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Chapter 6Supply Chain Management and ERP

Fill in the Blank:

1 1. referred to the flow of materials from their sources(suppliers) to the company.

1 2. is the process of taking orders

1 3. are to reduce uncertainty and risks in the supply chain, thereby positively affecting inventory levels, cycle time, business processes, and customer service.

1 4. includes all processes involved in delivering the product to final customers.

2 5. A supply chain involves a from “dirt to dust.”

2 6. Value system corresponds to the concept of an .

2 7. The major source of supply chain uncertainties is the .

2 8. In CPFR, trading partners collaborate on demand forecast using ________.

2 9. refers to breaking large ERP systems into individual components that work together.

2 10. Supply chains that involve suppliers and/or customers in other countries are referred to as ________.

2 11. refers not only to providing the customers with what they ordered and doing it on time, but also to providing al related customer service

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2 12. In EC, companies need to send small quantities to large number of individuals.

2 13. Internal SCM activities include different activities.

2 14. One factor that is typical of EC is that it is based on the concept of _________ operations.

Multiple Choice:

1 15. SCM is an acronym for:. a. Supply Chain Management

b. Support Chain Managementc. Supply Challenged Managementd. Supply Chain Marketing

2 16. Supply Chain Management is to all the supply chain’s activities.

. a. Planb. Organizec. Coordinate.d. All of the above

2 17. include the organization’s first-tier suppliers. a. Upstream supply chain

b. Internal supply chainc. Downstream supply chain.d. None of the above

2 18. MRP is an acronym for. a. Material Resource Planning

b. Material Requirements Planningc. Management Process Planningd. Material Request Planning.

2 19. Of the following which is Not the Tangible benefits of systems integration. a. Inventory reduction

b. Productivity improvementc. Information visibilityd. IT cost reduction

2 20. Of the following which is the tangible benefits of system integration.. a. Customer responsiveness

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b. On-time-delivery improvementc. Procurement cost reductiond. Both b and c

2 21. ERP is an acronym for. a. Enterprise Requirements Planning

b. Enterprise Resource Planning.c. Enterprising Resource Planningd. Enterprise Resource Procurement

2 22. The leading software for ERP is. a. Oracle

b. People Softc. SAP R/3d. Sybase

2 23. SCM systems have emerged as a complement to ERP systems to provide capabilities.

. a. Intelligent Decision Supportb. Planning Capabilitiesc. Organization Capabilitiesd. Customer Support.

2 24. Business Intelligence refers to analysis performed by . a. DSS

b. EISc. Data Miningd. All of the above

2 25. Conducting a supply management project may result in the need of employees.

. a. Lay offb. Retrainc. Transferd. All of the above

Short Answers:

3 1. What are the functions of the SCM?

3 2. What are the benefits of SCM

3 3. What is a Supply Chain Team?

3 4. What are the potential metrics for supply chain operations?

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3 5. What are some of tangible and intangible benefits of Systems Integration?

3 6. What is ERP?

3 7. What is Supply Chain Intelligence?

3 8. What is Componentization?

3 9. What is Order Fulfillment?

3 10. What is Upstream Supply Chain?

3 11. Explain the concept of Porter’s Value Chain?

3 12. What is Material Requirements Planning (MRP)?

3 13. What does AMT integrate?

3 14. What is ASP?

3 15. What are Global Supply Chains?

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3 16. How is a company involved when it sells directly to customers?


4 17. What are the components of the Supply Chains?

4 18. Explain in detail the problems along the Supply Chain?

5 19. What are the solutions to solve SCM problems?


5 20. When does a Supply chain Transforms into a n integrated value chain?

5 21. What are the contributions made by EC to Supply Chain Management?

5 22. What are the factors to be considered according to to avoid failures and ensure success?

5 23. When Lego company of Denmark decided to global what the concerns the company had?


4 23. What are the major activities of EC to facilitate buying and selling along the supply chain?


5 24. Distinguish between SCM and SCI.

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Supply Chain Intelligence

4 25. What are the components that offers?

Chapter 7Transaction Processing, Innovative functional Systems, CRM and Integration.

Fill in the Blank:

1 1. Information systems applications support the levels of an organization’s activities.

1 2. In processing, data are processes as soon as transaction occurs.

1 3. A systems can collect data as they occur but process them at specified intervals.

1 4. Several companies their transaction processing.

2 5. A is usually a one-time effort composed of many interrelated activities, costing a substantial amount of money, and lasting for weeks to years.

2 6. A new development in collaborative technologies utilizing the Internet is the system.

1 7. systems are all the systems involved in the process of getting a product or service to customers and dealing with all customers’ needs.

2 8. volumes are largely determined by the prices of products or services.

2 9. Accounts ____________ lists the credits, debits, and balance of each customer.

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2 10. In an inventory management system, when inventory volume falls to a certain level, called the _________ _________, the computer automatically generates a purchase order.

2 11. ____________ is a process that uses telecommunications and information

systems to execute a marketing program for customers who want to shop from their homes.

2 12. A ____________ file is a permanent group of records such as a purchase order file or inventory file that are updated periodically to keep them current.

2 13. One way to determine how much customer service to provide is to compare your company against a set of standards known as .

Multiple Choice:

2 14. In the value chain model, how are primary activities characterized? They represent the

a. flow of goods and services.b. functional areas of the business.c. areas that management information systems must integrate.d. finance, marketing, and human resource departments of a business.

2 15. OLTP is the acronym for a. Online Transact Process.

b. Offline Transaction Processingc. Online Transaction Processingd. Online Transacting Product.

2 16. Of the following which is Not the goal of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing:

a. Simplification.b. Automation.c. Integration and Coordination.d. Data Manipulation

1 17. Management information systems mainly focus on which of the following?a. Routine middle management reports intended to improve productivity and

quality.b. Strategic information used by top executives to help make long-term

decisions.c. Minute-by-minute readouts and printouts for operators so they can

maximize productivity.

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d. Daily answers for ad hoc questions posed by operators in the form of intelligent information systems.

1 18. The financial expression of a balance sheet isa. Cash Flow Statementb. Budgetc. Balance sheetd. Funds Flow Statement

2 19. In the value chain model, Engineering would be considered aa. primary activityb. secondary activityc. procurement activityd. supply chain activity

1 20. Most of the transaction processing tasks are in which area?a. human resourcesb. marketingc. accounting/financed. research/engineering

1 21. PERT is an acronym fora. Project Evaluation and Review Technology.b. Project Evaluation and Reengineering Techniques.c. Project Evaluation and Review Technique.d. Project Evaluation and Reengineering Technology.

1 22. Which of the following activities was NOT computerized in the 1950s?a. payrollb. billingc. inventoryd. word processing

1 23. CPM is an acronym fora. Computerized Process Methodology.b. Computerized Project Methods.c. Critical Process Messaging.d. Critical Path Method.

1 24. SAP R/3 and People Soft are examples ofa. enterprise resource planning software.b. computer integrated manufacturing software.c. just-in-time inventory software.d. on-line analytical processing systems.

1 25. In production and operations management systems, MRP is an acronym for

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a. material requirements productionb. material requirements planningc. manufacturing requirements processesd. manufacturing requirements purchasing

Short Answers:

3 1. Give the importance of TPS?

3 2. What is OTMs?

3 3. What is Inventory Management and what are the cost involved in determining inventory?

3 4. What are channel systems?

3 5. How is Sales Automation software helpful to small businesses?

6. What are some of the benefits of using budgeting?

3 7. What are the tools investors use to cope with large amount of financial data?

3 8. What is Product Pricing?

3 9. What is Recruitment?

3 10. What is PRM?

3 11. What is batch processing?

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3 12. What are the major elements of a just-in-time system?

3 13. What is capital budgeting?

4 14. How can spreadsheet packages help complete the capital budgeting process?

3 15. How can information technology improve help desk effectiveness?


5 16. What are some metrics one can use to evaluate Web-related customer service?

5 17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online recruitment?

5 18. What are the major tools for Customer Service?

4 19. What are some of the benefits of Web-Based Transaction Processing System?

4 20. Explain in detail the importance of Financial and Economic forecasting?

4 21. The transaction processing system is generally the oldest information system in a company. Discuss the pros and cons of this situation as well as the current state of TPS systems.

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4 22. Why is payroll a transaction area that is often outsourced?

4 23. How is MRP II differentiated from MRP?

4 24. How does information technology support JIT?

4 25. Why did most TPS systems start in the accounting area?

Chapter 8IT Planning And BPR

Fill in the Blank:

1 1. The term refers to the overall (high-level) structure of all information systems in an organization.

1 2. are groups of logically related decisions and activities required to manage the resources of the business.

2 3. analysis is a planning technique that IT planners can use to determine information requirements at the organizational, departmental or individual manager level.

2 4. is a methodology used in planning situations that involve much uncertainty, like that of IT in general and e-commerce in particular.

1 5. firms use less of IT infrastructure services than retail or

financial firms.

1 6. The dimension of the organization, primarily focused on functional specialization.

1 7. Production of large quantities of customizable items are called as _________.

1 8. The time it takes to complete a process from beginning to end is known as _________.

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2 9. _________ _____________ is the amount of value created in each process.

3 10. Processes that have activities that transcend departmental boundaries such as customer service are referred to as ___________-__________ activities.

3 11. The continuum from the hierarchical approach to the network management approach is called the ___________ ____________ which has fewer layers of management and broader spans of control than the hierarchical organization.

3 12. _______________ is the vesting of decision making or approval authority in

employees where, traditionally, such authority was a managerial prerogative.

2 13. A(n) ___________ _____________ is an organization composed of several business partners sharing costs and resources for the purpose of producing a product or service.

Multiple Choice:

1 14. Strategic Information Planning (SIP) can also refer to a process of searching for

a. strategic information technology. b. Strategic Information System.

c. System Integrated Planningd. System Implement Technology.

1 15. BSP is an acronym fora. Business Systems Planning.b. Business System Procurement

c. Business system Processingd. Building Systematic Planning

1 16. There are basic configurations of PCs for end users.a. Fourb. Sixc. Fived. Three.

2 17. Who initiated the industrial revolution?a. George Washington Carverb. Eli Whitneyc. Thomas Edisond. Adam Smith

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1 18. Which of the following is NOT a business process?a. credit card approvalb. hierarchical organizational chartc. processing an expense formd. renewal of a driver’s license

2 19. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major environmental pressures, the “three Cs,” as defined by Hammer and Champy?a. customersb. competitionc. changed. communication

1 20. A bank loan officer not knowing whether a loan applicant also has a savings account or other investment (such as a CD or insurance policy) with the same bank is an example of a(n) ___________ problem.

a. integrationb. value-addedc. demandd. innovation

1 21. What is a philosophy in which all employees in the organization consider quality to be part of their responsibility?

a. Quality Circlesb. Total Quality Managementc. Virtual Qualityd. Virtual Corporations

2 22. Which of the following is NOT one of the “three Rs” of reengineering?a. retrainb. redesignc. retoold. reorchestrate

1 23. Which of the following is NOT one of the major reasons that BPR fails?a. large expensesb. inability to properly align BPR and ITc. organizational resistanced. lack of available technology

2 24. The failure rate for BPR is estimated ata. 5-10%.b. 20-30%.c. 50-60%.d. 75-85%.

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2 25. Which participant is part of both the demand chain and the supply chain?a. customerb. salesmanc. manufacturerd. retailer

Short Answers:

3 1. Give the importance of SIP?

3 2. What is BSP?

3 3. What are Ends/Means analysis?

3 4. Give some examples of sample questions that can be asked in Critical Success Factors (CSF)?

3 5. What is Empowerment?

3 6. What are Virtual Corporations?

3 7. What are Networked Organizations?

4 8. If a company has implemented several good continuous improvement programs, why is BPR still necessary?

3 9. What are some examples of how IT supports communication and collaboration between business partners of a VC?

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3 10. How do the achievements of TQM and reengineering efforts compare?

3 11. What is the relationship between BPR and information technology?

4 12. All organizations have both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Explain this sentence.

4 13. According to Hammer and Champy, what creates the need for business process reengineering?

4 14. Explain the “stovepipe” problem.


5 15. What are the basic configurations of PCs for end users?

4 16. Why is IT planning important for both planners and end-users?

5 17. According to King and Tep (1997) what are the stages IT planning moves over time?

5 18. Explain the steps in Requirement Analysis?

5 19. What are the connections between IT planning and e-planning?

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5 20. What are the major categories of IT tools that can be used to support BPR and organizational transformation?

421. What are some of the major features of reengineering that were illustrated in the Dell case study?

422. What are some of the most important manufacturing principles of the industrial revolution?

4 23. How did IT support BPR in the McKesson case study?

4 24. How does IT support the concept of empowerment?

4 25. What are the key attributes of virtual corporations?

Chapter 9Knowledge Management

Fill in the Blank:

2 1. management is a process that helps organizations identify, select, organize, disseminate, and transfer important information and expertise that are part of the organization’s memory and that typically reside within the organization in an unstructured manner.

2 2. Knowledge is that is contextual, relevant and actionable.

2 3. The other term for knowledge is capital.

2 4. Tacit knowledge is also referred to as knowledge.

2 5. Explicit knowledge is also called as knowledge.

2 6. Knowledge is in nature.

2 7. Tacit knowledge is diffused, unstructured, without tangible form, and therefore, difficult to ____ .

2 8. The knowledge based economy is a .

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2 9. must develop strategies to sustain competitive advantage by leveraging their intellectual assets for optimum performance.

2 10. organization refers to an organization’s capability of learning from its past experience.

2 11. The ability of an organization to learn, develop memory, and share knowledge is dependent on its .

2 12. knowledge is stored in a knowledge repository.

2 13. is used in a process called knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).

Multiple Choice

2 14. KMS is an acronym fora. knowledge manufacturing system.b. knowledge management systemc. know management systemd. know-how management system.

2 15. Tacit knowledge is a cumulative score ofa. experiencesb. expertisec. know-howd. all of the above

2 16. Of the following which is NOT an explicit knowledge?a. goalsb. missionc. strategiesd. mental maps.

2 17. What is the integral part of knowledge? a. ability to actb. ability to decidec. ability to technical know-howd. none of the above

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2 18. A learning organization as well performs main activities.a. fourb. fivec. sixd. seven

2 19. Of the following which is NOT described as four broad objectives of knowledge management systems by Davenport et al (1998)?a. create knowledge repositoriesb. improve knowledge accessc. measurement of knowledged. manage knowledge as an asset.

2 20. A(n) is used as a knowledge repository.a. information baseb. knowledge basec. organizational memoryd. organization learning.

2 21. CKO is an acronym for a. chief knowledge officerb. central knowledge officerc. community knowledge officerd. central knowledge operator.

2 22. Knowledge management systems are developed using sets of technologies.

a. twob. threec. fourd. five

2 23. technologies provide the means to perform group worka. communicationb. collaborationc. storaged. none of the above.

2 24. are the doorway into many knowledge management systemsa. knowledge serversb. enterprise knowledge portalsc. knowledge softwared. knowledge integrity

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2 25. are software systems that learn how users work, and provide assistance in their daily tasks.

a. Intelligent agents.b. AI methods.c. Data mining.d. neural networks

Short Answers:

3 1. What is KMS?

3 2. What is Explicit Knowledge? Give some examples?

3 3. What is learning organization?

3 4. What are the objectives of knowledge management systems described by Davenport et al. (1998)?

3 5. What is the Knowledge Repository model?

3 6. What is codification strategy?

3 7. What is knowledge audit?

4 8. What is network storage model?

4 9. What are knowledge management suites?

10. What are knowledge servers?

3 11. What is EDM?

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3 12. How do Knowledge management systems integrate with DSS?

4 13. How is Tacit Knowledge stored?

4 14. What is the importance of knowledge management?

4 15. What is organizational learning?


3 16. What are the characteristics of knowledge?

5 17. What are the reasons that people do not like to share knowledge?

5 18. What is the functioning of knowledge management system cycle?

5 19. What are four levels of best practices recognized by Chevron?

5 20. What are the major challenges in implementing knowledge management systems?

4 21. How does ASPs evolve with knowledge management?

5 22. Why AI methods are used in knowledge management systems?

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5 23. When evaluating intangibles what are the new ways to view capital?

5 24. What are the duties of chief knowledge officer?

4 25. What are the various technologies that make knowledge management system?

Chapter 10Supporting Management and Decision Making

Fill in the Blank:

1 1. Mintzerg (1973) divided the manager’s roles into categories based on his classical studies.

2 2. A is a simplified representation or abstraction of reality.

2 3. The approach takes the view that managers can follow a fairly systematic process for solving problems.

2 4. The study of the impact that changes in one (or more) parts of a model have on other parts is known as .

2 5. The term interface covers all aspects of the communications between a user and the DSS.

2 6. The capability enables users to get details, and details of details, of any given information.

2 7. A group can use basic types of hardware configurations.

2 8. analysis can be done using forecasting models.

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2 9. means to assume the appearance of characteristics of reality.

2 10. ______________ is a process by which certain goals are achieved through the use of resources (people, money, energy, materials, space, time).

2 11. The ratio between outputs and inputs is _________________. y

2 12. ____________ _____________ is the study of the impact that changes in one (or more) parts of a model have on other parts.

2 13. ______________ reporting is based on the idea that an executive should give attention to significant deviations from standards.

2 14. A(n) __________ model is a nonverbal description of how a person thinks about a situation.

Multiple Choice

1 15. The least abstract model is a. Iconic modelb. analog modelc. Mathematical model.d. Mental model.

1 16. CSF is an acronym for a. Critic Success Factor.b. Critical Strive Factorc. Critical Success Factord. Crucial Success Factor.

2 17. Which of the following is NOT the broad categories that encompass all managerial activities?a. Strategic Planning.b. Distribution controlc. Management Controld. Operational control

2 18. Among the following which person has the specific knowledge about management problems and some experience with decision support system?

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a. Expert tool users.b. Business (systems) analyst.c. Group facilitator.d. Staff assistant.

2 19. According to Mintzberg, which of the following is NOT a major management role category?a. Operationalb. Interpersonal c. Informationald. Decisional

2 20. According to Simon, which of the following is NOT a major phase in decision making?a. Intelligenceb. Processc. Designd. Choice

2 21. Which of the following is NOT a type of variable within a mathematical model?a. result or dependentb. decision or independentc. uncontrollabled. controllable or fixed

2 22. Business System Planning, critical success factors, and ends/means analysis are three examples of methods fora. analyzing decision support systems.b. implementing group decision support systems.c. conducting structured interviews.d. documenting how to automate current managerial responsibilities.

1 23. A forecasting model would most likely be used to conducta. critical success factor analysis.b. ad hoc analysis.c. trend analysis.d. exception reporting analysis.

1 24. The ability for executives to do creative analysis on their own is calleda. critical success factor analysis.b. ad hoc analysis.c. trend analysis.d. exception reporting analysis.

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1 25. Brainstorm, Creative Whackpack, IdeaFisher, and Think Tank are examples of

a. expert systems.b. online analytical processing systems.c. idea-generation software.d. artificial intelligence software.

Short Answers:

3 1. What are the major phases in decision making described by Simon?

3 2. What are Analog Models?

3 3. What are the major information technologies successfully used by managers?

3 4. What are Semi structured problems?

3 5. What is Sensitivity Analysis?

3 6. What is a User Interface?

3 7. What are the types of Enterprise Information systems? 3 8. What is Frontline Decision Making?

3 9. What are the Components of GDSS?

3 10. How does a simulation differ from a model?

3 11. What is the primary reason that management information systems are

difficult to justify?

3 12. Briefly explain how IdeaFisher helps increase the flow of ideas to the user.

3 13. In an unstructured problem, what is used as the basis for decision making?

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3 14. What are the steps in the management science approach?


2 15. What are two popular types of sensitivity analysis?


5 16. What are some of the benefits of Modeling?

4 17. What is the systematic process for solving problems in mathematical science?

4 18. What are the major characteristics of an ODSS?

4 19. What are the benefits of Web-based decision support systems with respect to the DSS user?

4 20. What are some of the benefits of Web-based DSS?

5 21. Why is it generally more difficult for managers to make decisions today than several years ago?

4 22. What is the likelihood that lower, middle, and top management positions will be automated? Use examples to support your position.

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5 23. What are some of the key capabilities of an executive information system?

4 24. What are some of the drawbacks of group creativity sessions that can be partially addressed by the use of idea generating software?

4 25. How is an “intelligent EIS” distinguished from an EIS?