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3. Melany Elya Andrayani

5. Sitha Lulu Nurhabibah

4 Nurul A’ilda Ma’rufah

1. Daffa Dary Oktaviano2. M. Fajar Ainun Zavi


CERVICAL CANCER is a cancer that attacks the neck of the womb (cervix).

What is Cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumour found in the tissue of the cervix it occurs when abnormal cells in the cervix turn into cancer cells.The cancer cells break through the surface cells (epithelium) and stroma of the cervix.

What are the causes?

The main cause of cervical cancer is infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

Types of Cervical CancerThere are two main types of cervical cancer.

1. Squamous cell carcinoma: The most common type, accounting for about eight out of ten cases.

2.Adenocarcinoma: A less common type starting in the glandular cells. It’s difficult to diagnose, as it’s high in the cervix and hard to reach with the tools used for testing.

Squamous cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer :

1.Bleeding outside the menstruation period.

2.Bleeding after sex.3.Feel pain when urinating.4.Abnormal vaginal discharge

accompanied by bleeding.5.At the time of menstruation, blood

coming out a lot.6.Pain during sex.


Stages of Cervical Cancer

Stage 1The cancer is found only in the tissue of the cervix.

Stage 2The tumour has spread beyond the cervix and uterus to the vagina and other tissue next to the cervix.

Stage 3The cancer has spread to the bone and ligaments on the side of the pelvis (pelvic sidewall)

Stage 4The cancer has spread to the bladder or rectum, or beyond the pelvis to lung, liver or bones.

Risk Factors

1.Married at a young age.2.Changing sex partners.3.Giving birth to many children.4.Genital hygiene is not

maintained.5.Use of pads that contain dioxin.6.Smoking


1.Cancer screening using Pap SmearPap Smear is a screening test used to detect pontentially pre-cancerous and cancerous process in the endocervical canal (transformation zone) of the female reproduction system.


2.Vaccination The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine prevent infection with certain species of HPV associated with the development of cervical cancer, genital warts, and some less common cancer.


1. Surgery

Surgery is the most common treatment for cervical cancer. It aims to remove the part of cervix containing the tumour.

There are different types of surgery, which include:

biopsy : a cone-shaped piece of tissue is removed from cervix.Trachelectomy: cervix and nearby tissues are removed but womb is left in place.Partial hysterectomy: cervix, womb and top of vagina are removed.Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed during a hysterectomy.Lymphadenectomy: the lymph nodes in pelvis are removed.

2. Radiotherapy

The beams of radiation in radiotherapy are more powerful than ordinary X-rays. They aims to destroy the cancer cells with as little damage as possible to normal cells. Radiotherapy can be given from outside the body (externally) or from inside (internally).

3. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy uses drugs to cur or control cancer. It can be given before surgery and after surgery. It can be used alone or in combination with radiotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs are administered in various ways:

By injection , or infusion, into a vein (intravenous chemotherapy)By injection into the fluid around the spinal chord (intrathecal chemotherapy)By injection into a muscle (intramuscular chemotherapy)Under the skin (subcutaneous chemotherapy)Directly into a body cavity


