
CHAPTER 5 : Models of Teaching

Glasers Teaching Model (1962)Main function of teaching model:1. Provide guidance Enable them to plan n carry out teaching process effectively2. Formulate perfect teaching scheme for supervisors To use as reference during study @ evaluation of tching process3. Basic guidance for teachers for reflection during feedback process To analyze its strength n weaknesses So implement appropriate follow-up activities

1. Information-Processing Model of Memory

2. Gagnes Information Processing Model

Gagnes 8 stages of Learning ProcessPHASEACTION RELATED

Motivation PhaseExpectancy

Apprehension PhaseObservation Perception Selection

Acquisition PhaseEncoding Prestoring

Retention PhaseMemory Retention

Recall PhaseRecall searching

Generalisation PhaseTransfer

Performance PhaseResponse

Feedback PhaseReinforcement

Important Aspects in Gagnes 8 Phases

Learning readiness Motivation Perception Conceptualization Memorizing Forgetting Learning transferHOW IT WORKS? Process begins from extrinsic @ intrinsic motivation to perceive stimuli from environment. New information recorded in short-term memory. Information will be processed by relating stored information in long-term memory. New information is reinforced, retained & applied when required.

3. The Expository Teaching Model Expository: Referred as explicit explanation in details of certain facts. ??= Presenting learning materials by explanation, narration or demonstration.

IMPLICATIONS: Suitably use to teach certain concept and skill during the beginning of the lesson. Principle and concept are explained verbally, as all the facts are written on the board, showed on the screen.

Main Strength Time saving: Enables teacher to finish all related concepts in a shorter period & pupils merely listen quietly.

Weakness: More to a lecturing method. (Less effective for primary schools).

4. The Inquiry Teaching ModelTypes of Inquiry

1. Scientific Inquiry Model

Used to study principles, phenomena & characteristics of scientific knowledge. Research process based on 5 stages:1. Identify the problem.2. Ascertain relevant information.3. Determine hypothesis.4. Testing hypothesis.5. Evaluate, interpret, infer & conclude.

2. Social Inquiry Model

Used to study topics related to social & humanity aspects. Based on activities such as observation, interview, @ questionnaire. Emphasizes on social interaction process. 6 steps:1. Formulation of problem by teacher.2. Formulation of hypothesis by pupils.3. Define hypothesis.4. Discuss & confirm validity of the hypothesis.5. Collect & analyse evidences for the hypothesis.6. Interpret & derive inference @ conclusion.

3. Juris-Prudential Inquiry Model

Used to look for reality & accuracy in current issues (learning science is more useful than learning arts). Concerns with science & philosophy of human law. Based on activities, discussions and debates. 2 types:1. Guided inquiry: Teacher guides pupils to carry out the whole discussion process.2. Open Inquiry: No guidelines given. Students have to do the discussion themselves. Interpret & derive inference @ conclusion.

4. Suchmans Inquiry Model

Based on assumption that strategies used by scientists can be used as a teaching model especially in the study of science. Procedures: Teacher determines & indicates the problem. Teacher explains the inquiry process to solve the previous problem. Students are guided to form hypothesis, follows by the collection of relevant data. Students use collected data to test hypothesis, aim to formulate theorem, law, principle or theory. Discussion & making inferences. Teacher & students discuss together and analyse.

Implication of Suchmans Inquiry Model in T&L

Determine of t&L objective according to level of learning ability & prepare suitable learning materials Plan appropriate steps to formulate concept Guide and if necessary, correct pupils activities which show deviation from original learning objectives Encourage pupils engaged actively After final inquiry stage, teacher give appropriate comment @ evaluation on pupils inquiry performance

Importance of Information Processing Model

Students are prepared with better equipments and information for learning. Students are enforced with good mental exercises through different methods and approaches. Students are informed of the objectives and learning outcomes that should be achieved. Help students to remember the information for a longer period of time.

6. Inquiry-Discovery ModelIntegration of inquiry & discovery method Needs skills such as making comparison n looking for similaritiesTo formulate certain generalizationPROCESS:Identify research topicPlan strategy for solvingCollect related informationStudy and analyze informationDerive generalization or conlcusion


1. Identify research topic Topic: determined by teacher Introduce topic to students Discuss aim of research with students

2. Plan strategy for solving Predict n formulate hypothesis Determine method and procedure through Q&A activity

3. Collect related information Collect information by observing. Measuring, carrying out experiment n looking for references Note down all collected information

4. Study and analyze information Tabulate n classify information collected Analyze n interpret information

5. Derive generalization or conclusion Derive generalization Record the conclusion


1. Direct Instruction Model

Demonstration: A teaching technique involves the use of a teachers skill to demonstrate @ perform a certain activity in the class. Teacher has a strong control over what is learnt in the classroom, provides feedback, monitoring students, grading work and strict classroom rules & regulations. (Teacher-centered).

2. Mastery Learning ??= Involves learning one concept or topic thoroughly before moving on to a more difficult one. Refers to a theory & practice of using remedial teaching based on feedback of pupils performance to assist them to achieve the learning objectives. Procedures:1. Determine learning outcomes by planning explicit learning objective (based on students performance).2. Teach pupils with effective teaching method & technique (use of suitable learning materials to suit different learning styles)3. Evaluate learning result by diagnostic test & summative test (level of mastering & achievement)4. Carry out remedial activities for pupils who have not fully mastered certain skills & provide enrichment activities for pupils who have mastered the lesson.3. Programmed Instruction Model

Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) or Computer Aided Learning (CAL) The application of technology & computer system in teaching. Pupils follow designed learning materials in software without teachers help. Teacher has to facilitate the pupils to have interest in manipulating computer.

Implication of Behavioral Model in T&L

1. Get students set to learn- Give students a review question while pass out papers or do other housekeeping chores.- Communicate the lesson objectives.

2. Provide information effectively- Present information clearly and simply. - Use familiar terms, examples, illustration.- Model what you mean / demonstrate.

3. Check for understanding, and give guided practice.- Ask question and have every student signal an answer.- Ask for choral response.- Sample individual responses.

4. Allow for independent practice


Uses group inquiry and problem-solving strategies Encourages assimilation and understanding of the learners Relies on the students personal and social values

1. Model of Group Teaching & Co-operative Learning Group teaching implemented in 2 ways:1. Similar ability group (according same ability)2. Mixed ability group (different abilities) 3 main groups= high, average, low achievement group Similar ability group: mathematics & language skills Mixed ability group: brainstorming, science experiment, projects, competitive activities

2. Simulation Model?? = learning situation occurred in a controlled situation & purposely crafted to resemble actual situation. = AIM to carry out activity to solve certain problem2 types of simulation: sociodrama & role play1. Sociodrama

More like an acting activity Based on a story which reflects a certain situation involving conflicting issue, for example, Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat Script should be prepared earlier

2. Role Play

Spontaneous act without referring script Situation usually already set by teacher

Procedures1. Preparation and explanation of the activity by the teacher2. Student preparation of the activity3. The role-playing4. Discussion after the role-playing activities

Implication of Role Play1. Strengthen skill of conversation2. Train to think spontaneously (solve problem ASAP)3. Enable pupils understand better regarding reason and attitude of behavior of other people in real situation to role play4. Enable students to release tensions and feelings.

Implication of Social Model

1. Helps them to become aware of the typical ways they solve problems

2. Increases both social and personal awareness

3. Promote acceptance, cooperation in classroom

4. Allow for independent practice

PERSONAL MODEL1. Non-directive Teaching Model Based on Carl Rogers work, he believes that positive human relationships enable people to grow. Therefore instruction should be based on concepts of human relations.THE PHASES:


Teacher helps students to explore new ideas. Students have freedom to making decisions and choices. Teacher and students are partners in learning. Nurtures and moulds students to be the way they are. Encourages students to think and reflect their uncertain feelings and become better and be positive.

2. Developing Positive Self-concepts

Appreciate the abilities and talents one possesses. Positive self-concepts evolves with the moral values that should be emphasised among students. Activities that help: Group/Individual Presentation, musical performances, stage performances.


Gain knowledge and experiences by enhancing their interests in learning through self-concepts. Teacher shows positive approaches and optimistic reinforcements. Boost their confidence. Provide opportunities for students to express their ideas and listen to others opinions.

3. Project Model Based on the belief that learning would be effective if pupils are interested and ready to carry out learning activities. Examples of Project Model:a. Research Project.b. Handicraft Project.c. Educational Visit.

1. Research Project

In order to implement research project effectively, must follow Principles:

Principles1. Teacher determines suitable research topic in accordance to the pupils experience, ability and interest.2. Aims and procedures must be determined first and pupils are informed about this.3. Teacher prepares relevant materials (check list, questions to be answered, etc.) to facilitate pupils.4. Research should be carried out safely & every pupil should actively involve in group activities.5. Teacher supervises and provides guidance to pupils.6. Teacher discusses the outcomes of research & evaluation should be conducted after research is completed.

2. Handicraft Project

Usually given after pupils acquired certain knowledge

Principles1. Planning of the project is based on pupils interest and ability.2. Prepare sufficient materials.3. Explain procedure precisely.4. Show examples of correct ways to do the project.5. Time period is required!6. Discussion is carried out to assess the work when it is done.7. Display good quality work to the other students.

3. Educational Visit

Supporting activity Enables pupils to verify practically in actual situation what they have learned from books

Principles:(a) Before the visit1. Identify the place of visit.2. Obtain permission.3. Arrange for transport.4. Conduct briefing session regarding safety, precautions, behaviours, aims of visit and regulations.5. Prepare sufficient equipments.

(b) During the visit1. Divide pupils into several small groups.2. Every pupil should actively involve.3. Watch out for pupils safety.4. Give appropriate response to pupils inquiry

(c) After the visit1. Hold discussion session with pupils regarding their observations.2. Plan follow-up activity (making model, draw plan or model, display things)


Students able to relate their previous experiences to what they are studying. Able to understand objectives of the projects before and after lesson. Fun activities that attract students interests in learning more & apply what they have learnt. Moral values are applied. Theories, facts & hypotheses are brought into practices (I do, I remember & understand). Co-operations among students. Direct experiences & additional knowledge.

5. Teaching as a Process

in order achieve aim of teaching. Teaching process has to be implemented scientifically according to procedures:

6. Teaching as a Form of Communication

Formerly, form of teaching: teacher-oriented (one-way communication process) Pupils listen & follow teachers instruction NOW, two-way communication process (Pupil-oriented)

7. Teaching as a Scientific Activity

Bcz: effective teaching is based on application of principles & methods of teaching constructed through research studies by educationists. Planning, organization, presentation, evaluation process: based on principles, methods, theories of teaching

8. Teaching as an Artistic Activity

BCZ: teaching involves human emotions, values, behaviours & individual technique For effective teaching, teacher has to be competent, innovative & skillful to plan and implement teaching process


??= assignment actvty which systematically planned, organized, implemented & assessed by teacher

Characteristics of Teaching:1. 2 imprtant elements: teacher & student.2. Teacher: instructor and student: as the learner.3. Main teaching activities: instruction, follows by training, indoctrination and finally conditioning.4. 2 ways interaction between a teacher and students.5. Meaningful teaching: should hav achievement @ assignment & when learning occurs


6 stages of learning process

Principles of Learning (Ewell)

1. Active involvement

seeking meaning from Experience. allowed to learn by testing their own hypothesis & by learning to reflect on theirown learning processes and outcomes

2. Pattern Recognition & Connectivisme

Pupils make a selection from the Stimuli. Connectivisme: Meaningful learning occurs when new knowledge Is connected to existing knowledge

3. Informal learning

Not directly learning EG: Teacher ask student to think b4 discuss idea

4. Compelling situation

Interesting + Meaningful Situation

5. Reinforcement

Giving feedback Evaluating the learning outcomes

6. Stimulating environment

Or conducive environment

7. Reflection

8. First hand experience

PRINCIPLES of Teaching & Learning Strategy of teaching-learning should suitable with pupils stages of:1. Physical Development2. Cognitive Development

Organize physical educ, game actvties, practical work according to physical dvlpment Avoid teaching such as complex living skills; IF pupils physical abilities not mature enough Plan interesting & meaningful T&L actvt Prepare various teaching aids Primary school pupils: relate concrete with abstract concept Learning contents should be planned n arranged according to approaches: From easy complex General specific Concrete abstract Acquired new knwldge/exp Nearby distant surrounding

3. Emotional & Spiritual development4. Social Development

Instill healthy emotional & spiritual values Control undesirable behavior & spiritual dvlpment which might occur at certain stage Be empathetic & helpful to pupils Understand pupils emotional & spiritual dvlpment so can guide them Use group teaching strategy to instill good social values Adopt group activity strategy Organize group activities so pupils can cooperate to solve problem together Organize co-curricular actvties to instill social values

9Dini Marinah (2013)
