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Mechanisms of Health and Disease


1. A disease that has a specific beginning, signs, and symptoms that develop quickly, lasts a short

time, and then disappears is which of the following?a. Acute disease

 b. Chronic disease

c. Long-term illness

d. Short-term illness

2. What is pain that is usually temporary, of sudden onset, and easily localized? (It can be a

symptom of a disease process or a temporary aspect of medical treatment.)

a. Visceral pain

 b. Acute pain

c. Somatic pain

d. Chronic pain

3. What is the term for toward a center or point of reference?

a. Efferent

 b. Centrifugal

c. Afferent

d. Centriole

4. Meaning without shape, which of the following terms describes abnormal or undifferentiated

cells that fail to mature into specialized cell types?a. Hypoplasia

 b. Hyperplasia

c. Endoplasm

d. Anaplasia

5. What is the term that usually describes a noncancerous tumor that is contained and does not


a. Benign

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 b. Neoplasm

c. Anaplasia

d. Neoplasia

6. What is the internal, periodic timing component of an organism, also known as?

a. Circadian rhythm

 b. Biologic rhythm

c. Biologic oscillator 

d. Seasonal rhythm

7. Malignant, nonencapsulated cells that invade surrounding tissue are which of the following?

(They often break away, or metastasize, from the primary tumor and form secondary masses.)a. Stroke

 b. Lymphoma

c. Cancer  

d. Cyst

8. Which of the following describes pain that continues or recurs over a prolonged time, usuallyfor more than 6 months? (The onset may be obscure, and the character and quality of the pain

change over time.)

a. Acute pain

 b. Bright pain

c. Somatic pain

d. Chronic pain

9. What is the term for disease with a vague onset that develops slowly and lasts for a long time,

sometimes for life?a. Chronic disease

 b. Acute disease

c. Short-term illness

d. Long-term illness

10. What is a labeling of signs and symptoms by a licensed medical professional called?

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a. Prognosis

 b. Diagnosis

c. Assessment

d. Prescription

11. An abnormality in functions of the body, especially when the abnormality threatens well-being

is which of the following?

a. Problem

 b. Condition

c. Disease

d. Syndrome

12. An Ayurvedic concept that describes chemical processes in the body is which of the following?

(The three types are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Also a physiologic function.)a. Reiki

 b. Chakra

c. Mudra

d. Dosha

13. What is the term that refers to away from a center or point of reference?

a. Efferent

 b. Afferent

c. Origin

d. Contraction

14. A coordination or synchronization to an internal or external rhythm, especially when a personresponds to certain patterns by moving in a coordinated manner to those patterns, is known aswhich of the following?

a. Movement

 b. Entrainment

c. Alignment

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d. Attunement

15. What is the study of the factors involved in the development of disease, including the nature of 

the disease and the susceptibility of the person?

a. Genealogy

 b. Pathology

c. Etiology

d. Pathophysiology

16. What is the tract that is open at both ends through which abnormal connection occurs between

two surfaces called?a. Tubule

 b. Tunnel

c. Gateway

d. Fistula

17. A self-regulating control system in the body that receives information, integrates that informa-tion, and provides a response to maintain homeostasis is which of the following?

a. Feedback loop

 b. Response loop

c. Reflex

d. Reaction loop

18. What is the method the body uses to mobilize different defense mechanisms when threatened

 by actual or perceived harmful stimuli?

a. Stress syndrome

 b. General adaptation syndrome

c. Negative feedback loop

d. Positive feedback loop

19. What is the term for the condition of homeostasis resulting in a state of physical, emotional, so-

cial, and spiritual well-being?

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a. Disease

 b. Remission

c. Health

d. Balance

20. What is the relatively constant state of the internal environment of the body that is maintained

 by adaptive responses? (Specific control and feedback mechanisms are responsible for adjust-

ing body systems to maintain this state.)

a. Hypertonic

 b. Hypotonic

c. Reflex mechanism

d. Homeostasis

21. What is the term for an uncontrolled increase in the number of cells of a body part?a. Hyperplasia

 b. Anemia

c. Hypoplasia

d. Hydroplasia

22. What is the term for an increased sensitivity to pain?a. Analgesia

 b. Hyperalgesia

c. Hypoalgesia

d. Hyperanalgesia

23. A protective response of the tissues to irritation or injury that may be chronic or acute is knownas which of the following? (The four primary signs are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.)

a. Injury

 b. Anemia

c. Inflammation

d. Edema

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24. What is the continuation of chronic pain without active disease present or when chronic pain

 persists even with treatment called?

a. Somatic pain

 b. Visceral pain

c. Incorrigible pain

d. Intractable pain

25. What physiologic function blends the water and earth elements?a. Kapha dosha

 b. Pitta dosha

c. Vata dosha

d. Chakra dosha

26. What is the term for abnormal growth of new tissue (also called a tumor, may be benign or ma-lignant)?

a. Contusion

 b. Neoplasm

c. Cyst

d. Fibroid

27. What organisms tat cause disease only when the immunity is low in a host?

a. Invasive pathogens

 b. Intravenous pathogens

c. Opportunistic pathogens

d. Offensive pathogens

28. What is the term for development of a disease?

a. Pathology

 b. Etiology

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c. Physiology

d. Pathogenesis

29. What is the term for an unpleasant sensation (it is a complex, private experience with physio-

logic, psychologic, and social aspects and because it is subjective, it is often difficult to explainor describe)?

a. Pain

 b. Signs

c. Symptoms

d. Syndrome

30. What is the ability of the infectious agent to cause disease called?

a. Pathology

 b. Pathogenicity

c. Pathophysiology

d. Etiology

31. What is the term for the study of disease as observed in the structure and function of the body?

a. Physiology

 b. Anatomy

c. Pathology

d. Pathogenicity

32. A form of pain or other sensation experienced in the missing extremity after a limb amputation

is which of the following?a. Invisible pain

 b. Somatic pain

c. Visceral pain

d. Phantom pain

33. What is a physiologic function that combines fire and water?a. Pitta dosha

 b. Kapha dosha

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c. Vata dosha

d. Chakra dosha

34. Pain felt in a surface area far from the stimulated organ is which of the following?

a. Regional pain

 b. Referred pain

c. Visceral pain

d. Somatic pain

35. What is a reversal of signs and symptoms in chronic disease that can be temporary or perma-nent called?

a. Acute phase

 b. Regeneration

c. Remission

d. Reduction

36. What are the objective changes that someone other than the client or patient can observe and


a. Symptoms

 b. Assessments

c. Evaluations

d. Signs

37. What are the four groups of air-filled spaces that open into the internal nose and function to

lighten the weight of the skull, making it easier to hold the head up and help in the productionof sound?

a. Sinus

 b. Sulcus

c. Synthesis

d. Suture

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38. What is pain that comes from the stimulation of receptors in the skin or stimulation of recep-tors in skeletal muscles, joints, tendons, and fasciae?

a. Visceral pain

 b. Somatic pain

c. Referred pain

d. Diffused pain

39. Any external or internal stimulus that requires a change or response to prevent an imbalance in

the internal environment of the body, mind, or emotions is which of the following?

a. Pressure

 b. Strain

c. Stress

d. Tension

40. What are diseases with characteristics between acute and chronic?

a. Hyperacute

 b. Hypoacute

c. Hypochronic

d. Subacute

41. What are the subjective changes noticed or felt only by the client or patient?

a. Signs

 b. Assessments

c. Somatic pain

d. Symptoms

42. What is the term for a group of different signs and symptoms that identify a pathologic condi-tion, especially when they have a common cause?

a. Syndrome

 b. Disease

c. Disorder 

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d. Malady

43. What is the physiologic function formed from ether and air?

a. Pitta dosha

 b. Vata dosha

c. Kapha dosha

d. Chakra dosha

44. What is a quality of organisms that readily cause disease?

a. Strength

 b. Potency

c. Virulent

d. Communicable

45. Pain that results from the stimulation of receptors or an abnormal condition in the internal or-

gans is called which of the following?

a. Somatic pain

 b. Superficial pain

c. Deep pain

d. Visceral pain

46. Although Milton is expected to recover from the car accident, for now, to give his surgical

wounds time to heal, he is in an induced coma to keep him still during recovery. If this coma isconsidered a yin state, what will be a yang state in his healing?

a. Natural sleep

 b. A “natural” coma, as opposed to this induced one

c. Natural methods of relaxation and meditation

d. Physical therapy

47. In the ancient healing model of Ayurveda, what does the Kapha dosha do?

a. Blends the water and earth elements

 b. Divides the cells

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c. Is a combination of fire and water 

d. Represents transformation

48. Jillian is studying the feedback loop system. She should feel more confident about grasping

this subject if she states which of the following?a. “A signal traveling toward a particular point of reference is an efferent signal.”

 b. “Positive feedback reverses the original stimulus and thus stabilizes physiologic

function to help us maintain our constant environment.”

c. “The pain-spasm-pain cycle is a negative feedback loop.”

d. “The mechanism that keeps contractions occurring during labor and delivery is an

example of positive feedback.”

49. What is a biologic rhythm that repeats itself every 90 minutes to every few hours?a. Circadian

 b. Ultradian

c. Seasonal

d. Entrainment

50. What is the term for a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another?

a. Communicable

 b. Acute

c. Subacute

d. Chronic

51. What is the study of the frequency, transmission, occurrence, and distribution of disease in hu-

man being?a. Etiology

 b. Epidemiology

c. Pathology

d. Diagnosis

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52. What is the term for a group of objective and subjective changes in a pathologic condition?

a. Syndrome

 b. Sign

c. Symptom

d. Biochemical lesion

53. Melanie’s disease seems to have no discernible cause that anyone can identify. Her disease is

thus considered which of the following?a. Etiologic

 b. Opportunistic

c. Idiopathic

d. Virulent

54. The doctor is explaining to Jack how he might expect his disease to progress, as well as its

 probable outcome. What is this explanation?

a. Diagnosis

 b. Remission

c. Prognosis

d. Pathogenicity

55. What type of lesion is caused by an antigen, antibody, abnormal enzyme, or hormone that is al-

tered sufficiently to serve as an aid in predicting a person’s susceptibility to a specific disease?

a. Biochemical

 b. Structural

c. Cancerous

d. Rickettsiae

56. Organisms that cause disease only when immunity is low are which of the following pathogens?

a. Virulent

 b. Infectious

c. Viral

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61. Theo has an infection with inflammation. His doctor explains that with the inflammation, she

will expect to see evidence of all of the following except which of the following?

a. Changes in blood circulation

 b. Stasis in vessel wall permeability

c. A white blood cell response

d. Release of inflammatory mediators

62. Stacey cuts her finger while slicing an apple and experiences an intense but short-lived, sharp

local superficial pain. What is this pain called?a. Chronic

 b. Somatic

c. Deep

d. Visceral

63. Anton’s gallstones have him doubled over. He is experiencing which of the following types of 

intense pain?a. Somatic

 b. Visceral

c. Referred

d. Intractable chronic

64. Jillian has pain on the right side of her neck. If this is a referred visceral pain, she may need to be referred for diagnosis to rule out dysfunction in which of the following?

a. Lung or diaphragm

 b. Stomach or gallbladder 

c. Kidney or heart

d. Liver or gallbladder 

65. Amy’s doctor explains that her phantom pain is which of the following?

a. Experienced as a result of deep spiritual experience

 b. Experienced in response to intense psychotherapy

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c. Experienced frequently after an amputation

d. Imaginary pain occurring in a person who fears an imagined disease or condition

66. When does biofeedback relieve pain?

a. When a needle is inserted along specific body meridians

 b. When pressure is applied along certain body meridians

c. When a relaxing mental picture is focused on

d. When the individual learns to inhibit the impulses ascending the pain pathways

67. When has Tony reached his pain threshold?a. When he begins to experience enough relief that he can carry on a conversation in a

normal tone of voice

 b. When his pain receptors first begin to fire

c. When he has reached his limit of pain tolerance

d. When communication with his pain receptors is successfully interrupted by chemical

or alternative pain management techniques

68. Remy gladly reaches for the heating pad tonight, knowing that heat does which of the follow-


a. Increases blood flow and washes away pain-producing chemicals

 b. Decreases swelling by vasoconstriction

c. Stimulates release of endogenous opioids

d. All of the above

69. Remy schedules a massage for the lower back, knowing that massage does which of the fol-lowing?

a. Helps speed the drainage of pain-producing substances from the area

 b. Inhibits release of histamine

c. Helps local blood vessels to constrict

d. All of the above

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70. In order, what is the sequence of stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

a. General adaptation; fight-or-flight; resistance reaction

 b. Fight-or-flight; general adaptation; exhaustion reaction

c. Resistance reaction; fight-or-flight; exhaustion reaction; recovery and general adap-


d. Fight-or-flight; resistance reaction; exhaustion reaction

71. During her massage, Luisa’s body is able to entrain. What does that mean?

a. It is able to achieve a state of increased physical fitness, almost as if she were “in


 b. Her massage is the opposite of stress, enabling her body to retrain (“entrain”) itself 

to let go of all forms of stress.

c. Her body is able to organize and synchronize biologic rhythms in response to the

soothing pattern the massage establishes.

d. Her body is able to “entrain” itself into a state of either relaxed resistance or con-

trolled exhaustion.

72. Research has validated that massage is effective as part of the treatment process for many dif-

ferent health-related conditions. It is the general full-body massage approach that is effective asopposed to many specific applications, although specific methods in massage are important but

 best combined with general massage. Why?a. Massage supports homeostatic processes.

 b. Massage generates a positive feedback loop.

c. The Ayurvedic chakras are inhibited during massage.

d. The unified methods of yin yang, pitta, kapha and vata doshas suppress entrainment.

73. One of the principles of massage especially for relaxation is focused rhythmic application in aquiet environment. Music may be part of the physiologic influence. What physical phenome-

non is involved?

a. Chakras

 b. Entrainment

c. Epidemiology

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74. A client has an area of scar tissue that is adhered sufficiently to the underlying tissue so that the

client experiences some binding sensations. The massage practitioner is using friction to de-

crease the bind. Which of the following is the underlying physiologic mechanism responsiblefor the change in the tissue?

a. Fistula

 b. Carcinogens

c. Hyperplasia

d. Inflammation

75. A massage therapist is employed by a pain management clinic. The success has been very good

and the doctors are encouraged. There has been an increase in pain tolerance in a significant

number of patients. Which of the following methods would easily combine with massage andsupport pain management by interacting with the limbic system and endocrine system?

a. Placebo method

 b. Acupuncture

c. Aromatherapy

d. Hypnosis

76. Pain is often best managed with a combination of treatments using a multidisciplinary ap-

 proach. If the massage professional is part of a multidisciplinary team, which of the following

 pain management treatments may create the need to alter the massage approach?a. Heat

 b. Music therapy

c. Biofeedback 

d. Medication

77. In a multidisciplinary approach to pain management, if massage is used for the body and medi-

cation is used for the spirit, which of the following addresses the mind?a. Surgical techniques

 b. Hypnosis

c. Acupressure

d. Hydrotherapy

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78. A massage therapist notices during assessment that a client is having increased hair loss, the

muscles are tense, and an eye muscle is twitching. Which of the following is likely increased?a. Epinephrine and glucocorticoids

 b. Digestive secretions

c. Peristalsis

d. Life cycle

79. A client has been receiving massage for a muscle firing pattern imbalance that makes her tiredwhen she walks. This has been combined with movement therapy as part of a therapeutic

change process and has required effort and persistence from the client. In the last 2 weeks,

however, she has found it difficult to do the exercises and has missed a massage appointment.She has had both a death and wedding in the immediate family to attend to. Which of the fol-

lowing is the appropriate adjustment for massage application?

a. Increase the adaptive stain by switching to general massage.

 b. Support the general adaptation syndrome by increasing the attention to the physical

change process.

c. Decrease the adaptive strain by switching to general massage.

d. Decrease the autoimmune response by using energy-based methods.

80. A massage therapist is taking some continuing education classes that are altering his body me-

chanics, making them more effective. This has been a challenge and at first his perception of 

the instruction was less than positive; however, slowly he is seeing the benefits. What is thismassage therapist experiencing?

a. Shift in perceptions and resourceful adaptation

 b. Nonproductive stress response

c. Hypothalamic overload

d. Alarm response

81. A massage therapist has been in practice for 25 years. She became a massage therapist in her 

mid-20s and is now just over 50 years old. During this time she has had two babies, a serioushealth event, and a major surgery and is not happy, productive, and secure in her outcome for the rest of her life. Her grandmother lived to be 98 years old and she wants to be productive in

advanced years as well. What is being described?

a. The general adaptation syndrome

 b. Risk factors of the stress response

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c. Various stages of the life cycle

d. Adaptation to immune suppression

ANS: C DIF: 3 REF: 50

82. Which of the following is true about the various healing arts presented in this text?a. Are ineffective because they cannot explain homeostasis

 b. Deal only with the parts of the body, not the whole person

c. Use their own terminology to describe homeostasis

d. Keep the elements of nature separate from the body

ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 26

83. What is a feedback loop?

a. The major cause of disease

 b. A contribution to maintaining homeostasis

c. A disruption of our self-regulation

d. A sensor, a control center, and an effector 

84. Which of the following is true of the synchronization of biological rhythms?

a. Promotes homeostasis and supports a healthy body

 b. Requires sympathetic activities to predominate

c. Not affected by external components such as sunlight or weather 

d. Discovered by Ultradian

85. What can massage and other forms of bodywork and movement therapies do?a. Cause pathogenesis, which will reverse the development of disease

 b. Support the body in maintaining and returning to a healthy state

c. Support the various pathologies in the body

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d. Not affect the abnormal functions of disease states

86. What is the inflammatory response?

a. A major cause of disease in the body

 b. A combination of processes that attempt to minimize tissue injury

c. Always separate from immune reactions

d. Three primary signs: heat, exudation, and cell regeneration

87. What are risk factors?

a. The major cause of disease

 b. Unable to be affected by changes in lifestyle or activities

c. Influences that can put a person at risk for developing disease

d. Due to a person's activities, never inherited

88. Pain is a complex, private, abstract experience that also has what characteristic?

a. Usually very easy to describe

 b. Without any psychological or social aspects

c. Rarely causes a person to seek medical help

d. Not easy to define and measure

89. What is hypersensitivity to pain called?

a. Hyperalgesia

 b. Intractable

c. Bright pain

d. Voluntary splinting

90. Referred pain may be a reason to do which of the following?

a. Use deeper pressure on the area of referral.

 b. Refer a client to a physician for a diagnosis.

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c. Disrupt signals from the cerebral cortex.

d. Initiate the reflex contraction.

91. Which of the following is true of people who experience excessive or ongoing stress?

a. Should not have bodywork while under the stress.

 b. Will not have panic or anxiety attacks.

c. Can have a decrease in immune function.

d. Are always receiving too much exposure to stimuli.
