Page 1: Celebrity skin care expert tips for all skin types and concerns
Page 2: Celebrity skin care expert tips for all skin types and concerns

Ever thought how the A-listers of Hollywood and fashion industry manage to stay young, despite all the aging? The credit goes to some expensive products, resculpting treatments, and obviously, beauty experts. It is a result of their expert advice and beauty techniques that you are able to see your favorite stars look young and dashing forever. However, not all of us are able to afford the experts of the skin care industry. In order to decipher what would make your skin look young, we bring you tips from some of the most eminent beauty therapists and celebrity skin care experts in the world.

Read on the latest insider tips from the house of celebrity skin care experts to get a healthy looking celebrity-type skin.

Rodial founder Maria Hatzistefanis, whose products are used by top Hollywood actresses like Cameron Diaz and Emma Stone, insist on using organic products to target all specific areas of the body. She explains how Omega 3, 6, and 9 fish oils are a great way to plump your skin from within.

Tracie Martyn, a name trusted by eminent celebrities like the stunning Kate Winslet and Susan Sarandon, also explains how effective organic skin care products can be. Martyn, who is a highly acclaimed makeup artist in the fashion industry, insists on the fact of using organic products to treat aging and all other kinds of skin concerns.

Page 3: Celebrity skin care expert tips for all skin types and concerns

Jocelyn Petroni, the Australian beauty therapist’s top skin care tip is, “never touch your face. There are so many germs that you don’t want to go there”. She also reveals one of the biggest skin care myths; never exfoliate the eyes. Just remove the dead skin cells gently from the region so that your eye cream is able to penetrate deeper.

Another great tip comes from skincare expert Amy Erbacher, an Australian skin care expert who believes in keeping the skin regime simple and sticking to it. According to her, the best way to save the skin from damage is by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen; she prefers a zinc-based.

Some final words of skin wisdom

Do not traumatize your skin by going for every other skin care product that your favorite celebrity flaunts off. Take the advice of a skin care expert before using any beauty product. Embrace natural products. Nature has a lot to offer and it's only a matter of time and patience that the organic skin care products will be able to render you with a skin you always wanted to have.
