Page 1: ChemInform Abstract: Quick and Highly Efficient Copper-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Aliphatic and Aryl Azides with Terminal Alkynes “on Water”


Triazole derivativesR 0280 Quick and Highly Efficient Copper-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Aliphatic and

Aryl Azides with Terminal Alkynes "on Water". — The cycloadditions are per-formed in water as an environmentally friendly medium without exclusion of air and in the presence of copper bromide as the catalyst and thioanisole as the ligand. All re-actions are carried out smoothly to completion in short reaction times, and the triazoles (III) and (VI) are obtained in excellent yields. Substrates with good solubility in water or liquid substrates show higher reaction rates than solid or insoluble substrates. Water is not a good solvent for most of the substrates, but it shows excellent solubility for the copper salt, which is favorable for coordination of the copper ion with alkyne and ligand. — (WANG, F.; FU*, H.; JIANG, Y.; ZHAO, Y.; Green Chem. 10 (2008) 4, 452-456; Key Lab. Bioorg. Phosphorus Chem. Chem. Biol., Dep. Chem., Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, Peop. Rep. China; Eng.) — H. Hoennerscheid

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