
Chapter 9


development: the process of improving the

material conditions of people through

diffusion of knowledge and technology


MDC’s (“developing” or “emerging”)

Key Issue 1 Why Does Development Vary

Among Countries?

Economic Indicators of


Human Development Index


- economic factor is GDP

- social factors are literacy

rate and education

- demographic factor is life


gross domestic product: value of

the total output of goods and

services produced in a country

in a year

Types of jobs





Social Indicators of


-amount of education

-literacy rate (percentage of a country’s

people who can read and write)

*student to teacher ratio in

elementary schools:

LDC’s over 30 to 1

MDC’s under 20 to 1

MDC’s spend more money

on the health and welfare

of their citizens than

LDC’s usually can

Demographic Indicators of


-life expectancy

-infant mortality rate

-natural increase rate

-crude birth rate

Key Issue 2 Where are MDC’s and

LDC’s Distributed?




North America – high in GDP

and literacy, but high drop out

rate and lower life expectancy

Europe – Western Europe

strong, but Eastern side

lagging behind

Russia – struggling to convert from

communism to market economy

Japan - strong, educated

workforce and high-value

products such as electronics

Oceana – Oz and Nz

strong due to minerals

and food production, but

smaller islands in the

area are struggling

Less Developed

Regions Latin America – varied

development from cities

to villages and

inequitable income


East Asia – China

the key economy;

second largest in

world and is

largest market and


Working out kinks

of balancing

communism and

market economies

Southeast Asia – limited in

cultivation due to climate and

topography; struggling to

recover from decades of war

Central Asia – still making their way

after separating from Soviet Union,

“stans” usually lower HDI except

where oil available like in Iran

South Asia – region has


population and second-

lowest per capita

income; high population

density and NIR

Southwest Asia and

North Africa – desert

conditions and religious

and cultural practices

slow business growth;

vast oil reserves help

some otherwise desperate


Sub-Saharan Africa –

South Africa is most

developed; many

countries struggle

with high poverty

levels, low education,

and corrupt


Key Issue 3 Where Does Level of

Development Vary by Gender? * The United Nations has not found a

single country in the world where

women are treated as well as men

How are we doing in the

U.S., Utah, Centerville?


Development Index (GDI)

measured by economic,

social, and demographic

comparisons to males

economic = per capita income

of females to males

social = females enrolled in

school and literacy rates

compared to males

demographic = life expectancy

of females to males

Gender Empowerment (GEM)

measures the ability of women to

participate in the process of achieving

economic and political power

economic indicators = per capita

female income as percentage of

per capital male income;

percentage of professional and

technical jobs held by women

political indicators = percentage of

administrative jobs held by

women; and percentage of

members of national parliament

who are women

* In every

country of the

world, fewer

women than men

hold positions of

economic and

political power

Key Issue 4 Why Do LDC’s Face

Obstacles to


Development through


Self-sufficiency approach

spreads investment as equally

as possible across all sectors

of the economy in all areas;

reducing poverty takes

precedence over wealthy


Problems with self-

sufficiency model:

-protection of inefficient


-need for large bureaucracy

Development Through International Trade -

sale of products in the world market brings

funds into the country that can be used to

finance other development Rostow’s Development Model

1. traditional society – high

percentage of agriculture

2. preconditions for takeoff –

elite group begins innovative

economic activities

3. takeoff – rapid growth in

limited economic activities

4. drive to maturity – modern

technology diffuses to a

wide variety of industries

5. age of mass consumption –

economy shifts from heavy

industry to light industry

Success of International Trade Approach:

WTO – reduces restrictions on trade

transnational corporations – operate all over the world

World Bank and IMF – make loans to countries

fair trade – standards to protect workers and small businesses in LDC’s
