Page 1: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by
Page 2: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires

Page 3: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by
Page 4: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

Rise in Power

Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326

•Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula

•Began to expand power by taking over the

Bosporus and Dardanelle straits.

•Developed an elite military guard, The Janissaries, and a strong naval fleet.

•Defeated the Serbs in the Balkans at the Battle of

Kosovo in 1389 and began to dominate the region.

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Major LeadersMehmet II

Mehmet II: 1444-1481- Called “The Conqueror”• 1453 – 80,000 soldiers laid siege to Constantinople and conquered the Byzantine Empire.• Renamed city Istanbul and made it the capital. • The Topkapi Palace “Iron Gate”

“What a city we have given to plunder and destruction.”

Turks vs Europeans

Page 6: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

The Fall of Constantinople: 1453

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Major LeadersSuleyman the Magnificent

Suleyman: (1520-1566) – The Greatest Sultan• Expanded Empire into Romania, Hungary, and parts of Austria.• Turkish Naval Fleet rules the eastern Mediterranean• Patron of the arts, built bridges, public baths, schools and mosques.

Major Achievement

The Suleimaniye Mosque

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The Golden Age of the Ottomans

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The Ottoman Centralized Bureaucracy


Local Administrators& Military

Local Administrators& Military

Landowners / Tax CollectorsLandowners / Tax Collectors

MuslimsMuslims JewsJews


Led by Sultan – Absolute power

Chief minister, or adviser, to the SultanGrandVizier




Positions were based on merit, not birth.

Provincial Governors (Beys)And Military elite -

The Janissaries

Provincial Governors (Beys)And Military elite -

The Janissaries

Heads of Individual

Religious Millets

Heads of Individual

Religious Millets

Process of succession was not distinct –

could cause conflict

Who do you think had the real power?

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Collection of Taxes in Suleyman’s Court The Janissaries

How were the Janissaries similar to the eunuchs?

Page 11: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

Religious Beliefs and Policies• Ottomans were Sunni Muslims

• Sultans claimed the title of Caliph – guided and maintained Islamic Law• Religious advisors – Ulema – set up schools

Conversations between Christians and Muslims

• Tolerant of Non-Muslims• Non-Muslims had to pay a tax, Jiyza, but could freely practice religion• Janissaries protected religious minority

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Social Structure/Role of Women• Four main Occupational Classes: peasants,

artisans, merchants, pastoral peoples. • Merchants were most privileged, exempt from taxes and gov’t regulations.

• Women treated better than other Islamic states (Turkish traditions)• Could own and inherit property• Were not forced to marry and could seek a divorce• Some gained political power as officials and governors

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The Harem • The Harem “Sacred Place”• Sultan’s wives and concubines resided in private domain• Sultan chose four wives as his favorites• When a son was chosen as a Sultan, mother became “Queen Mother” and gained power

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Major Achievements

• Restored city of Constantinople (Istanbul)

• Turned Hagia Sophia into a Mosque

Islamic Calligraphy

Page 15: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

Major Achievements

Art work: Picture of Angel Gabriel visiting Muhammad

Illuminated Qur’an

Prayer rugs and textiles

What is unusual about this painting?

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Major Achievements

Scholars in astronomy and medicine. (Galata

Observatory, 1557)

Architecture – Sinan, most

famous architect

Blue Mosque

Bazaars, hospitals, ceramics,


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Decline of Ottoman Empire

• The Siege of Vienna – Suleyman’s forces were

turned back in 1529

• The Battle of Lepanto, 1571

• Major naval battle between Spanish and

Ottomans• Spanish victory gave

hope to Christian empires that Turks could be


Page 18: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

Decline of Ottoman Empire

• Sultans lose power to Vizier’s and Janissaries

• Vague process of succession • Internal government corruption

• Empire became too large to control• Loss of loyalty – no more land to

conquer and give away

• Lack of military technology

• Economy suffered• Silk Road Trade

monopoly ended – European water

routes• Inflation due influx

of silver• Did not industrialize

I’ll stop Jafar! Maybe I can be Sultan!

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The Ottoman Empire During the 16c

Ottoman Empire will last until 1917 It’s a whole new world!

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Mughal EmpireUnit III


Page 21: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

Rise In PowerBabur invaded and conquered Northern India. So began the Mughal

Dynasty in 1526. The Mughals trace their heritage back to the Mongols (1258-1335) and the Timurids (1370-1501).

Page 22: Chapter 21 The Muslim Empires Rise in Power Osman I (Othman): 1299-1326 Osman led group of Turks in the Anatolian Peninsula Began to expand power by

Major LeadersBabur (r. 1526-1530)

• Military general who led his people to victory

• Writer, loved music and art

• Did little to administer the empire

Akbar (r. 1556-1605)

• Great military commander

• Expanded the dynasty to twice the size of what it was

• Reformed government

• Accepted Hinduism –

•allowed intermarriage, no tax on non-Muslims, Hindus allowed high gov’t positions, allowed Hindu temples to be built

• Created the Din-i-Ilahi

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Major Leaders

Jahangir (r.1605-1627)• Patron of the arts• Not the best ruler• Jahangir indulged in courtly luxuries, such as opium• Strong political and artistic influence of his wife, queen Nur Jahan

Aurangzeb (r. 1658-1707)

Shah Jahan (r.1628-1658)• Patron of the arts• Taj Mahal for his wife

• Restored Jaziya, the tax on non-Muslims.• Razed temples, built mosques on their foundations. • Forbade building of new temples, banned music at court, abolished ceremonies

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Form of Government

• Emperor had absolute power

• Vazirs – royal officials

• Patrons of the arts

• Wives of emperors gained power

• Anyone could gain high office

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Religious Beliefs / Policy

• Belief in God – Islamic

• Muslim and Hindu subjects

• Akbar and the Din-i-Ilahi faith

• Aurangzeb – Did not tolerate Hindus

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Role of Women•Among the upper classes

•The Mughal's treated women with respect.

•Babur and his officials often asked women for their reasons and information on political affairs

•Women could own land and they were paid salaries for their work

•They were educated and they learned how to paint and write poetry

•Women were patrons of the arts•Among the lower classes

•Marriage began at as early as 9 for young girls•Muslim women lived in seclusion and could not leave without their veil•Birth of boys was celebrated, but not girls

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Major Achievements• Enormous army

• Cotton textiles

• Polo

• Artwork – influence from Europe

• Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Akbar’s Tomb

• Literature: Baburnama (literally: "Book of Babur“)

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• Emperors neglect people

• Bureaucracy was corrupt

• Army backwards in technology and tactics

• High taxes on people

• Lack of tolerance for Hinduism

• Tried to conquer all of India

• Peasant uprisings

• European intervention

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The Safavid Empire

PERSIA! (present day Iran)

Experiences frequent warfare because it is sandwiched between the Ottomans and the Mughals.

Created military similar to Ottomans and sought alliance with Europe to protect themselves

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Safavid Beginnings

Like the Ottomans… Rose from Turkic nomadic struggles Also represent militant Islam

But Shi’a Safavid Shi’a and Ottoman Sunni, regional impact still exists Battle of Chaldiran

NW Persia – Shi’a vs. Sunni – battle for everything Isma’il’s cavalry destroyed by Ottoman firepower

Shi’a mainly Iran and part of Southern Iraq Began when Sufi mystic Sail al-Din wanted to purify/reform Islam

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Politics and War Years of turmoil

Isma’il depressed due to loss, started years of turmoil Relative peace/height of empire – 1587-1629

Attempts to bring Turkish chiefs under control Given warrior nobility status – like Ottomans

They would threaten Shah for power Turkic nobles balanced by appointed Persians Plus…army of slave boys brought in to be administrators

Yep…kind of like Janissaries And yep…they were part of power struggle

Using outsiders as advisors and warriors These slave regiments controlled firearms Not reluctant to use technological info from Europeans

Learned about casting of cannons and slave infantry from England

Armed 40,000 troops…attempt to secure domain

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State and Religion Relation to Persia

Persian replaces Turkish as spoken language Opulent palaces Grand titles – padishah – king of kings claimed descent from Shi’a imams – successors of Ali

Full theocracy Shi’a becomes dominant sect taught Mullahs – religious/prayer leaders supervised by state

Taught to curse first three caliphs Teaching in mosque schools regulated by government

Forced conversions to Shi’ism Iranian identity – Shi’ism Forced Jews, Sunnis, Sufi, Christians, Zoraster Shi’a Religious festivals

Public flagellation Passion plays Pilgrimages to shrine – Karbala in Iraq

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Ottomans and Safavids Similar social issues between Ottomans and Safavids

Both led by warrior aristocracy Retreated to estates – put huge financial drain on peasants Peasants hurt by foreign invasions, civil strife, breakdown

of services Role of handicraft

Both encouraged handicraft/trade Both encouraged workshops for miniature paintings, rugs Both paid engineers well Both encouraged trade Ottomans had advantage – Jews/Christians already

trading Europe

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Women Role of women – negative

Women subordinated to fathers/husbands – surprise/surprise

Women kept secluded/veiled – always more strict in cities Role of women – positive

Some women fought restrictions Colorful robes, refused to be veiled Wives/concubines influenced rulers Protected inheritance laws – divorce possible

Overall status of women Some lived better than India/China Most lived life with limited contact and had to stay in house

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Causes of Decline

It’s Rapid Causes of Decline Leaders kept in seclusion – become inept Eventually beat by nomads in 1722 Become battleground for nomads/neighbors

wanting to take over
