Page 1: Certificates for slide share


The ‘U’ stands for Universal. This mean it is suitable for any age. Films like Shrek The Third and Finding Nemo. These films would have no bad age and also inappropriate acts.

‘PG’ stands for Parental Guidance. This means the film is good to watch but would recommend the parent of the child to watch it before their child does. Some of the scenes in these films might be inappropriate for the child.

12A certificates are a certificate is more for DVD and Blu Rays. The violence would be stronger but not too strong as this is still a young age. This is quite similar to a 12 Certificate.

A 12 certificate is more for cinemas is for people the age of 12 and over. No one under the age of 12 can watch the film. They would be also recommended to watch the film with a parent. Their can be hints of swearing but has got to be in a suitable manner There may be moderate language (e.g. uses of terms such as ‘bitch’ and ‘twat’ at 12 or 12A).

Unsuitable for people under the age of 15. The age 15 and above can watch this film. In these films you would see frequent strong language, sexual activity but not in great detail and also strong language. Films like the Matrix and Forrest Gump are a great example of a 15 rated film.

An 18 rated film is more of an adult type of film. This is an adult only film. No one under the age of 18 can watch this film you would often be asked to supply ID to show proof. The company who show you the film could get prosecuted if they show the film to someone underage. Films like Mad Max 2 and Robocop.

An R18 film is only for adults. Special licenced cinema’s can only show these types of films. All pornography types of films are all R18 rated. Most of the films would be sold in adult only shops. (Sex shops).
