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  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    Multiple Choice Questions

    1. When the SPCA presents facts to counter untrue myths, they are dealing most closelywith the _____ component of attitudes.A) classically conditionedB) operantly conditionedC) affectie!) cognitie") #ehaioral

    Answer$ ! Page$ %&' and %&( !ifficulty$ moderate

    . A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently faora#le or unfaora#le manner

    with respect to a gien o#*ect is +nown as an) _____.A) #eliefB) emotionC) attitude!) cognition") attri#ute

    Answer$ C Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ moderate

    %. Cale# learned from his parents that littering was #ad, so when he sees someone doingit, he forms an unfaora#le impression of that person. Cale#s learned predisposition

    to disli+e someone who litters represents his _____.A) emotionB) personalityC) attitude!) orientation") intelligence

    Answer$ C Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ moderate

    /. Which of the following is a function sered #y attitudes0A) +nowledge function

    B) aluee2pressie functionC) utilitarian function!) egodefensie function") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ " Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ easy


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    '. Some attitudes sere primarily as a means of organi3ing #eliefs a#out o#*ects oractiities such as #rands and shopping, which seres an) _____ function.

    A) +nowledgeB) aluee2pressieC) utilitarian!) egodefensie") orientation

    Answer$ A Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ moderate

    -. Which function of attitudes seres to e2press an indiiduals central alues and selfconcept0A) +nowledge function

    B) aluee2pressie functionC) utilitarian function!) egodefensie function") orientation function

    Answer$ B Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ moderate

    (. 4osh is in elementary school, and he has learned that when he gets good grades and#ehaior reports, his parents are really proud of him and reward him. So he hasdeeloped a faora#le attitude toward #ehaing and doing well in school. 5hisattitude is sering which function0

    A) +nowledge functionB) aluee2pressie functionC) utilitarian function!) egodefensie function") orientation function

    Answer$ C Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ hard

    6. 7argaret only wants to #uy her clothes at American "agle 8utfitter #ecause she+nows that they are considered accepta#le #y her peers, and she wants to #e accepted#y her peers. 5his attitude toward this #rand of clothing is sering which function for

    7argaret0A) +nowledge functionB) aluee2pressie functionC) utilitarian function!) egodefensie function") orientation function

    Answer$ ! Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    &. Which of the following represent the three components of attitudes0A) primary, secondary, and tertiary

    B) +nowledge, aluee2pressie, and utilitarianC) cognitie, affectie, and #ehaioral!) cognitie, aluee2pressie, and #ehaioral") ego, personality, #ehaioral

    Answer$ C Page$ %&( !ifficulty$ moderate

    19. Which component of attitudes consists of a consumers #eliefs a#out an o#*ect0A) affectieB) cognitieC) factual

    !) #ehaioral") utilitarian

    Answer$ B Page$ %&( !ifficulty$ moderate

    11. 7itch li+es 5oyota automo#iles #ecause he thin+s they hae the highest relia#ility ofall automo#iles. :is #elief a#out 5oyotas relia#ility represents which component of7itchs attitude0A) affectieB) cognitieC) factual

    !) #ehaioral") utilitarian

    Answer$ B Page$ %&( !ifficulty$ moderate

    1. Which of the following is used to understand a consumers cognitie component ofattitude0A) attri#ution theoryB) cognitie dissonance theoryC) multiattri#ute attitude model!) attitude consistency theory

    ") attitude perception model

    Answer$ C Page$ %&(%&& !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    1%. Which of the following can #e a component of a multiattri#ute model0A) a consumers attitude toward a particular #rand

    B) a consumers #elief a#out how a #rand performs on a gien attri#uteC) the importance the consumer attaches to an attri#ute!) a consumers ideal leel of performance on an attri#ute") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ " Page$ %&6 !ifficulty$ easy

    1/. !uane is attempting to determine consumers attitudes toward his restaurant #y as+ingthem their #eliefs a#out how his restaurant performs on seeral attri#utes, such asprice, am#ience, ;uality of the food, and friendliness of serice. Consumers can ratehis restaurant with a score of 1 to ( for each of these attri#utes, with ( #eing the

    highest. !uane adds up the scores to see how he performs, using the assumption that ahigher total is #etter. At a #asic leel, which type of model is !uane using0A) multiattri#ute attitude modelB) cognitie assessment modelC) #elief assessment model!) summation model") attri#ute heuristic model

    Answer$ A Page$ %&6 !ifficulty$ moderate

    1'. An approach to measuring the importance of attitude components that re;uires

    consumers to allocate 199 points among the components such that the distri#ution ofthe points reflects the relatie importance of the component is _____.A) perceptual mappingB) the

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    1(. =eelings or emotional reactions to an o#*ect reflect the _____ component of anattitude.

    A) +nowledgeB) cognitieC) affectie!) #ehaioral") orientation

    Answer$ C Page$ %&& !ifficulty$ moderate

    16. >im#erlyClar+ is interested in mothers emotional reactions to their :uggies #rand ofdisposa#le diapers, which usually hae popular characters or cute designs printed onthem. Which component of attitude is >im#erlyClar+ interested in0

    A) +nowledgeB) cognitieC) affectie!) #ehaioral") orientation

    Answer$ C Page$ %&& !ifficulty$ moderate

    1&. 4anice and her mother were isiting an art gallery, and they were loo+ing at modernart. When they came to one painting, 4anice said, ?@ li+e that. When her motheras+ed her why she li+ed it, all she could say was, ?@ dont +now, @ *ust li+e it. Which

    component of attitude does this represent0A) cognitieB) affectieC) #ehaioral!) latent") manifest

    Answer$ B Page$ %&& !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    9. i+e has seeral models of athletic shoes, and most hae high functionality. :oweer,seeral models are also slee+ loo+ing and can actually ma+e a fashion statement for

    the wearer as well as performing the functional aspects of the product. By going#eyond the cognitie associations of functionality and attempting to tap consumersaffectie reactions, i+e and other mar+eters are deeloping products with _____.A) aesthetic appealB) aspirational appealC) #enefit appeal!) social appeal") personality appeal

    Answer$ A Page$ /99 !ifficulty$ moderate

    1. SA7 SelfAssessment 7ani+in) is used to assess which component of attitude0A) cognitieB) affectieC) #ehaioral!) orientation") personality

    Answer$ B Page$ /91/9 !ifficulty$ moderate

    . Why are the SA7 and adSA7 measures effectie across cultures0A) #ecause the pictorial representations dont re;uire translation or alteration

    B) #ecause the numerical representations dont re;uire translation or alterationC) #ecause they are #ased on emotions!) #ecause they are #ased on attitudes") #ecause the musical representations do not include lyrics

    Answer$ A Page$ /91/9 !ifficulty$ moderate

    %. Which component of attitude represents ones tendency to respond in a certain mannertoward an o#*ect or actiity0A) cognitieB) affectie

    C) #ehaioral!) orientation") personality

    Answer$ C Page$ /9 !ifficulty$ easy


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    /. :ow are actual #ehaiors and response tendencies most often measured0A) physiological measures

    B) multiattri#ute modelsC) SA7 and adSA7!) direct ;uestioning") 199point constantsum scales

    Answer$ ! Page$ /9 !ifficulty$ moderate

    '. Which of the following statements ade;uately reflects the concept of attitudecomponent consistency0A) All three attitude components do not change oer time.B) A change in one attitude component tends to produce related changes in the other

    components.C) 5he three attitude components operate independently from each other, so a change

    in one component does not necessarily mean the others will change.!) All three attitude components are e;ual in their influence on ones attitude.") "ach component is e;ually important regardless of the situation.

    Answer$ B Page$ /9% !ifficulty$ moderate

    -. Which of the following is a factor that may account for inconsistencies #etweenmeasuresof #eliefs and feelings and observationsof #ehaior0A) lac+ of need

    B) failure to consider relatie attitudesC) failure to consider interpersonal influence!) failure to consider situational factors") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ " Page$ /9%/9/ !ifficulty$ easy

    (. Which of the following is 85 a factor accounting for inconsistencies #etweenmeasuresof #eliefs and feelings and observationsof #ehaior0A) lac+ of needB) lac+ of a#ility

    C) wea+ly held #eliefs and affect!) failure to consider negatie reactions") failure to consider interpersonal influence

    Answer$ ! Page$ /9%/9/ !ifficulty$ hard


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    6. Which theory holds that #ehaioral intentions are #ased on a com#ination of theattitude toward a specific #ehaior, the social or normatie #eliefs a#out the

    appropriateness of the #ehaior, and the motiation to comply with the normatie#eliefs0A) cognitie dissonance theoryB) theory of reasoned actionC) ela#oration li+elihood model!) attri#ution theory") noncompensatory theory

    Answer$ B Page$ /9/ !ifficulty$ moderate

    &. "ric is ' years old and has a faora#le attitude toward drin+ing alcohol. :oweer, he

    +nows that he should not drin+ and drie, so he always ma+es sure that someone in hisgroup is the designated drier. Which theory can e2plain his #ehaior0A) cognitie dissonance theoryB) theory of reasoned actionC) ela#oration li+elihood model!) attri#ution theory") noncompensatory theory

    Answer$ B Page$ /9/ !ifficulty$ moderate

    %9. Which of the following is a strategy for altering the cognitie component of a

    consumers attitude0A) change #eliefsB) shift importanceC) add #eliefs!) change ideal") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ " Page$ /9- !ifficulty$ easy


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    %1. =or years, American automo#iles did not hae the leel of ;uality that foreign,particularly 4apanese, automo#iles had. :oweer, that has changed, and most

    automo#iles #uilt in the nited States hae compara#le or superior ;uality thanimports. Consumers attitudes are slow to change, howeer, and mar+eters must usewhich strategy to change the cognitie component of consumers attitudes0A) change #eliefsB) shift importanceC) add #eliefs!) change ideal") change feelings

    Answer$ A Page$ /9- !ifficulty$ moderate

    %. @n an attempt to alter consumers cognitie component of their attitude toward Pepsi#rand of cola, a freshness date was added on the cans. Pepsi wanted consumers toconsider this attri#ute that was neer a consideration #efore. Pepsi was using whichstrategy to alter the cognitie structure of a consumers attitude0A) change #eliefsB) shift importanceC) add #eliefs!) change ideal") change feelings

    Answer$ C Page$ /9- !ifficulty$ moderate

    %%. Which of the following is an approach used #y mar+eters to increase consumers affecttoward their #rand0A) classical conditioningB) create a positie affect toward the ad or We# siteC) mere e2posure!) a and #") a, #, and c

    Answer$ " Page$ /9-/96 !ifficulty$ moderate

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    %/. 5he owner of a local restaurant wants to enhance consumers attitudes toward hisrestaurant #y changing the affectie component of their attitude. Which of the

    following is an appropriate approach to achiee this o#*ectie0A) Change consumers #eliefs a#out attri#utes of his restaurant.B) se positie music in their adertisements so that oer time consumers will

    transfer the positie affect associated with the music to the restaurant.C) Conince consumers that an attri#ute for which this restaurant is strong is more

    important than other attri#utes consumers consider for this product category.!) @nform consumers that deliery is now aaila#le.") 8ffer coupons to get consumers to isit the restaurant.

    Answer$ B Page$ /9-/9( !ifficulty$ moderate

    %'. Simply presenting a #rand to an indiidual on a large num#er of occasions might ma+ethe indiiduals attitude toward the #rand more positie is +nown as _____.A) mere e2posureB) the familiarity effectC) positie e2posure!) repetitie e2posure") the saturation effect

    Answer$ A Page$ /96 !ifficulty$ moderate

    %-. :ow does mere e2posure enhance attitudes0

    A) #y changing #eliefsB) #y adding #eliefsC) through enhanced familiarity!) through shifting importance") #y changing perceptions of the ideal

    Answer$ C Page$ /96 !ifficulty$ moderate

    %(. =or which type of products can affect, emotions, and Aad play a role in moreconscious, highinolement settings0A) dura#le products

    B) hedonic productsC) serices!) highDprice products") nondura#le products

    Answer$ B Page$ /9& !ifficulty$ hard


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    %6. Changing #ehaior prior to changing affect or cognition is #ased primarily on _____.A) classical conditioning

    B) operant conditioningC) iconic rote learning!) analytical reasoning") mere e2posure

    Answer$ B Page$ /9& !ifficulty$ moderate

    %&. Which of the following is a common techni;ue for inducing trial #ehaior0A) couponsB) free samplesC) pointofpurchase displays

    !) tiein purchases") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ " Page$ /9& !ifficulty$ easy

    /9. Which of the following is an individualfactor that can influence attitude change0A) program conte2tB) leel of iewer distractionC) #uying occasion!) consumer +nowledge") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ ! Page$ /9& !ifficulty$ hard

    /1. Which of the following is a theory a#out how attitudes are formed and changed underarying conditions of inolement0A) cognitie dissonance theoryB) theory of reasoned actionC) ela#oration li+elihood model!) attri#ution theory") noncompensatory theory

    Answer$ C Page$ /9& !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    /. 5he ela#oration li+elihood model posits two routes to persuasion, which are the_____.

    A) primary route and secondary routeB) temporary route and permanent routeC) central route and peripheral route!) manifest route and latent route") direct route and indirect route

    Answer$ C Page$ /19 !ifficulty$ easy

    /%. Carissa is highly inoled is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the@nternet, isited car dealerships, tal+ed to friends and family, and paid attention toadertisements. According to the ela#oration li+elihood model, #y which route is

    Carissa li+ely to #e persuaded0A) primary routeB) secondary routeC) central route!) peripheral route") direct route

    Answer$ C Page$ /19 !ifficulty$ moderate

    //. Which of the following is =A

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    /'. !ana is watching teleision when a commercial for a #rand of #athroom cleanercomes on. She is not ery interested in the product category, #ut the ad was

    entertaining and made her laugh. As a result, she had a positie attitude toward the#rand of cleaner adertised. According to the ela#oration li+elihood model, whichroute to persuasion influenced !ana0A) primary routeB) secondary routeC) central route!) peripheral route") indirect route

    Answer$ ! Page$ /19 !ifficulty$ moderate

    /-. Eenerally spea+ing, compared to attitudes formed under the peripheral route, attitudesformed under the central route tend to #e _____.A) strongerB) more resistant to counterpersuasion attemptsC) more accessi#le from memory!) more predictie of #ehaior") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ " Page$ /11 !ifficulty$ easy

    /(. Addison is a #rand manager and wants consumers to form attitudes that are strong,

    resistant to counterpersuasion attempts, more accessi#le from memory, and morepredictie of #ehaior. Which route of the ela#oration li+elihood model should heencourage consumers to ta+e0A) primary routeB) secondary routeC) central route!) peripheral route") direct route

    Answer$ C Page$ /11 !ifficulty$ moderate

    /6. 5he source of a communication represents _____.A) ?how a message is communicatedB) ?who deliers the messageC) the ?what of the message!) the ?when of the message") the ?where of the message

    Answer$ B Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ easy


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    /&. _____ consists of trustworthiness and e2pertise.A) A twosided message

    B) 5he two routes to persuasionC) 7essage appeal!) Source credi#ility") 7essage structure

    Answer$ ! Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ easy

    '9. !r. Fosenfeld is the doctor on Sunday House Call, a Sunday morning health programon the =o2 ews channel. !r. Fosenfeld is highly esteemed in his field and proidesuptodate medical information for iewers. Sometimes he recommends specificproducts, and Galerie, a regular iewer of the program, trusts what he says or

    recommends #ecause he doesnt seem to hae an apparent motie to mislead iewers.Which characteristic does !r. Fosenfeld possess0A) source credi#ilityB) source derogationC) source e2perience!) source li+ea#ility") source attractieness

    Answer$ A Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate

    '1. @n which type of ad does a person, generally a typical mem#er of the target mar+et,

    recount his or her successful use of the product, serice, or idea0A) single messageB) twosided messageC) comparatie ad!) testimonial ad") demonstration

    Answer$ ! Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    '. Anne appears in a teleision commercial for a local chiropractor. She tells theaudience how she suffered from migraine headaches seeral times a month. :oweer,

    once she started treatment at this particular chiropractor, her headaches disappeared.She claimed, ?@ +ept e2pecting them to come #ac+, #ut they didnt. @ hae a wholenew lease on life, than+s to Peay ChiropracticH Which type of ad is this0A) single messageB) twosided messageC) comparatie ad!) testimonial ad") demonstration

    Answer$ ! Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate

    '%. Adertisements and pac+ages for >elloggs Smart Start #rea+fast cereal include theseal of the American :eart Association, indicating that it is a heartyhealthy choice.5his seal can influence consumers to purchase this #rand #ecause the American :eartAssociation has a reputation of trustworthiness and e2pertise. 5he seal appearing onpac+ages and in adertisements represents a _____.A) thirdparty endorsementB) testimonialC) twosided message!) sponsorship") message frame

    Answer$ A Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate

    '/. Which of the following is 85 a reason why cele#rity sources are effectie0A) Cele#rities may attract attention to the adertisement.B) A cele#ritys li+ea#ility and popularity often translate into higher Aad which can

    enhance #rand attitudes.C) Some cele#rities are also e2perts.!) Cele#rities are physically attractie, and research has shown that indiiduals will

    agree with a physically attractie person regardless of the message or their owninitial attitude.

    ") Consumers may identify with or desire to emulate the cele#rity.

    Answer$ ! Page$ /1%/1/ !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    ''. Which of the following do mar+eters need to #e concerned a#out with respect to usingcele#rities as company spo+espersons0

    A) oere2posure of the cele#rityB) negatie #ehaior inoling the spo+espersonC) image of the cele#rity does not match the image of the product or #rand!) a and #") a, #, and c

    Answer$ " Page$ /1/ !ifficulty$ easy

    '-. 5ony the 5iger, the 4olly Ereen Eiant, and the Aflac duc+ are e2amples of _____.A) cele#rity spo+espersonsB) sponsors

    C) spo+escharacters!) twosided messages") inanimate cele#rity characters

    Answer$ C Page$ /1' !ifficulty$ easy

    '(. Spo+escharacters can #e _____.A) animated animalsB) animated peopleC) animated products!) animated o#*ects

    ") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ " Page$ /1' !ifficulty$ easy

    '6. Which of the following occurs when a company proides financial support for aneent such as the 8lympics or a concert0A) thirdparty endorsementB) sponsorshipC) cele#rity endorsement!) source credi#ility") twosided message

    Answer$ B Page$ /1' !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    '&. Appeal characteristics represent _____ a message is communicated.A) #y whom

    B) whenC) where!) how") the timing #y which

    Answer$ ! Page$ /1- !ifficulty$ moderate

    -9. Which type of appeal uses the threat of negatie unpleasant) conse;uence if attitudesor #ehaiors are not altered0A) onesided messageB) twosided message

    C) fear appeals!) humorous appeals") comparatie ads

    Answer$ C Page$ /1- !ifficulty$ easy

    -1. A longrunning teleision commercial for !ial soap would show an indiidual inarious situations with other people e.g., car pool or eleator). 5his indiidual would*oin the others and loo+ around, appearing to #e in discomfort. 5hen a oice oerwould say, ?Arent you glad you used !ial...dont you wish eeryone did0 Whichtype of appeal does this illustrate0

    A) onesided messageB) twosided messageC) fear appeal!) thirdparty endorsement") comparatie ad

    Answer$ C Page$ /1- !ifficulty$ easy

    -. Which of the following statements is =A

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    -%. Which type of ad directly compares the features or #enefits of two or more #rands0A) onesided message

    B) twosided messageC) fear appeal!) thirdparty endorsement") comparatie ad

    Answer$ " Page$ /1( !ifficulty$ easy

    -/. An adertisement for A5I5 long distance telephone serice split the screen in two andshowed a person on each screen tal+ing on the telephone. Below each person, therewas a running total of the cost of the call. At the end of the commercial, the total coston the A5I5 side was lower than that for the Sprint side. 5his is an e2ample of which

    type of ad0A) onesided messageB) twosided messageC) fear appeal!) thirdparty endorsement") comparatie ad

    Answer$ " Page$ /1( !ifficulty$ moderate

    -'. Which of the following statement is true regarding comparatie adertising0A) Comparatie adertising is more effectie regardless of the source.

    B) Comparatie adertising is particularly effectie for promoting esta#lished,mar+etshare leader #rands.

    C) Audience characteristics, especially #rand loyalty associated with the sponsoring#rand, are important.

    !) Broadcast media, particularly radio, appear to #e #etter ehicles for comparatieadertisements.

    ") A partially comparatie ad is one in which a specific competitor is not named.

    Answer$ C Page$ /16/1& !ifficulty$ hard

    --. Which type of ad is designed primarily to elicit a positie affectie response rather

    than to proide information or arguments0A) onesided messageB) twosided messageC) fear appeal!) emotional ad") comparatie ad

    Answer$ ! Page$ /1& !ifficulty$ easy


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    -(. Which of the following is 85 a way emotional ads may enhance persuasion0A) #y increasing attention of the ad and, therefore, ad recall

    B) #y increasing li+ing of the adC) #y increasing product li+ing through classical conditioning!) #y increasing product li+ing through highinolement processes") all of the a#oe are ways emotional ads may enhance persuasion

    Answer$ " Page$ /1& !ifficulty$ moderate

    -6. Which type of appeal attempts to #uild a personality for the product or create an imageof the product user0A) humorous appealB) utilitarian appeal

    C) aluee2pressie appeal!) hedonic appeal") emotional appeal

    Answer$ C Page$ /9 !ifficulty$ moderate

    -&. @nstead of featuring any functional #enefits of the product or #rand in ads for the iPod,this product was introduced #y showing a silhouette of a person dancing with thewhite ear#uds and holding a white iPod 7P% player. Which type of adertising appealdoes this illustrate0A) onesided message

    B) twosided messageC) testimony!) aluee2pressie appeal") utilitarian appeal

    Answer$ ! Page$ /9 !ifficulty$ hard

    (9. Which type of appeal inoles informing the consumer of one or more functional#enefits that are important to the target mar+et0A) multisided messageB) aluee2pressie appeal

    C) utilitarian appeal!) factual appeal") supportie appeal

    Answer$ C Page$ /9 !ifficulty$ moderate


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    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    (1. An adertisement for the :onda Ciic :y#rid featured gas mileage in the su#heading/& cityJ'1 highway). 5he copy also noted that owners of this automo#ile may #e

    eligi#le for a cleanfuel ta2 deduction. At the time this ad appeared, gas was oerK%.99 per gallon, which made the information important to consumers. 5his is ane2ample of which type of appeal0A) aluee2pressie appealB) comparatie adC) twosided message!) utilitarian appeal") supportie appeal

    Answer$ ! Page$ /9 !ifficulty$ moderate

    (. Which of the following is true regarding aluee2pressie ersus utilitarian appeals0A) tilitarian appeals attempt to #uild a personality for the product or create an image

    of the product user.B) tilitarian appeals are most effectie for functional products.C) Products sere either a utilitarian purpose or a aluee2pressie purpose #ut not

    #oth.!) =or aluee2pressie products, #anner ads on We# sites sere primarily to

    transport consumers to the more detailed target ads or sites.") all of the a#oe

    Answer$ B Page$ /9/1 !ifficulty$ moderate

    (%. Adertisements or sales messages in which only one point of iew is e2pressed arereferred to as _____.A) #iased messagesB) onesided messagesC) twosided messages!) utilitarian appeals") noncomparatie ads

    Answer$ B Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    (/. 5oyota offers a hy#rid ersion of its popular :ighlander midsi3ed SG. 5headertising for this car features the positie #enefits of owning a hy#rid, #ut it fails to

    mention that the :y#rid is considera#ly more e2pensie than the conentional ersionof the model. 5his is an e2ample of an) _____.A) #iased messageB) onesided messageC) twosided message!) positie appeal") comparatie ad

    Answer$ B Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate

    ('. Which type of adertisement or sales presentation presents #oth good and #ad points0

    A) un#iased messageB) onesided messageC) twosided message!) positieJnegatie message") #alanced message

    Answer$ C Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate

    (-. =or years,

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    (6. 5he simplest form of message framing where only a single attri#ute is the focus of theframe is +nown as _____.

    A) primingB) a onesided messageC) goal framing!) simple framing") attri#ute framing

    Answer$ " Page$ / !ifficulty$ moderate

    (&. Which type of message framing stresses either the positie outcomes of performing a#ehaior or the negatie outcomes of not performing a #ehaior0A) attri#ute framing

    B) twosided framingC) goal framing!) endstate framing") #enefitJloss framing

    Answer$ C Page$ / !ifficulty$ moderate

    69. Segmenting consumers on the #asis of their most important attri#ute or attri#utes iscalled _____.A) #enefit segmentationB) demographic segmentation

    C) psychographic segmentation!) attri#ute segmentation") utilitarian segmentation

    Answer$ A Page$ / !ifficulty$ easy

    True/False Questions

    61. Attitudes sere four +ey functions for indiiduals$ +nowledge function, aluee2pressie function, utilitarian function, and a heuristic function.

    Answer$ =alse Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ moderate

    6. 5he cognitie component of attitude consists of a consumers #eliefs a#out an o#*ect.

    Answer$ 5rue Page$ %&( !ifficulty$ easy


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    6%. 5he affectie component of an attitude is ones tendency to respond in a certainmanner toward an o#*ect or actiity.

    Answer$ =alse Page$ %&& !ifficulty$ moderate

    6/. 8ne critical aspect of attitudes is that all three components tend to #e consistent.

    Answer$ 5rue Page$ /9% !ifficulty$ moderate

    6'. =our #asic mar+eting strategies used for altering the cognitie structure of aconsumers attitude are$ change #eliefs, shift importance, add #eliefs, and changeideal.

    Answer$ 5rue Page$ /9- !ifficulty$ moderate

    6-. 5here is eidence that affect or #rand preference may #e increased #y mere e2posure.

    Answer$ 5rue Page$ /96 !ifficulty$ easy

    6(. 5he ela#oration li+elihood model "

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    &. Broadcast media, particularly teleision, appear to #e #etter ehicles for comparatieadertisements, #ecause #roadcast lends itself to more thorough comparisons.

    Answer$ =alse Page$ /1& !ifficulty$ moderate

    &%. Galuee2pressie appeals inole informing the consumers of one or more functional#enefits that are important to the target mar+et.

    Answer$ =alse Page$ /9 !ifficulty$ moderate

    &/. A twosided message presents #oth good and #ad points.

    Answer$ 5rue Page$ /1 !ifficulty$ moderate

    &'. 5he simplest form of message framing is Attri#ute =raming, where only a singleattri#ute is the focus of the frame.

    Answer$ 5rue Page$ / !ifficulty$ moderate

    &-. @n a goal framing setting, a positie frame is generally the most effectie.

    Answer$ =alse Page$ / !ifficulty$ hard

    &(. Segmenting consumers on the #asis of the most important attri#ute or attri#utes is

    called #enefit segmentation.

    Answer$ 5rue Page$ / !ifficulty$ moderate


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    Essay Questions

    &6. ame and descri#e the four functions attitudes sere for indiiduals.

    Page$ %&- !ifficulty$ moderateAnswer$Attitudes sere four +ey functions for indiiduals$a. Knowledge function--seres as a means of organi3ing #eliefs a#out o#*ects or

    actiities such as #rands and shopping. 5hese attitudes can #e accurate orinaccurate with respect to o#*ectie reality, #ut the attitude rather than reality willoften determine #ehaiors.

    #. alue-e!pressi"e function--attitudes sere to e2press an indiiduals centralalues and selfconcept.

    c. #tilitarian function--#ased on operant conditioning. People tend to formfaora#le attitudes toward o#*ects and actiities that are rewarding and negatieattitudes toward those that are not.

    d. Ego-defensi"e function--people form and use attitudes to defend their egos andselfimages against threats and shortcomings.

    &&. A local >ia automo#ile dealership owner conducted some informal mar+et researchand found that many consumers had negatie attitudes toward this #rand. "2plainwhat can #e done to change the cognitie component of consumers attitudes.

    Page$ /9'/9- !ifficulty$ moderate

    Answer$=our #asic mar+eting strategies are used for altering the cognitie structure of aconsumer s attitude$a. Change $eliefs--inoles shifting #eliefs a#out the performance of the #rand on

    one or more attri#utes. Attempts to change #eliefs generally inole proidingfacts or statements a#out performance.

    #. %hift I&portance--most consumers consider some product attri#utes to #e moreimportant than others. 7ar+eters often try to conince consumers that thoseattri#utes on which their #rands are relatiely strong are the most important.

    c. Add $eliefs--add new #eliefs to the consumers #elief structure.d. Change Ideal--change perceptions of the ideal #rand or situation.


  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    199. :arrison is ery inoled with any type of electronic product, such as teleisions,sound systems, cellular phones, and computers. According to the ela#oration

    li+elihood model "

  • 8/10/2019 Chap 011 HRM


    Chapter 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

    19. Compare and contrast onesided and twosided messages, and e2plain why mar+eterswould use a twosided message.

    Page$ /1/ !ifficulty$ moderateAnswer$@n adertisements and sales presentation, mar+eters generally present only the #enefitsof their product without mentioning any negatie characteristics it might possess orany adantages a competitor might hae. 5hese are one-sided &essages, since onlyone point of iew is e2pressed. 5he idea of a two-sided &essage, presenting #othgood and #ad points, is counterintuitie, and more mar+eters are reluctant to try suchan approach. :oweer, twosided messages are generally more effectie than onesided messages in changing a strongly held attitude. 8ne reason is #ecause they areune2pected and increase consumer trust in the adertiser. 5hey are particularly

    effectie with highly educated consumers. :oweer, product type, situation aria#les,and adertisement format influence the relatie effectieness of the two approaches.
