Download pdf - CHAPTER-1 Death

Have you ever heard of someone who lived eternally?.
Ask your friend whether he would like to die or not. The
answer will definitely be that he wants to live longer.
But anyone born to earth is bound to die. We wish to
live longer but we cannot. Everybody will die when his
appointed time (ajal) reaches. Allah says in the Holy Quran:
“All human beings will taste the death.”
Death is the end of earthly life and starting for a new
one. What happens at the moment of death? When we die,
our soul departs from the body and enters a new world. As
you know, Azrael is the angel who is assigned the duty of
death in human beings. He takes the soul from our body
and it is in that moment that we die.
The pain at the moment of death is severe; everyone
is subject to the pain of death. If anyone is an exception
from this, Allah’s most beloved prophet Muhammad (Swa)
would not have suffered that pain. But even the prophet
said to Ayisha during the time of his demise: “Oh! Death
definitely has Pain”. Now imagine how painful it would be
for us. May Allah lessen our pain of death, Ameen.
Do you know what we have to utter at the last moment
of our lives? Definitely it is Kalima Shahada. The prophet
Muhammad (Swa) has said: “If someone’s last word is ‘La
ilaha Illallah’, he will enter the heaven”.
We might think it would be easy to utter Kalima
Shahada all the time; but at the moment of death, the devil
will try hard to distract us from uttering it and we would
not be able to utter it. Only those who lived submitting his
will to Allah can do it. To make Kalima easy for us, we should
include it in our daily habits.
None of us usually knows when we will die. Therefore,
Allah wants us to be engaged in good acts and avoid bad
acts everyday as much as possible. The death indicates that
we are Allah’s creatures. We will die as all other creatures
do. Death also indicates that all those who die are the
created ones. And therefore there should be an eternal
Answer the following
1. What we have to utter at the last moment of our lives?
2. What happens at the moment of death?
3. Who is the eternal creator?
Find the correct sentence from given options:
1. We will die only when....
a. We wish to die
b. Our Ajal (appointed time) reaches
c. We become old
a. Our soul will depart from our body
b. We will fall into deep sleep
c. We will become unconscious
True or false
1. The pain at the moment of death is mild
2. Nobody can predict the date and time of our death
3. At the moment of death, the devil will disturb human beings
4. There is no life after death
Fill in the blanks
1. Prophet Muhammad (Swa) said to Ayisha during the time of his demise: “ .....….........................…..”
2. When we die, ………................…. from body
3. ……… the Angel who is assigned the duty of death in human beings.
4. ‘If someone’s last word is ………… , he will enter heaven.’
Ask your teacher
1. Any two quranic verses on death and their interpretation
2. The meaning of appointed time (ajal)
If someone dies, he must be buried in full respect after
some procedures including washing the body in a specific
way. And the place where the body has to be buried is
called Qabar or the Grave. Our beloved prophet Muhammad
(Saw) says: ‘Qabar comes first among the many stages of
afterlife’. One’s afterlife is decided upon his condition in
the Qabar; if he passes the Qabar successfully, his entire
journey to Allah will be full of happiness and success. The
wrongdoers will be punished in the Qabar and the Good
people will experience the heavenly comfort and happiness.
May Allah save us from the hardships of the Qabar.
Imagine that you are left alone in a dark room, nobody
is there to help or even to talk with you. No light comes
inside. How terrifying it would be to spend even one hour!
The condition inside the Qabar is much more terrible than
this. But what would it be like if you have got friends there?
Yes. True believers in Allah and good people can have
friends there in the Qabar. Their prayers and good deeds,
will be their friends to make them happy.
We know Munkar and Nakeer are the Angels assigned
to ask some questions in the Qabar. They appear like
frightening beasts to the sinners and non-believers, while
they look charming to the true believers. They would ask
questions like: who is your God?, Which is your guide? ,
Which is your religion?, What is your Qibla (Direction)?.
Only believers in Allah can answer such questions. The
angels will beat wrong doers who are not able to answer.
May Allah help us answer the questions correctly.
Prophet Muhammad (Swa) has advised us to recite
Surah al-Mulk everynight. It can save us from the hardships
of Qabar. Therefore, we all should memorize Surah al-Mulk
and try to make it our habit.
Choose the correct options
1. Which comes as the first in stages of afterlife? (Heaven/ Ba’ath/ Qabar)
2. Which surah did our prophet advise us to recite each night? (Al-Fatiha/ Yaseen/ Mulk)
3. What would come as companions in Qabar? (dead parents/ good deeds/ bad deeds)
Fill in the blanks
1. The place where the body has to be buried is called ……...... or ….....….
2. ‘Qabar comes first among the many stages of ……..
3. ……... and ……... are the Angels assigned to ask some questions in the Qa-bar.
True or false
1. Good people will experience heavenly comfort and happiness.
2. Munkar and Azrael are the Angels assigned to ask some questions in the Qabar
3. True believers in Allah and good people can have friends there in the Qabar.
Complete the diagram with the help of your teacher
Everything created is subject to decay. Nothing will
remain forever. The entire world will end and the day of
judgment will come up. You might wonder when it will
occur, Might not you? The fact is that no one knows the
exact time of day of judgment. The reason behind it is that
if the exact time is revealed, the people will not prepare for
that day and will be lazy. However, Allah revealed to our
Prophet Muhammad (Swa) some of the signs which
indicate the time of day of judgment.
Once the Prophet was sitting with His companions.
Meanwhile Jibreel (AS) appeared in the form of a human
being and started to ask some questions. He asked: “what
are the signs of the day of judgment?”. Prophet said: “The
prevalence of misbehaviour with parents, the rapid growth
of poor ones competing each other to build skyscrapers
etc. are among the many signs of the Last Day”.
Signs Of The Day Of Judgment
1 The advent of Imam Mahdi
2 The appearance of Dajjal 3 The descending of Prophet Isa (AS) from sky
4 Isa’s killing of Dajjal 5 The emergence of Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj
6 The emergence of an extraordinary animal called Dabath al-Ard
7 A dangerous fire
8 The fading away of the Holy Quran 9 The destruction of Ka’ba
immediate occurrence of Day of Judgment.
These are given as follow:
1 The advent of Imam Mahdi
2 The appearance of Dajjal 3 The descending of Prophet Isa (AS) from sky
4 Isa’s killing of Dajjal 5 The emergence of Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj
6 The emergence of an extraordinary animal called Dabath al-Ard
7 A dangerous fire
8 The fading away of the Holy Quran 9 The destruction of Ka’ba
1. Who will kill the Dajjal?
2. What will happen to Quran
3. Name the angel who described the signs to the prophet?
Fill in the blanks
1. The …………. of Isa’ (AS) from the sky.
2. The destruction of ……...…… is an immediate sign.
3. …………. is a strange animal which comes out immediately before the day of Judgment.
4. The emergence of ….....…. and …...........
True or false
1. Allah revealed the exact time of day of judgment to his prophets.
2. Misbehaviour to parents is a sign of day of judgment
3. Imam Mahdi will kill the Dajjal
Identify the signs which indicate the immediate occurrence of the Day of Judgement
The appearance of Dajjal
The prevalence of misbehaviour with parents
rapid growth of poor ones competing each other to build skyscrapers
A dangerous fire.
You have already learnt that the angel Israfeel (AS)
will blow the trumpet Sur for the last day. Now, you might
wonder what will happen after the first blow. The human
beings, animals and everything other than Allah in the
world will be thrown into decay. Then Allah will order
Israfeel (AS) to blow the trumpet for the second time. And
human beings will be resurrected from their death to a new
life. This is called Ba’ath (Resurrection).
During this rebirth, all will be resurrected alike
irrespective of good people and bad people. However, the
feelings of both will be totally different. The holy Quran
describes how the true believers in Allah feel when being
resurrected; they ask each other “who woke us up from
this deep sleep!” In the Qabar, they never suffered from
any kind of terror and felt throughout as if they were
grand gathering of whole humanity at Mahshar.
After Resurrection, all human beings from Adam (AS)
to the last born one will be gathered at a place called
Mahshar. What is the purpose of this gathering? They are
convened for the assessment of their deeds when they
were living on earth. That would not take place immediately
after gathering. But it will take a long time.
The sun will rise above their heads within a few
distances. People will drown in their sweat in proportion to
the sin they committed. Some of them will stand completely
drowned in sweat; some of them half and others to their
knees. This waiting in the scorching sun will continue too
(Shafa’ath) to Allah for judgement to begin. They will
approach many prophets and messengers. None of them
will take up the responsibility of recommendation due to
their fear of Allah.
recommend Allah for the cause of the entire human kind.
Allah will accept his recommendation and start the
judgment of their deeds. This incident is to highlight the
superiority of our Prophet Muhammad (Swa) among other
prophets. May Allah include us in true followers of the
Prophet (Swa).
1. Resurrection occurs after (First blow/ second blow/ third blow)
2. True believers in Allah feel resurrection like being (given a different world/ woken up from deep sleep/ terrified by the occasion)
3. Who will recommend Allah for people (Adam (AS)/ Moosa (AS)/ Muhammad (Swa)
True or False
1. All prophets except Muhammed (Swa) will refuse to recommend to Allah
2. The sun would stand too far above people’s head
3. Amount of sweat is in proportion to their bad deeds
Match the following
Shafa’ath Resurrection
Shafa’ath Sur
Imagine that your life is an examination and you write
answers throughout your life. The examination completes
when you die and its assessment is done by Allah the
Almighty in the afterlife. If you score high you will be duly
rewarded by heaven. If you lose the exam you will be
punished in hell. This is what is going to happen after our
The only difference is that in the worldly exam, you
will be judged according to your performance and score.
But in the examination of Allah, you will be judged in
proportion to your hard work and efforts. You will not be
punished for the bad results that are not in your control.
And you will be rewarded according to your efforts even if
you did not make big results.
The process of evaluation in the Mahshar is called
Hisab. Hisab is one of the toughest stages in the afterlife.
People are given records of their deeds either in their right
or left hand. Those who are given in the right hands are
winners who are the true believers in Allah. Their Hisab will
be very easy. Those given in the left hands are losers whose
Hisab will be tough. The holy Quran described the
exclamation of people about this as: “What a Record book
it is! It did not leave anything unmentioned”.
Do you think there is a Hisab for every action? Because
all we need is justice for actions and Allah alone can grant it
completely. For example, if one kills 100 people the court
can kill him only once and the remaining 99 people do not
get justice on earth. That’s why Hisab in the afterlife is
necessary for completion of justice. May Allah reward us
for our good deeds and forgive our sins.
2. Who will receive the records in their right hand?
3. Who can grant complete justice for peoples’ actions?
Fill in the blanks
1. ………. is one of the toughest stages in the afterlife.
2. Those given in in the left hands are ……….
3. Hisab in the afterlife is necessary for completion of ....……...
Match the following
Winners Mentioned everything
Losers Right hand
Ask your teacher
1. The difference between the exams here in this world and hereafter in mahshar.
2. The necessity of Hisab in the afterlife.
3. The meaning and the interpretation of the following verses from the Quran :
)21( )20(
)23( )22(
)24( )(
crossed flyovers? You might have come across different
types of bridges located in different places. These bridges
might be used for various purposes. Similarly, you will see a
bridge in the day of judgement which is totally different
from the earthly ones. This bridge is called Sirath.
Everybody has to pass this narrow bridge which is easy
for good people and difficult for bad ones. The true
believers in Allah with good deeds can pass over the bridge
and enter heaven. The disbelievers, wrongdoers and
hypocrites can never cross it. They will eventually fall into
hell which lies under the bridge.
The bridge of Sirath is narrow like a hair! It is sharper
than a sword. Can we walk upon such a bridge which is
both narrow and dangerous? Yes, we can. But only if we
lived in this world with love, justice and peace to others.
Do you think that each person will pass over at the
same speed? No. The most righteous and the best people
will be the fastest travellers on the bridge. Our prophet
Muhammad (Swa) has taught us that there are some
people who will pass it within a wink of eye. Others will
traverse it like a wind. Some others with a speed of horses
and some with the speed of she-camels. Prophet
Muhammad(Swa) has taught us that the final group of
people will pass the Sirath by dragging on it. And they will
also reach Heaven. May Allah bless us to cross the Sirath,
1. Name the bridge to heaven?
2. What is the thing which the bridge to heaven often likened to in terms of narrowness?
3. Who are the fastest travellers on the bridge?
Fill in the blanks
1. The ………… Allah with good deeds can pass over the bridge and enter heaven.
2. The bridge of Sirath is sharper than a ……….
3. Our prophet Muhammad (Swa) has taught us that there are some people who will pass the bridge within a …………......
True or False
1. All will pass over the Bridge of Sirath at same speed
2. The last one to pass the Bridge is by dragging
3. The disbelievers, wrongdoers and hypocrites can never pass the bridge
Ask your teacher
1. The different ways of passing over the Bridge by believers.
2. The story of she-camel mentioned in the holy Quran
Have you ever heard of Surah al-Kauthar? It is the
shortest chapter in the holy Quran. It is named after a
special pond in heaven which is called ‘Pond of Abundance’
(Hauz-ul-Kauthar). This pond is Allah’s gift for our Prophet
Muhammad (Swa). In the Mahshar people feel so thirsty
that they seek water. The believers in Allah after passing
over the Bridge of Sirath are given water by the hands of
Prophet Muhammad (Swa) from the Pond of Abundance.
This is in fact an honor given to them. Their thirst fades
away immediately after drinking from the Pond. And they
will never feel thirsty thereafter.
Our prophet Muhammad (Swa) himself has described
the peculiarities of that pond. He says: “Its colour is whiter
than milk, its taste is sweeter than honey and the smell
stronger than musk’s….”. Imagine how unique the drink
will be! The drink of pond of Kauthar never could be
compared with any drink of the world. For it is given by the
holy hands of the Prophet. The disbelievers in Allah will
never be given the opportunity even to see the Pond. They
will be denied access to it.
1. Where will this pond of abundance (Kauthar) be found?
2. Who will give water with his own hands?
3. Who all are given water from this holy pond?
Fill in the blanks
1. ……………… the shortest chapter in the holy Quran.
2. The …………... after passing over the bridge of Sirath are given water by the hands of Prophet Muhammad (Swa)
3. The drink of ……………….never could be compared with any drink of the world.
True or False
2. Its colour is whiter than milk.
3. It’s smell is stronger than musk’s.
4. It’s taste is as sweet as honey.
2. Kauthar and the children in heaven
3. Meaning and the interpretation of the following verses:
)1( )2(
Our life is a book which contains many chapters. It is
full of stories with either happy or sad endings. There are
chapters of success, failure, troubles, compassion, peace,
pleasure, happiness, grief etc. Our life is neither static nor
evolving in this world. Everything here is temporary. But
there is a world of limitless happiness and eternal peace
where no trouble happens to you. This world is called
heaven. Only true believers can enjoy it forever after their
the features of heaven. He said: “Heaven contains such
things which no eye has seen yet, no mind has imagined
and no ear has heard of”. These descriptions about heaven
are out of human imagination. Because, whatever we
imagine is relative to our world.
Are you curious to know which would be the highest
pleasure for a human in Heaven? Definitely it is seeing Allah,
the creator of the whole universe. If we see a beautifully
drawn picture we would like to see its creator. Likewise,
the universe too is drawn by Allah and we would like to see
its creator.
Do you think that pleasures in this life and afterlife are
the same? Never. In our lives if we enjoy any kind of pleasure
it would end up in another moment and death awaits us.
On the other hand, pleasure in heaven is eternal and never
ends. Only peace and harmony. No complaints, no problems
and no jealousy are found in heaven.
Those who entered heaven are not in the same rank.
Some would enjoy higher pleasures while others stand
below them. The basis for the variation among them is acts
of goodness. The more you perform good things the more
you can get higher positions. Our beloved Prophet
Muhammad (Swa) will get the highest position in heaven.
He is also the first one to enter it.
There are no short-cuts to enter heaven other than
living in Allah’s favour and grace. The holy Quran says: “Do
you think you can enter heaven and Allah does not know
those among you who worked hard (to attain it)”(Surah: Al
Imran). The good deeds and the hope in Allah’s grace are
two essential qualities for us to enter the Jannah.
1. Name the world of limitless happiness and eternal peace?
2. What is the highest pleasure in heaven?
3. Who is the first one to enter heaven?
Fill in the blanks
2. ……………., no problems and ……………. are found in heaven.
3. The basis for the variation among them is …………..
True or False
2. There are short-cuts to enter Heaven
3. Hope in Allah’s grace alone is the essential quality to enter heaven
Complete the diagram
Ask your teacher
1. What is the difference between enjoyments in earth and heaven?
2. Why it is a blessing to see Allah in Heaven
How long are you able to stand closer to a rising fire?
Can you bear its heat for a long time? Then imagine our
bodies are put down into it while its heat is flaring upward.
What will happen? In the afterlife, hell is such a place of
punishment where the fire is everywhere. The punishment
is given by Allah for those who disbselieved in Allah, harmed
people and made problems on earth.
As we have mentioned in the case of heaven, Hell
too contains many levels of punishments. A murderer will
not be punished as same as liar. Do you know who is
punished at the bottom of Hell which is the hottest part?
Prophet Muhammad(Swa) has told us about them. They
are hypocrites. They hid their true identity and pretended
to be Muslims. The prophet had to face many troubles
because of them.
The least kind of punishment in hell is described by
our Prophet Muhammad (Swa). He says: “A person will be
given a pair of shoes. No sooner would he wear it than his
brain and all internal organs would boil and flow out with
the power of heat in those shoes”. If this is the least
punishment, how would it be the strongest one?. When
those in hell feel thirst they would ask for water. The angels
of hell will give them the boiled water which extracted
from the burnt organs. What a terrifying scene it is?!. May
Allah save us all from hell.
1. Whom Allah is going to punish in hell?
2. Which group of people is punished at the bottom part of hell?
3. What example was given by the prophet as the least kind of punishment in hell?
Fill in the blanks
1. ……………... is such a place of punishment where the fire is everywhere.
2. A murderer will not be punished as same as a ………..
3. The ……….. of Hell will give them the boiled water extracted from the burnt organs.
True or False
1. Hell contains one and only level of punishment
2. Hypocrites hid their true identity and pretended to be Muslims.
3. When those in Hell feel thirst they would ask for water.
Ask your teacher
2. What is A’raaf ? Who are its residents?
