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You can heal your life – Louise Hay

Rohintan Talati

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Our experience/situation in our outer world is first created in our inner world.

We are each responsible for all our experience. Every thought we think is creating our future.

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•“The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think and every word you speak.”

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• It all started more than 30 years ago when Louise saw how people let illness and hurtful

• circumstances control their lives. She vowed to help them see that the root of their pain stemmed

• from their own negative thoughts. So, she sat down and wrote a little blue pamphlet where she

• described how our mental patterns and beliefs can actually contribute to illness in our body. She

• even listed various medical conditions, explained what thoughts correlated with them, and

• showed us that the way to heal our lives was just a positive thought away.

• Louise had a simple message that she wanted to share: “The body, like everything else in life, is a

• mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Every cell within your body responds to every single

• thought you think and every word you speak.”

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What I believe What is the Problem Is it true What do we do now Resistance to change How to Change Building the new Daily work Relationship Work Success Prosperity The Body New Thought Patterns

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Every thought we think is creating our future The point of power is always in the present moment It's only a thought, and a thought can be changed We create every so-called illness in our body

Resentment, criticism and guilt are the most damaging patterns

Releasing resentment will dissolve even cancer We must release the past and forgive every one We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves Self approval & self acceptance in the now are the keys to positive changes.

• When we really love ourselves, everything in our life works

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•All Dis-ease comes from state of Un forgiveness

"We do not know how to forgive. All we need to do is to be willing to forgive. The universe will take care how's We learn how to feel about ourselves and about life by the reactions of the adults around us

The events / experienced in your life time up to this moment created by your thoughts & belief you have in past. Thought produce a feeling. Change the thought and feeling must go

Inner most belief " I am not good enough" " I don't do enough" "I don't deserve"

We can change our attitude towards the past

To release the past, we must be willing to forgive

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•What we think about ourselves becomes truth for us

•Life is really very simple. What we give out, We get back

"People are out to get me" " Everyone is always helpful" Approve of ourselves exactly as we are

Your belief is your identity & your future behavior is depend on that

Once your change your belief about yourself, miracle takes place

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•It is safe to look within

My body doesn't work

My Relationship doesn't work

My finance doesn't work

My life doesn't work

•These complaints are only outer effects of inner thought patterns. Beneath the inner thought pattern is another deeper, more fundamental pattern that is base of all the outer effects.

•Thoughts & words create our future. Change can begin in this moment. Aware about unconscious belief about your self

•Exercises : Should List / who are you ? Self Belief

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•Over weight – fear & need for protection / lack of self love

The only diet that dose work is mental diet – dieting from negative thoughts

I am my past or I am going to change now

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•Self belief

•if you want to clean your room thoroughly, you will pick up and examine everything in it Now its time to examine our past a bit more to take look at some of the belief that have been running us

Limiting belief

I am not good enough – parents repeatedly told him / her was stupid (being abandoned & ignored)

Lack of self love – Trying to win daddy's approval

Life is dangerous - A frightened father

Exercises – Negative message from your parents / relatives / teachers / friends /authority figure

• What did they say about Money ? body ? love & relationship? talents ? success ? decision ? achievement ? and so on ……..

• These are very belief you have that are making you feel " not good enough"

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•Blaming your family

•Blame is one of the surest ways to stay in problem. In blaming another, we give away our power.

How much do you know about your parent's childhood before the age of ten ?

If you don't know & can't find out, try to imagine what it must have been like for them. What kind of childhood would create an adult like that?

You can't forgive your self until your forgive them

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•Truth is unchangeable part of me

•What ever I choose to believe becomes true for me.• Problem Belief

•Financial Disaster I am not worthy of having money

•No Friends Nobody loves me

•Problem with work I am not good enough

•Always pleasing others I never get my way

•Its only a belief you learn as child

•Looks both ways before your cross the street

•Don't trust / talk to strangers / There is not enough

•People cheat you / world is frightening place / nobody loves me

•If you believe it, it seems true

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Your thought & belief of the past have created this moment

What ever we send out mentally or verbally will come back to us in like form

Imagine your self at cafeteria, a buffet in a luxurious hotel, where instated of dishes of food , there are dishes of thoughts

When there is a problem, there is not something to do, there is some thing to know

My wish is that the first subject to taught is school "How your thought work "

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•Exercises – I am willing to change

Go look in mirror and say to your self – " I am willing to change"

Notice how do you feel

If your resistant or hesitant or just don't want to change, ask your self why?

Please don't scold your self

•" I willing to release all resistance"

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•By giving up I am deciding " Its all hopeless and impossible to make any changes so why try ?

What are your belief cause all frustrations?

What are you giving out that attracts in others the need to irritate you?

Why do you believe that to get your way need to get angry?

• Make a decision to be "Willing to change" We must change inside

Exercises – I am willing to change

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•Awareness is the first step in healing or changing Respond rather then react / Don't be impatience give time to your self

Nonverbal Clues

Changing the subject / Leaving the room /Being late/ Getting sick

Procrastinating / Looking away / Flipping through magazine

Refusing to pay attention / Eating, Drinking, Smoking

Assumptions – We often assume things about others to justify our resistance so we make statement such as :

It wouldn't do any good anyway / My husband or wife won't understand / Only crazy people do like this / They couldn't help me with my problem / They couldn't handle my anger /My case is different / Nobody else dose it ……

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•Now think of belief that won't allow you to change

Self Belief / Self image Belief created or learn during your child hood Delaying Tactics / Procrastination Fear

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•Now think of belief that won't allow you to change

Releasing the need / the pattern

Uncomfortable while change

•Exercises – Releasing the need

Do this with partner or seeing your self in mirror

Think for a moment about something in your life you want to change

"I now realize that I have created this condition and now I am willing to release the pattern in my consciousness that is responsible for this condition" say it several time with feeling

The thought you are thinking & the word you are declaring at this moment are creating your future

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•Your mind is a tool you can choose to use any way you wish •

Controlling the mind – Do not think your mind is in control. You are in control of your mind. Learn to control your mind by the conscious choice of thoughts, you aligned your self with this power.

The only thing control of is your current thought i.e child bed time

•Exercises – Relaxation

•Whole body get relaxed

Say to your self – I am willing to let go Release all the tension / fear / anger / guilt / sadness / old limitation / I am at peace / I am at peace with my self / peace with process of life / I am safe Think for a moment about something in your life you want to change

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•Past is over & done we cannot change any thing but we can change our attitude towards past

Past is over & done. We are ONLY HURTING OURSELVES

Past contain memory & emotion

As we let it go past we become free to use all of our mental power to enjoy this moment and create great future

•Exercises – To release your past

•Whole body get relaxed

•List all your things you are willing to let it go of. How willing are you to do this?

•List all thing you are willing to let it go

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•Next step is forgiveness

•Forgiveness dissolves resentment

Exercises – Revenge & forgiveness

To release your past - Thank you I set you free now

Forgive your self – I forgive myself for ____________


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•Fighting the negative is a total waste of time if you really want to make changes in your life

•List of I don't want in my life__________

The more you dwell on what you don't want the more of it you create

Change your vocabulary

Use affirmation

Training the mind

• Exercises

• I approve my self

Put your awareness into practice – do things / B with people / Eat things / Go to a place that makes you feel good

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•Create new change

•My life is mess I am willing to release the pattern in me that created that conditions.

•I should lose weight I have happy, slender body

•Nobody loves me I experience love where ever I go

•I hate my job I now create a wonderful new job

•I should get organized I am now very well organized

•I don't do enough I appreciate all that I do

•I am not good enough I love & approve my self

•I deserve the best & I am accepting NOW….

•Begin with Body & Mind heart & soul

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•If children gave up when they fell for the first time, they would never learn to walk

Our subconscious learn by trial

Always support your self

Reinforce your learning

• My daily work

Thankful for every think I can think of

Affirmation prayer

Self love Affirmation

Meditation – observe your breathing pattern

Visualization – How your day look like

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•It seems all of life is relationship

Word is God & God is word – when praise & scold

Our subconscious learn by trial

Always support your self

Relationship are mirrors of ourselves

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• I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do

I can't stand this job

I hate my boss

I don't earn enough money

They don't appreciate me at work

I can't get along with the people at work

I don't know what I want to do

• We must change our internal belief pattern

Affirmation for work – Gratitude / My boss is generous and easy to work for

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• Every experience is a success

You can't try the same way

Repetition is mother of skill / Rehearsal is the key to success

Create a success pattern now

Use success affirmations

Every thing I touched is success

Golden opportunity are every where for me

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• I deserve the best and I accept the best now

What's your belief about money / wealth

Money doesn't grow on tree

Rich people are crooks

I am poor but good (clean)

My parents were poor so I will be poor

Only people who cheat have money

I don't deserve

Money only comes from hard work

• and the list gose on…….al belief pattern

• To me prosperity is begins with feeling good… Its never an amount of money it is a state of mind

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• Where ever focus goes energy flow

There is inexhaustible supply in the universe

Be sure that you are not rejecting prosperity now

Abundance of universe is available to every one

Love your bills / Thanking & trusting me to pay

Bless another good fortune and know there is plenty for all

Visualization – ocean of abundance

Stretched your arms & say " I am open and receive to all the good and abundance in the universe

Enjoy the money – I am willing to change – I am willing to release old negative belief. This will create space in us

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•I listen with love to my body message

•I believe we create every so called illness in our body. The body like every thing else in life, is mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs .

The body always talk to us. If we will only take time listen

Every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think and every word you speak

How will look when you are elderly ?

Your mental pattern create eases or dis eases

• How mental state create pain / pleasure in our body

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The Head – We feel something very wrong with us

The Hair – start falling when your have tension in the scalp

The Ears- Something you don't want to hear – there is an anger about what is heard

The Eyes – Something we do not want to see either about ourselves or about life past present or future

Headaches – Invalidating the self – suppressed anger

Sinus – Being irritated by someone in your life who is close to you

The Neck & Throat – Neck represent flexibility - Being stubborn with our own concept / situation. Throat – ask for what we want

The back –Represent your support system –Upper back – lack of emotional support – Middle back is to do with guilt – stabbed back – lower back – lack of money of fear of money

The Lungs – We do not have right to live life fully

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The Stomach – We don't know how to assimilate the new experience. We are afraid

Arthritis - Constant pattern of criticism feel something very wrong with us

Asthma - - Feel unworthy therefore feeling of guilt and in need of self-punishment –

Cancer -Deep resentment held for long time / destroy the sense of trust

Overweight – Need for protection / feeling insecure

• And the list available for all dis-eases

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•Which belief you need to change

about your own self ?

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