Page 1: Child Protection Discussion Questions


What questions has this induction raised for you?

Record them now for follow up in your tutorial.

Page 2: Child Protection Discussion Questions


Protective Practices Slides 10 - 20

Depending on your area of study and the age group you will be working with, find what advice the guidelines give you about one of situations outlined on slide 14

What questions, related to protective practices, do you think you should ask of staff during your next placement?

If you have a concern about an adult’s conduct at the site you must discuss your concern with the supervising staff member at the site. What additional responsibilities do you have to share this situation with your university supervisor? What other circumstances must you share with your university supervisor?

What are your feelings about your social network profile? Are you concerned about your “digital footprint?”

Are any of the guidelines’ professional boundaries a concern or challenge for you? How do you plan to manage the challenge?

Page 3: Child Protection Discussion Questions


Vulnerability and adversity - slides 32 - 35

• slide 32 – Discuss your ideas about the kinds of impact these different parental problems may have on children and young people (Focus on the age of children you will be working with)

• slide 33 – Discuss how these factors increase children and young people’s vulnerability to harm from others (or themselves)

• Research national &/or international data on the parental problems underlying abuse and neglect. Start with Child Protection Clearinghouse

• Visit the Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People to learn more about the issues facing children in state care

• What child protection issues are being faced in some remote Aboriginal communities? What impact is income management having in those communities where it has been introduced?

• Discuss students’ views on the questions raised in slide 35

Page 4: Child Protection Discussion Questions


Responding to Children andYoung People - slides 44 - 55 & handout

• What would you do if a child or young person produced a drawing or a piece of writing that suggested they were being harmed? Would you speak directly to them or share your concern with the supervising teacher? Are there particular circumstances when you might do one rather than the other?

• Slide 44. Discuss what your institution would expect of students if they faced this situation.

• Look at current research on whether the response children receive to their disclosure has an impact on their long term recovery from abuse.

• Under what circumstances (in the learning or care environment) are children or young people more likely to disclose personal problems? Where, when, with whom?

• How important is teaching children and young people about recognising and reporting abuse?

• What counselling services are available to adult survivors of child abuse?

Page 5: Child Protection Discussion Questions


Team approach to supporting children young people & their families - Slide 61

• Research what advice these guidelines give about how people should share information when they think children and young people face serious risks.

• What do the guidelines say about seeking children and young people’s informed consent for information sharing? What role do parents have in this process?

• What do the guidelines say about the limit of confidentiality - when can you share information without consent?

These guidelines were developed specifically to help agencies and organisations do a better job of coordinating their support of vulnerable children, young people and families.

Access the guidelines from
