  • Chief Albert Luthuli

     in Gert Sibande, MpumalangaB4 local municipality

    Population: 186 011 Size: 5 569.9 km² Density: 33.4 / km²



    Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

    Contacts Last updated October 2020

    Carolina Municipal O�ces28 Church Street



    Secretary of Mayor/Executive Mayor

    Mayor/Executive Mayor

    Mr DP Nkosi

    017 843 4038

    [email protected]

    Mr Thomo ME

    017 843 4061

    [email protected]

    Secretary of Municipal Manager

    Municipal Manager

    Mr Dlamini M

    017 843 4038

    [email protected]

    Ms PDD Lusenga

    017 843 4026

    [email protected]

    Secretary of Deputy Mayor/Executive Mayor

    Deputy Mayor/Executive Mayor

    Secretary of Financial Manager

    Chief Financial O�cer

    Mr G Mnisi

    017 843 4028

    [email protected]

    017 843 4000

    Email municipality


    Financial Performance 843 4038mailto:[email protected]:017 843 4061mailto:[email protected]:017 843 4038mailto:[email protected]:017 843 4026mailto:[email protected]:017 843 4028mailto:[email protected]:017 843 4000mailto:[email protected];[email protected][email protected]&subject=Feedback%20via%20Municipal%20Money&

  • Audit Outcomes

    Cash Balance 2018-2019

    Cash balance at the end of the �nancial year.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019R 0




    Show average for similar municipalities or


    Unquali�ed - Emphasis of

    Matter items

    Read report


    Unquali�ed - Emphasis of

    Matter items

    Read report


    Unquali�ed - Emphasis of

    Matter items

    Read report



    Read report

    What do di�erent audit outcomes mean?

    Unquali�ed Opinion

    No Findings

    Same as an Unquali�ed Opinion with no �ndings, but the

    Auditor-General wants to bring something particular to the

    attention of the reader.

    Unquali�ed Opinion

    Emphasis of Matter Items

    Same as an Unquali�ed Opinion with no �ndings, but the

    Auditor-General wants to bring something particular to the

    attention of the reader.

    Quali�ed Opinion

    The Auditor-General expresses reservations about the fair

    presentation of the �nancial statements. There is some

    departure from the Generally Recognised Accounting Practices

    (GRAP) but is not su�ciently serious as to warrant an adverse

    opinion or disclaimer of opinion.

    Adverse Opinion

    This is expressed when the auditor concludes that the annual

    �nancial statements do not present the municipality’s �nancial

    position, results of operations and cash �ows in line with

    Generally Recognised Accounting Practices (GRAP).

    Disclaimer of Opinion

    The Auditor-General does not have all of the underlying

    documentation needed to determine an opinion. For example,

    the lack of underlying documentation and the amounts in

    question may be so great so that it is impossible to give any

    opinion on all.

    An Outstanding Opinion

    Means that the Auditor General raised queries with the

    municipality and therefore has not submitted another opinion.

    R15 911 968

    A municipality's cash balance refers to the money

    it has in the bank that it can access easily. If a

    municipality's bank account is in overdraft it has a

    negative cash balance. Negative cash balances

    are a sign of serious �nancial management

    problems. A municipality should have enough cash

    on hand from month to month so that it can pay

    salaries, suppliers and so on.


    About this indicator

    in Mpumalanga nationally

  • Cash Coverage 2018-2019

    Months of operating expenses can be paid for

    with the cash available.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190







    Show average for similar municipalities or


    How is performance measured?

    Good Positive balance

    Bad Negative balance


    State of Local Government Finances


    = Cash available at year end

    = [Cash Flow] item code 4200, Audited Actual

    Show calculation

    0.3 months

    Cash coverage measures the length of time, in

    months, that a municipality could manage to pay

    for its day-to-day expenses using just its cash

    reserves. So, if a municipality had to rely on its

    cash reserves to pay all short-term bills, how long

    could it last? Ideally, a municipality should have at

    least three months' of cash cover.


    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good > 3 months

    Average 1-3 months

    Bad < 1 month


    State of Local Government Finances


    = Cash available at year end / Operating

    Expenditure per month

    = [Cash Flow] item code 4200, Audited

    Actual / ( [Income & Expenditure] item code 4600,

    Adjusted Budget / 12 )

    Show calculation

    in Mpumalanga nationally

  • Spending of Operating Budget 2018-2019

    Di�erence between budgeted operating

    expenditure and what was actually spent.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190%




    Show average for similar municipalities or

    Spending of Capital Budget 2018-2019

    Di�erence between budgeted capital

    expenditure and what was actually spent.


    Adjusted Budget / 12 )

    38.5% overspent

    This indicator is about how much more a

    municipalty spent on its operating expenses, than

    was planned and budgeted for. It is important that

    a municipality controls its day-to-day expenses in

    order to avoid cash shortages. If a municipality

    sigi�cantly overspends its operating budget this is

    a sign of poor operating controls or something

    more sinister.

    Overspending by up to 5 percent is usually

    condoned; overspending in excess of 15 percent is

    a sign of high risk.


    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good 0% - 5%

    Average 5% - 15%

    Bad > 15%


    Over and under spending reports to parliament


    = ((Actual Operating Expenditure - Budget

    Operating Expenditure) / Budgeted Operating

    Expenditure) * 100

    = ( ( [Income & Expenditure] item code 4600,

    Audited Actual - [Income & Expenditure] item

    code 4600, Adjusted Budget ) / [Income &

    Expenditure] item code 4600, Adjusted

    Budget ) * 100

    Show calculation

    in Mpumalanga nationally

    0.0% underspent

    About this indicator

  • 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019





    Show average for similar municipalities or

    Spending on Capital Projects 2019-2020

    Spending on Repairs and Maintenance 2018-2019

    Capital spending includes spending on

    infrastructure projects like new water pipes or

    building a library. Underspending on a capital

    budget can lead to an under-delivery of basic

    services. This indicator looks at the percentage by

    which actual spending falls short of the budget for

    capital expenses. Persistent underspending may

    be due to underresourced municipalities which

    cannot manage large projects on time.

    Municipalities should aim to spend at least 95

    percent of their capital budgets. Failure to spend

    even 85 percent is a clear warning sign.


    How is performance measured?

    Good 0% - 5%

    Average 5% - 15%

    Bad > 15%


    Over and under spending reports to parliament


    = ((Actual Capital Expenditure - Budgeted Capital

    Expenditure) / Budgeted Capital Expenditure) *


    = ( ( [unde�ned] item code 4100, Audited

    Actual - [Capital] item code 4100, Adjusted

    Budget ) / [Capital] item code 4100, Adjusted

    Budget ) * 100

    Show calculation

    in Mpumalanga nationally

    The capital budget of a municipality consists of

    the capital projects that the municipality plans to

    do for the next three years arranged under the

    various functions of the municipal budget. Capital

    projects can be road upgrades, water distribution,

    community parks etc, linked to the relevant

    municipal function.


    About this indicator Project description Budget

    MP301_PPE_Machinery and Equipment R152 564 698

    CALLM_TEC_0045_RBIG_Empuluzi/Methula/Amsterdam Bulk Water

    SupplyR65 000 000

    CALLM_TEC_0026_RBIG_Lushushwane Bulk Water Scheme R57 000 000

    CALLM_TEC_0047_RBIG_Amsterdam and Sheepmore Bulk Water

    SchemeR40 000 000

    CALLM_TEC_0010_WSIG_Refurshment of Eerstehoek Water

    Scheme(10,13,14,16,18,20,24&25)R40 000 000

    Showing 5 of 59 See more for this municipality

  • Spending on Repairs and Maintenance as a

    percentage of Property, Plant and Equipment.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190%





    Show average for similar municipalities or

    Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure 2018-2019

    Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful

    Expenditure as a percentage of operating





    Infrastructure must be maintained so that service

    delivery is not a�ected. This indicator looks at how

    much money was budgeted for repairs and

    maintenance, as a percentage of total �xed assets

    (property, plant and equipment). For every R10

    spent on building/replacing infrastructure, R0.80

    should be spent every year on repairs and


    This translates into a Repairs and Maintenance

    budget that should be 8 percent of the value of

    property, plant and equipment.


    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good > 8%

    Bad < 8%


    Circular 71


    = (Repairs and maintenance expenditure /

    (Property, Plant and Equipment + Investment

    Property)) * 100

    = ( [Capital] item code 4100, Audited

    Actual / ( [Balance Sheet] item code 1300,

    Audited Actual + [Balance Sheet] item code 1401,

    Audited Actual ) ) * 100

    Show calculation

    in Mpumalanga nationally


    Unauthorised expenditure means any spending

    that was not budgeted for or that is unrelated to

    the municpal department's function. An example is

    using municipal funds to pay for unbudgeted

    projects. Irregular expenditure is spending that

    goes against the relevant legislation, municipal

    policies or by-laws. An example is awarding a

    contract that did not go through tender

    procedures. Fruitless and wasteful expenditure

    concerns spending which was made in vain and

    would have been avoided had reasonable care

    About this indicator

  • 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190%





    Show average for similar municipalities or

    Current Ratio 2018-2019

    The value of a municipality's short-term assets

    as a multiple of its short-term liabilities.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190







    Show average for similar municipalities or

    been exercised. An example of such expenditure

    would include paying a deposit for a venue and

    not using it and losing the deposit.


    How is performance measured?

    Good 0%

    Bad > 0%


    Circular 71


    = (Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful

    Expenditure / Actual Operating Expenditure) * 100

    = ( [Unauthorised, Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful

    Expenditure] item code

    irregular,fruitless,unauthorised / [Income &

    Expenditure] item code 4600, Audited

    Actual ) * 100

    Show calculation

    in Mpumalanga nationally


    The current ratio compares the value of a

    municipality's short-term assets (cash, bank

    deposits, etc) compared with its short-term

    liabilities (creditors, loans due and so on). The

    higher the ratio, the better. The normal range of

    the current ratio is 1.5 to 2 (the municipality has

    assets more than 1.5 to 2 times its current debts).

    Anything less than that and the municipality may

    struggle to keep up with its payments.


    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good > 1.5

    Average 1 - 1.5

    Bad < 1

    in Mpumalanga nationally

  • Liquidity Ratio 2018-2019

    The municipality's immediate ability to pay its

    current liabilities.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190





    Show average for similar municipalities or

    Current Debtors Collection Rate 2018-2019


    Circular 71


    = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

    = [Balance Sheet] item code 2150, Audited

    Actual / [Balance Sheet] item code 1600, Audited


    Show calculation


    Liquidity ratios show the ability of a municipality to

    pay its current liabilities (monies it owes

    immediately such as rent and salaries) as they

    become due, and their long-term liabilities (such

    as loans) as they become current.

    These ratios also show the level of cash the

    municipality has and / or the ability it has to turn

    other assets into cash to pay o� liabilities and

    other current obligations.


    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good > 1

    Bad < 1


    Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations


    = (Cash + Call Investment Deposits) / Current


    = [Balance Sheet] item code 1800,2200, Audited

    Actual / [Balance Sheet] item code 1600, Audited


    Show calculation

    in Mpumalanga nationally

  • The percentage of new revenue (generated

    within the �nancial year) that a municipality

    actually collects.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190%






    Show average for similar municipalities or


    Municipalities don't manage to collect all of the

    money they earn through rates and service

    charges. This measure looks at the percentage of

    new revenue that a municipality collects. It is also

    referred to as the Current Debtors Collection



    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good > 95%

    Bad < 95%


    Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations


    = (Collected Revenue / Billed Revenue) * 100

    = ( [Cash Flow] item code

    3010,3030,3040,3050,3060,3070,3100, Audited

    Actual / [Income & Expenditure] item code


    Audited Actual ) * 100

    Show calculation

    in Mpumalanga nationally


    Where does the municipality get money from?

    Total income for this municipality

    R631 388 210

    This shows how much of this municipality's income

    is from its own activities that it bills for, and how

    much is paid to it by national and provincial


    Municipalities are supposed to be able to support

    themselves �nancially - to fund the services they

    provide from the rates paid by the local residents.

    A heavy reliance on outside funding is a cause for



    Learn more


    R220 206 007


    R411 182 203

    Locally generated

    From residents paying for water &

    electricity, rates, licenses & �nes, and

    from interest and investments.


    From the Equitable Share of taxes,

    and Grants from national and

    provincial Government.

    Financial year: 2018-2019 Audited actual

  • Local income sources

    Total locally-generated income

    R102 113 531

    R51 758 478

    R1 296 695

    R56 548 873

    R6 387 004

    R31 438


    R2 069 988


    Types of transfers

    Total transfers to this municipality

    Data not available yet.

    Equitable share

    Total equitable share allocated to this


    Data not available yet.


    R220 206 007

    This shows how much income this municipality

    receives from each local source.


    Learn more

    Property rates

    Service Charges

    Rental income

    Interest and investments


    Licenses and Permits

    Agency services


    Amount received

    Not available

    Transfers is income that the municipality receives

    from other parts of government.

    This shows how much income this municipality

    receives from each type of transfer.

    Each type of transfer is intended for an express

    purpose, and should not be used for anything else.


    Learn more

    Not available

    Financial year:

    Financial year:

    Financial year:

    2018-2019 Audited actual

    Not available

    Not available

  • municipality

    National conditional grants

    Total income from conditional grants from

    national departments for this municipality.

    R341 000

    R1 700 000

    R30 489 000

    R15 000 000

    R87 072 000

    R2 445 000

    R130 000 000

    R50 000 000


    Provincial transfers

    Total transfers from provincial government to

    this municipality.

    Data not available yet.


    This shows how much income this municipality

    receives as their equitable share.

    Equitable share comes from the taxes paid to

    national government, and is intended to ensure

    that no one in South Africa shall go without their

    basic needs being met.

    Provincial and national government also receive

    equitable share to fund the services that are

    provided by those spheres of government.


    Learn more

    R317 047 000

    Conditional grants are money paid to

    municipalities and provinces to achieve speci�c


    This might be to ensure money is available for

    building infrastructure, or ensuring sta� at the

    municipality receive the training needed to

    perform their job.

    This shows how much money has been allocated

    to the municipality for each grant that they are

    receiving, how much has been paid to the

    municipality so far, and how much they have



    Learn more

    Municipal Disaster Grant

    Local Government Financial …

    Integrated National Electri�…

    Integrated National Electri�…

    Municipal Infrastructure Gra…

    Expanded Public Works Prog…

    Regional Bulk Infrastructure…

    Water Services Infrastructu…

    Allocations Amount transferred up to 2020 Q4 Amount spent up to 2020 Q4

    Not available

    Provincial transfers are income from the

    government of the province where this

    municipality is located

    Learn more

    Amount budgeted

    Financial year:

    Financial year:

    2019-2020 Allocations

    Not available

  • Planned and actual income over time

    How much income is planned for, and how

    much is actually received?

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019










    Where did the di�erences in planned income occur? 2018-2019

    Which sources provided more or less income

    than planned?


    municipality is located.

    This income could be for services that are

    provided by the municipality under an agreement

    with the province, when it is actually the

    provincial government's responsibility. This can

    happen when the municipality is better-placed to

    provide that service.

    It could also be for conditional grants paid by the

    province for disaster relief or other purposes.

    This shows how much income the municipality

    receives from each provincial department.


    Municipalities must plan for the income they can

    realistically receive.

    Unrealistic plans result in disappointing service


    On the time series we can see whether the

    municipality regularly over- or under-estimates

    how much money it will receive.


    Learn more

    Original budget Adjusted budget Audited actual Forecast budget

    By looking at where the di�erences in planned

    and actual income occurred, we can start seeing

    whether it was bad planning on unforeseeable



    Learn more

    Original Budget

    Original to adjusted budget Original budget to audited outcome

    Change within category


    Government Transfers

    Interest and investments

    Licenses and Permits


    Property rates

    Rental income

    Service Charges



    R6.4m 20188.44%

    −R359.6m -100%

    R51.5m 14.33%

    −R30.5m -100%

    R26.1m 85.6%





    R567.5m 2725.65%

    −R18.7m -90.06%

    −R90.7m -100%

    R11.5m 12.64%

    R2.3m 0%

    R1.3m 0%

    −R91.6m -100%

    −R39.9m -43.52%


  • Spending

    Sta� Wages and Salaries 2018-2019

    Sta� salaries and wages as a percentage of

    operating expenditure.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190%







    Show average for similar municipalities or

    Contractor Services 2018-2019

    Costs of contractor services as a percentage of

    operating expenditure.

    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-20190%






    Show average for similar municipalities or

    What is money spent on?

    Municipalities spend money on providing

    services and maintaining facilities for their



    Employee-related costs are typically the largest

    portion of operating expenditure, but they should

    not grow so large that they threaten the

    sustainability of the operating budget.

    The normal range for this indicator is between 25%

    - 40% of total operating expenditure.

    Municipalities must guard against spending too

    much on sta� while also making sure they have

    the people they need to deliver services


    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good 25% - 40%

    Bad < 25% or > 40%

    in Mpumalanga nationally


    Private contractors are sometimes needed for

    certain work, but they are usually more expensive

    than municipal sta�. This should be kept to a

    minimum and e�orts should be made to provide

    services in-house, where possible.

    This measure is normally between 2 percent and 5

    percent of total operating expenditure.

    About this indicator

    How is performance measured?

    Good 0% - 5%

    Bad > 5%

    in Mpumalanga nationally

  • Community & Social Services


    Governance, Administration,Planning and Development


    Public Safety

    Road Transport

    Sport And Recreation

    Waste Management

    Waste Water Management






    Planned and actual spending over time

    How much did the municipality plan on

    spending, and how much did they actually


    2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019









    Where did the changes to planned spending occur? 2018-2019

    What did the municipality spend more on, and

    where did they spend less than planned?

    Running a municipality and delivering services

    costs money.

    By looking at how much money a municipality

    planned to spend, and how much they actually

    spent, we can understand more of what happened

    during the year and what challenges they might

    have had.

    A municipality might underspend - spend less than

    planned - if they did not get as much income as

    they planned, or if they did not manage their work

    properly. There might also have been other

    external disruptions.


    Learn more

    Original budget Adjusted budget Audited actual Forecast budget

    By looking at which items the municipality spent

    more on, and which they spent less on, we can get

    a sense of which services might have had funding

    challenges, or disruptions that slowed work in that


    Some kinds of spending is also more �exible than

    others - if the municipality has less money than

    planned and has payment that can not be adapted

    to circumstances, the more �exible spending

    areas will have to su�er.

    Learn more

    Original Budget

    Bulk purchases

    Contracted services

    Employee related costs

    Finance charges


    Remuneration of councillors

    Transfers and subsidies

    −R66.1m -100%

    R7.4m 11.26%

    −R48.0m -100%

    −R7.7m -15.97%

    −R101.6m -100%

    R64.3m 63.23%

    −R522.8k -100%

    R11.4m 2176.01%

    R200.0m 91.37%

    R51.0m 23.29%

    −R18.4m -100%

    R112.9k 0.61%

    −R1.0m -100%

    −R1.0m -100%

  • Municipal Money is an initiative of the National

    Treasury, which has collected extensive

    municipal �nancial data over several years

    and would like to share this information with

    the public.

    Learn more

    Jump to a metro

    Bu�alo City

    City of Cape Town

    Ekurhuleni Municipality

    City of eThekwini

    City of Johannesburg

    Mangaung Municipality

    Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

    City of Tshwane

    Useful links

    Help center

    Municipal Money API

    Terms of use


    [email protected]




    A project by National Treasury, created under The MIT License (MIT). In partnership with:



    Original to adjusted budget Original budget to audited outcome

    Change within category%

    Household Bills

    Household bills data not available for this municipality.


    Understanding MunicipalFinance

    Treasury's Municipal Finance website is �lled

    with resources on municipal �nance.

    Circular 71 explains many of the �nancial norms

    and indicators used to gauge the �nancial

    performance of Municipalities.

    MFMA Return Forms submitted by

    Municipalities to National Treasury.

    Understanding these forms can help you

    understand the information on Municipal


    A Million Bags of a Million Rand - a video by the

    Auditor General's o�ce which simpli�es audit


    Understanding the Standard Chart of Accounts

    - a video by the National Treasury on mSCOA.

    Understanding the Public Finance Management

    Act & Municipal Finance Management Act - a

    video by the National Treasury on irregular

    expenditure and material irregularity.

    Financial reports

    Read more about Local Government Finances and

    learn about how your money is spent.

    Annual Financial Statements of municipalities

    since 2002-2003. These include the Notes to

    the Annual Financial Statements where you

    can �nd explanations of speci�c accounting

    practises and calculations used by the

    municipality in its �nancial reporting and some

    decision making.

    State of Local Government Finances reports

    are published every year by National Treasury

    and describe in detail how Municipalities are


    In-year Management, Monitoring and

    Evaluation of Municipal Finances . Annual and

    quarterly PDF and Excel reports on Municipal

    �nances since 2007.

    Further reading

    Resources from the South African and international


    Local Government in South Africa – Part 5,

    Finances, 19 March 2014 by Corruption Watch

    Engaging with Government Budgets. An

    Activist’s Guide to South African Government

    Budgets at Local, Provincial and National Level

    produced in 2012 by Ndifuna Ukwazi and the

    Social Justice Coalition

    Infographic: South Africa: Public Participation

    Mechanisms in Fiscal Matters, 01 July 2015 by

    Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)

    Infographic: High Level Principles on Fiscal

    Transparency, 04 July 2015 by Global Initiative

    for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)

    A Guide to Conducting Social Audits in South

    Africa, November 2015 by International Budget

    Partnership (IBP)

    Infographic: Open Budget Survey 2015 by

    International Budget Partnership (IBP)

    Open Budget Survey 2015 by International

    Budget Partnership (IBP)[email protected]://
