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Chosen Locations

Cheshunt Martial Art Centre (Indoors)

The location we’ve concluded to use, is the marital arts centre in Cheshunt. Our main character is a trained martial arts monk and by filming him in his home from home seems like a good idea. All props and equipment that we will use for his stunts and moves are already there and it’s a place where he feels comfortable. In the concept we have chosen, a cage is needed. Instead of budgeting out and purchasing a new one, the martial arts centre already have one and have insisted us to use it. Not only will this save money, but also time. We know that we can’t walk into a location and just start filming, contracts and permission slips have been drawn up and we have full permission to use the centre. The director of our TV advert, is also a member of the martial art centre. He’ll know all about the different rooms and spots for us to film in, and make sure that the location looks good and professional.

Cheshunt Martial Art Centre (Outdoors)

The reason for filming outside the centre is to give us more area to work in. the first half of the advert will take part inside, however, the fighting seen and conclusion of the advert will all happen outside. Even though we’ve been given permission to use the martial art centre we still have to considered neighbours and the public who may be walking past or working outside. We have to keep the noise to a minimum and ensure we do not interrupt everyone else’s everyday life.
