Page 1: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Chapter 7


Page 2: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Page 3: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Thank our federal system, we have so much more need/opportunities to serve

Page 4: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Why is it that sooo many eligible voters do not bother to vote?

Page 5: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Why is it that sooo many eligible voters do not bother to vote?

We have a lot of elections, people don’t see much of a difference between the two major parties, and oh, those so bothersome registration requirements

Page 6: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What is the most common form of political participation in America? (Don’t over think it)

Page 7: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What is the most common form of political participation in America? (Don’t over think it) Voting

Page 8: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What is the most common reason people give for not voting?

Page 9: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What is the most common reason people give for not voting? Too busy, much too busy.

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What are some of the ways we as Americans have in participating in election?

Page 11: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What are some of the ways we as Americans have in participating in election? We can vote in elections, emailing or contacting our public officials, forming or joining an interest group, protesting in a demonstration.

Page 12: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Where do Americans get most of their new now-a-days?

Page 13: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

Where do Americans get most of their new now-a-days?

Television. Newspapers are more used for recycling purposes than news, some use the internet and radio, but TV still leads the pack.

Page 14: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What was the Motor Voter Act of 1993? (aka National Voter Registration Act)

Page 15: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What was the Motor Voter Act of 1993? (aka National Voter Registration Act)

They made it a requirement that voter registration forms be made available at DMV locations, welfare offices, social services; an attempt to increase voter registration.

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What demographic factors tend to affect our participation?

Page 17: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What demographic factors tend to affect our participation?

Our age (young vote less, old vote more), our religious preferences (more religious tend to vote more), our gender (the gender gap, etc.)

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How does the perception of the two major political parties affect voting today?

Page 19: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

How does the perception of the two major political parties affect voting today?

People see them as weak, or too similar to bother with (one pro-choice, one pro-life, both take money from big corporate special interest groups.

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What evidence do we have that every vote is important in an election?

Page 21: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What evidence do we have that every vote is important in an election?

The 1960 Election between Nixon and Kennedy, and the 2000 Election between Bush and Gore

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What was one of the results of the Bush v Gore election of 2000? (Besides Bush becoming president)

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What was one of the results of the Bush v Gore election of 2000? (Besides Bush becoming president)

Congress passed special legislation to reduce the possibility of election discrepancies

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What are some of the different forms of political participation?

Page 25: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What are some of the different forms of political participation? Voting, working on campaigns, writing letters to political leaders, protests, giving money to candidates, joining political groups.

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What are some of the things that keep people from voting?

Page 27: Chapter 7 Review. Why do more people participate in campaigns in American than in other countries?

What are some of the things that keep people from voting?

Well, first they have to register, then they have to turn off Jerry Springer and get their fat rumps out to vote, of course, that’s if they can get over the minor differences in the parties. Of course we do this every year, which, admittedly is a bit much for some.

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And that’s about it. Know this and you’ll pass, know more and you’ll do well.
