Page 1: Chill Coma Recovery Time of Hsp70Ba Deletion Drosophila melanogaster Mutant Compared to Drosophila melanogaster

Chill Coma Recovery Time of Hsp70Ba Deletion Drosophila

melanogaster Mutant Compared to Drosophila melanogaster

Joe Geiger and Amit Telwala

Page 2: Chill Coma Recovery Time of Hsp70Ba Deletion Drosophila melanogaster Mutant Compared to Drosophila melanogaster

Introduction• Background Information• Question: How does the deletion of the

Hsp70Ba gene affect the chill coma recovery time of the mutant compared to D. melanogaster?

• Hypothesis: Due to the deletion of the Hsp70Ba gene, the chill coma recovery time will be much longer for the selected mutant compared to D. melanogaster.

• Null Hypothesis: There will be no difference in the chill coma recovery of the selected Hsp70Ba deletion mutant and D. melanogaster.

Page 3: Chill Coma Recovery Time of Hsp70Ba Deletion Drosophila melanogaster Mutant Compared to Drosophila melanogaster

Experimental Design• Drosophila melanogaster and

Hsp70Ba deletion Drosophila melanogaster mutant

• D. melanogaster will serve as the control

• 3 vials each containing 10 flies placed into Styrofoam apparatus

• Four trials– 2 for wild-type and 2 for mutant separated by sex


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Experimental Design• The flies (3 vials)

were placed in 4°C for 1 hour and removed to room temperature and video recorded for recovery time

• The results analyzed using paired t-tests through the Statistical Packaging for the Social Sciences (SPSS)


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Discussion• Significant Difference between Chill Coma

Recovery Time of D. melanogaster vs. Hsp70Ba mt

• Confirms from Previous Research: Heat Shock

Protein 70Ba directly affects ability to respond in a

stressful environment

• Unexpected: Trial for Female D. melanogaster

Temperature at 4.5°C

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Conclusion• Reject the null hypothesis• Conclude that the Hsp70Ba gene

affects the ability of D. melanogaster for chill coma recovery time

• Future Research: Whether or not the expression of Hsp70 genes are different in flies natural global regions

• Future Research: Working with mutants that have an overexpression of Hsp70Ba to observe chill coma recovery time

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References ANDERSON, A. R., HOFFMANN, A. A., & McKECHNIE, S. W. (2005). Response to selection for rapid chill-coma recovery in drosophila melanogaster: Physiology and life-history traits. Genetical Research, 85(1), 15-22.

Macdonald, S.s, L. Rako, P. Batterham, and A.a Hoffmann. "Dissecting Chill Coma Recovery as a Measure of Cold Resistance: Evidence for a Biphasic Response in Drosophila Melanogaster." Journal of Insect Physiology 50.8 (2004): 695-700. Web.

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ANDERSON, A. R., HOFFMANN, A. A., & McKECHNIE, S. W. (2005). Response to selection for rapid chill-coma recovery in drosophila melanogaster: Physiology and life-history traits. Genetical Research, 85(1), 15-22.

Takahashi, Kazuo H., Phillip J. Daborn, Ary A. Hoffmann, and Toshiyuki Takano-Shimizu. "Environmental Stress-Dependent Effects of Deletions Encompassing Hsp70Ba on Canalization and Quantitative Trait Asymmetry in Drosophila Melanogaster." Ed. Michael Hendricks. PLoS ONE 6.4 (2011): E17295. Web.
