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Nearly three- fourth population of India lives in rural areas. More than 66 percent

of India‟s labour force is engaged in agriculture and allied activities. Unchecked

population growth, shortage of land, fragmentation of land, inequitable distribution of

income in the country and growing casual or unemployed labour force have all combined

to increase rural poverty. The present work is an attempt to understand the socio-

economic conditions of the MGNREGA workers, their conditions of work, the system of

hiring, their age, sex, caste, education level, earning, expenditure and savings.

It has been seen from the history that today the developed countries (Western

Europe and USA) have also faced the problem of unemployment and poverty in their

early phase of development. All these countries have tried to eliminate poverty and

unemployment in their own approach and methods. Even today USA and other European

countries are facing unemployment problem. But the basic nature of unemployment they

face is different from the one what India is facing today.

In order to fill in the gaps between the various issues raised by scholars, the

present study was undertaken. The present study is by and large, an exploratory one,

whereby an attempt has been made to understand and raise certain issues regarding the

MGNREGA workers, which may help in investigation in depth, the socio- economic

conditions of the respondents in the developing rural economy in Haryana. The study

employed interpretive methodology for this study. This method helps us to understanding

the phenomena with its underlying values and meanings. The study realized on both

qualitative as well as quantitative techniques for data collection.

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is an

unprecedented opportunity to build the foundations of a social security system in rural

India, revive village economies, promote social equity and empower rural labourers.

Although based on the evidence from four villages in two districts of Haryana, the

analysis in this study suggests that the targeting accuracy of the MGNREGA programme

was achieved. Large segment of highly disadvantaged group such as sc, landless and

labour households participated in this programme. This study focuses on explaining the

basic concept of MGNREGA, its uniqueness, diverse perspectives, and operational

dimensions, availability of finance and attitude of bureaucracy. The topic of the present

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study is “Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

(MGNREGA) on Empowerment of Rural People : A Sociological Study of Haryana.” In

the present study an attempt has been made to examine and investigate the following


1. To examine the extent and pattern of participation across caste, class and gender

lines under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act


2. To what extent MGNREGA has been able to improve the socio-economic

conditions of the households employed under MGNREGA.

3. To find out the problems faced in the execution of the MGNREGA.

4. To examine the Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and other government

functionaries in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural

Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

The present study employed exploratory research design; this helped us in

exploring and understanding certain issues in the field situation. Further it enabled us to

gather the information which was not pre- confined in the interview schedule. For the

present study multi-stage sampling was employed. The present study is relied on field

work method of study in the sample villages. Accordingly we have selected four villages

from two districts of Haryana. The selected four villages under this assessment were:

Dehkora and Chhudani from District Jhajjar, Rajawas and Digrota from District

Mahendergarh. Numbers of respondents were taken from Dehkora 102 respondents (43

males, 59 females), Chhudani 135 respondents (71 males, 64 females), Rajawas 83

respondents (40 males, 43 females) and Digrota 90 respondents (50 males, 40 females).

The respondents were taken from different castes and all the four villages (Two villages

from each block). Out of the Total sample, 13 percent respondents were belonging to

Higher castes, 32 percent respondents were from Backward Class and rest a very big

segment (55 Percent respondents) were Scheduled Caste. So the majority of the workers

engaged under MGNREGA were Scheduled Caste.

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The study required information from both primary and secondary sources. The

study revealed that the work under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA requires hard labour and an

individual has to be physically strong. It was observed during the field work that a good

number of young labour offer for Mahatma Gandhi NREGA work as they realize that in

young age they can perform all kind of work at worksite. A district- wise analysis

revealed that among the respondents in the age group of 18-30 years were 09.81 percent

in village Dehkora and 22.22 percent in village chhudani of Jhajjar district. In this age

group, Mahendergarh district respondents were 14.46 percent in village Rajawas and

37.78 percent in village Digrota respectively. Jhajjar district village- 1 respondents were

43.13 percent and 34.07 percent in village-2 of the age- group 31-40 and in

Mahendergarh district village -1, 42.17 percent and village- 2 were 44.44 percent

respectively of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA labour. In the age- group of 41-50 the

respondents from district Jhajjar were 39.22 percent in village- 1(Dehkora) and 29.63

percent in village- 2 (Chhudani) respectively and in Mahendergarh district village -1,

26.51 percent and 12.22 percent in village -2. And the respondents who were from the

age-group of above 50 in the jhajjar district, 07.84 percent respondents were falling in this

age-group in village- 1 and 14.08 percent in village-2. In the same age- group of

Mahendergarh district village -1, 16.86 percent and 05.56 percent in village -2. So the

majority of the MGNREGA workers were from 31-40 years age-group. It was observed

that those respondents who were in the age-group of 31-40 were performing the hard


It was observed that out of 73 respondents, who were doing agricultural work

other than MGNREGA, 45.21 percent were from higher castes, 35.61 percent were from

other backward castes and 19.18 percent were scheduled caste. 136 respondents who were

doing construction work other than MGNREGA, among them 06.62 percent were from

higher castes, 48.53 percent were from other backward class and 44.85 percent were

scheduled caste. Out of the 95 respondents who were street hawker, among them 04.21

percent were from higher castes, 37.90 percent were from other backward castes and

57.89 percent were scheduled caste. The respondents who were doing other work other

than MGNREGA were 106 respondents, among them 06.60 percent were from higher

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castes, 01.89 percent respondents were from other backward castes and 91.51 percent

were scheduled caste.

The study revealed that out of the total sample 49.76 percent respondents were

male and 50.24 percent were females. So both male and females were participating

equally under MGNREGA.A district- wise analysis reveals that 50.98 percent

respondents were from village Dehkora and 48.15 percent respondents were from village

Chhudani, while from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh, 50.60 percent and from

village Digrota 50 percent respondents were male respectively. While 49.02 percent

respondents were from village Dehkora and 51.85 percent respondents were from village

Chhudani, and from district Mahendergarh, village Rajawas 49.40 percent and from

village Digrota 50 percent respondents were female.

It was observed that out of the Total 410 respondents, 12.92 percent respondents

were belonging to Higher castes, 31.72 percent respondents were from Backward Class

and rest a very big segment (55.36 Percent respondents) were Scheduled Caste. So the

majority of the workers engaged under MGNREGA were Scheduled Caste. The caste-

composition of the MGNREGA workers revealed that out of the total sample, 5.37

percent respondents were Jats and 4.63 Brahmin respectively as well 2.93 percent were

Rajpoot, 4.63 percent Yadav, 2.93 percent Sunar and 3.42 percent were Khati

respectively. And 2.44 percent respondents were Bairagi, 4.88 percent Luhar, 5.85

percent respondents were Nai, 5.62 percent were Kumhar and 1.95 percent were Teli

respectively. Majority of the respondents were from Dhanak 20.24 percent followed by

Chamar 19.51 percent and Balmiki 15.61 percent. So the majority of the sample workers

were from the scheduled castes (55.36 percent).

A district- wise analysis revealed that 12.74 percent respondents in village

Dehkora and 18.52 percent in village chhudani of Jhajjar district, Mahendergarh district

respondents were 06.05 percent in village Rajawas and 11.11 percent in village Digrota

respectively were from Higher castes. In the Backward castes, Jhajjar district village- 1

respondents were 19.61 percent and 42.96 percent in village-2 and in Mahendergarh

district village -1, 26.50 percent and village- 2 were 33.33 percent respectively.

67.65 percent respondents were from district Jhajjar in village- 1(Dehkora) and

38.52 percent in village- 2 (Chhudani) respectively and in Mahendergarh district village -

1, 41.48 percent and 55.56 percent in village -2 belonged to Scheduled castes. It may be

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concluded that in both of the districts scheduled castes were in majority. The study

revealed the distribution of the respondents according to their education level. Out of the

total respondents, 20.24 percent respondents we studied up to primary level, 23.42

percent studied up to Middle Class and 05.36 percent respondents were Matriculation

Pass. And a few only 02.93 percent respondents were 12th pass where the majority of

them (48.05 percent) were illiterate. So it can be said that the majority of our sample was

illiterate. District- wise analysis showed that 49.02 percent respondents from village

Dehkora and 38.52 percent in village chhudani of Jhajjar district were illiterate while

Mahendergarh district respondents were 65.06 percent in village Rajawas and 45.56

percent in village Digrota respectively were illiterate. Jhajjar district village- 1, 19.61

percent respondents and 26.67 percent in village-2 were studied upto primary level and in

Mahendergarh district village -1, 08.43 percent and village- 2 were 22.22 percent

respectively were studied upto primary level. 22.55 percent from Dehkora, 19.26 percent

from Chhudani, 24.10 percent from village Rajawas and 30 percent Digrota were middle

pass. In the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA labour from district Jhajjar 06.86 percent in

village- 1(Dehkora) and 08.15 percent in village- 2 (Chhudani) respectively and in

Mahendergarh district village -1, 02.41 percent and 02.22 percent in village -2 were

studied upto matric level And the respondents who were 10+2 pass, 01.96 percent in

village Dehkora of jhajjar district, 07.40 percent respondents were from village Chhudani

and none of the respondents were from Mahendergarh district village -1 and village -2. So

the majority of the MGNREGA workers were illiterate.

The study revealed that out of total sample, 95.12 percent respondents were

married where only 04.88 percent respondents were unmarried. So the majority of the

sample workers of NERGA were married. District- wise analysis suggests that 93.14

percent respondents were from village Dehkora and 94.81 percent respondents were from

village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, while from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh,

96.39 percent and from village Digrota 96.67 percent respondents were married

respectively. And 06.86 percent respondents were from village Dehkora and 5.19 percent

respondents were from village Chhudani, and from district Mahendergarh, village

Rajawas 03.61 percent and from village Digrota 03.33 percent respondents were


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It was observed that out of total sample, 45.37 percent respondents were living in

joint families while 54.63 percent respondents were having nuclear families. District-

wise analysis indicates that 41.18 percent respondents were from village Dehkora and

43.70 percent respondents were from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, while from

village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 53.01 percent and from village Digrota 45.56

percent respondents were living in joint families respectively. And 58.82 percent

respondents from village Dehkora and 56.30 percent respondents from village Chhudani,

and from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 46.99 percent and from village

Digrota 54.44 percent respondents were living in nuclear families.

The study revealed that out of the total sample, 77.56 percent respondents were

having pucka house and 21.95 percent respondents were having semi pucka houses,

where only 2 respondents out of the total sample had kutcha houses. So in the sample

villages‟ majority of the people were living in pucka or semi pucka houses. District- wise

analysis revealed that 88.24 percent respondents from village Dehkora and 55.56 percent

respondents from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, while from village Rajawas of

district Mahendergarh 86.75 percent and from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh

90 percent respondents were living in Pucka houses respectively. And 11.76 percent

respondents from village Dehkora and 44.44 percent respondents from village Chhudani,

and from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 12.05 percent and from village

Digrota 08.89 percent respondents were having Semi-Pucka houses respectively. And

none of the respondents from district Jhajjar were having kutcha houses where only 1.20

percent respondents from village Rajawas and 11.11 percent from village Digrota were

living in Kutcha houses.

It was revealed that 25.61 percent respondents out of the total workers had a family

income was below Rs. 5000 per month by all means. 41.95 percent respondent‟s total

family income by all sources was Rs. 5001 – 10,000 per month and rest 32.44 percent

respondents reported that their monthly family income by all means was above Rs

10,000. So it could be concluded that MGNREGA workers and their family member were

earning a low income. They were only hand to month. District- wise analysis indicates

that 19.66 percent respondents from village Dehkora and 22.22 percent respondents from

village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 31.33 percent from village Rajawas of district

Mahendergarh and 32.22 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh had a

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family income was below Rs. 5000 per month by all means. 63.73 percent respondents

from village Dehkora and 25.93 percent respondents from village Chhudani, and from

village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 34.94 percent and from village Digrota 47.78

percent respondents were having a family income of Rs. 5001- 10000 per month. 16.67

percent respondents from village Dehkora and 51.85 percent respondents from village

Chhudani, and from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 33.73 percent and 20

percent respondents from village Digrota were having a family income of Rs. Above

10000 per month.

The study revealed the distribution of the respondents according to their other

source of income except Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. Out of the total sample, 17.81

percent respondents engaged as agricultural labour, percent 33.17 percent respondents out

of total sample were working construction work except MGNREGA, 23.17 percent

respondents were Street Hawker and rest 25.85 percent respondents were working their

own small business. So the very big segment (33 percent) of the total sample was earning

their livelihood from construction work when they were not working under MGNREGA.

District- wise analysis data indicated that 19.61 percent respondents from village Dehkora

and 19.26 percent respondents from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 18.07 percent

from village Rajawas and 13.33 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh

had engaged as agricultural labour when they were not working under MGNREGA. 39.22

percent respondents from village Dehkora and 36.56 percent respondents from village

Chhudani, and from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 28.92 percent and from

village Digrota 26.67 percent respondents were doing construction work except

MGNREGA. 32.35 percent respondents from village Dehkora and 30.37 percent

respondents from village Chhudani, and from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh

25.30 percent respondents were Street Hawker and 8.82 percent respondents from village

Dehkora and 14.81 percent respondents from village Chhudani, and from village Rajawas

of district Mahendergarh 27.71 percent and from village Digrota 60 percent respondents

were doing other works except MGNREGA.

It was observed that out of total sample (410 respondents), 54.88 percent

respondents were from below the poverty line where 45.12 percent respondents were

falling under above poverty line category. So we can conclude that the majority of the

respondents who were engaged under MGNREGA were poor and falls below the poverty

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line. District- wise analysis indicated that 58.82 percent respondents were from village

Dehkora and 59.26 percent respondents were from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar,

while from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 50.60 percent and from village

Digrota 47.78 percent respondents were from BPL families respectively. And 41.18

percent respondents from village Dehkora and 40.74 percent respondents from village

Chhudani and from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 49.40 percent and from

village Digrota 52.22 percent respondents were from APL families.

The study indicated that out of the total respondents 87.80 percent respondents

were sending their children to school, where 12.20 percent respondents were not sending

their children to School. And children who were going to School were going to

government Schools. So the majority of the respondents working under MGNREGA

were sending their children to school. District- wise analysis of data indicated that 95.10

percent respondents were from village Dehkora and 94.07 percent respondents were from

village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, while from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh

79.52 percent and 77.78 percent respondents from village Digrota were sending their

children to School respectively. And 4.90 percent respondents from village Dehkora and

05.93 percent respondents from village Chhudani, and from village Rajawas 20.48

percent and from village Digrota 22.22 percent respondents were sending their children to


The study revealed that out of the total sample, 28.29 percent respondents started

labour work at the age of below 20 years, 41.71 percent respondents started labour work

in the age between 21-25 years, 27.07 percent respondents started labour work in the age

between 26- 30 years and rest 02.93 percent respondents started labour work in the age

between 31- 35 years. A district- wise analysis revealed that among the respondents who

were started labour work below 20 years were 39.22 percent in village Dehkora and 45.93

percent in village chhudani of Jhajjar district. In the same category, the respondents from

Mahendergarh district were 04.82 percent in village Rajawas and 11.11 percent in village

Digrota respectively. From district Jhajjar village- 1 (Dehkora) respondents were 30.39

percent and 48.89 percent in village-2 (Chhudani) started labour work in the age between

21-25 years and in Mahendergarh district village -1 (Rajawas), 48.19 percent and village-

2 (Digrota) were 37.78 percent respectively started labour work in the age between 21-25


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It was observed that he respondents who started labour work in the age between 26-

30 years were from the village Dehkora 24.51 percent, from village Chhudani 03.70

percent in district Jhajjar respectively and from village- Rajawas 46.99 and from village

Digrota 46.67 percent in Mahendergarh district respectively. The respondents who started

labour work in the age between 31-35 years were from the village Dehkora 05.88 percent,

from village Chhudani 01.48 percent in district Jhajjar respectively and from village

Digrota 04.44 percent in Mahendergarh district and none of the respondents were from

village- Rajawas. So the majority of the MGNREGA workers started labour work in the

age between 21-30 years.

The study revealed that the workers engaged under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA had a

very little monthly savings. Among the respondents who had monthly savings upto Rs.

250 were 18.63 percent from village Dehkora and 08.89 percent from village Chhudani of

Jhajjar district. In the same category, 27.71 percent from village Rajawas and 57.78

percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh respectively. The respondents who

were from village Dehkora 70.59 percent and from village Chhudani 68.89 percent had

monthly savings of Rs. 251- 500. And from village Rajawas 49.40 percent and from

village Digrota 24.44 percent respectively had monthly savings of Rs. 251- 500. From the

village Dehkora 07.84 percent, from the village Chhudani of district Jhajjar 09.63 percent

had a monthly saving of Rs 501- 750. In the same category, 20.48 percent from village

Rajawas and 17.78 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh respectively.

The respondents who had monthly savings of Rs. 751- 1000 were 02.94 percent

from village Dehkora, 12.59 percent from village Chhudani of Jhajjar district. From

village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh, 02.41 percent had monthly savings of Rs. 750-

1000 and none of the respondents had monthly savings of Rs. 751- 1000 from district


It was revealed that out of the total, 74.88 percent respondents said that the Gram

Panchayat play their role well in implementation of MGNREGA works, 21.46 percent

respondents refused to answer about Gram Panchayat‟s role, they said that they did not

know about it and rest 3.66 percent replied that the Gram Panchayat did not play their

role well in implementation of MGNREGA. District-wise analysis of data revealed that

78.43 percent respondents were from village Dehkora and 59.26 percent respondents

were from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, while from village Rajawas of district

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Mahendergarh 91.57 percent and 78.89 percent respondents from village Digrota said that

the Gram Panchayat play their role well in implementation of MGNREGA works, where

21.57 percent respondents from village Dehkora and 35.55 percent respondents from

village Chhudani and from village Rajawas 04.82 percent and from village Digrota 15.56

percent respondents refused to answer about Gram Panchayat‟s role, they said that they

did not know about it. And 05.19 percent were from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar,

while from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 03.61 percent and 05.55 percent

respondents from village Digrota said that the Gram Panchayat did not play their role well

in implementation of MGNREGA works.

The study revealed that out of the total sample 02.20 percent respondents worked

under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA upto 20 days, 12.93 percent respondents were employed

under MGNREGA 21-40 days, 17.80 percent respondents got employment under

MGNREGA for 41-60 days, 42.68 percent respondents were earning their livelihood

from MGNREGA for 61-80 days and 22.44 percent respondents got employment for 81-

100 days in a year under MGNREGA. And out of the total sample, 01.95 percent

respondent not only completed their 100 days work under MGNREGA in a financial year

but also they worked a few days more than 100 days about 104 days in a year. District-

wise analysis indicates that 01.96 percent respondents were from village Dehkora and

04.44 percent respondents were from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, while from

village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh 01.20 percent were earning their livelihood

from Mahatma Gandhi NREGA upto 20 days respectively. And 12.75 percent

respondents from village Dehkora and 17.04 percent respondents from village Chhudani,

and from village Rajawas 04.82 percent and from village Digrota 14.45 percent

respondents were engaged under MGNREGA for 21-40 days. And 11.76 percent

respondents from village Dehkora and 17.78 percent respondents from village Chhudani,

30.13 percent from village Rajawas and 13.33 percent respondents from village Digrota

were engaged under MGNREGA for 41-60 days. District- wise data of the respondents,

who were engaged under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA for 61- 80 days, from village

Dehkora 49.02 percent, from village Chhudani 35.56 percent, from village Rajawas 33.73

percent and fron village Digrota 54.44 percent respectively. Further 21.57 percent

respondents from village Dehkora, 23.70 percent respondents from village Chhudani,

28.92 percent from village Rajawas and 15.56 percent respondents from village Digrota

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were engaged under MGNREGA for 81-100 days. And the respondents who worked

under MGNREGA beyond 100 days were 8 respondents from all the four villages.

Among them 02.94 percent were from village Dehkora, 01.48 percent from village

Chhudani, 01.20 percent from village Rajawas and 02.20 percent from village Digrota

respectively were employed under MGNREGA.

The study revealed that out of the total respondents 80.25 percent respondents

were satisfied with this scheme, 19.02 percent were partially satisfied where only 0.73

percent of the total sample were not satisfied with MGNREGA. So we can conclude that

the majority of the respondents (80.25 percent) were completely satisfied with

MGNREGA. A district- wise analysis reveals that 96.08 percent respondents from village

Dehkora and 78.52 percent respondents from village Chhudani, while from village

Rajawas 55.42 percent and from village Digrota 87.78 percent respondents were satisfied

with this scheme.While 03.92 percent respondents were from village Dehkora and 19.26

percent respondents from village Chhudani, and from village Rajawas 44.58 percent and

from village Digrota 12.22 percent respondents were not satisfied with MGNREGA. And

out of the total 410 respondents, only 3 respondents were not satisfied with this scheme

and all those respondents were from village Chhudani district jhajjar.

The study revealed the fact that out of the total sample, 14.63 percent respondents were in

favour of working hours under MGNREGA, 10.24 percent were in fovour of wage-rates

where 20.49 percent respondents were in favour of the location for MGNREGA works,

32.68 percent favored both (working hours + work location), 11.71 percent MGNREGA

workers were in favour of both (work location + wage rates) and rest only 10.25 percent

respondent among the total sample favoured the MGNREGA as a complete programme.

So the majority of the MGNREGA workers favoured its working hours freedom and

work location. District- wise analysis reveals that 21.57 percent respondents from village

Dehkora, 13.33 percent from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 12.05 percent from

village Rajawas, 11.11 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh were in

favour of working hours under MGNREGA, while 10.79 percent respondents from

village Dehkora, 05.93 percent from village Chhudani, 14.46 percent from village

Rajawas and 12.22 percent from village Digrota were in fovour of wage-rates where

21.57 percent respondents from village Dehkora, 26.66 percent from village Chhudani of

district Jhajjar, 04.83 percent from village Rajawas, 24.45 percent from village Digrota of

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district Mahendergarh were in favour of the location for MGNREGA works. 31.57

percent respondents from village Dehkora, 35.56 percent from village Chhudani of

district Jhajjar, 36.14 percent from village Rajawas and 26.67 percent from village

Digrota of district Mahendergarh favoured both (working hours + work location) under

Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. 07.84 percent from village Dehkora, 09.63 percent from

village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 28.91 percent from village Rajawas and 03.33 percent

from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh were in favour of both (work location +

wage rates) and rest 06.86 percent from village Dehkora, 08.89 percent from village

Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 03.61 percent from village Rajawas and 22.22 percent from

village Digrota of district Mahendergarh were favoured the Mahatma Gandhi

a complete programme.

It was observed that out of total respondents 17.81 percent respondents were

aware about drinking water facility at worksite, 10.24 percent were aware about the

creche facility at worksite, 08.29 percent respondents among them were aware about first

aid box facility at worksite. Among them a very huge segment, 63.66 percent of the

respondents were not aware about any worksite facilities such as, rest shed, crèche, first

aid box, insurance and not even drinking water. District- wise analysis indicates that

39.22 percent respondents from village Dehkora, 17.04 percent from village Chhudani of

district Jhajjar, 11.11 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh were aware

about drinking water facility at worksite under MGNREGA, while 15.69 percent

respondents from village Dehkora, 09.63 percent from village Chhudani, 14.46 percent

from village Rajawas and 01.11 percent from village Digrota were aware about the creche

facility at worksite where 08.82 percent respondents from village Dehkora, 14.81 percent

from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 03.61 percent from village Rajawas and 02.22

percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh were aware about first aid box

facility at worksite. And out of the total sample a very big segment, 36.27 percent

respondents from village Dehkora, 58.52 percent from village Chhudani, 81.91 percent

from village Rajawas and 85.56 percent from village Digrota were not aware about any

worksite facilities such as, rest shed, crèche, first aid box, insurance and not even drinking


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The study revealed that out of the total sample, 50.73 percent respondents reported

that they got their wages on time where 24.88 percent said that they did not get their

wages on time and remain 24.39 percent argued that sometime they got their wages on

time and sometimes they did not get their wages on time. So the majority of the

respondents said yes. District- wise analysis reveals that 50.98 percent respondents from

village Dehkora, 70.37 percent from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 32.53 percent

from village Rajawas and 37.78 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh

said that they got their wages on time and 25.49 percent respondents from village

Dehkora, 21.48 percent from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 18.07 percent from

village Rajawas and 35.55 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh said that

they did not get their wages on time where 23.53 percent respondents from village

Dehkora, 08.15 percent from village Chhudani of district Jhajjar, 49.40 percent from

village Rajawas and 26.67 percent from village Digrota of district Mahendergarh argued

that sometime they got their wages on time and sometimes they did not get their wages on

time. Majority of the sample respondents said yes.

The study revealed that out of total respondents, 90.73 percent respondents

reported that there was no biasness at any level at the worksite, 07.56 percent respondents

said that sometimes they feel there was sex biasness at worksite and 01.71 percent

respondents reported that there were caste biasness in some extent at the worksite.

District- wise analysis suggests that 03.70 percent respondents from village Chhudani of

district Jhajjar, while from village Rajawas of district Mahendergarh, 02.41 percent said

that sometimes they feel there was a caste bias at worksite. And 09.80 percent

respondents were from village Dehkora and 09.63 percent respondents were from village

Chhudani of district Jhajjar, and from district Mahendergarh, village Digrota 08.89

percent respondents said that sometimes they feel there was a sex bias at worksite. But the

majority of the sample workers of Mahatma Gandhi NERGA (90.20 percent from village

Dehkora, 86.67 percent from village Chhudani, 97.59 percent from village Rajawas and

91.11 percent from village Digrota) were reported that there was no biasness at any level

at the worksites under MGNREGA.

It was observed that out of total 86 respondents who were in the age group of 18-

30 years, 88.37 percent were satisfied with this scheme, and 09.30 percent were partially

satisfied where 02.33 percent were not satisfied. The respondents who belonged to the

Page 14: CHAPTER- 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION - · respectively were from Higher castes. In the Backward castes, Jhajjar district


age – group of 31-40, (165 respondents), a very big segment, and 96.97 percent

respondents were satisfied with this scheme and remaining 03.03 percent were partially

satisfied with MGNREGA. And 113 respondents who were in the age-group of 41-50,

94.70 percent among them were completely satisfied with MGNREGA, 04.42 percent

respondents were partially satisfied and less than 1 percent (0.88 percent) was not

satisfied with the programme. And rest 46 respondents who were from the age group of

above 50 years, all of the respondents satisfied with this scheme. So it is concluded that

young people and mature crowd were completely or partially satisfied with this scheme.

The study revealed that out of 390 respondents, who were married, 81.28 percent

out of them were completely satisfied with MGNREGA, 18.21 percent were partially

satisfied and remaining but less than 1 percent (0.51 percent) was not satisfied with

MGNREGA. And 20 respondents who were unmarried, out of them 60 percent were

satisfied, 35 percent were partially satisfied and 5 percent were not satisfied with this

scheme. So the majority of our sample was completely or partially satisfied with this


It was revealed that out of 389 respondents who were completely satisfied with

this scheme, 49.87 percent were male, 50.13 percent respondents were female. Out of the

total respondents (18 respondents) who were partially satisfied with this scheme, among

them 44.44 percent were male and 55.56 percent respondents were female and the

respondents who were not satisfied with this scheme, only 3 respondents, among them 2

were male and 1 respondent was female.

The study revealed that out of 53 respondents, who belonged to higher castes,

94.34 percent were satisfied with the present programme, 01.89 percent was partially

satisfied and 03.77 percent out of total higher castes respondents were not satisfied with

MGNREGA. 130 respondents who belonged to backward class, among them 93.08

percent were satisfied, 6.15 percent were partially satisfied and less than 1 percent (0.76

percent) respondents were not satisfied with this scheme. And majority of the

respondents belonged to scheduled caste (227 respondents), among them 96.03 percent

respondents were completely satisfied with MGNREGA and rest 03.97 percent were

partially satisfied with this scheme. None of the respondents, who belonged to scheduled

caste, were unsatisfied with MGNREGA.

Page 15: CHAPTER- 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION - · respectively were from Higher castes. In the Backward castes, Jhajjar district


The study revealed that all the 197 illiterate respondents were completely satisfied

with MGNREGA; none of the respondents who were illiterate were partially satisfied or

unsatisfied with this programme. 83 respondents who were studied upto primary level,

among them all the respondent were completely satisfied with this scheme. The

respondents, who were studied upto middle level, among them 97.92 percent, were

completely satisfied with Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and rest 02.08 percent were partially

satisfied with this scheme. The matric pass respondents were 22, among them 50 percent

respondents were satisfied with this programme, 45.45 percent were partially satisfied

and 04.55 percent respondents were not satisfied with MGNREGA. The respondents who

were 10+2 pass, 33.33 percent among them were satisfied, 50 percent were partially

satisfied and rest 16.67 percent respondents were not satisfied with the present

programme.It was observed that out of the 53 respondents, who belonged to higher castes,

60.38 percent were male and rest 39.62 percent was female. The respondents who

belonged to other backward class was 130 respondents, among them 54.62 percent were

male and 45.38 percent were female. 227 respondents belonged to scheduled caste.

Among them 44.49 percent were male and 55.51 percent were female.

The study revealed that 60 respondents were in favour of the working hours under

MGNREGA, among them 51.67 percent belonged to higher castes, 21.66 percent

belonged to backward class and rest 26.67 percent belonged to scheduled castes. 42

respondents were in favour of wage rates under MGNREGA, among them 21.43 percent

belonged to higher castes, 50 percent belonged to backward class where 28.57 percent

respondents were Scheduled castes. 84 respondents favoured the location of MGNREGA

works among them 07.15 percent respondents were belonging to higher castes, 69.04

percent belonged to backward class and 23.81 percent respondents were from scheduled

castes. The majority of the respondents (134 respondents) were in favour of both,

working hours and work location of MGNREGA, out of total 134 respondents, only

04.48 percent respondents were from higher castes where majority of the respondents

belonged to scheduled caste (73.13 percent) followed by other backward class (22.39

percent). The respondents who favoured the both benefits of MGNREGA like work

location + wage rates was 48 respondents, among them 02.08 percent respondents

belonged to higher castes, 12.50 percent backward class and remaining, a very big

segment, 85.42 percent were from scheduled caste. The respondents who liked every

Page 16: CHAPTER- 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION - · respectively were from Higher castes. In the Backward castes, Jhajjar district


aspect of MGNREGA were 42, out of them 04.76 percent respondents‟ belonged to

backward class and rest 95.24 percent belonged to scheduled caste. None of the

respondents were from higher castes.

The study revealed that 60 respondents were in favour of working hours under

MGNREGA, among them 55 percent respondents were male and rest 45 percent

respondents were female. The respondents who favoured the wage rates under

MGNREGA were 42, among them 45.23 percent were males where 54.76 percent were

females. 84 percent respondents liked the location of works under MGNREGA. Out of

84 respondents, 35.71 percent respondents were males and 64.29 percent were females.

And 134 respondents who favoured both (working hours and work location), among them

58.21 percent were males and 41.79 percent were females. 48 respondents who liked

work location and wage rates, out of them, 47.92 percent respondents were males and

52.08 percent were females. 42 respondents who were in favour of every aspect of

MGNREGA benefits, among them 50 percent were males and rest 50 percent were

females respectively. So we can say that the majority of our sample favoured the working

hours and location of MGNREGA works.

It was observed that out of the total married respondents (390 respondents), 14.36

percent favoured the working hours of this scheme, 10.26 percent favoured wage rates,

21.02 percent liked the location of MGNREGA works, and a large segment (32.31

percent) favoured both (working hours and work locaton), 11.28 percent favoured work

location + wage rates, and remaining 10.77 percent favoured every aspects of

MGNREGA benefits. The unmarried respondents, who were only 20 people, among

them 20 percent favoured working hours under MGNREGA, 10 percent liked wage rates

and work location for MGNREGA works respectively, a big portion (40 percent

respondents) were in favour of both working hours and location of MGNREGA works

and rest 20 percent liked the location of works under MGNREGA and wage rates of

MGNREGA works.

The study revealedthat out of the total 22 respondents, who were from Jat caste,

among them 55 percent were male and 45 percent were females. 19 respondents were

Brahmin among them 68 percent were male and 32 percent were females. Out of the 12

Rajpoot caste respondents, 58 percent were male and 42 percent were females. 19

respondents were from Yadav caste, among them 74 percent were male and 26 percent

Page 17: CHAPTER- 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION - · respectively were from Higher castes. In the Backward castes, Jhajjar district


were females. The respondents who belonged to Sunar caste were 12, out of them 58

percent were male and 42 percent were females. 12 respondents were from Khati caste,

among them 57 percent were male and 43 percent were females. 10 respondents belonged

to Bairagi caste, 50 percent were male and 50 percent respondents were females

respectively 20 respondents were from Luhar caste, among them 55 percent respondents

were male and 45 percent were females. The 24 respondents who belonged to Nai Caste,

among them 50 percent respondents were male and 50 percent were females. 23

respondents were from Kumhar caste, among them 39 percent were male and 61 percent

were females. The Teli caste respondents were 8, among them 62 percent were male and

38 percent were females. Majority of the respondents belonged to Dhanak caste, among

them 39 percent were male and 61 percent were females. 80 respondents were from

Chamar caste and out of the total Chamar caste respondents, 49 percent were male and 51

percent were females. And rest 64 respondents belonged to Balmiki caste, among them 47

percent respondents were male and 53 percent were female.

The study revealed that out of the total 307 respondents, who said that gram

panchayat play his role well in implementation of MGNREGA, 53.09 percent were male

and 46.91 percent were female. 15 respondents, who said that gram panchayat did not

play his role well in implementation of MGNREGA, among them 13.33 percent, were

male and the major part (86.67 percent) was females. And rest 88 respondents said that

they don‟t know about the role of gram panchayat in implementation of MGNREGA

works, among them 44.32 percent were male and 55.68 percent were females.

Table 4.18 indicates the caste-wise distribution of the respondents and employment

available in a year under MGNREGA. Out of 09 respondents who employed under

MGNREGA for below 20 days, 33.33 percent were from higher castes, 22.22 percent

were from other backward class and 44.45 percent were scheduled caste. 53 respondents

who employed under MGNREGA for 21-40 days, among them 18.87 percent were from

higher castes, 28.30 percent were from other backward class and 52.83 percent were

scheduled caste. The respondents who were employed under MGNREGA for 41-60 days,

among them 12.33 percent were from higher castes, 49.31 percent were from other

backward class and 38.36 percent were scheduled caste. The respondents who were

employed under MGNREGA for 61-80 days, among them 09.14 percent were from

Page 18: CHAPTER- 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION - · respectively were from Higher castes. In the Backward castes, Jhajjar district


higher castes, 21.721 percent were from other backward class and 69.14 percent were

scheduled caste.

The study revealed that out of the total, 13.04 percent respondents who were

employed under MGNREGA for 81-100 days were from higher castes, 40.22 percent

were from other backward class and 46.74 percent were scheduled caste. And out of the

total sample, 01.95 percent respondent not only completed their 100 days work under

MGNREGA in a financial year but also they worked a few days more than 100 days

about 104 days in a year among them 37.50 percent were from higher castes, 25.00

percent were from other backward class and 37.50 percent were scheduled caste.

It was observed that out of 73 respondents, who were doing agricultural work

other than MGNREGA, 45.21 percent were from higher castes, 35.61 percent were from

other backward castes and 19.18 percent were scheduled caste. 136 respondents who were

doing construction work other than MGNREGA, among them 06.62 percent were from

higher castes, 48.53 percent were from other backward class and 44.85 percent were

scheduled caste. Out of the 95 respondents who were street hawker, among them 04.21

percent were from higher castes, 37.90 percent were from other backward castes and

57.89 percent were scheduled caste. The respondents who were doing other work other

than MGNREGA were 106 respondents, among them 06.60 percent were from higher

castes, 01.89 percent respondents were from other backward castes and 91.51 percent

were scheduled caste.
