Page 1: Center for BRIGHT BEAMS - · ILC American Linear Collider Committee Global Leader Damping Ring Working Group LCC-ILC Accelerator Organization Convener Beam 2015

Center for

BRIGHT BEAMSA National Science Foundation Science & Technology Center

Knowledge Transfer

David Muller/CU

OO1: CBB discoveries and designs incorporated into a new generation of acceleratorsand commercialized as products.

OO2: Trained graduate students capable of recognizing and transferring these skills toindustry and national lab partners

Page 2: Center for BRIGHT BEAMS - · ILC American Linear Collider Committee Global Leader Damping Ring Working Group LCC-ILC Accelerator Organization Convener Beam 2015

Knowledge Transfer Optimal Outcome 1:

CBB discoveries and designs are incorporated into a newgeneration of accelerators and commercialized as products.

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A) CBB builds partnerships with at least one company and one national lab.

1. Two-way conduits of people and ideas lay the groundwork for the transfer of CBBdiscoveries to our partners in national labs and industry.

2. Appoint one industrial scientist and two scientists from national laboratories to theExternal Advisory Board.

3. Arrange an industrial forum at the CBB annual symposium in years 1 & 2.

4. Host international workshops, possibly in conjunction with the annual Symposium,to share CBB developments and broaden engagement by the scientificcommunity. (3 during the 5-year award period.)


Page 3: Center for BRIGHT BEAMS - · ILC American Linear Collider Committee Global Leader Damping Ring Working Group LCC-ILC Accelerator Organization Convener Beam 2015

Knowledge Transfer Optimal Outcome 1:

CBB discoveries and designs are incorporated into a newgeneration of accelerators and commercialized as products.

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B) CBB technologies/discoveries are incorporated into at least one real world device.(Year 5)1. Identify technologies that are potentially transferrable by the end of year 1, and

update this list annually.2. Identify client labs and companies and introduce them to CBB technology.3. Sign MOU for partnership. Enter a period of joint development to transfer

technology.4. Identify SBIR/STTR opportunities to leverage early tech transfer for

commercialization.5. Continue consulting as technology is scaled up to production


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Ultrafast electron diffraction

Sciaini, Miller, Rep. Prog. Phys. 74, 096101 (2011)

High brightness ultrafast sources will enable electrondiffraction and microscopy at previously inaccessible

combinations of length and time

Commercial Ultrafast electron diffraction and imaging systems exist,but all manufacturers need higher brightness sources and beam management.

FEI, IDES and Radiabeam already interested in our technologies

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Diffraction Imaging

Tech Target (PHC):


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Sterilization of medical equipment

Increase throughput usinghigher beam currents.

• Superconducting accelerationat 4.2K thanks to CBBinnovation.

Other applications:

• Cargo scanning

• Materials identification

• Polymer cross-linking fortires, heat shrink tubing andother products~$1M


Accelerators for Industry: Throughput

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Prior contact with RadiaBeam Technology ondevelopment of a high repetition rate inverse Comptonscattering sourcefor medical and industrial applications (Rosenzweig)

Tech Target (SRF):


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Electron Microscopes

FEI Company (originally Field Emission Instruments) Hillsboro, OR• annual sales of $1 billion in electron and ion beam columns.• FEI considers high-brightness gun technology for transmission and scanning

electron microscopes to be a core competence.• CBB will collaborate with:

– the office of the Chief Technology Officer under Jens Greiser– business units under Trisha Rice.


D. A. Muller - Knowledge Transfer

BST: Sloppy Model tuning of the FEI microscope columnBeam Production: Annual Meeting -Eric Kieft “Ultrafast technologies for Electron Microscopy”

FEI will provide mentors and internships for students, welcome CBB faculty as visitingscientists, and send engineers to conduct research at CBB labs.

Tech Target (PHC & BST):


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• FEI Co: $1B in annual revenue in electron & ion beam columns. Will applyhigh-brightness gun technology & tuning algorithms for TEM and SEM

• Applied Materials: Wafer inspection is a $2.4B annual market– Current tools can cost up to $100M each– use multiple guns for high-speed inspection.

(x100 brightness = x100 faster)– X-ray Compton Backscatter source for metrology

Applications of Knowledge

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• National Lab and International Collaboration partners incorporate ourtechnology improvements into their roadmaps for new accelerators

ERL cryomodule foreRHIC prototyping


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External Industrial Partners

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Beam Production

Beam Transportand Storage

Beam Acceleration

Field Emission Sourcesfor TEM, SEM, UTEM

Ultrafast TEM ERL forEUVlithography

SRF Cavities

SRF Cavities

metrology and waferinspection (SEM, x-ray)

Ultrafast MeVTEM

Cargo Inspection& sterilization


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National and International Labs

Beam Production

Beam Transport and Storage Beam Acceleration



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Brookhaven National Laboratory is planning to extendthe Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) with a bright electron beam.• Thomas Roser, Department Chair for this project, is interested in

– brighter photocathodes,– high efficiency SRF cavities, and– low-loss beam transport.

• Ferdinand Willeke, leader of BNL’s NSLS-II x-ray source, would like to implement– CBB’s nonlinearity instrumentation.

CBB and National Labs

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SLAC is constructing the LCLS-II x-ray FEL.• Head of LCLS-II accelerator physics Tor Raubenheimer would like to

– Swap in a CBB photocathode to upgrade the brightness of this $1B facility– Implement CBB high-efficiency SRF cavities for energy upgrades.

CBB and National Labs

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The International Linear Collider is designed to collide bright electron and positron beams.• Mike Harrison, U.S. Director of the design effort, would apply

– CBB beam storage and transport methods to reduce cost of the damping rings.– Employ our beam acceleration for higher Q SRF cavities to reduce cost– Potentially use Nb3Sn to increase gradient and reach higher energies

CBB and National Labs

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Price, Frontera:Accelerators

CBB Partners


Nalamasu, VaezIravani:Metrology

Reed: Ultrafast TEM

Posen: Accel

Naman: SRF surfacetreatment

Greiser, Schwind: ElectronSources


Murokh: Ultrafast TEM Ronglie Geng: SRF, Douglas:ERL

Raubenheimer: Sources forLCLS-II

Holser, Wood: EUVLithography

Roser, Willeke: Accel

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Henderson: Accel


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Transfer Mechanism: Advisory Boards

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SLACLCLS-II High Energy Upgrade (LCLS-II-HE) Conceptual Design Report review committeeLCLS-II Facility Advisory CommitteeFACET-II DOE Review CommitteeSLAC Science Policy CommitteeInternational Particle Accelerator Conference

InternationalMachine Adv. Com. for BERLinPro at HZB, BerlinInt. Res. Training Adv. Board, Deutsche Forsch. Gem, AccelencE, GRK 2128DESY scientific councilChair, International Advisory Committee for CEPC/SppC (Circular Electron-Positron Collider / SupeChair, International Advisory Committee for RISP (Rare Isotope Accelerator), South KoreaMember, International Advisory Committee for LHeC (Large Hadron-electron Collider), CERNItalian National Faculty Commission - External Member (academic advisory panel)

BrookhaveneRHIC Mem. eRHIC ring-ring-design reviewBNL Science and Technoogy Steering CommitteeCBETA Advisory committee


WorkshopsDOE Future of Electron Scattering Workshop, Washington DC 2014OC and SPC of int. ERL17 workshop at CERNChair OC, LOC, and SPC of int. FFAG17 workshop and school at CornellChair of DOE Basic Energy Science Future Electron Sources WorkshopPhysics of Photocathodes for Photoinjectors (P3) International ICFA WorkshopERL Workshop

OtherInstitutional Board of the US Particle Accelerator SchoolERHIC R&D technical advisory committeeFACET Technical Design Review advisory committeeILC American Linear Collider CommitteeGlobal Leader Damping Ring Working Group LCC-ILC Accelerator Organization Convener Beam2015 NSF Committee of VisitorsDOE HEP Accelerator review PanelDOE Stewardship in accelerators review panelDOE High Energy Physics Panel on High Gradient Accelerator ResearchDOE High Energy Physics Division Committee of VisitorsDOE Basic Energy Sciences Panel on Future Electron SourcesHEPAP Sub-panel on Accelerator Research in the USADOE High Energy Physics Panel on Advanced Accelerator RoadmapUniversity of Hawaii Free-electron Laser Advisory Committee

Partial Table of Committee Memberships and Chairs for CBB PI’s


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Knowledge Transfer Optimal Outcome 2:

A trained graduate student cohort is capable of recognizing andtransferring these skills to industry and national lab partners.


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A) Match six students each year with industry or national lab mentors or place them ininternships. (Year 3)See Workforce Development Outcome 2C.B) Place 1-3 trained graduates in jobs at industrial and national lab partners eachyear. (Year 6)

See Workforce Development Outcomes 2 and 4.


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• Internships– Extended periods at company (often early or late in PhD)– Summer internships: FEI, AMAT, IDES, Radiabeam– National Lab Internships (e.g. SCGSR and SULI)

• Mentoring– 1st step: Meet and greet at Annual Meeting Poster Session

(RadiaBeams, Global Foundaries, FEI, SLAC, BNL in May2017)

– Students work at CBB, some short visits to companies– Industrial mentors visit (often around reviews)– Online and ongoing communication– Often starts with internship (need to build relationship)

Mentoring and Internships


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NYSTAR: Innovation Development

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NYSTAR matching grant: $1.58M over 5 years.

We will develop and transfer technology for NY companies and Labs

How?1) Hire an industrial liaison to NYS industries;2) Match grad students with industry partners; and3) Develop proof of concept devices with and for NYS companies.

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Knowledge Transfer Optimal Outcome 1:

CBB discoveries and designs are incorporated into a newgeneration of accelerators and commercialized as products.

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A) CBB builds partnerships with at least one company and one national lab.

1. Two-way conduits of people and ideas lay the groundwork for the transfer of CBBdiscoveries to our partners in national labs and industry.

2. Appoint one industrial scientist and two scientists from national laboratories to theExternal Advisory Board.

3. Arrange an industrial forum at the CBB annual symposium in years 1 & 2.

4. Host international workshops, possibly in conjunction with the annual Symposium,to share CBB developments and broaden engagement by the scientificcommunity. (3 during the 5-year award period.)


✔�(Lia Merminga (SLAC), Stuart Henderson (JLab), Erik Hosler (Global Foundries)

✔�Year 1


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Knowledge Transfer Optimal Outcome 1:

CBB discoveries and designs are incorporated into a newgeneration of accelerators and commercialized as products.

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B) CBB technologies/discoveries are incorporated into at least one real world device.(Year 5)1. Identify technologies that are potentially transferrable by the end of year 1, and

update this list annually.

2. Identify client labs and companies and introduce them to CBB technology.

3. Sign MOU for partnership. Enter a period of joint development to transfertechnology.

4. Identify SBIR/STTR opportunities to leverage early tech transfer forcommercialization.

5. Continue consulting as technology is scaled up to production


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• Strong interactions with national laboratories.

• Collaborative partnerships with companies to carry out large-scale projects.

• Develop prototypes devices, guide our partners to copy prototypes.- Ultrafast electron source.

• Teach partners techniques, they adapt them for large-scale production– Coating SRF cavities with Nb3Sn, Beam dynamics instrumentation

• Visiting scientist exchanges between CBB and industrial/lab partners

• National laboratories and companies sponsor internships.

• Companies provide mentors for students.

• Startup companies to commercialize CBB technologies.

• CBB to sponsor international workshops (1 per theme).

• Stakeholders serve on the External Advisory Board
