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SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET

Lecturer Team.]

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ASP.NET Overview

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


ASP.NET is a Microsoft technology for building web applications that leverages all the fantastic technologies you can find in .NET Framework.

ASP.NET is an exciting web programming technology pioneered by Microsoft that allows developers to create dynamic web pages.

ASP.NET is a robust and mature technology. ASP.NET version 1.0 was released in January 2002 and quickly became the web programming technology of choice for many. In November 2005, Microsoft released the much-anticipated version 2.0. Two years later, in November 2007, Microsoft released ASP.NET version 3.5. And ASP.NET 4 was unveiled in April 2010.

SQL Server 2008 is a database engine, which is a specialized application designed to efficiently store and query data. Many websites interact with databases; any ecommerce website, for example, displays product information and records purchase orders in a database.

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ASP.NET websites and web pages

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


ASP.NET web pages are simple text files, meaning that you can create them using any text editor (such as Microsoft Notepad), but if you’ve created websites before, you know that using a tool such as Microsoft Expression

Web or Adobe Dreamweaver makes the development process much easier than using a generic text editor such as Notepad. This is the case for ASP.NET, as well.

Before we create our first ASP.NET website, we need to install the .NET Framework, Visual Web Developer, and SQL Server.

The .NET Framework is a rich platform for creating Windows-based applications and is the underlying technology used to create ASP.NET websites.

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Dynamic Website with ASP.NET

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


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Web Application

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


A collection of Web Pages, comprising images, video, and other digital assets providing relevant information.

A Web Application make use of the Internet to make itself accessible to users from all over the world through web browsers.

In order to develop Web application, one should be well-conversant with ASP.NET technology.

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The Usage of Web Applications

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Web Applications serve the following fields:






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What is ASP.NET?

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


ASP.NET is only one of many technologies that can be employed to create dynamic web pages.

A technology to develop content-rich dynamic and personalized websites.

Developing ASP.NET Web application is similar to developing Widows applications.

The fundamental component of ASP.NET is the Web Form.

An ASP.NET web application can have one or more Web Forms.

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How does ASP.NET work?

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The Constituents of ASP.NET Application

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


Web Forms or .aspx Pages

A web page that the user view in the web browser.

A dynamic page that accesses server resources.

It provides the UI for the Web Application.

Code-behind pages

Pages associated with Web Forms and contain the server-side code for the Web Form such as VB.NET, C#.NET, J# …ect.

Configuration files

XML file that defines the default settings for Web Application and the Web Server.

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The Constituents of ASP.NET Application

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Global.asax file The file contains the code required to respond to application-

level events that are raised by ASP.NET.

XML Web Service links They allow Web Applications to send/receive the data from an

XML Web service.

Database Connectivity It allows Web applications to transfer the date to/from

database sources.

Caching It allows Web applications to return Web Forms and data

more quickly after the first request.

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Basic Principle of ASP.NET

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Developing ASP.NET bases on CLR shared by all .NET Applications

Developers can write code in ASP.NET by using programming language supported .NET framework such as C#, VB.NET, … and some third party language such as PERL, or COBOL.

ASP.NET use .NET framework as an infrastructure so with the rich set of features of the .NET controls, classes and tools can cut down the development times.

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ASP.NET Coding Techniques

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The methodologies use for writing code in a Web application.

ASP.NET supports two different code techniques:

Single-file page model: developers write code directly in the Web Form.

Code-behind page model: developers write code on another page for the Web Form.

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Single-File Page Model

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<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">

<script runat="server"> Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Label1.Text = "Hello " & Textbox1.Text End Sub </script>

<html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <title>Simple Page</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> What is your name?<br /> <asp:Textbox ID="Textbox1" Runat="server"></asp:Textbox><br /> <asp:Button ID="Button1" Runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="Button1_Click" /> <p><asp:Label ID="Label1" Runat="server"></asp:Label></p> </form> </body> </HTML>

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Code-Behind Page Model

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< %@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" % > < !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "" >

< html xmlns="" > < head runat="server" > < title > Simple Page < /title > < /head > < body > < form id="form1" runat="server" > What is your name? < br / > < asp:Textbox ID="Textbox1" Runat="server" > < /asp:Textbox > < br / > < asp:Button ID="Button1" Runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="Button1_Click" / > < p > < asp:Label ID="Label1" Runat="server" > < /asp:Label > < /p > < /form > < /body > < /html >

Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Label1.Text = "Hello " & TextBox1.Text End Sub End Class

.aspx Code page

.aspx.vb Code page

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Code Declaration Blocks

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


Code declaration blocks are used to define the sections of sever-side code that is embedded in

The global.asax file within the <script> blocks and

Set the attribute runat=“server”.

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Getting start with ASP.NET

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


To start experiencing ASP.NET, all you have to do is open Visual Studio and create a new web project. In this first part, we’re going to use Web Forms as our model.

ASP.NET pages contain server controls, namely objects. A server control is a server-side programmable piece of a page.

A Web Form is usually composed of two files A markup file : refers to a designing page

A code file : is commonly referred to as code behind or code beside

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Getting start with ASP.NET

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


ASP.NET provides a transparent mechanism to handle page compilation.

The first time a user requests a page, if it’s not yet compiled, both the page and its code are grouped and compiled to disk. What happens next is similar to what happens for other requests: the page is instantiated, rendered, and served in the browser as HTML. This process is completely transparent to the developer.

ASP.NET continuously watches the file and, in case of modifications, automatically discards the old version. The new version is compiled instead, using the previously exposed flow.

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Getting start with ASP.NET

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Typical Architecture in ASP.NET

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Starting Visual Studio 2012

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


=> Start => All Programs => Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

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Creating a new Web Application with Visual Studio 2012

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=> File => New => Web Site

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Creating a new Web Application with Visual Studio 2012

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


=> You will see a window looks like

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First New Web Site with Visual Studio 2012 Looks Like

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


The default web page look like

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Creating a New Web page for the Web Site with Visual Studio 2012

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


File => New => File

The below Window will appears:

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Visual Studio 2012 Environment

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


Server Explorer for

Database Connection

To show code-design page

ToolBox for Designing

To show Design Form

Solution Explorer to show all pages

Properties window to set properties

To run the Web Page

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First Program with ASP.NET

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


The Web page below, you will design an .aspx page with

A TextArea name txtName

A Label named lblWelcome

A Button named btnOK

When the Page load, you have to enter your name into the TextBox.

After that, you click on the Button. Then the label will display the welcome sentence.

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Solving Problem

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


1. Start a new Web Site naming “Ch1”

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Solving Problem

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2. Start a new Web page/form naming “Ch1_1.aspx”

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Solving Problem

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3. Add the page controls using ToolBox and Set properties

- TextBox

o ID : txtName

o BackColor : Light Yellow

o ForeColor : Blue

- Label

o ID : lblWelcome

o Text :

o BackColor : Light Orange

o ForeColor : Dark Red

- Button

o ID : btnOK

o Text : OK

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Solving Problem

6/17/2013 SETEC Institute [Web Development with ASP.NET , prepare by ASP.NET Lecturer Team.]


4. Write code for the Button to display the welcome sentence in the label.

Double click on the button on the .aspx design page to write behind code on .aspx.vb code page. Then write code as below.

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Running the Web Page

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Run the Web page and enter the name Click on “OK”.

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1. ASP.NET is not a programming language but is a dot net technology for Internet Programming.

2. ASP.NET is a powerful for developing a Web Application.

3. Web page is a page or form in a website.

4. Web application is a web site containing as many pages and data stored in a database.

5. Contents of dynamic web application are normally stored in a database that can be loaded to the page and the page contain only controls.

6. Visual Studio is an IDE for all the Microsoft .Net framework form and window development.

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Review Questions

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1. What and Why ASP.NET?

2. What are the three layer technology?

3. What is a web page? a web site? an web application?

4. How to create a new web site? a new web page?

5. What are the constituents of ASP.NET?

6. What are the two coding techniques supported by ASP.NET 4.0?