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ROME - March 8 - 9 2013NEW YORK - March 10 - 17 2013


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The only project held in two countriesYoung ambassadors at the United Nations

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© Associazione Diplomatici 2013

Illustration by Angelo Ruta

Photos and graphic project by Alessandra La Rocca | [email protected]

All rights reserved

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“Diplomatici Association” is an educational and training school made up of students, teachers, uni-versity lecturers and young professionals. Since 2000 it fosters the participation of Italian students (from middle to secondary schools, and universities) in the Model United Nations (MUN), the well known simulations of multilateral processes reproducing the action and works of the main United Na-tions organs. It’s been the first public body to take part in a MUN and since 2009 it has officially been the only Italian partner of UNA USA-UN Foundation.Founded in the year 2000 in Catania, firstly linked solely with the local University, today its presence is witnessing a massive growth, with centres all over the national territory. It also benefits from the patronage of renowned academic and scholastic institutions. Nowadays Diplomatici constitutes the only European body accredited by the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA USA) and by the National Collegiate Conference Association inc. (NCCA) for middle and high schools, as well as universities.

THE MISSION: THE RIGHT TO INTERNATIONAL STUDENT MOBILITY The action of “Diplomatici” reconstructs a process, very popular in the Anglo-American model, based only on the students’ initiative: in fact, it is characterized as a project conceived by the students, as-serting a model of didactic experience in which are predominantly the students themselves to pass on to their younger colleagues the required elements and abilities in order to take part in the UN simulations. Nevertheless, since the very beginning, it’s been pursuing a line which stimulates the deepest synergic involvement of the main components of the academic sector (teachers and stu-dents) presenting itself as a context open to debate and exchange of views about the major internatio-nal issues with the utmost respect for every opinion and diversity. Owing precisely to this mix of dif-ferent sensibilities, such as those of people who experience university as teachers and who, instead, as a student, go through university studies temporarily, that this outstanding synergy of ideas, wisdom and professional abilities determined its success. Thanks to all the students, lecturers, teachers, chief administrative officers, representatives of the diplomatic corps and mere supporters who willingly joined the project, the Diplomatici Association has been always depicted as an organization which encourages a close and honest dialogue, held with profound respect towards all the different ide-as and opinions. The interchange between these two worlds, which sometimes dramatically differs has been constituting the most decisive moment of this experience, and we believe it aims to be set exactly in the idea of respecting diversities through the exaltation of the dissimilarities which en-dow every human being in a unique manner.

Throughout the editions held in NYC from 2007 to 2010 Diplomatici Association received many awards assigned to the middle school, high school and university students: 1 best position paper award for the middle school project; 3 best delegation awards in General Assembly and in Security Council, 24 honorable mentions for the high school project; 1 best position paper award, a distin-guished delegation award and a honorable mention for the university project and a special award received from National Collegiate Conference Association (NCCA) for the high level of qualifica-tion of the students participating to the MUN.Students from middle schools have received an honorable mention for the excellent job done in the UNICEF Commission. The high school group of students from high school also got 2 prizes for the best position papers and 9 an honorable mentions. Such awards confirm Diplomatici as the most award-winning European agency for the participation in Model UN.The 2011 edition has involved more than 800 students coming from universities and schools of the fol-lowing cities: Agrigento, Bari, Busto Arsizio, Caltagirone, Caltanissetta, Capua, Catania, Messina, Mi-lano, Monza, Napoli, Palermo, Roma, Torino, Araraquara and Sao Paolo (Brazil) and Barcelona (Spain).

Diplomatici in Italy and abroadThe results achieved by the Association allowed it to grow considerably: Diplomatici is active in the following offices which are located throughout the nation and international territory:Catania - Executive Office - Piazza Trento, 9 - +39 0957152470 - [email protected] - Training Center - Piazza Trento, 2 - [email protected] - Via Correggio 19 - +39 0245472494 - [email protected] - Via Sedile di Porto, 62 - +39 0815510567 - [email protected] - Via Sammartino 89 - +39 0917303059 - [email protected] - Piazza Cavour 12 - 0668892375 - [email protected] York - 1441 Broadway, 5th floor, suite #5054, New York, NY - [email protected]

Diplomatici Italian agency of UNA USASince 2009 Diplomatici has been working by agreement the United Nations Association of United States of America (UNA USA), the American agency led by the UN Foundation which also organizes the Model United Nations undertaken by the middle and high school students. This agreement makes Diplomatici the only Italian agency of UNA USA.Moreover, the agreement provides for Italy to have the exclusive organization of Model United Na-tions hosting students from all over the world.


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Diplomatici in SpainSince 2009 the Association is present with its training activities in the city of Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. Hundreds of students from Spanish schools and universities take part in the several Model United Nations in New York City with Diplomatici.

Diplomatici in BrazilThanks to a strong collaboration with the Universidade de Sao Paulo and the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho” centro universitàrio de Araraquara, the association has been deve-loping a very relevant activity. In addition to the participation of Brazilian students to the Model UN in New York City, under the patronage of UNA USA from March 2012 Diplomatici will direct the first Bra-zilian Model United Nations which will be held in Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro and which will involve hundreds of students from all over the world.

Diplomatici Casa SiciliaConsidering the high level of experience in the field of the international training and the outstanding network of contacts developed in such area, Diplomatici Association has set up the Agency for the development of training and international careers. The Agency work to promote and develop stages and studies in the United States of America. Moreover it serves as reference point and logistic support for all the Italians involved in training and professional activities in the United States and it promotes exchange deals in student mobility between Italian schools and universities and American ones.The Agency is a body within Diplomatici and has become the new Casa Sicilia of Sicily in New York. The association doesn’t benefit from any financial support nor regional contribution for the develo-ping of such activities.

Diplomatici in New YorkSince 2010 the association has created an operative base in New York City NYC . This base is the ope-rative centre for the management of the relationships with foreign bodies and institutes which take part in the international activities of Diplomatici.

a Telesca;

Catania : Massimiliano Agosta, Donatella Bonansinga, Rita Alessia Campagna, Carlo Castruccio,osanna Catania: Massimiliano Agosta, Donatella Bonansinga, Rita Alessia Campagna, Carlo Castruccio, Carla Ceresia, Rosanna Ciavola, Cristiana Corva, Serena Lanto, Simone Lorenzi, Gloria Mancuso, Daria Mi

On the top: Salvatore Carrubba, president of Diplomatici’s international Board, the major of Catania Raf-faele Stancanelli and the president of associazione Diplomatici Claudio Corbino at the opening ceremony of CWMUN 2012.On the left: H.E. Ambassador Cesare Maria Ragaglini, italian permanent representative at the United Nations, opens the CWMUN 2012.On the right corner: Claudio Corbino during the Columbus Day in Brookllyn, on the stage with the major of NYC, Michael Bloomberg.

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CHANGE THE WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS - UNIVERSITYthe only project in the world which includes two model united nations conferences

After a ten-year experience and the urge into a new mission to promote the right for students’ interna-tional mobility, Diplomatici has carried out a new project aiming at representing the top project among the others. CWMUN is the first academic simulation organized in New York by a non-American Associa-tion. Thanks to the strong collaboration between the Association and UNA USA, thanks to the learning mo-del Global Classroom, the project puts under the spotlight the training model on which the experiences linked to Model United Nations are based. It enriches not just thanks to the contents, but above all for the attitude of stirring up and focusing on the personal and relational ability of the individual. The possibility of competition with other people and the attempt to convince them that your ideas are the best even if they represent different cultural and political interests, require a deep knowledge of cultural identities. The respect for such differences, without ever living up a constructing criticism, the skill of problem solving, the determination in defending your position without fearing confrontation with the other’s ones, these are essential elements in order to obtain a diffused approval and establish the practice of a positive leadership. Such a model being constantly enforced, with the English language as the main in-strument in a fully international background, it represents the very distinguishing mark for a productive entrance in the field of global working. CWMUN offers thousands of Italian students an efficient training ground based on the method called ‘’learning by doing’’.


Scientific Committee - CWMUNSalvatore Carrubba - President Jack Spatola , Alvaro Guedes, Maurizio Caserta, Rosario Sapienza, Gabriella Chisari, Maria Chiara Sidori, Paolo TenconiOrganizing committee Amy Ruggiero - PresidentJaqueline De Cristofaro, Cristiane Amaral de Oliveira Gertel, Fernando Enrique Rugno da Silva, Ainhoa Sanchez, Sebastiano Angelico, Fabio Bonanno, Diego Cimino, Giuseppe Corsello, Alessandro Di Maiuta,Simone Di Maria, Riccardo Di Stefano, Luca Grasso.Presidency committeeClaudio Corbino, Salvatore Carrubba, Amy Ruggiero

CWMUNMODEL UN CONFERENCE: CWMUN NEW YORK LOCATION AND DATE: NEW YORK, MARCH 13RD/14TH/15 THDELEGATIONS - UNIVERSITIES & HIGH SCHOOLThe only UN Conference involving high school and university students from all over the world taking place at UN headquarters (details on

NMUNMODEL UN CONFERENCE : NMUNLOCATION AND DATE: NEW YORK, MARCH 17TH / 21ST DELEGATIONS: UNIVERSITYThe National Model United Nations (NMUN) is the biggest simulation of multilateral processes reser-ved to university students (details on


Consul General of Italy Natalia Quintavalle at the closing ceremony of CWMUN 2012

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Change the World Model United Nations 2013 (CWMUN)ANNOUNCEMENT OF COMPETITION

All students officially enrolled in high schools and universities can apply to this competition.A document valid for foreign travel must be signed by parents or who exert parental authority in case an underage student wants to partecipate to the project.

DEADLINE AND PARTICIPATION DETAILSThe applicants must use the provided form according to the instructions enclosed. All applications submitted in any other way or that do not respect the stated terms and conditions will not be accepted.Application forms can be found in our web-site at or at the end of this brochure.The application form must come with the following attachments:- A full copy of ID card- A passport photo- 10 euros for operating expenses

On the topo: working session in the general assembly.Below: the group of Diplomatici receving 11 awards during for the UNA-USA model united nations among wich 2 best position paper awards and 9 honorable mentions


Diego Cimino, 21 anni secretary-general CWMUN 2012 Alessandro Dimaiuta, 22 anni secretary-general CWMUN 2013

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CWMUN “Classic” € 1.775,00The participation fee includes the training course as described and furthermore: - Return flight to New York - Accommodation for 7 days /6 night in o/b - q at the Grand Hyatt Hotel of New York City - Round trip private transfer airport/hotel - Basic insurance - Educational aid and access to on line Diplomatici preparation guide- Registration fee “Change the World Model United Nations”- Certificate of participation and attendance All fees do not include airport fees, fuel supplement and fuel price adjustment


CWMUN “Plus New York ” + € 775,00The fee includes the same services as the “Classic” New York fee and in addition: 1) Partecipation in CWMUN Rome 2013 (march 8 - 9)a) certificate of partecipation and attendance of CWMUN Romeb) accomodation in fb for 3 days and 2 night in 4**** hotel in Romec) roun trip private transfer airport/hotel2) Participation in NMUN 2013- Participation in the National Model United Nations and extension of the stay in New York for an amount of 12 nights and 13 days with accommodation for 7 days and 6 nights in o/b –q at the Grand Hyatt Hotel of New York and for 6days and 6 nights at the Sheraton Hotel New York3) Diplomatici New York Pass a) free access to: American Museum of Natural History & Rose Center, Guggenheim Museum, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Metropolitan Museum and the Cloisters, Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises, Empire State Building Observatory, Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island; All fees do not include airport fees, fuel supplement and fuel price adjustment.


CWMUN “Rome” € 50 - Registration fee “Change the World Model United Nations”- Certificate of participation and attendance- Educational aid and access to online Diplomatici preparation guide *CWMUN “Plus Rome ” € 750,00- Accomodation for 7 days and 6 nights in o/b - q in 4 stars **** hotel- Roma Tourist Pass- Private transfer airport / hotel- Basic insurance- Registration fee “Change the World Model United Nations”- Certificate of partecipation and attendance- Educational aid and access to online Diplomatici preparation guide

The most successful 50 students will be offered 2013 CWMUN New York partecipations ( fees and accomodation from 13 to 15 March)

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CWMUN “Classic” € 1.775,00The participation fee includes the training course as described in advance and furthermore: - Return flight to New York - Accommodation for 7 days /6 night in o/b –q at the Grand Hyatt Hotel of New York City - Round trip private transfer airport/hotel - Basic insurance - Educational aid and access to on line Diplomatici preparation guide- Registration fee Change the World Model United Nations- Certificate of participation and attendance All fees do not include airport fees, fuel supplement and fuel price adjustment *all details for the participation fees for usa students are available on the web site

High School and University delegations will always work separately in different committee. Com-mittee sessions will be set taking under consideration the different knowledge and abilities.

“New York Smile” - only for high school students + € 440,00 The option SMILE gives the opportunity for those students participating to take advantage of first rate touristic services and of a logistic organization aimed to guarantee high level of efficiency and secu-rity. This option will allow staff members to supervise the students in small groups.

1) Partecipation in CWMUN Rome 2013a) certificate of partecipation and attendance of CWMUN Romeb) accomodation for 3 days and 2 night in 4**** hotel in Romec) round trip private transfer a/r airport hotel2) Diplomatici New York Passa) free access to: American Museum of Natural History & Rose Center, Guggenheim Museum, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Metropolitan Museum and the Cloisters, Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises, Empire State Building Observatory, Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island; b) Transfer with private buses c) Breakfast included for all the stay in New York

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www.diplomatici.itCatania | Presidenza Nazionale - piazza Trento, 9New York | 1141 Broadway, 5th floor

Napoli | via Sedile di Porto, 62 Palermo | via Sammartino, 89

Milano | via Correggio, 19 Roma | piazza Cavour, 10

Associazione Diplomatici [email protected] | [email protected]

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get ready: the time to change the world has come!

