  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age



    NAME : Trito Junus Victor Tiala

    NIM : 1221150902

    NAME : Reisa Hutagalung

    NIM : 1321150004

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    EN!ER AN! AE

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Gender and Age

    The terms sex and gender rather than sex has come to refer to categories

    distinguished by biological characteristics, while gender is more appropriate

    for distinguishing people on the basis of their socio-cultural behaviour,

    including speech.

    Gender in sosiolinguistics and other social sciences, sexual identity in

    relation to culture and society. The ways in which words are used can both

    reflect and reinforce social attitudes toward gender.

    The age pattern is a typical sociolinguistic pattern based on the age of a

    speaker. It describes a characteristic type of age-graded linguistic variation and

    describes change in the speech behaviour of individual speakers as they get


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Gender – xclusive !peech "ifferences # $ighly !tructured


    &omen and men do not speak in exactly the same way as each other in any


    !pouses speak different languages because they must marry out of tribe and

    each tribe has its own language.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Gender – 'referential !peech (eatures # !ocial "ialect )esearch

     women and men do not use competely different forms.

    &omen tend to use more of the standard forms than me do , while men use more

    of the vernacular forms than men do.

    &omen and men use particular forms, one gender shows a greater preference forthem than the other 

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Gender and !ocial %lass

    The speech of women and men in Western communities are ussually

    features which also distinguish the speech of people from diffrent social

    class.In every social class men use more vernacular forms than women.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Preference for Vernacular

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%1.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    &'planations for the difference in

    language use (y gender  The social status e'planation

    Women)s role as guardian of society)s

    values *u(ordinate groups must (e polite

    +ernacular form e'press machismo

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%!


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    The social status e'planation

    "o#en use #ore stan$ar$ s%eec&'or#s t&an #en (ecause t&e) *ant tclai# social status+ es%eciall) t&ose*&o $o not &a,e %ai$ e#%lo)#ent-


    In A#erican stu$) co#%aring t&e s%eec&

    o' *o#en in ser,ice o%eration an$ t&ato' *o#en *oring in t&e &o#e+ *o#enin %ai$ occu%ations use #ore stan$ar$'or#s-Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%!.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Women)s role as guardian of

    society)s values*ociety tends to e'pect (etter) (ehaviourfrom women than from men. Thereforethey serve as role models for children)s



    Interactions (etween a mother and herchild are liely to (e very rela'ed andinformal, and vernacular forms rather thanstandard forms are used.

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    *u(ordinate groups must (e polite

    Women as a su(ordinate group must

    spea carefully and politely, and therefore

    tend to use more standard forms.


    $olite speech does not necessarily euatestandard speech.

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%%.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    +ernacular forms e'press machismo

     3en prefer vernacular forms (ecause they

    carry macho connotation of masculinity

    and toughness.

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%-.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    *ome alternative e'planations

    How women are categorised4

    The influence of the interviewer and the


    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%5.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    How women are

    categorised?Researc&ers in earl) social $ialectstu$ies o'ten use$ t&e *o#ens&us(an$s occu%ation as t&eir #aorcriterion- T&ere'ore#iscategorisation o'ten occurre$ an$t&at e%laine$ t&e s%eec& (e&a,iour

    o' t&e *o#en-

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%6.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    The influence of the interviewer and

    the conte't  T&e inter,ie*er as a #i$$le/class

    *ell/e$ucate$ aca$e#ic

     T&e inter,ie*er as #an  T&e 'or#al contet

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%6.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Women's and Men's Idle Talk 1


    7Its overall function for women is to affirmsolidarity and maintain the socialrelationships (etween the women involved.8

    7Women9s gossip focuses predominantly onpersonal e'periences and personalrelationships, on personal pro(lems andfeelings. It may include criticism of the

    (ehaviour of others, (ut women tend to avoidcritici:ing people directly (ecause this wouldcause discomfort.8

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1%.

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 07 4th Ed Gender&Age


    Women's and Men's Idle Talk 2


    7The male euivalent of women9s gossip is

    difficult to identify. In parallel situations the

    topics men discuss tend to focus on thingsand activities, rather than personal

    e'periences and feelings. Topics lie sport,

    cars, and possessions turn up regularly.

    The focus is on information and facts ratherthan on feelings and reactions.8

    Holmes, Janet. 201.  An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, !th edition. "ondon# $earson, p. 1-.

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     THAN 67
