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Page 1: Character Tuah n Jebat

HANG TUAH Unfaithful (in friendship)

-even though Hang Jebat risked his own life and rebelled against the Sultan just to avenge him, he still obeyed the Sultan order to kill Hang Jebat.

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“Hang Jebat: seems to me Laksamana is keen to kill me, for your trusts are fierce as if facing a thousand enemies. Hang Tuah: why not? I have been sent for the King wants you dead and blood must flow from your body for only then would death come upon you. Hang Jebat: never did I dream, Tuah, that such kin and friend would one day end in death”

Very loyal (to the Sultan)

-he put aside his friendship with Jebat because of the Sultan’s order. He still wanted to kill Jebat because of his loyalty toward the Sultan.

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“Hang Jebat: seems to me Laksamana is keen to kill me, for your trusts are fierce as if facing a thousand enemies. Hang Tuah: why not? I have been sent for the King wants you dead and blood must flow from your body for only then would death come upon you. Hang Jebat: never did I dream, Tuah, that such kin and friend would one day end in death”


- Jebat’s sacrifices to avenge his death meant nothing to him. He did not appreciate the value of their friendship.

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“Hang Jebat: oh Tuah, haven’t you been executed on the King’s decree and it is because of you death, that I rise to pawn my very life for yours so your death be avenged. Hang Tuah: I cone not to argue who the avenger and who the execution, I come to judge to punish. Duties prescribed to me by his majesty to end your treacherous life”


- he turned against the Sultan because he believed that his friend, Hang Tuah was unjustly punished by the Sultan. He bravely rebelled the Sultan because he wanted to avenge his friend’s death.

Page 2: Character Tuah n Jebat

- When Hang Kasturi came to his house to kill him, he did not run away or defend himself.


“ ‘Tis our wish that he be dead!’ “Sensing treachery from words spoken, How tearfully the Bendahara beseeched the

King.” “Quietly as of a tiger stalking his prey, Jebat vowed Pay a just King homage due;

Unjust kings we should subdue”


- He is a very loyal friend. He boldly rebel towards the Sultan whom he served because he wanted to avenge Tuah’s death. He didn’t know that Tuah still alive.

- He is well aware of the fact that Sultan will do anything to kill him, but he still with his plan. He did this because of his loyalty towards the friendship.


“I have been commanded by the Supreme Truth to avenge the blood of brother Tuah”


- He had a romantic affairs with Dang Wangi. He said only the nice word to Dang Wangi. He even requested Dang Wangi to sing for him.

- He honestly told Dang Wangi that he is a rebel accursed. This means that he sincerely loves Dang Wangi.


“ Sing me a song with your honeyed voice” “Sing any song of your choice For that voice is my pleasure” “Your voice is as melodious as the lovelorn bamboo.”

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