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Problems: Opportunities for LearningBad Experiences:Perspective for Learning

Ron McIntyreCertified Leadership Coach, Teacher & SpeakerTransformative Leadership Group

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AccountabilityHow did you integrate “Adversity” as a focus on learning into your life this past week?

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When have you encountered Problems?

Life is a series of problems. Do you want to moan about them or solve them?

Are you married? Have you ever built a house? Ever managed a large project? Do you have kids & pets? Ever held political office? Ever been in a hospital? Was school problem free?

Let’s look at some Don’ts and Do’s

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Don’t Underestimate the Problem

Never underestimate a problem or your ability to cope with it!

You are not the only one who has faced this particular problem!

Learn to turn scars into stars.Many problems go unresolved

because they were not taken seriously.

Turn problems into creative experiences.

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Don’t Overestimate the Problem

Do you elongate Problems: Do you worry about the problem before it

occurs. Do you then experience the problem

when it actually occurs. Finally, do you re-live the problem after it

is past.Be proactive and realistically address

the problem.Break the problem into components to

deal with it and keep it in perspective.

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Don’t Wait for Problem to Solve Itself.

Patience is a virtue when problem solving, IF you are working on resolving it at the same time.

Patience is not a virtue, IF you are hoping the problem will solve itself and go away.

Problems demand that we pay attention.

Really tough problems won’t improve themselves. They will require Intentional problem solving and active leadership!

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Don’t Aggravate the ProblemHow you respond can make a BIG difference

in the outcome.Think about problems as fires and you are

carrying two buckets, one has water and one has gasoline! Same problem can have different results.

Other ways you can aggravate a problem;◦ Losing your perspective◦ Giving up important priorities & values◦ Losing our sense of humor◦ Feeling sorry for ourselves◦ Blaming others for our situation

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Do Anticipate the Problem(s)To overcome problems it is

always good to anticipate as many as possible but this doesn’t mean continuously worrying about what might happen.

Realize what is in the realm of your own ability to do anything about and proactively prepare for alternatives.

Know what you are willing to expend in time & effort.

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Do Communicate the Problem“Don’t tell your problems to

people! 80% don’t care and the other 20% are glad you have them!” – Lou Holtz – Football coach◦ True from a personal perspective but not a team perspective.

Lack of and poor communication prevent us from solving problems and create problems of their own.

Critical key is to gather information and determine peoples experiences. Get on the same page.

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Do Evaluate the ProblemIn the last point you gathered

and queried now you need to evaluate, however:

Never open a can of worms unless you plan to go fishing.

What are you willing to invest and expend?

First, what is the issue?Next, does it really matter?Next, who is involved?Finally, how are they involved?

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Do Appreciate the ProblemDo you only see a problem as a

nuisance, pain, dead end, tombstone and try to avoid?

If we appreciate it, we will work harder to resolve it.

A problem really isn’t a problem unless you let it be a problem – is it an opportunity?

If there had been a back door to the Alamo there would not have been any heroes.

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Bad Experiences: Perspective for Learning

• Perspective• Accepting your Human-ness• Learning to Laugh at yourself/Life• Keeping the Right Perspective• Never ever, ever, give up• Don’t Let It Go from Bad to Worse• Let It Go from Bad to Good

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Oh No! Moments• Have you ever

had an Oh NO! moment? • Who would like

to share theirs?• What emotions

did you feel?• How did you

manage them?

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Accepting Your Human-ness!• There was only 1 perfect

person, and they crucified him, don't crucify yourself for mistakes.• Chances are your mistake

won't get broadcast on world TV or go viral

• Even with mechanical body parts, we are still human.

• When was the last time your humanness shined through?

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Learning to Laugh at Yourself/Life

• “Laughter is a lot like changing a baby's diaper-it doesn't permanently solve any problems, but it makes things more acceptable for a while”• Have you ever done

something you couldn't see the humor in?

• What's an occasion you're mistake has caused you to laugh?

• Are you able to laugh first?

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Keeping the Right Perspective

• “I now know 10,000 ways to not invent a light bulb”

• Don't base your Self-Worth on a Bad Experience

• Don't Feel Sorry for yourself• Consider failures as a Process

to Learn and Improve!• “improve your health,

screw sumthin up”

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Never ever, ever, give up!

• When have you felt like giving up?

• Are you a splatter or a bouncer?”

• Your Turn Will Come!

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Don’t Let it Go From Bad to worse

• How do you recognize when an experience is going from bad to worse?• Is the bad experience a

result of ignorance or stupidity?• Can you admit a stupid


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Do - Let It Go From Bad to Good

• Only possible when you turn losses into learning experiences.

• Good experiences are almost always a result of previous bad experiences.

• What was the lesson you learned from your Oh No moment? How did you turn it into a positive experience?

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Thank YouThanks for joining us in discussing the topic of Teachability based on

John Maxwell’s book, “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn”.

We can customize a Mastermind group for your company or group based on this or a number of other books from John.

We also have a number of coaching frameworks we can bring to your staff and help them grow!

Please contact me at:

Website: http://transformativeleadership.usWebsite:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 630-935-3326
