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Page 1: chem 6c exam 2

1. A2. B3. C4. a5. a6. d7. d8. b9. c10. c11. d

Membranes are fluid that allows the dynamic

Lateral movement

Move in same layer

flip flopping across membrane is rare always in the inner layer (phosphatidylserine) Integral proteins

Page 2: chem 6c exam 2

Images Appear whiter if less affinity for electrons and darker if more affinity for electrons in electron microscope

Proteins from other cells go to the bleaches part, membrane proteins moves Membrane protein functions

Transport Using atp

Enzymatic activity Signal transduction

Change shape of normally a receptor and translated to another.. Cell-cell recognition Intercellular joining Attach

C6 inter region = hydrophobic Important for isolating cells and keep animal cells in isotonic solution

Plant cell hypotonic Glutamic acid mimic active form of proteins Kinetic energy

Movement Thermal energy

Random movement Potential energy

A substance may have because of the placement or the chemical

Cellular work Three types

Mechanical work Transport work Chemical work

ATP Cell’s energy shuttle Composed of ribose

Activation energy Absorb energy from surroundings

Vitamins part of enzyme Enzyme can’t work without these coenzymes

12. B