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Characterization of the Plasmodium falciparum andP. berghei glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferaseinvolved in FASII fatty acid utilization in themalaria parasite apicoplast

Melanie J. Shears,1,2 James I. MacRae,3

Vanessa Mollard,1 Christopher D. Goodman,1

Angelika Sturm,1 Lindsey M. Orchard,4 Manuel Llinás,4

Malcolm J. McConville,5 Cyrille Y. Botté6* andGeoffrey I. McFadden1*,†1School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010,Australia.2Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology,Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of PublicHealth, Baltimore, MD, 21205, United States.3The Francis Crick Institute, Metabolomics, The Ridgeway,Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AA, United Kingdom.4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Department of Chemistry and Center for Malaria Research,Pennsylvania State University, State College, UniversityPark, PA, 16802, United States.5Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia.6Apicolipid team, Institute for Advanced Biosciences UMRCNRS5309 INSMERM U1209, Université Grenoble Alpes,Grenoble, France.


Malaria parasites can synthesize fatty acids via atype II fatty acid synthesis (FASII) pathway locatedin their apicoplast. The FASII pathway has beenpursued as an anti-malarial drug target, but surpris-ingly little is known about its role in lipid metabolism.Here we characterize the apicoplast glycerol3-phosphate acyltransferase that acts immediatelydownstream of FASII in human (Plasmodiumfalciparum) and rodent (Plasmodium berghei)malaria parasites and investigate how this enzymecontributes to incorporating FASII fatty acids intoprecursors for membrane lipid synthesis. Apicoplasttargeting of the P. falciparum and P. berghei

enzymes are confirmed by fusion of the N-terminaltargeting sequence to GFP and 3′ tagging of the fulllength protein. Activity of the P. falciparum enzymeis demonstrated by complementation in mutantbacteria, and critical residues in the putative activesite identified by site-directed mutagenesis. Geneticdisruption of theP. falciparum enzyme demonstratesit is dispensable in blood stage parasites, even inconditions known to induceFASII activity. Disruptionof the P. berghei enzyme demonstrates it is dispens-able in blood andmosquito stage parasites, and onlyessential for development in the late liver stage,consistent with the requirement for FASII in rodentmalaria models. However, the P. bergheimutant liverstage phenotype is found to only partially phenocopyloss of FASII, suggesting newly made fatty acids cantake multiple pathways out of the apicoplast and sogiving new insight into the role of FASII andapicoplast glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase inmalaria parasites.


Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites, which have acomplex life cycle involving multiple stages in the humanand mosquito hosts (Greenwood et al., 2008; Aly et al.,2009). Plasmodium parasites require fatty acids formembrane lipid synthesis and other essential activities,and possess both an endogenous fatty acid synthesispathway and mechanisms for scavenging fatty acids fromthe host (Déchamps et al., 2010). The parasite fatty acidsynthesis pathway is located in the apicoplast, a reducedplastid organelle homologous to chloroplasts of plants andalgae (van Dooren and Striepen, 2013). As in chloroplastsand bacteria, the apicoplast harbours a dissociative, or typeII fatty acid synthesis (FASII) pathway, which is intrinsicallydifferent to the FASI pathway of humans (Waller et al.,1998). This characteristic, and the assumption that FASIIwas essential in blood stage parasites, led to its promotionas a target for anti-malarial drugs, and considerableresearch was directed toward identifying FASII inhibitors

Received 10 April, 2016; revised 11 June, 2016; accepted 17June, 2016. *For correspondences. Emails [email protected] (G. I.McFadden); [email protected] (C. Y. Botté); Tel. +61 39344 4272; 0414189905; Fax 93475065.†These individuals contributed equally to this work

Cellular Microbiology (2017) 19(1), e12633 doi:10.1111/cmi.12633First published online 1 August 2016

© 2016 The Authors Cellular Microbiology Published by John Wiley & Sons LtdThis is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any me-dium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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(Shears et al., 2015). However, transcriptomic and geneticstudies with the human malaria parasite Plasmodiumfalciparum and the rodent models Plasmodium bergheiand Plasmodium yoelii subsequently overturned thisassumption, with FASII enzymes found to be minimallyexpressed (Bozdech et al., 2003; Le Roch et al., 2003;Llinás, 2006) and ultimately dispensable in blood stageparasites (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2009). These datanot only indicated that FASII was invalid as a therapeutictarget, but also that fatty acid scavenging was insteadprimarily responsible for supporting lipid synthesis at thisstage. In P. berghei and P. yoelii, FASII was found tobe essential for parasite development in the late liverstage, suggesting it might still be targeted for malariaprophylaxis (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2009). InP. falciparum, however, FASII was unexpectedlydiscovered to be essential for sporozoite development,precluding analysis of mutants in the liver stage andcrucial validation of the pathway as a prophylactic target(van Schaijk et al., 2014). These unanticipated findingsemphasized a need for further research into FASII, andraised questions about both the role of the pathway inparasite lipid metabolism and its actual potential as atarget for malaria prevention.Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain why

FASII is essential at certain stages of themalaria parasite lifecycle. FASII primarily produces the fatty acid myristate(C14:0) (Botté et al., 2013), which is predicted to be usedfor phospholipid synthesis because these make up themajority of parasite membranes (Déchamps et al., 2010).FASII also produces octanoate (C8:0), but as this seemsto only be essential for synthesis of lipoic acid for theapicoplast pyruvate dehydrogenase, itself a FASII enzyme,this function appears to be solely self-sustaining (StormandMüller, 2012). Based on the observations that FASII nullmutants arrest at replicative life stages and show reducedgrowth and organelle development in the preceding stage(Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2009; Pei et al., 2010; Butleret al., 2011; Annoura et al., 2012; Nagel et al., 2013; vanSchaijk et al., 2014), it has been proposed that FASII isrequired to supplement fatty acid scavenging and boost bulkmembrane lipid synthesis (Yu et al., 2008). Alternatively, ithas been hypothesized that FASII is required for synthesisof certain essential lipids that cannot be acquired from thehost (Tarun et al., 2009). As FASII null mutants in rodentmodels consistently show reduced expression of the liverstage marker merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1), it wassuggested that FASII may be needed for production of theglycophosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor of the protein (Tarunet al., 2009). This in turn sparked the hypothesis that P.falciparum may be reliant on FASII in the mosquito stagesfor synthesis of the GPI anchor of the circumsporozoiteprotein (CSP) or other essential surface proteins (vanSchaijk et al., 2014), but so far there is no definitive

experimental evidence to support or distinguish thesehypotheses.

As in other organisms, malaria parasites are predicted tosynthesize phospholipids and the lipid moieties of GPIanchors from a precursor known as phosphatidic acid(Déchamps et al., 2010). Phosphatidic acid is produced viaa two-step pathway involving a glycerol 3-phosphateacyltransferase (G3PAT) and lysophosphatidic acidacyltransferase (LPAAT), which rely on conserved histidineand aspartate residues in a ‘HX4D’ motif (Heath and Rock,1998) to catalyse the attachment of fatty acids to the firstand second positions of glycerol 3-phosphate, respectively.Plasmodium parasites have been predicted to have two setsof these enzymes, one set in the apicoplast and another setin the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Santiago et al., 2004;Lindner et al., 2014). The identification of a putativemechanism for apicoplast fatty acid export (Ralph et al.,2004) indicates FASII can potentially contribute fatty acidsto both of these pathways. To date, however, there havebeen relatively few studies to provide evidence for FASIIfatty acids being used in phosphatidic acid synthesis ineither organelle. The P. falciparum ER G3PAT has beencharacterized and uses a range of fatty acids includingmyristate (C14:0) (Santiago et al., 2004), providingsuggestive data that FASII may provide substrates to thisenzyme. The P. yoelii apicoplast G3PAT has also beencharacterized and its deletion found to phenocopy FASIInull mutants in the late liver stage (Lindner et al., 2014),providing a more tangible link between the two pathwaysin this model. Surprisingly, however, the same study alsofound the predicted P. yoelii apicoplast LPAAT was local-ized to the ER, indicating the apicoplast pathway may dif-fer from that in other plastid-bearing organisms andinstead only produce the intermediate lysophosphatidicacid (Lindner et al., 2014). Therefore, although theapicoplast and ER acyltransferases are predicted to beintegral for linking FASII with membrane lipid synthesis,their precise role in FASII fatty acid metabolism is yet tobe elucidated.

In this study, we characterize the apicoplast G3PAT of P.falciparum (Pf apiG3PAT) and P. berghei (Pb apiG3PAT) tofurther explore how this enzyme contributes to FASII fattyacid metabolism. We confirm the apicoplast targeting andactivity of Pf apiG3PAT and investigate residues in itspredicted active site by targeted mutagenesis. We establishthe dispensability of Pf apiG3PAT in the blood stage, andcompare the phenotype of mutant and wild type parasitesin both standard media and conditions that induce FASIIactivity to make additional inferences about fatty acidmetabolism at this stage. Performing complementarystudies in P. berghei, we verify the apicoplast localizationof Pb apiG3PAT and demonstrate the enzyme is critical forparasite development in the late liver stage, consistent withfindings for its P. yoelii homolog. We further show that the

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Pb apiG3PAT deletion mutant phenocopies the P. bergheiFASII null mutant phenotype in many respects, but not inthe severity of the MSP1 expression defect, revealing novelinsight into the role of the enzyme in lipidmetabolism and thecomplex interplay between pathways for fatty acid metabo-lism in the apicoplast and ER.

Results and discussion

Pf apiG3PAT is targeted to the apicoplast and functions as atypical G3PAT

Pf apiG3PATwas initially implicated as a putative apicoplastprotein on the basis of a predicted apicoplast targetingsequence at its N-terminus (Ralph et al., 2004). Further insilico analysis of Pf apiG3PAT confirmed the presence of aputative apicoplast targeting sequence of 70 amino acids

that contained a predicted signal peptide and predictedtransit peptide as expected (Zuegge et al., 2001; Fothet al., 2003; Petersen et al., 2011) (Supplementary Fig. 1).To test if this putative apicoplast targeting sequence wasfunctional, we generated the transgenic Pf apiG3PAT1–70

gfp parasite line, which expressed the predicted PfapiG3PAT targeting sequence fused to a C-terminal greenfluorescent protein (GFP) reporter. Live fluorescencemicroscopy of blood stage Pf apiG3PAT1–70 gfp parasitesrevealed that GFP was directed to a discrete cellularcompartment characteristic of the apicoplast (van Doorenet al., 2005) in ring, trophozoite and schizont stage parasites(Fig. 1A). Immunofluorescence microscopy of PfapiG3PAT1–70 gfp parasites confirmed GFP was targetedto the apicoplast by co-localization with the apicoplastmarker, acyl carrier protein (ACP; Waller et al., 2000) (Fig.

Fig. 1. Pf apiG3PAT has a functionalapicoplast targeting sequence andrescues growth in a G3PAT-deficientmutant strain of E. coli.A. Live fluorescence microscopy of PfapiG3PAT1–70 gfp parasites shows thepredicted Pf apiG3PAT apicoplasttargeting sequence directs GFP to adiscrete cellular compartment in rings,trophozoites and schizonts.B. Immunofluorescence microscopy ofPf apiG3PAT1–70 gfp parasites usingantibodies against GFP and theapicoplast marker ACP demonstratesthe predicted Pf apiG3PAT apicoplasttargeting sequence targets GFP to theapicoplast. DNA stained with DAPI.Scale 3 μm.C. Pf apiG3PAT partially restoresgrowth in a G3PAT-deficient mutant ofE. coli, demonstrating it is active as aG3PAT. Bacteria were transformedwith a vector encoding a His-taggedversion of Pf apiG3PAT, the emptyvector orE. coliG3PATpositive control.Western blot of bacterial extractsconfirms expression of the tagged PfapiG3PAT (expected mass of 47 kDa).D–E. Mutation of the conservedhistidine or aspartate in the ‘HX4D’motifof Pf apiG3PAT abolishes its ability torestore growth in the E. coli mutant.Bacteria were transformed with vectorsencoding His-tagged versions of thehistidine to alanine mutant (PfapiG3PATH195A), aspartate to alaninemutant (Pf apiG3PATD200A), emptyvector orE. coliG3PATpositive control.Western blot of bacterial extractsconfirms expression of PfapiG3PATD200A, but fails to detect PfapiG3PATH195A, suggesting theconserved histidinemay be required forcorrect folding or stability of theenzyme.

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1B). Thus, the predicted Pf apiG3PAT targeting sequencewas sufficient to direct GFP into the apicoplast, consistentwith Pf apiG3PAT being an apicoplast resident protein.Pf apiG3PAT was identified as a putative G3PAT based

on sequence similarity to known G3PATs (Ralph et al.,2004) and the presence of the ‘HX4D’ catalytic motifcharacteristic of the enzyme class (Heath and Rock, 1998)(Supplementary Fig. 1). To test whether Pf apiG3PAT hadthe predicted activity, we employed an establishedcomplementation assay using the G3PAT-deficient plsB26mutant strain of Escherichia coli (Bell, 1974). The plsB26mutant has a defective G3PAT that renders it unable to growinminimalmedia lacking glycerol unless complementedwitha functional enzyme (Bell, 1974). To test Pf apiG3PAT foractivity, we transformed mutant bacteria with a vectorencoding a hexahistidine-tagged version of the protein(without the apicoplast targeting sequence), then monitoredfor growth onminimal media without glycerol in two separateexperiments. As controls, we transformed bacteria with theempty vector or a positive control vector encoding aHis-tagged version of the wild type E. coli G3PAT. Bacteriatransformed with the Pf apiG3PAT vector grew markedlybetter than the empty vector control, and achieved approxi-mately 60% of the growth observed for the positive control(Fig. 1C), consistent with findings for Py apiG3PAT (Lindneret al., 2014). Western blot analysis of extracts fromtransformed bacteria using anti-His antibodies also verifiedthat the tagged Pf apiG3PAT was expressed and solubleas expected. This demonstrated that Pf apiG3PATexpression was sufficient to partially restore growth in theG3PAT-deficient bacterial mutant, confirming that PfapiG3PAT was active as a G3PAT.Having demonstrated that Pf apiG3PAT was active, we

next sought to test whether, as in other characterizedG3PATs (Heath and Rock, 1998; Lewin et al., 1999; Turnbullet al., 2001; Tamada et al., 2004), the conserved histidine andaspartate residues of the ‘HX4D’ motif were important forcatalysis. To investigate this, we individually mutated theconserved histidine and aspartate residues of Pf apiG3PATto alanine, then tested the resultant proteins for their abilityto rescue growth in the bacterial complementation assay.Bacteria transformed with the vector encoding the PfapiG3PATH195A histidine to alanine mutant had the sameresidual growth rate as bacteria transfected with the emptyvector control, suggesting the conserved histidine wasrequired for Pf apiG3PAT activity (Fig. 1D). However, wewere unable to detect this protein by Western blot analysisdespite numerous attempts, and so could not exclude thealternate hypothesis that alteration of the residue had affectedthe expression, folding or stability of the protein. Bacteriatransformed with the vector encoding the Pf apiG3PATD200Aaspartate to alanine mutant were similarly indistinguishablefrom the empty vector control, and in this case weakexpression of the protein could be detected by Western blot

analysis (Fig. 1E). These observations indicated that PfapiG3PAT likely resembled characterized G3PATs in itsreliance on the conserved histidine and aspartate of the‘HX4D’ motif for activity or folding, indicating the enzymesputatively share a common mechanism of catalysis.

Pf apiG3PAT is dispensable in asexual blood stageparasites

Having confirmed the apicoplast localization and activity ofPf apiG3PAT, we next sought to determine the requirementfor the enzyme in blood stage parasites. Because weexpected Pf apiG3PAT would primarily or exclusively useFASII fatty acids, we predicted that it would be dispensablein asexual blood stage parasites. To test this we used adouble cross over homologous recombination strategy todisrupt the Pf apiG3PAT locus, inserting the humandihydrofolate reductase (hDHFR) drug resistance cassetteinto coding sequence to truncate the enzyme and eliminatethe ‘HX4D’ active site motif (Supplementary Fig. 2). Drug-resistant parasites were obtained from two independenttransfections in the D10 wild type background, and thesuccessful integration of the hDHFR cassette into the PfapiG3PAT locus was confirmed by PCR for each line(Supplementary Fig. 2). We also attempted to transfect intothe mosquito-transmissible NF54 wild type background onthree separate occasions without success (data not shown).Proceeding with the two lines in the D10 background, weobserved both Pf apiG3PAT (!) lines were viable and grewnormally as determined by frequency of subculturing,suggesting Pf apiG3PAT was indeed dispensable for bloodstage growth.

As we had employed a transfection strategy that relied onnegative selection to eliminate wild type parasites ratherthan cloning by limiting dilution (Maier et al., 2006), we alsosought to verify the disruption of the Pf apiG3PAT locus bywhole genome sequencing of one line. This analysis againconfirmed the successful integration of the hDHFR cassetteinto the Pf apiG3PAT locus, and although three single basechanges were identified between the mutant line and thewild type parent across the entire genome, targeted PCR-based sequencing of these regions in the second PfapiG3PAT (!) line revealed that they were not conserved(sequencing data deposited in NCBI Short Read Archiveunder accession number SRP071808, PCR data notshown). Therefore, we reasoned the ability to recover PfapiG3PAT (!) parasites was not because of compensatorymutations or insertion of the selectable marker at other loci,and hence that Pf apiG3PAT activity was truly dispensablein blood stage parasites.

To investigate whether disruption of Pf apiG3PATproduced any subtle phenotype in the growth or develop-ment of blood stage parasites, one Pf apiG3PAT (!) linewas selected for further characterization. First, to monitor

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apicoplast development in the asexual blood stage cycle, weperformed immunofluorescence microscopy usingantibodies against the apicoplast marker ACP (Walleret al., 2000). No difference was observed between the PfapiG3PAT (!) line and wild type parasites in apicoplastappearance in ring, trophozoite or schizont stages, indicat-ing disruption of the enzyme did not impact apicoplast devel-opment in the blood stage (Fig. 2A). Transmission electronmicroscopy further confirmed this finding, with typicalapicoplast ultrastructure and membrane organization ob-served in trophozoite stage parasites of both lines, andwhorls of membrane seen in the apicoplast lumen in the PfapiG3PAT (!) parasite as previously reported for wild type(Lemgruber et al., 2013) (Fig. 2B). Disruption of PfapiG3PAT therefore had no appreciable impact onapicoplast development in blood stage parasites grown instandard culture conditions, indicating the enzyme was notrequired for apicoplast membrane synthesis and was eithernon-active or functionally redundant in this stage.

To investigatewhether disruption ofPf apiG3PAThad anyeffect on parasite growth or cell cycle progression, the repli-cation rate of synchronized parasites from the Pf apiG3PAT(!) and wild type line were compared using an establishedfour day growth assay (Mitamura et al., 2000; Mi-Ichi et al.,2006). No difference was observed between Pf apiG3PAT(!) and wild type parasites in replication rate in standardculture conditions, with both lines found to increase inparasitemia between five and six fold per cycle (Fig. 3A).Similarly, no appreciable difference was detected betweenPf apiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites in the proportionof rings or trophozoites present each day of the assay(Supplementary Fig. 3), providing preliminary evidence thatdisruption of Pf apiG3PAT had no effect on either parasitegrowth or cell progression in the blood stage. This lack ofgrowth phenotype was further supported by GC-MSanalysis of magnetically isolated Pf apiG3PAT (!) and wildtype infected red blood cells, which showed disruption ofthe enzyme had no significant affect on the overall fatty acidprofile of parasite lipids (Fig. 3B and C, SupplementaryTable 2). Together, these findings demonstrated that PfapiG3PAT was dispensable in blood stage parasites instandard culture conditions, and suggested the enzyme didnot normally contribute to bulk membrane lipid synthesis inat this stage.

Last, as it has previously been reported that Pf apiG3PATand FASII expression is up-regulated in P. falciparumex vivo isolates displaying a ‘starvation’ transcriptionalresponse (Daily et al., 2007), we hypothesized that PfapiG3PAT may be important in blood stage parasites inenvironments where exogenous fatty acids are limiting. Totest this, we repeated the growth assay using lipid-depletedmedia containing only palmitate (C16:0) and oleate (C18:1),because these are the minimum fatty acid set required tosupport parasite growth, and the conditions were previously

shown to also induce FASII activity (Botté et al., 2013).Again, no difference was observed between the PfapiG3PAT (!) line and wild type in their fold replication percycle in lipid-depleted conditions, with both lines failing to

Fig. 2. Pf apiG3PAT (!) parasites have normal apicoplast morphologyand development in the blood stage.A. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Pf apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites using antibodies against the apicoplast marker ACPdemonstrates disruption of the enzyme has no effect apicoplastmorphology in rings, trophozoites or schizonts. DNA stained with DAPI.Scale 3 μm.B. Transmission electron microscopy of trophozoite stage Pf apiG3PAT(!) and wild type parasites confirms disruption of the enzyme has noeffect on apicoplast structure or membrane organization. Magnifiedimages (inset) show the four apicoplast membranes are arranged inpairs (arrowheads) in both lines. Scale 100 nm.

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increase in parasitemia after the first cycle (Fig. 3D). Further-more, although the growth ofPf apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites was clearly reduced in lipid-depleted media, bothdisplayed normal cell cycle progression, indicating a lownumber of successful replication events had indeed takenplace (Supplementary Fig. 3). Thus disruption of PfapiG3PAT caused no further reduction in growth in lipid-depleted media beyond that observed for wild type. Thissuggested that incorporation of FASII fatty acids intomembrane lipid precursors in the apicoplast was not essen-tial at this stage, and by extension, that these fatty acidswere instead likely exported and utilized by other pathways.

Pb apiG3PAT is targeted to the apicoplast and expressed inliver stage parasites

Pb apiG3PAT shares strong sequence similarity with PfapiG3PAT and is likewise predicted to possess anapicoplast targeting sequence at its N-terminus (Supple-mentary Fig. 1). To verify that Pb apiG3PAT is targeted tothe apicoplast, we used a 3′ gene replacement strategy togenerate the Pb apiG3PAT ha gfp transgenic line, whichexpressed the full-length protein fused to C-terminalhemagglutinin (HA) and GFP tags (Supplementary Fig. 4).We chose this approach as it resulted in the tagged proteinbeing expressed from the endogenous promoter, and couldtherefore also provide information about when in the life

cycle Pb apiG3PAT was expressed. No GFP fluorescencewas observed in blood stage parasites, oocysts or salivarygland sporozoites by live fluorescence microscopy,indicating Pb apiG3PAT was not expressed at detectablelevels in these stages (data not shown). GFP fluorescencewas however observed in liver stage parasites in a structureresembling the apicoplast (Stanway et al., 2009), indicatingthat Pb apiG3PAT is normally expressed at this stage(Supplementary Fig. 5). Apicoplast targeting of PbapiG3PAT was then confirmed by immunofluorescencemicroscopy and colocalization of the HA and GFP tags withthe FASII enzyme FabI (Yu et al., 2008) (Fig. 4). Thisdemonstrated that Pb apiG3PAT is localized to theapicoplast and expressed in liver stage parasites, consistentwith the observed up-regulation of FASII enzymes at thisstage in rodent malaria models (Tarun et al., 2008).

Pb apiG3PAT is dispensable in blood and mosquito stageparasites

Having shown that Pb apiG3PAT was targeted to theapicoplast and expressed in liver stage parasites, we nextsought to test whether it was essential for late liver stagedevelopment like Py apiG3PAT (Lindner et al., 2014) andFASII (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2009) in rodentmalaria models. For this, a double cross over homologousrecombination strategy was used to disrupt Pb apiG3PAT

Fig. 3. Pf apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites show similar growth onstandard and lipid-depleted media andhave comparable lipid fatty acidprofiles.A. Pf apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites show similar replication ratesin standard media in a four-day bloodstage growth assay. Error bars showmean of three biological replicates± standard deviation.B and C. Relative and normalized fattyacid abundance in lipid extracts frommagnetically isolated Pf apiG3PAT (!)and wild type infected red blood cellsgrown in standard media. Importantly,although the mean values wereconsistently lower in Pf apiG3PAT (!)samples, these differences were non-significant as determined by a t-test(p-value>0.05). Error bars show meanof four biological replicates ± standarddeviation. See Supplementary Table 2for all values.D. Pf apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites show a similar decrease inreplication rate when transferred tolipid-depleted media containing onlythe minimal fatty acid supplementationrequired for growth, suggesting theenzyme is not required for growth inthese conditions.

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by inserting the hDHFR cassette into its coding sequence,mirroring the approach we used to disrupt Pf apiG3PAT(Supplementary Fig. 6). Drug-resistant parasites wereobtained from two independent transfections and clonedby limiting dilution, and successful disruption of the PbapiG3PAT locus in each clone was confirmed by PCR(Supplementary Fig. 6). The ability to recover Pb apiG3PAT(!) parasites indicated the enzyme was not essential inasexual blood stage parasites, consistent with the dispens-ability of Py apiG3PAT (Lindner et al., 2014) and FASII atthis stage (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2009). Further-more, comparison of the Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1 to wildtype parasites in an in vivo blood stage growth assay re-vealed no apparent difference between the lines (Fig. 5A),confirming that as for Pf apiG3PAT, disruption of the P.berghei enzyme had no appreciable impact on growth at thisstage.

Next, to determine whether disruption of Pb apiG3PATaltered parasite transmission or development in the mos-quito, we compared the numbers of male gametocytes,ookinetes, oocysts and salivary gland sporozoites producedby Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites. Preliminaryexperiments indicated that neither of the Pb apiG3PAT (!)clones displayed any defects in mosquito stage develop-ment, consistent with our inability to detect expression ofPb apiG3PAT by fluorescence microscopy at these stages.

More detailed analysis of Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1 furtherconfirmed that disruption of the enzyme had no appreciableimpact on these stages, with the mean numbers of malegametocytes, ookinetes, oocysts or salivary gland sporozo-ites from five experiments closely approximating thoseobserved for wild type (Fig. 5B). Disruption of Pb apiG3PATtherefore had no apparent impact on parasite transmissionor development in the mosquito, consistent with the findingthat neither Py apiG3PAT (Lindner et al., 2014) or FASII(Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2009) is required in these lifestages in rodent malaria models.

Pb apiG3PAT is required for normal sporozoite infectivityin vivo

After establishing that disruption of Pb apiG3PAT did notaffect mosquito stage development, we sought to testwhether Pb apiG3PAT (!) sporozoites differed from wildtype in their ability to produce patent blood stage infectionsin vivo. To compare the infectivity of Pb apiG3PAT (!) andwild type, we intravenously injected sporozoites into outbredSwiss Webster mice, and time to blood stage patency wasmonitored. Preliminary experiments with the Pb apiG3PAT(!) clones indicated they were both markedly attenuated ininfectivity relative to wild type (data not shown), consistentwith the observed phenotype of the P. berghei FASII nullmutants (Yu et al., 2008; Annoura et al., 2012; Nagel et al.,

Fig. 5.Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites show normaldevelopment in the blood and mosquito stages.A. Blood stage growth of Pb apiG3PAT (!) andwild type parasites is indistinguishable in a four-day in vivo growth assay. Error bars showmeanof six mice ± standard error.B. Numbers of exflagellating male gametocytesand mosquito stage parasites in the PbapiG3PAT (!) and wild type lines arecomparable. Exflagellation rate determined per104 red blood cells (RBCs) immediately prior tomosquito infection, and ookinetes, oocysts andsalivary gland sporozoites counted 20–22 h,14–15 days and 21–22 days post-infection,respectively. Results from five biologicalreplicates, with mean values indicated by bars.

Fig. 4. Pb apiG3PAT is expressed inliver stage parasites and localizes tothe apicoplast.Immunofluorescence microscopy ofPb apiG3PAT ha gfp liver stageparasites 48 h post-infection confirmsthe GFP and HA signals co-localizewith the apicoplast marker FabI.Parasite and host cell nuclei stainedwith DAPI. Scale 10 μm.

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2013). Selecting Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1 for further analy-sis, we then compared time to patency with wild type afterinjection of 1000 or 10 000 sporozoites in six independentexperiments. Similar to previous experiments with outbredmice (Jaffe et al., 1990; Scheller et al., 1994), injection of10 000 wild type sporozoites produced infections in all sixmice after an average of 4.2 days, while injection of 1000wild type sporozoites produced infections in four mice afteran average of 5.8days (Table 1). By comparison, injectionof either dose of Pb apiG3PAT (!) sporozoites producedinfections in a smaller fraction of mice and with substantialdelays (4–5 days) relative to wild type (Table 1). To testwhether the attenuation of Pb apiG3PAT (!) blood stagepatency was influenced by the route of sporozoite infection,we also assessed the time to patency after infection by bitingwith 10mosquitoes. Once again,PbapiG3PAT (!) sporozo-ites produced infections in fewer mice than wild type, withthe one mouse that did become infected doing so with anapproximate 6 day delay relative to the control (Table 1).This demonstrated that Pb apiG3PAT (!) sporozoites weremarkedly less infective than wild type regardless of theinfection route, with disruption of the enzyme resulting incomparable attenuation to that reported for the P. bergheiFASII null mutants (Yu et al., 2008; Annoura et al., 2012;Nagel et al., 2013).

Pb apiG3PAT is required for the normal growth andmaturation of late liver stage parasites in vitro

The reduction in Pb apiG3PAT (!) sporozoite infectivityhinted that as for FASII (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al.,2009), the enzyme may be required for parasite develop-ment in the late liver stage. To investigate this, we comparedthe ability of Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild type sporozoites toinvade and develop within HepG2 hepatocytes in vitro. PbapiG3PAT (!) andwild type sporozoites did not differ in theirability to invade hepatocytes, indicating the enzyme was notrequired for the initial establishment of liver stage infections(data not shown). Focusing on Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1,we then investigated whether the enzyme was required forthe growth or development of liver stage parasites. First, to

investigate if disruption of Pb apiG3PAT affected liver stageparasite growth, we performed immunofluorescencemicros-copy of Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1 and wild type at varioustimes post-infection using antibodies against the cytosolicmarker HSP70 and measured parasite cross-sectional areaas described (Schrader et al., 2013) in three independentexperiments. No difference in mean parasite size wasobserved betweenPbapiG3PAT (!) andwild type parasitesat 24 h post-infection, demonstrating the enzyme was notrequired for parasite growth in the early liver stage (Fig.6A). However, at 48 and 66h post-infection, Pb apiG3PAT(!) parasites were significantly smaller than wild type asdetermined by a two-tailed t-test, with mean areas 22%and 26% less than the control, respectively (Fig. 6B and C,Supplementary Fig. 7). Disruption ofPb apiG3PAT thereforenegatively impacted the growth of parasites in the late liverstage, consistent with the requirement for bothPy apiG3PAT(Lindner et al., 2014) and FASII for normal growth at thisstage in rodent malaria models (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughanet al., 2009).

Next, to investigate whether disruption of Pb apiG3PATaffected the ability of late liver stage parasites to completedevelopment, we assessed their capacity to producedetached cells and merosomes, which are the final liverstage forms normally observed in vitro (Sturm et al., 2006).To examine the formation of detached cells andmerosomes, we collected culture supernatants from hepato-cytes at 66 and 72 h post-infection, stained briefly withHoechst nuclear stain, then counted these exoerythrocyticforms by live fluorescence microscopy on three separateoccasions. Consistent with previous reports (Nagel et al.,2013), wild type parasites produced themajority of detachedcells and merosomes at 66 h post-infection, with smallernumbers of these forms detected at the 72 h (Fig. 6D). Bycontrast, Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1 was never seen toproduce detached cells or merosomes at either 66 or 72h.Disruption ofPb apiG3PAT therefore severely compromisedthe ability of parasites to complete liver stage developmentin vitro. This in turn suggested the reduced infectivity of PbapiG3PAT (!) sporozoites resulted from defects in liverstage merozoite production, although evidently a small

Table 1. Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites show reduced sporozoite infectivity in vivo.

Strain Route Sporozoites Fraction patentDays topatencya

Pb apiG3PAT (!) Intravenous 10 000 5/6 8.8Wild type Intravenous 10 000 6/6 4.2Pb apiG3PAT (!) Intravenous 1000 1/6 10Pb ANKA WT Intravenous 1000 4/6 5.8Pb apiG3PAT (!) Mosquito bite 10 mosquitoes 1/6 11Pb ANKA WT Mosquito bite 10 mosquitoes 6/6 4.5

a Mean days to patency calculated from mice that developed a patent infection.

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number of merozoites were still produced in vivo, consistentwith reports for the P. berghei FASII null mutants (Yu et al.,2008; Nagel et al., 2013).

Pb apiG3PAT is required for normal apicoplast and nucleardevelopment in the late liver stage, but is not critical forexpression of merozoite surface protein 1

Having established thatPb apiG3PAT (!) parasites showedsimilar defects in late liver stage growth and maturation toFASII null mutants in rodent malaria models (Yu et al.,2008; Vaughan et al., 2009), we next tested whetherdisruption of the enzyme reproduced any of the otherdefects reported for thesemutants (Pei et al., 2010; Annouraet al., 2012; Nagel et al., 2013). To explore whether disrup-tion of Pb apiG3PAT similarly affected apicoplast and nu-clear development in the late liver stage, we performedimmunofluorescence microscopy ofPb apiG3PAT (!) clone1 and wild type parasites with antibodies against ACP andDAPI nuclear stain at various time points post-infection. Nodifference was observed between Pb apiG3PAT (!) andwild type parasites at 24 h post-infection, demonstratingthe enzymewas not required for apicoplast or nuclear devel-opment in the early liver stage (Fig. 7A). By contrast, PbapiG3PAT (!) parasites had noticeably smaller apicoplastsand fewer nuclei than wild type at 48 and 66h (Fig. 7B andC). Moreover, whereas wild type parasites had typicallyundergone schizogony and the apicoplast and nuclei haddivided into daughter merozoites by 66 h, Pb apiG3PAT

(!) parasites were never seen to progress to this stage. Thisfurther supported our finding that disruption of Pb apiG3PATseverely impacted liver stage merozoite production, andsuggested that like FASII (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al.,2009; Pei et al., 2010), the enzyme may be directly orindirectly required for apicoplast and nuclear developmentin the late liver stage.

Next, we investigated whether as in FASII null mutants inrodent models (Yu et al., 2008; Vaughan et al., 2009; Peiet al., 2010; Annoura et al., 2012; Nagel et al., 2013),disruption of Pb apiG3PAT affected the expression ofMSP1 or its localization to the plasmamembrane in late liverstage parasites. For this, we used immunofluorescencemicroscopy to localize MSP1 in Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1and wild type parasites at 48 and 66 h post-infection. Toenable the plasma membrane of early liver stage parasitesto be examined, we also performed immunofluorescencemicroscopy of parasites at 24 h post-infection usingantibodies against CSP as previously described (Lindneret al., 2014). No difference was observed between PbapiG3PAT (!) and wild type in CSP staining at 24 h,confirming disruption of the enzyme did not impact parasitegrowth or plasma membrane morphology in the early liverstage (Fig. 8A). Surprisingly, we also failed to detect anyperceivable difference in MSP1 staining at 48 h, with PbapiG3PAT (!) parasites again appearing smaller than wildtype, but nonetheless showing a diffuse pattern of MSP1staining similar to the control (Fig. 8B). This indicated that

Fig. 6.Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites are smaller inthe late liver stage and fail to producemerosomes in vitro.A. Cross-sectional area ofPbapiG3PAT (!) andwild type liver stage parasites was determinedby immunofluorescent labelling with antibodiesagainst the cytosolic protein HSP70. PbapiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites do notsignificantly differ in size at 24 h post-infection asdetermined by a two tailed t-test (n.s., non-significant).B and C. Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites aresignificantly smaller thanwild type at 48 and 66 hpost-infection, indicating the enzyme is requiredfor normal parasite growth in the late liver stage(**, p-value <0.05, ***, p-value <0.001). Errorbars show mean ± standard error.D. Numbers of detached cells and merozoitesproduced by Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites at 66 and 72 h post-infection. PbapiG3PAT (!) parasites were not observed toproduce detached cells or merosomes at eithertime point, indicating disruption of the enzymeseverely compromized completion of liver stagedevelopment in vitro.

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although late liver stage growth was reduced in PbapiG3PAT (!) parasites, the expression and localization ofMSP1 were not noticeably altered, contrasting with thephenotype reported for FASII null mutants (Yu et al., 2008;Vaughan et al., 2009; Pei et al., 2010; Annoura et al.,2012; Nagel et al., 2013). Consistent with our finding thatloss of Pb apiG3PAT severely impaired merozoite produc-tion, we did observe differences between the lines at 66 h,with MSP1 staining typically detected around individualmerozoites in the wild type, but remaining patchy or indica-tive of only limited plasma membrane invagination in PbapiG3PAT (!) parasites (Fig. 8C). This suggested that asfor FASII in the rodent malaria models, Pb apiG3PAT waslikely involved in synthesizing lipids for the developingmero-zoite membranes. However, as MSP1 staining was stillreadily detected in Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites, it again

indicated that MSP1 expression was not impacted to thesame extent as for the P. berghei FASII null mutants (Yuet al., 2008; Annoura et al., 2012).

To more quantitatively compare the proportions of MSP1-expressing parasites in the Pb apiG3PAT (!) clone 1 andwild type lines, we performed immunofluorescence

Fig. 7.Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites have impaired apicoplast and nucleardevelopment in the late liver stage.A. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeliver stage parasites using antibodies against the apicoplast marker ACPand DAPI nuclear stain at 24 h post-infection.Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wildtype parasites show similar patterns of ACP and DAPI staining at thistime point, indicating apicoplast and nuclear development are notaffected by disruption of the enzyme in the early liver stage.B and C. Immunofluorescencemicroscopy of Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wildtype liver stage parasites using anti-ACP antibodies and DAPI nuclearstain at 48 and 66 h post-infection. Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites havenoticeably smaller apicoplasts and fewer nuclei than wild type at both timepoints, indicating apicoplast and nuclear development are severelyimpaired bydisruption of the enzyme in the late liver stage.Scale bar 10 μm.

Fig. 8. Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites show altered plasma membranemorphology in the late liver stage but still express merozoite surfaceprotein 1.A. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites using antibodies against the CSP at 24 h post-infection. PbapiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites show similar patterns of CSPstaining at this time point, indicating plasma membrane morphology isnot affected by disruption of the enzyme in the early liver stage.B. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites using antibodies against merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) at48 h post-infection. Similar patterns of MSP1 expression are observed inPb apiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites, indicating disruption of theenzyme does not markedly affect plasma membrane morphology orMSP1 expression at this stage.C. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild typeparasites using anti-MSP1 antibodies at 66 h post-infection. PbapiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites differ noticeably in their pattern ofMSP1 staining at this time point, suggesting disruption of the enzymeaffects formation of merozoite membranes in the late liver stage.Importantly, although there was only one instance where evidence ofplasma membrane invagination was observed for Pb apiG3PAT (!)parasites (middle panel), MSP1 expression was still readily detected inthe line. DNA with DAPI. Scale 10 μm.

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microscopy of late liver stage parasites using antibodiesagainst bothMSP1 and the parasitophorous vacuolemarkerUIS4 (Mueller et al., 2005). Using UIS4 staining to identifyparasites, we scored the proportion that was MSP1-positiveat 48 and 66h in three independent experiments. Consistentwith our observation usingMSP1antibodies alone, no signif-icant difference was observed between Pb apiG3PAT (!)and wild type at 48h, with over 75% of parasites scored asMSP1 positive in each line (Fig. 9, Supplementary Fig. 8).A modest but significant decrease was observed betweenPb apiG3PAT (!) and wild type at 66 h, with the meanproportion of MSP1 positive parasites found to be 64% and78%, respectively (Fig. 9, Supplementary Fig. 8). However,as this equated to only an 18% reduction relative to wildtype, the MSP1 phenotype observed for Pb apiG3PAT (!)parasites was still far more mild than reported for the P.berghei FASII null mutants (Yu et al., 2008; Annoura et al.,2012). This suggested that Pb apiG3PAT and FASII likelydiffered in their contribution to the synthesis of the MSP1GPI anchor, and that the requirement for the enzyme for lateliver stage development instead likely reflects its role in thesynthesis of other essential lipid species. In this respect itis important to note that the P. falciparumMSP1GPI anchortypically contains two palmitate (C16:0) fatty acids in its

diacylglycerol moiety, and an additional myristate (C14:0)fatty acid linked directly to the inositol ring (Gerold et al.,1996). Assuming the P. berghei MSP1 GPI anchor iscomposed of the same fatty acids, the greater reliance onFASII would be consistent with the pathway contributingthe myristate (C14:0) and potentially also fatty acids for itsdiacylglycerol moiety, whereas Pb apiG3PAT may only berequired for production of the latter or not necessary forsynthesis of the anchor at all. Our findings are thereforeconsistent with FASII fatty acids taking multiple pathwaysout of the apicoplast into lipids, with some fatty acids relianton Pb apiG3PAT for incorporation into precursors formembrane lipid synthesis, while others are putativelyexported prior to being incorporated into lipids such as theMSP1 GPI anchor.


In this study, we have characterized theP. falciparum andP.berghei apicoplast G3PAT and assessed the phenotype ofdeletion mutants to investigate how the enzyme contributesto linking FASII withmembrane lipid production in eachPlas-modium species. We confirm apicoplast targeting of the P.falciparum and P. berghei enzyme and demonstrate theactivity of Pf apiG3PAT by complementation, providingevidence that FASII fatty acids can contribute to the initialstep in phosphatidic acid synthesis in the apicoplast of bothhuman and rodent malaria parasites. We find that disruptionof the enzyme largelymirrors the phenotype of the FASII nullmutants in each species, with no apparent defect observedfor the Pf apiG3PAT mutant in blood stage parasites, butsevere defects observed for the Pb apiG3PAT mutant ingrowth and merozoite formation in the late liver stage thatultimately result in markedly decreased parasite infectivity.We also find indirect evidence for FASII fatty acid utilizationvia other pathways in both species, as suggested by theblood stage growth of Pf apiG3PAT mutant in lipid-depletedmedia conditions and the relatively mild MSP1 phenotypeobserved for the Pb apiG3PATmutant in the late liver stage.

Together, these findings extend upon previous researchon the P. yoelii apicoplast G3PAT, and reveal new informa-tion about how pathways in both the apicoplast and ERcontribute to incorporating FASII fatty acids into precursorsfor membrane lipids such as the MSP1 GPI anchor. Weprovide important confirmation that the requirement forFASII for late liver stage development in rodent malariamodels likely reflects a need for fatty acids for membranelipid production, and demonstrate that fatty acid synthesisand scavenging pathways can differ in their contribution tocertain lipid species. As human and rodent malaria parasitesdiffer in their requirement for FASII across the parasite lifecycle, it is not yet clear how closely these findings will beechoed in P. falciparum. However, should future experi-ments reveal that FASII and Pf apiG3PAT are similarly

Fig. 9.PbapiG3PAT (!) parasites show only aminor defect inmerozoitesurface protein 1 expression in the late liver stage. Proportion of PbapiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites expressing merozoite surfaceprotein 1 (MSP1) at 48 and 66 h post-infection. Pb apiG3PAT (!) andwild type parasites do not differ significantly in the proportion of MSP1positive parasites at 48 h post infection as determined by a two tailedt-test (n.s., non-significant). The proportion of MSP1 positive parasites inthe Pb apiG3PAT (!) and wild type lines does differ significantly at 66 hpost-infection (**, p-value <0.05), but as still over 60% of Pb apiG3PAT(!) parasites express MSP1 at this time point, this defect appears to berelatively minor. Error bars show mean of three biological replicates± standard error.

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required for the P. falciparum liver stage, we anticipate thisinformation will help guide further research and assist inidentifying the most strategic aspects of lipid metabolism totarget for malaria prophylaxis.

Experimental Procedures

Routine maintenance of P. falciparum

P. falciparum D10 wild type parasites and transgenic lineswere maintained as previously described (Trager andJensen, 1976) at 2% haematocrit in RPMI-HEPES supple-mented with AlbuMAX II (Gibco) for all experiments unlessotherwise stated.

Generation and analysis of Pf apiG3PAT1–70 gfp transgenicparasites

The region encoding the predicted Pf apiG3PAT apicoplasttargeting sequencewas amplified fromP. falciparum genomicDNA using primers P1 and P2 (Supplementary Table 1) andintroduced into the pHBlR vector between the PfHSP86promotor and GFP coding sequence as previously described(van Dooren et al., 2005). The resulting Pf apiG3PAT1–70 gfpvector was transfected into ring stage parasites using thestandard electroporation protocol (Wu et al., 1995; Crabband Cowman, 1996). Parasites were then cultured in thepresence of 2.5μgml!1 blasticidin S (Invitrogen) to selectfor episomal maintenance of the vector.Live microscopy of Pf apiG3PAT1–70 gfp parasites was

performed by staining cultures briefly with 1μgml!1 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), before immobilizing cells inmedia on glass coverslips pre-treated with 0.1% polyethy-leneimine. Images were acquired using a Leica SP2 invertedconfocal microscope at ambient temperature, and mergedand contrast adjusted using ImageJ software (NCBI).Immunofluorescence microscopy of Pf apiG3PAT1–70 gfp

parasites was performed by fixing in paraformaldehyde/glutaraldehyde and permeabilizing in Triton X-100 as previ-ously described (Tonkin et al., 2004) but without the sodiumborohydride treatment step. Labelling was performed withmouse anti-GFP (Roche), rabbit anti-ACP (our laboratory(Waller et al., 2000)), Alexa Fluor goat anti-mouse-488 andAlexa Fluor goat anti-rabbit-546 (Molecular Probes). Sampleswere then stained with 1μgml!1 DAPI and mounted in Fluo-rescenceMountingMedium (DAKO) before imaging as above.

Bacterial complementation assay and mutagenesis of PfapiG3PAT

The Pf apiG3PAT coding sequence (without apicoplasttargeting sequence) was amplified from P. falciparumgenomic DNA using primers P3 and P4 (SupplementaryTable 1) and introduced into the pQE-30 Xa vector (Qiagen)immediately downstream of the hexahistidine tag. For thepositive control, the coding sequence of the wild typebacterial G3PAT was amplified from E. coli genomic DNA

using primers P5 and P6 (Supplementary Table 1) andcloned into the vector as above. Vectors were transformedinto the E. coli plsB26 mutant alongside the pREP4co-vector (Qiagen), and clones were selected and grownunder permissive conditions to allow all isolates to bepropagated. To assess for complementation, equivalent cellnumbers were transferred to non-permissive M56LP mediawithout glycerol (Bell, 1974), then growth at 37 C wasassessed bymonitoring optical density at 600nm. All assayswere performed in duplicate on different days using indepen-dently isolated colonies, with two technical replicates foreach time point.

Western blot analysis of transformed bacteria wasperformed by growing isolated clones under permissiveconditions, pelleting cells by centrifugation, then lyzing byfreeze/thawing and boiling in SDS loading buffer. Proteinswere separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellu-lose, then membranes were probed using mouseanti-hexahistidine (Thermo Scientific) and goat anti-mouse-horseradish peroxidase (Thermo Scientific). Protein bandswere detected using ECL Western Blotting Substrate(Pierce) and images were acquired using a BioRadChemiDoc Imager.

Site directed mutagenesis of the Pf apiG3PAT ‘HX4D’motif was performed by Mutagenix Inc., and activity of themutated versions of the protein assessed by repeating thebacterial transformation, complementation assay andWestern blot analysis as above.

Generation and analysis of Pf apiG3PAT (!) parasites

Two regions of the Pf apiG3PAT coding sequence wereamplified from P. falciparum genomic DNA using primers P7,P8, P9 and P10 (Supplementary Table 1) and introduced intothe pCC-1 transfection vector (Maier et al., 2008). The resultingvector was transfected into ring stage parasites using thestandard electroporation protocol (Wu et al., 1995; Crabb andCowman, 1996), then selection was performed with 5nMWR99210 (Jacobus Pharmaceuticals) and 1μM 5-fluorocytosine (Sigma) as previously described (Maier et al.,2006). Disruption of thePf apiG3PAT locus in the two indepen-dently derived parasite populations was confirmed by PCRusing primers P11, P12 and P13, with primers T1 and T2 usedas controls (Supplementary Table 1).

Modification of the Pf apiG3PAT locus in the principal lineexamined in this study was additionally confirmed by wholegenome sequencing as previously described (Straimeret al., 2012). Briefly, PCR-free libraries were prepared usingNEBNext DNA Library reagents (NEB) and NEXTflex DNABarcodes (Bioo Scientific). Eight libraries were multiplexedwith 8% PhiX control and run across two lanes on theIllumina HiSeq 2500 system using single-end sequencing.Sequencing data was analysed using Galaxy (Giardineet al., 2005; Blankenberg et al., 2010; Goecks et al., 2010).Reads were mapped to the P. falciparum 3D7v.10.0

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reference genome ( using the Burrows-Wheeler Alignment tool (Li and Durbin, 2009). Variants werecalled using Freebayes (Garrison and Marth, 2012), filteredfor quality and read depth with GATK tools (Auwera et al.,2013) (Quality> 500, Read Depth >75), and annotatedusing SnpEff (Cingolani et al., 2012) (PF3D7v9.1 genome).

Immunofluorescence microscopy of parasites wasperformed using anti-ACP, Alexa Fluor goat anti-rabbitsecondary antibodies and DAPI as above. Transmissionelectron microscopy was performed with trophozoite stageparasites previously described (Sturm et al., 2015). Briefly,infected RBCs were isolated using MACSmagnetic separa-tion columns (Miltenyi Biotech) and fixed in 2.5% glutaralde-hyde in cacodylate buffer, then treated with 2% osmiumtetroxide and 1.5% potassium ferocyanide followed by 1%thyocarbohydrazide. Samples were further stained with 2%uranyl acetate and Walton’s lead aspartate beforeembedding in Procure 812 resin. Sections of approximately70–100 nm were then cut and imaged using a PhilipsCM120 BioTWIN Transmission Electron Microscope andGatan Multiscan Model 971 digital camera.

Blood stage growth assays in standard media wereperformed by monitoring the replication of synchronousparasites over two asexual cycles as previously described(Mitamura et al., 2000; Mi-Ichi et al., 2006). Prior to theassay, parasites were synchronized by two treatments with5% sorbitol, and then allowed to mature into trophozoitesbefore being transferred to assay dishes. Media wasreplaced daily, and parasitemia monitored by thin Giemsa-stained blood smears. Growth assays in lipid-depletedmedia were performed by synchronizing parasites as above,then washing parasites before transferring to lipid-depletedmedia to initiate the assay. Lipid-depleted media wasprepared as previously reported (Botté et al., 2013) byreplacing the lipid-rich AlbuMAX II component of standardmedia with an equivalent amount of fatty acid free bovineserum albumin (Sigma) and 30 μM palmitic acid (C16:0;Sigma) and 45 μM oleic acid (C18:1; Sigma). All assayswere performed in triplicate on different days, and with aminimum of 400 RBCs counted per line time point.

Fatty acid profiling of magnetically isolated infected RBCswas performed as previously described (MacRae et al.,2014) with minor modifications. Briefly, cultures werepelleted by centrifugation and metabolism was quenchedby immersion in dry ice/methanol slurry. Infected red bloodcells were isolated using MACS magnetic separationcolumns (Miltenyi Biotech) at 4 C, before lipids wereextracted from 1.0 to 2.0×106 cells using chloroform:metha-nol (2:1 v/v, spiked with 25 nmol lauric acid as an internalstandard) by periodic sonication for 1h in a refrigerated coldroom. Samples were then centrifuged, and supernatantstransferred to new tubes and dried under nitrogen. Pelletswere re-extracted using methanol:water (2:1 v/v), and the

second supernatants were then combined with the first ex-tract and dried then stored at !80 C. Prior to GC-MS, ex-tracts were partitioned into chloroform:methanol:water(1:3:3 v/v) and the apolar (lipid) phase was dried, derivatizedto fatty acid methyl esters and analysed on an Agilent7890B-5977A GC-MS system using a DB-5MS-DG columnas previously described (MacRae et al., 2012). Data analy-sis was performed usingMassHunter (Agilent) and fatty acidspecies were identified and quantified by comparison toauthentic standards. Experiments were repeated with fourbiological replicates, and statistical significance betweenmean fatty acid abundances evaluated by t-test with correc-tion for multiple testing using Prism v 6.02 (GraphPad).

Experimental animals and routinemaintenance ofP. berghei

Swiss Webster mice of four to six weeks of age were usedfor all experiments, and were sourced from the Universityof Melbourne Zoology Animal Facility or Monash UniversityAnimal Research Platform. All experiments were conductedin accordancewith the local Prevention of Cruelty to Animalslegislation and the University of Melbourne Animal EthicsCommittee guidelines under ethics permits 1112043.1 and1413078.

Mice were infected with P. berghei ANKA wild type ortransgenic parasite lines by intraperitoneal injection, andparasitemia was monitored by thin Giemsa-stained smears.Numbers of male gametocytes were assessed by monitoringexflagellation as described (Sturm et al., 2015), andmice weredeemed suitable for mosquito infection when>3 exflagellationevents per 1000 RBCs were observed. Adult female Anophe-les stephensi mosquitoes aged 3 to 7days were infected byfeeding on parasitized mice until engorged. Mosquitoes weremaintained on 10% sucrose at 27 C and 80% humidity, andnaive mice were infected after 21days by biting or intravenousinjection of sporozoites into the tail vein.

Infection of HepG2 cells with P. berghei sporozoites

HepG2 cells were grown at 37 C and 5% carbon dioxide inAdvanced MEM medium (Gibco) containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, 2mM GlutaMAX (Gibco),1% penicillin/streptomycin (Hyclone) and a variable concen-tration of amphotericin B (Hyclone). Cells were seeded ontoglass coverslips in 24-well plates or glass-bottomed culturedishes pre-treated with rat tail collagen type I (Sigma), andallowed to grow overnight before infection with sporozoites.Media was then changed 1–2 h after infection and twicedaily thereafter for all experiments.

Generation and analysis of Pb apiG3PAT ha gfp parasites

The Pb apiG3PAT coding sequence (minus stop codon)was amplified from P. berghei genomic DNA using primersP14 and P15 and introduced into the pREP3 transfectionvector, which was derived from the pL0006 vector (Malaria

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Research and Reference Reagent Resource Center) byaddition of the GFP coding sequence downstream of themultiple cloning site. The resulting vector was linearized bycutting with BstEII, then transfected into schizont stageparasites using the Nucleofector device (Lonza) aspreviously described (Janse et al., 2006). Pyrimethamine-resistant parasites were recovered and clonal lines obtainedby limiting dilution in 10 mice. The correct integration of thevector into the Pb apiG3PAT locus was confirmed by PCRusing primers P16, P17 and P18, with primers T1 and T2used as controls (Supplementary Table 1).Live imaging of liver stage parasites was performed 48h

post-infection. Cells were stained briefly with 5 μgml!1

Hoechst 33342 (Life Technologies), then imaged using aLeica SP5 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope ina 37 C temperature controlled chamber. Images were takensequentially for the two channels and processed usingImageJ software (NCBI).Immunofluorescence microscopy of liver stage parasites

was performed 48 post-infection. Cells were washed inPBS, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, washed again andpermeabilized in 0.15% Triton X-100 before blocking in 3%bovine serum albumin. Labelling was performed with mouseanti-GFP (Roche), rabbit anti-FabI (gift from David Fidock;used as anti-ACP antibodies were temporarily unavailable),Alexa Fluor goat anti-mouse-488 and anti-rabbit-546 sec-ondary antibodies (Molecular Probes). Samples were thenstained with 1 μgml!1 DAPI, mounted in FluorescenceMounting Medium (DAKO), and imaged using a Leica SP5at ambient temperature as above.

Generation and analysis of Pb apiG3PAT (!) parasites

Regions of the Pb apiG3PAT coding sequence and 3′ UTRwere amplified from P. berghei genomic DNA using primersP19, P20, P21 and P22 (Supplementary Table 1) andintroduced into the pL0006 vector (Malaria Research andReference Reagent Resource Center). The vector was linear-ized with SacII and ApaI, then transfected into parasites andclonal lines obtained by limiting dilution as above. The correctintegration of the vector into the Pb apiG3PAT locus wasconfirmed by PCR using primers P16, P17 and P23, withprimers T1 and T2 used as controls (Supplementary Table 1).Blood stage parasite growth assays were performed as pre-

viously described (Sturmet al., 2015) by intravenously injectingthree sets of two mice with 1.0×105 infected RBCs, thenmonitoring parasitemia daily by thin Giemsa-stained smears.Male gametocyte and mosquito stage development of

parasites were assessed by determining the meanexflagellation rate and mean number of ookinetes, oocystsand salivary gland sporozoites for five separate infections.Exflagellation rate was determined as previously described(Sturm et al., 2015), then mosquito cages were infected and10 individuals sacrificed at each time point. For ookinetes,blood boluses were isolated from mosquitoes 20–22 h post-

infection, pooled and stained with mouse anti-p28 (gift fromRobert Sinden) and goat anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 488 (Molec-ular Probes), then parasites were counted as described(Sturm et al., 2015) on a haemocytometer using an OlympusIX73 epifluorescence microscope. For oocysts, midguts wereisolated from mosquitoes 14–15 days post-infection, stainedwith 2% Mercurochrome (Sigma), then viewed using anOlympus BH-2 light microscope. For sporozoites, salivaryglands were isolated 21–22 days post-infection, disrupted inPBS, and then parasites were counted on a haemocytometerusing an Olympus CK2 microscope.

Sporozoite infectivity in vivo was assessed by measuringthe time to patency following intravenous injection of 1000 or10 000 sporozoites or exposure to 10 infected mosquitoesfor ten minutes. Parasitemia was monitored on days 3–14post-infection by thin Giemsa-stained smears as described(Nagel et al., 2013). Smears were viewed using anOlympusBH-2 light microscope with 40× oil objective, and patencywas judged by scanning a minimum of 20 adjacent fields ofview as previously reported (Lindner et al., 2014).

Liver stage parasite size was measured by performingimmunofluorescence microscopy of parasites at 24, 48 and66h post-infection. Cells were fixed as above and labelledwith mouse anti-HSP70 (gift from Moriya Tsuji), goat anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 488 (Molecular Probes) and DAPI, beforemounting in Fluorescence Mounting Medium (DAKO).Imaging was performed using an OMX V4 Blaze in wide fielddeconvolution mode, with z-slices acquired across the entiredepth of the parasites. Image deconvolution and maximumprojection were performed using softWORx software (AppliedPrecision), and parasite cross-sectional areas calculatedusing ImageJ (NCBI). Experimentswere repeated three timeswith >50 parasites imaged per replicate, and statisticalanalysis was performed using Prism version 6.0 (GraphPad).

Detached cell and merosome formation by parasites wasassessed by collecting culture supernatants 66 and 72 hpost-infection. Cells were stained briefly with 5 μgml!1

Hoechst 33342 (Life Technologies), the counted using theLeica SP2 inverted microscope in epifluorescence mode.Experiments were repeated three times, with a minimum offour wells counted on each occasion.

Immunofluorescence microscopy of liver stage parasitesto examine apicoplast and plasma membrane morphologywas performed by fixing and labelling with rabbit anti-ACP,mouse anti-CSP (gift from Louis Schofield) or mouse anti-MSP1 (gift from Paul Gilson), then with Alexa Fluor second-ary antibodies and DAPI before mounting as above. Imageswere acquired with a Leica SP2 inverted confocal micro-scope and processed using ImageJ (NCBI).

Immunofluorescent microscopy of liver stage parasites toquantifyMSP1 staining was performed by fixing and stainingwith mouse anti-UIS4 (gift from Photini Sinnis) and anti-MSP1 antibodies, then with secondary antibodies and DAPIbefore mounting and imaging as above. Experiments were

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repeated three times with >100 parasites counted perreplicate, and statistical analysis was performed using Prismversion 6.0 (GraphPad).


MJS was supported by an Australian Postgraduate Award. GIMgratefully acknowledges a Program Grant from the National HealthandMedical ResearchCouncil (Australia) and aDiscoveryGrant fromAustralian Research Council. CYB was supported by ANR-RPDOC/Atip-Avenir CNRS/Finovi Grant/Labex Parafrap grants (Apicolipidprojects) and a FP7 Marie Curie Actions International OutgoingFellowship. ML was funded through generous support from theBurroughs Welcome Fund Investigators in the Pathogenesis ofInfectious Disease Award (1007041.01) and start-up funding fromThe Pennsylvania State University. We also thank the AustralianRed Cross for blood.


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Supporting information

Additional supporting information may be found in the onlineversion of this article at the publisher's web-site:

Table S1. Primers used in this study.Table S2. Mean relative fatty acid abundance in total lipid ex-tracts from infectedRBCs isolated from cultures ofPf apiG3PAT(!) or wild type parasites.Fig. S1. Alignment of Pf apiG3PAT and Pb apiG3PAT showingthe predicted apicoplast targeting sequence and ‘HX4D’ motifcharacteristic of glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferases.Fig. S2. Generation of Pf apiG3PAT (!) parasites.Fig. S3. Disruption of Pf apiG3PAT does not affect blood stagecell cycle progression on standard or lipid-depleted media.Fig. S4.Pb apiG3PAT tagging strategy and confirmation byPCR.Fig. S5. Live fluorescence microscopy of Pb apiG3PAT ha gfpliver stage parasites.Fig. S6.PbapiG3PATknockout strategyandconfirmationbyPCR.Fig. S7. Representative immunofluorescence images of PbapiG3PAT (!) and wild type parasites as used for measuring liverstage cell size.Fig. S8. Representative immunofluorescence images of PbapiG3PAT (!)andwild typeparasitesasstained for scoringexpres-sion of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) in the late liver stage.

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