Page 1: Center Phone Pine River Senior Center Newsletter …...Pine River Senior Center Phone Numbers Front Desk, Lunch Reservations/ Cancellations 884-5415 Please call before 9:00 a.m. to

Pine River Senior Center Phone


Front Desk, Lunch Reservations/Cancellations 884-5415 Please call before 9:00 a.m. to reserve or cancel a meal

Becky Eisenbraun, Parks & Recreation Director 884-9544[ext 109]

Brenda Jones, Senior Center Coordinator 884-5415

Jessica Wilson, Dining Room Coordinator 382-6435

Carol Melcher, Meals on Wheels & Cancellations 382-6435 or 970-382-6441

Vicky Maestas, Countywide Senior Services Director & Home Chore Program 382-6442

Deborah Snead, Administration Assistant 382-6429

LaPlata County Transportation 759-6309

Lori Yenser, Dietician 769-4054

Nancy Heirtzler, Activities in Durango 382-6428

February Birthdays

Richard Schleeter 2/8

Kaye Luebchow 2/18

Sandy Harvey 2/24

Maxine Dvojack 2/26

Ruth Pope 2/26

PO Box 80, 111 W South St., Bayfield, CO 81122

Check out the PRSC on Facebook, too!

Volume 11, Issue 2

Pine River Senior Center Newsletter

February 2019

Hours of Operation: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Hot Lunch at 12:00 Noon

Happy Anniversary!


2018 Volunteer of

the Year!

Maureen Cleveland

Who will it be for


Where’s Mickey Mouse? Look though the newsletter to find him just for

fun he could be anywhere.

Page 2: Center Phone Pine River Senior Center Newsletter …...Pine River Senior Center Phone Numbers Front Desk, Lunch Reservations/ Cancellations 884-5415 Please call before 9:00 a.m. to

Senior Center News, Activities & Entertainment

Adventures in Dining - On the 3rd Thursday’s of the month the seniors go to different restaurants

around the area. Durango, Farmington, Pagosa Springs, & Ignacio. Please call to make reservations.

Bayfield Food Bank Donation - Friday, February 8 - On Birthday Celebration Day, the Senior Center will

be collecting non-perishable, unexpired, unopened packages of food for the Bayfield Food Bank. Monetary

donations are also welcome and can be dropped off at Bayfield Town Hall or given to Brenda at the Senior


Bingo - on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday’s of each month starting at approximately 1:00 pm we will be playing

bingo. Each card costs a quarter and you can play all afternoon, this also helps with purchasing the prizes you

can win.

Birthday Celebration - Friday, February 8 -at noon - Please join us on the 2nd Friday of every month for

our birthday celebration.

Blue Star Moms - Donations for our troops are being collected for the Blue Star Moms of Durango. There

is a drop box at the Senior Center for donated items. Support our troops and this great organization!

Box Tops & Labels for Education - The Senior Center is collecting Box Tops & Labels for Education to

benefit our local schools. Please drop them in the plastic container on the front counter.

Brenda Marshall’s Card Making Class - Tuesday February 26 - Brenda from the Pine River Public

Library hosts a “Stamping Up”! card making class 4th Tuesday of each month from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Cost is FREE; we will make 2 greeting cards each. Call 884-5415 with questions.

Bridge Club - Tuesdays at the Senior Center from 9:00 a.m.. - 11:30 a.m. Please call Joe Mozgai at

884-0928, or call 884-5415 for more information. New members are always welcome!

Caregivers Group - Meet the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm till 2:00 am at the Senior Center.

This group will provide support for those who are caregivers needing help or want to know more about

caregiving. For more information please call Elaine Stampo 259-0122.

Coloring Group— 3rd Tuesday each month— 9:00 am till 3:00 pm. Come join the group for adults

who like to color for Free Please bring your coloring book, pencils, markers or crayons and come visit while

you color.

Community Quilt Group - Tuesday, February 12 - All quilters & people with homemade projects are

invited to come join them on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This group is open to all who are interested in

sharing the joy of homemade items. Please contact Shelia at 970-884-2372 for further information.

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Senior Center News, Activities & Entertainment

Health Checks—Friday, March 2019 — Bayfield Pharmacy will be here Friday, March 2019 to take

blood pressures and check blood sugar for free. For more information please call Ann or Nic at Bayfield

Pharmacy at 970-884-9133.

Mexican Train Dominoes - Join us on Tuesday Game Days, Wednesdays and Fridays after lunch for

a fun game of dominoes. Anyone can join and it’s free. Can’t beat free entertainment!

Pine River Public Library - Will no longer to be able to come to the Senior Center due to

budget cuts. New Hours starting January 2nd M-F 10:00 - 6:00 Sat 12-5 Closed Sunday, Please call Brooke

at 884-2222 ext. 514 for more information.

Pine River Senior Board Meetings - Held on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month. The 2019

dates are January 9, March 13, May 8, July 10, September 11 and November 13. Everyone is welcome to join

us at 1:00 p.m. in the conference room.

Pot Luck Tuesday’s - Tuesday, February 5 - Join us on the 1st Tuesday of each month to have pot luck.

Please bring a dish to share.

Veterans’ Services - Friday, February 22 - Richard Schleeter with the La Plata County Veterans Service’s

Office will be at the Senior Center at 10:00 a.m. to visit with any veterans that may have questions about

what benefits and services are available to them, please call 970-759-0117 for more information.

Fitness & Exercise Programs

Stretch & Flex is a balance and coordination based exercise class that takes place every

Wednesday & Friday from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. for FREE - Please come to Senior Center to Sign

up or call (970)884-5415.

Yoga - Tuesday at the Pine River Library Community Room 9:00 am, Thursday 8:00 am at the Library;

Colleen Theobald will guide participants through Hatha Yoga Class. The focus will be on core strength, body toning,

proper alignment and breathing techniques. This class is also held on Tuesday 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center.

Please call Bayfield Parks & Recreation for more information 970-884-9544.

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Recipe Corner

Holiday Morning French Toast

1/4 c Brown Sugar 1/2 C Fresh Cranberries (Available Frozen)

1/4 C Molasses 1 Loaf Italian or French bread cut into 1 “ Slices

1/2 C Butter, Melted 3 tsp. Ground Cinnamon divided

6 Large Eggs 3 Tart Apples (such as Granny Smith) peeled, cored & thinly sliced

1 1/2 c Milk 1 tbsp. Pure Vanilla Extract

Combine sugar, molasses, butter & 1 teaspoon cinnamon in a 13 x 9 inch baking dish. Add apples & cranberries; toss to coat well. Spread apple mixture evenly over bottom of baking dish. Mix eggs, milk, vanilla & 2 teaspoons cinnamon until well blended. Dip slices of bread in mixture. Arrange slices of bread on top of apple mixture. Pour remaining egg/milk mixture over bread, soaking bread com-pletely. Cover & refrigerate for 4 to 24 hours. Bake covered with aluminum foil in a preheated 375 F oven for 40 minutes. Uncover & bake for 5 minutes longer. Remove from oven and let stand for 5 minutes. Serve warm. Extra delicious with pure maple syrup.

Barbecued Hamburger

1 lb. Hamburger, browned 1 tsp. Salt 1 tbsp. Onion

1/4 tsp. (scant) Ground Cloves 1 tbsp. prepared mustard 1 C Catsup

1/4 c (scant) Sugar 1 c Diced Green Pepper (optional)

Combine all ingredients and simmer for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your taste. Serve hot on toasted

hamburger buns.

Uplifting Quote for the Month

One kind word can warm three winter months .


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Statistics made in the Year 1910!

The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!

The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.

Bayfield Parks and Recreation

For Activity/Program questions, please contact or call

884-5415 or email [email protected]

For Facility and Park Rental information call 884-9544

ext 109 or email [email protected]

or Visit us on the web at:

Uplifting Quotes

Feel ing grat i tude and not express ing i t i s l ike wrapping

a present and not g iv ing i t .


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(Information received via email from LaPlata County Senior Center)


I'd like to improve my heart health, but I'm worried I don't have the motivation to join a

gym or make big diet changes. Any advice? Answer From Francisco Lopez-Jimenez,

M.D. Mayo Clinic It's great that you want to improve your heart health. Don't think

that you have to make big changes to have an effect on your heart health, though. Even

small, basic steps can have dramatic effects. One of the biggest drops in heart disease

risk occurs when you go from living a sedentary lifestyle to being active for as little as

one hour a week. Obviously, the more active you are, the better. But just one full hour

of activity over the course of a week makes a difference. Health professionals at Mayo

Clinic have developed the Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart Plan. The entire plan is contained

in the book "Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart for Life!" But one of the key messages is that

even little steps may make a big difference. Some of these steps for getting started are

included in the "Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8" section of the book, which describes a two-

week quick start to the Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart Plan. Here's a summary of the Mayo

Clinic Healthy Heart Plan's quick start: Eat 5. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a

day to boost your heart health. Start by eating breakfast and including at least one

serving of fruit or vegetable. Snack on vegetables or fruits in between meals. Make a

conscious effort to include fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. Don't worry so

much about foods you shouldn't eat — just work on getting five or more servings of

fruits and vegetables a day. Move 10. Add at least 10 minutes of moderately intense

physical activity to what you do every day. Sure government recommendations say to

include physical activity for 30 minutes or more a day, but the bottom line is even 10

minutes makes a difference. For example, studies have found just 60 to 90 minutes a

week of physical activity can reduce your heart disease risk by up to 50 percent. That's a

big benefit from a pretty small commitment on your part. It doesn't have to be

elaborate — take the stairs, take a walk, just get moving. As you become more active,

you can try to increase your total amount of activity each day. Sleep 8. Quality sleep is

good for your heart. It can be a challenge to make time for good sleep, but it's

important. For two weeks try to get eight hours of good, quality sleep each night. Yes,

each person's sleep needs vary slightly, but eight is a good number to shoot for. All of

these tips from the "Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8" section of the book are meant to be tried

for two weeks before you move on to a more established heart-healthy plan. But there's

nothing wrong with continuing this quick start for longer periods. Consider trying other

reputable diet and exercise plans offered by the American Heart Association and

government agencies. The point is to get started with something and keep at it.

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"Welcome to Medicare" preventive visit

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers a “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit once within the first 12 months you have Part B.

Your costs in Original Medicare You pay nothing for the “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit if your doctor or other qualified health care

provider accepts Assignment. The Part B Deductible doesn’t apply.

However, you may have to pay Coinsurance, and the Part B deductible may apply if:

Your doctor or other health care provider performs additional tests or services during the same visit. These additional tests or services aren't covered under the preventive benefits.

Note: Your doctor or other health care provider may recommend you get services more often than Medicare

covers. Or, they may recommend services that Medicare doesn’t cover. If this happens, you may have to pay

some or all of the costs. Ask questions so you understand why your doctor is recommending certain services and

whether Medicare will pay for them.

What it is This visit includes a review of your medical and social history related to your health and education and

counseling about preventive services, including these:

Certain screenings, flu and pneumococcal shots, and referrals for other care, if needed. Height, weight, and blood pressure measurements. A calculation of your body mass index. A simple vision test. A review of your potential risk for depression and your level of safety. An offer to talk with you about creating advance directives. A written plan letting you know which screenings, shots, and other preventive services you need. Get details

about coverage for screenings, shots, and other preventive services.

Things to know When you make your appointment, let your doctor’s office know you would like to schedule your “Welcome to

Medicare” preventive visit.

Related resources More information about your “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit What you need to know when you're new to Medicare Medicare & You: women's health (video) Yearly "Wellness" visits

(Information received via email from LaPlata County Senior Center)






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SMP Approximately 250,000 Medicare beneficiaries are listed as having had their medical iden ty         compromised through stolen or misused Medicare numbers. Medicare numbers cannot be changed, so once a number has been compromised, that beneficiary’s future benefits and health care may be forever at risk. 

Medical Iden ty The  

Medical iden ty the  occurs when a beneficiary’s Medicare number is misused, either by a provider, a supplier, or by someone posing as the real beneficiary in order to receive medical care. Such Medicare numbers are considered “compromised.” Medicare numbers are for life, even if stolen or misused, so a beneficiary whose number is compromised may be affected forever by false claims against his or her Medicare number.  

Health Impact Receiving health care from a fraudulent provider can mean the quality of the care is poor, the          interven on is not medically necessary, or worse: The interven on is actually harmful. A beneficiary may later receive improper medical treatment from legi mate providers as a result of inaccurate   medical records that contain:  False diagnoses  Records showing treatments that never occurred  Misinforma on about allergies  Incorrect lab results  

Addi onally, because of inaccurate or fraudulent claims to Medicare, beneficiaries may be denied needed Medicare benefits. For example, some services have limits. If Medicare thinks such services were already provided, they will deny payment.  

Personal Financial Losses Medicare fraud, errors, and abuse can all result in higher out‐of‐pocket costs for beneficiaries, such as copayments for health care services that were never provided, were excessive, or were medically   unnecessary. Beneficiaries may also find themselves stuck with bills for services from providers who should have billed Medicare but instead billed the beneficiary for the en re cost of that service.      Finally, because Medicare numbers also contain Social Security numbers, financial fraud can be a side effect of having one’s Medicare number compromised. Medicare numbers are as valuable as Social Security numbers to thieves who wish to set up credit card accounts with someone else’s iden ty.  

(Information received via email from LaPlata County Senior Center)

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Senior Board Meeting Minutes January 9, 2019 Meeting called to order at 1:00 Sr. Board Members Attending: Dan Dvojack, Maxine Dvojack, Lee Roy Powers, J J Sanders, Margaret Crawley, Vicky Mozgai, Anne Rudolph, Charlene Johnson, Carole McWilliams, Maureen Cleveland Town Attendees: Kr isten Dallison, Brenda Jones, Chr is La May, Becky Eisenbraun. County Attendee: Carol Melcher Dan: Any cor rections or changes to minutes? Motion to let minutes stand, seconded, accepted. Treasurer's report: Tony is absent today. Carol: Discussion on food served. Complaint of high fructose corn syrup in the food. Old Business: Dan: New felt ordered for pool table, better quality felt, and table will be checked out, re-leveled, etc. It will cost about $500. Extra padding for the area where Tony knocks the ball off the table. We now have a new 9 foot, pre-lit, Christmas tree to replace the one we have, and we will buy new garlands. Discussion about possible door prizes for the bazaar, or silent auc-tion, or drawings. Maybe 3 prizes. Gift certificates as prizes? This would possibly encourage the people attending to stay around longer. New Business: Bir thday Board volunteer needed. Anne Rudolph volunteered. Are we cur rent with pictures? Autobiographies? Interest low for that. Becky: Deep cleaning here next Monday and Tuesday. Sr . Center closed Tuesday. Chris: Town busy plowing. New subdivision near elementary school star ted. Seal treatment on Bayfield Pkwy., overlay on Westview and Palo Verde upcoming, and work on other town streets this summer. Coming up: Possible realigning of ditches. Question regarding missing stop sign at Napa. DMV now open Tuesday and Thursday. Discussion regarding information on possible subdi-vision east of Evening's Porch. Brenda: Cur rent par ticipants at Sr . Center , (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fr idays) – numbers. Schedule to do board photos? Today? Change time of meeting to 12:30? Motion made, passed. Meeting adjourned at 1:25. Respectfully submitted by Maureen Cleveland, Secretary

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Senior Spotlight

Kristin Dallison - Mayor Pro - Tem

Town Board Representative for Seniors

Kristin's family moved from California to Bayfield Colorado in 1990. She attended Kindergarten

through 12th grade at the Bayfield School District, graduating in 2006. She and her husband Daniel

were married in 2012 and welcomed their first child, Samuel, in 2017 and is currently a stay-at-

home mom. She was elected to her first term in April 2016. Her term will end in 2020

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Trivia Quiz

Trivia - Music

1. What is the Bon Jovi album title ______ ____________ that refers to the temperature of an exploding volcano.

2. Sandy Mahl - _______ ________ wife has the reparation of punching a jealous ex-girlfriend of a man she had dated in nightclub’s ladies room and got her hand stuck in the wall?

3. Who was the first performer to win Grammy Awards for jazz & classical recordings in the same year?

4. What flamboyant pop star auctioned off his costumes for $8.2 million in 1988, explaining “I don’t want to go on stage looking like Tina Turner’s grandmother anymore”?

5. The rock group Electric Mayhem made an appearance in what 1979 film?

6. Who was rumored to be the subject of Carly Simon’s 1972 record, “You’re So Vain”?

7. Irving Berlin reword one of his songs, “Smile & Show Your Dimple”. What became the song's more memorable title?

8. From what other signer did Elvis Presley borrow his characteristic hip-swinging?

9. The signing duo of Caesar and Cle only achieved fame under another name. What was it?

10. A song called “I wish You Peace”, recorded by the Eagles, was written by Bernie Leadon and _______ __________ which was more obvious claim to fame was the younger daughter of former President Ronald Reagan.

1.7800 Fahrenheit 2. Garth Brooks 3. Trumpet virtuoso Wynton Marsalis 4. Elton John 5.

Muppet Movie 6. Warren Beatty 7. Easter Parade 8. Bo Diddley 9. Sonny & Cher 10. Patti

