
Chicken Farm & Slaughterhouse

Mr. Rami Barhoush, Board Member

Palestine Poultry Company Ltd

Palestine Poultry Company plcInvestment

Total Current InvestmentTotal Current Investment 20 M. USD20 M. USD

Total Expansions CostTotal Expansions Cost 12 M. USD 12 M. USD

Investor 9 M. USDInvestor 9 M. USDPPC 3 M. USDPPC 3 M. USD

Slaughterhouse & Broiler Farms Target Markets

• Main target market will be the West Bank & Gaza Strip.

•Market size is approximately 45 million broiler chicks

annually (12.5 Kg/capita).

•Market growth rate 3.5% annually.

•PPC market share will be 22% By 2012.

• Potential Export in Jordan &

the Gulf region.

Market Sales Mixed will be as follows :

Slaughterhouse & Broiler Farms Market Analysis

Slaughterhouse & Broiler Farms Distribution

Local market will be classified into four territories:

• North, Center, South, and the Gaza Strip

Outlets will be categorized as follows :•PPC owned centres and authorized distributors

•Supermarkets ,restaurants and food outlets

Slaughterhouse & Broiler Farms Competition

•Manual slaughtering and de-feathering small shops.

•Semi manual slaughterhouses (Birzeit & Ramallah)

•Smuggled products from Israeli slaughterhouses

Slaughterhouse Projects Competitive Advantage

•In-house professional veterinary inspection

•Fully Automated process with new technology

•Part of PPC integration (i.e: lower production cost )

•Efficient distribution network

•Sufficient and well placed sales outlets


Palestine Poultry Company plc Operating Results

Item Before Expansion After Expansion 2012

Revenue 17 M. USD 72 M USD

Net Income 1.6 M .USD 6.6 M USD

ROA 8% 19%