Page 1: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Chapter 9 Chapter 9

Greedy TechniqueGreedy Technique

Page 2: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Greedy TechniqueGreedy Technique

Constructs a solution to an Constructs a solution to an optimization problemoptimization problem piece by piece by

piece through a sequence of choices that are:piece through a sequence of choices that are:

feasible feasible - - has to satisfy the problem’s constraints

locally optimal locally optimal - - has to be the best choice among all feasible choices available at that step

Irrevocable Irrevocable – once made, it cannot be changed on subsequent steps of the algorithm

For some problems, yields an optimal solution for every instance.For some problems, yields an optimal solution for every instance.

For most, does not but can be useful for fast approximations.For most, does not but can be useful for fast approximations.

Page 3: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Applications of the Greedy StrategyApplications of the Greedy Strategy

Optimal solutions:Optimal solutions:

• change making for “normal” coin denominationschange making for “normal” coin denominations

• minimum spanning tree (MST)minimum spanning tree (MST)

• single-source shortest paths single-source shortest paths

• simple scheduling problemssimple scheduling problems

• Huffman codesHuffman codes


• traveling salesman problem (TSP)traveling salesman problem (TSP)

• knapsack problemknapsack problem

• other combinatorial optimization problemsother combinatorial optimization problems

Page 4: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Change-Making ProblemChange-Making Problem

Given unlimited amounts of coins of denominations Given unlimited amounts of coins of denominations dd1 1 > … > > … > ddm m , ,

give change for amount give change for amount n n with the least number of coinswith the least number of coins

Example: Example: dd1 1 = 25c, = 25c, dd2 2 =10c, =10c, dd3 3 = 5c, = 5c, dd4 4 = 1c and = 1c and n = n = 48c48c

Greedy solution: Greedy solution:

Greedy solution isGreedy solution is optimal for any amount and “normal’’ set of denominationsoptimal for any amount and “normal’’ set of denominations may not be optimal for arbitrary coin denominationsmay not be optimal for arbitrary coin denominations

Page 5: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)

Spanning treeSpanning tree of a connected graph of a connected graph GG: a connected acyclic : a connected acyclic subgraph of subgraph of G G that includes all of that includes all of GG’s vertices’s vertices

Minimum spanning treeMinimum spanning tree of a weighted, connected graph of a weighted, connected graph GG: : a spanning tree of a spanning tree of GG of minimum total weight of minimum total weight









Page 6: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Prim’s MST algorithmPrim’s MST algorithm

Start with tree Start with tree TT11 consisting of one (any) vertex and “grow” consisting of one (any) vertex and “grow”

tree one vertex at a time to produce MST through tree one vertex at a time to produce MST through a series of a series of expanding subtrees Texpanding subtrees T11, T, T22, …, T, …, Tnn

On each iteration, On each iteration, construct Tconstruct Tii+1+1 from T from Ti i by adding vertex by adding vertex

not in not in TTi i that is that is closest to those already in closest to those already in TTii (this is a (this is a

“greedy” step!)“greedy” step!)

Stop when all vertices are includedStop when all vertices are included

Page 7: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible








Page 8: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Notes about Prim’s algorithmNotes about Prim’s algorithm

Proof by induction that this construction actually yields MST Proof by induction that this construction actually yields MST

Needs priority queue for locating closest fringe vertexNeeds priority queue for locating closest fringe vertex


• O(O(nn22)) for weight matrix representation of graph and array for weight matrix representation of graph and array implementation of priority queue implementation of priority queue

• OO((mm log log nn) for adjacency list representation of graph with ) for adjacency list representation of graph with n n vertices and vertices and m m edges and min-heap implementation of edges and min-heap implementation of priority queuepriority queue

Page 9: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible


Basis step:Basis step:TT00 consists of a single vertex and hence must be part of any minimum consists of a single vertex and hence must be part of any minimum

spanning tree.spanning tree.

Inductive step:Inductive step:Assume that TAssume that Ti-1 i-1 is part of some minimum spanning tree. Need to prove that is part of some minimum spanning tree. Need to prove that

TTi i , generated from T , generated from Ti-1i-1 by Prim’s algorithm, is also a part of a minimum by Prim’s algorithm, is also a part of a minimum

spanning tree.spanning tree.

Proof by contradiction: assume that no minimum spanning tree of the graph Proof by contradiction: assume that no minimum spanning tree of the graph can contain Tcan contain Tii Let e Let eii =(v, u) be the minimum weight edge in T =(v, u) be the minimum weight edge in T i-1i-1 to a to a

vertex not in Tvertex not in Ti-1i-1 used by Prim’s algorithm to expand T used by Prim’s algorithm to expand T i-1i-1 to T to Tii . By our . By our

assumption, eassumption, eii cannot belong to the minimum spanning tree T. cannot belong to the minimum spanning tree T.

Therefore, if we add eTherefore, if we add e ii to T, a cycle must be formed. to T, a cycle must be formed.

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Another greedy algorithm for MST: Kruskal’sAnother greedy algorithm for MST: Kruskal’s

Sort the edges in nondecreasing order of lengthsSort the edges in nondecreasing order of lengths

““Grow” tree one edge at a time to produce MST through Grow” tree one edge at a time to produce MST through a a series of expanding forests Fseries of expanding forests F11, F, F22, …, F, …, Fn-n-11

On each iteration, add the next edge on the sorted list On each iteration, add the next edge on the sorted list unless this would create a cycle. (If it would, skip the edge.)unless this would create a cycle. (If it would, skip the edge.)

Page 11: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible









Page 12: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Notes about Kruskal’s algorithmNotes about Kruskal’s algorithm

Algorithm looks easier than Prim’s but is harder to Algorithm looks easier than Prim’s but is harder to implement (checking for cycles!)implement (checking for cycles!)

Cycle checking: a cycle is created iff added edge connects Cycle checking: a cycle is created iff added edge connects vertices in the same connected componentvertices in the same connected component

Union-find Union-find algorithms – see section 9.2algorithms – see section 9.2

Page 13: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Kruskal’s Algorithm re-thoughtKruskal’s Algorithm re-thought

View the algorithm’s operations as a progression through a View the algorithm’s operations as a progression through a series of forests series of forests • Containing all of the vertices of a graph andContaining all of the vertices of a graph and

• Some its edgesSome its edges

The initial forest consists of |V| trivial trees, each The initial forest consists of |V| trivial trees, each comprising a single vertex of the graphcomprising a single vertex of the graph• On each iteration the algorithm takes the next edge (u,v) from the On each iteration the algorithm takes the next edge (u,v) from the

sorted list of the graph’s edgessorted list of the graph’s edges

• Finds the trees containing the vertices u and v, andFinds the trees containing the vertices u and v, and

• If these trees are not the same, unites them in a larger tree by If these trees are not the same, unites them in a larger tree by adding the edge (u,v)adding the edge (u,v)

With an efficient sorting algorithm, Kruskal is O(|E| log |E|)With an efficient sorting algorithm, Kruskal is O(|E| log |E|)

Page 14: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Kruskal and Union-FindKruskal and Union-Find

Union-find algorithms for checking whether two vertices Union-find algorithms for checking whether two vertices belong to the same treebelong to the same tree

Partition the n-element set S into a collection of n one-Partition the n-element set S into a collection of n one-element subsets, each containing a different element of Selement subsets, each containing a different element of S

The collection is subjected to a sequence of intermixed The collection is subjected to a sequence of intermixed union and find operationsunion and find operations

ADT:ADT:• makeset(x) creates a one element set {x}makeset(x) creates a one element set {x}

• find(x) returns a subset contain xfind(x) returns a subset contain x

• union (x, y) constructs the union of disjoint subsets Sx and Sy, union (x, y) constructs the union of disjoint subsets Sx and Sy, containing x and y, and adds it to the collection to replace Sx and Sy containing x and y, and adds it to the collection to replace Sx and Sy which are deleted from itwhich are deleted from it

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Minimum spanning tree vs. Steiner treeMinimum spanning tree vs. Steiner tree



a 1

1 1






See problem 11 on page 323

Page 16: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Shortest paths – Dijkstra’s algorithmShortest paths – Dijkstra’s algorithm

Single Source Shortest Paths ProblemSingle Source Shortest Paths Problem: Given a weighted : Given a weighted

connected graph G, find shortest paths from source vertex connected graph G, find shortest paths from source vertex ss

to each of the other verticesto each of the other vertices

Dijkstra’s algorithmDijkstra’s algorithm: Similar to Prim’s MST algorithm, with : Similar to Prim’s MST algorithm, with

a different way of computing numerical labels: Among verticesa different way of computing numerical labels: Among vertices

not already in the tree, it finds vertex not already in the tree, it finds vertex uu with the smallest with the smallest sumsum

ddvv + + ww((vv,,uu))

where where

vv is a vertex for which shortest path has been already found is a vertex for which shortest path has been already found on preceding iterations (such vertices form a tree) on preceding iterations (such vertices form a tree)

ddvv is the length of the shortest path from source to is the length of the shortest path from source to vv

w w((vv,,uu) is the length (weight) of edge from ) is the length (weight) of edge from vv to to uu

Page 17: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Dijkstra’s Algorithm (G,l)Dijkstra’s Algorithm (G,l)

G is the graph, s is the start node l is the length G is the graph, s is the start node l is the length of an edgeof an edge

Let S be the set of explored nodesLet S be the set of explored nodes

For each u in S, we store the distance d(u)For each u in S, we store the distance d(u)

Initially S = {s} and d(s) = 0Initially S = {s} and d(s) = 0

While S is not equal to VWhile S is not equal to V

Select a node v not in S with at least one edge Select a node v not in S with at least one edge from S for which d’(v) = min from S for which d’(v) = min e=(u,v):u is in Se=(u,v):u is in S d(u) + l d(u) + lee is as small as possibleis as small as possible

Add v to S and define d(v) = d’(v)Add v to S and define d(v) = d’(v)

EndWhile EndWhile

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Tree vertices Remaining verticesTree vertices Remaining vertices

a(-,0) b(a,3) c(-,∞) d(a,7) e(-,∞)





62 5








7 4

62 5







7 4

62 5







7 4

62 5

b(a,3) c(b,3+4) d(b,3+2) e(-,∞)

d(b,5) c(b,7) e(d,5+4)

c(b,7) e(d,9)









7 4

62 5

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Notes on Dijkstra’s algorithmNotes on Dijkstra’s algorithm

Doesn’t work for graphs with negative weightsDoesn’t work for graphs with negative weights

Applicable to both undirected and directed graphsApplicable to both undirected and directed graphs


• O(|V|O(|V|22) for graphs represented by weight matrix and ) for graphs represented by weight matrix and array implementation of priority queuearray implementation of priority queue

• O(|E|log|V|) for graphs represented by adj. lists and min-O(|E|log|V|) for graphs represented by adj. lists and min-heap implementation of priority queueheap implementation of priority queue

Don’t mix up Dijkstra’s algorithm with Prim’s algorithm!Don’t mix up Dijkstra’s algorithm with Prim’s algorithm!

Page 20: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Coding ProblemCoding Problem

CodingCoding: assignment of bit strings to alphabet characters: assignment of bit strings to alphabet characters

CodewordsCodewords: bit strings assigned for characters of alphabet: bit strings assigned for characters of alphabet

Two types of codes:Two types of codes: fixed-length encodingfixed-length encoding (e.g., ASCII) (e.g., ASCII) variable-length encodingvariable-length encoding (e,g., Morse code) (e,g., Morse code)

Prefix-free codesPrefix-free codes: no codeword is a prefix of another codeword: no codeword is a prefix of another codeword

Problem: If frequencies of the character occurrences areProblem: If frequencies of the character occurrences are

known, what is the best binary prefix-free code?known, what is the best binary prefix-free code?

Page 21: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Huffman CodesHuffman Codes

Labeling the tree T*: Labeling the tree T*: • We label all the leaves of depth 1 (if there are any) and label them We label all the leaves of depth 1 (if there are any) and label them

with the highest-frequency letters in any order.with the highest-frequency letters in any order.

• We then take all leaves of depth 2 (if there are any) and label them We then take all leaves of depth 2 (if there are any) and label them with the next highest-frequency letters in any order.with the next highest-frequency letters in any order.

• Continue through the leaves in order of increasing depth Continue through the leaves in order of increasing depth

There is an optimal prefix code, with corresponding tree There is an optimal prefix code, with corresponding tree T* , in which the two lowest-frequency letters are assigned T* , in which the two lowest-frequency letters are assigned to leaves that are siblings in T*. to leaves that are siblings in T*. • Delete them and label their parent with a new letter having the Delete them and label their parent with a new letter having the

combined frequency combined frequency

• Yields an instance with a smaller alphabetYields an instance with a smaller alphabet

Page 22: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Huffman’s AlgorithmHuffman’s AlgorithmTo construct a prefix code for an alphabet S, with given To construct a prefix code for an alphabet S, with given

frequencies:frequencies:If S has two letters thenIf S has two letters then

encode one letter using 0 and other letter using 1encode one letter using 0 and other letter using 1


Let y* and z* be the two lowest-frequency lettersLet y* and z* be the two lowest-frequency letters

Form a new alphabet S’ by deleting y* and z* and replacing Form a new alphabet S’ by deleting y* and z* and replacing them with a new letter them with a new letter of frequency of frequency

f f y*y* + f + f z*z*

Recursively construct a prefix code Recursively construct a prefix code ’ for S’, with tree T’’ for S’, with tree T’

Define a prefix code for S as follows:Define a prefix code for S as follows:

Start with T’Start with T’

Take the leaf labeled Take the leaf labeled and add two children below and add two children below it labeled y* and z*it labeled y* and z*


Page 23: Chapter 9 Greedy Technique. Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: b feasible - b feasible

Huffman codesHuffman codes

Any binary tree with edges labeled with 0’s and 1’s yields a prefix-free Any binary tree with edges labeled with 0’s and 1’s yields a prefix-free code of characters assigned to its leavescode of characters assigned to its leaves

Optimal binary tree minimizing the expected (weighted average) length of Optimal binary tree minimizing the expected (weighted average) length of a codeword can be constructed as followsa codeword can be constructed as follows

Huffman’s algorithmHuffman’s algorithm

Initialize Initialize nn one-node trees with alphabet characters and the tree weights one-node trees with alphabet characters and the tree weights

with their frequencies.with their frequencies.

Repeat the following step Repeat the following step nn-1 times: join two binary trees with smallest -1 times: join two binary trees with smallest

weights into one (as left and right subtrees) and make its weight equal the weights into one (as left and right subtrees) and make its weight equal the

sum of the weights of the two trees.sum of the weights of the two trees.

Mark edges leading to left and right subtrees with 0’s and 1’s, respectively.Mark edges leading to left and right subtrees with 0’s and 1’s, respectively.

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character Acharacter A B C D B C D __frequency 0.35 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.15frequency 0.35 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.15

codeword 11 100 00 01 101codeword 11 100 00 01 101

average bits per character: 2.25average bits per character: 2.25

for fixed-length encoding: 3for fixed-length encoding: 3

compression ratiocompression ratio: (3-2.25)/3*100% = 25%: (3-2.25)/3*100% = 25%



































0 1










0 1 0



















