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The learner is required to plan, conduct and evaluate a child’s holistic development (physical, cognitive, social, emotional and language

The child studied must be ages between birth and 12 years.

In line with your work placement policy, the study must include details of the consent gained from the adult responsible for the child. In line with the Data Protection Act (2003), confidentiality must be maintained at all times throughout the study.

Table of Contents

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1. State the rationale for intended intervention(s)

2. You will use a variety of observation techniques including; narrative, checklist, time sample, event sample and pre coding to report the observations in physical, cognitive, language, emotional and TCcial development.

3. Provide a comprehensive intervention plan(s) and an ability to relate theory to practice. The learner is required to plan, conduct and evaluate a child’s holistic development (physical, cognitive, TCcial, emotional and language The child studied must be ages between birth and 12 years.In line with your work placement policy, the study must include details of the consent gained from the adult responsible for the child. In line with the Data Protection Act (2003), confidentiality must be maintained at all times throughout the study.

Table of Contents

According to Freud “Children were often viewed simply as small versions

of adults and little attention was paid to the many advances in intellectual

abilities, language development, and physical growth.”

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The observations will be about the piles

P: Physical

I : intellectual

L: Language

E: Emotional

S: Social

1.-State the rationale for intended intervention(s)

For this assignment I will observe a 3 years old boy to study his physical, cognitive, social , emotional and language development

With this work I will get an understanding about if the child is reaching all his potential and I will use the milestones scale and it will help to meet their needs.

The aim for carrying out this observation is to get an understanding about his development and I need to be objective if I want an accurate outcome, without any attachment to the boy. All information is confidential.

Language Development : The objective of this is to know if his language is according to his age. This can be evaluated through his communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) , signed , drew or written (he yet doesn’t know how to do it) .

Physical: This is about what the child can do using his fine and gross motor skills.

Emotional: Through this observation I will get an understanding of TC emotional development.

Cognitive: With this I will know about TC his needs, what likes to him , his cognitive development which includes features such as: creativity, memory skills, concentration, imagination, problem-solving skills and spatial formation Through this

Social: I will record this in order to detect if there is any social development problem and if the curriculum is working correctly.

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2.-You will use a variety of observation techniques including; narrative, checklist, time sample, event sample and pre coding to report the observations in physical, cognitive, language, emotional and social development.

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Details of planning: Materials: Pen and notebook.

I will carry on this observation by:

Narrative Observations: (Running Records) Through this the child is observed about ten minutes and the observer is written down everything that the child is doing in paper. Sometimes the observer doesn’t have enough time to observe the child and write an accurate description about what is happening. It has to be done Soon because the observer can forget some relevant information. The advantage of this observation is that is very handy because the observer only needs paper and pen. The observer is sitting close to the child taking notes about everything that the child does.

The disadvantage is I think is very difficult to write down and to observe at the same time but I think is very objective and accurate information.

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Time Sample:

Observations of children are recorded at a regular period of time and what is happening at the moment is written down. Time samples are useful for get all the data together for a long period of time. Time samples are repeated and shorts collection of data and these data can be used to identify any problem. For example, a raged child who is always fighting.

It is necessary to know that the children cannot know he/she is being observed.

Event Samplings:

Observations focus on something particular and it can last days and even months. For example, to know why the child is fighting at nursery always or how the child reacts to other children behaviour and note the behaviour before this happens . Event samples are a useful way to detect if a child has a behaviour problem that needs help or referral to another professional.


Precoding or Pre-coded observations is about language development and the observer is writing down the child conversations with adults or other children.

The observer needs to have really good listening skills . It is very difficult to retain word by word what the child said or if the child realise about what going on and he/she might start to speak faster .

It provides an accurate record about what the child said and this is last 10 mns.


Checklists are lists of specific features written in a logical order. Check list are very good for behaviour or features that can be easily specified.

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In one side they are very easy and prompt to use , training it is not required and it is not necessary the presence of the child being focused in several behaviours at once.

In the other side checklist are not containing very detailed information or at any sequence with the consequently lack of information.

Aim of observation:

This will give us an outcome from the observation to give us a completely understanding of the child Intellectual, Language Development, Intellectual, Emotional, Cognitive and social Development according to the guidelines of development.

Rationale: It is important to observe a child’s physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social development and to know if I need to improve Something about his development.

TC is a 3 year old boy who is the only child in the family.

Dates of Observation: 17th February.

Methods used: Narrative, check list, event sample, precoding and time sample.

Media used: Pen and paper but I also brought and an Ipad.

Time observation started and finished: 6.00 PM to 7 PM (60 minutes)

Number of children present: None.

Number of adults present: 2 parent.

Both Parents gave me their permission.

Description of place: Child sitting room. It is medium size with a firelighter. There is a corner full of toys. An au-pair is looking after the child and now he is going two mornings per week to the Play-School.

Name of child: TC.

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Brief description of the child observed: TC is a 3 years old boy in a really good form always. He is eating normally and waking up on night time once for a bottle of milk. He is Irish and the first child in the family. No siblings. He was born on the 17 of September.


Parental Consent

116 Marina Apartments.

17 February 2015.

Dear parent/guardian,

I am currently attending a course “Childcare Early Education and Care” in Tralee Community College. As part of the included Child Development module, I am required to carry out an observation to include a child’s physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social development.

I would appreciate if you would allow me to observe your child. I would like to reassure you that all information required will be remaining anonymous and will be kept in the strictest of confidence.

Yours sincerely,


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I undersign hereby give Maria Recio permission to carry out an observation on my child.


Physical Observations

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Physical Development: Fine motor skills are the movement with small muscles and gross motor skills are about the use of the big muscles.





Gross motor skills:

Can TC make sharp turns around corners when running? Can TC walk downstairs alternating feet? Can TC Run in a forward direction? Can TC Jump in one place? Can TC Kick a ball? Can TC Stand on one foot? Can TC Turn pages of a book? Can TC Draw a circle? Can TC Hold a crayon between the thumb and finger? Can TC use pedals on tricycle alternately? Can TC walk and even run on tiptoe? Can TC catch an eight inch ball? Can TC climb ladders?

Fine motor skills:

Can TC handle small objects and turn a page in a book? Can TC use age-appropriate scisosrs?

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Can TC copy circles and squares? Can TC draw a person with two to four body parts? Can TC write some capital letters? Can TC build a tower with four or more blocks? Can TC dress and undress without your help? Can TC screw and unscrew jar lids? Can TC turn rotating handles? Can TC hold a crayon with thumb and fingers? Can TC use one hand consistently in most activities? Can TC imitate circular, vertical, horizontal strokes?


Movement milestones that I can expect at this age:

• Hops and stands on one foot up to five seconds

• Goes upstairs and downstairs without support

• Kicks ball forward

• Throws ball overhand

• Catches bounced ball most of the time

• Moves forward and backward with agility

Checklist Record

Date: 17th February 2015.

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Setting: His house. Start Time: 2 O’ clock. Time Finish: 4 O’ clock. Adults: 1Children: 1 Place: His house. Description of the setting: Really nice big house and warm. There is a corner full of toys in the living room and children items to cooking in the kitchen. His room is very big and really nice decorated.

Put a tick beside items you have observed and an X beside those skills which you observed TC cannot yet master. Put N/O beside items you have not had the opportunity to observe.

For this observation I thought about doing TCme physical activities (such as walking, running etc. ) to examine the child's gross motor skills and an arts and crafts to observe the child's fine motor skills.

Fine Motor Skills: Fine Motor Skills

EvidenceGross Motor Skills



hold a crayon with thumb and fingers


He draw a dog. Holding the

make sharp turns around corners

VWe playing catch you


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crayons with thumb fingers.

when running

running around corners.

write some capital letters

V TC climb small ladders

VHe got some art materials from a draw.


copy circles and squares

V He draw a dog and a house

Kick a ball playing soccer.

V He did when I came


use age-appropriate scisors

V Stand on one foot

V Arts and Crafts


use one hand consistently in most activities

V All the time drawing and eating lollypops

Turn pages of a book

V He brought me a book.


build a tower with four or more blocks

V He was at his corner playing.

Run in a forward direction

V He came to hug me.


draw a person with two to four body parts?

V walk and even run on tiptoe

V We were playing in the living room.


dress and undress without your help

V No yet completely

use pedals on tricycle alternately

V We were for a walk


imitate circular, vertical, horizontal strokes

V I asked him to do it.

catch an eight inch ball

V Playing in the yard.



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small objects and turn a page in a book

V During all this time

walk downstairs alternating feet

V I have asked him to do it.


Observation ends at 5.00 PM.


__________________ Date: 17/02/15


__________________ Date: 17/02/15


__________________ Date: 03/04/14


Evaluation of the observation

TC is showing very good fine and motor skills. I can see he is developing really well. He is getting all his physical development milestones according what I have seen.

His fine motor skills are very good he is able to hold a crayon with thumb and fingers, copy circles and squares (He draw a god and a house) , use one hand consistently in most activities, handle small objects and turn a page in a book, build a tower with four or more blocks but he still have some troubles dress and undress without your help.

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Examples about what he did:

TC’s gross motor skills are also very good. He doesn’t have any problem making sharp turns around corners when running, climbing ladders, kicking a ball, turning pages of a book, running in a forward direction or using his tricycle.

It has been difficult to me not to be biased . This has been my first observation and it is not have been as difficult as I thought at the beginning.

What went well/bad and why?

Everything was really easy this afternoon . TC is used to do physical exercise with his parents and he use to do Arts and Crafts everyday. TC for him was like any other day but with me.

What would you change or could change if you did I again.

I really would like one of the parents with me when I am doing the observations. They can guide me because they know the child better than me .

Cognitive Development

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Cognitive Development: I will see if he is carrying on in his cognitive development and identify is there is any problem such as any delay or Special Condition. Again I need to be objective and recording all my observations.

Can TC play and work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts?

Can TC plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people?

Can TC knows and Sing nursery rhymes?

Can TC does puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces?

Can TC understands what “two” means?

Can TC copies a circle with pencil or crayon?

Can TC turns book pages one at a time?

Can TC builds towers of more than 6 blocks?

Can TC screws and unscrews jar lids or turns door handle?

Does TC give up easily ?

Does TC asks many questions on a variety of subjects?

Will ask for and acceptance assistance if he needs it?

Does TC remember events in the near past?

Does TC engages in pretend play?

Does TC identify simple shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and

basic colours?

References: and

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Narrative Method

Name: TC.

Age: 3 years.

Date: 18th February 2015.

Start Time: 2 O’ clock.

Start Time: 2 O’ clock. Time Finish: 4 O’ clock. Place: His house. Description of the setting: Really nice big house and warm. There is a corner full of toys in the living room and children items to cooking in the kitchen. His room is very big and really nice decorated.Adults: 1 Children: 1

For this observation we were reading, singing, playing with a jigsaw and have a nice chit chat because I’m going to observe his cognitive development. We have been sitting in his room. This is decorated with Dinosaurs and Peppa Pig and George, his brother. He loves George.

According to Froebel “The use of free play, games, songs, stories, and crafts to stimulate imagination while developing physical and motor skills. The Froebel’s program was designed to meet children’s needs for physical activity, sensory awareness, creative expression, exploration of ideas and concepts, the pleasure of singing, and the experience of living among others. His educational approach was for “self-activity,” the idea

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that allowed the child to be led by his own interests and to freely explore them”

He have a book half in English and half in Spanish about animals and nursery rhymes that I gave to him years ago and he really likes that book.

I went to the window and started to sing “Intsy Bytsy Spider” and we sang along. He asked me to sing a Spanish TC called “Martin” and we were singing along again in Spanish and dancing together.

We were reading “ The Oz Wizard” and he really likes Toto, the dog. He said “I will have a Toto when I will be four” and he has been imagined how his dog is going to be like (black with white spots) and how is going to bark like.

Without asking he has been counting and saying colours in Spanish for me and I have asked him to say them in English. He did really well.

He also said “My cousin Oisim was here yesterday and he is the devil, Maria” and he explained me why with a really good wording.

To finish the afternoon we were saying the name of the animals in English.

Observation ends.

18 February 2015.


__________________ Date: 18/02/15


__________________ Date: 18/02/15


__________________ Date: 18/02/15


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Cognitive development includes a child’s imagination, creativity, memory skills, concentration skills, problem-solving skills and concept formation (Flood 2010). Cognitive development in a three-year-old comprehends many things. He is fully into the learning process and his brain is like a sponge. He is all day long asking questions, processing and I can see he wants to understand everything.

I can see also how he wants to absorb and to know everything around him. He can stay now focused in something in a period of time.

I could see many of these things during my observation. He used his imagination and memory while we sang and pretending he will have a dog. He also danced along with all the songs we sang and he used his concentration skills during the jigsaw time. He also said about his cousin Oisim and he knew Oisim was there in the past and he is the devil.

He used his problem-solving skills during the jigsaw time and when I asked him to say the colours and numbers in Spanish and English. He can differentiate between two different languages.

Milestones to expect:

Understands the concepts of “same” and “different” Has mastered some basic rules of grammar Speaks in sentences of five to six words Speaks clearly enough for strangers to understand Tells stories

Examples about what he did:

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TC language is very formal and clear. He knows many vocabulary about animals and Dinosaurs. He was talking about other people and telling me stories about them.

According to Piaget “the common assumption in psychology was that children are merely less competent thinkers than adults. Piaget showed that young children think in strikingly different ways compared to adults.

According to Piaget, children are born with a very basic mental structure (genetically inherited and evolved) on which all subsequent learning and knowledge is based”

What went wrong ?

I think this was the best observation I’ve ever done. Child was engaged,

totally in charge of his own learning and activities.

What would I change:

Feedback “excellent lesson, kids all learnt, all engaged”. I would not

change anything at all. I would need more time perhaps but this is have

been not relevant today.

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Language Development

Language Development: I will observe if TC can express himself properly. About spoken language is composed by: Morphology, syntax,

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semantics , phonology and pragmatics. In language there are 5 areas of development those are:

Phonology: sound is studied.  Morphology: It is the study of the structure.  Syntax it is how words are ordered. Semantics :is the study of the meaning of words. Prosody: The non verbal aspect of the speech (stress, volume…) Pragmatics: How the words are ordered to meaning something.

Language Milestones

Can TC follows instructions with 2 or 3 steps? Can TC name most familiar things? Can TC Understands words like “in,” “on,” and “under”? Can TC say his first name, age, and sex? Can TC names a friend? Can TC says words like “I,” “me,” “we,” and “you” and some plurals

(cars, dogs, cats)? Can TC talks well enough for strangers to understand most of the

time? Can TC carries on a conversation using 2 to 3 sentences?. Can TC understands the concepts of “same” and “different”? Can TC mastered some basic rules of grammar? Can TC speaks in sentences of five to six words? Can TC speaks clearly enough for strangers to understand? Can TC tells stories?


I must be objective again because I need to know id the child is according to his normal language development at his age and I need to be able to recognize any sign of an incorrect language development or showing any language problems.

Pre Coding Method

Name: TC

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Adults: 1

Children: 1

Age: 3 years.

Date: 19th February 2015

Setting: His home.

Start Time: 2 O’ clock. Time Finish: 4 O’ clock. Place: His house. Description of the setting: Really nice big house and warm. There is a corner full of toys in the living room and children items to cooking in the kitchen. His room is very big and really nice decorated.For this observation we read a book. I did some magic tricks and we engaged on a conversation.

TC: Mum, look, Mia is here!!!!!!

A: Hello my Little man, how is my child today?

TC: I am good, thank you Mia, and you?

A: How are you?

TC: I am the little TC

A: I love your house, could you show me your garden, please?

(Here I knew his parents bought him a swin)

TC: Look Mia, I have a swim for spring days!!!!

A: Where am I from?

TC: Spain and you were minding me and I can speak Spanish. How is Spain?

A: all is good, thank you.

A: Are you going to come with me to Spain when you are five?

TC: Yes, because now I am 3 and only my mum can flight with me. We were in Portugal on summer time. Portugal is near to Spain.

A: (smiling) I know that, little fellow.

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TC: Can we go to my room and you will read me a story?

We read “The Wizard of Oz” again and talked about his Toto.

TC: Mia, how is Wizard in Spanish?

A: Mago.

Observation ends. 19/02/2015


__________________ Date: 19/02/2015


__________________ Date: 19/02/2015


__________________ Date: 19/02/2015


Evaluation of the observation

Milestones expected :

o I will expect In TC child will have mastered the basic rules of language and should have an active vocabulary of 600 or more words with 80 percent intelligibility

o should be able to say her nameo answers the question, "How old are you?"o able to talk in sentences of three or four words and imitate most

speech sounds but still has thoughts and emotions that can't be conveyed through language

o uses plurals and pronouns

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o may mispronounce words and will become extremely frustrated when he is not understood

The communication con TC has been always good. It is also very rewarding how he can now speak many words in Spanish and see how him absorbed my language almost since he was born.

He can speak with other adults without any problem . What I saw with him is the more interactive the conversation was and made him involved the most he learned and asked.

I also could see that between two and three years he has experienced a huge spurt in language skills. Now he can follow guidelines and directions. He knows how to ask, who is who from and he is saying new words every day.

He is combining two languages in short phrases and the can follow instructions. I can understand him perfectly when I talks. His speech is very clear.

He knows his name, surname and address. He knows the name of everyone and he knows I am from another country and we can speak “different”

He is doing some errors , really tiny in fairness. He can’t pronounce the S correctly and I think the Kerry accent has much to do in this problem. “Children by and large master syntax in sentences by age three” (Flood 2010).

His mother always wanted a bilingual child. And it is probed that when a child is listening two different languages from birth its speech would be always accurate and clear. I was looking after him always speaking in Spanish during the day and his parents where talking to him in English. He can speak more English than Spanish but I think is a really good advantage that a 3 years old child be able to know another language.

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One of the Vigotsky and Piaget theories says that a child’s environment influences their language development as TC has the Kerry accent.” (Piaget, 1952; Vygotsky, 1962) viewed the development of language as a complex interaction between the child and the environment, which is influenced by both Social and cognitive development. Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that as children develop language, they actively build a symbol system, which helps them to understand the world.”

TC, TC pronunciation and syntax and semantic is really good for his age.

This afternoon I learned how to observe a child’s language.

What went wrong: As usual nothing went wrong. TC is a really easy going child. Again, he really likes TV and for me was a little bit awkward to dim it. I turn off TV in the end. I was attending more to the TV than myself.

What would I change: I really would like to know more about language development. I think to be bilingual is a huge advantage.

I have learned now the parts of the language and how important it is to a child to express himself. Now I know how to performance a language observation.


__________________ Date: 20/02/2015


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Emotional Development

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Emotional Development: I will see how him how he is accepting and dealing with emotions in a positive manner and how him interacts with other children and adults. I will record all the observations in order to identify signs of any emotional delay.

Emotional Milestones

Does TC continues being separated easily from his parents? . Does TC proud of his achievements?. Is TC looking to please and conform?. Does TC Enjoy being praised.? Does TC makes a positive statements about himself.? Does TC take attention about what is he doing.? Can TC identify feelings.? Can TC express when another child is hurt, sad, or angry? Can TC comfort peers who are upset.? Can TC exhibit less “shows” .?

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Event Sample Observation Method

Name: TC. Age: 3 years.Date: 21st. February 2015. Setting: His house. Adults: 1Children: 3 Start Time: 2 O’ clock. Time Finish: 5 O’ clock. Place: His house. Description of the setting: Really nice big house and warm. There is a corner full of toys in the living room and children items to cooking in the kitchen. His room is very big and really nice decorated.

I am going to stay here for 3 hours looking after him today.

TC is with his cousins Child 1 and Child 2. What I can see is TC is a little bit jealous of Child1 and he is complaining about everything right now. I am allowing them to play freely.

"Emotional intelligence" is term used to describe someone's ability to express his or her emotions appropriately, to correctly interpret other people's emotions, and to understand the triggers and outcomes of certain emotions. Children with high levels of emotional intelligence are also skilled in their ability to cope with their own or other people's emotions in a way that creates positive social connections. During early childhood, most children show great gains in each of these developmental skills. Advancing in emotional intelligence is a lifelong goal that can help people maintain emotional health and prosocial, cooperative behaviours”

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Student __________________ Date: 21/02/15

Date Time Provoked or unprovoked


Description of Behaviour.



14.00 to 14.10.

Provoked NoneCH1 pulls TC

TC is crying calling CH1 devil. A asked why he did that and all are crying now.

21/02/2015 14.30 to 14.45

Provoked CH1 is crying and TC is completely away

Playing with a tiny kitchen TC doesn’t want to share toys

A ask please to TC to share his stuff

21/02/2015 3.00 to 3.10


None TC is crying because CH1 hits him.

A ask Ch1 to say I’m sorry to TC. They shake hands and say sorry.

21/02/2015 3.20 to 3.30

Provoked They are drawing

CH1 broke TC crayons.

M asked him to apologise and sent CH1 to the thinking corner for a while.

21/02/2015 3.40 4 None Aunt Mags came .

Mags say Good bye

TC and CH1 are dissipating crying. A reassured them .

21/02/2015 4 to 4.20

None Building blocks

CH1 knock all TC blocks

A asked CH1 for an apologize to his cousin

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Tutor __________________ Date: 21/02/15

Supervisor__________________ Date: 21/02/15

Milestones expected:

Correctly names some colors Understands the concept of counting and may know a few numbers Approaches problems from a single point of view Begins to have a clearer sense of time Follows three-part commands Recalls parts of a story Understands the concept of same/different Engages in fantasy play


I did the observation with TC and his cousins. During this time I have to induced some discipline . I have showed to CH1 how upset I was about his behaviour but this not have provoked any effects on him. TC otherwise said “That is not good to Mia CH1, you must apologize to her” as he knows discipline at home.

TC has showed control of annoyance because instead of hitting back CH1 he said to me looking for help.

They have showed primary emotions and TC is conscious about what is a bad behaviour

TC also showed stranger anxiety by feeling uncomfortable when his aunt left the place. But I don’t know about it because his aunt is always coming loaded of presents. In the other side TC I know he is very attached to his aunt.

“Attachment can be defined as the lifelong need human beings have for affectional ties with significant other human beings (Ainsworth, 1982; 1989). Harlow (Harlow & Zimmerman, 1959) in his research with rhesus

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monkeys demonstrated that attachment is not dependent on the need for food. adulthood (Hesse 1991; Fonagy, 1991)”

“ While attachment theory may be included in a psychodynamic and psychoanalytic framework, it is based on clinical enquiry, ethological evidence and scientific research (Berk, 2003), in contrast to Freud’s theory and classical object relations theory based on drive theories of human nature (Corey, 1996). It is not within the scope of this article to describe similarities and differences between Freud’s structural theory and the subsequent development of attachment theory out of object relations theory; however, comparisons may be made in order to explicate attachment theory more clearly. Although much of the research on attachment has focused on infants and children, attachment theory is also applicable to adults in a psychodynamic framework, as attachment patterns tend to remain stable”

What was wrong?

Through this observation I have gained even more experience and I know now how to carry an effective observation.

I did not know exactly what was emotional development and it is how we interacts with feelings, situations, thoughts and behaviour.

What challenges did I faced:

It was very difficult to me to deal with the cousins there on my own. Also when the auntie left the house I felt really bad because they were crying.

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Social Development

Social Development:

Social Milestones:

Does TC separates from his parents fairly easily?,

Does TC adjusts to new situations?

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Does TC trust and take direction from teachers.?

Are TC friends becoming more interesting than


Can TC share toys?

Can TC take turns without assistance?

Can TC use "I, me” and “you"?

Does TC beginning to learn to take responsibility?

Does TC show affection for her older siblings/friends?

Does TC understand concept of "mine" and


Reference: Flood, E. 2010, Child Development for Students

in Ireland and .

The objective of this observations is to study how TC

interacts with children and adults and how his behaviour is

according to his age, his needs about it, to know how him

interacts with others, his moral view and development and

if he can differentiate about right and wrong, good or bad.

Time Sample Method

Name: TC. Age: 3 years.Date: 23st. February 2015. Setting: His house. Adults: 3Children: 1 Start Time: 5 O’ clock Time Finish: 8 O’ clock. Place: His house. Description of the setting: Really nice big house and warm. There is a corner full of toys in the living room and children items to cooking in the kitchen. His room is very big and really nice decorated.

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This observation is going to be done in a period of three hours. His mum is in here and Dad came later.

For this observation I am going to observe him playing with Play-Doh, a Jigsaw and we will go to his swing.

23 February 2015.

Time Actions People Language17.00 Playing with

play-dogh on the floor making dinosaurs .

His mum , me and him.

We are going to make a Dinosaur. You first mum because you know I need help .

17.30 Having Dinner he is using correctly fork and knife.

Me, his mum and his dad

This dinner is delicious.( He is using fork correctly) I have been the 1st . I am the champion.

6.15 Cleaning the kitchen after dinner.

Mum, dad and me.

I’m going to help you with the dishes! Give me the apron!

6.40 Mum is showing us a new dress

Mum, dad and Me

Mum got a new dress. Oh Mum, you are going to look very

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beautiful .7.00 His neighbour

came. (MA) TC looks really happy waving and hugging him.

MA, TC, Me. MA was wiping because his mum is going shopping and left him with us. I have asked “what is happening to you” and TC answered: He is missing his mum Mia.

7.15 Sitting in the living room playing with the Lego in the floor.

TC and Me Mia, you forgot to get me to the swing. Let’s make a swim with the lego!!!

7.30 Living Room reading a book about dinosaurs.

TC, Mum and Me. It is TC nice to be all together! We have had hugged him.


Student __________________ Date: 23/02/2015

Supervisor__________________ Date: 23/02/2015

Tutor __________________ Date: 23/02/2015

What milestones do I need to expect at this age?

He is perfectly complying with all the milestones expected for his age.

Interested in new experiences Cooperates with other children Plays “Mom” or “Dad” Negotiates solutions to conflicts More independent Views self as a whole person involving body, mind, and feelingsReference:

Evaluation of the Observation.

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I really think TC is doing really well with his Social development. He shows empathy and wants to please everyone.

He knows how to take turns, although yesterday at the play school he said that a girl was distracting him and he missed his turn. He also knows about feelings of others has he has showed with his little neighbour.

He is also wanting to take responsibility in the housework. He has now a little apron to washing up.

He is also like more aware about what is happening with other children at playschool, is like his friends in there are the most important now but at the same time he feels comforted at home.

He is now in the Erickson stage of Autonomy Versus Shame “The second psychosocial crisis, Erikson believes, occurs during early childhood, probably between about 18 months or 2 years and 3½ to 4 years of age. The “well – parented” child emerges from this stage sure of himself, elated with his new found control, and proud rather than ashamed. Autonomy is not, however, entirely synonymous with assured self – possession, initiative, and independence but, at least for children in the early part of this psychosocial crisis, includes stormy self – will, tantrums, stubbornness, and negativism”

Reference: #ixzz3T3QUfe3Q 

He really match this time according to Erickson. Through this observation I feel that now I know how social skills works in a children but there are still many things that I need to know about it.

I have learned the definition of social development which is the ability to interact with other people understanding the rules of society.

According to Erickson “According to Erikson, the socialization process consists of eight phases – the “eight stages of man.” His eight stages of man were formulated, not through experimental work, but through wide – ranging experience in psychotherapy, including extensive experience with children and adolescents from low – as well as upper – and middle – social classes. Each stage is regarded by Erikson as a “psychosocial crisis,” which arises and demands resolution before the next stage can be satisfactorily negotiated. These stages are conceived in an almost architectural sense: satisfactory learning and resolution of each crisis is necessary if the child is to manage the next and subsequent ones satisfactorily, just as the foundation of a house is essential to the first floor, which in turn must be structurally sound to support and the second story, and so on”

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What went wrong:

The weather change suddenly and I know he loves his swim. So I was avoiding all the evening the subject but he did not forget about it as I saw at the end. I really would have liked to see him in the swim with his friend.

What Challenges did I faced?

The major challenge was the weather. I had a plan for him that afternoon and I couldn’t do it. Also the neighbour came and I couldn’t do the observation in the same way that I was doing it.

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Provide a comprehensive intervention plan(s) and an ability to relate theory to practice the learner will implement one or more interventions addressing piles


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I had a meeting with the parents of TC. I explain them how to promote promoted physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social development of their child by my observations.

I have made my recommendations based in Aistear and Siolta.

Physical development:

I have suggested in promoting physical development through playing games outdoor and some dance activity for children. This will help to promote his wellbeing.

Cognitive development:

I have explained them the benefits of jigsaws, water play, shapes games etc. This will help him with his exploring and thinking and communication and problem solving.

Language development:

I have suggested them myself could give an hour of Spanish a week in order to improve his vocabulary in a foreign language.

I have also promoted reading books, explain him all that he need and storytelling. This will help with communication skills and language.

Emotional development:

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I have suggested in promoting emotional development through circle time, speaking about feelings, building relationships with other children. I have also suggested about modelling clay to help him to be in touch with his feelings and development of the sensory, identity and belonging and wellbeing.

Social development:

I have suggested in promoting social development through circle time, outdoor games and some group activity such as Mothers and Toddlers groups. This will help with his identity and belonging, communication, wellbeing and exploring and thinking.

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For a perfect development of a child I think a group where they play and sing is the best. In these groups the child can dance, develop its cognitive ability because the child needs to memorize songs and chat with other children and this is good for its social development. Always singing nursery rhymes there is happiness .

There are many activities where the child might be introduced for every pile.


For physical development there are a lot of physical activities such as swimming, dancing or play soccer.

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This activities will promote the child wellbeing and will help to develop his communication skills .

Monitors, family and teacher must allow to each child to express themselves and participate in all the activities.

A large space should be provided for playing. Also going for a walk is very good.

Playing soccer, for example, the child will use their exploring and thinking skills.

Physical development it is very important in children’s life because it can help them to cope with the everyday life when adults.

Language development:

For me, from the 3 years onwards is the best time to talk to a child. Parents, teachers, carers, etc. should ask the child about its world and experiences.

There are many ways to get language into play and activities such as rhymes, storytelling, etc. In the Aistear Curriculum there are many activities to provide and promote child language.

some strategies to encourage and promote language are the following:

Some individual attention is good because it boost its emotional wellbeing.

Children need fun play not to be turned into teaching sessions. At this age children are starting to name shapes, numbers, colours, etc. TC learning through play is the best. Because if the child only knows thing by repetition he will ever be able to understand them in the context of play.

Language is learned by experience. Follow its conversations naturally. 

Children needs conversations about what are they doing and at this age are always asking “why”. This is a good chance to use new words and explain them feelings (Happy, sad, mad…)

sometimes when they try to explain something complicated they got mad. We can help re-ordering the sentence correctly. As children language progresses, sometimes their minds think faster than they speech when they are excited.

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Expand on their conversations. If a child says: “I went to the park” we could add “oh yes, you were on the park yesterday and you saw two babies” . This often encourages them to give more details.

Cognitive development:

When they are 3 children are always in its own worlds and stories. That activities can look silly to us but they play an important role at cognitive development . This time is for curiosity and exploration. Their communication skills should be promoted by inventing and listening those stories because with this, self-esteem and confidence are also promoted.

Now is the time to promote equality because they know what is the same and what is different. Also short trips will help the child to develop his explore and thinking

Supporting educational and imaginative play will help to continue building their cognitive abilities. Making activities such as drawing, role play, etc. helps to promote the problem solving skills. .

Cognitive Skills

Kids at age 3 are able to follow simple questions and commands. They don’t have yet a full sense of time. They know now numbers and have some concepts about continuing and day by day. They also know some colours and they know what is the same and what is different. They can match things and all is reinforced by playtime activities.


Playtime is very good to develop and improve cognitive skills. Children now are able to make puzzles, playing with toys with mechanical functions and match shapes and objects.

Imaginative play is the key part of cognitive development at three years of age. When they are inventing stories are also reinforcing their logical thinking. . Dr. Sean Brotherson, a family science specialist at North Dakota State University, states that playtime also provides the opportunity to use organization and counting skills.

Playing with puzzles, blocs, etc the Aistear Curriculum about cognitive development and children wellbeing are promoted .

Emotional development:

Imaginative play is the best at this age to promote Emotional Development. Puppets can be used to recreated or act as a real

experience in life as they can be dress up etc) and the child can

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take the role of other Musical activities are good for to release any tension or aggressive thoughts.  

Water and beach sand play encourages creativity and help the child to be focused.

Wood (banging and release of aggression)  Clay, play doh and all the modelling materials helps to calm and

shooting down the negative feelings. Books and stories – To know about other people emotions or

feelings help the children to talk about what they feel. All the Aistear themes must be promoted well being,

communication, identity and belonging and exploring and thinking skills introduced through activities .

Circle time, this allows children to speak freely about how they are feeling.

Giving affection and praise the child is essential for their emotional development.

social development

social development should be encouraged by group activities. At this time is the second stage of psychosocial development autonomy vs. Shame and doubt. Children at this time are learning to be self-sufficient.

Now children are imagine and becoming more independent and enhancing its skills playing and is engaging , participating and cooperating with others. According to E. Erickson is there goals are not met the child will become fearful and socially excluded.

Children at these age are interacting with family and caretakers naturally. Secure attachments during this time are very important for his develop as individual.

All of this should be promoted by the Aistear Curriculum involving the four themes; well being, communication, identity -belonging and exploring and thinking.

These themes might be promoted with the following activities:

Always allow children to play to stimulate their imagination. Groups conversations and Circle time. Activities as a Lego in groups also helps to their social development.

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Child must be affectionate and nurtured. Child should be helped to experience the joy found in the "give-and-

take" of relationships. Child should be taught that he/she is part of a larger network of

love, respect and relationships.

Discuss the benefits of effective collaboration with the stakeholders involved

I believe that is a collaboration with stakeholders . They play his role effectively and help children to learn better and reach their full potential and there are mutual benefits and quality education.

These benefits affects to the physical, intellectual, emotional, language and social development and it might be composed by teachers, students, parents, family , caregivers, etc. I do believe this because children needs a safe environment and I think nothing is better for a child than see all the people around him/her are standing together for him.

Stakeholders at Physical Skills:

In collaboration with Stakeholders the child can develop many good things and doing activities such as: Ball games or construction toys such as Lego to improve its gross motor skills and all that have to do with physical Activity,

Stakeholders can help to the child cognitive development with activities such as:

Poems Arts and Crafts. Drumming.

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Storytelling. Singing songs. Theatre.

Stakeholders can help the child in its language development with activities such as:

Allow the child to express her feelings without interrupting. Answering questions. Reading books. Allowing children to write . Allowing children to make their own stories.

Stakeholders can help the child about its social development through the following:

Explaining Differences. Promoting equality Encourage children to think about their actions. Giving them techniques to manage their feelings. Praising and encouraging them. Providing guidelines and rules.

Stakeholders can help the child about its emotional development through the following:

Encourage children to discover what they like to do Providing a safe haven and attachment. Praise children for good behaviour and goals met. Encouraging children self- esteem.

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People working with children must always ensure that all the family of the child is very welcome there.

Children family must be involved in decision making , respect the parents, communicating effectively with them giving and understanding of what is happen there.

Adults needs to help children to manage their feelings in a positive way. Being friendly and open with the child.

It is essential always respect confidentiality and always ensure the best for the child.

A child needs the adults to interact with him/she. Child needs to feel he/she is listened and adults are at his/her level.

The adults must ensure children are as happy as they can when they are involved in play.

Adults in a childcare setting must protect the child always and children trust in adults for that.

Teamwork is also very important because with good social skills the children will grow as an individual in a healthy way. Children also needs a safe environment with the Aistear Curriculum promoted in all activities.
