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Chapter 11 section 2

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Time Line

500 1500



Byzantines, Russians, and Turks Interact, 500–1500

Justinian becomes ruler of Byzantine Empire.

Byzantine culture spreads to Russia.

Christianity splits into Roman Catholic and Orthodox branches.

Kiev destroyed by Mongols.

Ivan III ends Mongol control of Russia.

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I. Both Slavic and Greek

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A. Slavs were people from the forests north of the Black Sea

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B. Russians were a combination of Slavs and Vikings

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C. In 862 Viking chief Rurik founded the city of Novgorod

RURIK ?c.830 - c.879Norman Warrior Rurik is the name of the legendary Norman founder of the first Russian state of Novgorod. He was a prince of the Skandinavian Vikings, or Varangians. Rurik's kinsman Oleg founded the grand principality of Kiev, and Oleg's successor, Igor, believed to be Rurik's son, is considered the real founder of the Russian Rurik dynasty; the Rurik princes ruled until 1598.

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D. Kiev became an important city in southern Russia

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E. Boyars were the noble class of the Russians

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F. Vladimir in 980 send out teams to observe the major

religions of the world

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1. Greek Orthodox Christianity was accepted for two reasons

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a. Emperor was all powerful

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b. Food restrictions

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G. Yaroslav the Wise led the city of Kiev to greatness

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1. Forged alliances through marriages

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2. Created a code of laws

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II. Mongol Invasions Favor the Rise of Moscow

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A. By 1200 the Mongols under the leadership of Genghis Khan

were approaching Russia

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B. In 1240 Batu Khan (grandson) destroyed the city of Kiev

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C. Batu’s government became known as the Khanate of the

Golden Horde

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1. The Huns wanted a tribute of Tax and grain

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D. Batu favored the Princes of Moscow and made them the tax collectors of Russia

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E. Price Ivan I became the first tax collector

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1. Convinced the Patriarch of Kiev to move to Moscow

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F. Ivan III became the first Czar of Russia and refused to pay

tributes to the Mongols

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1. In 1480 he made the break from the Mongols 250 year

