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In March 2013 Pope Benedict XVI announced the return of the Lord Jesus Christ!! This news and information is being censored and suppressed by the media as well as within the Vatican. At this particular moment I will only explain the events in brief: Soon after his retirement Pope Benedict made contact with the returned Christ. Although Pope Benedict at first rejected the Christ, Pope Benedict began communications with the Christ and carefully studied all the evidence. Finally Pope Benedict made the realization that indeed Christ is who He says He is. During a secret 45 meeting at Castel Gandolfo Pope Benedict shared the news and evidence with Francis. Francis rejected the information even refusing to look at the evidence. Following this meeting Pope Benedict then issued the most important official document in modern history, an Apostolic Letter titled "In Christum Credunt" where he announced the return of Christ. Pope Benedict was then about to make a televised announcement on RAI-TV in Italy but this announcement was blocked by Francis. The announcement was to appear at the start of

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live Shroud of Turin TV special which Pope Benedict arranged for Easter 2013. Francis removed Pope Benedict's introduction to the show and instead inserted his own introduction. Francis then put a security lock-down upon the Papal household of Pope Benedict. Pope Benedict's staff managed to leak to us a video pleading to the world for help, a video which we uploaded to YouTube. Catholics and everybody ignored the plea. Instead of Francis dealing with the information of the returned Christ via an open and transparent manner, he proceeded to carry out a dark series of events. Francis' men stormed the household of Pope Benedict. Pope Benedict was punched in the head and knocked to the ground crying and bleeding from his ear. Pope Benedict and his staff were then kidnapped. Not

long after this, Pope Benedict's priest Fr Giuseppe Civello was reported to us as being murdered. Currently Pope Benedict is now under secret house arrest by Francis. All of this should have made headline news around the world. But for a reason I will get into shortly the world media is fiercely censoring this information. The Conclave to elect a new Pope all knew that Christ was back. Thus there was no need to elect a new Pope. A Pope is a representative of Christ until Christ comes back. Also, one remains as a Pope until death not by retirement. Therefore the Papacy was stolen by Francis and Pope Benedict is still the current and real Pope and head of the Catholic Church. Francis is not a Catholic. He is a Jesuit Jew. Francis is the declared antichrist because he stole the Papacy and rejected the Lord Himself. The Jews have infiltrated the Vatican a long time ago. The Talmud Zionist Jews, as per their Talmud and Torah, worship Lucifer, not Christ/God. The average Jew in your neighborhood might not even be aware of this and are perhaps good-natured people. The Talmud Zionist Jews own and control the world media, both the mainstream and alternative media. Their Protocols of Zion #14 clearly states: We Shall Forbid Christ. Thus is why they are keeping this news a secret; they do not want the world knowing that Christ is back. Catholic news organizations are also under the same control and thus are refusing to report the news. If my post is censored here on this Facebook group then you should suspect that the admin is

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also a Zionist Jew. Jesus was not a Jew. He was an Essene. The Talmud Zionist Jews have been hoaxing and deceiving the world for centuries. They are not the "chosen ones". If they were they would be announcing Pope Benedict's news far and wide via their media. The concept of them being the chosen ones is a complete hoax. Other elaborate hoaxes include the rapture, the moon landings, no cure for cancer, the holocaust, bible code, pyramid prophecy, and the list goes on. They are the elite who control and rule the world via their banking system, governments, media, educational system, medical system, Hollywood, etc. Have you ever noticed that nobody is allowed to criticize the Jews but not regarding other cultures/religions? This is all part of the hoaxing and intimidation

process. It's labelled as "hate speech" but it is all a trick to make you fear the truth and avoid speaking up. The Bible itself has been secretly tweaked and twisted by the Talmud Jews as well including: the almost removal of the concept of reincarnation, the truth that Christ is not the son of God but God in the flesh, that Jesus had a Wife named Martha, there was a Mother of Creation as well, and more. If your Bible states the wording "holy spirit" that actually refers to the Freemasonry 'god' Baphomet. Or Lucifer. The correct wording should be "Holy Ghost" which is the soul of Christ/God. The returned Christ has ordered Pope Benedict back on the job and has renamed him as His Holiness Pope Peter II or Petrus Romanus. Christ is back to take over His Church, the Catholic Church. He will restore it for His Mother Mary who is also back now re-incarnated as Christ's 9 year old granddaughter, Trinity-Lee. A photo of Her appears in my Facebook photos. The Christ has written Vatican III which will transform the Church and Pope Benedict has eagerly accepted it. Christ is not coming again on a giant white horsey in the clouds. He returned again via the womb, just like before, and via immaculate conception, just like before. He came like a thief in the night on January 11, 1944 at 2:22am. His new name is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall. He is the genetic lineage of King David. He has already legally evicted the Queen of England but she hasn't moved out and off His throne yet. Once Christ takes over the Catholic Church and

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the British Monarchy He will begin the process of destroying the evil elite and start setting up Paradise for the children. Paradise is coming soon here on Earth, not up in the fluffy clouds. The King is here now, God in the flesh, thus the Kingdom of Heaven is coming soon here on Earth. The entire religious world has been heavily indoctrinated and have been deluded so much so that everyone is rejecting this news. Christ has arrived in the clouds of confusion to reveal Truth and to set everyone free. Jesus spoke in parables. The clouds He appears in are the clouds of confusion. 'As like lighting flashes from east to west'... electrons, the internet. Indoctrinated religious folks are using every logical fallacy method to reject this news. "Nobody knows the day or hour..." they might say, but that applied to when He returned

70 years ago; if one keeps stating that phrase over and over it is guaranteed that person will reject the Christ when He finally arrives, which He has now. "Beware of false prophets..." another handy phrase which people use to reject this news. False prophets are all around you, TV evangualists and government leaders and more. But if one keeps stating that phrase it will be applied to when the real Christ finally comes back, which He has now. Everybody is rejecting Christ due to this nonsensical perpetual loop indoctrination. People are also indoctrinated to believe that this returned Christ man must somehow be a cult leader. The media is responsible for this assumption. The media will eagerly report on fake Jesuses and their cult like behavior but the media will not report on the real Christ. The media does this so that when the information of the real Christ enters your line of vision you will automatically assume that He too is a cult leader. The returned Christ cannot even get His name listed on the Jew-owned and controlled Wikipedia page of those claiming to be Jesus. Add His name and it will be removed soon after; and this, despite the fact that Pope Benedict announced His return. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must become like a small child. This means as an adult you must drop all your ego, your assumptions, your know-it-all responses, and submit to the fact that you might be wrong on everything. Even Pope Benedict, who is a leading scholar, was wrong on many things and the Christ had to clarify and teach

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Pope Benedict the truth. As part of Vatican III, all Catholic Churches (the Universal Church) will be converted to free health cure centers. The cures for diseases have been kept secret from humanity by the elites in charge. Christ's new miracle of health is not done via laying His Hands on people but rather the miracle is getting the evil elite out of the way in order to bring forth the cures kept secret from humanity. The returned Christ, and His Wife Martha, have already cured over 400,000 people in Fiji and PNG. Aids, cancer, diabetes, malaria, and more. Since Christ takes over the entire global banking system, He will begin to issue His own currency via the converted Catholic Churches. Francis claims that being poor brings one closer to God. The returned Christ clearly states "No, that is a lie!". Christ

wants everyone to live like Kings and Queens not beggars. Free money for everyone that needs it. Free cures, free money, free energy, no wars, world peace, no more poisons in the food, air, and water, no more deadly vaccines shoved into the bodies of children. and so much more all coming soon. That is why the returned Lord Jesus Christ is the Savoir of the World, the Messiah, or Salvator Mundi as Pope Benedict stated in his Apostolic Letter. Christ's plan is quite simple and cunning: He simply takes over all the infrastructure build by the wealthy Talmud Zionist Jews and uses that to transform Earth into a Paradise, starting with the Catholic Church. Rejoice in this good news as I as Gabriel am giving you! Do not reject this and do not reject the Lord Jesus Christ. Fear Him Who Can Destroy Both Body And Soul. He is here to save you all and set you free! For free! All the Heavenly Saint are here now on Earth incarnated in the flesh. There are 144,000 of you, most of whom are still asleep. To those who are Saints, wake up and contact me immediately and I will put you in touch with the Christ. Unleash your Saintliness and rush to help Christ and Pope Benedict. The media is censoring this news so this information needs to go viral. Once viral, this news cannot be contained and thus topples the media system who is helping to keep Pope Benedict locked up. Upon the release of Pope Benedict, the Christ then takes over. Contact me for more details or to connect with Christ Himself. A photo of the returned Christ appears below.

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Useful links are also provided below. Pope Benedict is a hero to all of humanity. If you love Pope Benedict do not remain as a bystander towards him and his current situation. Peace & Love, Gabriel ----- Pope Benedict's Apostolic Letter: Christ's official prior YouTube channel with the Pope updates. Scroll down many months: Christ's official current YouTube channel: Christ's Declaration and Notice of Claim to the Queen of England:

Marshall-Proclamation-and-Notice-of-Claim-to-Queen-Elizabeth-II Christ's other documents including Vatican III and excerpts from the Papal communications:
