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• Every day: 6000 teens light up for the first time– 3000 become regular smokers

• 9 of 10 adult smokers began as teens– 1/3 of these will die from smoke related


• 2.6 million packs of cigarettes are sold illegally to minors every day

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• Nicotine – the addictive drug in cigarettes is a poison stimulant– People smoke to reduce the craving for the


• A stimulant increases the action of the CNS, heart and other organs– Raises heart rate and blood pressure

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• Flavor is due to the tar in tobacco

• Tar is thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns

• It penetrates the airways and lungs

• It combines with the drying effect of the smoke to paralyze or destroy the cilia

• Contains several substances known as carcinogens

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Carbon Monoxide

• A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas in smoke that passes through the lungs into the blood

• Same as automobile exhaust fumes

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Other tobacco

• Smokeless tobacco – sniffed or chewed• Myths:

– Its “cool”– Safer because it is not “taken” into the lungs

• Truth– Includes the same health risks– Cancer if the lip, mouth, throat– Damage to the teeth and gums– Damage to the digestive system

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Skoal Flavors:




Berry blend*



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Effects of smoking on the body

Diseases of the respiratory system

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Chronic bronchitis

• bronchi are irritated. As tar builds up, cilia become useless resulting in chronic coughing and excessive mucus secretion

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• Involves destruction of the tiny air sacs in lungs

• As walls are destroyed, they lose their elasticity and provide less total surface area for oxygen to be absorbed

• Instead of using 5% of total energy to breathe, now using 80%

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Lung cancer

• Leading cause of death in males

• Becoming a more significant cause of death in females

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Disease of the circulatory system

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• Nicotine causes the heart to speed up

• It constricts blood vessels reducing blood flow to the limbs, resulting in a tingling sensation in hands and feet.

• Increases the chance for arteriosclerosis

• Hardening of the arteries which gradually clogs the vessels to the hearts

• Increases the risk of heart attack by 3x

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• Raises the blood pressure

• Increases the risk of stroke

• Increases the risk of coronary heart disease

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Dangers of smokeless tobacco

• Addictive• Produces increased saliva – though most

is spit out, some is unconsciously swallowed, introducing carcinogens into the digestive and urinary systems.

• Contains chemicals that delay “healing.”• Cause leukoplakia – thickened, white,

leathery-appearing spots on the inside of the mouth – can turn to cancer

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• Nicotine withdrawal

• May feel nervous, moody, difficult sleeping

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Strategies for quitting

• Nicotine filters

• Deliver smaller doses of nicotine

• Nicotine gum

• Nicotine patch

• Cold turkey

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Benefits of quitting

• Fitness increases as breathing becomes easier

• Reduce chance of stroke and heart disease

• Reduces anxiety of offending others and finding places to smoke

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Tips for quitting

• Make a list of reasons for quitting

• Set a specific date and stick to that date

• Set short term goals to reinforce decision

• Decide which approach to take

• Get your environment ready including setting up a support system
