

2 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014


SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014 —3


4 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24 , 2014 — 5

FG sets aside N968bn to fight Boko Haram

President Goodluck Jonathan with the First Lady Dame Patience Jonathanarriving Pretoria South Africa on Friday for a high level discussions withother African Heads of State and government on combating terrorism inAfrica.

THE Federal Gov-ernment is to spend

N968 billion or oneqauarter of its 2014 budg-et, estimated at N4.964trillion to fight against theBoko Haram insurgencyin the country, accordingto the provisions of thebudget signed into law byPresident GoodluckJonathan,Wednesday butmade public yesterday.

Altogether, about N10.88 trillion has been esti-mated as revenue accru-ing to the three tiers ofgovernment within thesame period.

The CoordinatingMinister for the Economyand Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iwea-la made this knownwhile briefing newsmenin Abuja, yesterday,hence, the fiscal deficitof the Federal Govern-ment budget would beabout N1.2 trillion or twoper cent of the old GrossDomestic Product, GDPbefore the rebasing exer-cise.

Non-debt recurrent tookthe lion share of thebudget with a total ofN2.455 trillion, whileN712 billion was ear-marked for debt servic-ing.

Capital was left withN1.119 trillion, whileN408. 69 billion would gointo statutory transfers.According to the minister,the National Assemblypadded the executivebudget with N53 billionwhich she said wasspread across several sec-tors’ capital and recurrente x p e n d i t u r e .Highlights of the budgetincluded a crude oil pricebenchmark of $77.5 perbarrel which was a mod-est outlook when com-pared with last year ’sbenchmark of $79 perbarrel.

Crude oil productiontarget has been put at2.38 million barrels perday, also an indication ofa reduction in estimatewhen compared with lastyear’s figure of 2.5 mil-lion bpd.The Naira exchange ratewas retained at N160=$1 as was the case lastyear. The GDP growthrate was equally retained

BY EMMA UJAH, AbujaBureau Chief

To spend N4.964trnat 6.75 percent.

Security takesone-quarter ofbudget

Okonjo-Iweala said thatthe Jonathan administra-tion placed premium onsecurity, especially at atime the nation was bat-tling terrorists addingthat, as such one-quarterof the entire 2014 budgethas been allocated to thesecurity sector which in-cludes the military, policeand other security outfitsin the country.

“We are in close touchwith the defence sector. Ihave just finished talkingnot long ago with theChief of Defence Staffand others. We have to bevery supportive of ourmen and women in uni-form because they arelaying down their livesfor us and they are in-volved in a very difficultendeavour; the war onterror which we havenever had before, so wewant to be very support-ive of them. In that light,

Budget highlights:

Aggregate Federation Revenue N10.88 trillionExpenditure N4.965 trillionFederal Revenue N3.73 trillionDeficit 2% of GDP N1.2 trillionGDP growth rate 6.75%Oil revenue benchmark $77.5 pblOil production 2.38 mbpdExchange rate N160 = $1Capital expenditure N1.119 trillion

I think the defencespending is treated expe-d i t i o u s l y .’’I want to say that thereis no military establish-

ment that I know of in theworld which is engagedin a war that always hasenough. They will al-ways need more equip-

ment, this is a new typeof war. They will alwaysneed things that will helpthem. So we have to ad-mit that.”

Apparently referring tothe statement credited tothe military that theywere not properly fund-ed in the face of the inse-curity brought about bythe Boko Haram war, theMinister further said, ‘’Ido not think that the Ni-gerian Army or Air Forceis different from any oth-er one we know of in theworld. No amount ofbudget can be enough. Inthat context the com-

ments you have heardmay be in that context.But in terms of the budg-et itself the defence sec-tor takes almost a quar-ter of the budget.’’This year, we have dis-bursed to them the mon-ey they needed. We havedisbursed N130.7 billionof which N85.9 b is forpersonnel cost. All theirsalaries and paymentsare made as at when due.There are other require-ments that required ex-tra funds. The Joint TaskForce Special Assigne-ment and sometimes therequirements come fromMr. President’s contin-gency fund and we haveto scramble to meet that.So we have reallyworked hard and we re-ally need to be support-ive of them.’’

Deficit financingShe further said that theFederal Governmentwould borrow money tofund the deficit but thatthe administration wouldmaintain its stance on re-ducing domestic debts.According to her, the gov-ernment planned to bor-row about N 571 billion,originally before the newN53 billion addition by theNational Assembly.

Boko Haram kills 43 in separate attacks•Presidential Committee scared of Chibok

THE PresidentialF a c t - f i n d i n g

Committee on theAbduction of over 200Chibok schoolgirls is yetto visit Chibok, six daysafter arrival inMaiduguri, the BornoState capital.

The Committee led byBrig-Gen. Ibrahim Sabo,rtd, arrived the state lastSunday.

Sources told SaturdayVanguard that thecommittee postponed itsvisit to Chibok yesterday,following security reportsthat the road leading tothe area was not safe.One of the major reasonswhy the government setup the panel was due toalleged reports that theBorno State governmentwas not giving correctinformation on Boko

BY NDAHI MARAMA,Maiduguri with Agencyreport

Haram activities to themilitary in the area.This is even as somesuspected Boko Haramterrorists shot dead 30farm workers as theytilled their fields inremote northeastNigeria, a police sourcesaid on Thursday, amida mounting insurgencyincreasingly targetingcivilians. Three peoplebeing treated in hospitalsfor wounds theysustained in earlierattacks were also shotdead in hospitals,bringing to 43, thenumber of those killed byBoko Haram in the lastthree days in the state.The gunmen had ealierattacked Kuburvwi andKimba villages inDamboa and Biu LocalGovernment Areasyesterday morning,killing over 10 peopleand setting houses andshops ablaze.

Kuburvwi is aboutseven kilometres awayfrom Chibok, whileKimba also south ofBorno is about 140kilometres drive fromMaiduguri, the statecapital.

Thursady’s attack ledto the destruction of thevillage of ChukkuNguddoa, said the policesource in Borno state, theheart the revolt that ispiling political pressureon the government.The Committee’s terms ofreference are: to liaisewith the Borno StateGovernment andestablish thecircumstances leading tothe Chibok schoolremaining open forboarding students whenothers were closed; toliaise with relevantauthorities and parents ofthe missing girls toestablish their actualnumber and identities; to

interface with the secu-rity services and ascer-tain how many of themissing girls have re-turned; to mobilise thes u r r o u n d i n gcommunities and the

general public on citi-zens’ support for a res-cue strategy and opera-tion; to articulate a frame-work for moving out oftheir houses for safety.”

Budget 2014

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014 — 7

Two pupils, three others burnt to death•On Ibadan-Ife expressway

Students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife protesting hike in schoolfees in Ile-Ife. Photo Lamidi Kazeem


FIVE persons includingtwo pupils were yester-

day roasted to death whentwo fuel tankers collided atAsejire area on Ibadan-Ifeexpressway which caughtfire instantly.

Six other persons sus-tained varied degrees ofinjuries and are now re-ceiving treatment in thehospital.

One of the dead pupilswas said to be waiting for abus along the road whenthe raging inferno con-sumed him.

Several buildings, shops,mechanic workshops andmarket stalls were complete-ly razed by the fire, whichemanated from the spilledcontent of the fallen trailer.

When our correspondentgot to the scene, mangledbody of the burnt publicschool pupil, whose iden-tity could not be ascer-tained was spotted, just as

Ajudua: Judge orders EFCC toproduce witnesses

men of the fire brigade ser-vice, Federal Road SafetyCorps FRSC and police-men were busy managingthe chaotic situation.

The accident according toeye witnesses caused traf-fic gridlock along the ex-pressway as the sectionfrom Ibadan end wasclosed to traffic while theevacuation of the burnt ve-hicles was ongoing.

A victim, identified as Ta-judeen Bakare, whose res-idence was completelyburnt told newsmen at thescene of the accident that“the tankers while attempt-ing to overtake each otheron the hill hit themselvesand one of them, carryingpetrol spilled its contentsinto gutters and smallstream and suddenly weheard a loud bang andthere was fire everywhere”.

The unit commander ofthe FRSC, Egbeda,Commander AbiodunAkinlade who confirmedthe accident explained that“around 7.30am, wereceived a call that there

was an accident and oncoming down wediscovered one of thearticulated vehicles hadskidded off the road andburst into flames”.

According to him, “It islike they were doingcompetition on thehighway, trying to overtakeeach other. I alsounderstand that a school

bus was also trying to picka child and the fallentanker affected the bus andwe lost two people there.We also lost two peoplefrom the articulated vehicle”

IKEJA —An Ikeja HighCourt has ordered the

Economic and Financial

Crimes Commission,EFCC, to produce its wit-nesses in the trial of aone-time Lagos socialite,Fred Ajudua.

Justice Kudirat Josemade the order on Fridayafter the EFCC failed toproduce the witnesses totestify against Ajudua,over an alleged $1.69 mil-lion (N252.8 million)fraud.

Jose directed that thewitnesses should appearbefore the court on June6, for commencement ofthe trial.The News Agency of Ni-geria, NAN, reports thatAjudua is standing trialalongside one CharlesOrie.

They are being prosecut-

ed for allegedly defraud-ing two Dutch business-men – Messrs Remy Cinaand Pierre Vijgen - of thesum between July 1999and September 2000.

Earlier at the proceed-ings, the EFCC counsel,Mrs E.A. Sanusi, saidtheir witnesses were ab-sent due to two applica-tions filed by Ajudua atthe Court of Appeal, La-gos Division.

Sanusi said Ajudua hadfiled an appeal challeng-ing the jurisdiction of theLagos High Court to en-tertain his case.She said the first defen-dant (Ajudua) had alsofiled an application forstay of proceedings of thematter by the lower court.


MASSOBraises alarm

THE Movement for Actualization of Sov-

ereign State of Biafra,MASSOB, yesterdayraised an alarm overwhat it called a plot bymembers of the BokoHaram sect to bomb thepopular Onitsha mainmarket and some othermarkets in the South-East geo-political zone.

It therefore warnedthat MASSOB would re-sist any attempt to per-petrate such terrorism inany part of Igbo landwhich is also regarded asBiafra land, by all meansand with the last drop oftheir blood.

Boko Haramshoots patientsin hospital

KIMBA town in Gurward of Biu local

government area ofBorno State has been at-tacked by gunmen sus-pected to be members ofthe Islamic sect, BokoHaram on Thursdayevening. The attackersburnt down almost halfof the town and shotthree people who werereceiving treatment atBiu General hospital.

A local, Mallam UmarKimba, told our reporterin Maiduguri, that manypeople in the villagefled to Sabon Gari whileothers fled to MandaraGirau and Biu. Accord-ing to him, theattackers,who came onmotorcycles on Thursdaynight started firing spo-radically before settingthe town ablazed.


LAGOS—The JointAdmissions and Ma-

triculation Board, JAMB,yesterday urged the La-gos State Government toshelve the monthly san-itation exercise in Mayso that candidates writ-ing its examinationwould be able to movefreely.

Alhaji Kamaldeen Ad-edeji, the Lagos Coordi-nator of JAMB, made theappeal in an interviewwith the News Agency ofNigeria, NAN, in Lagos.

The next monthly san-itation exercise is sched-uled for May 31.

Man, 50, arraigned forobtaining N2.7m car by trickBY ONOZURE DANIA,Lagos

THE police, yesterday,arraigned a car deal-

er, Vincent Omelebele,50, before a Lagos Mag-istrate’s Court, sitting atIgbosere, for allegedlyobtaining a car worthN2.7million under falsepretence.

Omelebele, who residesat 71 Palm Avenue,Mushin, Lagos, is stand-ing trial before MagistrateJoy Ugbomoiko.

The defendant, is facinga three-count charge, bor-dering on conspiracy, ob-taining by false pretence

and stealing, preferredagainst him, by the po-lice. The prosecutor, In-spector Stephen Molo,told the court that the de-fendant conspired withone other person at large,to commit the offences inDecember 2011, at AgudaSurulere area of the state.Molo, said that Om-elebele obtained a ToyotaCamry Car 2008 Modelwith Engine/ Chassisn u m b e rATIBE46K88U224319worth N2.7 million underthe pretext of selling itand remitting the proceedof the car, to the owner,Maria Nobel.

8 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

The cross-section of Imo State women, during the prayer and fastingsession for the nation and President Goodluck Jonathan, held yesterday atthe premises of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education (AIFCE) in Ow-erri.


Kano expandsfree antenatalcare

THE Kano State Government has extended free

ante-natal care to all statehospitals and primaryhealthcare units in the 44local councils to boosthealthcare in the state.

Governor Rabiu MusaKwankwaso stated this dur-ing the Launching of Ma-ternal Newborn ChildHealth Week (MNCHW)and the Celebration of theWorld Malaria Day at Gov-ernment House, Kano onThursday.


Ekiti 2014:KudiratInitiative tasksresidents Onactiveparticipation


AHEAD of the cominggovernorship election

billed for June 21 in Ekitistate, the Kudirat Initiativefor Democracy KIND, hasenjoined residents of Ikere,Emure and Ekiti West Lo-cal Governments of EkitiState to foster interactionbetween themselves andtheir elected officials, inorder to make joint decisionon issues bothering com-munity developments.

The resolution was maderecently at town hall meet-ings held at Ikere, Emureand Ekiti West local govern-ment halls, after reviewingthe community scorecard ofeach of the council areas.

FG flags offN56b project toaddressunemployment


F E D E R A LG o v e r n m e n t

yesterday launched theState Employment andExpenditure for ResultsSEEFOR project worthabout $350 million (N56/7b). The pilot project is tobe financed through acredit of $200 million fromthe World Bank withadditional financialsupport of about 80million Euro from theEuropean Union, EU.

The fund from the WorldBank is expected to bespent in a period of fiveyears in four SEEFORparticipating states ofBayelsa, Delta, Edo andRivers.

Nullify Anambra guber election for irregularities, APC,PDP, Ngige, Nwoye tell Tribunal•Obiano: Petitioners have no substantial evidence to prove their cases


THE All ProgressivesCongress, APC and its

Governorship candidate inAnambra State during theNovember 16 and 30governorship elections inthe state, Senator ChrisNwabueze Ngigeyesterday told the IshaqBello-led GovernorshipElection Petitions Tribunalsitting in Awka to nullifythe election.

Others who asked thetribunal to declare freshelections as a result ofirregularities that marredthe entire exercise includedthe Peoples DemocraticParty, PDP and itscandidate in the election,Chief Tony Nwoye and theAll Progressives Congress,APC. They furthermorecalled on the tribunal todeclare fresh election andto disqualify the candidateof the All ProgressivesGrand Alliance , APGA,Chief Willie Obiano as thesitting governor of the statein the interest of democracy.

Addressing the tribunalyesterday shortly before itadjourned sine-die to writeits judgement, APC,Ngige, PDP and Nwoyeinsisted that the only optionleft to correct the anomalieswas to conduct a freshelection and declare therightful winner to becomethe authentic governor ofthe state.

However, theIndependent NationalElectoral Commission,INEC, APGA, and Obianowho was sworn in on

March 17, urged thetribunal to uphold theelection because thepetitioners had notprovided substantialevidence to prove theircases that the election wasmarred by irregularities, asthey alleged.

Addressing the tribunal,Counsel for Ngige, EmekaNgige, SANsubmitted thatthe

defence of the thirdrespondent in the matter(Obiano) ‘’failed totally,’’adding that the onlyperson who could haveestablished whetherObiano was culpable onthe issue of multipleregistration as well asgiving false information toINEC in the course of hisnomination, was INEC.

He, however, contendedINEC, having failed to callany witness, abandonedObiano to his fate and

allowed his defence tocollapse, arguing that thatbeing the case, the INEC–certified evidence beforethe courtand the pleadingof the petitioners on EPT/AN/GOV/02/2013 and aswell as the ‘’evidenceadduced by our witnesseson the matter remainu n c h a l l e n g e d ,unresponded to and

uncontradicted, which areconclusive proof for Obianoto be disqualified and afresh election conducted inAnambra State.

Ngige who also,responded to thesubmission of OnyechiIkpeazu, SAN,representing Obiano inthe matter urged the

tribunal to hold that theaccusation of substancebefore the tribunal againsthis client was that ‘’hesubmitted a forgeddocument to INEC for theelection,’’ insisting thatsince INEC’s- certified truecopies in evidence in thetribunal successfullyestablished that Obiano, inaddition to the registrationcard which number endedin 332 also registered andgot another voters’ cardwith the numbers endingwith 1172 as attached toObiano’s Form CF 001,which INEC certified as atrue copy, meaning thatthe earlier card endingwith number 332 remaineda forged document.

Buttressing Ngige’sargument, RotimiAkeredolu SAN, urged thetribunal to take a secondlook at Exhibit RR431tendered by Obiano, whichhe claimed was a transferform for his votersregistration particulars anddiscover that the title of thedocument was merely anapplication form.

Exhibitors show more interest in rebasedeconomy, says LCCI

June burial date for Amaka Igwe

THE recent rebasing ofNigeria’s Gross

Domestic Product (GDP),which makes Nigeria thelargest economy in Africa,has generated increasedinterest in the LagosInternational Trade Fair,the Lagos Chamber ofCommerce and Industry(LCCI) has disclosed.

In a statement, VicePresident of the Chamberand Chairman, TradePromotion Board,

organisers of the Fair, Dr.Michael Olawale-Colesaid LCCI had beenreceiving requests forparticipation from bothregular and new foreignexhibitors since therebasing outcome wasmade public. The rebasinghad put the country’sGross Domestic Product(GDP) at $510bn, thehighest on the continent.

Olawale-Cole stated thatthe exhibitors expressed

the desire to takeadvantage of the benefitsoffered by Africa’s biggesteconomy, adding that theywere eager to enter intobusiness relationship withprospective local partners.

“This becomesparticularly germane withthe reinforcement of thenew status of Nigeria byher classification by Ernstand Young as one of thetop three economies inAfrica to invest in,” heaffirmed.


NOLLYWOOD Iconand filmmaker, Ama-

ka Igwe who died on the28th of April will be laidto rest on Friday, June 13, at her marital home inNdiuche Arondizuogu , inImo State.

According to a statementby a media consultant,BHM,various events pre-ceding her funeral as an-nounced by the family in-clude; A tribute eveningand Lagos Service of

Songs at Haven GardensG.R.A Ikeja on the 9th ofJune, and Enugu Serviceof Songs at OkparaSquare, Enugu on the12th of June, 2014.

Also, the statement saidthat a tributewebsite,,has been created for good-will messages and pic-tures to celebrate AmakaIgwe.

Amaka Igwe, who is sur-vived by her husband of21 years Charles Igwe,three children, an agedmother and siblings, diedfrom complications from

asthma at the age of 51. She contributed im-

mensely to the develop-ment of indigenous tele-vision drama and Nolly-wood over the past 25years, for which His Ex-cellency, Mr. Presidentgraciously awarded heran MFR in 2011.

She is the founder ofBoBTV Film and Televi-sion Programmes Expo,founder and CEO of TopRadio 90.9FM, AmakaIgwe Studios, and thenewly launched Q Enter-tainment Network.

SASASASASATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguardanguardanguardanguardanguard, MA, MA, MA, MA, MAY 24Y 24Y 24Y 24Y 24, 2014—9 2014—9 2014—9 2014—9 2014—9

C H I B O K :

Hunger loomsOur daughters were in Government custodyTeachers abandoned our girls to terroristsWhy Chibok girls don’t speak EnglishWe’re expecting Mr. President

Continues on page 10


FEAR of the known pervades anymention of Chibok. It is gripping,unspoken fear, with expectedconsequences that when I piled inside a

bus for the 130-kilometre drive to uncertainty, theonly thing I knew was that death could be a part ofthe trip.

I dared not tell anyone I was going to Chibok.

Where LifWhere LifWhere LifWhere LifWhere LifeeeeeIs FIs FIs FIs FIs Fearearearearear

Continues on page 11

How could I have mentioned that Iwould embark on a journey thatincluded travelling beside thedreaded Sambisa Forest? What was Isearching for in Chibok where fear islife and insurgents could strike atanytime?

Monday was the best day to makethe trip. It was Damboa Market Day.It meant that traffic on the riskyMaiduguri-Damboa-Biu Road wouldbe busy with many heading to themarket. There was assurance that theheavy traffic could deter the attack-ers, it was a thin hope, but wherefear rules, one holds to any strains ofhope.

Chibok shows early signs of itsbareness. The road from Damboa,where I boarded a taxi to Chibok, isbarely motorable. Seven of ussqueezed into the small car, three infront, four at the back seat. Nobodyappeared to care about the discom-fort. We arrived Chibok at 12:25 pmdue to the heavy security checks onthe way. They checked all parts ofthe car. Each check point bore itsown nightmare. With stories ofpeople in uniform turning insur-gents, one could never tell whetherit was a check point or a death point.

As we passed by Sambisa Forest, Iknew all I needed to cause a scarewas to ask the driver to stop. Whoelse could make such a request? Ipondered the idea but discarded it,there were already enough risks onthis journey to think up more. I waseven grateful the vehicle passedthere without an incident.

Everyone kept his thoughts tohimself throughout the journey.Everyone seemed to suspect that theother could be an insurgent. If one ofus was, and intended to attack thevehicle, how would we know?

The journey to infamy started forChibok on 14 April when somegunmen attacked a governmentsecondary school occupied by girlswho were writing their West Africa

Examination Council examinations.Details of how they were taken varyfrom who is telling the stories, whichno longer interest the parents.

All they want is to have theirchildren back.

Mallam Chiroma Usman Chibok,seven of his relations were abductedsaid, “My brother, Chibok is ashadow of itself as most parents stayindoors to mourn their abductedchildren. Government is not helpingmatters. We keep getting assuranceour abducted would be girls.

“It is the farming season, butnobody is going to the farm. Thetrauma is too much for us.”

Mr. James Yama said, “We aresuffering in silence, one of mybrothers, Mr. Mutai Hona, whosetwo daughters were among thoseabducted, died last Sunday fromheart attack. He developed highblood pressure after the abduction.”

‘We Want OurGirls, Not Relief’

“It will interest you to note that onSunday, officials of the NationalEmergency Management Agency,NEMA came to Chibok to distributerelief materials to the victims, butnone of the parents collected evensoap. They protested to NEMAofficials that they want their ab-ducted daughters back. Those whobenefited from the relief materialswere people whose daughters werenot among the abducted,” Mr. Yamasaid. “If we had seen the corpses ofour girls, we would have forgottenabout them. We do not know what ishappening, it is unfortunate”.

‘Our DaughtersWere In Govern-ment Custody’

Mrs. Saratu Pagu Mdurmbula,mother of one of abducted girls said,“Our daughters were at schoolwriting their final year examina-tions. We believed our daughterswere in the custody of the stategovernment being a public school.They were not abducted from ourhomes, but from the school. It isunfortunate that after abducting ourinnocent daughters, governmentand security operatives are yet torescue them. We are disappointed. It

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Security in Chibok was heavier.Whole area remained deserted asparents and relations of the abductedschool girls were indoors mourningtheir calamity. Chibok is draped infear and mourning that would notdisperse until the kidnapped stu-dents return.


Chibok, a farming community runsthe risk of hunger. People are notgoing to the farms for two reasons –they are mourning their missingdaughters and fears of furtherattacks persist. Their neighbours inDamboa were attacked at home andthen in their farms. They too havestopped farming. Where would theirfood come from without farming thisyear?

C H I B O K :

Hungerlooms inChibok

Continues from page 9

SASASASASATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguardanguardanguardanguardanguard, MA, MA, MA, MA, MAY 24Y 24Y 24Y 24Y 24, 2014—11 2014—11 2014—11 2014—11 2014—11

C H I B O K :

Why Chibok girlsdon’t speak English

is not one school girl, but over 200 ofthem. It would be more appreciatedif security agencies rescued ourdaughters. We were fed up withstories about our daughters, thetrauma is increasing”.

‘TeachersAbandoned Our

Girls To Terrorists’Simon Watila, the father of Godiya,

one of the girls who escaped fromthe Sambisa Games Reserve camp ofthe sect, said he was out of townduring the incident, but immediatelycalled his daughter and she told himthe school was safe.

“I called this my daughter in theschool, asking where she was. Shetold me she was in the hostel. I toldher they were attacking the town,they have started burning houses.

“I asked if soldiers were with themin school. She said no. I asked aboutthe police she said they were nopolicemen, but that the school wassafe.

“The insurgents were still attack-ing the town. My daughter told meall the teachers had left; there wereno guardians with them.

“It was in the realisation that there

learnt our daughters were ab-ducted.”

He was happy that God answeredhis prayers for the return of hisdaughter. If there were enoughsoldiers around, he said, girls wouldnot have been abducted.

Why ChibokGirls Don’t SpeakEnglish

People have been concerned thatthe abducted girls did not communi-cate in English, in the interviewsthey granted. They mostly spoke inHausa. Over 95 per cent of studentsin public schools in the State cannotexpress themselves in English,although, their written English isreportedly better.

Some reasons were adduced for thesituation, the major one being thepoor standard of education and thequality of teachers in public schoolsacross the state. Teaching Service

Board officials tend to favour theirkinsmen over qualified applicants.

Most teachers in the rural areasand the students prefer speakingtheir own dialect either in theclassrooms or during school hours,making English language secondary.

Governor Kashim Shettima admit-ted in an interview that, “In 2011WAEC examinations, only threestudents at one of the governmentsecondary schools in Northern BornoSenatorial District had five credits,including mathematics and Englishlanguage. The Three students werenot from the State as their fatherswere serving soldiers at MongunoMilitary Barracks”.

The Chibok girls reflected thequality of teachers in public schoolsin Borno State. Chibok, a localgovernment headquarter, has onlyone secondary school, which alsoserves people from neighbouringlocal government areas. Recently,the school, which used to be only forgirls, was converted to a mixed

school, admitting male students asnon-residents.

Who’s To BlameA teacher in the school, Mr. Amos

Dawi said, “Apart from the poorquality of teaching materials andunqualified teachers, the studentsthemselves are not helping matters,

Continues on page 12

One of the Chibok girls adressing agathering after her escape

Over 95 per cent ofstudents in public schoolsin the State cannot expressthemselves in English,although, their writtenEnglish is reportedly better

was no one guiding the school that Itold my daughter to run if she hadthe opportunity. I told her the insur-gents would turn to them when theyfinish with the people in the town.

“When the shooting started in thetown, the teachers were still withthem but they took to their heels,and locked our daughters . Thereare teachers’ quarters within theschool premises, the teachers leftbefore the attack.

“She even told me that the teachersinstructed them not to run away.One of the teachers locked the gate,there was no way for our daughtersto escape. When the attackersfinished with the town, they came tothe school.

“They told the girls they weresoldiers and the girls believed thembecause they were in uniform. Theypromised to protect the girls from theinsurgents who were attacking town.The girls happily came out to themand they seized all their mobilephones. I knew my daughter was introuble when I called and she wasnot taking the call. The next day I

Continues from page 10

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as most of them devote theirinterest to farming.

“Chibok and other schools in thestate have no English or Math-ematics teachers. Rarely wouldstudents from JSS I to SS III havethese teachers throughout theirstay in school. In fact, most of thesestudents are not taught Englishproperly from year one to their finalyear”. An educationist, Dr. JamesJohn attributed the problem to lackof training and retraining of teach-ers by the Borno State TeachingService Board. The board does notorganise workshops for its teachers,especially those in rural areas.

Yakubu Iliya, a student, blamedthe teachers. “Where the teachersare qualified, they do not take theirwork serious because ministryofficials hardly supervise them.Most teachers prefer being postedto schools in Maiduguri. Theunqualified ones are posted torural areas, where they abandontheir profession for farming andbusinesses”.

‘We Don’t WantTo Speak English’

One of the freed schoolgirls, whodid not give her name, for securityreasons explained their dilemma inthe matter. “Another major reasonwe are not speaking English is thetrauma we are undergoing. It isnot because we cannot speakEnglish. Each time we want tospeak English to journalists, wefeel the terrorists are still watchingus, so we quickly switch to Hausa,which is ourdominant lan-guage in the Northwithout realisingit. Only those whohave been throughwhat we sufferedcan understandthis. Boko Haramhates anything todo with Westerneducation and theability to speak theEnglish languageis an indication tothem that one hasWestern education”.

We’re ExpectingMr. President

Yaga Yarakawa spoke on hisdisappointment on PresidentGoodluck Jonathan’ s widelypublicised visit to Chibok, whichwas postponed, though the Presi-dency had denied that a visit wasplanned.

“We were happy when we heardMr. President was coming toChibok. We expected his visit toChibok would bring relief to every-body. When the girls were ab-

ducted, we thought governmentwould act swiftly, but it is unfortu-nate that after a month, their where-abouts remain unknown.

“It is really sad, disheartening anddisappointing to all of us as parents.This is beyond politics, it is betweenlife and death, so we want our girlsand that is what we are after at thistrying moment, nothing else”.

Shettima Sheds

Tears AgainBorno State Governor, Alhaji

Kashim Shettima shed tears again onTuesday as he told the PresidentialFact Finding Committee on theabduction, in Maiduguri, that doubtsover the abduction of the Chibokschool girls and the theory that thekidnap was staged-managed by hisgovernment was as painful as theactual abduction.

The governor said it was a sad talethat Nigeria pays more emphasis onpolitics than finding solutions to thenation’s numerous problems.

Responding to the address of the

Chairman Brig, Gen. Ibrahim Sabo(rtd), Shettima said, “Borno has seenevil times. Our people have suffered.The Chibok incident, for me, hasgrossly exposed our weighty weak-ness as leaders in terms of assumingour shared responsibilities.

“Doubts over that abduction painedme far more than the childish theorythat as Government, we staged thatabduction in order to create basis tostop the extension of emergency rulein Borno.

“Then, there was the issue ofsaying Chibok was not safe and wewent ahead to open the school.Majority of these students are fromChibok axis, if the school wasconsidered unsafe, I don’t think anyright thinking parent would allowhis or her child to study in anatmosphere of high risk.

“To every other Muslim, world-wide, these men that kill, destroyand abduct, insult Islam by callingthemselves Muslims. They havecontradicted every single tenet ofthe Islamic religion. They have insome cases, tried to change theordained translation of verses in theHoly Quran.

“To every Muslim, a verse of theHoly Quran has clearly said thatthere is no compulsion in religion.But to these men of violence, there iscompulsion not only in religion buteven in Islamic ideology. To thesemen, any human who doesn’t sharetheir ideology deserves to be brutallykilled. A Muslim that is of not of thesect is condemned to death and so isChristian. To them, the human raceshould go into extinction for theirdoctrine to thrive.”

The governor had approved N150million for the rehabilitation of the 53

girls who escaped, and for assistanceto the traumatised parents whosedaughters were still held.

“Unfortunately, we had to holdwhat we should have done forChibok because of the politicsbrought in. If we had released somematerial support earlier, some badelements would have said we triedto buy the people of Chibok.

“The Borno State Government iscommitted to sincere and activecollaboration with the FederalGovernment and all other supportgroups in our collective fight againstinsurgency.

“I see misconception about thosebehind the insurgency as one majorhindrance to fighting it. So long wecontinue to look the wrong way,there would be lack of focus on thepart of most stakeholders and inwhich case, the victims wouldremain the accused.”

Earlier, Brig. Gen. Sabo assuredthat the committee was ready to carryon with the task with absolutepatriotism and fear of God. Hecondoled the people and govern-ment of Borno state who have beentraumatised as a result of the attacks.

Back To BaseBy sunset, Chibok residents

abandon every activity to seek refugein their homes. I left Chibok at 2:15pm, to a repeat of the security checksthat marked the earlier journey,through the same route. I arrivedMaiduguri at 5:30 pm to joy that Inever knew I could muster. I heaveda sigh of relief, having gone throughthe most dangerous route in Nigeriaand survived the trauma of anticipat-ing an attack that never came.

As I went on my knees to thankGod Almighty for seeing me throughthis assignment, I realised thatanother trip to Chibok would benecessary – hopefully in happiercircumstances, to welcome the girls.

‘We’re expectingMr. President’

Continues from page 11

C H I B O K :

We were happy when weheard Mr. President wascoming to Chibok. Weexpected his visit toChibok would bring reliefto everybody

Expecting Mr President

AN unkind fate like a bull in a Chinashop recently attacked popular sportsbroadcaster and member of theConfederation of Africa Football,

CAF, Aisha Folade, following thegruesome murder of her 19 year-oldson , Oluwadamilola Oloruntoba, infar away Dubai, the United ArabEmirates,UAE three months ago.

The late Toba , as he was popu-larly called, was said to have leftLondon where he was with hissister, for Dubai , after he gainedadmission to study Audio Pro-duction at the SAEInstitute,sometime in October,2013.

But four months into his stud-ies, an incident that changed thecourse for the family occurred ,following a telephone call receivedby his mother in Nigeria, at thewee hours of February 15, 2014, thather once bubbling son had fallen fromthe balcony of his apartment located onthe 17th floor of Manchester Towers,Dubai Marina, where he lived!.

One death too manyUnfortunately, the tragic

incident which no doubt,has dealt the mother of twoa devastating blow,leaving her to wallow ingrief, pain and sorrow,is not the first time thelives of Nigerianstudents have beencut short in theirprime.

In Ghana forinstance, a 300

level student of SocialSciences at the Universityof Cape Coast , GodwinAyogu, was murdered in coldblood on February 20, 2014, withhis killers yet to be brought to book.

Record at Saturday Vanguarddisposal showed that Godwin Awogbo wasthe fourth Nigerian student to lose his life in thespace of four months in Ghana. The first deathcase was that of a 15 year-old Senior SecondarySchool Student of Ideal college, Community 5, inTema, Master Austine Chukwuebuka Ogukwe,on October 2013.Barely one month later, twoNigerian students identified as Eddy andCharles of KNUSFORD University, Accra , diedunder mysterious circumstance when they wentfor an excursion at the Volta region.


•Late Toba

•The tower...where the deceased

was thrown from.

•Aishaand late son

Continues on page 14

SASASASASATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguardanguardanguardanguardanguard, MA, MA, MA, MA, MAY 24Y 24Y 24Y 24Y 24, 2014—13 2014—13 2014—13 2014—13 2014—13

Another Nigerian student in thenorthern city of Arkhangelsk ,Russia, Akinola Olufemi, wasreportedly stabbed to death insouthern Moscow, with his ears cutoff.

Again, one Kelvin Chibueze ,17, astudent in London, was stabbed todeath at a birthday party in EastLondon in August 2011 by oneLerone Boye , 27.

Also in London, a 22-year-oldNigerian student, Baba femi Junaidwas reportedly stabbed in the chestand in his bid to apparently rush tothe nearest hospital, his car collidedwith a bus in Clapham Road, nearStockwell Tube station, southLondon, resulting in his death..

One of the most recent was that of17-year-old Forester Samson, in faraway Moscow, capital of Russia, onMarch 4, 2014, by yet-to-be-identi-fied Russian gangsters. The lateForester who hailed from Igbekhuein Orhionmwon Local GovernmentArea of Edo State, only completedher secondary school education in2013, before leaving for Moscow,with the hope of furthering herstudies.

Unfortunately, she did not live tosee her dream come true , as she wasreportedly stabbed to death . As ifthat was not enough , the perpetra-tors reportedly locked her body in aroom and set it ablaze.

It has almost become a routine tohear that Nigerians, particularlystudents, are gruesomely killed,often by citizens of their hostcountries. But more worrisome is therole played by the Nigeriagovernment in ensuring that thesecases are not only swept under thecarpet by policemen in the countriesthe crime is committed but itsseeming lackadaisical attitudetowards ensuring that justice isdone.

TwistA case at hand is that of late

Toba, whose death the DubaiPolice reportedly claimed was anaccident. But tell tale signs andevidence reportedly showed that itwas a clear case of murder, whichallegedly involved the son of aDubai billionaire.

The Dubai Police said it hadconcluded its investigation andarrived at the conclusion that onthat fateful day, Toba was drunk.They told the bereaved family thatinformation gathered from those whowere with the late Toba showed thatToba was seen sitting on the railingof the balcony with his feet off thefloor, and was swinging back andforward in this position, adding thathe could have fallen down from thebalcony railing.

But the deceased’s family hasdescribed this claim as false and anattempt to shield perpetrators of themurder. These followed what weredescribed as contradictory reportsbetween what the police gave andthose of the eye witnesses.

Senate presidentpetitionedIn a petition to the Senate

President, David Mark , Lawyer

to the bereaved family, FestusKeyamo, said: “ Because of thevarious inconsistencies in the Policereport given to the family of ourclient, Mrs. Aisha Falode, our Headof Chambers, Mr. Festus Keyamoand another family member withAisha Falode traveled to Dubai inthe UAE on Friday, the 18th day ofApril, 2014 to see and hear things forthemselves. Whilst in the country,the three of them met with thefriends of lateToba Falode who werepresent in the apartment on thatfateful day.

“The summary of the accounts ofthese friends were totally differentfrom what the police report indicatedand this has revealed a mostshameful and disgraceful attempt bythe authorities in Dubai to shieldobvious murder suspects from thelong arms of the law.

“The friends and witnesses inquestion volunteered writtenstatements to us and we summarizetheir account as follows:

a. That sometime in December,2013, the said Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser stormed the apartment of thedeceased, Oluwadamilola Olorunto-ba Falode and ordered Miss OliviaMelanie Richards Evans (his sup-

posed girlfriend) out of Toba’sapartment, accusing her of having anaffair with Toba Falode.

b. That a fight was to have ensuedfrom this confrontation, but for theintervention of other mutual friends.Since then, there was no love lostbetween Toba and Faisal AldakmaryAl-Nasser.

c.That in the evening of the 14th ofFebruary, 2014, Toba with his threefriends went to a club in Dubai,where they met the said FaisalAldakmary Al-Nasser and MissOlivia Melanie Richards Evans .

e.That again an argument startedbetween Faisal and his supposedgirlfriend and this quarrel continuedtill both of them left the club.

f. That the quarrel was to the effectthat Faisal was still accusing her ofdating Toba.

g. That shortly after the two left theclub, Toba and his friends also leftthe club.

h. That on getting to his apartment,Toba again met Faisal and MissOlivia who was crying in front of hisdoor, waiting for him.

i .That Toba let them into hisapartment.

j. That after they all got into theapartment, Toba, Faisal and MissOlivia Melanie Richards Evansentered his room “to sort things out”.

k. That shortly after, the three ofthem exited the room and went on tothe balcony of the apartment on the17th floor (though the account of whofirst went to the balcony and whojoined thereafter slightly varied).

l. That a serious argument withraised voices and raised hands wenton at the balcony.

m. That about twenty seconds later,Faisal and Miss Olivia MelanieRichards Evans came back into theroom and announced that Toba hadfallen off the railings. However,Faisal had blood spatter all over hisshirt and bloody knuckles. There wasalso a noticeable cut on his finger.

At this point they all rusheddownstairs to see Toba’s dead bodylying several meters away from thebuilding (approximately twelve tofifteen meters).

n. That the position of Toba’s body(which can still be verified today)was not consistent with someone

dropping from the balcony but wasconsistent with someone that wasviolently pushed or thrown from thebalcony.

o.That the police arrived thereafterand arrested all of them to thestation.

p. That before and during thejourney to the station, Faisal keptrepeating to the hearing of everyonethat the maximum punishment forhim would be twenty-five (25) yearsin jail and that the other boys shouldnot worry. Meanwhile, Miss OliviaMelanie Richards Evans washysterical and did not say anything.

q.That at a point, one of them hadto shut Faisal up when this repetitionof “at least 25 years in jail” keptgoing on and on.

r..That at the station, Faisal andMiss Olivia Melanie Richards Evanswere kept away from the rest andwere interviewed separately,whereas the other three were kept ata separate room and interviewedseparately. Later that night, Faisaland Miss Olivia Melanie RichardsEvans were released to go homewithout taking the blood staineddress from Faisal. Meanwhile, theother three were charged withdrinking and other sundry offencesand are facing these charges in courtat present”..., the petition stated inpart

My son was aperfect personDescribing his son as an amiable

fellow, devastated Aisha saidin a tears: “ Life cannot be the sameagain for me. May this not happen toany body, not even my enemy. I can’twipe away the sorrow. My son was alovely boy. He was a gentle,humble, respectful, innocent andvery generous boy. In fact he was aperfect boy.

All I want is not just for justice toprevail but to prevent a re-occurrence of such on another family.

This is is the best time for theNigeria government to act byprevailing on the authorities in theUAE to re-open the investigation intothe murder of my son and to bring tobook Mr. Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser and Miss Olivia MelanieRichards Evans both of whommurdered him in cold blood”, shestated .

Tambuwalcharges UAEIn an apparent response to this

call, Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives , Alhaji Aminu Tambuwal, Tuesday, urgedauthorities of the UAE to find the killers of Toba Falode. He made thecall when he received the outgoingUAE Ambassador to Nigeria,Rasheed Aldhaheri, in his office.

Unless urgent steps are taken bythe Nigeria government to place apremium on the lives of Nigeriansliving abroad, cases of hostilities andmurder of Nigerians elsewhere inthe globe will no doubt continueunabated.

Cries out for Justice

•David Mark•President Jonathan

these friends weretotally different fromwhat the police re-port indicated andthis has revealed amost shameful anddisgraceful attemptby the authorities inDubai to shield obvi-ous murder suspectsfrom the long arms

of the law

The sum-mary of theaccounts of

Continues from page 13

14—SA14—SA14—SA14—SA14—SATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguardanguardanguardanguardanguard, MA, MA, MA, MA, MAY 24Y 24Y 24Y 24Y 24, 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014

SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY VanguardVanguardVanguardVanguardVanguard, MAY 24, 2014 — 15, MAY 24, 2014 — 15, MAY 24, 2014 — 15, MAY 24, 2014 — 15, MAY 24, 2014 — 15

16 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014



For more details, contact us at Christ Reality Church, beside Gossard Hotel, opposite First Bank Sports Ground, Community Road, Satellite Town or P.O.Box, 3196, Yaba Lagos. Tel: 08023062635 08168955932; 08033378769. E-mail:[email protected]. Website:

Our account details are Pastor Johnson Omomadia, Guaranty Trust Bank, A/C Nos. 0005171407; Christ Reality Ministries, Zenith Bank A/C 1011711622.Worship with us on Sundays, 1st Service: 745am-9:15am; 2nd Service 9:15-11:30am.Wednesdays Word Revelation 6pm. Counseling days Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 11am-5pm daily or by appointment. Showers of blessing every2nd - 4th Sat. of each month, 6 a.m - 7.15 am.



The visit that wasn’tYou had to be strong not to be

moved by some of the picturesSky News Television beamed to

the world last weekend. They werepictures of young and not so youngfaces contorted by pain and anguish.They were pictures that revealeddashed hopes and despair. And, as themoving camera rolled on, they werepictures that depicted poverty amidstwidespread destruction in the nooksand crannies of the village. They werepictures of mothers longing to see theirabducted daughters. They were picturesof Chibok. And in more ways than one,they were pictures of Nigeria.

The young women spoke in theirnative language and the interpreterscould have made a better job of it. Yet,in spite of that, they eloquentlyconveyed their message. The messagethat they were grieving for theirchildren who had been abducted overa month ago; children whose abductorsthey know, whose whereabouts they canguess but are powerless to do anythingabout. The message that their countrywhich they once regarded as mightyand powerful now lies prostrate anddemystified, unable or unwilling torescue their girls. The message thatthese children, innocent till about amonth ago, are now going throughuntold horrors and beingforced ‘to grow up’ bytheir ruthless abductors.The words they uttereddidn’t need to beinterpreted. The freeflowing tears came fromdeep their grieving souls.They didn’t hide underexpensive glasses anddidn’t need fancifulhandkerchiefs to dab. Amother ’s anguish is amother ’s anguishwhether you are apeasant or a princess, aDame Patience of Nigeria or a QueenVictoria of U.K.

As the camera rolled on to show thedevastation in the village, you wereshown other things you would rathernot see because of the embarrassment.You were shown poverty, you wereshown neglect, you were shown acomplete absence of facilities-recreational or commercial. And youwondered at the quality of life of thesevillagers. Even a rural village lifedoesn’t have to be this forlorn. We wholive in the cities, we who have fancyrestaurants, cinemas, and night clubsto relieve our stress, we who havechrome finished offices and mahoganydesks where we work, we who guzzlechampagne and fly executive jets, andmoan at NEPA but have powerfulgenerators to provide light, we who livein state- of- the-art homes and send ourchildren to state-of-the-art schools,should be highly embarrassed at thepictures of Chibok and the manyChiboks that are dotted all over thecountry. What are the StateGovernments doing? What areindigenous elites who have made gooddoing to help their kith and kin? Povertyleads to desperation and idle handssoon become the devil’s workshop.

Chibok people need help. First and

foremost, they need to have theirdaughters back alive. Then they needsecurity and a better quality of life.Right now, they need sympathy; theyneed empathy. These, along withpresidential assurances, are what MrPresident would have provided had hebeen courageous and humane enoughto visit the grieving souls. He neededthe courage to confront the plethora ofbad advisers who surround him andwho told him it was unnecessary andunsafe to go to Chibok. General Gowononce said there are no bad leaders butbad advisers. Our President has themaplenty; people who will strip him withwords and fawning adulation and pushhim naked to the market place to dance.One of them was quoted as sayingChibok is a war zone forgetting thatthose who live there are Nigerians whohave allegiances to the country and areowed obligations by the government.Besides, what manner of a Commander-In- Chief would shy away from a warzone?

The President did not help matterswhen he said what was important wasto rescue the girls and his visitingChibok would not bring the girls back.Mr President; soothing, caring wordsare always important. When you visityour bereaved cronies in different partsof the country, it is not to bring the dead

back but to identify withthe bereaved. We alleviatepain when we show thatwe care. This is a lesson Idon’t think any body whoputs himself up for publicservice needs to be taught.It is your duty as Presidentto visit Chibok and consoleyour people. It is the dutyof your security outfit toprotect you. It is thatsimple. Unfortunately, welionise our leaders to theextent that they don’t feel

obliged to us. An ex President onceshouted in a fit characteristic anger;‘shut up. I don’t have to be here’ inanswer to an uncomfortable questionwhen he visited the poor victims of theIkeja cantonment explosion. We shouldnot have allowed him to get away withthat kind of attitude. We should nothave given President Jonathan aprecedent.

The whole Chibok affair has beenbadly handled by the presidency fromthe beginning. First, they doubted ifany abduction really took place. Thenthey could not, even independently,ascertain the exact number of theabducted girls. Then we heard nothingfrom the Presidency for two weeks untilthe world cried out and put pressureon them. The final blow was thePresident’s refusal to visit the over 200anguished parents and the many moredisplaced families; even as a publicrelations gesture.

The rest of the world can see that thePresident needs help. The place to startis from the members of his inner caucuswho are leading him along theundesirable path of isolation anddisgrace. His public image at home andabroad is in tatters. His leadershipqualities are being questionedeveryday. And it is largely down to histeam.

The rest ofthe worldcan seethat thePresidentneeds help

No situation is hopelesswith God (II)Your case is not hopeless and God

will definitely do something aboutit.

My brother, sister, friend, open yourarms and receive help from God today.He is a very present help in time of trou-ble. Wipe away your tears and forgetabout the pains of yesteryears for yourchange has come through the word of theLord. Say it, believe it, act itand you will soon testify it. Itwill not be long and you willstart singing sweet songs ofpraise and worship to Him.

You are not the only per-son who sometimes feels asif your case is the worst, as ifthings can never get any bet-ter. Friends and family mem-bers who seem to care mayhave taken you to so manyplaces; maybe to native doc-tors, false prophets, this bankor that financial institution.But instead of things gettingbetter, they get worse. Fromhuman standpoint, a personwho has done all these but got no solu-tion should likely surrender to fate andsing the popular tune, what is gonna begonna be. You may be so pressed anddefeated that you would begin to thinkthat it is your destiny and that it may behow God wants things to be. This is nottrue. Your present challenge or situationis not your destiny. It is not your end. It isnot how God has designed your life to be.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, I know thethoughts that I think toward you, saiththe Lord, thoughts of peace, and not ofevil, to give you an expected end.

So, you can now see clearly the devilhas been deceiving you. God has a goodplan for you. This is why I am confidentto tell you that you are coming out fromwhatsoever predicament you may be intoright now.

If you look closely at 3 John 1:2, youwill discover that it is the will of God foryou to “…prosper, and be in health, evenas your soul prospereth”. If this is nothappening in your life, you have everyright to reject it right now. How do youreject it? Submit yourself under the mightyhand of God, resist the devil and he willflee from you. Plug into God’s will and

see His mighty hand in your life. Hishands are not shortened that they can-not save. Stop complaining that there isno remedy for your situation. There is adependable solution. No matter how badyour case may look or how impossible itmay seem, God has appeared on thescene. Absolutely, nothing is too hardfor God to do. Now, hear the word of the

Lord: You shall break forthin the North, in the South,in the East and in theWest. In the seats of pow-ers, doors will be openedunto you because yourseason of favour hascome. I sense it strong inmy spirit that the word ofthe Lord has come to you,to change your situationfor good

In Mark 5, you will finddifferent people whosecases were special andhopeless. There was nophysical help for them.

There was absolutely no way they couldcome out of their situation with the helpof men but Sovereign God turned theirsituation around.

First, we have the case of the man whowas demonized with legions of demons.No one could come near him or bringdeliverance to him. Men were afraid ofhim and none could get close to him. Hecould not help himself and no man couldhelp him. But when Jesus came into thescene, the man’s hopeless conditionchanged. According to the bible, whenthe people came to Jesus, they saw theman that was possessed with the devil,the man demonized with legions of de-mons, the man that people were afraidto go near to, sitting down, clothed, andin his right mind. They were afraid.

Let me prophesy to you that fromhenceforth, the divine deliverance andrestoration that God is bringing across toyou will cause your enemies to be afraid,in Jesus name.

The second case was that of the wom-an with issue of blood for twelve years.Having spent all she had, she grewworse instead of better. All her efforts toget well proved abortive, her wealth were

spent and yet no solution was insight. But when she heard of Jesus,something inside her rose up andshe knew that her solution has come.When she came in contact with Jesusby touching the helm of His garment,her hopeless situation changed, herlife threatening sickness dried up andshe received life. I curse that termi-nal sickness in your body, in the bodyof your child or your loved ones todry up in Jesus name, for by thestripes of Jesus you were healed.Therefore rise up from that bed andwalk. The spirit of God is availableto quicken your mortal body. Forevery movement you make, for ev-ery step you take, the supernaturalpower and the grace of God will beimparted into you until wholeness isfully restored in your life and body.

Our present chal-lenge or situationis not your desti-ny. It is not yourend. It is not howGod has designedyour life to be

SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY VanguardVanguardVanguardVanguardVanguard, MAY 24, 2014—17, MAY 24, 2014—17, MAY 24, 2014—17, MAY 24, 2014—17, MAY 24, 2014—17

18—SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

STAYING IN GOING OUTVolunteer: Volunteer to help in yourlocal area. There are always organiza-tions that need an extra pair of hands tohelp out with something. Not only doesit feel great to invest energy into help-ing other people, you get to meet andwork with other fantastic, helpful peoplelike yourself!

Sexy upcoming actress andex-beauty queen, PeggyEnoho Ovire talks abouther life as an actress,model, fashionista and

much more.My name is Ovire Peggy Enoho.I’m a Nollywood actress, model andfashion enterpreneur from Deltastate, Urhobo precisely. I won MissGalaxy International Nigeria pag-eant in 2007 and I’m also an exMiss Tourism Delta. I run a fashionbusiness, Hugs Couture. I joinedNollywood in 2013. So far, I’ve doneeight movies namely ‘Best of En-emies’ ‘Troubled King’, ‘Unknown’,‘Worst of Friends’, ‘Worst Sin’ andso on. My first movie was ‘Best ofEnemies’.My experience in the industry so farhas been fun, though I just got backfrom the New York Film Academy. Idecided to go into acting becauseI’ve always loved acting and I wasgiven a platform to act and I did. Igot into Nollywood through afriend, a very good friend of minewho is into acting. She’s been therefor a couple of years and so she toldsomeone about me and that washow I started.My first time on stage was different.It was strange acting with peoplewho were good at it, but I knew itwas what I wanted. I was bit on theedge, but after one scene, I feltmore relaxed and everything wentwell. I haven’t had any challengingrole yet . I’m still waiting for it. I

have worked with top actresses likeMercy Johnson, Tonto Dike andmany others.Basically, I just hope that the Nige-rian movie industry gets bigger andbetter, because we are still growing.I’ve heard a lot about sexual harass-ment in Nollywood, though Ihaven’t witnessed it. In Nollywood,I look up to Rita Dominic, I want tobe like her. I also like Uche Jombo.I love the male actors in the indus-try, they are very talented. As longas the actor is good, I’d want towork with him, but that’s the limitfor me, I wouldn’t date any of them.As regards my childhood, everymoment of my life spent whilegrowing up was beautiful and verymemorableI’m a friendly and calm person,though sometimes I like to stayindoors, keep to myself and if I’mout, I go out with friends, havedrinks and watch movies.Personally, I feel fashion is how youfeel and how you want to be ad-dressed. I love fashion and people

know that they can’t catch me not gettingit right. Fashion is not a display ofwealth, it’s just another way to expresshow you feel and how you want peopleto see you. One fashion accessory I loveso much is shoes.I studied Banking and Finance atAmbrose Alli University. I left banking foracting because I’m an entertainer. I love

Cook: We all got to eat. Look up some recipes online. There areplenty of things you can cook which are much easier than youthink. Try bannock, it’s the easiest bread you can bake: 3 cups offlour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, add enough water to make athick dough. Chuck the whole lot into a frying pan over lowheat. Flip it when the base is done. All-in-all it takes about 40minutes. You can make it more interesting by adding fruit to themix.

the entertainment industry, Idon’t want to work in a bank.Few years from now, I hope tosee myself up there, be abetter actress and be able totouch lives with what I do. Idon’t want to be the girl withthe pretty face who can’t doanything. I just want toimpact in people’s lives.Though I’m still single, I’mfine with my male admirers.We get along, we’re friends.Even if they come with anulterior motive, by the time,they meet me, they changetheir minds because I makeeverybody my friend. It hasnever been a problem for me.When I want to relax, I travel.I love to travel to see theworld as much as I can. I loveto watch movies too, so I go tosee movies at cinemas andmost times at home. Though Idon’t drink alcohol, I go outwith my friends and we justgist.

I don’t wantto be the girl

with the prettyface who can’tdo anything. I

just want toimpact in peo-

ple’s lives.

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014 — 19


20 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

With Florence Amagiya

Just like the glamourassociated in her videos,Tiwa Savage and husband

Tunji Balogun spared no cost insetting tongues wagging withtheir classy wedding that tookplace in Dubai. It had all thetrappings of an A-class weddinganywhere in the world.Personalities that graced theoccasion and the generalrazzmatazz were a sight tobehold. It was indeed an eventthat would remain indelible notonly in the minds of the questsbut also the entertainmentindustry for a long time to come.

Tiwa Savage

34 years old, Tiwatope SavageBalogun is a Nigerian singer,songwriter, recording artist,

performer and model. She iscurrently signed to Sony ATV MusicPublishing and Mavin Records. Shesings in English and Yoruba. The graduate of BusinessAdministration from the University ofKent has performed on stage withSting, 50 cent, Black Eyes Peas,Eminem, Robbie Williams andDestiny’s Child, to name a few.Recently, the ‘Eminado’ held a highsociety wedding in far away Dubai,the United Arab Emirate. Thewedding is still being talked aboutas it was held in the most expensivehotel in the emirates.Tiwa’s white wedding was done onthe 26th of April, 2014; on herwedding day, she and her beaucame out in beautiful, flamboyantwedding attires as they exchangedtheir vows in an outdoor ceremony,which was followed by a lavishreception and an after-party at theArmani Hotel in Burj Khalifa inDubai where the couple lodged.


Burj Khalifa is a 7 star hoteland about the most

expensive hotel in Dubai. Thehotel has some other hotels init like the Armani hotel wherethe couple lodged. The lowestroom per night is the deluxedouble room and its price isbetween seventy fivethousand, four hundred andeighty nine naira and eightythousand naira vat excluded(N75, 489- N80, 000); thedouble classic is between N80,000- N90, 000 vat excluded,the premier suit is betweenN110, 000-N120, 000 pernight vat excluded. Thefountain suit room in the hotelgoes for N140, 000-N150, 000vat excluded.


Savage wedding gownwas designed by

popular New York basedAmerican designer andformer figure skater, VeraWang. She is known forher wide range of hautecouture bridesmaid gowns,perfumes and weddinggown collections, as well.The least price of her bridalgowns goes for about$1500-$2500. She designsfor the rich and mightyaround the world.

CAKESThe couple spent N2m for

the making and designing ofthe cakes

Untoldstoryof TiwaSavagemultimillionnairawedding!

Untoldstoryof TiwaSavagemultimillionnairawedding!

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014 — 21

ROLL CALLPresent at Tiwa Savage’s wedding in Dubai were Nigerian super stars including the Mavin Records

crew led by Don Jazzy, Eku Edewor, Toke Makinwa, Toolz, DJ Xclusive, Kaffy, N6, Designers BridgetAwosika, BBA house mate, Vina, Toju Foyeh, Eme Boss, Banky W who was also the best man, TundeDemuren, Seyi Shay, Lola Omotayo-Okoye, Tiwa’s chic friends, Millen Magese, Remi Fagbohun,Joyce Jacob, Tania Omotayo and Rita Dominic and others.


Mai Atafo custom made TunjiBalogun’s (TeeBillz) wedding

suit. He also designed Banky W bestman’s suit. Mai Atafo is one of themost recognized and sought afterdesigners in the industry today; hegoes by the name of Mai Atafo. Hespecializes in suits for men andglamorous red carpet dresses forladies.


And one of the highlights of this fabulouswedding was when MAVIN Records

CEO, Don Jazzy gave the couple a brandnew Prado SUV which cost him a whoopingsum of $100,000 as their wedding gift! DonJazzy blue suit was designed by TaryorGabriel. He sampled one of the originalpieces of Giorgio Armani shoes. A RollsRoyce took the show man to the weddingvenue.

WEDDING INVITATION CARDThe Fuchsia and gold coloured invitation card camewith small access cards for entry into the venue, allpacked in a beautifully designed paper bag. Therewere 500 pieces in the whole costing an average ofN5000 per card and pack.

VENUEThe event was planned by Private events plannerknown as Elblion Aisiem which cost the couple awhooping sum of N6m, the event venue cost thecouple about N3.5m.

ENGAGEMENTHer engagement band alone is $2,000.

DECORATIONThe decoration for the venue is N2m.

MUSICIANKing Sunny Ade’s performance fee was N5m.

MCThe MC was paid N1m.

SECURITY FOR THE WEDDINGSecurity fee cost the couple the sum of N500, 000.

FOOD AND REFRESHMENTFood and refreshment cost the couple about N5m.

22— SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

By AYO ONIKOYI, 08052201215

Sharon Marley, daughter of latereggae legend, Bob Marley has

married Ghanaian musician, EkowAlabi Savage. The couple werejoined as man and wife penultimateTuesday in Accra, Ghana.

Present at the occasion were Dr.Erica Bennet, Ambassador for theDiasporan African Forum (DAF),who represented the bride’s mother,Rita Marley, Daddy Bosco,administrator of Music Union ofGhana (MUSIGA). It would be thefirst time any of the Marleydescendants would be marryinganyone from Africa.

Bob Marley’sdaughter Sharon,marries Ghanaiansinger

King Wasiu Ayinde Mashalhas released a new album

State of the Nation, in whichmajor part of the album wasdedicated to the Awujale of Ijebuland who celebrated his 80th

birthday a couple of weeks ago.The new album produced by his

new music company, Fuji Repetefeatures his children; Honey Band Musty, Alhaja Salawa Abeni,Musiliu Haruna-Ishola and hotrapper, King Badoo himself,Olamide.

KWAM 1 featureschildren, Olamidein new album

Comedians are meant to be funny, right? Yes, the stand-up comedians dominating Nigeria’s humourbusiness landscape are funny quite alright on stage, but very serious in business. With assets runninginto billions of naira, they are light years apart from the past crops of old comedians who wait on people

for meager rations of life. They may look funny and unserious, but they are cavorting to the bank and living theirdreams. Ali Baba, the father of stand-up comedians in Nigeria, aptly captured in words, the profitability of comedybusiness when he said: “comedy is a funny business, a very big business.”

After a careful study of the careers of these successful comedians, Showtime came to the conclusion that a numberof them are outstanding. Here are the top 10 in this branch of entertainment in terms of their assets, the moneythey charge per show, the various products or corporate endorsements they did, and their established brands fromwhich they make steady income.

ALIBABA:With over thirty years of perform-

ing on stage and hosting events foralmost all Nigeria’s former presi-dents and the present one, Ali Babasits at the apex. Even PresidentOlusegun Obasanjo once jokinglyaccused him of being overpaid forhis performance. His Lekki mansionwhere he lives is said to be worthmore than N300 million alone.

Alibaba makes his money througha chain of businesses in Lagos: as areputed motivational speaker, aprofessional comedian patronised byalmost all the big brands andpolitical bigwigs in the country. Hisnet worth is estimated to be over 3billion naira. It is estimated that heperforms in a minimum of twoevents weekly at an average rate of4 to 4.5million naira per event. Thatwould add up to about 400 millionnaira per annum!

BASKETMOUTH:He has been associated with many

companies, signing different en-

10 Richest Nigerian com and their sources of wea

dorsement contracts in the last sixyears. He also has an impressivelist of branding deals with AmstelMalta, Globacom Ltd. and a hostof others. With his sold-out showsin South African, London, andeven in far away America, and onhis Basketmouth Uncensoredplatform, the comedian has beenso consistent since he came tolimelight. His assets are estimat-ed to be worth 2 billion naira. Hisannual income may be in excessof 192 million, while endorsementdeals run into over 120 millionannually. His international show,Basketmouth Uncensored, rakesin an estimated 100million naira.This artiste makes over 360million annually.

I GO DYE:United Nations Millennium

Developmental Goal Ambassador,Amb. Francis Agoda, fondlycalled I Go Dye is the C.E.O ofRevamp Construction Company,a property, real estate and road

Construction Company. Anestimate of his annual incomestands between 350 and500million naira, while his networth is valued at over 2 billionnaira. With properties in choiceareas across Nigeria, and fleetof luxury cars, he is the man tobeat. He also has a specialperforming relationship withalmost all the governors in thecountry. His business empire isincreasing every day. Presently,he is constructing a bottle watercompany, Franstel NaturalBottle Water.

JULIUS AGWU:He made over 20 million

naira alone from the launch ofhis book when he turned 40.He has properties scattered allover the country, a state-of-the-art audio and video studio, andmore political affiliates thanany other comedian.

For over a decade now, JuliusAgwu has been organising two




SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014 — 23


The raging rumour that OmowumiMegbele and Flavour don’t see

eye to eye any longer, has been putto bed by Omowumi’s manager,Sunday Are, who said the two Gloambassadors are as close to eachother as before. According to himthe rumour has been peddled bypeople who wanted to break theclose bond between the singers.

The rumour had it that Omowumihad stopped Flavour fromperforming her song “Bottom Belle”

Manager debunksclash betweenOmowumi andFlavour

whichoffendedFlavour andmade himtauntOmowumi ofnot beingthe originalsinger of thesong.


Ifeoma Umeokeke, fiancée ofJude Okoye, elder brother of

the P-Square music duo, hasgrabbed an endorsement with acream company.

The model-cum-beauty queenwill appear in a televisioncommercial of Soul Mate haircream alongside Hafiz ‘Saka’Oyetoro and Ure Scott Kalu.

Jude Okoye’sfiancée, bagsnew deal!


events: Crack Your Ribs andLaugh for Christ Sake. He isreputed to own properties in 3states in Nigeria, and is also theC.E.O of Real Laff EntertainmentCompany which is an eventmanagement firm. His perfor-mance fee is between 2 to 3millionnaira per event, and his annualtake-home is estimated at 180mil-lion while his personally organ-ised events are estimated to beabout 140 million annually. Hisnet worth is valued to be 1.5billion naira.

AY:Since his foray into this money

making business, he has risenfaster than anticipated with aperformance fee that is between 1and 2 million naira per event,while his A.Y Live events organ-ised annually rakes in 160 millionannually. He is said to be earning280 million naira annually. His networth is put at 800 million naira.He is also working on his MVPclub and also runs an eventcompany. He also has fleets ofcars and properties at Lekki areain Lagos.

Gbenga Adeyinka : No comediananchors more events than himpresently. He is constantly busyand a top choice with politicians.He has properties and severalbusiness interests besides hisLaffmattaz which is always a sold-

out show with more than 5000people in attendance every year.

GBENGA ADEYINKA:No comedian anchors more

events than him presently. He isconstantly busy and a top choicewith politicians.He has propertiesand several business interestsbesides his Laffmattaz which isalways a sold out show with morethan 5000 people in attendanceevery year

OKEY BAKAASI: He anchors upscale events

steadily and must have made hugemoney from politics too as SeniorSpecial Assistant on entertainmentin Imo State. He has a mansion inImo State and Canada.

TEE-A: A highly gifted wedding MC,

he has equipment and an eventscompany. He anchors mainlyheightened events and also doesprivate businesses

BOVI:He has made a lot of money

lately from events, adverts andtours. He is probably the hottestkid right now.

YAW:Yaw is into the big league with a

choice property in Lagos. He alsomakes money from MTN adverts,radio presentations, radio hypes,anchoring events, equipmentleasing and other businesses.





0811181302224 — SATURDAY 24 — SATURDAY 24 — SATURDAY 24 — SATURDAY 24 — SATURDAY VanguardVanguardVanguardVanguardVanguard, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014

Nollywood storms PH for Children’s Day

Battle forBattle forBattle forBattle forBattle forAMAAAMAAAMAAAMAAAMAA’s’s’s’s’ movie stars invadeYenagoa today

THE sleepy, but oil-richcity of Yenagoa, the

Bayelsa State capital is bound toreverberate this evening asAfrican film makers and starsgather there again for thisyear ’s edition of theprestigious Africa Movie andAcademy Award, AMAA.

Already, the city is bubblingwith life even as tension,anxiety and expectations arethick in the air.

This year ’s AMAA,whichattracts a galaxy of celebritiesand stars in the African movieindustry, unlike the previouseditions, promises to be excitingand superlative. The event isalso packaged to mark theacademy’s 10th year ofcelebrating African culturalheritage and creativity in grandstyle.

As remarked by Mrs. EbiziNdiomu Brown, DirectorGeneral, Bayelsa State TourismDevelopment Agency, thisyear’s awards night will beunique and special in severalways because the agencyintends to use the occasion toshowcase the rich culturalheritage and promote thetourism and investmentopportunities in the state.

“This is the tenth year BayelsaState is hosting AMAA, and thatmeans we will go the extra mileto ensure that we put togethera grand ceremony which willremain a reference point in theentertainment industry inNigeria,” Brown said.

Brown also reiterated the factthat this year’s event is beingbankrolled by the public sectorand some individuals who sharein the vision of Governor HenrySeriake Dickson in transformingBayelsa State into a tourismhaven .

Interestingly, top contendersfor this year’s awards are twoSouth African films, “Of GoodReport” and “The ForgottenKingdom”,which showedstrength of dominance, asevident in the academy’snomination list released lastmonth. The two films wouldcontend with Nigeria’s“Accident”, “Potomanto”(Ghana), and “Children ofTroumaron” (Mauritius) for theBest Film diadem at a ceremony,which holds at the newly

STAR actor and host of popular reality TVshow, MTN Project Fame, Joseph Benjamin

will lead other Nollywood stars including OCUkeje, Mercy Aigbe, Tamara Eteimo, Alex Ekuboand Yomi Fash Lanso to Port Harcourt, RiversState capital on Tuesday, May 27, beingChildren’s Day, for a reading and mentoringsession as part of activities lined up for the 2014Best of Nollywood(BON)awards which will behosted by the Rivers State government.

Also, on the train are President of the ActorsGuild of Nigeria, Ibinabo Fiberesima, DayoAmusa, Laitan Ogungbile and Sylva Oluchi.

The executive producer, BON awards, SeunOloketuyi said, “The celebrity reading sessionwith secondary school students is part of activitiespreceding the BON awards billed to hold inOctober. The chosen celebrities are past winnersand nominees of the BON awards with theexception of Ms Fiberesima who is the Presidentof AGN. We look forward to an exciting time withthe kids in Port Harcourt on Children’s Day.”

According to Joseph Benjamin, “I am abeneficiary of mentorship from people that Iadmire in the industry and beyond. So, at anypoint in time that I am called upon to mentoryoung ones or impart my success nuggets onthose who look up to me, I do so. For me, theBON awards’ reading and mentoring session area veritable platform to continue in my self-appointed mission to be a role model to the youngones.

refurbished Dr. GabrielOkara Cultural Centre,Yenagoa.

But besides these topcontenders, someimportant awards thatwould make thedifference in thisyear ’s AMAAbecause of thequality of then o m i n e e sinclude theBest Actorand Actress ina leadingrole; BestDirector, Best African film, BestCinematography and Bestachievement in Visual award.

In the Best Actress category,Nigeria has four nomineesincluding Chioma ChukwukaAkpotha(Accident), ClarionChukwura(Apaye), UcheJombo, Rodriquez, MonalisaChinda and DaniellaOkeke(Lagos Cougar) andUche Nnadili(B for Boy)who

will be contesting for the awardwith their counterparts fromGhana, JoselynDumas(Northern Affair) andLinda Sokhulu (Felix) fromSouth Africa.Also, in the Best Actor

category, Kanayo O.Kanayo(Apaye), JosephBenjamin(Murder At PrimeSuites), will have the star of

South Africa’s “Of Good Report”Mothusi Magano, Ghana’sMajid Michel(BrothersKeeper), AdjateyAnnan(Potomanto) and ZengoNgqobe(Forgotten Kingdom) tobeat. Interestingly, EmemIsong’s three movies, ‘Apaye’,‘Lagos Cougars’ and ‘After TheProposal’ are expected to doNollywood proud at this year’s

AMAA. With six nominations,in the following categories; BestActor, Best Actress, BestProduction Design, BestCostume Design, Achievementin Make Up and Best Nigerianfilm, “Apaye” will be theNigerian film to watch at theawards ceremony.

Meanwhile, organisersyesterday released list ofmusical stars who are billedto perform at the continentalevent. They include, FallyIpupa, Afro hip-hopsuperstar from the DemocraticRepublic of Congo,Nigeriancontemporary higlifesensation, Flavour, Ghanaian4x4 musical group and J-Martins.

Announcing the stars, MrTony Anih, Director ofAdministration of AMAA said,“’As an African brand, AMAAalways parade the best of ourmusical stars and celebritiesto perform and host theawards. We are continuing inthat tradition again.” Theawards which is beingsponsored by Glo, MRS oil,Sterling Bank, BUA Group andFCMB, according to Mr. Anih,will be hosted by former AGNPresident, Segun Arinze,Nigerian-born British actor,LIoyd Nathaniel and Ghana’sNana Asokor.

Also, while the highlights ofthe continental event will beaired on CNN,BBC,Al Jazeeraand Fox News, the Red carpetevent, it has been revealed willbe anchored by Kenya’s MariamKaptuiya, Igantius Annor fromGhana and Nigeria’s John MikeNwadibie among others.Indeed, Yenagoa is literallywearing a green look as majorroads leading to the event venuehave been heavily branded bythe telecommunictaionsgiant,Globacom ahead of thisevening’s show.

*Joselyn Dumas


*Uche Jombo

•Joseph Benjamin

SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY VanguardVanguardVanguardVanguardVanguard, MAY 24, 2014 — 25, MAY 24, 2014 — 25, MAY 24, 2014 — 25, MAY 24, 2014 — 25, MAY 24, 2014 — 25

SINCE the National President of the Screen Writers Guild of Nigeria,SWGN, Chike Bryan wasdiagnosed with kidney-related disease about sixmonths ago, Franca Brownand some of her colleagueshave taken it upon themselvesto solicit financial assistancefor the ailing script writer.

But the veteran actress, whohit the limelight after the roleshe played in the popular soapopera, “Behind the Cloud”, isnot totally happy as shelaments the indifferent attitudedisplayed by Bryan’s relativestowards his health condition.

“It’s a big shame that whileBryan hails from somewhere, hisrelatives are doing nothing toassist him financially,” she said,while in chat with HVP recently.

The actress commended theefforts of some of hercolleagues who have beensupporting the ailing scriptwriter financially.

“Our pray is that God shouldcontinue to keep him alive.That young man deserves tolive. Wherever I am, I alwaystell people that they should notforget him. I commend theefforts of some of mycolleagues who have beensupporting him financially.

South African Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, OutIn Africa (OIA), returns this year after it was closed

down last year due to financial woes. It will hold fromWednesday, May 28 through Sunday, June 1, at CinemaNouveau in Rosebank, Johannesburg and The V&AWaterfront in Cape Town.

The festival, which celebrates the fight againstdiscrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, issupported by the country’s National Film and VideoFoundation, the Goethe-Institute and Graton GuestHouse, 6 Spin Street Restaurant as well as 8333members and 700 MySchool contributors.

HVP gathered that German Director, Jan Soldat willbe in attendance to present his documentaries,“Weekend in Germany” and “The Incomplete.” Soldatinvites audiences to venture behind closed doors witha touching documentary double-bill which explorespeople’s deepest fears and desires.

“Kill Your Darlings” is slated to open the festival. It’sa biopic starring Daniel Radcliffe, who plays the gayBeat poet Allen Ginsberg. Directed by John Krokidas,the film follows the story of a murder investigationinvolving Ginsberg, his classmate Lucien Carr andfellow poet William S. Burroughs.

He’s been sustained in one wayor the other. But it’s a big shamethat he hails from somewhere andup till now, his kinsmen aredoing nothing to assist him. Weare not happy about theirattitude,” the actress lamented.


Franca Brown laments ChikeBryan’s illness

WhWhWhWhWhy I wy I wy I wy I wy I won’t marron’t marron’t marron’t marron’t marry any any any any anactactactactactororororor–––––Ella, Rising actress

Byran who has written thescripts of so many Nollywoodfilms has been down with kidenyrelated ailment for about sixmonths now. His two kidneysreportedly have packed up, andhe needs about N10 million to gofor transplant in India.

Like controversialactress, Tonto Dikeh,

emerging actress UgochiDaniels a.k.a Ella doesn’tthink she could evermarry an actor becauseshe wouldn’t want to be“heart-broken.”

The pretty actress whoworked as an assistantto a costume designerin Jeta Amata’saward-winning film,“Amazing Grace” asan undergraduate atUniversity ofCalabar hasdeclared that shewould never settledown with a fellowthespian because shelikes to save her

drama for the bigscreen.“I cannot befriend or

marry an actor because ofmy kind of person. I am avery emotional person. Idon’t need any drama athome, only on screen. I am

human and I have feelingstoo. I wonder the kind offuture I’m going to havewith my male colleague,”she said. According to her,a lot of things happen on amovie set. “If the handsomeactors do not run after theactresses, the actressesthemselves would run afterthem,” she revealed.

The actress who is basedin Abuja, has featured insome of Nollywood’sbiggest films in the lastthree years. The filmsinclude, “Jealous War ’directed by Iyke Odife, “Cryof a Maiden”, “Nkasi deVillage Fighter ”, and‘Woman Police” which gaveher a breakthrough in theindustry among others.

Ella studied Geology, atthe University of Calabar buthad to follow her dreamwhich is acting. She creditstalented film maker,IykeOdife with giving her thebig break and inspiring hercareer.

South African Gayfestival holds!

This year ’s Children’s Daypromises to be an amazing

experience for children and theirfamilies as Oritsefemi, thespectacular award-winning artistebehind the Number One hit singlein the country ‘Double Wahala’, willbe performing at the eagerly-

Oritsefemi, Nnennafor Children’s Dayshow

anticipated Nnenna andFriends Children’s Day show.

The expected 5,000 guestswould also be treated tomusical performances fromthe exceptional OshadipeTwins and wonderful N-Stars.There will be rib-crackingcomedy by the hilarious MCPrince, MC Shakara, AjeBaba and Nigeria’s youngestcomedian, DesmondOsarobe. Dancers from theelectrifying Universal Creware expected to thrill guests;and of course, Papa Ajasco &Company, Nigeria’s NumberOne Comedy Group will be onhand to spice up the event.

Every member of the familyis sure to go home withunforgettable memories aswell as attractive prizes andgifts, courtesy of numerouscorporate bodies, includingIndomie Noodles, StanbicIBTC, Bobo Drinks, StarTimesDecoders, Beloxxi Biscuits,Aquarite Water, Bigi SausageRoll, Toasties Bread Chipsand others, who havepartnered with the organiserswhich holds on Tuesday, May27, at the National Theatre,Iganmu-Lagos.

‘It’s a big shame that hiskinsmen are not showing





26— SARTURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

How did you come into music?My foray into music was borne out of passion andnot for the fame and glory.

What is your advice to up and coming artisteswho see your consistency as a source of

inspiration?My advice to them is to first ascertainwhat they really want and if they are convinced it ismusic, they must go after it with all their hearts. It isnot about your being sexy or about your looks. Themost important thing in this trade is the talent. Thisis not a career you can pursue without talent. Youcan dazzle for a while but if you don’t have the realtalent you can’t last for very long.

How did you come about doing the theme song“This is Super Story” for the Wale Adenuga’ssitcom ‘Super Story’?I was contracted to sing the song for the sitcom whenit was about coming out. I had always been a fan ofthe comic book so when it was adapted for televisionI was thrilled to be part of it. The song becoming a hitwas due to the popularity of the sitcom, more thananything, I think, and it was something that came atthe time, as a breath of new life and thank God it isnow a classic.

You have strong vocals. What do you do to manageyour voice?My voice is a gift and I treat it as such. I have overthe years, by trial and error, come to know when tosing and when to shut up!

Has there ever been a time when your voice failedyou when you needed it most?Oh gosh, yes, my voice has failed me once or twicedue to overwork but nowadays when my voice is notin good condition I simply don’t sing.

You seem to be one of the oldest artistes in theKennis Music label who has stayed put. What isthe magic?Having been part of the industry in the capacity ofbackup singer to Kenny Saint-Brown and a fewothers, I was priviledged to see first hand the follies ofartistes before me. If your aim is to get money or fameat all cost then you will be a rolling stone that willgather no moss, so I advised myself when I finally gotsigned on, not to make the same mistake. Many wholeft, left because of greed and impatience.

Who is essence on stage and in the music terrain?Essence in the Nigerian music terrain is an artiste

I know when towhen to shut up

Uwale Okoro needs no introduction inthe Nigerian music scene. She is agraduate of Performing Arts from

Delta State University, Abraka. WaleAdenuga soundtrack “This is Super Story”launched her into limelight. Essence asshe is fondly known by her fans andcolleagues has used her sonorous voice todazzle her fans and put smiles on theirfaces as well. In this chat, she talks abouther latest R n B single, her pasttime asevents compere, her ushering outfit andperhaps her launch into standup comedyand many more.Excerpts


Music is muchlike breathing to

me and evenwhen the low

times come, be-cause they al-

ways do, passionand love for mu-sic sustain me.

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—27

If rumour running wild isanything to go by, the highly

publicised romance set to hit thealtar, between Nigerian bornNollywood bad boy, Jim Iyke andhis Ghanian lover, NadiaBuari may have hit therocks. In the last coupleof days rumour hasbeen rife that thecelebrated lovebirdshave gone their sepa-rate ways after themulatto actress, re-portedly couldn’tcope with Jim Iyke’stemper tantrums.There have beenecleptic stories aboutthe lovebirds in thepast and rumours oftheir separation arenot new to their fanswho have heard themmany times rescindand reaffirm their love. The latestrumour could be like the past.Jim Iyke looked set to tie the

Nadia Buari

Nadia BuariNadia BuariNadia BuariNadia BuariNadia Buaribreaks up withbreaks up withbreaks up withbreaks up withbreaks up withJim IykJim IykJim IykJim IykJim Iyke?e?e?e?e?

nuptial some months ago when he proposed tothe actress with a 6-carat gold ring, which theactress gleefully accepted.

The resolve ofCross RiverState-born

sexyactresscumsinger,Ine Aju,a.k.a MissIndependentto change theface of hip-hopmusic in Nigeriaseems to be lookinggood. With the releaseof her hit single, “ Noforming”, which is grad- u-ally becoming every DJ’sfavourite, Miss Indepen-dent certainly has an aceto play.Speaking on thesingle and why shehas decided to dumpacting for music, theDiploma graduatefrom Benue StateUniversity said,“Music has alwaysbeen what I had inmind while growingup. My new track, Noforming is a veryinteresting dance hallmusic which talks about how Ipay my bills. I chose the titlebecause it explains my kind ofperson, I do not form, I do mythings in my own way. I quitacting for music because Iwas not getting the kind ofroles I wanted and also the

Why I dumped acting forWhy I dumped acting forWhy I dumped acting forWhy I dumped acting forWhy I dumped acting formusicmusicmusicmusicmusic-- -- -- -- -- Miss IndependentMiss IndependentMiss IndependentMiss IndependentMiss Independent

constant sexualabuse from produc-ers. I still have plansto go back to actingin a bigger way. Myfans should expectmore singles andnice videos fromme”.

After the successfulrelease of his lastsingle, ‘Who Tell You

Say’ which found its way tothe top music stations inNigeria like Soundcity Top10, among others, award-winning gospel act and Gloambassador, SammieOkposo has droppedanother hit single titled ‘NoWorries, Just Halleluya’.Produced by Charles Duke.The new single is an urban

Sammie Okposo drops singleSammie Okposo drops singleSammie Okposo drops singleSammie Okposo drops singleSammie Okposo drops singlegospel sound that possesseslots of heavy beats and horns.Despite the enormous groovein the song, it still did not failto pass the strong message ofgiving God praise all the timeirrespective of any situationone finds himself. Ever sincethe release of the new singlefew days ago, it has generatedmore than 47, 000 downloads.The UN ambassador, Sammie,continues to raise the bar ofthe gospel music in Nigeria .

The Reggae Rocker crooner, GiddMajipp who was very popular inNigerian reggae music scene

between 2006-2007, is not only back inthe country after his musical tour in faraway South Africa, but also set toreintroduce himself into the industry withhis latest album, Pretty Lady which willsoon hit the market.“I am back for good. I went on a sojourn tolearn more about music. Now, I believe Iknow all that I need to know about thekind of music I do. My album, PrettyLady, eulogises the beauty of an Africanwoman and I believe it will be welcomedeverywhere in Africa as it focuses on thebeauty of Africa as a continent ” he said.

Gidd Majipp returnsGidd Majipp returnsGidd Majipp returnsGidd Majipp returnsGidd Majipp returnswith with with with with Pretty LadyPretty LadyPretty LadyPretty LadyPretty Lady

HKN Boss cum singer, Davido has been nominatedfor this year’s edition of BET award alongside

Mavin’s First lady, Tiwa Savage. The two talentedartistes will go head to head with other African acts forthe award of Best International Act Africa category.BET has announced the nominations for the “BETAwards” 2014. Nominations were announced in 20categories, selected by BET’s Voting Academy,

Davido,Davido,Davido,Davido,Davido,TiwaTiwaTiwaTiwaTiwaSavage goSavage goSavage goSavage goSavage gofor “BETfor “BETfor “BETfor “BETfor “BETAwards”Awards”Awards”Awards”Awards”

comprising of a group ofrespected entertainmentprofessionals in the fields oftelevision, film, music, socialmedia, digital marketing, sportsjournalism, public relations,creative arts and fans.The award has been billed forJune this year at the NokiaTheater in Los Angeles,California. The show will bepremiered on BET Internationalin Africa in July. “This year’snominees represent the best ofthe culture.It’s great to see ourtalented new artiste’s rightalongside our more beloved oneswith long careers,” said StephenHill.

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—2928 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—2928 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014


30 — Vanguard, SATURDAY, May 24 , 2014

SARTURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014 — 31

If a person isafraid to try newthings then thatperson wouldremain a failureor that personwould be missingout on the grow-ing processes thatare expedient toholistic growth.Nevertheless, I amstill going back toR n B. At themoment l have anew single ‘SeeLove’ , an R n Btrack; R n B is mytrue love so lhaven’t left it asmost of my fansare thinking.

You are so down-to-earth. Tell us

that is gaining steady momentum and isgetting better like fine wine.

What are your dreams and aspirations?My dreams and aspiration are to, byGod’s grace, be relevant in my chosenprofession in many years to come and ofcourse make more money.

Let’s talk about your new hit, ‘Face-book Love’. How did you come aboutthat song?’Facebook Love’ was a song gifted to meby God Himself. I prayed for a song thatwould impact on my environmentpositively and God gave it to me.

Having been in the music industry fora long time now, what do you wishcould be changed in the industry tomake it better?What I wish changed is the lackadaisicalattitude towards female artistes. Weneed level playing grounds. Womenshould be given same opportunities andaccorded same rights as men becausewe work as hard as the menfolk, if notharder.

Are you cooking up anything for yourfans soon? What should they be ex-pecting from the Essence collections?I’m working on a reloaded album of mysecond album ‘Essential’. It will featurenew songs and remixes like ‘FacebookLove’ where I featured Neato C and alsoa reply to Goldie’s ‘You Know It’.

What is the next big thing for theEssence brand?The next big thing for Essence is notwhat I can say. Only God knows the ‘bigthing’ He has in store. I always say “Youdon’t force what is not broken”.

What is music to you as a person?Music is much like breathing to me andeven when the low times come, becausethey always do, passion and love formusic sustain me.

Most artistes are coming up with newstage names; do you wish to changeyour stage name anytime soon?I have worked very hard to build thebrand name ‘Essence’ and I don’t knowof any Nigerian artiste laying claim tothat name except myself. Anyone withknowledge of branding knows that it isfoolhardy to change names, especially,when that name has become a brand. Ofcourse, I have right to explore as anartiste, but I do not plan to change myname.

You were an outstanding R n B artiste;especially when you did the award-winning soundtrack for Wale Adenu-ga’s Super Story; why are you doingmore of Hip- hop these days?

sing andp - Essence

a little bit about your family and educa-tional background.I keep hearing I’m down-to-earth. Is thereanother way to behave? Well, I’m just beingme. That’s all. No fuss, no fight! I’m agraduate of Performing Arts from DeltaState University, Abraka and the last ofseven children from Delta State. Itsekiri bytribe and a true Niger Deltan!

Naturally, as an entertainer it is expectedthat you diversify into other areas of thetrade, are we expecting anything like thatsoon from you?Diversification is necessary in any industryand the entertainment industry is no excep-tion. Watch out for different facets of thebrand Essence. I do have an usheringoutfit, I compere events, I have a proposedtelevision show in the works, aside thefashion show I was working on which iscurrently on hold. As for comedy, I think linfuse that into my MC thing, which is onlypastime thing for me now, but there is nosaying I might not take it up full timesometime soon.

Do you think you are using your strongvocal to the best effect?I honestly think everybody has more to themthan they are offering and my prayer is forGod to grant me the grace to keep doingwhat I do and evolve as music evolves andthereby give more and more of myself as theyears go by.

You have been long in this industry al-though you are very young; how wouldyou score the Nigerian entertainmentindustry as against other music industriesacross the world?As a stakeholder in the entertainmentindustry I hope for every branch to exhibit ahigh standard of professionalism and not asa ‘molue’ that everyone sees as a free vehicle

to hang on to, without paying their fares toget to their destination. If we don’t takeourselves seriously no one will.

What is your favourite food and drink?My favourite food is fried rice and chickenplus salad and of course, a bottle of Coca-Cola!

32—SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

In some circles, fertility reatmentis perceived as waste of money.However, this argument, which

is usually based on the belief that thebusiness bearing children is afundamental human right, will notstand the test of time.

Fertility treatment should beavailable on public-oriented healthinsurance schemes just like in theadvanced countries. The kind ofscheme would be one that is not onlymore equitable, but more widelyapplicable.

The underlying principle of healthinsurance is that people should nothave to pay in order to enjoy goodhealth. The argument then shifts towhether infertility isan illness or merely an obstacle to alifestyle choice.Although the initial emphasis ofhealth insurance was aimed attaking care of the more serious life-threatening conditions, the servicehas long since moved beyond the so-called narrow a definition of health.Admittedly, the original idea shouldretain the higher priority as wecannot overlook the recognition thatgood health is much more than themere avoidance of illness. Muchpreventive medicine, these days, is amatter of encouraging people tofollow certain lifestyles rather thanothers. For instance, mental healthmay have a lower priority in thehealth insurance scheme than itdeserves because of the oftenunspoken prejudice that mentalillnesses are “all in the mind”, but noone would now argue that psychiatryshould be available only to thosewho can afford it privately.It is difficult to draw an easilydemarcated line between makingpeople healthier and making themhappier. For most purposes, a healthyindividual should be a happyindividual. So why should somethinglike assisted conception initiativesnot be approved on the healthinsurance scheme if the miseryoccasioned by it on an individual isgreat enough?

It is understandable how theproblem of defining wellbeing, andtherefore the legitimate objectives ofthe health scheme, could temptpolicy-makers to restrict the healthinsurance scheme to dealing withkiller diseases and accidents andemergencies, while looking toprivate insurance for the so-calledlifestyle treatments, of which fertilitywould always be described as one.For many couples facing infertility;time is already not on their side. Thiscoupled with the extended andprolonged waiting period for fertilitytreatments has left many couplesfrustrated and searching for answers.In that amount of time you might aswell try your luck the old fashionway.

Even then, unlike in the UK forinstance where the Human EmbryoFertilisation Authority is the mainbody which oversees and regulatesfertility clinics and also providesinformation on licensed clinics, inthis country, there are no governmentfunded initiatives for infertilitytreatment, only private fertilityclinics are available to provide therequired service, and they can bepricey.Assisted fertility treatment does not

areas, deciding on fertilitytreatment is extremelydifficult. Although fertilitytourism offers a cheaperalternative, the quality of caremay be compromised.Weighing the cost of careagainst the time to hold yourprecious baby, is anunfortunate reality in thisworld.With this in mind, it cannotbe right to say that only therich are entitled to fertilitytreatment or that if youcannot have the treatmentthat is right for you becauseyou are unable to pay for it. Infertility may not be life-threatening, but it is amalfunction that can berectified. It is wrong toexclude people from themeans to fulfillment on thebasis of physical difference.

YYYYYou deserou deserou deserou deserou deserve the besve the besve the besve the besve the best ft ft ft ft fererererertility treatmenttility treatmenttility treatmenttility treatmenttility treatment

This is not to argue thatIVF treatment should beavailable on demand.Rather, we could sayargument should be that,much more needs to bedone in spreading the bestpractice of cheapertreatments that ought to betried before procedureslike IVF or ICSI. Ofcourse, there will alwaysbe pressure on resourcesearmarked for health inthis country, and there willalways be the complex andinfinitely contestableranking of priorities inhealth treatments. But thiscan not be enoughargument for abandoninga huge area of health carelike infertility treatment tothe private sector alone tohandle.

•Fertilitytreatmentshould beavailable onpublic-oriented healthinsuranceschemes..

come cheap, but even this shouldnot deny anyone its benefits. Inpractice, private clinics canprovide more options and lesswaiting before treatment isinitiated. Often a consultationappointment can be scheduledwithin the week and treatmentinitiated soon there after. Theusual advice is that whendeciding to go private, it is agood idea to get a cost analysisfrom numerous fertility clinics. Itis also important to ask if the costof drugs is included in the price.If some prices seem much lowerthan others, it may be due to thisdiscrepancy.The bottom line is that waitingfor fertility treatment is one ofthe biggest problems facing thehealth care system. For manycouples especially that withlimited funding in underserved

Infertilitymay not belife-threatening,but it is amalfunctionthat can berectified


Lionel Messi

MinimumMinimumMinimumMinimumMinimumfuss, maxi-fuss, maxi-fuss, maxi-fuss, maxi-fuss, maxi-mum forcemum forcemum forcemum forcemum force

Lionel Messisymbolises thebest of the art of

football around theworld today. At the ageof 25, he attained statusof the most expensivefootballer, andprestigious awards likeThe Footballer of theYear, UEFA Best Playerin Europe and others. Ittakes doggedness,ruggedness anddedication to attain suchlofty potential. Messi’sdiet and workout planblend with his rigorousfootball training topresent the phenomenonhe is. His workoutinvolves a series ofstretching, which is acombination of flexibilityand strength buildingprocess. This includessquat jumps, ropeskipping, hoppinghurdles. After stretching,a few rounds of shortsprint are done by himin order to increase thestamina and then a five-minute run. Theseexercises provide quickmovement of feet inlinear direction withvarying situations andpatterns in the field.Lionel begins withexercises focusing onmovement preparation.These are the pillar skip,forward lunge and multi-directional lunge. Pillarskip is an exercise ofrunning ahead whileraising the feet high inthe air. After this, hedoes a final run of 10minutes before the end.

The above workout plan helpsto deal with enhanced andquick movement of feet andhelp in building up core

strength of a professionalfootballer.

Ten days before a footballmatch, Messi cuts down on

•The most expensivefootballer doing whathe knows best

carbohydratesallowing his bodyto maximizes theblood sugaravailable. The lowcarb protein diet,which includesprotein shakesthree times a day,7-8 glasses of waterto avoiddehydration. Fivedays before afootball match, thediet is replenished

with vegetable soup beforeevery meal. The soupcontains a high amount ofturmeric, chili, corianderand ginger. A day to the

match, in the afternoonMessi takes fish/prawn/chicken with boiledpotatoes plus greenvegetables and an orange.

Six hours before thematch, he takes a nap,avoiding wheat-relatedproducts that can slow himdown. He savoursporridge or combined eggwhite for ideal balance ofproteins andcarbohydrates. Ninetyminutes before the match,Messi prefers to haveseasonal fruits includingbanana, mango, apple,and others rich in fibreand low sugar content.

•Messi’s sumptious diet

Health AdvisoryNot tonight, dear!New research shows that there is actually a

thing such as a sex headache. More womenthan men do indeed suffer from “exertionalheadaches” or “pre-orgasmic headaches,” alsoknown as sex headaches. For the womenafflicted, a dull ache starts building on bothsides of the head and eyes and intensifies asforeplay continues, or sharp pains can suddenlyoccur during the buildup to orgasm. The achescan last anywhere from a few minutes to half anhour. Although undoubtedly a turnoff, sexheadaches are usually harmless. However,women prone to them can pop an analgesic 30minutes before and slow down their sexualactivity at the onset of the headache, or stick toa more passive position or try a less sexysolution. So when next she says: “Not tonightdear, I have a headache,” believe her!

Unmistakable kidney stones symptomsFrequent urge to urinate accompanied by

waves of sharp pain in the back and side orlower abdomen is suspicious of kidney stones.The pain may move toward the groin ortesticles. Nausea and vomiting with ongoingflank pain and blood in the urine are othersymptoms that confirm the diagnosis.Sometimes an infection is also present, and maycause fever and chills, painful urination and/orcloudy or foul-smelling urine. Small kidneystones are able to pass out of the body in theurine - and may go completely unnoticed. Butlarger stones can irritate. Often there are nosymptoms of a kidney stone until it starts tomove and blocks the flow of urine.

You don’t need a daily bowel movementWhat’s “normal” varies from person to person.

Some people go three times a day; others, threetimes a week. Although having a bowelmovement once a day is common, it’s fine to goa few days without one. Constipation means

having fewer than three bowel movementsper week. You’re considered severelyconstipated if you have fewer than onemovement a week. Seek medical help forsudden constipation or constipation thatlasts more than two weeks.

Walking helps kidney patients live longerA minimal amount of walking - just once

a week for less than 30 minutes isbeneficial for kidney disease patients.Walking regularly as a common form ofexercise helps kidney disease patients livelonger, and also cuts the odds they needdialysis or a kidney transplant. Studiesshow that the more patients walk, thegreater the benefits. The difference is dueto walkers being healthier than the non-walkers, but even with other health issues,many kidney patients able to walk forexercise, are associated with improvedpatient survival and a lower risk ofdialysis.

Alcohol is a tonic and a poisonAlcohol can be either a tonic or a poison.

The difference lies in the type of alcohol beingconsumed (e.g. red wine versus liquor), theamount and frequency of consumption, andthe genetic predisposition of the persondrinking it. No matter the type, moderation iskey. Alcohol is unique in the list of worstdrinks for the body because excessive alcoholconsumption not only leads to physicalproblems, it can cause mental and emotionalhealth issues as well. The physical healtheffects alone include liver disease, cancer,diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure,impotence, dementia, and more. Any healthbenefit received from drinking alcohol, suchas the heart-healthy benefits of consuming redwine, can be achieved by substituting grapejuice, pomegranate juice, or other healthyfruits in the diet. So, it is best to skip thealcohol altogether.

SpicyNo food poisoningwith garlicWhile garlic is a

common flavouring infood, scientists havesuggested that itmight have a role asa food additive toprevent foodpoisoning. There issome evidence thatfresh garlic, but notaged garlic, can killcertain bacteria suchas E. coli, antibiotic-resistantStaphylococcusaureus, andSalmonella enteritidisin the laboratory.

Garlic produces achemical calledallicin which makes itwork for certainconditions and also tosmell.

Best known as aflavouring for food,over the years, garlichas been used as amedicine to preventor treat a wide rangeof diseases andconditions. It is usedfor many conditions

related to the heart and bloodsystem. These conditionsinclude high blood pressure,high cholesterol, coronatyheart disease, heart attack,and hardening of thearteries.Some people use garlic toprevent cancers. Garlic hasbeen tried for treating anenlarged prostate cancer, andpreventing and treatingbacterial and fungalinfections. There are thosewho apply garlic oil to theirskin to treat fungalinfections, warts, and corns.There is some evidencesupporting the topical use ofgarlic for fungal infectionslike ringworm.

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—33

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

34—SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

Jeans fJeans fJeans fJeans fJeans for all body typeor all body typeor all body typeor all body typeor all body typeJeans are an essential in every woman’s wardrobe. But with

jeans being so popular, there are so many different cuts andstyles of denim on the market that shopping for your perfect paircan feel like an overwhelming exercise. If you’re confused byall the choices out there, it’s time to narrow down the choicesand get back to basics. Once you know which cuts and styles


Stay away fromjeans without

stretch, you need itto help jeans followyour curves andavoid gapping at thewaist. If you love thelook of skinny jeans,go ahead and trythem, but look for astyle that’s slim-fitting rather thantight, and avoid anywith whiskering orfading at the hips(this can widen yourbody visually).


Lighter denimwashes draw

attention to yourlarger lower body.Stick to slimmingdark wash jeansinstead. Alsokeep an eye onback pocket size.Larger pocketsflatter an amplebehind, whilesmaller onesmake your rearlook bigger.

PLUS SIZEcropped stylescan make yourlegs look stumpy,so pay attentionto pant length;you need jeansthat skim thefloor, to give yourlegs a longerlook. When itcomes to fit, avoidboth low-risejeans that giveyou a muffin top,and high-waistedstyles thataccentuate yourbelly. A classic,mid-rise style willwork best on you.

BOY SHAPEIf your body is

straight up anddown, stay awayfrom styles withwider hems.Watch the rise,too, you’ll wantto shop for alower rise jean toadd curves toyour hips andbehind, and stayaway from too-high waists thatyour body canget lost in.

TALL BODYYou may want to

skip super skinnydenim styles, aswell as relaxedboyfriends. Astraight or bootcutsilhouette is reallythe most flatteringto bring attention toyour long legs. Ifyou wear croppedjeans in warmerweather, avoidankle-length pairs— these can looklike you bought thewrong length ofjean — and go fora mid-calf length.


While slim-fitting jeansare flatteringon you, do stayaway fromskinny jeans orany style withsuper-taperedhems. Alsoavoid croppedjeans (cut atthe ankle orabove), whichmake petitelegs look evenshorter.








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suit your body type, it’s easier to shop for the jeanthat’s perfect for you. We’ve got your go-to guide tothe best jeans for every body type, plus suggestionsfor brands and styles to try.

SASASASASATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguardanguardanguardanguardanguard, , , , , MAY 24, 2014—35 2014—35 2014—35 2014—35 2014—35

The female breasts, also knownas “the twins” or “the girls”,have remained the most

conspicuous and attractive feature ofthe female sexual organ. Perhaps, itsstrategic positioning and functionadds to its importance in the life of awoman. Besides the age longbiological function of the breasts as asource of food and nourishment forbabies, the breast is also amajor source of sexualattraction for the malespecie, just as it is also akey sexual organ for thewoman, highly sensitive tostimulation. The fact thatthey come in various shapesand sizes, further add totheir uniqueness andendearing place in ourhearts as humans.

As a sexual organ, thebreasts have been known togive immense pleasure toboth men and womenduring sexual encounters. In fact,some women have reportedlydisclosed that they are capable ofachieving orgasm even whenthoroughly stimulated throughsucking and caressing of the breastsalone. Though, because of thishighly sensitive nature, somewomen find it very uncomfortable oreven painful to submit their twingirls to constant sexual manipulationof any kind.

Interestingly, men are constantly

drawn to the breasts. A lot of thisattraction has been attributed topsychological composition, percep-tion and beliefs. For, pray, whywould a full grown man be obsessedwith sucking some mounds ofmilkless breasts? I don’t often getlogical answers to this questionwhen I ask. The function of thebreasts in sexual behaviour has been

attributed to human Face -to -Facecopulation that is unusual amongother mammals. Since the breastalready serves the function ofmother-infant bonding, then it isalso excellent for male -femalebonding, says an argument. Afterall, it is just within reach.

For those familiar with some of thesocial media platforms, you wouldhave come across a particularmessage that has been making the

rounds for a couple of years now.Purportedly attributed to the BBC assource, this message usually springsout during the cancer awarenessmonths and in support of cancerprevention campaign. As expected,it elicits a wide range of controver-sies from both men and women, fromhumour to disdain and sexualinnuendoes, while some others

believe the content hook,line and sinker. Thepurported message isclaimed to have beenissued by the Ministry ofHealth in the fight againstbreast cancer. One of theversions I have receivedread thus:

Very soon, women will bepaying men to have theirbreasts sucked! Accordingto a report on BBC web-site, Doctors recommendthat women reduce the riskof getting breast cancer by

having their breasts sucked thor-oughly and vigorously. It is said thatregular sucking of the breast lowersthe risk level that tends to build uplumps leading to breast cancer. Thebreast must be sucked as often aspossible. Help women fight breastcancer today. Men, please do yourpart and suck a breast now! Andwomen, please endeavour to make itavailable regularly...... This messageis from the Ministry of Health in the

fight against breast cancer.I have tried several times without

success to get a confirmation for thisstory on the mentioned websitesincluding and someothers in related fields. But perhaps,someone out there knows theoriginal and authentic source of thismessage? Please share it with us!

As interesting as this message maybe, as well as the different responsesit receives anytime it is being passedaround, depending on which side ofthe divide you find yourself, I ammore worried about the healthimplications attached. Cancer is notsomething to make jokes out of as itclaims millions of lives across theworld every year. Again, somefrightened lady who hitherto was notin favour of breast sucking mayeasily submit herself to torture withthe belief that she is suffering for agood reason. Please, let us notconfuse issues. Breast feeding is notthe same as breast sucking. Breastfeeding is the process of feeding new born and infants with breastmilk. It is this that has been medi-cally proven to be of immensebenefit to both mother and child andcan prevent breast cancer. There areno scientifically proven studiesindicating that breast sucking is ofany medical benefit to the thewoman whose breast is being suckedor the person doing the sucking.

However, what has been scientifi-cally proven is the fact that breastsucking when properly performed isof immense pleasure to the womanand may sometime on its own leadto orgasm or when combined withsome other forms of sexual stimula-tion will help a woman to achieveorgasm quicker. Again, neither hasany research shown that breastsucking can give a woman cancer.

So ladies, please relax and allowyour guys do the job for you. if youare not enjoying the way he is doingit, tell him. I can assure you, it’s awin-win situation.

Breast suckinggood for you?

Doctors recommend thatwomen reduce the risk ofgetting breast cancer byhaving their breastssucked thoroughly andvigorously

36—SA 36—SA 36—SA 36—SA 36—SATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguard, MAanguard, MAanguard, MAanguard, MAanguard, MAY 24Y 24Y 24Y 24Y 24, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014


When the wifWhen the wifWhen the wifWhen the wifWhen the wife fe fe fe fe fights bacights bacights bacights bacights back!k!k!k!k!

Is she sending you a message through her meals?!

I was pleasantly surprised when I recently had a phonecall from Akin, a happy-go-lucky ‘senior boy’ friend,quite early on Monday morning. “Wots up?” I shouted

excitedly down the phone. I was on my way to a book launchand was already running late. This had better be good, Imuttered. Akin has always loved a good gossip and Fdexpected him to top up on current gossips when he asked asunexpected question.

“Is anything wrong with your friend? You don’t think she’sflipped, do you?” I knew who he was referring to. He’d oncehad a torrid aflair with Joke, a long term friend. Fresh from abitter divorce from her irresponsible husband, she’d seen thetrappings of wealth around Akin and decided the godswanted to compensate her for the rough experience she justcame out of. Humph! I warned her that if all she wanted wasa regular shag until she found a more grounded suitor, thenAkin was it. A committedlover he certainly wasn’t.The man was alreadymarried and wasn’t actuallyon the prowl for a secondwife. But Joke, ever the oneto want to tame the mostrecalcitrant of men, wentinto the affair with thegreatest determination - atypical female conceitbelieving the wildest of mencould be tamed if youplayed your cards right.

Akin, a typical man quickto spot a woman’s‘ reformatory ’ schemes,played along with her for awhile-up to the point ofgoing public with therelationship until Akin’swife got a whiff of it andbrought out her fangs. Akinbeat a quick retreat and ittook Joke months and a lotof counselling on my partto be civil to the man. “I sawher at an engagement partyon Saturday, greeted herwarmly but she justblanked me” Akin who wasvisibly miffed continuedwith his moaning.

“When I called out to herthinking she hadn’t seenme, she was rude andobnoxious. It was

embarrassing to say the least.What’s with her? Is she alright?Could she be on drugs?” Iassured him she was ok the lasttime I saw her but promised tofind out from Joke what thematter was. What with work andeverything else on my plate, Ididn’t have the opportunity untilthe following day. Joke hootedwith laughter when I recounted

what Akin said. ‘He feltslighted, did he?” sheasked, elated. “Now heknows how painful it is tobe snubbed.

“I ran into him at a funeralreception about a monthbefore and greeted himwarmly only for him to gruntan answer, with guestsaround him looking at me asif I were some nuisanceembarrassing a poor man. Itwas then I saw this over-made-up woman scowlingat me and sitting next tohim - his wife. I quickly leftthe scene but vowed onrevenge. My chance camewhen I saw him at theengagement party on hisown. He had a hugewelcoming grin on his facebut I simply walked pasthim. The shock on his facewas a pleasing sight. Hethought I didn’t see him andcalled after me. I turned andgave him one of my if-looks-could-kill glare, and he

skulked off. Let him have ataste of the medicine heearlier dished out to me!”Reminds me of anotherwedding party I attendedwith Bopo a close friend. Oneof her boyfriends, whosedaughter was getting marriedhad insisted she came in spiteof the fact his wife knew oftheir relationship.

He assured her nothinguntoward would

happen to her, afterall, themother-of-the-bride was oneof three wives. As carefree asBopo is, she makes it a policynot to cause controversy andshe would be the last one todare a lion in his den. But herlover wanted her around andshe begged me to come withher for moral support. Theman was a generous andconsiderate gentleman and,knowing me to like littleintrigues no matter howcomplicated, I went with her.

The wife spotted us assoon as we came indressed to kill, but herhusband beat her to wherewe stood, greeted uswarmly and sat us on atable where members ofhis social club were. Thewife later came along andgreeted everybody,thanking us as sheintroduced the newlywedded couple. As shehappily collected somestuffed envelopes fromguests, I hurriedlyrummaged in my bag andgave her some money. Shewas sweetness itself as shecollected Bopo’s too,thanking us and prayingwe would one day havethe same ceremony for ourown children. She wasreally nice consideringBopo’s relationship withher husband.

About an hour later,she showed up to tell

us some new caterers justbrought in amala and freshfish stew, did anybodywant any? Most of us didand she came back withtwo waiters, their traysladen with plateful of thestuff. She personallyhanded each guest a platebut ‘accidentally’ trippedwhen she got to Bopo’sside, expertedly droppinga whole plate of hot amalaand stew on her lap! Sheshrieked as the hot stuffsoaked into her expensiveclothes and she quicklyjumped up in pain. We allgaped at her lovely clotheswith rivulets of ewedurunning down the front,she looked as if she wouldburst into tears. Her rivalwas very apologetic as shetried to wipe away the messbut succeeded in makinga greater mess ofeverything.

Bopo’s boyfriendcouldn’t believe thespectacle that greeted himwhen he rushed to wherethe commotion was. We allknew it was a well-planned *coup’ by his wifebut it would be foolish tocreate a scene - so we beata hasty retreat. Bopo ravedand ranted on the wayhome and had to stop overat mine to have a goodbath and a change ofclothing before the souphad the chance to seepinto her bits and wreakanother havoc

Can you imagine howmany matrimonial

battles have been wonthrough good food and lostthrough the lack of it? Arethe number of deathsthrough food poisoning bybitter lovers or justvindictive enemies? If youare a lover of food, don’tfeel guilty about it.According to a report on arecent survey on eating, youcan even measure the loveyour wife has for you by thetype of food she puts on thedinner table.

Here are some of the

findings of the report:-* Does the way you feel about

food reveal how you feel aboutyourself?

* Yes, psychological studiesshow that the more foods youdon’t like, the more dissatisfiedyou are with yourself.

* Can lack of enjoying foodcause a nervous breakdown?Yes. Particularly for high strungpeople or those people who areunder a lot of stress. Do peoplewho really enjoy food make thebest lovers. Yes, they are muchmore ardent, sentimental andromantic minded.

* If you enjoy chewing onthings like chicken bones for

instance, does that meanyou are low born? No.

In a recent study, peoplewho said they enjoyedchewing things weresensitive people withcultivated tastes. Is it truethat the more a wifelavishes on her husband’smeal, the more she loves

him? Yes.Scientific studies show

that a wife who adores herhusband does everythingshe can to make his mealspleasant and takes pains toprepare his favourite meals.So, there you are. A lot ofmen still believe that thebest way to a man’s heart isthrough his stomach!


,Scientific studies show that a wifewho adores her husband doeseverything she can to make hismeals pleasant

Mychancecamewhen Isaw himat theengagementparty onhis own

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—37

Success inSuccess inSuccess inSuccess inSuccess inbusiness isbusiness isbusiness isbusiness isbusiness isgender blindgender blindgender blindgender blindgender blind— Ebbi— Ebbi— Ebbi— Ebbi— Ebbi

Yvonne Nkekere Ebbiis the Senior Consultant of The Eti-

quette Place and the Ex-ecutive Secretary of theUnited World Colleges,Nigeria. She is also an Au-thor, speaker and Perfor-mance Poet. A Graduate ofthe Coaching AcademyUK, Yvonne worked as aConsultant in Nigeria’spioneer Finishing School –Certified by the ProtocolSchool of Washington-and has trained thou-sands of Executives in the

art of savoire-faire and Executive Pre-sentation. Excerpts:

As a Social Intelligence Consultant,Etiquette Expert, and ExecutiveCoach, can you describe your expe-rience … as a woman?

It’s been very interesting to see ex-ecutives, professionals and everydayindividuals put their best foot forwardin their daily conversations becausethey have become socially intelligentand understand the connection be-tween attitude and success.

Once people realise they are respon-sible for their own success, it changeseverything. They become more delib-erate in their actions and show moreconsideration for others.

In my opinion, success in businessis gender blind. The key to success isknowledge.

First, know yourself. Who are you?Be brutally frank with yourself and tellyourself the truth. Self-awareness willprevent you from playing in many wa-ters and help you determine your in-ner strength and innate abilities.

What is your vision? What do youreally want to achieve? Dream big, butbe smart enough to start small. Give ityour all and GO for it!

Be curious and observant. Playsmart. Understand how businessworks. Observe the attitude of the bigplayers and commit yourself to achiev-ing the ultimate.

I’m liberal and unconventional andthat’s how I lead. However, I expectyou to think, be initiative and respon-sible. I am firm, but fair and have zerotolerance for excuses. I don’t micro-manage.

When recruiting, I look out for fivethings: Passion/enthusiasm, courtesy,initiative, ‘learnability’ and commonsense. Your real interview is your firstassignment. When I give a task, I giveyou the liberty to create, innovate andremodel. I believe in my team and be-lieve that they have all it takes to ex-ceed expectations.

I believe I have what it takes to win.I concentrate on that and go for breaks.It works all the time. Success is gen-der blind!

What was the focus when you ini-tially started Consulting?

My focus in The Etiquette Place hasbeen to revolutionise the Nigeriancommunity in matters relating to so-cial intelligence, professional behav-ior, work ethics, executive etiquetteand public speaking manners. We havepositioned ourselves to brand Nigeriaas a cultured, well-mannered and civilsociety. We are poised to make her the

envy of the continent…oneorganisation at a time.

To what extent has Etiquette Con-sulting impacted positively on theaverage executive and professional incorporate Nigeria?

The bedrock of Etiquette is consid-eration for the next person. The indi-cators of a civilized society are summedup in the actions and attitudes of thepeople who constitute such a society.

The Etiquette Place has trained thou-sands of executives and professionalsin corporate Nigeria.

Our in-house sessions and openprogrammes in Sheraton, Lagos, havebeen hugely successful. We have ex-posed corporate executives and pro-fessionals to executive intelligence,professional manners and social intel-ligence. We have shown them how toplay in the global market by alwaysputting their best foot forward. As aresult of the exposure, they havegained confidence and have madeprogress in their corporate responsi-bilities and personal endeavours.

They now know that the best busi-ness etiquette calls for treating peoplecordially and that to behave cordially

is to behave with sincerity andempathy…from the heart.

How did you develop the passionto groom, develop and tutor peoplefrom all lifestyles?

My personal mission is to helppeople find their purpose. To jolt themout of their comfort zones and inspirethem to become all that they were madecapable of being. I am interested inhelping people discover who they re-ally are so as to maximise their poten-tials. I’m excited about helping them

find their true worth. I started by lead-ing small groups as a teenager andchallenging young people to discoverand maximise their potentials. Byidentifying the need to help peoplelive fulfilled lives, I found out earlythat when people found out the ‘why’of their existence…their essence…theirpurpose…their core, they had morereasons to live meaningful lives. Theylived with a sense of purpose and werehappy and fulfilled.

There was a direct proportion be-tween finding purpose and being ful-filled. I found this truth applicable athome and abroad. I am passionateabout helping people define their per-sonal brands and consciously project-ing panache, élan and flair. You de-fine your brand and your brand deter-mines how far you’ll go.

How do you manage the many chal-lenges you face in business…as awoman?

Challenges are inevitable. Chal-lenges make you think and make youstrong. They make you realise yourcore strength as an organisation.

The main duty of a chief executive isto think strategically and identify themarket. Knowing your market deter-mines how you position your brand,appeal to your customers and sell yourproduct. It also helps you cut off non-essentials.

Your team must understand yourleadership style and connect with it.When employees are engaged, they’llrun with the vision and bring results.

The common challenges have been:access to funds for business expansion,human capital and power. Running abusiness in Nigeria is particularly ex-pensive, so you have to be creative,innovative and flexible. Be observantand play smart. These challenges are

not exclusive to women.Do you think that Nigerian women

are doing enough to position them-selves in the society?

We have started the process but weneed to do more. The Nigerian womanmust realise that nobody will give herthe chance she truly deserves. Shemust take it. It all starts in the mind.We must believe that we can. We mustthink that we can and we must createopportunities to prove it.

Get involved. P-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-e.Resist the temptation to be a specta-tor! Be a crucial part of your home,community, organisation and societyand large. Don’t just work – get in-volved. Manage, lead, and own thebusiness. Develop an ownership men-tality and exceed expectations. Getresults.

You are so endowed! There’s muchmore in you than you think.

No more excuses and no more pass-ing the buck. Wake up and smell thecoffee.

Arguably, women have more contentthan men. But we wait too long tryingto be perfect to even begin. The menstart with less content and get perfecton the job. They understand the game.It’s a mind game…and they under-stand it.

Don’t let the fear of failing overwhelmyou. Failure is a crucial part of suc-cess. So what if you fail? Get up andtry again. We must not only equip our-selves with content, we must learncourage. We must dare! Brush off sen-timents. Grow up. This is it. This isyour life and there is no replay. Giveit your best shot. Cultivate the spirit ofexcellence and dare to excel. Leader-ship, like authority, is assumed…notgranted.

Once peoplerealise they are

responsible fortheir own success, itchanges everything,they become moredeliberate in their ac-tions and show moreconsideration for oth-ers

Ebbi: Women can achieve more than men if they are determined



38—SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

[email protected]

Compiled by

Ephraim Oseji


David Luiz could be the world’s most expensive defender within the next 48 hours, with Paris-SaintGermain reportedly close to sealing a £50m deal for theChelsea player.

The fee for the 27-year-old would surpass the previ-ous highest deal for a defender, which was £35m forLuiz’s fellow Brazilian Thiago Silva from Milan in2011.According to reports, once a fee is agreed, PSGwill seek approval from Brazil coach Luiz FelipeScolari to fly to their World Cup base to carry out amedical.PSG reportedly had to strike fast to secure the deal,

with Barcelona and Bayern Munich alsointerested in the defender, who

joined Chelsea from Benfi-ca for £20m in 2007.The £50m fee will assistChelsea in their £32mpursuit for AtleticoMadrid striker DiegoCosta, who they are re-portedly on the brink of

signing after Atletico takeon local rivals RealMadrid in the ChampionsLeague final today.

PSG to sealPSG to sealPSG to sealPSG to sealPSG to seal£50m Luiz deal£50m Luiz deal£50m Luiz deal£50m Luiz deal£50m Luiz deal

England striker WayneRooney hopes to be the

Manchester United skipperbut insists he wouldn’t havea problem if Robin vanPersie got the nod.One of the biggest tasks forthe recently-appointed Louisvan Gaal when he takes overat Old Trafford after the WorldCup is to appoint a newcaptain. Nemanja Vidic, whowas skipper since 2010, left

the club to join Inter Milan atthe end of last season whilehis vice-captain Patrice Evraalso looks set to depart whenhis contract expires. ManyUnited fans want Rooney,who has been at the club for10 years, to succeed Vidic,and the 28-year-old says hewould be honoured to takeon the role.“I am interested in thecaptaincy,” Rooney said.

Rooney wantsUnitedarmband

Barcelona keenon Brannagan

Barcelona are keen onsigning Liverpool youngsterCameron Brannagan thissummer. The 18-year-old,who joined the Reds at theage of seven, featured forLiverpool’s first team as anattacking midfielder in a 4-0 friendly win over ShamrockRovers earlier this month.

Chelsea tohijack Cabella

Chelsea are said to beweighing up a move forhighly-rated Montpellierplaymaker RemyCabella thissummer asthey look tohijack thedeal thatwould see him j o i nNewcastle.

The 24-year-old knows hisgame time would be limitedat Chelsea but the opportu-nity to work with Jose Mour-inho is tempting.Both sideshave reportedly already of-fered Montpellier £7m,but Chelsea have uppedtheir wage offer to £90,000per week.

Arsenal are considering amove for AtleticoMadrid right-backJuanfran as analternative toToulouse’sSerge Aurier.The Gunnershave made anew right-backone of theirmain priorities asthey target areplacement forManchesterCity-boundBacary Sagna.

Ronaldo’s greatbut so am I—Courtois

Atletico Madridgoalkeeper ThibautCourtois has insisted hedoes not fear CristianoRonaldo ahead of today’sChampions League finalagainst Real Madrid.The Portugal internationalhas been in sublime formin Europe so far thisseason, netting 16 goals in10 appearances, butCourtois is confident he haswhat it takes to deny theprolific attacker in thisweekend’s showpiece inLisbon.

”I will not prepare insome special way forRonaldo. I do not have anyfear for him,” Courtois wasquoted as saying.”Ofcourse, he is a great player,but I am a great goalkeep-er as well...”

Guangzhou’sElkeson on Interradar

Inter Milan are keepingclose tabs on GuangzhouEvergrande forward Elke-son. It is no secret the Ner-azzurri are looking to im-prove their attacking op-tions and they have beenoffered a chance to sign theBrazilian footballer. Intersporting director Piero Au-silio has taken notice andhe is seriously thinkingabout luring the player toStadio Giuseppe Meazza.

The 24-year-old can cov-er a number of positions upfront, but the problem is hewould occupy a non-EUspot in the squad.

MourinhointensifyMangala pursuit

Chelsea boss Jose Mour-inho wants to make asmany as five big-moneytransfer deals this summer,according to the Daily Star.

And the report claimsChelsea have intensifiedtheir efforts to sign Porto cen-tre-back Eliaquim Mangalain the wake of the deal tobring David Luiz to PSG.

The Stamford Bridge sidehave reportedly reached anagreement to send the Bra-zilian international to theParc des Princes for around£50m, and they want to use£40m of it on Mangala as adirect replacement.The nextdeal lined up is the £32mtransfer of Diego Costa fromAtletico Madrid to Chelseaand Mario Mandzukic ofBayern Munich.

Ab ida lhints atMLS move

Monaco defender EricAbidal is believed to be pon-dering a switch to the UnitedStates as he continues to belinked with a summer exit.

The 34-year-old has playedan important role in helpingthe Principality club secureChampions League qualifica-tion, but it appears the clubofficials do not think he cancontinue playing at the high-est level for much longer.

Though he has anotheryear left on his contract,chances are he will be leav-ing the French giants as ear-ly as this summer.

Arsenal considermove forJuanfran

Vieira couldsucceedPellegriniManchester City

chairman Khaldoon AlMubarak admits PatrickVieira could eventuallysucceed Manuel Pellegrini asmanager. Vieira is currently incharge of the club’s elitedevelopment squad. “I havea lot of confidence in, and thehighest regard for Patrick,”said Khaldoon.“

He has been an incredibleplayer and is becoming anincredible coach and I amvery proud of him.


SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—39

Are you a Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Barcelona fan and would like to meet fans, male orfemale from other parts of the country. Then send your name, age, where you live and the club you support to0802354-2350. sms only.

Femi, 35, Benin City, Arsenal needs both male and female fan as friends. 07019065464Solaceb, 21, Abuja, Arsenal, needs female fan as friend. 08092895304Prince Law, 58, Agbor, Chelsea need friends.08033190467Iyere, 43, UNIBEN, Arsenal fan needs both male and female fan as friends.08075895950Adam Onawale, 17, Sodeke, Chelsea need friends.08189273207Valentine, 19, Benin, Chelsea need friends.07031635847Daniel, 35, PH, Chelsea, need friends. 08110160343Engr Alphonsus Odo, 37, Abuja, Chelsea fan need friends.08032907319Godswill, 18, Warri, Man United need friends.08138839501

MONACO are ready to let RadamelFalcao leave this summer and have

slapped a £35m asking price on theColombian striker.Falcao cost Monaco £50m when he signedfrom Atletico Madrid last summer but thePrincipality club reportedly don’t believehe has lived up to expectations and are

worried about how he will return from aserious knee injury.

Indeed, the club are disappointed that Fal-cao has not showed greater enthusiasm about

the project and has failed to act as a positiveinfluence on the squad.While a return to Madrid with Real has beenmooted, Chelsea have also been alerted to thesituation and could launch amove for the 28-year-old ifthey en- counter difficultiest r y i n g to sign Diego Cos-ta from Atletico, with

Manchester Unit-e d and Manchester

City both also in-terested inthe player.

Monaco to letFalcao leave

for £35m

Chelsea linkedwith Yaya ToureChelsea boss Jose Mourinho is being

linked with a shock move forManchester City’s birthday moanerYaya Toure. His representative DimitriSeluk claims his client is upset thatCity bosses didn’t acknowledge hisbirthday in the proper way, beforeadding that he could quit the EtihadStadium.Reports in Spain have linked Tourewith a sensational switch to PremierLeague rivals Chelsea.Spanish sources claim a return toBarca has been ruled out by his agentas impossible, with the Toure’s onlyviable options being the Blues, or Champi-ons League finalists Real Madrid.

Lazio agreeto sign de VrijVoetbal International

has learned that Laziohave all but agreed tosign Dutch defenderStefan de Vrij fromFeyenoord. TheBiancocelesti recentlyhad a €5 million bidrejected for the talentedcentre-back, but it hasbeen reported their latestoffer of €7.5 million hasbeen accepted by theEredivisie side.

LeicesterannounceUpson deal

Newly-promoted Pre-mier League side Leices-ter City have announcedon their official websitethat they have agreed tosign English defenderMatthew Upson fromBrighton.

The 35-year-old willjoin the Foxes on a one-year deal on 1 July whenhis current contract withthe Seagulls comes to anend.

Upson rejected a newcontract offer from theChampionship side andinstead jumped at theopportunity to return toEnglish Premier League.

The former England in-ternational joined Brigh-ton from Stoke City on afree transfer two yearsago and has since made64 Championship ap-pearances for the club.

Ba intends tostay at Chelsea

Chelsea striker DembaBa has claimed that JoseMourinho has asked himto stay at StamfordBridge next season.

Ba’s future withChelsea has been thesubject of speculation af-ter the Senegal interna-tional started only sixgames in all competitionsthis season.

“Jose Mourinho hasasked me to stay atChelsea next season,”Ba is quoted in the DailyStar. “He assured methat my situationwouldn’t change.

Wenger pondersbid for Milner

Arsenal boss ArseneWenger is eyeingManchester Citymidfielder James Milner.Wenger is consideringMilner as a surprisereplacement right-backfor Bacary Sagna.

Arsenal havebuy-back optionfor Fabregas

Barcelona midfielderCesc Fabregas is keenon a return to Arsenal.The midfielder’s futureat Barcelona isuncertain following thearrival of new managerLuis Enrique, asituation the Gunnershave been made awareof. Arsenal secured abuy-back option onFabregas uponselling him toBarcelona in 2011,a stipulationwhich leavesthem in poleposition to sign themidfielder.

Kroos expectsBayern stay

Bayern Munich mid-fielder Toni Kroos is ex-pecting to still be at theAllianz Arena next sea-son and understandsthe club’s stance re-garding a new contract.

Kroos only has a fur-ther season to run onhis existing deal withthe Bundesliga champi-ons and he has beenoffered an extension byBayern. “I am expect-ing to play for BayernMunich next season,”said Kroos

Arsenal getserious aboutGriezmann

Arsenal boss ArseneWenger is chasing RealSociedad wingerAntoine Griezmann.

Griezmann, 23, hasearned rave reviewsamong Gunners scoutsand the club are seri-ously considering amove for the French-man, who has beennamed in Didier Des-champs’ World Cupsquad. Speaking inMarch, manager Ar-sene Wenger said: “Weare following him[Griezmann] in greatdetail. He attracts oth-er clubs as well but wefollow him, he is aknown commodity.”

Ancelotti - NAncelotti - NAncelotti - NAncelotti - NAncelotti - No Man Utd ofo Man Utd ofo Man Utd ofo Man Utd ofo Man Utd offfffferererererReal Madrid boss

Carlo Ancelotti hasrejected suggestions thathe was offered the op-portunity to replace SirAlex Ferguson asManchester Unitedmanager last year. The

experienced Italian manager,who is preparing for Saturday’sUEFA Champions League finalas his Real Madrid side tacklecity rivals Atletico in Lisbon,moved to the Spanish capitalafter leaving Paris Saint-Ger-main last summer.

FAN ZONEBarcelona midfielder Alex Song.

Spurs and big-spending Ligue1 side Monaco have both indicatedthey are ready to rival the OldTrafford club and BrendanRodgers' side for the formerArsenal star.It was learned lastmonth that United had made ashock move for the Camerooninternational, while there is alsostrong interest in the player fromAnfield boss Rodgers.

Tottenham have joinedManchester United and

Liverpool in the race to sign

Tottenham to rival Unitedand Liverpool for Song

40—SA40—SA40—SA40—SA40—SATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguard,anguard,anguard,anguard,anguard, MA MA MA MA MAY 24, 2014Y 24, 2014Y 24, 2014Y 24, 2014Y 24, 2014



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Spread EagleTechnique:Sit down and spread the

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The locustTechnique:Lie flat on your belly with

hands behind you with theintertwined. Now, breathe indeeply and raise the chestwith hands as high up as youcan get them to go, head andchest off the floor. Hold theposition for 3 to 7 seconds,rest awhile and repeat.

Benefits:The TrunkRaise strength-

ens the muscles of the back,

Benefits:The Spread Eagle

stretches both theharmstrings andinner thigh muscles.It helps tone up themuscles of theabdomen and alsoimpoves the posture.

Yoga Classes@ 32 Adetokumbo Ademola,

Victoria Island Lagos.9.00am — 10.00am

on Saturdays

buttock and shoulders. Ithelps improve a doublechin.

Letting go, interference, intervention

Parents bring children into the world, nurture them, seethem through school and then there comes a time whenthey must let go of their children to chart their own

future. What that time should be is still a matter of opinion.The second strand of the matter is how do you let go? Do

you leave your grown-up and married children to take alltheir decisions and make mistakes or get involved when yousee them make mistakes that can be detrimental to their future?

Or should parents mind theirbusiness until the childrenspecifically ask for help? Dosome parents even know

when and how to let go in the firstplace?

There are no straightforward answersor universally-accepted solutions. Last year, news broke of a 40-year-oldwidow in Zimbabwe on the verge ofmarrying her 23-year-old son shesinglehandedly brought up from age11 because she did not want to labourand another woman will enjoy thefruits of her labour. At the time the newsbroke, she was six months pregnantfor her son! For this woman, letting gois non-existent in her vocabulary.

One point when letting go hasbecome imperative is when ourchildren get married. Parental andfamily intrusions are tearing marriagesapart and creating problems. Marriageis no place for many cooks; they simplyspoil the broth. On December 1, 2013,in this column, I made a distinctionbetween interference and intervention:“Couples must note the little butsignificant difference betweeninterference and intervention.Interference means ‘to meddle,’ ‘toobstruct a process,’ ‘be a hindrance.’Intervention, on the other hand, means‘mediation,’ ‘to come in as anextraneous factor.’” Intervention hereshould be seen as positive whileinterference is negative. In English itis not strictly so, but call it poeticlicense.

Interference in children’s marriages

is wrong and parents who do it are thosewho do not know when to let go andthose who failed in their parental dutiesduring the children’s pre-teen andadolescent years and want to makeamends for their failings at the wrongtime. Others are downright self-centredparents. Sometimes it is just parentallove and concern taken too far.Whatever, it is late; you do not look for

a black goat at night.Since 1988 — long before I got married

—when I left home till date, my mother(my only surviving parent) has neverinterfered in my affairs. I know I amalways in her thoughts and prayers andthat is enough. I am the one who callsher for advice once in a while becauseof her enormous experience andwisdom.

Your adult and married children are nolonger in the kindergarten. You areliving your lives; allow them to livetheirs. Unfortunately, sometimes it is thechildren who invite this interference. Butparents must resist such invitations.They must advise their children to growup and take charge of their marital lives.I am totally against parental interference

in children’s marriages.While intervention is positive and

I do not have issues with it, I willnot get involved except my childrenand their spouses; especially,specifically request me to intervene.I will intervene in my children’smarriage, even without invitation, ononly one condition: if my son’s/daughter’s life were to be at risk from

their spouses. I would rather savethe life of my child than lose him/her. Parents who are predeceasedby their children suffer a great dealand agonise over the lossthroughout their life time. Marriageshould not be the cause of suchagonies.

I grew up seeing some violence-infested marriages where the victimsstayed back; a couple of them diedin the process, many more diedpsychologically and emotionally.There was always this helplessnessfrom the victims and their familiesbecause “they are wedded (morelike welded) in the church.”

Any day, I am an apostle of theindissolubility of marriage,especially Christian marriages; but

as my children are growingand getting to the age ofmarriage, I am beginning toempathise with the parents ofvictims of abusive marriages.The case of Titilayo Arowolo,the banker, who was brutallystabbed about 76 times onJune 24, 2011, and whosehusband was recentlysentenced to death for themurder, readily comes tomind. I sympathise with the

deceased’s father, but I am of theopinion that parents who findthemselves in a similar situationshould help end the marriage beforetragedy strikes.

For Catholics, the religiousobligation of the sacrament ofmatrimony is usually the biggestobstacle in attempts to end suchmarriages. But the Catholic Church,other churches and religious groupsdo not teach that people should beabused or killed in marriages. Alsosuch life-threatening experiencesrob a marriage of its true nature,flavour, goals, value and identity asa covenant.

The Catholic Church needs toisolate and review such life-threatening marriages critically witha view to intervening in order to savethe life of one or both parties. I amnot a Church expert on thesematters, but I believe that a goodpastoral approach to suchirredeemable situations will be totreat them just like marriages wherethere is prior deceit ormisrepresentation. The marriagesshould be annulled and the victimsallowed to remarry, if they so wish,without any encumbrance. Evenwith the Church’s strict, scripturally-based rules on matrimony, marriageis still a sacrament, not a deathsentence.

Parental and family intrusions are tearingmarriages apart and creating problems

•The Locust

•Spread Eagle (seated)

Body PBody PBody PBody PBody Pooooowwwwwer:er:er:er:er:Floor PlaFloor PlaFloor PlaFloor PlaFloor Play Py Py Py Py Posturesosturesosturesosturesostures

•Spread Eagle(lying)


SASASASASATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguard,anguard,anguard,anguard,anguard, MA MA MA MA MAY 24Y 24Y 24Y 24Y 24, 2014—41

R-L: Oba Fatai Aromire, Ojora of Ijora, Oba Dapo Tejuosocelebrant, Chief Rasaq Okoya, Prince Lanre Tejuoso and BishopTom Samson.

L-R: Olori Bisi Tejuosho,Olori YetundeTejuosho, Princess Kanyinsola Aina,grandchild, and Olori Omolara Tejuoso.

L-R: Mrs. Funso Amosun, First Lady, OgunState, Iyalode Alaba Lawson “ Iyajo” andChief J.A Ewuoso, Babajo

L-R: Hon Tola Banjo, Dep. Speaker, GeneralDipo Diya (Rtd) and Alhaji YusufOlaniyonu, State InformationCommissioner.

R-L: Mrs Bose Adeboye, Chief Mrs. A. Apataand Mrs. Titi Abubarka.

R-L: Mrs D.O. Asante, Ven. Onowhuke, Ven.Ugbotor, Barr. (Mrs) Iyasere, DameArenyeka, celebrant, Mr. Arenyeka, Dr.G.O. Iyasere and Dame Helen Uzebu

Dame Osato Arenyeka, celebrant, withhusband, Mr. O. Arenyeka.

L-R: Arc. Okemwan, Dir, NDDC, Edo State,Sir Dan Abia, MD/CEO, NDDC, Dame OsatoArenyeka, Hon. Matt Iduorioyekenwenand Dr. P. Ekanem

L-R: Dr.Tony Iredia, Consultant, Barr.Theodora Azinge, Chairman DBS, Boardand Mr.Godwin Erubaga, Ag. Manager,DBS, Asaba.

R-L: Dr.Tony Iredia and Barr. TheodoraAzinge, Chairman DBS Board.

L-R: Dr.Tony Iredia , Barr. TheodoraAzinge, Chairman, DBD and Mr. GodwinErubaga, Ag. G.M. DBS, Asaba

Oba TOba TOba TOba TOba Tejuoso marejuoso marejuoso marejuoso marejuoso marks 25ks 25ks 25ks 25ks 25ththththth anniv anniv anniv anniv annivererererersarsarsarsarsaryyyyy

The activitiesmarking the2 5 t h

anniversary ofcoronation of Osile Oke-Ona, Egba, Oba (Dr.) Adedapo Tejuoso, wasrounded off with aspecial thanksgivingservice held at ST.James CathedralChurch, Idi-Ape, onTuesday. Many high-profile dignitariesgraced the occasion.Photos by WumiAkinola

FFFFFacility inspection of Delta Bracility inspection of Delta Bracility inspection of Delta Bracility inspection of Delta Bracility inspection of Delta Broadcasting Seroadcasting Seroadcasting Seroadcasting Seroadcasting ServiceviceviceviceviceINSPECTION of Delta Broadcasting Service (DBS) Asaba, Delta State new digital equipment byconsultants led by Dr. Tony Iredia took place during the week in Asaba. Photos by Nath Onojake

OsatOsatOsatOsatOsato Areno Areno Areno Areno ArenyyyyyekekekekekaaaaaKnightedKnightedKnightedKnightedKnightedINVESTITURE of Mrs Osato Arenyeka as a Knightof the Sacred Order of Saint Mary took place onMarch 23, 2014 at St. Matthew’s Cathedral, BeninCity. Reception followed thereafter at her

residence, also in Benin City.

42 — SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014


This Ago Road is in Lagos

SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY VanguardVanguardVanguardVanguardVanguard, MAY 24, 2014—43, MAY 24, 2014—43, MAY 24, 2014—43, MAY 24, 2014—43, MAY 24, 2014—43

44—SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

Pique forgets Barca failurewith pop star wife ShakiraBarcelona defender Gerard Pique may have missed out

on the La Liga title but was all smiles on Sunday as heattended the 2014 Billboard Music Awards with partnerShakira.

Having played in Barcelona’s 1-1 draw with AtleticoMadrid which saw Diego Simeone’s side win the league onSaturday, the centre back later flew to Las Vegas with his popstar girlfriend.

Shakira, who sang at the awards ceremony, celebrated theperformance by leaping into Pique’s arms and giving him alingering kiss. The pair will have enjoyed spending timetogether before Pique jets off to Brazil with fellow Barcelonastars Jordi Albia, Xavi, Andres Iniesta as part of the Spainsquad for this summer’s World Cup. The current worldchampions will face Chile, Australia and Louis van Gaal’sHolland in Group B. Pique met Shakira in Spring 2010 whenthe former Manchester United defender appeared in thevideo for the Colombian singer’s ‘Waka Waka (This Time forAfrica)’, which was the official song of the World Cup heldfour years ago.

Brazil coach Luiz FelipeScolari has warned his

players he will not tolerateanything too energetic in thebedroom during this sum-mer’s World Cup finals.

The former Chelsea boss in-sists while he is happy for hissquad to indulge in a little lov-

ing away from the pressuresof attempting to win the tro-phy on home soil, he will bewatching out for anything ‘tooacrobatic’.

Asked during a press con-ference whether he planned toissue a ban on his players en-joying pleasures of the flesh

during the tournament, Sco-lari said: ‘The players canhave normal sex during theWorld Cup.

‘Usually normal sex is donein a balanced way but somelike to perform acrobatics. Wewill put limits and survey theplayers.’

Scolari bans Brazil World Cupstars from ‘acrobatic sex’

Being a Liverpool fan ‘llhelp me get over RoryheartbreakCaroline Wozniacki, the

Danish tennis player,has spoken of her pain afterher fiance, golfer RoryMcIlroy, cancelled theirwedding just days after theysent out the invitations.Miss Wozniacki, 23, said onTwitter: “It’s a hard time forme right now. Thanks for allthe sweet messages!”The Liverpool footballsupporter, who lives inMonaco, added: “Happy Isupport Liverpool right nowbecause I know I’ll neverwalk alone” in a reference tothe club’s anthem, You’llnever walk alone.Tennis player Serena Will-iams, the world number one,then sent her support toMiss Wozniacki, tweeting:“I’ll always walk withyou.#friendsforever.”Meanwhile, Chris Evert, theformer world number onetennis player, said she wasnot surprised by the couple’sseparation.Evert, the 18-time grand

slam winner, was engaged tofellow American tennischampion Jimmy Connors in1974, the year both won theWimbledon title. They alsocancelled their wedding.McIlroy, 25, issued a state-ment on Wednesday endinghis relationship with Wozni-acki.He said: “There is no rightway to end a relationshipthat has been so important totwo people.

TTTTTerrerrerrerrerry gey gey gey gey getststststsperperperperpersonal withsonal withsonal withsonal withsonal with

a Dolphina Dolphina Dolphina Dolphina DolphinAs some of his erstwhile

England team-mates doshuttle runs dressed forwinter ahead of the WorldCup, John Terry is baskingin the sunshine, swimmingwith dolphins. The Chelsea defender issomeone the national teamcould really do with thissummer, but Terry, who hasretired from internationalfootball, won’t be anywherenear Brazil when thetournament kicks off nextmonth.

There had been calls for RoyHodgson to attempt to lurethe former skipper back, butthe 33-year-old appearscontent at his choice toswerve international football.Terry posed for pictures withthe mammals while atDiscovery Cove in Florida onWednesday at the same timeEngland were taking a breakfrom training in Portugal byrelaxing on the golf course.There didn’t seem to be acare in the world for Terry ashe had his photo taken -particularly after he penneda new one-year with JoseMourinho at StamfordBridge last week.And while he has beensunning himself for plea-sure, old England team-mates haven’t quite beenafforded the same luxury.

Gerard Piqueshares a kisswith girlfriendShakira

Terry... Sealingit with a kiss



World’s ‘mostexpensive

divorce’ set tohalve oligarch’s


Russian oligarch DmitryRybolovlev is set to lose

half his wealth after being or-dered to pay his former wife$4.5 billion in a settlementdubbed the “most expensivedivorce in history.”

Elena Rybolovleva’s law-yer Marc Bonnant said theorder from a Geneva courtwas unprecedented, and“this record judgment is acomplete victory.”

However, Rybolovlev’sspokesman Sergey Cher-nitsyn said the divorce wasstill a “win” for the oligarch.

Rybolovlev’s total wealthis estimated at $8.8 billion,according to the 2014 Forbeslist of billionaires.

Stolen vandriven wrong way

for 50 milesalong M11

A stolen van was driven for 50 miles (80km)

down the wrong way of amotorway and dual car-riageway before it crashedinto a lorry in a bid to evadepolice.About 100 vehiclesmanaged to avoid hittingthe transit van on the M11in Essex and A14 in Cam-bridgeshire during the ear-ly hours. A 19-year-old man,from Romford, is in custodyafter being arrested on sus-picion of aggravated takinga vehicle without consent,dangerous driving, havingno insurance and licenceand failing to stop for po-lice.

Woman found10 years after


A man has been arrested following the reap-

pearance of a woman whodisappeared as a teenagerin 2004. The victim, aged15, was kidnapped by IsidroGarcia in 2004, according toSanta Ana Police, with Gar-cia now facing charges onsuspicion of abduction, rape,lewd acts with a minor, andfalse imprisonment

Garcia had been dating thevictim’s mother in 2004, whenhe allegedly drugged andand kidnapped the victim af-ter a domestic violence issue.




SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—45

MoMoMoMoMove ove ove ove ove over Julia Rver Julia Rver Julia Rver Julia Rver Julia Roberoberoberoberoberts!ts!ts!ts!ts!

A 260lb-woman stripped down to abikini and strutted down Hollywood Boulevard in a bid to promote

body confidence.Amani Terrell, 20, was filmed in actionby Fox News as she catwalked along thefamous block, generating a mix of posi-tive and negative comments from by-standers.One man yelled out that he had lost hisappetite, while another exclaimed ‘that’ssexy right there’, and a young womanMiss Terrell spoke with said: ‘I think it’sfantastic, I had issues with self-esteem, Igive you credit.’ Miss Terrell says that

she lives in a city where‘thin’ is fashionable andthere’s a ‘mass hysteria ofperfection.’However, she wants toshow that beauty appliesto any size or shape. TheCalifornia native wrote onFacebook: ‘There are a lotof women that I’ve metwho have low self-esteem.‘There are kids who arebullied because of theirweight. So many peoplepreach “self-love”, how-ever they never wearbathing suits.’ Miss Ter-rell highlights that she isnot promoting obesity andrealizes she needs to lose

weight. Her message is morethat she loves herself regardless.‘So many people preach “selflove”, however they never wearbathing suits’ ‘You have to loveyourself from a size 25 until youget to your desired weight,’ shecontinues. ‘You can’t seek valida-tion from others, it has to comefrom within.’Miss Terrell advises people toswitch off from what’s happeningaround them and to concentrateon themselves instead. ‘You can-not seek validation from otherpeople. ‘This world is very cruel.You must seek validation withinyourself and be kind to yourself.’

A New York man has filed a lawsuit demanding what is believed to be the largest amount of compensation ever after

he was bitten by a dog. Anton Purisima, 62, issuing a long list of defendants including theCity of New York, Au Bon Pain and Kmart, for$2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000Purisima filed his hand-written lawsuit in aManhattan Federal Court on April 11, and isrepresenting himself, reports Lowering TheBar. Over the course of his 22-page lawsuit,Purisima claims that his middle finger was

national origin, retaliation, ha-rassment, fraud, attempted mur-der, intentional infliction of emo-tional distress, and conspiracy todefraud.The full list of defendants in thecase include Au Bon Pain, Care-point Health, Hoboken Univer-sity Medical Center, Kmart Store7749, St. Luke’s EmergencyDept., New York City Transit Au-thority, City of New York, NYCMTA, LaGuardia Airport Admin-istration, Amy Caggiula andDoes 1-1000 which refers to athousand ‘John Does’.The amount, which can also bereferred to as two undecilliondollars - or the number two with36 zeroes behind it —is moremoney than currently exists on theplanet.‘Even if Au Bon Pain conquers theplanet and puts everyone to workfor them from now until the starsdie, they wouldn’t make a dent inthe bill,’ reports What If?

bitten off by a ‘rabies-infected’ dog on a city bus;before a ‘Chinese couple’ took unauthorized photosof him as he was being treated at a local hospital.Also in the rambling and often incoherent lawsuit,Purisima complains that he is routinely over-charged for coffee at LaGuardia Airport.The suit claims the pain and other additional dam-ages he suffered ‘cannot be repaired by money’ andare ‘therefore priceless.’ Included in the suit as evi-dence is a photo of his bloodied finger.During his ordeal, Purisim claims he suffered civilrights violations, personal injury, discrimination on

A judge suspended a murder trialafter spotting two court staff having sex during the hearing.

Stunned Anna Ivaldi asked the prosecu-tor to stop speaking after she looked upand spotted the couple writhing in ecsta-sy in an office beside the court.

They had thought the smoked glass theywere behind would mask their steamyantics, but the eagle-eyed judge couldstill see them.

One of the two is thought to be mar-ried, another member of staff said.JudgeIvaldi ordered the trial in Genoa to bestopped while the two employees hadtheir passion brought to an abrupt halt.Witnesses said prosecutor Sabrina Mon-

SEX disrupts courSEX disrupts courSEX disrupts courSEX disrupts courSEX disrupts courtttttsessionsessionsessionsessionsession

teverde had just beguntheir summing up in thecase of Moroccan bornYassin Mahmod who isaccused of murdering atramp in the Italian portcity last year. A courtsource said:’The summingup had just begun whenthe judge heard strangenoises, looked up andsaw the outline of two na-ked bodies.

‘When everyone lookedit was quite clear what

was going on—they were havingsex. ‘They obviously thought be-cause the glass was dark they wouldnot be seen. ‘The judge suspendedthe case and had the two peopleclawed away. ‘They are both courtadmin staff but they have not beennamed. It’s a bit delicate as one ofthem is married.’ A spokesman forthe court in Genoasaid:’Proceedings in a murder casewere temporarily halted after thejudge noted a disturbance. ‘Thematter was dealt with and an in-vestigation has been launched soas a result it would not be appro-priate to comment further.’

India’s ‘Elephantman’ has turneddown the opportu-

nity to get a new face sohe can pay for hisdaughter’s wedding.

Mannan Mondal, whois also known as the‘melted man’ of Delhi,has refused radical re-constructive surgery sohe can continue beg-ging. The 50-year old,who suffers from neu-rofibromatosis — whichmeans he has a high riskof growing tumours —relies on his appearanceto make a living.

So he has rejected theoffer from surgeons in abid to fund 20-year-oldRasheeda’s big day.

‘I will have to buy a lotof things —beds, cabi-nets, rings, watches anda cycle for the groom,’said Mannan, who ismissing an eye, an earand most of his teeth.

‘The money I earnwhile begging is barelyenough to feed my fam-ily. But I have no otherway to help my daugh-ter. I have to continuelike this. I have to thinkabout feeding my family

first.’ Mannan was bornto an impoverished fam-ily in Kolkata, West Ben-gal, and opportunitieswere already limited.

But he was furthershunned because of hisappearance and bannedfrom school — leavingbegging as his only op-tion. Despite his condi-tion he found love at 18and now has two sonsand two daughters toprovide for.

'Ge'Ge'Ge'Ge'Get surt surt surt surt surgergergergergery?y?y?y?y?I'd rather beg'I'd rather beg'I'd rather beg'I'd rather beg'I'd rather beg'

World’s largest ever lawsuit in New York seeking$2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 damages over a dog bite

Delta Task ForcedemolishesUduaghan’s fence

I won’t surrender,the governor vows on war against filth

Cheers and jeers as bulldozers clearillegal structures in Warri

THE conviction of anyone visiting Warri, the celebrated oil city in Delta State, is that the folks in the city must be living lavishly and inhealthy environs. Regrettably, by what has become the melancholyof oil communities in the Niger-Delta, this is mere illusion. The filth in some

areas of the oil city, Effurun and other satellite cities in Warri South, Warri South-West, Uvwie and Udu Local Government Areas of the state offends the visitor. Andthe indifference attitude of the people to the dirty environment only baffles one, asWarri turns into a shanty town

Angry UduaghanOutraged by this and propelled by the determination to finish strong, the governor, Dr.

Emmanuel Uduaghan, while unveiling the renovated Cavegina Primary School and OlodiPrimary School, both in Warri, in February, bewailed the pitiable sanitary habits of the citydwellers and asked them to gear up to shed the dirty city image of Warri. His verses: “They referto Warri as a dirty city. This has got to stop. And it must start with proper guidance of ourchildren on basic hygiene from our homes and in our schools.” But as the saying goes, “oldhabits die hard.” The poor waste disposal among residents increased. However, the governor,is determined to change Warri and other cities .

Task forceHe started the battle with the constitution of a 25-man Special Sanitation Task Force,

headed by the Deputy Governor, Prof Amos Utuama, to clean up Warri within one week. Thetenure of the task force expired with the work half-done and a special Environmental SanitationTask Force shepherded by the Commissioner for Environment, Chief Frank Omare, wasreconstituted this month.

Pains and gains

Unquestionably, the war has not been without casualties. At the very beginning with Utuama as team leader, a tragedy occurred in Warri when the driver of a

bulldozer engaged by government accidentally crushed some persons to death. Also, over 500persons might have lost their do-it-yourself shops and other illegal structures as a result of theexercise.

For Mr. Kingsley Urhobo, a trader on Okubor Street, Effurun, who was forced to dismantlehis shop, one of the unlawful structures that defaced the city: “Uduaghan and PDP have killedus, I do not know where to turn to now, where do I get money to train my children.”

Many others are raining curses. But Mrs. Joan Akinlugbe, whose shop at Sokoh EstateRoad, Effurun, was also affected in the exercise is different: “What the governor is doing is forthe good of all of us. People dispose waste inside the drains as if we are pigs. Can you imagine

Chief Frank Omare,Commissioner forEnvironment showingEffurun marketwomen how to do it

Payloader bringingdown an illegalstructure in Ovwian

Effurun market womensweeping during thesanitation

Warri residentsclearing waste

Effurun market womensweeping during thesanitation

EMMA AMAIZE, Regional Editor, South-SouthPhotos by AkPOKONA OMAFUAIRE

Continues on page 47

46—SATURDAY 46—SATURDAY 46—SATURDAY 46—SATURDAY 46—SATURDAY VanguardVanguardVanguardVanguardVanguard, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 24, 2014


that a man channeled thewaste disposal pipe from thetoilet in his compound into adrain in this Sokoh EstateRoad?.”

“Nobody could challengehim and people knew whathe was doing. They arewaiting for Uduaghan tocome and talk to him. Somelandlords in Warri converttheir car parks, bathingrooms and toilets into roomsand rent them to people. Insuch compounds, there is nosewage system and nobody is

Delta Task Force demolishes Uduaghan’s fencetalking. Is this the kind ofthing that should be allowedin a decent society? She asked.

No vendettaChief Omare told Saturday

Vanguard that there was novindictiveness on the part ofgovernment in the exercise,adding: “People are com-plaining, but this exercise isnot intended to victimizeanybody. The Governor of thestate who instituted thecommittee has no influenceover our mandate. His fenceon Okunu Road was broughtdown. My own fence and

those of other top governmentfunctionaries have beenbrought down in course of ourremoval of illegal structures,so no one can say we arev i c t i m i z i n ganybody.” Uduaghan isfanatical about purgingWarri of its dirty look. Someweeks ago, he had come downfrom an Abuja flight to Asabawhen he stormed theOgbegonogo market in thestate capital with his commis-sioners, talking to marketwomen on the need to keeptheir environment clean. Hehad carried out similar cam-paigns in Warri and Effurun,

saying, “I know what I amtalking about when I tell youto keep your environmentclean, I am a medical doctor.”


scarsWeeks into the re-energized

war, a semblance of sanity isreturning to Warri, Effurunand Udu, but it has also leftmutilations on the city. Sec-retary of the Task Force, Mr.O.P Origho, in a statement,last week, said, “It has cometo the notice of the SpecialEnvironmental SanitationTask Force that most premises

are now in a deplorablecondition following theremoval of illegal structuresthat were attached to them.”

"In view of this, the SpecialEnvironmental SanitationTask Force hereby directs theimmediate removal of thedebris and the painting of allpremises particularly alongthe major roads in WarriSouth, Uwvie and Udu LocalGovernment Areas. “Ownersand occupiers of suchpremises have two weeks,starting Wednesday May 14,2014 within which theirhouses must be painted and

their environment thorough-ly cleaned up. Premises wheresewage is discharged into thepublic drains, those withrough fences and unsightlyenvironment should correctsuch observed lapses whilethose still using containersas well as similar structuresto display wares should re-move them immediately,”he added.

According to the taskforce, “All premises, estates,plazas, shops, places of wor-ship, eateries and otherbusiness centers in the areaare to also make arrange-ments to use the wastecollectors assigned to theirrespective areas as allforms of illegal dumping ofwaste is not allowed.”

The committee statedthat Mobile Courts has beenput in place to try those whocontravene sanitation laws,while environmental healthofficers would intensifyhouse to house inspection.

167 suspected

o f f e n d e r sarraigned

At least, 167 suspectedoffenders were

prosecuted and finedvarious sums of money bydesignated courts. Between 7.00 am -12.00

pm that the clean-uplasted, Warri, Effurun andUdu were like apparitiontowns, as vehicles were totallyoff the road. Residents, whospoke to our reporters, com-mended government’s effortsat ensuring that the three lo-calities were rescued fromdirt.

At the Effurun market,Chief Omare frowned at themarket women, who pilerefuse on the road sidesdespite knowledge ofdesignated evacuationpoints. He ordered a closureof the market till the traderssigned undertaking not todisplay their wares on theroad again.

“Continuous display ofgoods on the road by thetraders in the three localgovernments has caused alot of embarrassment to thestate government. This willno longer be tolerated andanyone found wanting willface the wrath of the law,”he warned.

I won’t surrender

– UduaghanDuring the week at

Agbor, where heinspected some on-goingprojects, Uduaghandisclosed that removal ofillegal structures inWarri and its environswas a project that wouldbe implemented in allparts of the state, andurged Deltans to imbibegood attitude towardsthe environment byeradicating shanties,planting trees andflowers. He said hewould not relent on thewar against filth, as it isa battle that must mewon.

Continued from page 46

SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY VanguardVanguardVanguardVanguardVanguard, MAY 24, 2014—47, MAY 24, 2014—47, MAY 24, 2014—47, MAY 24, 2014—47, MAY 24, 2014—47


48—SA48—SA48—SA48—SA48—SATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguardanguardanguardanguardanguard, , , , , MAY 24, 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014

PDP: Where isOlisa Metuh?

Few would doubt that the election of ChiefOlisa Metuh as the National Publicity Secre-tary of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP helpedto revive what was before then, the relativelylaid back publicity machine of the ruling party.Before Metuh’s advent, the opposition partiesin the shape of the defunct Action Congress ofNigeria, ACN and the defunct Congress for Pro-gressive Change, CPC took up much of the me-dia space in haranguing the ruling party.

However, the advent of Metuh seemed to havereshaped the media space as the PDP for oncetook the initiative in poking the opposition par-ties.

Undoubtedly one of the longest surviving ele-ments in the PDP power matrix since 1999,Metuh has moved from one position to the oth-er, and as national vice chairman of the party,Southeast, fought of the Uba brothers in the su-premacy battle for Anambra.

Metuh, however, came to national reckoningwith his fervent pitches against the All Progres-sives Congress, APC and its legacy parties. In notime he became a thorn in the flesh of the APCwith his researched lobs on the opposition par-ty. But did Metuh go overboard with some state-ments. Perhaps so.

These days, Metuh has been unusually som-ber perhaps in the mood of the nation. If youphone him with a tricky question what youwould hear from him is bad network, bad net-work and pronto, the line turns dead!

PDP turns themockery on APC

When on April 14 operatives of the BokoHaram Islamic sect bombed the Nyanya buspark in Abuja and followed up that night withthe repulsive abduction of more than 276 schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State, the nation was seton edge. A compassionate President GoodluckJonathan in an unusual departure arrived thescene of the bombing within hours taking hisplace as consoler-in-chief. But then, within hours,the consoler-in-chief turned into celebrant-in-chief as he led party members and associates ina reveling spree from Ibadan to Kano for a birth-day bash and then a PDP rally.

Even close associates of the president were notamused as the nation and international com-munity chided the president for being insen-sitive. Sources claim that the rally had ini-tially been cancelled and a message sentout until it was put back on schedule.

So given newspaper publications that thepresident was expected last Thursday forthe flag-off of the PDP gubernatorial cam-paign in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, two days af-ter the Jos bombing that killed over 200 per-sons, critics had been waiting to see whether thepresident would really attend the rally. On Tues-day night the party shifted the rally by one week.But not so the APC which went ahead with itsown flag-off on Wednesday albeit with the ob-servation of a one minute silence in memory ofthe dead.

The PDP did not waste time in chiding the APCfor what it called the party’s insensitivity to themood of the nation!

Where is theother APC? All Patriotic Citizens also rushed to the

commission aiming to also bask in the lime-light. It was at that time generally believedthat the political rivals of the APC, to wit,the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP was be-hind the two other APCs.

Since July 31, 2013 when INEC registeredthe All Progressives Congress, APC the othertwo APCs have largely been forgotten andthe fanfare that shadowed their brief appear-ance gone.

Political NotesBy Emmanuel Aziken

It was an unusually bold utterance from a traditional ruler on the political direction of the state.

Speaking at the launch of a book written on the All Pro-gressives Congress, APC governorship aspirant, Mr. AkinwumiAmbode penultimate Thursday, the Oba of Lagos, RilwanAkiolu said the elders in Lagos State had met and endorsedthe immediate past Accountant-General of the state as thenext governor of the state.

“I will not lie to you. The elders of Lagos have met and theyhave said that Ambode should be governor,” Oba Akiolu wasquoted as saying.

“Although Lagos State belongs to all Nigerians and the statewill continue to offer opportuni-ties to every Nigerian to actual-ise the Nigerian dream, Amboderemains the best man with therequired pedigree and characterto take Lagos to the next level,”the monarch said.

He, however, added that theresolution of the Lagos elders didnot mean that others would bestopped from contesting the elec-tion.

Once the oba expressed hisview, he was immediately flayedby a group, Visioners for a NewLagos who accused the monarchof teaming with his friend, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu tofoist their personal wish on the people of the state.

The VNL it is believed was piqued by the endorsement givenspeculations that the group is itself working for one of thegovernorship aspirants believed to be estranged from Tinubu.

Coordinator of the group, Mr. Bambo Akin-Johnson in re-jecting the endorsement said that while it had no issue withAmbode as a person, but that it was seriously concerned atwhat it claimed as the apparent bias by the leadership of theparty and the monarchy in Lagos to favour the aspirant.

“The monarch has clearly out-stepped his bounds; he hasbitten more than he can chew and has taken more than hereally can contain. He has stepped on the sensibilities of theelectorate by usurping their rights to choose through theirvotes, their choice governor.

Mixed reactions toAkiolu’s endorsementof Ambode

LAGOS 2015:

The endorsement was also flayed by some other stake-holders including the founder of the Odua Peoples Con-gress, Dr. Fredrick Fasheun, APC chieftain, Alhaji GaniyuOseni, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP Lagos State chap-ter among others.

The endorsement was, however, strongly backed by theAPC, Protectors of Lagos’ Legacy, PLL, Senator Olurun-nimbe Mamora,

APC chieftain, Alhaji Ganiyu Oseni, in his opinion, urgedAkiolu to stay away from politics for now. According toOseni, the Lagos monarch has no right to dabble into poli-tics, being a public servant paid by the tax payers of thestate. “All Obas are public officers because the govern-ment is paying their salaries. They are precluded from dab-

bling into political matters which affect thetax payers”, he said.

Oseni who had earlier kicked against im-position of any candidate in the contest forthe governorship position of Lagos State in2015, reminded the party of the late FemiAgbalajobi,/Dapo Sarumi saga which pro-duced an opposition candidate in the lateSir Michael Otedola as the democraticallyelected governor of the state in 1991. Oseni,who stated that the political parties have theirprocedure for picking their torch bearers,called for a level playing ground for the as-pirants. “Whoever emerged the party’s can-

didate in the primary will be supported as its torch bearerat the polls. “What is currently going on in the state arepolitical shenanigans, tricks and manipulations.“There isa clear cut difference between the church and the state.Can anybody go to Abia, Imo, Anambra, Rivers, Akwa Ibomand Cross River states and say they want a Muslim candi-date? Democracy is a government of the people by thepeople and for the people. You can’t go to Zamfara, Katsina,Kano and Jigawa states and say you must have a Christiangovernor,” he asserted.

“I am very, very, very disturbed that people are bringing


Oba of Lagos, Rilwan AkioluAkinwumi Ambode

Ambode remainsthe best man withthe required pedi-gree and characterto take Lagos to thenext level

Continues on page 49

SASASASASATURDTURDTURDTURDTURDAAAAAY Y Y Y Y VVVVVanguardanguardanguardanguardanguard, , , , , MAY 24, 2014—49 2014—49 2014—49 2014—49 2014—49


Leadership of the YorubaAssembly in Lagos has madea passionate demand for

regional autonomy, saying it is theminimum condition for Yourubas toremain in the Federal Republic ofNigeria.

They also reiterated demand onspecial status for Lagos, which theysaid would continue to be theeconomic nerve centre of Nigeriaand the West Africa, hence, thereshould be appropriate budgetaryprovision that is part of the FirstLine Charge in the federationaccount.

The groups include AfenifereRenewal Group, O’dua Foundation,O’dua Nationalist Coalition,Afenifere Youth Forum, Atayese,Agbekoya Reformed Society andCoalition for O’dua Self-determina-tion Group, among others.

The ethnic group made the de-mands at a joint news conferenceaddressed at Gani Fawehinmi Park,Ojota, Lagos on Monday.

National Secretary, Chief AyoAfolabi and Chairman of AtayeseYoruba Group, Chief Tokunbo Ajasin,who read the text of the conferencetheme: “Regional Autonomy... orNothing” on behalf of other ethnicgroups, acknowledged that it wasinconceivable that northern leaders“are the ones leading the campaignagainst devolution of power andrestructuring of government.”

The ethnic group said it wasbaffled at the take-it-or-leave-itattitude of delegates from otherethnic nationalities, particularly theNorthern delegates at the on-goingNational Conference, who circulateda document full of fallacies fewweeks ago claiming that the North“has about 80 percent of Nigerianpopulation and that its resources

True Federalism: Our onlyOur onlyOur onlyOur onlyOur onlycondition to rcondition to rcondition to rcondition to rcondition to remain inemain inemain inemain inemain inNigeria —Nigeria —Nigeria —Nigeria —Nigeria —Yoruba groups

were used to develop oil sectors.”It therefore said, if any region in

the federation “needs a strongerfederating unit with greater capacityto provide education, health, securi-ty, wealth creation and other socialamenities, it is the North wherestrong links exist between the level

of poverty and conscription ofinnocent youths into extremisttendencies.”

According to the ethnic group, itappears Northern leaders were notconcerned, and indeed have no planfor the teeming youth from theregion, as long as they are able to

continue clinging to their hold onpower.

Canvassing regional autonomy, thegroup stressed, was the most viableinstrument for a stronger and unitedNigeria, noting that the YorubaPeople of Nigeria would not acceptanything less than what it calledminimum demands.

They demanded that states inYoruba land “want a regionalgovernment with its own constitutionand unfettered political and fiscalautonomy, except on issues it agreesto cede to the federal government.”

The ethnic group also declaredthat the South-west geopoliticalregion “must include all Yorubapeople outside the imposed artificialboundaries in Edo, Delta, Kogi andKwara States.”

Part of its demands includes; anegotiated legislative, exclusive,concurrent and residual list; unicam-eral legislature at the center; detailsof the Regional legislature shall be

clearly set out in the constitu-tion; parliamentary form ofgovernment at the center;

and the right to self-determi-nation on and up to the rightto secede.

Other demands include ajust and equitable taxationsystem that “will treat thefederating units with equali-ty and better coordination atthe federal level in order toeliminate the current rentiersyndrome and fiscal federal-ism and resource control.“A system whereby a substan-

tial part of the proceeds accrue-able from every federating unitwill be retained and an agreedpercentage contributed to thecenter by the federating units forthe responsibility of the Federalgovernment.”The group demanded establish-

ment of regional police and a newpeople’s constitution, which theresolutions and conclusions of the2014 National Conference shall lead“to an autonomous constitution thatis a home-grown and all inclusivedraft that shall be submitted to theNigerian electorate voting in aReferendum.

They, however, said: “We are notenforcing our demands on others.They are free to explore whateversuits them while we should be freeto organise our governance the wayit suits us.”

Mixed Reactions to Akiolu’s endorsement of Ambode

religion into politics. They know the beginning of theissues but nobody knows the end. Deep down in me, Idon’t believe in imposition. The choice must be for thepeople.”

1.Lagos state is not a state of a particular religion, wehave both Muslims, Christians and traditional religionworshipers and all we need is a good leadership that willlead us to our Promise Land,” he said.

Lagos PDP rebukes Oba Akiolu

The Lagos State chapter of the PDP, ?said it will notbe distracted by the endorsement by the traditional

ruler.The state publicity secretary, Mr Taofik Gani said“on the one hand, we are not going to be distracted be-cause we believe this might be a decoy. We have the his-tory of the emergence of the Lagos State governor?. They

will usually send out a false thing but the candidate will emerge atthe last minute. We are not bothered that an Ambode has beenmentioned but we are disturbed because the Oba of Lagos, whoshould be a father figure for us, has descended into the murkywaters of politics by affirming what ordinarily should be arumour that Akin Ambode will be the next governor.”

He said “We think that this is very unbecoming, it is unfor-tunate of an oba and we want to say that it is also a vindica-tion that our accusations that the Oba’s palace and someother palaces have indeed been used to rig elections for theAPC. What we will admonish the Oba, at this point in time,to do is to know that the stool is a stool representing theintegrity and credibility of Lagos indigenes and he shouldnot desecrate that stool. We are also saying that if the palacewill compromise free and fair elections, we will mobilise La-gosians and make that palace uninhabitable for anybodywho does that.”OBA HAS HIS BACKERSPLL backs Akiolu

The Protectors of Lagos’ Legacy, PLL,welcoming Akiolu’s endorsement of

Ambode as a worthy successor to Fashola ina statement by it’s coordinator, Barr. OlatunjiWilliams, PLL recalled that when the Oba ofBenin endorsed Comrade Oshiomhole in thelast governorship election in Edo State, no-body in Benin Kingdom and the entire EdoState insulted him. It also cited the severalendorsements received by President GoodluckJonathan from traditional rulers. “Oba Akioluhas only exercised his constitutional right asis the case all over the world.

This should not attract butt of unculturedvituperation by some faceless people in thename of politics. The revered Oba only airedhis opinion”, PLL noted.

Continues from page 48

Agony of aLASU student

Upon regular visits to and support rendered to schools like;

Modupe Cole Memorial Handi-capped School, Akoka, Junior BoysApproved School, Yaba, WesleySchool of the Deaf, Surulere, Nation-al Orthopedic Special school, Igbobiand other homes like Red CrossMotherless Babies Home, AdekunleIyaba and Spinal Cord InjuriesHome, Amuo Odofin, for the past 15years, Bobnel Child Support Foun-dation, a humanitarian non-govern-mental organisation is set to con-struct its World Class Center.

The center which is to accommo-date 100 children is aimed at assuag-ing the plight of physically chal-lenged and less privileged childrenin Nigeria through transitional reliefprogrammes.

Bobnel to constructWorld Class FoundationBy Tare Youdeowei


Until 2011, Lagos State University, LASU wasa place to get affordable tertiary educationin Nigeria. Even then, mothers sold theirwrappers, fathers took loans, and students

did odd jobs to meet up with the N25, 000 average fee.Emmanuel Gbesemehane hoped to be one of such stu-

dents. After waiting years to getadmission into the University, thetwenty-eight year old finally hadthe opportunity to study Physics atLASU. His joy was short lived how-ever, when he heard that he wouldpay N258, 000 per annum.

‘ Before I wrote my Unified Ter-tiary Matriculation Examinations,UTME,’ he told Saturday Van-guard, ‘the school fees stood atN25, 000. But after I got admission,the fees were increased. But I hopedthat with all the noise students were making, the stategovernment would revert to the former fees.’

LASU fees were increased by as much as 750 per centwith medical students being charged up to N345, 750.Because many could not afford it, admission in 2011/2012 session fell by about 30 per cent. In the 2011 post-UTME exercise, students seeking admission to LASUsharply dropped. The over 2,000 students who meritedadmission having passed post-UTME had to forfeit theiradmissions because they could not afford the fees.’

But Emmanuel did not forfeit the space he had wait-ed so long to occupy, at least not immeiately. He said:‘My father took a loan of N250, 000 from his cooperative

society to pay for my first year, and I borrowed N8, 000from my friends. But when we got into the 2013/2014academic session, the situation remained the same.’

Emmanuel had resigned his job as a teacher in a smallprivate school because he had to make a long commutefrom Badagry to LASU, Ojo every day to attend lec-tures. He couldn’t afford to live on campus. His father,

a retired Local Government officialhad not finished paying back the firstloan, when the second year camealong. Emmanuel could not pay hisfees and missed out on the entire2013/2014 session.‘I have been ad-vised to withdraw from school,’ hesaid worriedly, ‘my counterparts arenow in 300 level. But because theschool management requires thatanyone who misses exams in firstand second semester must withdraw,I cannot continue my career here. I

was not allowed to write any examinations because Ihad not paid my fees. I would like to plead with thestate government to have mercy, and revert to the oldfees.’

The LASU Chapter of the Academic Staff Union ofUniversities, LASU-ASUU is currently on strike to de-mand, among other things, for a reversal of the fee hike.This is not the first time the body is striking for thatpurpose. There have been a number of protests by stu-dents and other well meaning Nigerians to demand samefrom the state government. Despite all these, Emman-uel remains at home, unable to get the University de-gree he worked towards for so long.

His father, a retiredLocal Government offi-

cial had not finishedpaying back the first

loan, when the secondyear came along


Etisalat, Alibaba, forNIJ students’ week


Nigerian Institute of Journalism(NIJ) Forth students week

comes up on June,2,2014. Comedi-an Ali Baba and other celebrities willgrace the occasion at the institution.According to the Chairman, Stu-dents’ Representative Council andOrganizing Committee, OjebolaMatthew, the event is meant to helpdiscover new potentials aside theregular academics .

'Why I'm dropping out of school'

SPELLING BEE:12-yr-old daughterof a mechanicheads for US

Olawale Zainab, a Junior SecondarySchool 2 student of Unity Middle

School, Osun State, will be part of thisyear’s edition of Scripps National Spell-ing Bee competition holding in the Unit-ed States of America, USA.The 12 years old girl, whose father is anautomobile mechanic and mother atrader, emerged the overall winner in aspelling bee that involved 40 schools and200 students. The competition was puttogether by Ghana-based Young Educa-tion Foundation, YEF, in collaborationwith Sherry Care Foundation, SCARF,Osun State First lady, Alhaja SherifatAregbesola’s non-governmental organ-isation, with support from Dufil PrimaFoods, manufacturers of Indomie.Zainab told newsmen in Lagos, Thurs-day, that “listening to my tutors, read-ing, confidence and composure” haveseen her through.Manpreet Singh, Head, Marketing,Dufil, said Zainab would not be com-peting in this year’s Scripps spellingbee, but would be there as an ambassa-dor of the country. He said the neces-sary things were being done to make hercompete in the next edition.Akinloye Philips, the Project Coordina-tor, said the aim of the competition is tobuild a complete child. Mr. Rotimi Ade,Programme manager for SCARF, ddedthat spelling competitions promote read-ing and understanding of other culturesas etymology was part of the training.

50—SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014MAY 24, 2014MAY 24, 2014MAY 24, 2014MAY 24, 2014

SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014—51

In recent times, OgunState seems to be under

attacks by ritualists whowere on the loose in someparts of the state. The recentdiscovery of their dens andsubsequent arrest of thesuspected operators andtheir accomplices reveal thatboth the dead and the livingare not safe in the hands ofthe ritualists.

Many cemeteries in OgunState have been reportedlyvisited by these wicked soulswho do not only exhume thecontents, but, also dismem-ber the remains of the deadand sell them. Bizarre.

This development hasforced many families in thestate to avoid porous ceme-teries for the secured ones.So far, more than 20 humanheads including that of a-two-year-old boy as well asother parts of human bodiesincluding tongues, intestinesamong others have beensevered by the ritualists whohave been on the prowl inthe state.

Sequel to this develop-ment, palpable fear hasgripped residents of the stateover the incessant reports ofkidnapping by ritualists.Many of them succeed whilenemesis catch up with someof them.

On March 11,2014,a-38-year-old man,Adelani Ayomide

was caught with a bagallegedly containing 18human skulls. The suspectedritualist was arrested at6:48am during a stop-and-search operation along Ado-Odo, Owode road by Police-men attached to a division inAdo-Odo in Ado-Odo-Otalocal government area of thestate.

According to the statePolice Public RelationsOfficer, Muyiwa Adejobi ,Policemen attached to Ado-Odo division, while on stop-and -search along Ado-OdoOwode road, sighted apedestrian, Adelani Ay-omide, 38, of Ilaro, OgunState with a bag containing18 human heads. “Thesuspect will be transferred tothe State Department OfInvestigation, Eleweran,Abeokuta, for investigation.The Commissioner of Police,Ikemefuna Okoye hasassured the general public ofa thorough investigation andwill make sure the suspectface the wrath of the law andassist in getting othersuspects in connection withthe crime,” he said .

On April 2, the Ogun State

Police command discovered aritualists’ den in Iyana-Egbado village in Ewekorolocal government area ofOgun state. The Policesubsequently arrested asuspected ritualist simplyidentified as Gbenga whowould have been lynched ifnot for the prompt interven-tion of the Police thatstopped the irate mob.Adejobi disclosed that somehuman parts includingdecomposing intestines werefound with him before hewas whisked away.

Other items found at theritualists’ den include;knives, various non - func-tioning electronic parts,assorted soft drinks suggest-ing that the suspect andother ritualists were indeedliving under the bridge.

The suspect reportedlyconfessed to have come fromAdo- Ekiti in Ekiti state.

A week after, another fivesuspected ritualists includ-ing two women, were nabbedwith some human heads andother human parts in Jojuarea of Ota Ado-Odo-Otalocal government . Adejobiin a statement said thesuspects were arrested in ajoint operation between menof the state Police commandand the Special Anti RobberySquad Lagos Command. Thesuspects who includedKubura Salami, TantolorunAbimbola, Kafaya Popoola,Wahid Ibrahim and AdamuRafiu were reportedly caughtfollowing a tip- off from thepeople of the area .

According to the PPRO ,the Divisional Police Officer

in charge Otta Division ofthe command, CSP GabrealIdibie, led a team of opera-tives to assist policemen fromthe Special Anti-robberySquad, SARS, Lagos, whogot the first hand informationon Joju area where the fivesuspects were arrested andthe exhibits recovered forfurther investigation andprosecution.

“The suspects arrestedinclude; Kubura Salami,Tantolorun Abimbola, KafayaPopoola, Wahid Ibrahim andAdamu Rafiu. The exhibitsrecovered from them were;one complete human headand pieces of human flesh ina container stained withliquid substance suspectedto be human blood.”

More shocking was thestory of a two-year-

old boy who was beheadedin the presence of his motherafter the same man raped hismother. The suspect, Ma-

modu Bashir Ibrahim, in his30s, wrecked the havoc atMowe area of the state. Hereportedly killed the boy andthen severed his head andsold it afterwards.

According to the PPRO, onSaturday 12th April at about9: 30 pm , the suspect whohad earlier raped the motherof the deceased, fled thescene immediately he killedthe boy and cut off his head.“Police operatives deployedto the area placed him undersurveillance with the help ofthe members of the commu-nity before he was arrestedat Mowe where he washiding. The suspect hasconfessed to the crime andhe is assisting the police intheir investigation.

In the same vein, no fewerthan six pupils of a privateschool in Obantoko area,Abeokuta, Ogun State capitalescaped from the vehicle inwhich they were kept bysuspected kidnapers. It was

gathered that, the suspectedkidnapers, after a failedattempt the previous day,went back the following dayto the same spot in themorning to kidnap the schoolchildren.

An eye witness toldCrime Guard that thepupils were returning

from their holiday lesson inthe school when four men ina tinted glass SUV allegedlykidnapped the victims oneafter the other and tied theirhands and legs and put themin the vehicle.

The source further ex-plained that one of thevictims whose hands were notproperly tied removed thetwine and untied his col-leagues who later escapedand alerted the people in thearea.

Narrating their ordeal, oneof the lucky pupils OreoluwaAdebayo explained that oneof the kidnapers, dressed likea religious man, begged forwater to pour into the radia-tor of their vehicle which heclaimed was overheating. Hesaid, “as we were makingefforts to get them water, wewere grabbed and bundledinto their vehicle and theytied all of us. Mine was nottight due to the lack ofenough twine, so, I was ableto untie others and we ranaway because they were notthere.”

Meanwhile, one of theteachers in the school, Gabri-el Adesoga, has assured thatsome suspected kidnapershad beckoned on a pupil,Adebayo, who screamed andalerted the school and theneighborhood.

In his reaction, the statecommissioner of Police,Ikemefuna Okoye assure thegeneral public that the policewould not condone any act ofcriminality within the state.Okoye said that the commandwas ready to harness allavailable resources to haverobust intelligence- drivenpolicing.

Ritualist rapeswoman, kills her son•Police recover 20 human heads,

arrest 7 suspects



Nemesis has caught up with a couple,who ran an illegal petroleum depot atLukosi village, Ogijo in Sagamu local

council of Ogun State where Premium MotorSpirit and diesel are received , stored and sup-plied to their customers.

The couple, Raymond Yusuf, 37, his wife,Sekinat Yusuf, 32, as well as their accomplice,Nwoke Chi were accused of vandalizing pipe-lines belonging to the Nigeria National Petro-

leum Corporation, NNPC, siphoning the con-tents and selling the products.

They were caught red-handed at their res-idence which they converted to a petroleum‘depot’ for supplying products at a cheaprate to their customers who included com-mercial motorcyclists.

The suspects met their waterloo when menof Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps(NSCDC) in Ogun, on a tip off stormed thehouse and caught the three suspects whowere in possession of large volumes of pe-troleum products.

Couple operating illegal petroldepot nabbed

52—SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014

Arms trafficking: Rtd PRtd PRtd PRtd PRtd Policeoliceoliceoliceoliceofofofofofffffficer arresticer arresticer arresticer arresticer arrested with drived with drived with drived with drived with drivererererer•Another Police Corporal escapes


SECURITY agentsstationed alongthe ever-busy

Enugu – MakurdiExpressway recently,apprehended a retireddeputy superintendentof police (DSP) and acommercial driver whowere conveying liveammunitions to thenorthern part of thecountry. The retiredpolice officer whosename was simply givenas Abu Aruna, hailsfrom Kogi State andresides at Ikom, CrossRiver State while thedriver was identified asOnuwa Attaka. Thesuspects were allegedlyconveying ammunitionsto Taraba State from IkotEkpene, Cross RiverState when the militarymen on duty along Orbaaxis at the Enugu-Markudi express wayintercepted them. Itwas learnt that thesoldiers wanted to knowthe contents of the bagsloaded in their vehicleespecially as they wereseen on the road late inthe night.

How they werearrestedCrime Guard gath-

ered that as soon as the

soldiers led by one staffSergeant Mauriceopened the baggageinside the vehicle, theysighted four boxes of Ak47 live bullets of7.62mm special andthey quickly ordered thefour occupants of thevehicle to alight. One ofthe occupants who wasdressed in full policeuniform as a corporalreportedly came downand pretended as if hewas going to easehimself. He took to hisheels and disappearedinto a nearby bushtogether with anotheroccupant.

Security sourcesintimated Crime Guardthat after their arrest,the retired police officergave the name of thefleeing police corporalsimply as Solomon butcould not disclose theidentity of the secondperson. The sourcesfurther alleged that theretired DSP has beeninto the arms deal sincehis retirement from thepolice force till hisapprehension, addingthat their unaccom-plished mission toTaraba State was tosupply the last batch oftheir consignment, afterthe buyers in Tarabasate paid them.

During interrogation,

retired DSP Arunareportedly admittedhaving supplied the firstbatch but the buyercomplained that theydid not supply in fullhence they were ontheir way to Taraba Statewhen the military menintercepted themaround 11pm, lastSaturday. He said thatthe fleeing corporal wasa serving police officerbut bluntly refused todisclose where heserves. However, thedriver of the vehiclesaid he was merelyhired from Owerri toTaraba State at the costof N30.000 adding thathe never knew theywere conveying ammu-nitions to Taraba hencehe did not question thecontent of their luggag-es.

Items recoveredIt was gathered that

100 live cartridges, 40pieces of Ak- 47 maga-zines, charms andDenny mopol uniformneatly wrapped in a suitcase bag, four boxes ofthe Ak- 47 live ammuni-tion containing 2,500bullets making a total of10,000 bullets, wererecovered from thesuspects. When CrimeGuard visited the sceneof the crime, the twoalleged arms traffickerswere seen being drivenaway by the militarymen with their handstied at the back forfurther interrogation.

Police reactIn his comment over

the arrest, the Areacommander, NigeriaPolice Command,Nsukka, Ros-AmsonMusa Haladu (ACP),commended the effortsof the military men thatapprehended thealleged suspected armsdealers, stating thatboth the military andpolice share one com-mon interest in crimedetection and preven-tion in the Universitytown of Nsukka and itsenvirons.

ACP Haladu appealedto the general public toassist the police bygiving useful informa-tion as security of thenation is the business ofeverybody, not just thepolice and military,especially now thatBoko Haram insurgencyis terrifying the entirepublic in the country.

The suspect

The recovered items

•The driver after

How Surveyors can helpfight terror —Adeaga

THE President of theNigerian Institution

of Surveyors (NIS), MrBode Adeaga, has ex-pressed the readiness ofthe surveyors in the coun-try to collaborate with se-curity agencies in fight-ing terrorism in theNorthern part of the coun-try. This, he said, can be

done through proper sur-vey and mapping of thecountry.

Speaking at the open-ing ceremony of the49th Annual GeneralMeeting and Conferenceof the NIS, Adeaga saidin order to tackle thegrowing insecurity in thecountry, “we must builda foundation that wouldbe able to erect the infra-structures and structuresthat would guarantee asustainable developedsafe society”.

According to him “a so-ciety that plays down thevalue and importance ofmaps and mapping willonly succeed in enmesh-ing itself in a quagmireof failures. It is sad to notethat the last meaningfulmapping exercise donein this country was donein the days of the Ord-nance Survey of the colo-nial period.

Fashola doles out N4.6bn forpension, gratuity*Sets up c’ttee on LASU strikeBY OLASUNKANMI


FOLLOWING theindefinite strike

embarked on bythe Academic StaffUnion of Lagos StateU n i v e r s i t y ,LASU,Governor Baba-tunde Fashola has setup an Executive Com-mittee to address thedemands of the strikinglecturers.

Meanwhile, the stategovernment said, N4.6billion was paid in thelast 12 months, as pen-sions and gratuity to re-tired civil servants inthe state.

Commissioner for Es-tablishment, Trainingand Pensions, Mrs. Flo-r e n c eOguntuase, disclosedthese yesterday, at apress briefing in Ikeja.


Oguntuase recalled thatthe lecturers embarkedon an indefinite strikelast Tuesday, due to fail-ure of the institution’smanagement to meettheir demands.

Though, the commis-sioner who did not givethe number of the mem-bers of the committee,said, “At the moment, theexecutive council led by

Governor BabatundeFashola has set up anexecutive committee tolook into the demands ofthe striking lecturers.”

The commissioneradded thatthe committee wouldlater meet with the aimof looking into the de-mands of the strikinglecturers and proffernecessary solutions.


Bizman in court overN5.6m fraud

A 37 years old businessman, Chukwu-

ka Okubalu, was on Fri-day, arraigned before anIgbosere Magistrate’sCourt, for allegedly ob-taining goods worthN5.646million, underfalse pretence of remit-ting the proceeds, aftersales to the owner.Okubalu, who has nofixed address, is stand-ing trial, on a three countcharge of obtaining,stealing and issuing of adud cheque, preferredagainst him, by the po-lice.

The Prosecutor, Corpo-ral Emmanuel Ajayi, toldthe court that the defen-dant, committed the of-fences sometimes in themonth of March 2012, atLagos Island.

He said that the defen-dant, stole the sum ofN5,646 million, belong-ing to one OkwuchukwuFrancis-Akaegbusi .Ajayi, also said thatOkubalu, fraudulently is-sued a Diamond Bankcheque to the tune ofN1million to Bill FrancoLtd, to upset the goods hecollected on credit, fromthe complainant in De-cember 2012.


Ehime-Mbano Indigenes in Lagos endorseHon. Kingsley Dimaku

THE Ehime-MbanoIndigenes Associa-

tion, Lagos Chapter lastweekend at their executivemeeting in Lagos en-dorsed Honourable ChiefKingsley Dimaku repre-senting Ehime-Mbanoconstituency in Imo StateHouse of Assembly for an-other term. The Associa-tion is a registered groupwith strong voice, chartinga course in installing goodgovernance in their con-stituency and the nation atlarge.

Making reference togood governance, the as-sociation said that divi-dends of democracy areone visible thing that canbe felt by anybody withinthe land. Under this guise,the group expresses theirvote of confidence and en-dorsement of HonourableChief Kingsley Dimaku,for re-election. They ap-pealed to sons and daugh-ters from the constituencyto rest their hope on himbecause his antecedentsspeak volume. According

to the association, Hon.Kingsley Dimaku is a prin-cipled man of integrity,tested and trusted.

Within his three legisla-tive years so far, numerousachievements were re-corded; over 66 widowswere empowered in vari-ous entrepreneurial skills,15 kilometer roads wereconstructed in Ehime-Mbano Local GovernmentArea and many schoolswere remodeled to keyinto Gov. Rochas Okoro-cha’s school refurbishingagenda.

Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for Econo-my Dr. Ngozi Okojo-Iweala addressing Pressmen on 2014Budget passed by President Jonathan while Director Gen-eral , Budget office, Bright Okogu looks on in Abuja. Photoby Gbemiga Olamikan.



SATURDAY Vanguard, MAY 24, 2014 —55

Printed and Published by VANGUARD MEDIA LIMITED, Vanguard Avenue, Kirikiri Canal, P.M.B.1007, Apapa. Ag. EDITOR: ONOCHIE ANIBEZE Advert Dept: 01-7924470; Hotline: 01-4544821; Abuja: 09-2341102, 09-2342704. E-mail:[email protected]; [email protected], [email protected]. (Text) 08052201257;

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SOLUTION on page 16


For participating at the World Cup, the NFFwill receive a guaranteed sum of USD 8-

million from Fifa.This sum will go to the federation even if the

Super Eagles lose out in the First Round.The amount is the minimum sum of the

graduated prize structure by Fifa for all 32participating teams at the World Cup.

An additional $1-million comes with progressto the round of 16, but from then on, the figurestake on dizzying heights. Quarter-finalappearance is rewarded with $1-million, andthe World Cup winners get $35-million.

Nigeria guaranteed$8m from World Cup

I won’t letEagles downin Brazil— Agbim...says criticisms don’t bother me...says criticisms don’t bother me...says criticisms don’t bother me...says criticisms don’t bother me...says criticisms don’t bother me




Across1 Enyimba FC Defender,Uwa – (9)5 Japanese Currency Unit– (3)8 President, NigerianWomen’s FootballLeague, Mrs. Dilichukwu –(9)10 Country in Asia – (5)11 Italy “Azzuris” Nationalcoach, Cesare – (9)15 minister of Women Af-fairs, Hajiya Zainab – (5)17 L.G.A. In Kano State –(5)18 Borno State Capital –(9)21 Zambian Currency Unit-0- (5)23 Nigerian PremiershipClubside – (9)26 Organ of Hearing – (3)27 African Deciduous Tree– (3)28 Super Eagles Left-backand AS Monaco Defender,Elderson – (9)

Down1 Akwa-Ibom State Capital– (3)2 Female Rabbit – (3)3 Super Eagles Goalkeep-er, Austin – (5)4 Speaker, Imo State Houseof Assembly, Hon. Ben – (9)5 Cease – (4)6 Ghana Football Associa-tion President, Mr. Kwesi –(9)9 Neither – (3)11 Benin Republic CapitalCity – (9)12 L.G.A in Akwa-Ibom State– (4)13 Linear Measurement Unit– (9)14 L.G.A in Lagos State –(5)16 Former Delta State Gov-ernor, Mr. Felix – (4)19 L.G.A in Kebbi State – (5)20 Cereal – (3)22 Period of Seven Days –(4)24 Anambra State Governor,Dr. Peter – (3)25 Prosecute – (3)
