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Chapter 4

Motivation and Values


BEHAVIORGlobal Edition eMi!hael R" Solo#on

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$earnin% Ob&e!tives

'hen (ou )inish this !hapter* (ou shouldunderstand +h(,

• It-s i#portant )or #ar.eters to re!o%ni/e that

produ!ts !an satis)( a ran%e o) !onsu#erneeds"

• 0he +a( +e evaluate and !hoose a produ!t

depends upon our de%ree o) involve#ent +ith

the produ!t* the #ar.etin% #essa%e* and1or

the pur!hase situation"

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$earnin% Ob&e!tives 2!ontinued3

• Our deepl( held !ultural values di!tate thet(pes o) produ!ts and servi!es +e see. out

or avoid"

• Consu#ers var( in the i#portan!e the(atta!h to +orldl( possessions* and this

orientation in turn has an i#pa!t on their

priorities and behaviors"

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0he Motivation ro!ess

• Motivation re)ers to thepro!ess that leads peopleto behave as the( do

• It o!!urs +hen a need isaroused

• 0he ad sho+s desiredstate and su%%ests a

solution 2pur!hase o)e5uip#ent3

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Needs and Motivation

• Needs #a( be utilitarian or hedoni!

• 0he desired end state is the %oal

• 0he de%ree o) arousal is drive

• ersonal and !ultural )a!tors !o#bine to!reate a +ant 6 one #ani)estation o) a need

• Motivation is des!ribed in ter#s o) stren%th

and dire!tion

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Motivational Stren%th

• Motivational stren%th, de%ree o) +illin%nessto e7pend ener%( to rea!h a %oal

• 8rive theor(, biolo%i!al needs that produ!e

unpleasant states o) arousal 2e"%"* hun%er3• E7pe!tan!( theor(, behavior is pulled b(

e7pe!tations o) a!hievin% desirable


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'hat 8o 'e Need9

Biogenic Needs

Psychogenic Needs

Utilitarian Needs

Hedonic Needs

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Motivational Con)li!ts

• Goal valen!e 2value3, !onsu#er +ill,

• Approa!h positive %oal

• Avoid ne%ative %oal

• E7a#ple, artnership )or a 8ru%:;reeA#eri!a !o##uni!ates ne%ative

!onse5uen!es o) dru% addi!tion )or those

te#pted to start

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;i%ure 4"< 0(pes o) Motivational Con)li!ts

• 0+o desirable alternatives• Co%nitive dissonan!e

• ositive = ne%ative aspe!ts

o) desired produ!t• Guilt o) desire o!!urs

• ;a!in% a !hoi!e +ith t+o

undesirable alternatives

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Spe!i)i! Needs and Bu(in% Behavior 


Value personal a!!o#plish#ent

la!e a pre#iu# on produ!ts

that si%ni)( su!!ess 2lu7ur(brands* te!hnolo%( produ!ts3


'ant to be +ith other people

;o!us on produ!ts that are used

in %roups 2al!oholi!bevera%es* sports bars3


Control one-s environ#ent

;o!us on produ!ts that allo+

the# to have #aster( over

surroundin%s 2#us!le !ars*

loud boo#:bo7es3


Assert one-s individual identit(

En&o( produ!ts that )o!us on

their uni5ue !hara!ter

2per)u#es* !lothin%3

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$evels o) Needs in the Maslo+ Hierar!h(

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An Appeal to One-s Need )or Sa)et(

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• Create an advertising slogan for a pair of jeans, which stresses one of the levels of

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

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Consu#er Involve#ent

• Involve#ent, per!eived relevan!e o) anob&e!t based on one-s needs* values* and


• 'e %et atta!hed to produ!ts,• ?All in One@ restaurant tattoo on

!onsu#er-s head

• Lucky  #a%a/ine )or +o#en +ho obsess

over shoppin%

• A #an tried to #arr( his !ar +hen his

)ian!e du#ped hi#

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;i%ure 4" Con!eptuali/in% Involve#ent

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$evels o) Involve#ent,

;ro# Inertia to assion

• Inertia is !onsu#ption at the lo+ end o)involve#ent de!isions #ade out o) habit

2la!. o) #otivation3

• ;lo+ state o!!urs +hen !onsu#ers are trul(involved

• Sense o) !ontrol

• Con!entration

• Mental en&o(#ent

• 8istorted sense o) ti#e

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Cult rodu!ts

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rodu!t Involve#ent

• rodu!t involve#ent is the !onsu#er-slevel o) interest in a produ!t

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• Interview each other about a particularcelebrity.

• Describe your level of involveent with the

!product" and devise soe arketingopportunities to reach this group.

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0a!ti!s to Boost Motivation to ro!ess

• Appeal to !onsu#ers- hedoni! needs• Use novel sti#uli

• Use pro#inent sti#uli

• In!lude !elebrit( endorsers

• rovide value !usto#ers appre!iate

• $et !usto#ers #a.e #essa%es

• Create spe!ta!les or per)or#an!es

• 8evelop #obile e7perien!es li.e alternate realit(


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ur!hase Situation Involve#ent

• ur!hase situation involve#ent, di))eren!esthat o!!ur +hen bu(in% the sa#e ob&e!t )or

di))erent !onte7ts"

• E7a#ple, +eddin% %i)t• ;or boss, pur!hase e7pensive vase to

sho+ that (ou +ant to i#press boss

• ;or !ousin (ou don-t li.e, pur!hase

ine7pensive vase to sho+ (ou-re


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0able 4"< Measurin% Involve#ent

0o #e 2ob&e!t to be &ud%ed3 is,<" i#portant D,D,D,D,D,D,D uni#portant

" borin% D,D,D,D,D,D,D interestin%

" relevant D,D,D,D,D,D,D irrelevant

4" e7!itin% D,D,D,D,D,D,D une7!itin%

F" #eans nothin% D,D,D,D,D,D,D #eans a lot

" appealin% D,D,D,D,D,D,D unappealin%

" )as!inatin% D,D,D,D,D,D,D #undane

" +orthless D,D,D,D,D,D,D valuable" involvin% D,D,D,D,D,D,D uninvolvin%

<J" not needed D,D,D,D,D,D,D needed

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Consu#er Values

• Value, a belie) that so#e !ondition ispre)erable to its opposite

• E7a#ple, (oun%er is pre)erableto older 

• rodu!ts1servi!es K help in attainin% value:related %oal

• 'e see. others that share our values1

belie)s• 0hus* +e tend to be e7posed to

in)or#ation that supports our belie)s

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Core Values

• Core values, valuesshared +ithin a !ulture

• En!ulturation, learnin% the

belie)s and values o) one-so+n !ulture

• A!!ulturation, learnin% the

value s(ste# and

behaviors o) another


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• #hat do you think are the three to five corevalues that best describe $ericans today% 

• &ow are these core values relevant to the

following product categories'• Cars% 

• Clothing% 

•&igher education% 

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Ho)stede-s Cultural 8i#ensions

• o+er distan!e

• Individualis#

• Mas!ulinit(

• Un!ertaint( avoidan!e

• $on%:ter# orientation

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0able 4" 0er#inal and Instru#ental Values

Instru#ental Value 0er#inal Value

A#bitious A !o#)ortable li)e

Capable A sense o)a!!o#plish#ent

Sel):!ontrolled 'isdo#

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$ist o) Values 2$OV3

• Identi)ies nine !onsu#er se%#ents based onvalues the( endorse and

• Relates ea!h value to di))eren!es in

!onsu#ption behaviors"• E7a#ple, those +ho endorse sense o)

belon%in% read (eader’s Digest  and )*

+uide drin. and entertain #ore* and pre)er

%roup a!tivities

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Means:End Chain Model

• Ver( spe!i)i! produ!t attributes are lin.edat levels o) in!reasin% abstra!tion to

ter#inal values

• Alternative #eans to attain valued endstates

• $adderin% te!hni5ue un!overs !onsu#ers-

asso!iations bet+een spe!i)i! attributes

and %eneral !onse5uen!es

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;i%ure 4"4 Hierar!hi!al Value Maps

)or Ve%etable Oil in 0hree Countries

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Cons!ientious Consu#eris#

• Cons!ientious !onsu#eris# is a )o!us onpersonal health #er%in% +ith a %ro+in%

interest in %lobal health

• $OHAS 2li)est(les o) health andsustainabilit(3, Consu#ers +ho,

• 'orr( about the environ#ent

• 'ant produ!ts to be produ!ed in a

sustainable +a(

• Spend #one( to advan!e +hat the( see as

their personal develop#ent and potential

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;i%ure 4"F Carbon ;ootprint

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• Materialis#, the i#portan!e people atta!hto +orldl( possessions

• ?0he %ood li)e@"""?He +ho dies +ith the

#ost to(s* +ins@• Materialists, value possessions )or their

o+n status and appearan!e

• Non:#aterialists, value possessions that!onne!t the# to other people or provide

the# +ith pleasure in usin% the#

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Chapter Su##ar(

• rodu!ts address a +ide ran%e o) !onsu#erneeds"

• Ho+ +e evaluate a produ!t depends on our

involve#ent +ith that produ!t* the #ar.etin%#essa%e* and the pur!hase situation"

• Our !ultural values di!tate the produ!ts +e

see. out and avoid"

• Consu#ers var( in ho+ i#portant

possessions are to the#"