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Assignment 3Practical Production and Evaluation:

Advertising and Marketing

AO3 Research, planning and presentation: 15 marks/ AO4 Construct and evaluate 30 marks

FO: Seek Information: I can make concise and pertinent notes and use these to develop thinking, explore issues, represent information and develop my ideas

LO: how meaning is constructed in advertising

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What is advertising?

FO: Seek Information: I can make concise and pertinent notes and use these to develop thinking, explore issues, represent information and develop my ideasLO: how meaning is constructed in advertising

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There are three major points to consider;

• all adverts contain a message which may be expressed as a slogan – e.g Kill Your Speed.

• advertisements are paid for by advertisers and therefore can be a great source of income. Advertising is a commercial business.

• all advertisements have a purpose to persuade or raise awareness of the existence of a product or idea in the people that they target.

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What do you think are the main differences between brand advertising

and charity advertising?

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Consider the subjects charities deal with – list them

What difficulties can you envisage in having to advertise their concerns and issues?

Can you think of any advertising campaigns that have caused shock or outrage within the media

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FO: Seek Information: I can make concise and pertinent notes and use these to develop thinking, explore issues, represent information and develop my ideasLO: how meaning is constructed in advertising

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FO: Seek Information: I can make concise and pertinent notes and use these to develop thinking, explore issues, represent information and develop my ideasLO: how meaning is constructed in advertising

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FO: Seek Information: I can make concise and pertinent notes and use these to develop thinking, explore issues, represent information and develop my ideasLO: how meaning is constructed in advertising

Baby Greg is one minute old. He should have a bright future. Poverty has other plans. Poverty is waiting to rob Greg of hope and spirit and it’s likely to lead him to a future of squalor. We can’t end poverty but we can provide skills that Greg and thousands of others in the UK need to stop it predetermining their lives. Don’t let poverty destroy a future.

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FO: Seek Information: I can make concise and pertinent notes and use these to develop thinking, explore issues, represent information and develop my ideasLO: how meaning is constructed in advertising

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Charity Campaigns

Promoting a charity is a much more complex process than promoting a product, service or brand. A charity has to be seen to be getting value for money for its advertising campaign.

Charities have to promote awareness, of both themselves and the causes they fight. They are often dealing with taboo areas of society, circumstances that audiences don't really want to read about.

Charities have come under fire for using excessive and negative stereotyping in their advertising

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Complaints flood in to the Advertising Standards Authority if it is felt that an advertisement is too shocking, too controversial or too frightening.

Charities are also reliant on finding unique selling points that are bad, and not aspirational.

Charity advertising is an innovative and creative field. Charities and ad agencies work hard within the restrictions imposed upon them to create ads that will provoke discussion as well as donation.

Provocative advertising is one way of getting a charity into the news - where column inches are free.

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The Brief

• You will undertake research into charity organisations and social issue advertising

• You will produce evidence of pre-production exercises that demonstrate how your ideas develop over time

• You will produce a series of charity or social issue advertisements [minimum of three] or a 30 second filmed advertisement or a 30 second radio advertisement

• You will evaluate the process in relation to the core concepts of media studies
