 on Portola Ave in Livermore, Calif. By 1985 I had used hard drugs for over 15 years and was living six-foot underground rotting away in sin. Until it happened one day there in the basement six-foot underground where I met God, wrestled the Angel of Darkness, and by the grace of God became Born Again and was saved. See pictures of that exact same two-story house on the following page.When I Decided That Only Jesus Could Heal Me? THEN ONLY JESUS DID HEAL ME!

Pictured left to right is my Uncle Richard Caratti, my Grandpa Aquilino Paul Caratti, my Aunt Anita Caratti and my Father Albert Caratti. My family has owned this same house and property from the time of World War 1, since 1917.

When I Decided That Only Jesus Could Heal Me? THEN ONLY JESUS DID HEAL ME!Pictured on the right in each photograph is the two story house that I was born at in 1954. The lower picture with all the rubble was taken in 1975 while the Rock House Delicatessen was being rebuilt. In 1954 I was conceived and born at this two same story house. But in 1985, some thirty years later, I was in the basement living six-foot underground. It was in the basement of this house in 1985 where I met God, wrestled the Angel of Darkness and became Born Again. Only a Holy God of Divine Purpose and love could have orchestrated the events of my life this way. Please read Josephs Revelation and Wrestling The Angel of Darkness, my revelations of Heaven and Hell are found on Facebook, Scribd and on Google.

The Story Behind the Cover for Christ in me, the Hope of Glory!

It happened on the morning of July 14, 2008 when the Lord spoke to me and said: Today I am going to test you by fire. I had just finished drafting missionary church planting projects that would train, support and send out missionaries from the Philippines around the world. That was when GOD suddenly interrupted me and said, Stop what IT IS you are DOING I want to TALK to you. He asked if I will permit Him to show me how He feels about all of my work of Christian service. As if I had a choice in the matter I said, Yes, Lord. On this particular day Typhoon Kalmaegi (Helen) was raging directly overhead, and with it came sheets of unceasing rain and strong driving wind. It was during the worst part of the Typhoon when God asked me: Will you trust Me to bring sunshine in the midst of the raging storm. I said, Yes, Lord, nothing is impossible for You. God said, Son, I want you now to put all of your humanitarian projects upon the altar because today I am going to test the work of your hand by fire. Now submit unto Me every work that you have ever started in my name, and I will show you My answer by one hours time.

For ten years I had ministered unto the Lord and already took food, clothing, Bibles and medicine to 21 nations around the world. I just finished writing the ONE PARTNER/Orphans of AIDS program that would raise emergency funds to help indigent poor orphan children of AIDS that were scattered all over Africa. Moreover I was holding seminars for HIV/AIDS and health awareness campaigns with Global AIDS Day. My passion to help poor and sick people was strong. At 9:00 I followed the instruction of the Lord and submitted my entire lifes work on the altar. Then I began to pray. Not for the rain and storm to stop, but for the Lords perfect will to be revealed in my life, I thought perhaps the reason why the Lord was testing me by fire was because He was not pleased with me. Or even that He was about to take away my work. I then felt prompted to pray for the person who would take over my responsibility of running Global AIDS Day, World Storehouse and the Orphans of AIDS, whoever they may be. As I prayed I stacked all of my Project folders upon my desk which comprised my entire lifes work. Directly beside my desk there was a large empty trash can. I knew in my heart that if the sun did not fully shine in the Typhoon at the end of the one hour test that I was to push all of my projects directly into the trash can, no questions asked. I had no choice in the matter except to obey God. The only thing that was not on the altar that day was my music. God told me my praise songs are a distinct part of my worship to Him and that it would not be at risk. So completely trusting what the Lord said to me in faith, I prayed. And as I prayed the rain fell even harder and the wind raged even more strongly. Then by 10:00 the rain and wind subsided until, suddenly, it stopped. I said to myself I have passed the test. But that was when God told me, Now go outside, I will give you My answer. Looking out across the horizon of Typhoon Kalmaegi, I could see that rain had indeed stopped, but that the sky was still completely filled with dark storm clouds, and there was no sunshine?

Then the Lord instructed me to stand before him facing east. He said: Be still and know that I AM GOD. Expecting that storm clouds would dissipate I could see a faint glow of light forming on the horizon, but still there was no sunshine, yet. Right then I thought I would receive the same outcome as Gods servant Moses, when God told him Take the rod, and gather the assembly, you and Aaron your brother, and speak to the rock before their eyes. And it shall give forth its water, and you shall bring forth to them water out of the rock. So you shall give the congregation and their animals drink. And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he struck the rock twice. And the water came out plentifully, and the congregation and their animals drank. And GOD spoke to Moses and Aaron, because you did not believe Me, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them. Num 20:8,11-12 As I stood facing the storm looking East I lifted up my hands and began to praise God, thanking Him for His yet undisclosed decision concerning my life, In a matter of a few minutes the clouds parted and the full radiant sun broke through and shown down all around me. I began to rejoice because the Will of the Lords was completely known to me. Only GOD could have made for the sun to shine in the midst of a raging typhoon. I am so humbled when I think how easily it would have been for God to have kept the clouds covering the sky. And that He did that just for me. Typhoon Kalmaegi later resumed and lasted for another three days. In the process of doing my work God I know now at some point that God will one day bring to me all the necessary funding to further His kingdom. It was only a short time after that test on July 14, 2008 when the Lord told me: Now, take a wife. And on August 12, 2008 I married a wonderful woman whom I met nine months previously, named Lorina. BUT THATS AN ENTIRELY OTHER STORY?

Published by Scribd and protected under copyright law. Joseph P. Chaddock. All rights reserved. Joseph P. Chaddock is a different style of missionary, who in addition to hosting outreaches of love and compassion has also contributed programs that address many of our overwhelming social concerns today: Such as hunger, poverty and disease. He is the founder of Global AIDS Day, Medical Samaritan, World Storehouse and The Orphans of AIDS. All of which have helped provided humanitarian aid, food, water and shelter to some of the poorest people of more than 21 nations. Joseph travels extensively throughout the world to speak at crusades, seminars and churches to testify HOW: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever is the ONE solely responsible for his miraculous healing. Joseph is an international worship leader that frequently has prophetic words of encouragement of Musical Prayer. His music promotes an active demonstration of Faith which releases healing streams over the body, soul and spirit. It is while Joseph is worshipping the Lord when GOD regularly exudes the gift of healing, where on a number of occasions people spontaneously were healed from all kinds of disease that are both mental and physical. But before he could answer the Call to serve, Joseph Chaddock was no stranger to sickness and disease. In 1997 Josephs life changed dramatically when he was suddenly diagnosed with hepatitis C. And by 1999 the not curable disease struck him so hard that he could barely crawland he begged for GOD to take him home. Having previously been treated for years for an acute kidney defect, Joseph had already been under the Surgeons knife not less than 20 times. But thinking that his doctors had finally cured him, his health once again deteriorated when he was diagnosed as bi-polar, manic depressive and suicidal. But that was just the beginning battle of lifelong disease and even greater pain. By the grace of God in 1999, Joseph was totally healed and was ordained as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is commissioned on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel. In 2004 he became an Associate Pastor for a large African Church, RCCG. He is a skilled writer who has authored numerous books including, Between Heaven and Hell; Unveiling the Dominion of Man; GOD AND YOU? - I Fell From the Big Nut Tree, JESUS CHRIST: The Empirical Miracle and the popular novel: The Social Terrorist. Presently he is composing the Musical Prayer CD for distribution sometime in 2015. Email: [email protected] THE AUTHOR

Joseph P. ChaddockDr. Joseph P. Chaddock

Published by Scribd and protected under copyright law. Joseph P. Chaddock. All rights reserved.