Page 1: Choosing Keywords for Highly Optimized Web Pages

Choosing Keywords for Highly Optimized Web Pages

Page 2: Choosing Keywords for Highly Optimized Web Pages

This is allotment one of ten in this chase agent accession series. In allotment one we will outline how to accept the keyword phrases best acceptable to aftermath a aerial ROI

for your chase agent accession efforts. Over this ten allotment alternation we will go through ten capital elements and accomplish to optimizing a site. Some

accomplish booty a few hours, some may booty months depending on the competition, but in the end and if done accurately you will accept a able-bodied optimized armpit that will abode able-bodied and authority it's positioning.

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Of advance all website's alter up and bottomward about able-bodied optimized sites will absorb added time on the aerial end of the rankings than ailing optimized or spammy

sites which may see aerial rankings but which will lose those rankings over time.

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Step One - Keyword Selection

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Arguably, keyword another is the distinct best important date in the absolute access process. If you do not accept the actual keyword phrases you will not aerate your ROI on this campaign. I acknowledgment ROI and use it as a

admonition that keyword another is not necessarily about attractive for the best searched phrases. A assisting access

is one which produces the greatest acknowledgment on advance for the time and money that are accessible to put

appear it.

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Bigger Is Not Always Better

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If you are a web artist in Seattle who has aloof started your own business, you could accomplish "web design"

the targeted keyword byword for your armpit as it absolutely has the accomplished cardinal of searches with

707,962 in September 2004 according to the "Overture Chase Appellation Suggestion Tool". If you accept bags of

dollars and abounding months to address aloof to attaining those rankings it could be done however, would that be the best use of your time? Alternatively you could ambition "seattle web armpit design" with 5,070 searches

in September. A Google articulation analysis shows the cardinal of links for the top three competitors for the

Seattle chase had 132, 21, and 47 appropriately admitting for "web design" the top three had 18,700, 5,420, and

1,310 admission links each.

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With a acceptable armpit you would get added assignment than you could handle with 5,070 searches on Overture

abandoned if you were baronial able-bodied on the above chase engines. This would acutely accommodate the

accomplished acknowledgment on advance for the baby business buyer who best absolutely does not accept the

time and money accessible to ambition "web design" and who wouldn't accept the manpower to booty advantage of

the rankings alike if they were attained.

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This is an acute archetype about it acutely illustrates that sometimes the byword with the accomplished cardinal of

searches is not necessarily the best ambition for your business.

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Phrases That Sell

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Another application you will appetite to accomplish back allotment your keyword phrases is whether or not they

are "buy phrases". Phrases with a aerial cardinal of searches that are not "buy phrases" will tend to accompany a lot of traffic, about the about-face

arrangement will be far lower. Should you accept to ambition "buy phrases" you may not get the

aforementioned cardinal of visitors about your arrangement of visitors to sales will be abundant higher.

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In this archetype let's accept you are the business administrator for a acclaimed accounting company. There

will be abounding choices you can accomplish for your targeted keyword phrase. The top searched phrases in

September 2004 that were accounting-related are:

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"accounting" with 156,095 searches

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"accounting software" with 54,621 searches

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"accounting job" with 32,015 searches

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"accounting services" with 19,260 searches

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"accounting firm" with 13,089 searches

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Many ability go with their gut aptitude and attack to ambition "accounting". The botheration with this byword

(other than the antagonism for it) is that the bodies accomplishing that chase are not necessarily alike

attractive for an accounting firm. They may be accounting students, baby business owners not absorbed in hiring an

accountant but aloof attractive for tax information, etc. "Accounting software" and "accounting job" are irrelevant,

which leaves us with "accounting services" and "accounting firm" as the two capital options.

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From this point an appraisal of antagonism should be performed and the pros and cons of authoritative

anniversary the primary ambition should be advised based on the bulk of assignment it will booty to attain the

byword vs. how abounding searches there are for that phrase.

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Often promotions that ambition assorted "buy phrases" will end up far added acknowledged that those targeting

phrases based alone on the cardinal of searches due to the added conversions and about decreased competition.

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Tools To Use

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Armed now with ability on how to admit and accept amid altered phrases there charcoal alone one question, how do

you apperceive which phrases are alike searched? Fortunately there are a brace abundant assets out there to

advice you acquisition out how abounding searches are performed for specific phrases. They Are:

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The Overture Chase Appellation Suggestion Tool

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A appropriate apparatus for researching keyword phrases. It indicates which phrases had the accomplished numbers

of searches on Overture during the antecedent month. The better weakness it has, as far as applying it to the

accustomed chase engines, is that Overture counts atypical and plural as the aforementioned and additionally

corrects misspelling so the totals are all lumped calm in this apparatus admitting on the accustomed engines they

are advised differently.

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WordTracker is actual agnate to Overture's Chase Appellation Suggestion Apparatus except that this

apparatus differentiates amid plural and atypical searches, does not actual spelling (i.e. it gives the cardinal of

searches for misspellings rather than acclimation them and giving a absolute for actual and misspelled words) and

gives the after-effects in predicted numbers of searches over all the engines per day rather than aloof one agent

over a month.

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They accept a abundant chargeless balloon that doesn't accord you as abounding after-effects but which can be

actual useful.

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When application these accoutrement I acclaim alpha with the Overture Chase appellation Suggestion Apparatus and already you've narrowed bottomward your choices, about-

face to WordTracker to assure that you're accepting the appropriate advice in commendations to close (singular vs.

plural) and additionally that the numbers match. Sometimes you will acquisition that the numbers are

absolutely altered from anniversary tool. In this accident you will accept to use your best judgment.

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Don't balloon to analysis misspellings back application WordTracker!

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Tips & Tricks

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There are no absolute "tricks" to apprehension the keywords you should ambition about there are a few tips. A few pointers that will advice you aerate your keyword


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Think like a layman. Aloof because you apperceive your industry agreement doesn't beggarly that anybody does. Don't aloof anticipate of the words you use to call your

products/services, anticipate of the words you would use if you knew annihilation about it added than the actuality

that you bare it. You may appetite to recruit a acquaintance and accept them run some searches for you.

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Think like an expert. On the added ancillary of the coin, there may be phrases acclimated accurately in your

industry that bodies "in the know" would use to chase for your articles and/or services. Be abiding to attending into

these phrases. You aloof may acquisition some hidden gems that no one abroad has anticipation to target.

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Don't ambition too abounding phrases. Some SEOs and webmasters ambition dozens and sometimes alike hundreds of phrases. The end result, they generally

absence the ones they best capital to attain. Keeping yourself and your keyword annual focused will accumulate your armpit focused. If your armpit is focused you'll rank

college for the phrases that will aftermath the accomplished acknowledgment on investment.

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Test your phrases. If there is any agitation about whether a chase byword is annual targeting it's generally a

acceptable abstraction to analysis the conversions through pay-per-click engines . Set up an annual with a PPC agent

and bid on the phrases that you would like to target.

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You accept to bethink that the PPC engines do not accommodate for the aforementioned bulk of cartage as

the accustomed engines. Analysis the antecedent phrases, analysis another phrases, and see which aftermath the

best results. Something abroad to accumulate in apperception is that PPC are not accustomed engines. If

your ROI is not as aerial on added cher phrases that doesn't beggarly they won't aftermath the college

acknowledgment on the accustomed engines area a top baronial does not amount money per click.

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In the end you will accept accepted a solid annual of keyword phrases and if the PPC attack is accouterment a acceptable acknowledgment on advance you ability as

able-bodied accumulate it active and adore the "bonus" cartage that it provides.

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