Page 1: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey


CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Entrepreneurship camp 2013 Questionnaire Students’ answers

1. Entrepreneurship. How has the camp changed your understanding of entrepreneurship in general? And how has the camp changed your understanding of the main stages related to starting a new business?

Has clarified the necessary first steps for start-up I have learned that it is difficult to run a business only by yourself, so you need to use the team members to think not only what to do, but is it realistic to do so. Camp significantly changed , the stereotypical view of a business ( only need to manage ) to a much wider range ( 99 % of the work and 1% talent ") Helped to understand what need to do in order to start business. Exactly understand what is the market, marketing, SWOT. By participating in this camp I understood that in order to achieve something it is necessary to put a lot of hard work. I realized that when you start the business one of the most important human step to be a good business plan. I realized that the business is not for me, but the lessons learned will definitely help in other areas. Some essential things I have not heard that changed my understanding. I realized how really hard and so efforts should be made to develop the business. I find it very difficult to build a business, it's hard to come up with a good business idea and to expand it. I realized that everything has to be in business for very fine in order it actually turned into a business. I realized that everything has to be in business for very fine in order to actually turn it into a good business Allowed to take a closer look at the business and its implementation. I realized the need to go deeper, to examine all the details. I realized that the business is not for me. In the camp I realized that the business is very hard work that requires patience. Did not change.

Page 2: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Helped to understand how important it is to know what exactly are you going to do when creating a new business and theoretical knowledge will help in future. Revealed that the business creation process is longer than I thought. I learned to always there will be competition in business, that to implement own idea is needed of the enormous effort and specific goals and ambitions. I realized that the business is not for me, but would gain the knowledge to be able to really use in other areas. Deeply changed my understanding, I gained a lot of knowledge about the business. In fact, it is a lot of things about the business and its implementation phases already I knew as participated in various competitions and during lectures of the various lectors had received a lot of information. However, this camp has provided both theory and practice, and made it clear that everything must be well thought out. Perception of ideas from the beginning to the end is very important. Camp simply encouraged to look to the ideas more widely, to have more consultation with mentors and other experienced individuals. Not everything is as simple as it seems, it is important to be able to allocate the time. Understanding about the business the camp has not changed, only deepened knowledge. Understand that the implementation of a business is very difficult. In the camp learned a lot about the business, I learned more economic terms, learned how to write a better business plan, what it requires and what are next steps the things to do.

2. Entrepreneurship. Where and how can you adapt the knowledge gained in the camp?

If there will be the idea how to start a business In real life, not only in business, but in any industry. Of course, that would be acquired in own business , but also could be applied to any other area. Maybe I'll have a general understanding when developing a business in the near future, so I will be able to use acquired knowledge. Knowledge gained in the camp could be used in the personal life also. In the future, will always be useful excellent presentation skills, ideas purifying experience, time management experience. Use them at school, in other competitions. Especially useful for speaking before an audience. Maybe next time to speak before a large group of people will be even easier.

Page 3: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Everywhere in the life, when evaluating and analysing ideas. During the studies and in the future life, because now I will have a general understanding of the business ( how to create and what aspects are necessary to find out ). Knowledge gained during the camp I will be able to use in the future. In the future. Acquired knowledge will be able to use when starting your own business, or just planning it. Perhaps in the future, making presentations, working with the team. In the School – during lessons on Economics; in life - building own business. I think will not use them, because do not associate myself with the business. General economic and market understanding During the economic classes and in case if you find a desire to build a business. In addition, they contribute to the overall economic understanding and / sophistication. First of all, the knowledge gained will be useful in school, maybe in the future it will be useful when working Speaking publicly. Practice knowledge how to make presentations. I will be able to adapt gained skills in public speaking and making various presentations, I realized how to make slides, how to present them. In general it will allow me to understand the world of business. Lessons and competitions. Typically, when writing a business plan , the making various market analysis. At the student company, latter creating your own business, a startup. I will be able to adapt their knowledge by participating in other economic projects , economic classes First at the school and later in the real life. First of all, these business skills can be adapted at the school. Also possibly when setting up a business in the future.

Page 4: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

3. Entrepreneurship. Which new skills have you acquired and what have you learned

during the camp?

Learned how to make presentations. Learned business establishment stages. Learned how to create exciting and almost perfect presentations. Learned how to forecast the future, how to analyse and predict. The biggest plus for this camp is for the large number of presentations - all camp participants learned to speak in front of an audience and not to worry to do that. Accurately define and flesh out your thoughts. Better understand what the business requires. Learned to speak in front of an audience Learned almost perfectly how to create and deliver presentations. Business plan writing. Learned to make better use of my time and how to plan it properly. Stronger and bolder speak before an audience. Improved communication skills and teamwork skills. Further understanding of the business and its implementation. Cooperation to solve problems (tasks) within a very short period of time, planning time. I found out more about the business establishment. I learned how to work in the team, how to make presentations. To make presentations. Learned about investments, examine all phases of the business. Fast work, to speak before an audience. I learned to work at a blistering pace, quickly agree with team friends. Almost nothing new. Business development ideas, how to make business plans. Learned more about customers. How to quickly prepare presentations I learned to make presentations, to speak without paper. The more I presented, the less worries occurred, less stress, a great workout to speak to a large audience. Talk to the audience, to make presentations, as well as learned how to work in teams, to develop communication skills. I learned to present slides, perform productive work. I learned very quickly to prepare presentations, to show there only summary information. It is

Page 5: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

also very important to public speaking, ability to answer the questions - we also improved. Without no doubt teamwork. We learned to divide the work and plan our activities. It is an important time planning, set up an idea, then step by step to examine it. Quick decisions; time planning; ideas presentation. Time planning; presentations. I learned to concentrate more. Plan my time. I learned how to write a business plan, prepare presentations and work as a team.

4. Creative industries. Has your perception of creative industries changed? Do you see any potential for running a business in this area?

At first, it seemed to me that this is just the artists. Surprisingly, even the programmers depend on creative industries. I realized that it is not enough to come up with brilliant ideas, but it is necessary to analyse the idea and know how and why you do it. Money in the arts. I knew this term before, but only in the camp understand how wide it is. Opportunities to build a business from the creative industries are very large. It is important to take interest about consumer needs, to provide own business with innovation, interest, what is very important for young people and to know exactly what your idea stand out from other companies. Finally, I realized what the creative industries are, I realized that this is not my area, but this was exceptional experience. Unchanged. This is a difficult area in which not everyone could take root at all, because competition is very high. This field is that requires a lot of creativity and hard work. I realized that this area has to be very original, creative, look at everything differently. I thought that this industry has more to work with creativity, and now I realized that here, business part is also very important.

Page 6: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Business in this area is very dynamic and innovative. I understood what it is and how it is done. Unchanged, only sealed the previous understanding. Requires special organization skills. I realized what it is the creative industry, as how they are described: Art turned into a business. I had no idea what a creative industry when arrived at the camp, but now I know. Do not have plans in this industry. Now I understand what it is The creative industries I see as art sales. It's more entertainment, businesses related to the arts. Hard work without a large guarantee. I can’t learn a lot in this industry. It was not only the art and fantasy , but also a specific activity Unchanged, need to know how to create and run. My conception unchanged. Unchanged. I did not find very interesting business in this field. First of all, I learned what creative industry is. Business then becomes more interesting.

5. Creative industries. What useful information have you received from the creative industries businesses representatives?

They presented the real ideas that have been or will be implemented. Told how to convince investors to provide funds ( investing) , about clients Representatives provided information that everywhere you could find a niche for your business. At the early stage of the business you could engage free activities in order to spread the brand name. The most interesting thing was to hear what they talked about how creative industry has helped them in their business. I liked to listen the stories about their business experience. Get more acquainted with the specific branches of the creative industries.

Page 7: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

How to deal and cooperate with our customers. All they said was useful and interesting. What are the risks, what risks can occur. About the business how to run, how to start. Outlined the importance of the creative industries. Explained in detail what it is, why it is needed. Presenting his previous experience also highlighted errors revealed some " human " nuances of the customer support They gave us a lot of criticism, from which we could learn. They also gave their knowledge It is very hard to please the customer. Inspiring stories from business representatives inspired to try and achieve the desired result , as well as helped to better understand the whole business. He described how to start the process - the business. Met with individual branches of the creative industries. It has been very interesting to listen to the presentations, to learn their experiences and the mistakes they had made. The fact that they shared about their work it is a little help to make the choice of the right profession. Some useful facts presented. Provided with comments, which later turned into ideas, encouraged to act on personal contacts and offered assistance. Shared their experience. It was interesting to listen to the business representatives. Provided really a lot of information, difficult to say which is most important. They gave me a lot of useful information and advice I learned a lot.

6. Has the camp met your expectations? What and why?

Page 8: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

I did not have any expectations. Yes. Learn more about the business development stages, learning to speak freely in front of an audience, team work, allocating certain jobs. I think that it is important not only in business but also in any medium in the future. Yes, absolutely . Yes. I wanted to know more about the business, what business requires, what should be the steps towards its implementation, it was great to hear from professionals criticism, advice, and observations. The camp has justified my expectations. Most is that it will help me refine my ideas I met a lot of wonderful people, but I was expecting more free time and less task . Partially wanted more free time during the first days. Yes. I learned a lot and I met interesting people. I met new people, learned a lot about business. I think, the camp justified my expectations about it. No, I was thinking to rest. Justified my expectations, although there was bit too much work Not really. I was expecting a wider variety of tasks. I expected more time spent with friends, fun games. Not to. I was expecting to have a good time. Yes. The rapid pace and a wide range of activities fulfilled the camp idea. Not quite as I expected and recreational camps, but not working. However , I liked the occupation , we were busy and at night Due to the educational nature - was justified. But before coming thought that this camp will be more recreational camp. A few expectations really justified. Expectations: to meet new people, hear the stories of entrepreneurs rise, learn more about creative industries, have fun and entertaining activities . Our expectation was justified because it was given every opportunity to have fun and meaningful way to spend your time. I was expecting a more recreational camp, however, gained through knowledge will help in the

Page 9: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

future. Slightly hoped that there will be less work, more free time. It was justified, but I did not expect to be so intense work. Partially Basically, yes. I was able to check own knowledge go deep into work. Yeah, I knew that there is no time to rest Partially. I expected, that will be interesting activities, but did not thought that it will be so much. No, I was hoping that there will be more free time. I thought that would be more free time, but I am glad that I came and met a lot of people and learned a lot.

7. What kind of benefits you received from participating in the camp?

Experience how to make presentations We learned to work quickly in a team, explain our ideas clearly and briefly to the audience, easily speak, when presenting our ideas and how to get away from a tricky situation, confusing questions . Time planning. Specifically and smoothly express our thoughts. It is important to stay focused on the task and work quickly. I think the most important benefit I got is the time management skills. Comprehensive benefits The benefits are comprehensive, also the presentation skills very well delivered. I got the idea of setting up a business and the difficulties of existence and prosperity. Learned a lot about the business, the necessary knowledge how to set up it and I have gained some experience I learned how to do a business plan, got good advices and gained better understanding. Courage speaking, delivering presentations, business knowledge, understanding of what I would like to do and good time with interesting people

Page 10: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

The new knowledge and learned to work quickly Deepen knowledge, make new friends. In practice, no Allowed to test myself and give myself a confidence, expanded the circle of like-minded people and expanded understanding of business development. I met new, interesting and amazing people. I learned how to quickly create slideshows. It is well- spent time, met interesting people, made friends and I got the economic experience. I learned how to present the idea, how to speak in a clear and comprehensible manner, how to work with new teammates (though before strangers), quickly and creatively to do the task . I learned to speak in front of an audience. Completely changed my understanding the business. Various benefits, because I learned the theory and I was able to perform practice at the same time. I found new friends with which I may do some projects in the future. I saw that the planning of activities is very important. A new people, friends. Learned to rate all the details, gained information, communication and presentation skills. Further improved time management skills, strengthen not only the information obtained during the lessons economics. Learn how to present your thoughts and ideas. First of all, I became bolder presenter. I improved and I am better at the team work now, I learned more about the creative industries. .

8. LJA camp (overall rating , scale 1-10)

Average score: 8,06

9. Would you recommend taking part in such a camp to others? Why?

Page 11: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

The acquisition of valuable experience within a short time Oh yes, because the knowledge acquired in this camp will be really useful in the life Yes. Yes, I recommend. This camp helps not only to gain business knowledge, knowledge about the economy; it helps to learn to work in teams, to talk to the audience, to hear different opinions. Yes. Because the camp helps to know your potentialities. I would recommend for the acquirement of experience, skills, and especially for these people who are ready to connect their future with business or creative industries. Definitely yes. But just emotionally strong people. Of course, since this is an unforgettable experience and purposefully spent time. I recommend to those who want to connect their lives to the business and so on Yes, because I realized what is work from morning till evening. I would recommend, because here you receive a variety of knowledge, you can meet some interesting people and wisely to spend time. Only in case, if others would like to work a lot to learn. I recommend , but will warn that there will be a lot of hard work Recommend for these who are willing to work hard and bind the business with their life. Definitely recommend, because I think that everyone could find what is most relevant to him or at least expand the overall outlook. Yes, because good camp. Want to recommend to these who associate life with the economy and are seeking to test themselves. I would advise those who are already aware of a specific, or at least planning to study something related to the creative industries and the economy. Because the camp really deepened knowledge. I recommend, because really here you gain a lot of useful knowledge . Partly because we got a lot of life experience, but I wanted more rest.

Page 12: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Yes, as you could hear about other’s business experience, have fun and learn new skills. Yes. To get knowledge what is bad time planning. Without no doubt. There is simply no such thing as " bad experience". It is worth to everybody to have such experience. I think that I would recommend, because I am really interested in communicating with other people, and to learn more about economics. I would recommend, but not to everybody. Sure. This is very useful for young people who are interested in business, want to learn something new and grow.

10. Please write if you have any comments, suggestions

Agenda was really very tiring, so I think it would be fun to get more free time for relaxation and socializing with other participants. More time for the main tasks, one day would be given for the additional tasks in order not to interferer them with main tasks. To reduce number of tasks in order to allow the participants to spend more time outside the working environment. Just because of the fact we are young, we get a lot of tasks for a short period of time. At first, it's interesting, but then they carry out their duties against our will. The camp demanded too much mental work, too little has been entertainment and other camp stuff. Projects were asked one after the other, there was not enough time to meet and interact closely with other camp participants. Free time almost absent, although if it appears I am is still thinking about the work and is stressful. Sometimes there was too much work. Too many tasks, little free time. Make more similar to the camp, not summer school. Perhaps one extra day of activities and a wider spacing (more time or a whole free day in the

Page 13: Centres  Evaluation Lithuania-students' answers to survey

CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

middle of the camp) would be more productive. Too little free time. Maybe focus on the presentations quality rather than quantity Less presentations, more time for relaxation, games, chat with new people. I think there could be a little less work, chance to more to socialize with other teams, not only with own teammates. Maybe slightly less tasks, after all it was very good. Maybe more fun Better use of the environment and the air. More independent evaluators, mentors. Less presentations and stay indoors. It would be nice if we could have the Internet all the time, because when you need someone to find out it was not always working. More rest, more Internet
