Page 1: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

Chapter 2 Reviewp. 48 - 49

Page 2: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

1. Explored the West IndiesAnswer: Christopher Columbus

2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida

Answer: Juan Ponce de Leon

3. Led the second expedition around the world

Answer: Francis Drake

Page 3: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

4. Led an expedition that became the first group of Europeans to see the Pacific Ocean

Answer: Vasco Nunez de Balboa

5. England sent him to explore. His search for the East Indies failed, but he reached Newfoundland

Answer: John Cabot

6. Explored the St. Lawrence River Answer: Jacques Cartier

Page 4: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

4. Led an expedition that became the first group of Europeans to see the Pacific Ocean

Answer: Vasco Nunez de Balboa

5. England sent him to explore. His search for the East Indies failed, but he reached Newfoundland

Answer: John Cabot

6. Explored the St. Lawrence River Answer: Jacques Cartier

Page 5: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

7. Sailed to North Carolina and Newfoundland in search of the Northwest Passage.

Answer: Giovanni da Verrazano

8. Defeated the AztecsAnswer: Hernando Cortes

9. His expedition was the first to sail around the world, though he was killed during the journey.

Answer: Ferdinand Magellan

Page 6: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

10. America is named after him.Answer: Amerigo Vespucci

11. Worked for Vasco Nunez de Balboa before becoming interested in conquering the Incas.

Answer: Francisco Pizarro

Page 7: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

1. How did the globe, compass, and map improve exploration?

The globe, compass, and map improved exploration because sailors could use these tools to make travel safer and easier.

Page 8: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

2. What happened when other countries became jealous of Spain’s discoveries in the New World?

French, Dutch, and English ships began seizing Spanish ships and looting Spanish towns.

Page 9: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

3. Why was defeating the Spanish Armada important for the English?

Defeating the Spanish Armada was important for the English because it increased the country’s power in Europe.

Page 10: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

4. What was Roanoke colony? Who started it?

Roanoke colony was the first English colony. It was started by John White. The colony disappeared.

Page 11: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

5. What was the first French colony? Who started it?

Samuel de Champlain set up the first French colony in Quebec on the St. Lawrence River.

Page 12: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

6. Why did many people want to leave England when James I became king?

Many people wanted to leave England when King James I became king because of his strict religious rules.

Page 13: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

1. Do you think the Europeans would have found the New World as quickly if Columbus had not made his voyages? Why or why not?

Page 14: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

2. Who do you think was the most important explorer? Why?

Page 15: Chapter 2 Review p. 48 - 49. 1. Explored the West Indies Answer: Christopher Columbus 2. Searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida Answer: Juan

3. Many people left England because they were searching for political or religious freedom. Do you think these rights are important in the United States today? Why or why not?