Page 1: Centres Evaluation Lithuania-teachers' answers to survey


CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Entrepreneurship camp 2013 Questionnaire Teachers’ answers

1. Entrepreneurship. How has the camp changed your understanding of entrepreneurship in general? And how has the camp changed your understanding of the main stages related to starting a new business?

Business is not a job but a way of life Yes. It will be able to use in my work, better advise to the students. Did not change Camp strengthened my knowledge of the business and its stages.

2. Entrepreneurship. Where and how can you adapt the knowledge gained in the camp?

During my lessons, student company activities and life. During my lessons, after school. During lessons and extra-curricular activities. Could use a lot during student company activities. During lessons and evaluating students' presentations In my work and in future, when will start own business.

3. Entrepreneurship. Which new skills have you acquired and what have you learned

during the camp?

Non-traditional teaching methods. I realized that students really have endless possibilities, using strong "pressure" you could squeeze out a lot Presentations, their evaluation. Changed their understanding of the pace of work and its benefits.

Page 2: Centres Evaluation Lithuania-teachers' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

4. Creative industries. Has your perception of creative industries changed? Do you see any potential for running a business in this area?

It is realistic - the clarity of mind. Work, work ... It is clear what areas include creative industries. My understanding withdraw.

5. Creative industries. What useful information have you received from the creative industries businesses representatives?

Some were boring. Notes they gave to the students were useful. I wanted something more. The kids were tired and it was hard to listen to monologues. All real business life experiences, case presentations are interesting. Increased knowledge and understanding about their business.

6. Has the camp met your expectations? What and why?

Yes, but I was missing more activity for teachers during first days Justified. Encouraged to use active methods. Learned how to create good presentations, deliver them. It depended on teamwork, etc. The camp surpassed expectations because I did not expect such a tight time schedule. It was justified. Increased knowledge on how to lead and organize such events.

7. What kind of benefits you received from participating in the camp?

Manifold. Many creative and positive activities learned from colleagues More in-depth acquaintance with colleagues, students’ cognitive abilities. Increased knowledge and purified understanding about the creative industries.

Page 3: Centres Evaluation Lithuania-teachers' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

8. LJA camp (overall rating , scale 1-10)

Average score: 9,8

9. Would you recommend taking part in such a camp to others? Why?

Yes, but only for motivated students. Of course I would recommend and would like to participate myself Yes Yes, but only for those who are planning future studies in economics, business, etc. I would recommend, as it provides a real benefit to students and teachers.

10. Please write if you have any comments, suggestions

A little more free time for students.
