Page 1: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems

O v e r 3 d e c a d e s o f a c c u m u l a t e d e x p e r i e n c e

CHANNELINEBeyond the Ordinary

Page 2: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary

Channeline in SummaryFeatures:• Custom-MadeProductioninanyShapeorSizeRequired

• FullyStructuralRehabilitationSolution

• MaximizingHydraulicCapacity

• ExcellentCorrosionResistance

• ExcellentImpactandAbrasionResistance

• ExpectedServiceLifeofOver50Years

Applications:• SewerMainPipelines

• SewerOverflowPipelines

• SewerInterceptorPipelines

• SewerInverts

• StormWaterDrains

• SeawaterCoolingPipelines

• LargeDiameterCulvertsandTunnels

• Railway&RoadCulverts


Page 3: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


Largediameterpipelinesandculverts represent thebackboneofanycity’sutility network for the collection and disposal of sewerage and effectivedrainageofstormwater.



Channeline has been involved in the provision of specialist GRP structuralliningelementsforover3decades,duringwhichtimewehaveaccumulatedanunrivalleddegreeofexperiencerelativetotherehabilitationofbothcircularand non-circular large diameter buried pipeline structures worldwide.Weare proud of our heritage and committed to serve our existing and futurecustomersinthewaterandwastewaterindustries.

Over 3 decades of accumulated experience

Page 4: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary

EngineeredtoPerfectionThegeneralconceptof theChannelineproduct is thata remarkablystiffandstrongpanelsectionisconstructed,butwitharelativelythinwall.TheproductdiffersfromthatofstandardGRPhandorfilamentwoundpipeworkinseveralfundamentalandimportantways.NormalGRPpipeworkconsistsofwindingsof layersof resin-saturatedglass,which is impregnatedwithsand,achievingitsstiffnessbybuildingupeverincreasingwallthickness.Channelinehowever,derives its strengthandstiffness throughadifferentmethod,employing themechanics of sandwich panel design, incorporating a unique polymer andaggregatecore.


Page 5: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


The first stage of Channelinemanufacture is an inner sandwich structureincorporating a 1.5mm (0.06 inch) corrosion barrier on the inside surfacewhich ismanufacturedfromhighgradesurfaceveil,precisely impregnatedwithIsophthalicorVinylEsterresin,followedbyseverallayersofthoroughlyimpregnated multi-axial engineered fabric and CSM, forming the innersandwichskin.


Theoutersandwichskinisthenformedusingseveralfurtherlayersofmulti-axialfabric,CSMandresin,withtheoutersurfacebeingtreatedwithabondedgradedaggregatetoenhanceadhesiontotheannulargrout,which isusedduringtheinstallationphase.


Page 6: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary

The sheer ingenuity of the designers and constructors of large buriedstructures of by-gone days never ceases to amaze us and requires a highdegreeofflexibilityforourmanufacturingunit.

TheChannelinesegmentsforeachrehabilitationprojectarecustommadetoprovideaprecisefittothesizeandshaperequired.Therereallyisnotheoreticallimit to the shape and size of Channeline panel that can be effectivelymanufactured. Because Channeline technology includes the evolution ofmulti-piece segmental construction, where necessary for transportation,evenverylarge,peculiarshapedrehabilitationprojectscanbeaccommodatedusingChannelineproduct.



Page 7: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


Channelinecanbeproduced inanysizeandshape,andspecializes inegg,boxandellipticalshapes,maximizing the rehabilitatedcross-sectionalarea,therebyoptimizingtheflowcapacity.


• Circular

• Ovoid

• EggShaped

• Elliptical

• FlattenedElliptical

• ArchBarrel

• BoxShaped

• FlattenedBoxShaped

Page 8: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary

ChannelineStructuralGRPLiningPanels aremanufactured to fully complywiththeWRcmaterialsstandardsforGRP(GuidancenoteWIS4-34-02)andarealsomanufacturedinaccordancewithBS5480andASTMD3262.



Channeline Mechanical Properties Material FlexuralModulusinMPa BendingStressinMPa TensileStrengthinMPa

ShortTerm LongTerm ShortTerm LongTerm ShortTerm LongTerm

Channeline 10000 4000 110 60 98 45


Page 9: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


Corrosion Resistance Thedeteriorationofasewerorculvertisoftenacceleratedby corrosive gasses and the oxidization of HydrogenSulfideintoSulfuricAcid.

Soft mortar is not always easily identified by CCTVsurveys. For Man Entry sewers manual inspection isrecommended. Most structural failures in sewers arecaused by insufficient tensile capacity. Corrosion willcontributetothisreductioninstrength.

The resins used by Channeline are highly resistant tosewergasesandmosttradeeffluent.Adetailedcorrosionresistance guide is available from your ChannelineRepresentativeorcanbedownloadedfromourwebsite.

Barcol Hardness and Abrasion ResistanceThe high quality gel coat resins and surface veils usedin the manufacture of Channeline panels provide an exceptionaldegreeofresistancetoimpactandabrasion.

Wet abrasion testing comparisons with other linermethodsshowimpressiveandsuperiorresults.TheBarcolhardnessofcuredChannelinematerialisShoreD30.

Hydraulic CapacityThehydrauliccapacityofasewerorculvertisdependenton the cross sectional area of the unit and the surface roughness of the sewer or culvert wall. Collapsed andprotruding sections of the host pipe wall can greatlyreduce the cross sectional area and increase the friction coefficient of the unit, thus dramatically reducing itshydrauliccapacity.

Afeaturecommontonearlyallsewerandculvertrenovationprocesses is that the internal surface roughness of theexistingsewerorculvertisreduced,i.e.improvedfromahydraulicpointofview.Thus,althoughthereisfrequentlyalossofcrosssectionalareaassociatedwiththerenovationwork,thisisgenerallycounteractedbytheimprovedflow-carryingcharacteristicsoftheupgradedsewer.

Channeline will always provide an improvement to theflowcapacityofalinedlargediameterpipelineorculvert.Generally,thisisintherangeof12%to25%eventhoughthecrosssectionalareaofthestructurehasbeenreducedslightly.

Experience has shown the extremely smooth nature oftheChannelineGRPmaterialmitigatestheflow/pipewallfrictionsothatundernormalflowconditionspipelinesandculvertsoncelined,areeffectivelyself-cleaning.

Page 10: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary


Optional in-line jointing can be facilitatedwhere it is necessary to providea liner of maximum external diameter and minimum annular gap, thuseliminatingthe10mm(0.4inch)allowancerequiredforthesocketoverlap.



Page 11: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


Channeline Multi SegmentalOften due to either transportation problems or difficulties associatedwithaccess to the pipeline (e.g. entry only permitted throughmanholes), or inthecaseofaparticularly largestructure, it isdesirableforthepanelstobemanufactured in two ormore longitudinal sectionswhich are site bondedabove or below ground using our patented structural tongue and groovejointingsystem,positionedatthepointsofintersecture,i.e.atthepointsofzerobending.

Page 12: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary





Page 13: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


Channeline-SLThisSlipLinerversionallowsforslip-line installation(non-man-entry) in livesewerflowconditions,reducinginstallationcostsbothintimeandeliminationofover-pumping.

Our in linehighstrength jointsarecombinedwitha lubricatedsiliconfilledrollovergasket, providingeaseof connection andahigh integritypressuretightseal.


Page 14: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary

Channeline-SL-3The Channeline SL-3 system combines the advantages of Channeline SL,allowing for non-man-entry and live flow installation, with the benefits ofmultisegmentaldelivery,allowingfor reduction in transportationcostsandaccommodatingforconstructionconstraints.


Page 15: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


Channeline Lateral Connections and FittingsManysewersandpipelinesareconstructedwithincominglateralconnectionsthroughoutthelengthofthestructure.

The rehabilitation of these lateral connections is easy and straightforwardwiththeChannelinelinerproduct.Lateralscanbeconnectedwithmeshandmortarorwherenecessary,forseverelydegradedlateralconnectionsrepairmortars andGRP inserts can be prefabricated, installed and subsequentlybondedtothemainsewerlinertoprovideasmooth,durablesolution.

Page 16: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary

Channeline International is certified and operates in compliance with ISO9001:2008/BSEN,ISO14001:2004andOHSAS18001:2007.



• Dimensionalchecksofwallthickness/ID/OD/Height/Width

• Bendingandflexuralmodulus

• Tensiletests

• SocketandSpigotfit

• Barcolhardness

• Visualappearance




Page 17: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a


The pipeline or duct to be rehabilitated will first havebeende-silted,cleanedandsurveyedandtheinformationgatheredfromwhichthedesigndimensionsofthelinerswillhavebeendetermined.

Oncemanufactured, the linermaterial elementswill betruckedtothejobsite,offloadedandstoredinaconvenientlocationclosetothejobsite.

Accesspits arepreparedat suitable locationsalong thelengthofthepipelinetoallowinsertionoftheChannelinesections.TheChannelinesegmentsareloweredintothepipeline and a special hydraulic trolley unit is then used to transporteachlinersegmentalongthelengthofthehostpipetotherequiredlocation.

Each liner segments connects easily to the previouslyinstalled one by means of the socket and spigot joint.Oncebuttedtogether,thejointsareinjectedwithaflexiblemasticepoxyadhesive/filler.

InstallationMadeEasyAfter installation of the liner segments the annular gapbetweenthehostpipeandtheChannelinesegments issubsequentlyfilledwithalowviscosity,freeflowing,rapidsetting,andhigh-strengthgrout.

ThesameinstallationprocedureappliestotheChannelineSLwith the exception that the Channeline SL sectionsare either jacked or winched in from the entry pit.Thesegments are connected through a gasket sealed bellandspigotjoint.TheChannelineCLcaneitherbeinstalledusing the same procedure as theChanneline SL, or bemanuallyinstalled.

Channelinepipelinerehabilitationlinersareinstalledworld-wide by a network of trained and approved specialistcontractors,experiencedandtrainedinconfinedentry.

Page 18: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a

Beyond the ordinary


Foradetailedprojectexperiencelist,pleasecontactourChanneline RepresentativeOffice,



Page 19: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a



ChannelineInternationalbringsunrivalledlevelsofinnovation,experienceandexpertise inGRPLiningSystems technology.Wehave in-depthknowledgeoftheindustry,ourcustomers’day-to-daychallengesandtheenvironmental,healthandsafetystandardsinthemarketplace.Byworkinginclosepartnershipwithour customers,our company is able toprovide timely,efficient, cost-effectiveandaboveallqualityproductsandservices.

Worldwide DistributionNetwork

Page 20: CHANNELINE GRP Structural Lining Systems · 2020. 8. 7. · are also manufactured in accordance with BS 5480 and ASTM D3262. Mechanical Properties At the outset of each project a




Channeline InternationalP.O.Box8091DubaiUnitedArabEmiratesTel:+97148848383Fax:+97148848384E-mail:[email protected]

ChannelineInternationalNorthAmericaTel:+15142424495E-mail:[email protected] CHANNELINE

Beyond the Ordinary
