Page 1: Charity: Water Brochure Copy

Charity: water Brochure Blurbs: Who We Are: Charity: water is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing safe and clean drinking water to people in developing countries. Because Charity:  water  is  serious  about  making  a  difference,  100%  of  every  donation  received  goes  directly  towards  water  projects.  This  promise  is  possible  because  all  expenses  and  operating  costs  have  been  covered  by  the  generosity  of  private  donors.   About the Water Crisis: Over 1 billion people in this world do not have access to clean drinking water. Diseases from unsanitary water kill  more  people  a  year  than  any  form  of  violence,  including  war.  Sadly,  children  are  the  most  susceptible  to  these  kinds  of  infections,  as  their  bodies  are  vulnerable  and  lack  the  strength  to  fight  them  off.    30,000 deaths occur weekly from drinking dirty water and living in unsanitary conditions; 90% of them belong to children under five years of age. In  Africa,  nearly  3  hours  a  day  is  spent  walking  to  collect  water.  Most  water  sources  are  unprotected  and  unsanitary,  likely  to  cause  illness,  and  are  located  miles  away.  The  responsibility  for  collecting  water  generally  falls  to  the  women  and  children.    Because  gathering  water  is  such  a  time  consuming  process,  children  are  often  denied  the  opportunity  to  attend  school  and  women  are  unable  to  work.  This  journey  for  water  not  only  steals  time  and  opportunity  for  education,  but  it  poses  great  risks  to  personal  safety.  Women  and  children  often  travel  alone;  leaving  them  vulnerable,  unprotected,  and  exposed  to  greater  risks  of  harassment  and  sexual  assault.    How  You  Can  Help:  There  are  several  ways  that  you  can  get  involved  with  Charity:  water.  You  can  help  sponsor  water  projects  in  villages,  schools,  and  health  clinics.  A  water  project  for  a  village  costs  $5000  and  will  provide  safe,  clean  drinking  water  for  about  250  people.  A  water  project  for  a  school  or  health  clinic  costs  $20,000;  providing  safe,  clean  drinking  water  for  an  average  of  1,000  people.      You  can  also  sponsor  your  very  own  fund  raising  campaign  and  collect  donations  at   Why water? Because water changes everything.