Page 1: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES · CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES 32nd EU PVSEC 21 June 2016, Munich, Germany Stephanie Weckend (IRENA), Andreas Wade (IEA‐PVPS), Garvin Heath (IEA‐PVPS)


32nd EU PVSEC21 June 2016, Munich, Germany

Stephanie Weckend (IRENA), Andreas Wade (IEA‐PVPS), Garvin Heath (IEA‐PVPS)

ContributorsDr. Karsten Wambach (bifa Umweltinstitut), Tabaré A. Currás (WWF), Knut Sander (ökopol) IEA‐PVPS Task 12: Zhang Jia, Keiichi Komoto, Dr. Parikhit SinhaIRENA: Henning Wuester, Rabia Ferroukhi, Nicolas Fichaux, Asiyah Al Ali, Deger Saygin, Salvatore Vinci, Nicholas Wagner

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Growing PV panel waste represents a new environmental challenge,but also unprecedented opportunities to create and pursue neweconomic avenues.

This report presents global projections for future PV panel wastevolumes to 2050 in two scenarios.Policy action, R&D and supporting analyses are needed to address thechallenges ahead; enabling frameworks can be adapted to the needsand circumstances of each region or country.End‐of‐life management could become a significant component of thePV value chain and can spawn new industries, supporting considerableeconomic value creation.

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Lessons can be learned from the experience of the European Union indeveloping its regulatory framework to help other countries move upthe learning curve faster and adapt locally‐appropriate approaches.

Considerable technological and operational knowledge about PV panelend‐of‐life management already exists in many countries. This canguide the development of effective waste management solutions,helping to address the projected large increase in PV panel waste.

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GLOBAL PV PANEL WASTE PROJECTION 2016‐2050The world‘s total e‐waste reached a record of41.8 million metric tonnes in 2014. Annual PVwaste was 1000x less in the same year. Yet by2050, the PV panel waste added annualy couldexceed 10% of the record global e‐wasteadded in 2014.

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Cumulative Value Creation: Cumulative Value Creation:

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INNOVATION OPPORTUNITIESAs R&D and technological advancescontinue with a maturing industry, thecomposition of PV panels is expected torequire less raw materials.

Rapid global PV growth is expected togenerate a robust secondary market forpanel components and materials.

As current PV installations reach the finaldecommissioning stage, recycling andmaterial recovery will be preferable topanel disposal.

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Empirical data on failure modes Probability Loss functions (Weibull curves) for PV panels

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The scenarios portrayed here should be considered order of magnitude estimates anddirectional rather than highly accurate or precise, owing to the simple assumptions andlack of statistical data.

Uncertainty I: Available data on PV panel failure modes and mechanisms

Uncertainty II: Time lag between failure and end‐of‐life phase

Uncertainty III: Probability of PV panel losses assumes state‐of‐the‐art today and no learning curve

This study developed two scenarios – regular‐loss and early‐loss – to account for theabove uncertainties. To refine estimates in the future, monitoring and reportingshould yield better statistical data to strenghten waste stream forecasts.

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Thin Film

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All PV Panel technologies contain traceamounts of hazardous materials suchas lead, tin, zinc, cadmium, selenium,indium, gallium and others.


Depending on the jurisdiction,different waste characterization testsand methods can lead to differentclassifications of PV panel waste.

Typically, standardized leaching testsand material concentration limitsdetermine the classification andminimum requirements for treatmentand disposal.

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Producer Distributor Customer Recycler

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MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSThere are a variety of options for end‐of‐life management structures andfinancial responsibility: ExtendedProducer Responsibility, Polluter‐Pays‐Principle, Public‐Private‐Partnerships,B2B & B2C solutions.

Physical and financial managementsystems

Minimum Requirements & High ValueRecycling

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CASE STUDIES span range of market and recycling infrastructure maturity

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GERMANY –a mature market Germany will clearly be one of

the first and largest marketsfor PV recycling technologiesin coming years.

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UNITED KINGDOM –a young market

A market with almost nohistoric PV waste andmandatory EOL regulationfrom the beginning.

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JAPAN –advanced market without PV specific waste regulations

A PV pioneer market withrecent rapid growthpotentially leading to a largeincrease in waste by 2040.

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USA – established growing marketwithout PV specific wasteregulations

Voluntary collection andrecycling of end‐of‐life PV hasbeen provided by several PVindustry stakeholders.

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CHINA – leading market withoutPV‐specific waste regulations

Because of China‘s rapidlydeveloping PV industry andmarket, PV Panel recycling isreceiving more attention fromgovernment and producers.

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INDIA – growing market withoutPV‐specific waste regulations

The original National SolarMission (JNNSM) target wasrecently inreased to 100 GWby 2022 – progress towardsthis would increaseprojections.

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REDUCE REUSE RECYCLEPV R&D has set priority topics formaterial use reduction or substitutionfor different components commonlyused in today‘s PV Panels

Recycling processes for thin‐film andcrystalline silicon PV panels have beendeveloped and to some extentimplemented on industrial scale, butmore development is needed

Significant recovery potential fordifferent material streams can berealized through high‐value recycling

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Relative material value of a c‐Si Panel Historic and expected silver consumption per Wp

From a value standpoint, silver is by far the most expensivecomponent per unit of mass of a c‐Si panel – consuming todayabout 15% (incl. losses) of the global silver production. Reductionof this a clear technology target.

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RECYCLE – example processes for CdTe and C‐Si

First Solar Recycling Process

Recycling Scheme proposed by NEDO/FAIS in Japan

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Cumulative technical potential for end‐of‐life material recovery under regular‐loss scenario.

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Enabling frameworks will play a central role in supporting sustainableend‐of‐life practices for PV – public sector institutions and the privatesector should cooperate early to establish these.A system‐level approach to PV end‐of‐life management can enhancethe integration of different stakeholders, including PV suppliers andconsumers alike, as well as the waste sector

R&D, education and training, and supporting data and analyses are allneeded to support PV end‐of‐life management

Stimulating investment and innovative financing schemes for PV end‐of‐life management is necessary to overcome financing barriers andensure the support of all stakeholders.
