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Chapter -6





R.N. Yadav, SDE (BS-C), 9412739253 (m)

E-mail: [email protected]

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Mandatory Building Material Tests

In the Civil Engineer ing projects large quant it y of different mater ials

are used and it necessary that these mater ia ls are tested according to a

certain set pattern of tests and within desirable frequency of test ing in

order that he quality o f final p roduct is maintained. A list of

recommended mandatory tests for different bu ild ing materials is given

in Tables below:-


NOTE -- Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from

injurious quantit ies of alkalies, acids, oils, sa lt s, sugar, o rganic

materia ls, vegetable growth or other substance that may be deleter ious

to bricks, stone, concrete or steel. Potable water is genera lly

considered sat isfactory for mixing. The Ph value o f water shall be not

less than. The following concentrat ions represent the maximum

permissib le va lues: (o f deleter ious materials in water).

(a) Limits of Acid it y: To neutralize 100ml sample of water, u sing

phenolphthalein as an indicator, it should not require more than 5ml of

0.02 normal NaOH. The deta ils of test sha ll be as given in IS 3025

(part 22).

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(b) Limits of Alka linity: To neturalise 100ml sample of water, using

mixed indicator, it should not require more than 25ml of 0 .02 normal

H2SO4. The details o f tests shall be as given in IS 3025 (part 23).

(c) Percentage of Solids: Maximum permissib le limits o f solids when

tested in accordance with IS 3025 shall be as under:

Organic 200mg/ litre

Inorganic 3000 mg/ litre

Sulphates 400 mg/ litre

Chlo rides 2000 mg/ litre

fo r concrete no t containing embedded steel and 500 mg./ltr for

reinforced concrete work.

Suspended matter 2000 mg/ litre

The physica l and chemical p roperties of ground water sha ll be tested

along with so il investigat ion and if the water is not found conforming

to the requ irements of IS 456-2000; the tender documents shall clear ly

specify that the contractor has to arrange good qualit y water for

construct ion indicat ing the source.

( i) Water found satisfactor y fo r mixing is also suitab le fo r cu ring.

However, water used for curing sha l l not produce any

object ionable sta in or unsight ly deposit on the surface.

( ii) Sea water shall no t be used fo r mixing or curing

(iii) Water from each source sha ll be tested before the

commencement of the work and thereafter once in ever y three

months t ill the complet ion of the work. In case o f ground

water, test ing shall also be done for different points of

drawdown. Water from each source shall be got tested during

the dry season before monsoon and again after monsoon.

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( iv) Compressive Strength : Compressive strength requirement o f

each t ype of cement for various grades when tested in

accordance with IS 4031 (part 6) sha ll be as under:

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(v) Setting Time : Sett ing t ime of cement of any type of any grade

when tested by VICAT apparatus method described in IS 4031

sha ll conform to the following requirement:

(a) Init ial sett ing t ime: Not less than 30 minutes

(b) Final sett ing t ime: Not more than 600 minutes

2.0 Fine Aggregate

Aggregate most of which passes through 4 .75 mm IS sieve is known as

fine aggregate. Fine aggregate sha ll consist of natura l sand, crushed

stone sand, crushed gravel sand stone dust or arab le dust, f ly ash and

broken b rick (Burnt clay). It sha ll be hard, durable, chemica lly inert,

clean and free from adherent coat ings, organic matter etc. and shall not

conta in any appreciable amount o f clay balls or pellets and harmful

impurities e.g. iron pyrites, alkalies, sa lts, coal, mica, sha le or similar

laminated mater ials in such fo rm or in such quantit ies as to cause

corrosion of meta l o r affect adverse ly the Gardening, the strength, the

durabilit y or the appearance o f mortar , plaster or concrete. The sum of

the percentages of all deleter ious mater ial shall not exceed 5%. Fine

aggregate must be checked for organic impurit ies such as deca yed

vegetat ion humps, coal dust etc. in accordance with the procedure

prescribed in Append ix ‘A’ of Chap ter 3.

2 .1 Silt Content: The maximum quant it y of silt in sand as determined

by the method prescribed in Append ix ‘C’ of Chapter 3 shall not

exceed 8%. Fine aggregate containing more than a llowable percentage

of silt shall be washed as many t imes as directed by Engineer-in-charge

so as to b ring the s ilt content within allowab le limits fo r which nothing

extra sha ll be paid.

2 .2 Grading : On the basis o f particle s ize, f ine aggregate is graded in

to four zones. The grad ing when determined in accordance with the

procedure prescribed in Appendix ‘B’ of Chapter 3 shall be within the

limits given in Tab le 3 .1 below. Where the grad ing falls ou tside the

limits of any part icular grad ing zone of sieves, o ther than 600 micron

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IS s ieve, by a tota l amount no t exceed ing 5 per cent, it shall be

regarded as falling within that grading zo ne.

Note 1: For crushed stone sands, the permissib le limit on 150 micron

sieve is increased to 20 per cent. This does not affect the 5 per cent

allowance permitted in (e) (1) applying to other sieves.

Note 2: Allowance o f 5% permitted in 3.1.3 .4 (e) (1) can be split up ,

fo r example it could be 1% on each of three s ieves and 2% on another

or 4% on one s ieve and 1% on another.

Note 3: Fine aggregate conforming to Grad ing Zone IV shall no t be

used in re inforced cement co ncrete unless tests have been made to

ascertain the suitab ilit y of proposed mix proportions.

Note 4 : Sand requiring use fo r mortar fo r p laster work sha ll conform to

IS 1542 and for masonry work shall conform to IS 2116.

2.3 Deleterious Material: Sand sha ll not contain any harmfu l

impurities such as iron, pyr ites, alkalis, salts, coal or other o rganic

impurities, mica, sha le or similar laminated materia ls, so ft fragments,

sea shale in such form or in such quant it ies as to affect adversely the

hardening, strength or durabilit y of the mortar . The maximum

quant ities o f c lay, f ine silt , f ine dust and organic impurit ies in the sand

/ Marble dust sha ll not exceed the fo llowing limits:

(1) Cla y, f ine s ilt and fine dust when determined in accordance

within Not more than 5% by mass in IS 2386(Part II).natural sand or

crushed gravel sand & crushed stone sand

(2) Organic impurities when determined in Colour of the liquid sha ll

be lighter accordance with IS 2386 (Part II) than that ind icated b y

the standard specified in IS 2386 (Part II) .

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2.4 Bulking: Fine aggregate, when dry or satu rated, has a lmost the

same Vo lume but dampness causes increase in vo lume. In case f ine

aggregate is damp at the t ime of proportioning the ingredients for

mortar or concrete, it s quant it y shall be increased suitab ly to allow for

bulkage, which shall be determined by the method prescribed in

Appendix ‘D’ of Chapter 3.0 Table 3.3 gives the re lat ion between

moisture content and percentage of bulking for guidance only.

3.0 Fly Ash

Fly ash is f inely d ivided residue resu lt ing from the combustion o f

pulverized coal in boilers. Fly ash is the pu lver ized fuel ash extracted

from the f lue gases by any suitable process such as cyc lone separat ion

or electrostat ic precip itation. The ash collected from the bottom of

boilers is termed as bottom ash. Fly ash is f iner than bottom ash.

Siliceous fly ash (ASTM Class F) conta ining ca lcium oxide less than

10% by mass is normally produced from burning anthracite or

bituminous coal and possesses pozzolanic properties. Calcareous fly

ash (ASTM Class C) is produced by burning lignite or sub-bituminous

coal and conta ins calcium exide more than 10% by mass; the content

could be as high as 25%. This f ly ash has both hydraulic and

pozzolanic properties. It shall be clean and free from any

contaminat ion o f bottom ash, gr it or small pieces of pebbles. It is

obligatory on the part of supplier/ manufactu re that the f ly ash

conforms to the requirements if mutually agreed upon & sha ll fu rnish a

cert if icate to this effect to the purchaser or his representat ive.

3 .1 Characteristics: The physical requirements of f ly-ash shall be as

specified in Annexure ‘E’ of Chapter 3. The chemica l properties of f ly

ash shall be as per IS 812 (part 1 & 2) depending on the usage.

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3.2 Deleterious Material: Course aggregate shall no t conta in any

deleter ious materia l, such as p yr ites, coal, l ignite, mica, shale or

similar laminated mater ial, clay, a lkali, so ft fragments, sea she lls and

organic impurit ies in such quant it y as to affect the strength or

durabilit y of the concrete. Coarse aggregate to be used for reinforced

cement concrete. Coarse aggregate to be used for reinfo rced cement

concrete shall no t conta in any materia l liable to attack the stee l

reinforcement. Aggregates which are chemically react ive with alkalies

of cement shall not be used. The maximum quant it y o f deleter ious

materia l shall not be more than five percent of the weight o f coarse

aggregate when determined in accordance with IS 2386.

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3.3 Size and Grading

(i) Stone aggregate and gravel: It shall be either graded or single s ized

as specified. Nominal s ize and grad ing shall be as under:-

(a) Nominal sizes o f graded stone aggregate or gravel shall be 40, 20 ,

16, o r 12.5 mm as specified. For any one of the nominal sizes, the

proportion of other s izes as determined b y the method prescribed in

Appendix ‘A’ of Chapter 4 shall be in accordance with Tab le 4 .1.

(b) Nominal sizes of single sized stone aggregate or grave l sha ll be 63 ,

40, 20, 16, 12.5 or 10 mm as spec ified. For any o ne of the nominal

size, the proportion o f other sizes as determined by the method

prescribed in Append ix ‘A’ of Chapter 4 shall be in accordance with

Table 4 .2.

(c) When stone aggregate o r grave l brought to s ite is single s ized

(ungraded), it shall be mixed with single sized aggregate of different

sizes in the proportion to be determined by field tests to obtain graded

aggregate of specified nominal s ize. For the required nominal s ize, the

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proportion of other s izes in mixed aggregate as determined by method

prescribed in Append ix ‘A’ of Chapter 4 shall be in accordance with

Table 4 .1. Recommended proportions by vo lume fo r mixing o f d ifferent

sizes o f s ingle size (ungraded) aggregate to obtain the required nominal

size of graded aggregate are given in Table 4.3.


(i) The proportions ind icated in Tab le 4.3 above are by vo lume when

considered necessary, these proportions ma y be varied margina lly b y

Engineer-in-Charge after making sieve analysis of aggregate brought to

site for obtaining required graded aggregate. No adjustments in rate

sha ll be made for any variat ion in the p roportions so ordered by the

Engineer-in-Charge. If single size coarse aggregate are not premixed at

site to ob tain the graded coarse aggregate required for the mix, the

volume of single size aggregates required for the mix shall be suitably

increased to account for reduction in to tal volume at the s ite of mixing.

3 .4 Workability of Concrete

The concrete mix p roportion chosen should be such that the concrete is

of adequate workability fo r the p lacing cond itions of the concrete and

can p roperly be compacted with the means availab le. Suggested ranges

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of workabilit y of concrete measured in accordance with IS 1199 are

given below:


(i) For most of the p lacing cond it ions, internal vibrators (need le vibrato rs)

are su itable. The d iameter of the needle shall be determined based on

the densit y and spacing of reinfo rcement bars and thickness of

sect ions. For tremie concrete, vibrators are no t required to be used (see

also 4.2.7)

(ii) In the ‘ver y low’ categor y of workabilit y where str ict control is

necessary, for example, pavement quality concrete, measurement of

workabilit y be determinat ion o f compact ing facto r will be more

appropriate than slump ( see IS 1199) and a value of compact ing fac tor

of 0.75 to 0 .80 is suggested .

(iii) In the ‘ver y high’ category of workabilit y, measurement o f workability

by determinat ion of f low will be appropriate (see IS 9103).


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3.4 Tests: Selectio n and preparation of Test sample. All the tests

pieces shall be selected by the Engineer ing-Charge or his authorized

representat ive e ither-

(a) From cu tting of bars or

(b) If he so desires, from any bar after it has been cut to the required

or specified s ize and the test piece taken from and any part of it .

In neither case, the test pieces sha ll be detached from the bar or co il

except in the presence of the Engineer- in-Charge or his authorized

representat ive.

The test pieces obtained in accordance with as above shall be fu ll

sect ions of the bars as ro lled and subsequent ly cold worked and sha ll

be subjected to physica l tests without any further modificat ions. No

deduction in s ize b y machining o r otherwise shall be permissib le. No

test p iece shall be enacted or otherwise subject to heat treatment. Any

straightening which a test p iece may require sha ll be done cold.

3 .5 Tensile Test: 0 .2% proof stress and percentage elongat ion –

This shall be done as per IS 1608, read in conjunct ion with IS 226.

3 .6 RE- test: This shall be done as per IS 1786.

3 .7 Rebend test: This sha ll be done as per IS 1786.

Chemical composit ion of reinforcement bars sha ll be as per Table 5.3

as fo llows:-

4.0 Strength of Concrete

The compressive strength on the work tests for d ifferent mixed sha ll

be as given in Tab le 5 .5 below:-

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4 .1 Testing of Concrete

Regular mandatory tests o n the workab ility of the fresh concrete sha ll

be done to achieve the specified compressive strength of concrete.

These will be of two types

(a) Mandatory Lab , Test

(b) Mandatory Field Test

Resu lts of Mandatory Fie ld Test will preva il over mandato ry Lab.


5 .0 Cube Test for Compressive Strength of Concrete - Mandatory

Lab Test : Mandatory tests shall be carried ou t as p rescribed in

Appendix A o f Chapter 5 of CPWD specificat ion 2009.

5 .1 Additiona l Test : Add itional test, if r equired, shall be carried out

as prescr ibed in Appendix B of Chap ter 5 of CPWD specificat ion


5 .2 Slump Test: This test shall be carried out as prescribed in sub-

head 4 of concrete.

5 .3 Visual Inspection Test: The concrete will be inspected after

removal of the form work as descr ibed in para of CPWD

specificat ion 2009. The quest ion of carrying out mandatory test or

other tests described in Appendix A and B (para 5 .4.9.1 and )

will ar ise only after sat isfactory report o f visual inspection.

The concrete is liable to be rejected if :

( i) It is porous or honeycombed as per para (a).

( ii) It s placing has been interrupted without provid ing a proper

construct ion joint.

( iii) The re inforcement has been displaced beyond tolerance

specified or construction tolerances have not been met.

However, the hardened concrete may be accepted after carrying

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out suitable remedial measures to the satisfaction o f the

Engineer-in-Charge at the r isk and cost of the contractor.

5.4 Standard of Acceptance – for Nominal Mix

5.5 Mandatory Lab. Test : For concrete sampled and tested as

prescribed in Appendix A o f Chapter 5 of CPWD specificat ion 2009.

The following requirement shall apply. 5.4.10 .2 Out of six sample

cubes, three cubes shall be tested at 7 days and remaining three cubes

at 28 days.

6 .0 7 days’ Tests

6.1 Sampling : The average of the strength of three specimen shall be

accepted as the compressive strength o f the concrete p rovided the

variat ion in strength of ind ividual specimen is not more than + 15% of

the average. Difference between the maximum and minimum strength

should not exceed 30% of average strength of three specimens. If the

difference between maximum and minimum strength exceeds 30% of

the average strength, then 28 days’ test shall have to be carried out.

Strength: If the actual average strength o f sample accepted in para

‘sampling’ above is equal to or higher than specified strength upto

+15% then strength of the concrete shall be considered in order. In

case the actual average strength of sample accepted in the above para

is lower than the specified or higher by more than 15% then 28 days’

test sha ll have to be carried ou t to determine the compressive strengt h

of concrete cubes.

6 .2 28 days’ Test

(a) The average of the strength of three spec imen be accepted as the

compressive strength of the concrete provided the strength o f any

individual cube shall neither be less than 70% nor higher than 130%

of the spec ified strength.

(b) If the actual average strength of accepted sample exceeds

specified strength b y more than 30% the Engineer- in-Charge, if he so

desires, ma y further invest igate the mat ter . However, if the strength

of any ind ividual cube exceeds more than 30% of specified strength,

it will be restr icted to 130% only fo r computation of strength.

(c) If the actual average strength of accepted sample is equal to o r

higher than specified strength upto 30% then strength o f the concrete

sha ll be co nsidered in o rder and the co ncrete sha ll be accepted at fu ll


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(d) If the actual average strength of accepted sample is less than

specified strength but not less than 70% of the spec ified strength, the

concrete ma y be accepted at reduced rate at the discre tion o f

Engineer-in-Charge (see para of CPWD specificat ion 2009.

(e) If the actua l average strength o f accepted sample is less than 70%

of specified strength, the Engineer-in-Charge shall reject the

defect ive portion o f work represented by sample and no thing shall be

paid for the rejected work. Remedial measures necessary to reta in the

structu re shall be taken at the r isk and cost of contracto r. If, however

the Engineer-in-Charge so desires, he may order addit iona l tes ts (See

Appendix B of Chapter 5) to be carried out to ascertain if the

structu re can be retained. All the charges in connect ion with these

additional tests sha ll be borne by the contractor.

SH: Brick Work

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6 .3 Sampling and Tests

Samples of bricks shall be sub jected to the following tests :

(a) Dimensional to lerance.

(b) Water absorption.

(c) Efflorescence.

(d) Compressive strength.

6.4 Sampling: For carrying out compressive strength, water

absorption, efflorescence and dimensional tests, the samples o f bricks

sha ll be taken at random according to the s ize of lo t as given in Table

6.3 below. The sample thus taken shall be stored in a dry place unt il

tests are made. For the purpose of sampling, the following definit ion

sha ll app ly.

(a) Lot: A collect ion of bricks of same class and size, manufactured

under relat ively s imilar cond it ions of production. For the purpose o f

sampling a lot shall contain a maximum, of 50,000 bricks. In case a

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consignment has bricks more than 50 ,000 of the same class ificat ion

and size and manufactu red under relat ive ly similar cond it ions o f

production, it shall be divided into lots o f 50,000 bricks or part


(b) Sample: A co llect ion of bricks selected for inspect ion and /o r

testing from a lot to reach the decis ion regard ing the accep tance o r

rejection of the lot. (c) Defect ive: A brick failing to meet one or more

of the spec ified requ irements.

The samples shall be taken as below:

(i) Sampling from a Stack: When it is necessar y to take a sample from

a stack, the stack shall be d ivided into a number of real or imaginar y

sect ions and the required number of bricks drawn from each sect ion.

For this purpose b ricks in the upper layers of the stack sha ll be

removed to enable units to be sampled from places within the stack.

Note: For other methods of sampling i. e. sampling in motion and

sampling from lorries o r trucks, IS: 5454 may be referred.

Scale of sampling and cr iter ia for conformity for visual and

dimensio nal character ist ics:—

Visual characteristics: The bricks shall be selected and inspected fo r

ascertaining their conformit y to the requirements of the relevant

specificat ion. The number of bricks to be se lected from a lot sha l l

depend on the s ize of lot and sha ll be in accordance o f Col. 1 and 2 o f

Table 6 .3 fo r visua l characterist ics in all cases and dimensional

characterist ics if specified for individual bricks.

(ii) Visual Characteristics: All the bricks selected above in

accordance with Co l. 1 and 2 of Tab le 6.3 shall be examined fo r

visual characterist ics. If the number of defect ive bricks found in the

sample is less than or equal to the corresponding number as specified

in Col. 3 of Table 6.3 the lot sha ll be considered as satisfying the

requirements of visual characterist ics, otherwise the lot shall be

deemed as not having met the visual requirements.

(iii) Dimensiona l Characteristics: The number of bricks to be

se lected for inspect ing the d imensions and tolerance shall be in

accordance with Co l. 1 and 4 o f Table 6.3. These bricks will be

divided into groups o f 20 b ricks at random and each of the group o f

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20 bricks thus formed will be tested for all the dimensions and

to lerances. A lot shall be considered having found meet ing the

requirements of dimensions and tolerance if none of the groups o f

bricks inspected fails to meet the specified requirements.


In case the lot contains 2000 or less bricks the sampling sha ll

be as per decision of the Engineer- in-Charge.

Scale o f Sampling and Cr iter ia for Physical Characterist ics : The lo t

which has been found sat isfactor y in respect of visual and

dimensio nal requirements sha ll be next tested for physical

characterist ics like compressive strength, water absorption,

efflo rescence as spec ified in re levant mater ial specificat ion. The

bricks for this purpose shall be taken at random from those already

se lected above. The number of bricks to be selected for each of these

characterist ics sha ll be in accordance with relevant co lumns of Table

6.4 of CPWD specificatio n 2009.

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(v) A lo t shall be considered having satisfied the requ irements o f

physica l character ist ics if the condit ion st ipulated here in are a ll


(a) From the test results for compressive strength, the average

sha ll be calcu lated and shall sat isfy the requirements specified in

relevant mater ial spec ificat ion.

Note: In case any o f the test results for compressive strength exceeds

the upper limit for the c lass of bricks, the same sha ll be limited to the

upper limit of the c lass for the purpose of averaging.

(b) Wherever specified in the mater ial spec ificat ion, the

compressive strength of any ind ividual bricks tested in the sample

sha ll not fa ll below the minimum average compressive strengt h

specified for the co rresponding class o f brick by more than 20 per


(c) From the test resu lts for water absorption, the average for the

bricks in the sample sha ll be ca lculated and shall satisfy the relevant

requirements spec ificat ion in materia l specificat ion.

(d) The number o f bricks fa iling to sat isfy the requirements of the

efflo rescence specified in the re levant spec ificat ion should not be

more than the permissible no. of defect ives given in Col. 3 of Table

6.4 of CPWD specificatio n 2009.

6 .8 Dimensional Tolerances: The dimensio ns o f, modular b ricks

when tested as described above as per procedure described in

Appendix A of Chap ter 6 of CPWD specificat ion 2009 shall be within

the following limits per 20 bricks or locally availab le s ize as

approved b y Engineer- in-charge.

(a) For Modular Size

Length 3720 to 3880 mm (3800 ± 80 mm)

Width 1760 to 1840 mm (1800 ± 40 mm)

Height 1760 to 1840 mm (1800 ± 40 mm) fo r 90 mm high b ricks

760 to 840 mm (800 ± 40 mm) for 40 mm high b ricks

(B) For Non Modular Bricks

Length 4520 to 4680 mm (4600 ± 80 mm)

Width 2240 to 2160 mm (2200 ± 40 cm)

Height 1440 to 1360 mm (1400 ± 40 mm) fo r 70 mm high b ricks

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640 to 560 mm (600 ± 40 mm) for 30 mm high b ricks

9 .0 Brick Tiles

760 to 840 mm (800 ± 40 mm) fo r 40 mm high brick t iles

In case o f non-modular bricks, % age tolerance will be ± 2% for group

of 20 numbers of class 10 b ricks, and ± 4% for other c lass o f b ricks.

9.1 Compressive Strength: The bricks, when tested in accordance

with the procedure laid down in Appendix B of Chap ter 6 shall have a

minimum average compressive s trength for various classes as given in

Table 6.2. The compressive strength of any ind ividual brick tested

sha ll not fall below the min. average compressive strength specified

fo r the co rresponding c lass o f brick by more than 20%. In case

compressive strength of any individual brick tested exceeds the upper

limit specified in Tab le 6.2 for the co rresponding c lass of bricks, the

same shall be limited to upper limit of the c lass as specified in Tab le

6.2 for the purpose of calcu lat ing the average compressive strength.

9 .2 Water Absorption: The average water absorption of bricks when

tested in accordance with the procedure laid down in Appendix C o f

Chapter 6 o f CPWD specificat ion 2009 shall be not more than 20% by


9.3 Efflorescence: The rating of e fflorescence of bricks when tested

in accordance with the procedure la id down in Appendix D of Chapter

6 of CPWD specificat ion 2009 sha ll be not more than moderate.

SH: Stone Work

The compressive strength of common types of stones sha ll be as per

Table 7.1 and the percentage of water absorption shall generally no t

exceed 5% for stones other than spec ified in Table 7.1. of CPWD

specificat ion 2009 For laterite this percentage is 12%.

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SH: Marble Work

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SH: Wood Work

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10.0 Moisture Content

Contro l on moisture content of t imber is necessar y to ensure it s

proper utilit y in var ious climat ic conditions. For spec ifying the

permissib le limit of moistu re content in the timber the country has

been divided into four climat ic zones as per Appendix B of Chapter 9

of CPWD specificat ion 2009. In each of the zones, maximum

permissib le limit o f moisture content of t imber for different uses,

when determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in

Appendix ‘C’ shall be as per Table 9.2 of Chapter 9 of CPWD

specificat ion 2009.

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10.1 Tolerance on Moisture Content:

Average Moistu re content of all the samples from a lot shall be within

+ 3 per cent and moisture content of individual samples within + 5 per

cent o f maximum permissib le moisture content specified in Table 9.2.

These to lerances are the abso lute va lues over the percentage mo isture

content for Sl. No. 1 & 2 of Table 9.2. No tolerance on moisture

content is permitted for Sl. No. 3 & 4 of Tab le 9.2 of CPWD

specificat ion 2009.

11.0 Testing:

One sample fo r ever y 100 sqm or part thereof shall be taken and

test ing done as per IS 3097. However, tes ting ma y not be done if

the to tal requirement of veneered particle boards in a work is less

than 30 sqm. All the samples tested sha ll meet the requ irements

of physica l and mechanica l p roperties of veneered partic le boards

as under:

11.1 Sample Size

Shutters of decorative and non-decorative type from each

manufactu rer, irrespect ive of their thickness, shall be grouped

separate ly and each group shall const itute a lot. The number o f

shu tters ( sample s ize) to be se lected at random from each lo t for

testing shall be as specified in Table 9.10. If the tota l number o f

shu tters of each type in a work (and not the lot) is less than twent y

five, testing may be done at the discret ion of the Engineer- in-Charge

and in such cases extra payment shall be made fo r the sample shutter

provided the sample does not fail in any o f the test specified in 9.7.10

of CPWD specificat ion 2009.

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For knife test, glue adhesive test, slamming test, the end immersion

test, the number of shutters sha ll be as per col. 4 of Table 9.10 o f

CPWD specificat ion 2009.

11.2 Criteria for Conformity All the sample shutters when tested sha ll satisfy the requirements o f

the tests laid down in Appendix F of Chapter 9. The lot sha ll be declared as co nforming to the requ irements when numbers o f

defect ive sample does not exceed the permissib le number given in co l. 3 of Table 9.10. If the number of sample shu tters found unsat isfactor y

fo r a test is one, twice the number of samples init ia lly tested shall be se lected and tested for the test. All sample shutters so tested sha ll

satisfy the requirement of the test. If the number of samples found unsat isfactory for a test is two or more, the ent ire lot shall be

considered unsatisfactory.

SH: Steel Work

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SH: Flooring




B-1 Sampling

The t iles required of carrying out test descr ibed below shall be taken

by ‘random sampling’. Each t ile sample sha ll be marked to ident ify

the consignment from which it was se lected. Minimum quantit y of

tiles for carrying out the test and frequency o f test shall be as

specified in the list o f Mandato ry Test. The number of tiles selected

fo r each mandato ry test sha ll be as follows.

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(a) For conformit y to requirements on shape and dimensions, wear ing

layer, and general qualit y - 12 tiles

(b) For wet transverse strength test - 6 tiles

(c) For resistance to wear test - 6 tiles

(d) For water absorption test - 6 tiles


(1) The tests on the t iles shall not be carried out earlier than 28 days

from the date of manufacture.

(2)The t iles se lected fo r (a) may as well after ver if ication o f

requ irements, be used for (b).

B-2 Flatness of the Tiles Surface

The t iles when tested according to procedure laid down in ARE 1237

edit ion 2 .3, the amount of concavit y and convexit y shall not exceed 1


B-3 Perpendicularity

When tes ted in accordance with the procedure la id down in IS 1237

edit ion 2 .3, the lo ngest gap between the arm of the square and edge o f

the tile sha ll not exceed 2 per cent of the length of edge.

B-4 Straightness

When tested as per IS 1237 edit ion 2.3, the gap between the thread

and the plane o f tile sha ll not exceed 1 percent of the length o f edge.

B-5 Water Absorption

When tested the average water absorption shall no t exceed 10 per


B-6 Wet Transverse Strength Test

Six fu ll s ize t iles shall be tested for the determinat ion of wet

transverse strength. When tested according to the procedure laid down

in IS 1237 edition 2.3, the average wet t ransverse strength sha ll no t

be less than 3 N/mm2 (30 kgf/cm2)

B-7 Resistance to Wear Test

When tested according to IS 1237 edition 2.3 , average wear shall no t

exceed 3.5 mm and the wear on any individual specimen sha ll no t

exceed 4 mm, for genera l purpose t iles. And 2 mm and 2 .5 mm of

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average wear on any ind ividual specimen, respect ive ly for heavy dut y

floor tiles.

SH: Road Work

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1. Name the var ious tests, conducted on cement for execution o f


2. List the tests performed on bricks.

3. Name the tests re lated with RCC work.

4. Test of water absorption is re lated to which item/mater ial in

construct ion work?

5. What is frequency o f test of water for construction purpose?

6. What is frequency o f s lump test fo r concrete work?

7. What is frequency o f test ing fo r b ricks of class designat ion 100?

8. What is frequency o f test ing of bulking of sand?

9. Test o f anodic coating is related to which construct ion materia l?

10. List tests conducted with terrazzo tile.

