Page 1: Christ Church News (6) Easter · The Easter story holds out reassurance and hope. You could say that on the first “Good Friday” the worst happened. It seemed like the end - the

Christ Church News (6) Easter 12th April 2020

These are disturbing times. So much that we take for granted is now different or

gone. Suddenly there are new laws and rules; we are told we must stay indoors,

only go out to shop for necessities, limit our exercise to one walk a day and keep at

least two metres away from other people. It is all because an unseen virus, which

can cause illness, even death, is now in our country having spread all around the

world in a few short weeks. We are all having to reorganise our lives and change

our plans. Nothing is certain any more. There is so much we don’t know like How

long will it last?, a month?, three months?

The Easter story holds out reassurance and hope. You could say that on the first “Good Friday” the

worst happened. It seemed like the end - the shattering of the dreams and hopes of Jesus’ friends and

followers. But then came Easter. At first, as you would expect, the disciples were bemused, even

cynical, certainly very afraid. Then, gradually, the truth and its incredible implications dawned. As a

result the frightened followers became fearless proclaimers of the incredible truth in the face of all

manner of dangers. The Church is the community of the resurrection. Jesus is alive and nothing this life

or this world can throw at us can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Reading Mark 16 vv.1-8

Meditation Salome’s Story

You would have thought we would be pleased, wouldn’t you? - Over the moon at the news that he had

risen. And we were, later, once we finally took it all in. But at the time it wasn’t pleasure we felt, it was

sheer unadulterated fear! Can you blame us? I don’t think so; for it’s not every day that you find a tomb

empty is it? Not often that you go to anoint a body only to find it has disappeared! Yet that’s what

happened to us – early that morning, the dew still wet on the grass, mist still rising, the three of us

making our way to the tomb, expecting nothing, - simply going to pay our last respects. It was shock

enough finding the stone rolled away, our stomachs lurching at the sight of it. And when we finally

plucked up the courage to look inside, to find, not Jesus, but this man we didn’t know from Adam. Well

we could scarcely suppress a scream! Who was he? Why was he there? What did he want? And most

important of all, where had he taken our Lord?

The questions crowded in upon us, our minds reeling in confusion. He may have been calm, but we

weren’t! We felt faint with disbelief - dizziness growing by the second, wanting only to get out and as far

away as possible! So when he told us to go back to the disciples, believe me, we were happy to oblige!

Did we tell them what we had seen? What do you think? Would you have done? We knew too well the

response we’d get - our words dismissed as so much nonsense. And that’s just what happened when

they finally forced it out of us, for, try as we might, we simply couldn’t hide our confusion..We weren’t

just scared, we were terrified - trembling as though we’d seen a ghost. And with good reason, for we

honestly thought we had!

We will come to Easter Sunday as reluctant soloists, with only our own voices, without the choir or

piano. Now we really must sing by faith, not only our faith in Christ but our faith that our single voices

will be joined with countless others “before the throne of God above”, that our solitary wavering

alleluias do not echo in our empty room but are heard by our risen Christ in harmony with the “tongues

of men and angels”. Some of us have recorded “Thine be the glory” and sent it to the Archbishop of

Canterbury to be broadcast on Sunday. David Booth

Page 2: Christ Church News (6) Easter · The Easter story holds out reassurance and hope. You could say that on the first “Good Friday” the worst happened. It seemed like the end - the


Lord Jesus Christ, we forget sometimes the sheer wonder of your resurrection. We have heard the accounts so

often that we fail to appreciate you were dead and buried, your body sealed in a tomb. For your followers, that

was it! The end of a glorious dream!

When the women went to anoint your body, they expected nothing more than to perform the last act of love. But

the tomb was found empty, the body gone, the grave clothes discarded there. - the only sign of where you had

lain, and for a time it was too much to take in.

The women returned in shock, Mary broke down in tears, the apostles laughed in derision. For by all human

reckoning it simply could not be! Only it was! You had broken the hold of death, turned the world upside-down,

transformed the cost of history in one magnificent moment!

Lord Jesus Christ, as we celebrate today your victory over death, give us that same sense of awe and wonder felt

by those who first learned the truth. Come alive in our hearts, so that our minds too will reel in wonder, and our

spirits dance in joyous celebration, to the glory of your name. Amen.


a dove of companionship when I am lonely, a dove of courage when I am afraid, a dove of rest when I am exhausted, a dove of truth when I am tempted, a dove of peace when I am anxious,

a dove of reconciliation when I am estranged, a dove of comfort when I am hurting, a dove of understanding when I am speaking with others, and a dove of trust at the last. Amen

from UCB's "The Word for Today” many years ago - sent by Elizabeth Manson

EE AA SS TT EE RR two poems from Hugh and Linda Hawker


Announces the


Triumph over

Evil and death.


My times are in thy Hand.

My God, I wish them there.

My life, my friends, my soul I leave

entirely to thy care.

A little fun while on Lockdown – a quiz from David Booth

Rearrange the letters to find the names of books in the Bible...(No cheating - don't check your Bible!)

1. Used ox

2. hi, mac

3. O, I had B.A.

4. coins a loss

5. to my hit

6. me, Saul

7. metal nations

8. O, Sam

9. no Oslo fogs on 'M'

10. cats

11. sew herb

12. money due to 'R'

13. Ben's rum

14. threes

15. Mt. Wheat

16. hurt

17. raze

18. I select cases

19. a shoe

20. shines on a salt

For example: 15. Mt. Wheat = Matthew

The Easter Egg Tree


The Easter Cross

of Flowers

