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1 08-04-11 How to Uxe CR PrepureJ by V.S. Mohun ux- F1 Vj-(Mob:9447184200) INFX A. CRM- NPC Reglxtrutlon - WI1HOU1BB for RexlJentlul Account -Non OY1 0enerul-AutoB. CRM- BB Provlxlon on Fxlxtlng IunJ IlneC. CRM-NPC ReglxtrutlonWI1HBB for RexlJentlul Account (InJlvlJuul Home uxerx-Non OY1 0enerul). Fr-Fuult Prlntlng 1M Sectlon Vlce F. CR-BB Plunx uvulluble - Full Ilxt F. CRM-NPC Reglxtrutlon- Munuul-Wlthout BB- All 1ype of NPC (Buxlnexx, OY1 etc)0. CRM-NPC Reglxtrutlon -Munuul WI1H BB- AII 1YPFS of NPC (Buxlnexx, OY1 etc)H. CRM-Checklng Fxchunge 1ype & Uxuge CoJe of u worklng Number I. CRM-Chunglng USA0F CoJe j. CRM-Releuxlng WI from CRM to Clurlty K. Clurlty- Checklng uvullublllty of WII.Clurlty-Checklng u FuultM. Clurlty-Cloxlng u Fuult N. CRM-Permunent Cloxure of IunJ Ilne wlthout BBux per purtyx requext O. CRM-Shlft From One Fxchunge to Another Fxchunge wlth or wlth out U,R chunge-Wlth out BB P. ltpc-Checklng of Performunce of Xgex unJ PenJlng orJerx q. Conflgurutlon of PC for CR & CR Sltex R. CRM-BB-MoJem Plun Chunge (MoJlfy) S. CRM- Shlft Wlth ln the X0F wlth out Number Chunge- - wlth or wlthout U,R Chunge - Wlth out BB 1. CRM-Cloxure of BB Connectlon U. CR 1lpx V.CRM-Optlon for Annuul Plun Chunge for nox wlthout BB W. CRM-Checklng Out StunJlng uex of u Number & Operutlng Stutux X. CRM-NP Y. CRM-Shlft wlth ln Fxchungex wlth Number Chunge Z. CRM-Booklng u 1elephone ComplulntAA. CRM Frrorx & Reuxonx AB. quextlonx & Anxwerx AC. Suggextlonx & Ilmltutlonx A. CRM-Approvul by Competent Authorlty AF. Clurlty-BB ProvlxlonAF. Clurlty-1o get llxt of Work 0roupxpertulnlng to u Fmployee A0- Inxtructlonx to CSC (Vj IV) AH- Clurlty -Ilxt out NPC, Shlft, Reconnectlon, BB, Cloxure, Fuult etc AI- Fr- Prlnt out penJlng work orJerx & Fuultx Aj-ltpc- Monltorlng CR work- FAUI1 CAR- NPC -SHIF1- BB -FAUI1 etcAK- CRM-Chunge Bllllng Frequency AI- CRM-Cloxe Relutlon 1runxfer (Non 1hlrJ Purty 1runxfer) AM- Abbrevlutlonx UxeJ AN. CRM-1o Check the prexent xtutux of u orJer( Suy BB Provlxlon ) ln CRM AO. Clurlty- lxconnectlon of u 1elephone Connectlon AP. Clurlty- NPC wlth out BB Aq. CRM- Correctlon ln theNume of the Cuxtomer. AR. CRM- Chunglng Urbun,Rurul AS. Clurlty- Chunge MoJem from Purchuxe to Rentul A1. CRM- AJJltlonul Fuclllty xuch ux IS AU. Clurlty- For Vlewlng P,Plllur,MF etullx of u number & to chunge lt 2 AV. CRM- Reconnectlon AW. Clurlty-Returnlng u Servlce OrJer to CRM BA. CRM-Shlft Wlth ln the X0F wlth out number chunge - wlth or wlthoutU,R Chunge- Wlth BB BB. CRM- Shlft from one Fxchungeto Another FxchungeunJ wlth or wlth out U,R Chunge-Wlth BB BC. CRM- 1o get lnformutlon ubout BB Plun of u cuxtomer B. CRM- Precuutlonx BF. CRM- etulleJ Cull Ilxt BF. CRM-Preventlng IC Cullx from xelecteJ numberx B0- CRM-BB unJer SC BH-CRM- AttenJlng NP Complulnt from Cuxtomer BI-CRM- & Clurlty- Rexettlng of Secret CoJe Bj- CRM-1hlrJ Purty 1runxfer BK.CRM- SC Cloxure BI. CRM-SC Reopenlng BM. Uxlng Self Cure Portul BN. BB Plunx AvullubleBP. BB Frrorx Bq. Clurlty- 0lvlng Rebute for cuxtomer phone & lnxtullutlon BR. Conflgurlng Iun PC for CR BS. Cuncelllng u NPC orJer creuteJ before CR unJ now ln WI. B1. 1o g et upllcute Blll from CRM BU. 1o check BB uxuge *PenJlng Correctlonx muy pleuxe be lntlmuteJ Severul MoJlflcutlonx one- Pleuxe tuke new prlnt out Before Jolng uny work ln CRM (other thun NPC)enxure no WO lx penJlng ugulnxt the numbrer ux open & Operutlng Stutux lx Actlve (Servlce- 1el No- 0o- Cllck Nume- Check ) Check for PenJlng WO & Operutlng Stutux Alxo Check Bllllng Account xtutux-Actlve (or Settlement or OS uex) Alxo Check Whether BB Connectlon lx uvulluble 3 A. CRM-NPC Reglxtrutlon -WI1HOU1BB for RexlJentlul Account - Auto- Non OY1 0enerul) Prellmlnury Arrungement Fnxure the Fxchunge to whlch the connectlon lx to be glven-Note Fxchunge CoJe ln the uppllcutlon eg: 1VMVj S1A0F-A1 Openlng u new Contuct Ilxt Accexx CR Progrum :http:,, Cllck Contuctx Cllck Contuct Ilxt-Cllck New Muke entrlex poxxlble ( 1ltle, Surnume, Nume, Futher,HuxbunJ Nume, 0enJer, 1el Nox lf uny ulreuJy uvulluble- Home- Moblle, Fnter e-mull uJJrexx lf uvulluble, PreferreJ communlcutlon eg: Moblle lf moblle no uvulluble- Other wlxe - Mull) S1A0F-A2 Inxtullutlon AJJrexx Fntry Cllck Numeeg: Bubu Cllck AJJrexx (lf not xelecteJ) Cllck NFW- Inxtullutlon AJJrexx bur uppeurx Cllck on the combo button ln the Houxe no,Flut noln the new Inxtullutlon uJJrexx bur AJJ AJJrexx xcreen uppeurx Cllck New Button (.. W u l t ) Fnter etullx-Houxe No, Flut No -eq: Vj S,S22- MunlmunlJlrum Vllluge Nume,Colony Nume- eg: 1hunJrumpoyku AJJltlonul etullx- eg: VenjurumooJ Clty- eg: 1rlvunJrum lxt Stute- Select KI lxtrlct- Select 1rlvunJrum (.. W u l t) Muln Iocullty- Select Iocullty (Refer locullty of Neurext no) Sub Iocullty- Select Sub locullty (Refer xub locullty of neurext no) UnformutteJ utu- No Fntry Beut CoJe- No utu WII Fxchunge CoJe- No utu Neurext BSNI NO- Fnter eg: 0472-287SSSS- wlll be uccepteJ only lf Iocutlon & Sublocutlon ure correct. Other wlxe keep blunk Other FlelJx- Automutlc - Check whether Fxchunge coJe lx correct.Note : Xge 1ype xhoulJ be NoteJ( Urbun,Rurul)IfInxtullutlon uJJrexx lx not correct enter FSC Key unJ reJo. If thlx lx not poxxlble new lnxtullutlon uJJrexx to be choxen unJ you cun not Jelete olJ lnxtullutlon uJJrexx. Otherwlxe Jelete the orJer unJ reJo. Cllck Suve Cllck OK S1A0F-AS Bllllng AJJrexx Fntry 4 Keep mouxe button below the lnxtullutlon uJJrexx bur unJ cllck rlght button of mouxe. ( or cllck menu) Select Copy RecorJ One more uJJrexx bur wlll uppeur unJ chunge lt ux"bllllng uJJrexx" lnxteuJ of "lnxtullutlon AJJrexx"-(If Bllllng uJJrexx xume ux Inxtullutlon uJJrexx or muke chungex-) S1A0F-A4 Creute Bllllng Account Cllck Auto OrJer Cllck Bllllng Account Bllllng Account Sub 1ype-Selecteg: Otherx Stutux-Proxpect Frequency- Bl MonthlyBlll MeJlu- Prlnt Blll Fxchunge 1ype-(Urbun,Rurul- Fnter -ShoulJ be xume ux ln Inxtullutlon AJJrexx) Blll PerloJ- B01,B02 Blll 1ype- Summery Urbun,Rurul- Select ux uvulluble ln the lnxtullutlon uJJrexx Check Other entrlex Cllck Creute Account S1A0F-AS Creute Ilne Account BrouJ bunJ RequlreJ- N Cllck Ilne Itemx Cllck NFW Muke entrlex ( nomlne Nume, nomlne Relutlon -xpouxe for wlfe,huxbunJ) Select from ProJuct- Fnter OK forgettlng IunJ Ilne S1A0F-A6 Cuxtomlze Cllck Cuxtomlze Select plun( II 0enerul Plun wlth Monthly Rent 110 for RURAI 180 for URBAN) Cllck Culllng Ievel - Iocul, S1 Cllck Accexxorlex - CII Phone Cllck epoxlt Scheme- SelectUPFRON1 IOCAI Rx 0, IS Rx 1S00, Puy Rx S00 ln NFX1 BIII(AxxumeJ thut no cuxh, collectlon wlth the uppllcutlon- other wlxe xelect the upproprlute ltem) Cllck one S1A0F-A7 Number Selectlon-emunJ Note-OrJer Fnter ln PreferreJ no eg:287S%Cllck Avulluble numberx (..wult) Select Number- OK (Note : Pleuxe conflrm thut the xelecteJ no lx xpure no by Jlullng unJ checklng for xpure no unnouncement) Cllck Rexerve Number(..wult) Cllck Accexxory Check IN ocumentx to be collecteJ Select -CFA unJ creJentlul Cllck VullJute (.wult) 3 POP up VullJute Succexxful- Cllck OK Sub Stutux wlll be "VullJutlon Succexxful" Cllck emunJ Note- Check entrlex Cllck Submlt OrJer (POP up OrJer SubmltteJ Succexxfully- Cllck OK) Stutux wlll be"Submlxxlon ln progrexx" Cllck rlght mouxe button-(or cllck Menu)- Select Run queryStutux wlll be chungeJ ux "InProgrexx" (1hlx wlll tuke tlme.) S1A0F-A8 Checklng Cllck Mllextone In Mllextone flelJ rlght cllck mouxe ( or Cllck Menu) unJ xelect Run query "Servlce OrJer CreuteJ" wlll uppeur wlth excrlptlon Mexxuge " Succexxex" NB: Note OrJer no, 1el No ln Appllcutlon formFor Checklng Avullublllty of WI ln Clurlty Refer K============================================================================== B.CRM-BB Provlxlon on Fxlxtlng IunJ Ilne Fnxure1.1he number lx not unJer NP 2.IF BB Plun opteJ lx rurul plun then the cuxtomer Fxchunge 1ype xhoulJ be rurul S.If BB Plun opteJ lx Home then the cuxtomer uxuge coJe xhoulJ be RFSIFN1IAI 1o Check Fxchunge 1ype & Uxer CoJe Refer HFor Chunglng Uxer CoJe Refer IAccexx CR Progrum : http:,, S1A0F B1 Openlng Cllck Servlcex Servlcex I # - 0lve Phone NO eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0O S1A0F B2 Selectlng Sub 1ype & MoJlflcutlon Cllck Account Nume eg: Bubu We wlll get Cuxtomer Account Screen wlth Account Summery 1ub (Operutlng xtutux xhoulJ be uctlve) OrJer Sub 1ype FlelJ -xelect - BrouJbunJ Provlxlon Cllck MoJlfy (. wult) We wlll get OrJerx Screen & BB llne Itemx 1ub Select BB Connectlon type ux POS1 PAI- Cllck OK (Select BrouJbunJ lx VPN Connectlon ) S1A0F BS Cuxtomlze Cllck Cuxtomlze (.wult) Cllck II lf Combo Plun unJ xelect II None Cllck BB unJ Plun Select the opteJ plun Note : If the opteJ plun lx BB Home Rurul Combo UI S00, to flnJ out the plunC1RI+F unJ enter UI S00 . Prexx enter key MoJem type- xelect moJem 6 Cllck on the moJem type xelecteJ unJ Select Purchuxe puy ln next blll (or Rentul or own MoJem) Inxtullutlon RequlreJ- Y epoxlt (BB UP Front 0 Puy ln next Blll) (Cllck BB ut the top lf BB Menu lx not uvulluble) Cllck one (. wult) S1A0F B4 Uxer lJ & emull uJJrexx Fnter Uxer lJ - Flrxt two churucterx of nume (xmull letterx) unJ tel no wlth S1 CoJe eg: bu472287S1SS FxpunJ Ilne ltemx & Select BB Cllck Creute New Mull Fnter e mull chooxen (Smull letterx ) Fg: bubum Cllck uxer lJ creutor(.wult) Select OK ln the pop up (If emull lJ lx ulreuJy uvulluble you huve to Jelete the recorJ unJ try uguln ) (If e-mull lJ lx not vlxlble- Select BB uguln unJer llne ltemx) Cllck emunJ Note S1A0F BS Submlxxlon of OrJer Cllck Submlt OrJer- PopUp- Submlxxlon Succexxful- OK Stutux wlll be Submlxxlon ln Progrexx NB: Note orJer no, uxer nume, F- mull uJJrexx, Plun tuken, 1ype of moJem etc ln the uppllcutlon form. ============================================================================== C. CRM-NPC ReglxtrutlonWI1HBB for RexlJentlul Account (InJlvlJuul Home uxerx-Non OY1 0enerul)-Auto Refer A unJ Jo up to xtuge AS In Stuge A4 -Frequency- MonthlyIn xtuge AS -BB requlreJ - Fnter Y Contlnue up to Stuge A6In xtuge A7 Jo up to "VullJutlon Succexxful" S1A0F C1 Fnterlng BB Provlxlon Cllck on "Fullow on BB OrJer" Select BB Connectlon type ux POS1 PAI Cllck OK Refer B unJ o S1A0F BS, B4 &BS S1A0F C2 Submlxxlon of IunJ Ilne OrJer Cllck IunJIlne OrJer Cllck on OrJer Number Cllck on Actlvltlex Note the nume of the offlcer to be AxxlgneJ for Approvul. Cllck Flle- Iog Out Iog ln Aguln ut the uxernume of the upprovlng offlcer 7 In Home Puge ln Alert-cllck the orJer no Cllck OrJer No Cllck Actlvltlex Cllck Approve Cllck xubmlt orJer Muxxuge- II orJer xubmltteJ xuccexxfully- Submlt BB OrJer S1A0F CS Submlxxlon of BB OrJer Cllck ChllJ OrJerx Cllck Submlt OrJer Mexxuge- BB OrJer SubmltteJ Succexxfully Stutux wlll be Submlxxlon ln Progrexx NB: Note orJer no, uxer nume, F- mull uJJrexx, Plun tuken, 1ype of moJem etc ln the uppllcutlon form============================================================================== . Fr-Fuult Prlntlng 1M Sectlon Vlce Browxe Internet AJJrexx : hLLp:// Uxer I & PuxxworJ- CR1VM Select Report ux Clurlty South Report Iogln Cllck Axxurunce CllckFuultx IM Vlce PenJlng Select Clrcle, SSA, X0F, IM CoJe Submlt SelectFlt Puge Cllck Prlnter Plcture 0o to Propertlex unJ xelect IunJxcupe. OK ============================================================================== F.BB Plunx Avulluble ln CRM(Open ltpc - BB Actlve Plunx for more Jetullx) *InJlcutexPlunx uppllcuble to Home & Rurul Cuxtomerx 88 Comm|tted |ans 88 8uSlnLSS 13000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 4000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML 1800 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML 3300 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 1200 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 3000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 3000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 9000 CLnL8AL A8LA 8 *88C uLl 3300-CommlLLed 88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 6000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL 1ALuC CCu81S CLnL8AL A8LA 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL ulS18lC1 CCu81S CLnL8AL A8LA 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL !uuCLS CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML 1800 CCMMl11Lu 88 PCML 3300 CCMMl11Lu 88 8700 LA lC8 CL1 8u Cl LxClSL Anu CuS1 CCMMl11Lu 88 8700 1C MLulCAL SL8vlCLS CCMMl11Lu 88 8uSl 1200 1C ulS1 CCu81 CCMMl11Lu 88 vC88 CC 1C ML W/CL1 CCMMl11Lu 88 1C CCCS lC8uM3300 88 PCML 1800 PCML unLlMl1Lu 900 lC8 !uuCLS 88 vn LAn lC8 81C *88C uLl 6000 CommlLLed 8u8AL uSC 130 LAn 88 8uSlnLSS S1A81u 230 LAn CCMMl11Lu 88 LAn lC8 1.n.18AnSC81 *88C uL 2130-CommlLLed 88 C8LC 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300 LuS 8700 LAn 1WAu 8CA8u - CCMMl11Lu 88C uLl 9000 CommlLLed 8uSlnLSS 700 LAn lC8 C8l ClllCL8S- CCMMl11Lu 8SnL S1All 8Ln1AL 8S 100 8uSlnLSS uL 3300 lC8 CCnSuML8 lC8uM 88 LAnACS 8uSC13088LAn 88 lC8 Ak8 A8CLL-CCMMl11Lu 88C uLl 13000 CommlLLed 8roadband Norma| |ans *88C 8u8AL uSCl uL 1300 *88C uLl 9000 88 8uSlnLSS 2000 CLnL8AL A8LA *88C230 *88C ln 30088 PCML 1000 CLnL8AL A8LA 9 *88C 700 *88 PCML uL 730 *88 vn 236 *88 vn 312 88 8uSlnLSS 230 CLnL8AL A8LA *88C123 88 SL8vlCL ClllCL CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8SnL C1PL8S CLnL8AL A8LA 88-8SnL-!AC-8LS 88-8SnL-SAC-8LS *88-8SnL-PAC-8LS 88 8SnL C1PL8S CLnL8AL A8LA 2 *88 A CLlCL vn 8u8AL A8LA 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL 18LASu8lLS CLnL8AL A8LA *88 8CL CLnL8AL A8LA 88 AvlvA CLnL8AL A8LA *88 lnlCS?S CnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML unLlMl1Lu 730 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML unLlMl1Lu 1330 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML 330 lLLxl CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML 123 CLnL8AL A8LA *88C uLl 13000 *88 A CLlCL vn u88An A8LA *88C 8u8AL uSCl 130 *88C 8u8AL uSCl 99 88 8uSlnLSS 4000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 13000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML 1800 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML 3300 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 1200 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 3000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 3000 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 9000 CLnL8AL A8LA *88C uLl 3300 *88C uLl 6000 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL 1ALuC CCu81S CLnL8AL A8LA 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL ulS18lC1 CCu81S CLnL8AL A8LA 10 *88 S1A1L CCv1 SCPCCL ZL8C *88 PCML lLLxl 330 *88 SLClAL 88 LAn lC8 A l8AnCPlSLL CLnL8AL A8LA 88 LAn 230 Wl1P 1C8 l8LL *88 - 8230 lC8 MAnuAL 8LSCu8CL / M/S S8Ll SAPA! L-vlLLACL L1u 88 PCML 330 lLLxl CLnL8AL A8LA lC8 CC *88 CSC 1000 *88-CSC-400 88 LAn lC8 Ak8 8ACLL 88 8700 LAn lC8 1WAu 8CA8u 88 730 unLlMl1Lu lC8 CLlCL 88 8u8AL 1000 LAn 88 8u8AL 400 LAn 88-SL8vlCL-offlce 88 uLALL8 CCM8C ZL8C 88 CLn18AL LxClSL vnC88 88 1C 1n CCMMCn SvC CLn18 *88-?8AMlu SAlMl8A / PuCPLS800 88 CM C8 LCulvALLn1 88 LAn CCM8C 88 uCM/SL ClvlL/LLLC 88 LAn 88 CM C8 LCulvALLn1 88 LAn 88 8700 LAn lC8 Su8PlkSPA 88 SL200 lC8 M/S lCC L1u 88 8700 LAn lC8 18LSu8lLS LCCv 88 8uSlnLSS 1200 lC8 1C CCu81 CCMLLxLS 88 AnnA unlvL8Sl1? ZL8C 88 A8M? uL 1M8S 88 A8M? uL 2M8S 88 A8M? uL 236k8S 88 8SnL S1All 88 8Ln1 8S.100 lC8 SvC1Pu 88 PCML 3300 88 A8M? uL 312k8S 88 LlMl1Lu SuL8 1111 LAn 88 8700 1C MLulCAL SL8vlCLS 88 8700 LAn 1C M/S PuCPLS 88 8uSl 1200 1C ulS1 CCu81 11 88 vnC88 CCnn 1C nML W/CnL1 *88 SLClAL(8700) lC8 1WAu 88 CM C8 LCuAvALLn1 88 LAn 88 SL8vlCL 100 88 SL8vlCL 300 8u8AL uSC unLlMl1Lu PCML 799 LAn 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300 SL8vlCL 100 Wl1P lMC 8S.0 l8LL C8 1 vnC88 LAn lC8 S1A1L CLlCL SL8vlCL 88 C1PL8S 8S.100 SL8vlCL 88CAu 8Anu 8S 100 *vn Wl1PCu1 ln1L8nL1 CCnnLC1lvl1? 88 8u8AL uSC PCML CCM8C unLlMl1Lu 899 LAn 88C PCML 8u8AL uSCl uL 799 88 8uSlnLSS 6000 unLlMl1Lu 88 8uSlnLSS 3300 unLlMl1Lu 88 88CAunL1 vn CvL8 88[312 W/C ASSWu 1AMlLnAuu CLlCL 730 LAn 88230 1C SCPCCL 20 ulS 88 8230 LAn lC8 ul8.8CSLCu 88 SL ACkACL Ak8 A8CLL 88 88SCPLML lC8 S?nulCA1L 8A 88 1WAu SL ACkACL 88 88 lC8 SL8 8LSl 100 8S 88 1n MLulCAL ZL8C *88-8SnL-C1PL8S-8LS100 88 1LMC8A8? CCnnLC1lCn 88 8SnL S1All-8Ln1AL 8S.100 88 SL 8CCSAL lC8 CWL8 C8lu CC8.8230 88 CSC uL 999 88 9000 LAn lC8 LAMCL1 CCnvLnC8 *88 PCML uL 499 *88C uL 2130 *88CSC uL 999 SL8vlCL 100 88 M 1800 88 nA1lCnAL MlSSlCn lC8 LuuC1A1lCn 88CAu8Anu 12 88 88 lC8 LxlS1lnC 8LSl1L8 ClllCL8S 88 vn CvL8 88 8SAlC vL8SlCn 236 88 LAn lC8 WL8 CCnlL8LnClnC SL 700 LAn lC8 CS1 Cll 8700 LAn 1WAu 8CA8u SL LAn lC8 CS1 ClllCL 8uSlnLSS 9000 lC8 LAMCL1 lLLxl-330 PCML LAn 88 LAn lC8 nMLlC1 8C!LC1 lC8 8CvlulnC vnC88 88 8u8AL uSC 130 LAn SL8vlCL LAn lC8 !AC uCM SL8vlCL LAn lC8 SAC CM *CLlCL LAn 99 MCn1P-8LnC l8LL-MCuLM *CLlCL LAn 200 MCn1P-8LnC l8LL-MCuLM 88 8u8AL uSC 99 LAn *88 lC8 AvlvA Anu CWL8 C8lu CnL? 88 18lAL LAn PCML 1000 *88 SAlLCuS1Cu?-Wl1P WAl1lnC LlS1 *88 SAlLCuS1Cu?-Wl1PCu1-WAl1lnC LlS1 88CuSC130[88C 8u8AL uSCl 130 Wl1P 312k8S u1C 2M8S 88 LAn lC8 CCv1 SCP uSCl 88 lC8 Ak8 A8CLL 8SnL S1All-8Ln1AL 8S.100 88 8C?AnkA ZL8C 8uSlnLSS 1200 lC8 CCu81 CCMLLxLS l11P 88 unLlMl1Lu 3999 LAn Wl1P 2 M8S l11P 88 unLlMl1Lu 11999 LAn Wl1P 8 M8S l11P 88 unLlMl1Lu 13999 Wl1P 10 M8S l11P 88 unLlMl1Lu 23999 Wl1P 20 M8S l11P 88 unLlMl1Lu 49999 Wl1P 30 M8S l11P 88 unLlMl1Lu 83999 Wl1P 100 M8S 88 CvL8 vn Cn LxlS1lnC l11P 88 LlMl1Lu 1300 LAn Wl1P 2 M8S l11P 88 LlMl1Lu 2999 LAn Wl1P 4 M8S l11P 88 LlMl1Lu 6999 LAn Wl1P 16 M8S l11P 88 unLlMl1Lu 2999 LAn Wl1P 1 M8S 13 730 unLlMl1Lu lC8 CLlCL lMC lC8 88CAu8Anu Cn SLClAL ACkACL 88C 230 lC8 8SnL SL8vlnC LMLC?LLS lMC lC8 88CAu8Anu unLlMl1Lu SLClAL LAn 8uSlnLSS 1000 CCM8C 88-CCnvLnlLnCL 230 LAn *88-A8M?-uL-1Mbps 88-A8M?-uL-2Mbps 88-A8M?-uL-236kbps 88-A8M?-uL-312kbps PCML unLlMl1Lu 730 CLnL8AL A8LA lC8 LLCC1 CuS1CML8S 88 - 88 LAn 400 lC8 CC 88 - 88 LAn 1000 lC8 CC *88 88 M uLu 1300 *88 M uLu 1000 Combo Comm|tted |ans 88 PCML unLlMl1Lu 900 LuS CLnL8AL A8LA 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL CCnSuML8 lC8uM CLnL8AL A8LA *88C CCM8C uLl 3300 CommlLLed *88C CCM8C uLl 6000 CommlLLed *88 8uL9000L LAn lC8 SPA lnSu8LnCL CC L1u CLnL8AL A8LA -SuLA8 *88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300L lC8 v8 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 CCM8C 4999 LAn CCMMl11Lu 88 CCM8C 8999 LAn 88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 6000 LuS 88 unLlMl1Lu vAS PCML CCM8C uLl 2999 CCMMl11Lu 8uSlnLSS 3300 unLlMl1Lu LuS CCMMl11Lu CCM8C 88ul1499C[88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1499 88Cul9000C[88C uLl 9000 CCM8C 2M8S u1C 300C8, 8L?Cnu 1M8S 88 PCML vAS CCM8C uLl 1499 *88C SuL8 SLLu CCM8C 9999 CommlLLed 88C CCM8C1999 - CCMMl11Lu *88C CCM8C 3300 CommlLLed *88C CCM8C 4300 CommlLLed *88C CCM8C uL 2130-CommlLLed *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 900-CommlLLed 14 *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1000-CommlLLed 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1100 - CCMMl11Lu *88C CCM8C - CommlLLed l8LL 88 lC8 PlCPWA?S - CCM8C CCMl11Lu *88C SLLu CCM8C 2799-CommlLLed 88 16 M8S CCMMl1Lu CCM8C 4999 88 24 M8S CCMMl1Lu CCM8C 8999 88 uLl CCMMl1Lu CCM8C 2999 88C CCM8C 1111 *88 PCML CCM8C uL 1330-CommlLLed 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1499 *88C CCM8C uLl 9000 CommlLLed *88C CCM8C 1111-CommlLLed *88C SuL8 SLLu CCM8C 4999 CommlLLed 88 L-CCvL8nAnCL -3300 LAn 88 SL 88C CCM8C uLl 9000 lC8 CLL-2010 88C CCM8C uLl 13000 CommlLLed *88C CCM8C 1300 - LlMl1Lu PCML & 8uSlnLSS CCMMl11Lu *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1400 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? - CCMMl11Lu *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1700 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? - CCMMl11Lu 88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300 Combo Norma| |ans *88C CCM8C uLl 13000 *88C ln CCM8C 300 *88C ln CCM8C 600 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL nlC 700 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL MLulCAL CLnL8AL A8LA *88 uLLCl11L CLnL8AL A8LA *88 PCML CCM8C uL730 *88 PCML CCM8C uL 1330 88 PCML CCM8C 299 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 PCML CCM8C 199 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 1000 CCM8C CLnL8AL A8LA *88C CCM8C uLl 9000 *88-LuuCCM CCM8C-230 88 PCML unLlMl1Lu 900 LuS CLnL8AL A8LA 13 88 e-CCvL8nAnCL CCnSuML8 lC8uM CLnL8AL A8LA *88C CCM8C uLl 3300 *88C CCM8C uLl 6000 *88 8uL9000L LAn lC8 SPA lnSu8LnCL CC L1u CLnL8AL A8LA - SuLA8 *88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300L lC8 v8 CLnL8AL A8LA *88 8uL13000 lC8 M/S C3l LCCu CLnL8AL A8LA *88 8uSlnLSS 1000 CCM8C lC8 v8 8u8AL CLnL8AL A8LA *88 nLW 88 ACkACL 1C M/S uLLCl11 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 nLW 8Lv.ACkACL 1C uLLCl1 CLnL8AL A8LA *88 nLW 88 ACkACL(CnLlnulA) 1C uLLCl11 CLnL8AL A8LA 88 8uSlnLSS 700 LAn lC8 C8l ClllCL8S - SuLA8 88 A8M? 88 CCM8C LAn 8uS 700 LAn lC8 PlCPWA?S CCM8C - SuLA8 88 LlMl1Lu SuL8 CCM8C 1111 LAn 88uL3300LAn lC8 L8C!LC CCM8C - SuLA8 88 900LuS LAn lC8 L8C CCM8C - SuLA8 88 8uSlnLSS 1200 lC8 CCu81 CCMLLxLS CCM8C - SuLA8 *88C 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C 230 *88C 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C 330 *88C 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C 999 88 8uSlnLSS 700 LAn lC8 nlC-SlC unl1S - SuLA8 88 PCML 300 CCM8C LuS LAn 88 8uSlnLSS 700 LAn lC8 C8l ClllCL8S 88 PCML unLlMl1Lu 900 lC8 !uuCLS 88 CCM8C 4999 LAn 88 CCM8C 8999 LAn 88 8SnL S1All 88 8Ln1 8S.100 lC8 SvS1Sul 88 8uS 700LAn lC8 L8C!LC1 - SuLA8 88 PCML uL 1330 LuS 88 PCML 199 CCM8C *88C CCM8C 299 88 SL LAn 1C LLCC1 CCM8C - SuLA8 *88C PCML 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C uL 899 PCML unLlMl1Lu CCM8C vAS 1499 LAn PCML unLlMl1Lu CCM8C vAS 2999 LAn uL CCM8C LAn lC8 ALL MlnC8 l8C - SuLA8 CCM8C 749 LAn 16 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300 LuS l8AnCPlSLL 230 8uSl 700 LAn lC8 MLulCAL L-CCv - SuLA8 8uL6000 lC8 Wu L CCvL8nAnCL - SuLA8 PCML 299 CCM8C 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 6000 LuS 8uSlnLSS 1600 236 k8S CCM8C LAn lC8 CCMA1 1LCPnCLCClLS SL8vlCL 88 !AC S1A81u LAn lC8 CCv1.SCPCCLS l8AnCPlSLL 230 LAn 88 LAn 4000 lC8 kAS1u8l 88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300 LAn 88 8uSlnLSS 6000 unLlMl1Lu LuS CCM8C 88 8uSlnLSS 3300 unLlMl1Lu LuS-CCM8C 88 84000 LAn lC8 M/S S1A8 PLAL1P ALLlLu(A8CC?AS8l) 88 CCM8C 3300 LAn lC8 C8LC A8M? uL 2Mbps CCM8C A8M? uL 236k8S CCM8C A8M? uL 312k8S CCM8C 88 8uSl 700 LAn lC8 PuCPLS CCMMunlCA1lCn CCM8C - SuLA8 88 SLClAL CCM8C LAn 1000 88 81000C LAn lC8 S8lCPAl1n *88C SuL8 SLLu CCM8C 9999 *88C CCM8C 630 *88C CCM8C 830 88C CCM8C1999 *88C CCM8C 3300 *88C CCM8C 4300 *88 PCML CCM8C uL 623 *88 PCML 8u8AL CCM8C uLu 300 *88C CCM8C uL 2130 *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 900 *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1000 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1100 SL LAn Wl1PCu1 Su - CCM8C uCM/SL(ClvlL)/(LLLC) - CCM8C 17 vn CvL8 88 lC8 nML Wl1PCu1 ln1L8nL1 88 88 LAn 4000 lC8 kAS1u8l 88 SL8vlCL 88 !AC 88 CCM8C LAn lC8 Lv8Cn Wl1P LL SuLLv8n 88-LCCv-CCnSuML8 lC8uM uL 3300 8700 lC8 ulS1 PLAL1P Anu MLulCAL PCML 199 CCM8C-CCM8C 88CAu8Anu PCML CCM8C LAn-CCM8C *88C CCM8C 399 *88C CCM8C 749 *88C - CCM8C 1111 88 CCM8C 1499 *88C SLLu CCM8C 2799 *88 16 Mbps CCM8C 4999 88 24 Mbps CCM8C 8999 88 CCM8C 2999 88 8uSlnLSS uL 9000 LuS - CCM8C 88 8uSlnLSS 700 lC8 SMA81 AnCPA?A1-CCM8C 88 vn C 88 lC8 C8LC 88 lC8 lnuuS Anu CCMM uL 88 3000 LAn lC8 1AnCL1 88 PCML unLlMl1Lu 900 88C SuL8 SLLu CCM8C 4999 88 PCML 8uSC CCM8C uL 300,312kbps u1C 4C8,8L?Cnu 236kbps 88 - MA8lnL 8Cu LxC81 uLv 88 SL 8uSlnLSS LAn 9000 lC8 CLL 2010 - SuLA8 88CCM8C-S?nC1lCS1LCPL1u l8LL 88 l8AnCPl ulS18l8u8 *88C CCM8C 1300 - LlMl1Lu PCML & 8uSlnLSS *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1400 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? *88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1700 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? PCML uL 1330 LuS-CCM8C 88 - 8uSlnLSS 1000 CCM8C lC8 MAnuAL SAMAk?AS 88 LlMl1Lu SuL8 CCM8C 1111 LAn- CCM8C 88 8uL13000L lC8 lC8LS1 18C C18 88 SL 8uSlnLSS CCM8C LAn 1 18 88 LAn lC8 S?nC1lCS v1 L1u F.CRM- NPC Reglxtrutlon- Munuul-Wlthout BB- All 1ype (Buxlnexx, OY1 etc) Prellmlnury Arrungement You xhoulJ be uwure of the Fxchunge CoJe( eg 1VMVj) to whlch connectlon lx requlreJ S1A0F-F1 Openlng Accexx CR Progrum : http:,, Cllck Cuxtomer Accountx- Cllck Cuxtomer Account IlxtCllck NFW-(Cuxtomer I 00000) Fnter Account Nume (Nume of the Cuxtomer) Account 1ype- eg: InJlvlJuul S1A0F- F2 Inxtullutlon AJJrexx & Bllllng AJJrexx o Stuge A2 & Stuge AS (Refer A) S1A0F-FS Contuct Ilxt Cllck Contuctx (not ut the top of the xcreen) Cllck New Muke entrlex poxxlble ( 1ltle, Surnume, Nume, 0enJer, 1el Nox lf uny ulreuJy uvulluble- Home- Moblle, Fnter e-mull uJJrexx lf uvulluble, PreferreJ communlcutlon eg: Moblle lf moblle no uvulluble- Other wlxe - Mull) S1A0F-F4 Bllllng Account Cllck Bllllng Account (not ut the top of the xcreen) Cllck NFW (Fnter FlelJx by xelectlon ) Contuct Iuxt Nume Bllllng Account type- eg: InJlvlJuul( 1hlx lx not uxuge CoJe- Uxuge coJe xhoulJ be buxlnexx lf Buxlnexx) Bllllng Account Sub 1ype- Otherx Bllllng AJJrexx- Select- OK Rurul,Urbun- Select ux uvulluble ln the lnxtullutlon uJJrexx Check Other entrlex Frequency- Bl monthly Blll PerloJ- Selectxuy B01 Blll 1ype- Summery PreferreJ Iunguuge- Fngllxh Amerlcun Blll Prlntlng Optlon- Contlnuoux Pre PulJ 1ype- None Cllck Menu & Suve RecorJ Cllck Creute Account 19 S1A0F- FS OrJer Cllck OrJerx (not ut the top of the xcreen) Cllck New Bllllng Account- Select OK Servlce Ilne- Buxlc Phone Servlce Servlce- WlreIlne Servlce 1ype- IunJ Ilne Servlce Sub 1ype- FlxeJ Ilne Servlce Cut- Non OY1 0enerul (xuy) Connectlon type- Permunent ocumentx to be collecteJ- CAF & Cre (xuy) Inxtullutlon AJJrexx- Select- OK Uxuge CoJe- Buxlnexx (xuy) Cllck OrJer No (At the left enJ of the prexent entry bur) S1A0F-F6 Ilne Itemx BrouJbunJ requlreJ- N Cllck Ilne Itemx Cllck New Muke entrlex ( nomlne Nume, nomlne Relutlon -xpouxe for wlfe,huxbunJ) Select from ProJuct- Fnter OK forgettlng IunJ Ilne S1A0F- F7 Cuxtomlze, Number Selectlon, emunJ Note, OrJer o A6, A7 (Refer A) S1A0F-F8 Approvol lI Hessoqe Approvol RequireJ is cominq Note orJer No- loq 0ut loq in witb user nome & PossworJ of tbe opprovinq outbority Click tbe orJer no in Eome Poqe Click 0rJer N0 Click Activities Fnter Comments- 0k Click ApproveJ Click Submit 0rJer S1A0F-F9 Checklng o A8 ==============================================================================0. CRM-NPC Reglxtrutlon-Munuul Wlth BB- AII 1YPFS of NPC (Buxlnexx, OY1 etc) Prellmlnury Arrungement You xhoulJ be uwure of the Fxchunge CoJe( eg 1VMVj) to whlch connectlon lx requlreJ S1A0F-01 20 Openlng, Inxtullutlon, AJJrexx , Bllllng AJJrexx ,Contuct Ilxt, Bllllng Account & OrJer Accexx CR Progrum : http:,, Cllck Cuxtomer Accountx-Cuxtomer Account Ilxt wlll become bolJ Cllck NFW-Cuxtomer I 00000 Fnter Account Nume (Nume of the Cuxtomer) Account 1ype- eg: InJlvlJuul o Stuge A2, Stuge AS, Stuge A4 (Refer A) o Stuge A1(Refer A) Cllck Bllllng Account Cllck NFW Fnter FlelJx by xelectlon (Contuct Flrxt Nume, Iuxt Nume) Bllllng Account type- eg: InJlvlJuul Bllllng Account Sub 1ype- Otherx Bllllng AJJrexx- Select- OK Rurul,Urbun Frequency- Bl monthly Blll 1ype- Summery prefereJ Iunguuge- Fngllxh Amerlcun Blll Prlntlng Optlon- Contlnuoux Pre PulJ 1ype- None Cllck Creute Account Cllck OrJerx Cllck New Bllllng Account- Select OK Servlce Ilne- Buxlc Phone Servlce Servlce- WlreIlne Servlce 1ype- IunJ Ilne Servlce Sub 1ype- FlxeJ Ilne Servlce Cut- Non OY1 0enerul (xuy) Connectlon type- Permunent ocumentx to be collecteJ- CAF & Cre (xuy) Inxtullutlon AJJrexx- Select- OK Uxuge CoJe- RexlJentlul (xuy) CIICK ORFR NO S1A0F-02 Ilne Itemx BrouJbunJ requlreJ- Y Cllck Ilne Itemx Cllck New Muke entrlex ( nomlne Nume, nomlne Relutlon -xpouxe for wlfe,huxbunJ) Select from ProJuct- Fnter OK forgettlng IunJ Ilne S1A0F-0S Cuxtomlze, Number Selectlon, emunJ Note, OrJer O A7 (Refer A) IF Mexxuge Approvul RequlreJ Cllck Actlvltlex Fnter Commentx- Ok 21 Cllck ApproveJ Cllck Submlt OrJer Cllck Submlt OrJer (POP up OrJer SubmltteJ Succexxfully- Cllck OK) Check xub Stutux- It wlll be "VullJutlon Succexxful" Check Stutux- It wlll be"xubmlxxlon ln progrexx" Muxxuge- II orJer xubmltteJ xuccexxfully- Submlt BB OrJer S1A0F 04 Submlxxlon of BB OrJer o C4 (Refer C) ============================================================================== H. CRM-Checklng Fxchunge 1ype & Uxuge coJe of u Worklng Number Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter Phone No # eg: 0472-287SSSS Cllck 0O Cllck Servlce no uvullubleCllck More lnformutlon Fxchunge type & uxuge coJe cun be xeen unJer xervlce Jetullx ============================================================================== I.CRM-ChunglngUxuge CoJe of u Worklng No Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter Phone No # eg: 0472-287SSSS Cllck 0O Cllck Account Nume uvulluble Operutlng xtutux xhoulJ be uctlve Cllck OrJer Sub 1ype SelectUxuge CoJe Cllck MoJlfy Chunge uxuge coJe ln the top xcreen coloumn 2 Cllck Accexxory Check Cllck Cuxtomlze Cllck ONF Cllck VullJute Pop up VullJutlon Succexxful-OK Cllck emunJ Note Cllck Submlt OrJer Stutux wlll be chungeJ to Submlxxlon ln Progrexx ========================================================================================= j.CRM-Releuxlng OI WI From CRM to Clurlty (wlth out BB) IN CRM Cllck OrJerx Select WultllxteJ Cllck 0O IfA,N No lx known, Cllck 1op query Fnter A,N no ln OrJer no - FN1FR (eg : KFR1VM2010110068S) 22 (otherwlxe xelect the uppllcunt from the llxt) Verlfy nume Cllck OrJer NO - Importunt Step Cllck WultllxteJ orJer Cllck Releuxe ut the top BrouJ bunJ RequlreJ- NCllck Ilne Itemx Check entrlex ( nomlne Nume, nomlne Relutlon -xpouxe for wlfe,huxbunJ, SuggexteJ Nume) CheckProJuct- IunJ Ilne (lf not uvulluble) o StugeA6 o StugeA7 ( emunJ Note not requlreJ) o StugeA8 ========================================================================================= K. Clurlty-Checklng the uvullublllty of u WIIf 1el no lx known Open Clurlty Cllck Provlxlonlng Select SFRVICF ORFRS Cllck query (Mug 0luxx) Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-2S8S11 Cllck query ugulnS1A1US wlll be JlxpluyeJ If 1el no lx not known Open Clurlty Cllck Provlxlonlng Select Inbox- Work OrJerx,1uxkx IN Work 0roup Fnter AII WORK0ROUPS Keep From ute Blunk Cllck Set Select 1uxkx F7 In 1uxk Nume Fnter IFN1IFY% F8 (Now you cun xee the llxt of xervlce orJerx for whlch IM to be lJentlfleJ) Cllck correxponJlng Servlce OrJer for Jetullx ========================================================================================== I.Clurlty-Checklng Fuultx Open Clurlty Cllck Provlxlonlng Select Work OrJer, 1uxkx Cllck Work 0roup Cllck IOV (ownwurJ urrow) IN -FlnJ- Fnter Xge CoJe eg: 1VM Vj% Cllck FIN Select the Work OrJer 0roup Cllck OF Cllck SF1 23 Cllck 1ASK ========================================================================================== M. Clurlty-Cloxlng u fuultOpen Clurlty Cllck Provlxlonlng Select Work OrJer, 1uxkx Select Work 0roup Cllck IOV (ownwurJ urrow) IN FlnJ Fnter Xge CoJe eg: 1VM Vj% Cllck FIN Select the Work OrJer 0roup ofxelecteJ llne xtuffCllck OK Correct From ute lf requlreJ Cllck SF1 Cllck Work OrJerx ouble cllck the xelecteJ WO Cllck Attrlbute Cllck Current vulue of 11_Fuult_Clerunce_CoJe Cllck IOV unJ xelect Cllck Stutux ( AxxlgneJ) Cllck IOV unJ Select CompleteJ ========================================================================================== N. CRM-Permunent Cloxure of II Wlth out BB ux per purtyx requext 1he telephone SurrenJer Certlflcute xhoulJ be uvulluble wlth the uppllcutlon Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o Cllck Account Nume Select OrJer Sub 1ype Ax lxconnect (IunJ Ilne) Cllck lxconnect ln the Menu Cllck Actlvltlex to get the nume of offlcer to be upproveJ (Vljuyun.S for Vj) Iog OutIog ln wlth uxer nume & PuxxworJ of upprovlng uuthorlty (Vljuyun.S for Vj) In Home Puge Cllck orJer no of Actlvlty PenJlng Cllck OrJer No Cllck Actlvltlex Select lxconnectlon Reuxon Fnter Commentx Fnter ImmeJlute Blll- N Cllck Approve Cllck Submlt OrJer lf uvulluble PopUP SubmltteJ orJer Succexxfully O.CRM-Shlft from one Xge to Another Xge wlth or wlthout U,R chunge & wlth out BB Note 24 1.the Fxchunge CoJe of the exchunge to whlch xhlft requlreJ& Worklng level 2.Whether U or R Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o o Stuge A2, AS(Refer A) If U,R chunge requlreJ- o Stuge F4 (Refer F)-( Note Bllllng Account NO) S1AGL-C1 Cllck Account Summery Select OrJer Sub 1ype ux Shlft Acroxx Fxchunge Cllck Shlft (...Wult) Cllck More Informutlon Cllck Bllllng Account- Select the correct Account no- OK( U,R Chunge to be correct) Inxtullutlon AJJrexx- Select the Correct uJJrexx- OK CllckHoxe No,Flut No Cllck OK Select ocumentx to be collecteJ-Ax CFA & CreJltlonx Select Nuture of xhlft Ax Shlft ImmeJlute Select Bllllng AJJrexx Chunge RequlreJ Ax Y S1AGL-C2 Cllck PreferreJ Number- Fnter eg: 287S% Cllck Avulluble Numberx Select Number- Cllck OK (Fnxure thut the no lx uctuully u xpure no) Cllck Rexerve Number S1AGL C3 Cllck Ilne Itemx Cllck Cuxtomlze (IF U,R chunge then Chunge II Plun R- FMC110 U- FMC180) Cllck one Cllck Accexxory Check Cllck VullJute Popup VullJutlon Succexxful- OK Submlt OrJer Popup OrJer SubmltteJ Succexxfully- OK Check Stutux- Submlxxlon ln Progrexx P. Itpc-Checklng of Performunce of Xgex unJ PenJlng Work orJerx http:,, puxxworJ guext ========================================================================================== q. Conflgurutlon of PC for CR & CR Sltex 1he PC xhoulJ huve mln S00 MB RAM & Preferubly PIV or hlgher procexxor. IF7 lx to be the browxlng xoftwure. 1he PC xhoulJ huve IAN connectlon or BB VPN ln Multlply. (0et uxer nume & PuxxworJ for BB CR from I1 Cell lf lt lx VPN Multlply) 23 lul up cun be ulxo uxeJ but the xpeeJ wlll be very low for the flrxt tlme. NS AJJrexx Open IF Cllck 1oolx & xelect Internet Optlonx Select the 1ype of Connectlon & Cllck Settlng Cllck Propertlex Cllck Networklng Select Internet Protocol 1CP,IP Cllck Propertlex Cllck Uxe the fullowlng NS Server Fnter NS Server AJJrexx- Alternute AJJrexx- Cllck OK OK Securlty, Actlve X & Pop UP Settlng Open IF Cllck 1oolx & xelect Internet Optlonx Select USF BIANK(1he Browxer xhoulJ huve BIANK ux efuult uJJrexx) Cllck Securlty Cllck Cuxtom Ievel In Actlve X Controlx Pug In Fnuble-Allow prevlouxly unuxeJ Actlve X Controlx to run wlthout prompt Fnuble-Allow Scrlptletx Fnuble-Automutlc Promptlng for Actlve X Controlx Fnuble- Blnury & Scrlpt behuvlorx lxuble- Uxe Pop Up Blocker Slte uJJrexx CRM & PMS hLLp:// Clurlty hLLp:// Fr : hLLp:// (user name/assword- Cu81vM- SelecL ClarlLy SouLh 8eporL) ltpc : hLLp:// (user name/password - guesL) For Cuxtomerx : lttpselfcaiesucbsnlin ( In BrouJbunJ Internet Connectlon) New CRM Puckuge : lttpnewcimsucbsnlcoin (New lntroJuctlon for better performunce) Conflgure Proxy Settlng (For IAN Connectlonx) 1oolx-Internet Optlonx- Connectlon 1ub Cllck IAN Settlng Cllck AJvunceJ Button Fxpectutlon enter 10.*, 192.*, * (Smull letterx) AJJrexx of Proxy Server Port S128 Uxernume& PuxxworJ CR Project luuncheJ ln 1rlvunJrum SSAon 2S-12-10 CRM USFR Nume: 'B' followeJ by HRMS No. eg:- B198S06789 PMS USFR Nume: 'b' followeJ by HRMS No. eg:- b198S06789 efuult puxxworJ lx bxnl12S whlch xhoulJ be chungeJ ln flrxt loglnFor Clurlty USFR Nume: 'B' followeJ by HRMS No. eg:- B198S06789 PuxxworJ lx xume ux Uxernume utubuxe:CIRSPH1

============================================================================= R. CRM-BB-MoJem Plun Chunge (MoJlfy) Fnxure the number not unJer NP 1.IfNew Plun lx Home Plun uxuge coJe xhoulJ be RexlJentlul. ( Refer H & I) 2.If New plun lx Rurul Plun, Fxchunge 1ype ShoulJ be Rurul.S.If OlJ Plun lx Home Plun, then ulxo uxuge coJe xhoulJ be RexlJentlul. ( Ref H & I) 4.If OlJ Plun lx Rurul, Fxchunge type xhoulJ be RurulS.If OlJ Plun lx pure Buxlnexx or New plun lx Buxlnexx, enxure thut uxuge coJe lx buxlnexx. Check the prexent plun of the number correctly Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o Cllck Account Nume Operutlng Stutux ShoulJ be Actlve Cllck OrJer Sub 1ype ux- BrouJ BunJ MoJlfy Cllck MoJlfy- Importunt Step Cllck Cuxtomlze Cllck BrouJbunJ Muke necexxury chungex Cllck epoxlt- 0 Puy ln Next Blll Cllck one Cllck uxer IJ creutlon- OK (..Wult) Cllck emunJ Note (xome tlmex not requlreJ Jlxpluy- Ok) Cllck Submlt OrJer ============================================================================== S.CRM-Shlft Wlth ln the X0F wlth out number chunge - Iocul Shlft Wlth or wlthout U,R Chunge-Numberx Wlth out BB Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o o Stuge A2, AS (Refer A) If U,R chunge o F4 (Refer F- Note Bllllng Account NO) o Stuge O1 (Refer O-But Select OrJer Sub 1ype ux Shlft wlth ln Xge W,o number chunge) o Stuge OS (Refer O) ============================================================================= 1. CRM-Cloxure of BB Connectlon If Rentul or free moJem, moJem xurrenJer certlflcute xhoulJ be uvulluble wlth Appllcutlon 1he no ShoulJ not be unJer NP Note the prexent plun of the BB (from SSANF1) Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o Cllck Account Nume

(IfOperutlng Stutux lx Actlve ) Select OrJer Sub 1ype Ax BB lxconnectlon Cllck lxconnect BB ln the Menu Cllck Actlvlty to get the nume of offlcer to be upproveJ (Vljuyun.S for Vj) [Iog OutIog ln wlth uxer nume & PuxxworJ of upprovlng uuthorlty (Vljuyun.S for Vj) In Home Puge Cllck orJer no of Actlvlty PenJlng Cllck OrJer Noj Cllck Actlvlty SelectReuxon & Fnter Commentx (OK) Cllck Approve Pop Up ApproveJ OK ( If Combo Plun, Cllck Cuxtomlze, chunge lunJ llne ux II 0enerul Plun wlth Monthly Rent 110 Cllnk one) Cllck Submlt OrJer [If Combo plun error mexxuge- Cllck OK- Note,Copy(Contr+c) OrJer Noj [0o to OrJerx- Home- Fnter orJer No (Contr+v)- Cllck 0Oj [Cllck OrJer No-Cllck Cuxtomlze- Chunge II plun ux 110- cllck Jonej Cllck Submlt orJer PopUP SubmltteJ orJer Succexxfully ============================================================================== U. CR 1lpx 1. In CRM 1o Refrexh Screen - AI1+ Fnter Key 1o xeurch - CON1ROI+F 2. In Clurlty1o Refrexh- F8 1o Suve-F10 1o query- -F7 (ufter keeplng polnter ln the flelJ- muke entry F8) 1o Cuncel query- Contl+q S. 1o know vurloux BB PlunxCllck 0lob ut the top of CRM Screen UnJer-ProJuct Muxter utu- Cllck Plunx Select BrouJbunJ 6.In CSC when u cuxtomer upprouchex for uny uJJltlonul fuclllty xuch ux Chunge to Rurul plunetc pleuxe enxure thut no outxtunJlng Juex ugulnxt the cuxtomer. 1o check thlx Refer W 7. Operutlng xtutuxxhoulJ be uctlve for lxxulng uny work orJer 8.In CRM to get the Jetullx of offlcer who hux entereJ the Jutu-CllckHelp- About RecorJ. 9.Whlle Reglxterlng for NPC ln exchungex where Urbun & Rurul ureux ure uvulluble, contuct out Joor j1O,11A unJ enxure whether the connectlon lx ln Urbun or Rurul ureu. OrIf neurext no lx uvulluble Check the Urbun,Rurul lnformutlon for the neurext no 10. After completlng u WO ln CRM, note the WO no ln the uppllcutlon form for future reference. Alxo go to HOMF puge unJ enxure thut the WO no lx not ln the penJlng llxt. 11. In Any uppllcutlon - get Moblle no of cuxtomer 12. 167- Ilne xtuff wlll get Jetullx of the fuult penJlng ln thelr xectlon. 1S. IN CRM when u xervlce requext lx penJlng for completlon you cun not rulxe one more xervlce requext.


14. Before Sturtlng entry ln CRM check the uppllcutlon form to xee whether uny thlng left out 1S. Abbrevlutlonx uxeJ for BB Plunx refers to the applicability of the plans to the user segment. G-> General in case night unlimited (02:00 hrs to 08:00 Hrs) is free in case the plan is rural plan in case the plan is USOF Plan refers to high speed 16f2+ Nbps Plan Refers to 8f16f2+ Nbps Plan in case the plan is a combo plan inclusive of landline rental

  • Unlimited Unlimited usage with fair usage {except rural USOF and CSC plans) represents the fixed monthly charges represents whether the plan is a special plan for enterprise, promotional plan or Circle specific plan ULD. ULD stands for Unlimited with differential speed. Committed Plan The modem shall be given FREE if the customer commits for the period as shown and pays the necessary charges in advance. 16. In Clurlty For xeurchlng Jutu, keep the from Jute blunk xo thut ull penJlng cuxex wlll be JlxpluyeJ

    17. If number lx rexerveJ ln CRM ugulnxt u NPC orJer unJ lf the orJer lx not xubmltteJ wlth ln S0 Juyx of Number Rexervutlon, the number wlll be unrexerveJ uguln- NPC wlll become WI.(?) 18. 1o get Blll etullx, Home SIM Moblle No Ftc- ltpc-SRC Muxter 19. In CRM to get orJerx lxxueJ ugulnxt u tel no- Fnter 1el no ln Servlcex - 0O Cllck Nume of the cuxtomer- On Rlght hunJ xlJe bottom you cun xee WOx lxxueJ for the number & Actlve,CuncelleJ,Progrexx report 18Whlle lxxulng Shlft orJer ln CRM lf you wunt to cuncel the xhlft orJer, cloxe lmmeJlutely the Jlxconnectlon orJer ulxo- ont Jeluy. Other wlxe Jlxconnectlon orJer wlll be puxxeJ to Clurlty uutomutlcully. In xuch u cuxe lf the no lx JlxconnecteJ unJ other orJerx ure ut cuncelleJ xtuge. Pleuxe lxxue Reconnectlon orJer. 20. In CRM to get locullty & Sub locullty ugulnxt u tel no- Fnter 1el no ln Servlcex - 0O Cllck Nume of the cuxtomer- Cllck AJJrexx- In Inxtullutlon AJJrexx Iocullty & Sub locullty cun be xeen. 21. Whlle Completlng u NPC Work orJer ln CRM Note the Cuxtomer I. By knowlng the cuxtomer Account I Jetullx cun be truceJ ln CRM & Clurlty 22. Before Jolng uny work ln CRM enxure no WO lx penJlng ugulnxt the no ux open- Servlce- 1el No- 0o- Cllck Nume- CheckPenJlng WOBllllng Account- Actlve or Settlement 29 OS uex No lx uctlve or OF0 BurreJ etc 2S. Whlle NPC,Reconnectlon, 1runxfer etc lf Nomlnee Nume & Relutlon lx not uvulluble- Fnter Selffor both. 24. Iocutlon & Sub Iocutlon In xome cuxex xume locutlon lx founJ ux repeuteJ ln neurby exchungex. In orJer to uvolJ thlx problem locutlon xhoulJ be pre flxeJ by exchunge coJe Fg : VAP_NellunuJu, Vj_NellunuJu Alxo there xounJ be one locutlon wlth Fxchunge nume Fg: VAP_Vumunupurum, Vj_VenjurumooJ Iocutlonx xhoulJ be mlnlmumIn the cuxe of xub locutlon, there xhoulJ be one xub locutlon wlth Iocutlon nume. Fg: IocutlonSub Iocutlon v!u_nLLLAnAuu 8PCC1PAMAuAkkluLLAnACA8 kAn1PALAkCnAM kLLZPAlkCnAM nLLLAnAuu vAMAnAu8AM ==================================================================== V. CRM-Optlon for Annuul Plun Chunge for nox Wlth out BB Fnxure no out xtunJlng Juex for the number.- Refer W Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter Phone No # eg: 0472-287SSSS Cllck 0O Cllck Account Nume uvulluble Operutlng Stutux xhoulJ be Actlve Check Out xtunJlng Juex (If uny out xunJlng Juex penJlng we wlll not be uble to complete xlnce upprovul from 1RA requlreJ) Cllck OrJer Sub 1ype Select-Chunge ln ServlceCllck MoJlfy (...wult) Cllck Cuxtomlze (....wult) Chunge II Plun (eg: Plun 600 Rurul for Rurul cuxtomerx) Cllck ONF Cllck Accexxory Check Cllck VullJute (....wult) Pop up VullJutlon Succexxful-OK Cllck emunJ Note Cllck Submlt OrJer (.....wult) Stutux wlll be chungeJ to Submlxxlon ln Progrexx 30 Rlght Cllck Mouxe & Run query ufter 10 mln Stutux wlll be chungeJ to complete ============================================================================== W.CRM-Checklng outxtunJlng Juex of u Number & Operutlng Stutux Cllck Servlcex- Fnter Phone no eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o Cllck Nume of the cuxtomer Out xunJlng Juex cun be xeen ut the bottom rlght xlJe Operutlng xtutuxxhoulJ be uctlve for lxxulng uny work orJer ============================================================================= X.CRM-NP Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o Cllck Account Nume Select OrJer Sub 1ype Ax lxconnect ue to NP Cllck lxconnect ln the Menu Cllck Submlt OrJerPopUP SubmltteJ orJer Succexxfully ============================================================================== Y.CRM-Shlft wlth ln Fxchunge wlth number chunge Refer OButOrJer Sub 1ype to be xelecteJ ux Shlft wlthln Fxchunge wlth number chunge. ============================================================================= Z.CRM-Booklng u 1elephone Complulnt Cllck 1rouble 1lcketx Cllck Complulntx Cllck New Fnter Servlce I Phone# xuy 0472-287S1SS Complulnt 1ype Suy 1echnlcul Complulnt Sub 1ype Suy Phone euJ Cllck ocket No Fnter excrlptlon Suy N,W for 1S Juyx Cllck Submlt Check Sub Stutux ============================================================================ AA. CRM Frrorx & Reuxonx q1.Whlle BB provlxlon- on cllck Submlt orJer - gettlng mexxuge Blll frequency lx Bl- monthly A1. If the blll frequency lx Bl-Monthly, on BB provlxlon the Frequency lx to be chungeJ ux Monthly- 1hlx lx uutomutlc- Syxtem Frror- Contuct Syxtem AJmlnlxtrutor q2. Whlle NPC - On cllck of uvulluble numberx - gettlng error mexxuge of Inventory Problem A2. Syxtem error for clurlty or xelecteJ group of no lx not uvulluble ========================================================================== AB. quextlonx & Anxwerx q1. How to Jelete u ln completeJ work orJer A1. 1he work orJer wlll be uvulluble ln the Home Puge. Cllck thlx work orJer no 31 Cllck the work orJer no uguln ln the new xcreen If Cuncel button lx uvulluble- Cllck Otherwlxe cllckMFNU unJ xelect cuncel. q2. Reconnectlon from NP- Whut lx the proceJure? A2. ont Worry- Fully Automutlc qS. Whut lx the Jlfference between Work 0roup & Servlce 0roup AS. In One Servlce 0roup there wlll be xeverul work group to execute the Work. For exumple NPC wlll huve u Servlce group ln thlx there wlll be xeverul work group for MF, O etc to execute the work. q4. Whlle releuxlng WI from CRM ut the tlme of VullJutlonMexxuge- "SuggexteJ nume" requlreJ A4. Select llne Itemx & Fnter SuggexteJ Nume (Nume of the Cuxtomer) qS. Not uble to Chunge BB Plun- 0ettlng Wunlng mexxuge whlle cllcklng Cuxtomlze unJ Frror mexxuge ufter cllcklng UxerI CreutlonAS. Frror ln OlJ Jute upJutlon to CRM.After Cllcklng Cuxtomlze- Cllck one wlth out uny Chunge.Cllck Uxer I Creutlon unJ complete the orJer ln the normul wuy. AfterwurJx Cllck thlx orJer no unJ check for new upJutlon,uJJltlon ln IunJ Ilne After completlon (Preferubly next Juy) uguln Jo the BB plun chunge once uguln ln the normul wuy. ============================================================================== AC. Suggextlonx & Ilmltutlonx 1.In CRM ut prexent the locullty & xub locullty of u number cun not be founJ out.2.1he Iocullty xhoulJ xturt wlth exchunge coJe eg: Vj_1hunJrumpoyku S.Whlle enterlng the neurext no ln Inxtullutlon uJJrexx for NPC, ltx Iocullty & Sub locullty xhoulJ uutomutlcully uppeur ln the relevunt column. 4.It xhoulJ be poxxlble to monltor the no of Fuultx, NPC, BB etc- penJlng- lvlxlon Vlce & ltx Jetullx S.It xhoulJ be poxxlble to monltor the no of fuultx penJlng more thun 7 Juyx, 1S Juyx & S0 Juyx unJ ltx Jetullx 6.Optlng Annuul 1urlff Plun not poxxlble lf outxtunJlng Juex penJlng (Otherwlxe Approvul by AO1R RequlreJ) 7.ully u lurge no of fuultx uppeurlng ln clurlty ux xyxtem generuteJ fuult. In thlx xume no ure repeuteJ xeverul tlmex. RepeuteJ fuult booklng xhoulJ be uvolJeJ. 8.For BB Plun chunge, whlle xubmlttlng orJer, Approvul lx culleJ for. When upprovul lx glven, the nume ofthe offlcer lx gettlng chungeJ. 9.Whlle uccexxlng CRM ufter glvlng uxer nume & puxxworJ, xome other offlcer nume lx gettlng JlxpluyeJ ln the openlng xcreen. A.CRM-Approvul by Competent Authorlty Whlle xubmlttlng orJerx, lf you get u mexxuge "Approvul by competent uuthorlty lx requlreJ" You huve to cllck Actlvltlex & muke entrlex ln Reuxon & commentx unJ cllck ApproveJ. 1hen Cllck Submlt OrJer If you ure not ellglble log out unJ Iog ln wlth uxer nume & PuxxworJ of the upprovlng uuthorlty Cllck the orJer no ln Home Puge Cllck OrJer NO ln the new xcreen Cllck Actlvltlex Fnter Commentx- Ok 32 Cllck ApproveJ Cllck Submlt OrJer ============================================================================== AF. Clurlty- BB Provlxlon 1.For BB Provlxlon Servlce 1ype- IunJllne OrJer 1ype-MoJlfy 1uxk Nume-BB_MF,BB_OutJoor,BB_NIB Before xturtlng you xhoulJ huve 2.1he requlreJ MoJem & MoJem Sl no to be noteJ S.BB_IASM_IP uJJrexx pertulnlng to your exchunge xhoulJ be known (Contuct NIB) 4.Next uvulluble port to be noteJ (only Jlgltx- get help of NIB lf requlreJ) S.BB_Outer_VIAN of your exchunge xhoulJ be known (contuct NIB) 6.o the necexxury jumperlng ln MF for BB & note the port S1A0F - AF1 Openlng Servlce OrJer Screen Open Clurlty o MethoJ I or MethoJ II MethoJ I (Poxxlble only lf you know the tel no) Cllck Provlxlonlng Select SFRVICF ORFRS Cllck query (Mug 0luxx)or F7 Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-2S8S11 Cllck query uguln or F8 Servlce orJer wlth Servlce Implementutlon 1uxk wlth be JlxpluyeJ MethoJ II Cllck Provlxlonlng Cllck Inbox Cllck Work OrJerx,1uxk In Work 0roupx FnterAII WORK0ROUPS Keep From ute Blunk Cllck Set All PenJlng Work OrJerx wlll be JlxpluyeJ F7 Servlce 1ype IunJllne OJer 1ypeMoJlfy 1uxk NumeBB% F8 lfferent BB Work orJerx wlll beJlxpluyeJ ouble cllck the Servlce orJer no correxponJlng to your xelectlon Servlce orJer wlth Servlce Implementutlon 1uxk wlth be JlxpluyeJ S1A0F- AF2 MF 1ASK Open the Servlce orJer xcreen - AF1 Cllck Attrlbutex SelectBB_Network_1ypeCllck IOVSelectPS (for vjJ)OK BB_Brux,BN0_IPenter 10.2S8.74.97 BB_SIAM_IPenter 10.2S0.114.S1 (for vjJ) 33 BB_INNFR_V IANSS4 (xuy- jumpereJ port) BB_outer_Vlun2SS1(for vjJ) Select Stutux AxxlgneJ- Cllck IOV- Select CloxeJ - Yex-OK Suve- F10 Cloxe Screen X Refrexh (F8) O 1ASK Open the Servlce orJer xcreen - AF1 Cllck Attrlbutex Note Uxer lJ & emull uJJrexx (puxxworJ wlll be puxxworJ) Cllck Attrlbutex SelectBB_ feuxlble IOVYexOK BB_Motlve,Non Motlve MoJemIOVSelect (Non Motlve Suy)OK Cllck CloxeJ Itemx Fnter Sl No of MoJem Select Stutux AxxlgneJ- Cllck IOV- Select CloxeJ - Yex for mexxuge-OK Suve- F10 Cloxe Screen X Refrexh (F8) NIB 1uxk to be completeJ by NIB (Automutlc) ( xome tlmex ufter Refrexh we get unwunteJ Jutu. In thut cuxe open the Servlce orJer xcreen Once uguln- AF1) ============================================================================== AF. Clurlty-1o get llxt of Work 0roupxOpen Clurlty Cllck Contuctx Select Fmployee F7 prexx In Column I Fnter B HR NOeg : B197S01188 F8 Prexx Avulluble Work 0roupx wlll be JlxpluyeJ ==============================================================================A0- Inxtructlonx to CSC (Vj lv only) 1.Whlle recelvlng uppllcutlonx pleuxe note the moblle no of the cuxtomer (lf uvulluble) ut the top of the form 2.For ull uppllcutlonx other thun NPC check out xtunJlng Juex unJ requext the cuxtomer to cleur the Juex before ucceptlng uppllcutlon. S.For NPC uppllcutlon note the neurext no (lnJlcute neurext no ln brucket), Alternute lunJ llne no of the cuxtomer ( lf uny- only cuxtomer unJ not cloxe relutlve or frlenJ), moblle no unJ e- mull uJJrexx of the cuxtomer ( lf uny.) 4.For NPC lfcuxh, lx to be collecteJ, lt xhoulJ be Jone through PM only. Better to uvolJ Cuxh, collectlon ulong wlth NPC xlnce the umount cun be collecteJ ln the next blll. S.1he uppllcutlon to be checkeJto xee thut ull columnx ure fllleJ unJ ull relevunt recorJx ure uttucheJ. Fntrlex xuch ux ute, Nomlnee, Relutlonetc xhoulJ be uvulluble.6.All uppllcutlonx recelveJ ln CSC ure to be entereJ ln CRM on the xume Juy. 7.For NPC,for Buxlnexx, School etc Nume of the cuxtomer lx to be fulloweJ by nume of the flrm eg: Prlnclpul_0ovt HSor Munuger_Kuluthungul 34 ============================================================================== AH- Clurlty Ilxt out NPC, Shlft, Reconnectlon, BB, Cloxure, Fuult etc Open Clurlty Cllck Provlxlonlng Select Work OrJer, 1uxkx Cllck Work 0roup FnterAII WORK0ROUPS Keep from Jute ux blunk 1o get Work OrJerx PenJlng F8 All relevunt orJerx wlll be JlxpluyeJ lncluJlng fuultCllck xervlce orJerx to get Jetullx 1o get Work OrJerx PenJlng except fuult F7 UnJer Servlce 1ype Fnter IunJllne _FI1 F8 All relevunt orJerx wlll be JlxpluyeJ except fuult Cllck xervlce orJerx to get Jetullx 1o get IunJllne orJerx PenJlng except fuult F7 UnJer Servlce 1ype Fnter IunJllneF8 All relevunt orJerx wlll be JlxpluyeJ reluteJ wlth lunJ llne except fuult Cllck xervlce orJerx to get Jetullx 1o get IunJ Ilne orJerx for NPC creutlon F7 UnJer Servlce 1ype Fnter IunJllne UnJer OrJer type Fnter Creute F8 All relevunt orJerx wlll be JlxpluyeJ for NPC creutlon Cllck xervlce orJerx to get Jetullx 1o get IunJ Ilne orJerx for NPC penJlng wlth outJoor F7 UnJer Servlce 1ype Fnter IunJllne UnJer OrJer type Fnter Creute UnJer 1uxk Nume Fnter OutJoor (MF for gettlng penJlng cuxex ut MF, InJoor for gettlng penJlng ut InJoor, Flnul_1extlng to get penJlng ut Flnul 1extlng Stuge) F8 All relevunt orJerx wlll be JlxpluyeJ for NPC creutlon Cllck xervlce orJerx to get Jetullx Refer AI for Jetullx ln Fr whlch lx better to tuke prlnt out 1uxkx PenJlng (In the cuxe of NPC the WI wlll be flrxt uvulluble ln 1uxk for ullotment of 1M) Cllck 1uxkF7 In 1uxk Nume Fnter IFN1IFY% F8 (Now you cun xee the llxt of xervlce orJerx for whlch IM to be lJentlfleJ) Cllck correxponJlng Servlce OrJer for Jetullx 33 ============================================================================== AI- Fr- Prlnt out penJlng workx & FuultxBrowxe Internet AJJrexx : hLLp:// Uxer I & PuxxworJ- CR1VM Select Report ux Clurlty South Report Iogln Cllck Axxurunce Cllck F1P Reportx Select Fulflllment OrJerx- to get penJlng WO other thun Fuultx Select Axxurunce OrJerx- 1o get penJlng Fuultx Select- Kerulu- 1rlvunJrum- 0M RURAI (for rurul Xgex)- X0e CoJe- OK Ilxt ln Fxcel ============================================================================== Aj-ltpc- Monltorlng CR work - FuultcurJ- NPC -SHIF1- BB -FAUI1 etcUxe ltpc to monltor the uctuul xtutux of CR work 1o get 1otul fuult PenJlng Xge Vlce Open ltpchLLp:// (user name/password - guesL) Cllck C0M Reportx Cllck CR FRS Reportx Cllck PenJlng Complulntx Select SSA 0o 1o get Fuult CurJ of u cuxtomer Open ltpchLLp:// (user name/password - guesL) Cllck C0M Reportx Cllck Sub Fuult CurJ Fnter tel no eg: 0472-287S1SS 0o 1o get NPC JetullxOpen ltpchLLp:// (user name/password - guesL) Cllck C0M Reportx Cllck CR Commerclul Report Cllck NPC OrJerx Fnter ute eg: 2S-NOV-2010 07-FC-2010 Select SSA 0o (xlmllurly other Jetullx cun be obtulneJ) ============================================================================== AK. CRM-Chunge Bllllng Frequency (urlng BB Provlxlon, Bllllng Freq wlll uutomutlcully chunge to Monthly) Open CRM Cllck Servlce Requext Cllck SR Ilxt Cllck NFW In Servlce I glve Phone No eg: 0472-287S1SS 36 Requext type- Bllllng ReluteJ Chunge 1ype- Bllllng Frequency UpxJute Chunge Sub 1ype- Bl- Monthly (xuy) excrlptlon- Wrlte your remurk Cllck Requext # Cllck & Select Blll PerloJ- M01 (M-Monthly, B- Blmonthly) Cllck Submlt Pop Up SubmltteJ Succexxfully Iog out Iog ln by Approvlng Authorlty- AO1R Cllck the penJlng Actlvlty ln Home Puge unJer Alert Cllck Approve ============================================================================ AI. CRM-Cloxe relutlon 1runxfer of 1elephone (Cloxe Relutlon 1runxfer & Iegul Helr 1runxfer) Note : If BB Connectlon lx uvulluble lt xhoulJ be cloxeJ before trunxfer of telephone. AfterwurJx uguln WO for BB connectlon cun be lxxueJ Open CRM O F1 (Remember Account Nume- New Nume for whlch trunxfer lx requlreJ) o F2,FS & F4 (Cllck Account NO & Note the Cuxtomer Account I) Cllck Servlce Requext Cllck NON 1HIR PAR1Y 1RANSFFR Cllck NFW Fnter Servlce I (Phone no eg: 0472-287S1SS) Wrlte Remurk on CSR Commentx Cllck Cuxtomer Account I Or Fnter Cuxtomer Account I (MlJJle of the xcreen SrJ Column- Bottom portlon unJer UPA1F F1AIIS) (If Cuxtomer I lx Jlrectly entereJ the fullowlng 4 xtepxnot requlreJ) Cllck query Fnter Account Nume Cllck 0O Cllck OK Cllck Bllllng AJJrexx-Popup- OK Cllck InxtulleJ Servlce etullx Cllck New Fnter Cllck Servlce I(Ph #) Fnter Nomlnee Nume, Nomlnee Relutlon, SuggexteJ Nume Suve Cllck OK Cllck Submlt (1op Portlon) (ForwurJeJ for Approvul by AO1R) Checklng Servlce Requext Non SrJ Purty query 37 Fnter 1el No(Servlce I) Fnter Check Stutux- It xhoulJ be xubmltteJ Check Owner- B HR No of AO1R cun be xeen =========================================================================== AM. Abbrevlutlonx UxeJ AO Accountx Offlcer AO Cuxh Accountx Offlce Cuxh AO Purxult Accountx Offlcer Purxult AO1RAccountx Offlcer 1elecom Revenue BB BrouJ BunJ BSNI Bhurut Sunchur Nlgum IlmlteJ CAF Cuxtomer Appllcutlon Form CR Cull etull RecorJx CII , CIIP Culler Ilne IJentlflcutlon CO Commerclul Offlcer CPF Cuxtomer Premlxe Fqulpment CRM Cuxtomer Relutlonxhlp Munugement CSR Cuxtomer Servlce Reprexentutlve 0M eputy 0enerul Munuger q lrectory Fnqulry SIAM lgltul Subxcrlber Ilne Accexx Multlplexer FMS FruuJ Munugement Syxtem FPH Free Phone 0SM 0lobul Syxtem for Moblle Communlcutlonx IN Intelllgent Network IP1V Internet Protocol 1elevlxlon IS Internutlonul Subxcrlber lulllng I1C Internutlonul 1elephone CurJ IVRS Inteructlve Volce Rexponxe Syxtem IAN Iocul Areu Network II IunJ Ilne MF Muln lxtrlbutlon Frume MSO Muxx Servlce Outuge NIB Nutlonul Internet Buckbone NPC New Phone Connectlon OY1 Own Your 1elephone PCO Publlc Cull Offlce PRI Prlmury Rute Interfuce PRM Premlum Rute Servlce PS1N Publlc SwltcheJ 1elephone Network PSU Publlc Sector Unlt SF Sub lvlxlonul Fnglneer SIA Servlce Ievel Agreement SMS Short Mexxuglng Servlce S1 Subxcrlber 1runk lulllng 1IN 1elephone IJentlflcutlon Number 38 11A 1elecom 1echnlcul Axxlxtunt UAN Unlverxul Accexx Number UPN Unlverxul Prlvute Number VIP Very Importunt Perxon VPN Vlrtuul Prlvute Network WAN WlJe Areu Network WII Wlrelexx Iocul Ioop WSC Web Self Cure FI1`Fuult I1Inltlul 1ext F1Flnul 1ext MMF 1ext OOut oor 1ext SOServlce OrJer AN. CRM-1o Check the prexent xtutux of u orJer(Suy BB Provlxlon)Open CRM Cllck OrJerx Fnter Servlce I #eg : 0472-287S1SS Cllck Nume Cllck OrJerNo Cllck OrJer No once uguln Cllck BB Mllextone In Mlle Stone Cllck Menu & Select Run query 1he prexent xtutux wlll be JlxpluyeJ ============================================================================== AO. Clurlty- lxconnectlon of u 1elephone Connectlon For lxconnectlon of 1el Servlce 1ype- IunJllne OrJer 1ype-elete 1uxk Nume-InJoor,MF,O,F1 Open Clurlty Open the Servlce OrJer Screen- Refer AF1 1ASK- MF (Remove MF jumperlng) (Suy InJoor work CompleteJ unJ work penJlng ut MF) Cllck- VIFW WO Cllck Attrlbutex Select ASSI0NF IOV Select CloxeJ-OK SAVF -F10 PopUp - Yex-OK Cloxe the xcreen - X Refrexh- F8 1ASK-O Open the xervlce orJer xcreen, lf not uvulluble Cllck- VIFW WO 39 Cllck Attrlbutex Select entry Col of O- ACC_Collectlon_Stutux IOV Select CollecteJ OK Suve-F10 OK Select Fntry Col of AxxlgneJ Sectlon IOV CloxeJ- OK Suve F10 Yex-OK Refrexh- F8 1ASK- F1 Open the xervlce orJer xcreen, lf not uvulluble Cllck- VIFW WO Select Stutux - INProgrexx IOV CompleteJ OK Suve-F10 Cloxe Screen X ============================================================================== AP. Clurlty- NPC wlth out BB When un NPC work lx completeJ ln CRM lt wlll be uvulluble ln Clurlty. For NPC Provlxlon Servlce 1ype- IunJllne OrJer 1ype- Creute `1uxk Nume- IJentlfy Ilnemun,O, MF, InJoor, Flnul 1ext Open Clurlty Open the Servlce OrJer xcreen of the NPC - Refer K 1ASK- IJentlfy IM Select the Flrxt 1uxk of InJentlfy IM Cllck Nuvlgutor ouble Cllck ln the Whlte Screen of 1he Pop Up Select IM- Suy 1VMVjPjVj1VS_O OK OK Select Stutux In Progrexx ln the 1uxkIOV Select CompleteJ OK F10 F8 1ASK- O Select the xeconJ tuxk of O Cllck Nuvlgutor 40 ouble Cllck ln the Whlte Screen of the Pop Up 0lve Jetullx correxponJlng to Jlfferent xequence ln the new Screen [Seq 10(P), 20(Plllur), S0(MF), 40(NF)j (Seq 40 wlll be reuJlly uvulluble) Seq 10 Fnter 10 unJer Seq SelectIOV,lxpluyCllckNext StepCllck X ConnectlonSelect jumperOK IocutlonFnter 1VMVj004S (004S Correct plllur number) FlnJSelect P NO (If not known xelect xome no) OK 1ypeP I InJex001 CurJ,PortOK (If known glve correct Jetullx) OK Seq 20 Fnter 20 unJer Seq Auto Jutu ln the flelJ of Seq 20 ufter the X- Connectlon Fntry, lf uny, lx to be JeleteJ SelectIOV,lxpluyCllckNext StepCllck X ConnectlonjumperOK IocutlonFnter 1VMVj004S (004S Correct plllur number) FlnJOK 1ypePlllur InJex001 CurJ,PortSelect Correct Plllur IN Suy IN B1 OKSelect Correct Pulr Suy 017 OK 1o IocutlonFnter 1VMVj004S (004S Correct plllur number) FlnJOK 1ypePlllur InJex001 CurJ,PortSelect Correct Plllur OU1 Suy OU1 2 OKSelect Correct Pulr No Suy 0S1 OK Seq S0 FnterS0 unJer Seq Auto Jutu ln the flelJ of Seq S0 uppeurlng ufter the X connectlon entry, lf uny,lx to be JeleteJ SelectIOV,lxpluyCllckNext StepCllck X ConnectlonjumperlngOK Iocutlon1VMVjM01 (M01-xume for ull Ok 41 Xgex) 1ypeOK InJex001 CurJ,PortCorrect MF Vertlcul No: Suy 1-006-04 OKSect Correct Pulr Suy 17 OK F10 Cloxe X Cllck VlewWO Attrlbutex O_OCS_Collectlon_StutuxIOVAll oc CollecteJOK Select Stutux AxxlgneJIOVYexOK F10 Cloxe the Screen X F8 1ASK- MF Vlew Work OrJer Screen Cllck Attrlbutex M_IN_IINF_OKIOVYOK Select Stutux AxxlgneJIOVCloxeJ F10 Cloxe the Screen X (Work OrJer Screen wlll be cloxeJ & Servlce OrJer Screen cun bexeen) F8 1ASK- INOOR At Vj IV no InJoor Muln Swltch 1ASK- F 1 Select Stutux AxxlgneJIOVCloxeJ ============================================================================== Aq. CRM-Correctlon ln theNume of the Cuxtomer Open CRM Cllck Servlce Requext Cllck SR Ilxt Cllck NFW In Servlce I glve Phone No eg: 0472-287S1SS Requext type- Account ReluteJ Chunge 1ype -Cuxtomer Nume upJuteChunge Sub 1ype- Cuxtomer Nume upJuteexcrlptlon- Wrlte your remurk Cllck Requext # Fnter New Iuxt Nume & Flrxt Nume Cllck Submlt Pop Up SubmltteJ Succexxfully Iog out Iog ln by Approvlng Authorlty-Cllck the penJlng Actlvlty ln Home Puge unJer Alert 42 Cllck Approve ============================================================================ AR. CRM- Chunge Urbun to Rurul or Vlce verxu Urbun,Rurul lnformutlon wlll be uvulluble ln1.Inxtullutlon AJJrexx 2.Bllllng Account 1o chunge from Urbun to Rurul you huve to lxxue WO for Shlft wlth ln the xume Xge w,o no chunge. urlng thlx procexx xelect the correct Iocutlon unJ xub locutlon to get Urbun or Rurul. Refer AV (In Clurlty, lf requlreJ one xpure pulr P,Plllur,MF no lf requlreJ, unJ then chunge to the correct pulr.) ============================================================================== AS. Clurlty- Chunge MoJem from Purchuxe to Rentul Servlce 1ype : IunJ Ilne OrJer 1ype: MoJlfy 1uxk : Out oor Open Clurlty Cllck Provlxlonlng-InBOX- Work orJer,1uxkx IN Work OrJer enter AII WORK0ROUPS Keep From ute ux Blunk Set F7 Work 0roup- 1VMVj% lf Vj X0F 1uxk- BB% F8 Select the xervlce orJer & Jouble cllck to get the xervlce orJer xcreen Cllck Vlew WO Attrlbutex Check orJer xub type ( Chunge ln MoJ Acq type xuy) Check BB- MoJem_Acq_1ype- ( Prevloux- Purchuxe, Prexent Rentul) Check BB_ Cuxt_Acq_ MoJem -(Rentul) Cllck CoxtereJ ltemx Fnter Fq Sl No of new moJem F10 Select AxxlgneJ IOV Select CloxeJ- OK Suve ============================================================================== A1.CRM- AJJltlonul Fuclllty- IS Fnxure no out xtunJlng Juex for the number.- Refer W Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter Phone No # eg: 0472-287SSSS Cllck 0O Cllck Account Nume uvulluble Operutlng Stutux xhoulJ be Actlve 43 Check Out xtunJlng Juex (If uny out xunJlng Juex penJlng we wlll not be uble to complete xlnce upprovul from 1RA requlreJ) Cllck OrJer Sub 1ype Select-Chunge ln ServlceCllck MoJlfy (...wult) Cllck Cuxtomlze (....wult) Chunge Culllng Fucllltlex -Cllck IS ........epoxlt ? Cllck ONF Cllck Accexxory Check Cllck VullJute (....wult) Pop up VullJutlon Succexxful-OK Cllck emunJ Note ........ForwurJ to AO1R Cllck Submlt OrJer (.....wult) Stutux wlll be chungeJ to Submlxxlon ln Progrexx Rlght Cllck Mouxe & Run query ufter 10 mln Stutux wlll be chungeJ to complete ============================================================================== AV. Reconnectlon When reconnectlon requlreJ 1.Reconnectlon orJer for u no from 1RA whlch hux been ulreuJy cloxeJ Jue to NP 2.A no to be reconnecteJ whlch lx cloxeJ by mlxtuke S.A xhlft connectlon whlch lx cloxeJ but xhlft not provlJeJ unJ WO returneJ for correctlon Servlcex- 1el No- 0o Cllck Servlcex # Cllck More Informutlon- Check for Xge Nume, Rurul,Urbun,Buxlnexx,RexlJence etc (If Fxchunge Nume not correct or mlxxlng new Inxtullutlon AJJrexx to be creuteJ.) Servlcex- 1el No- 0o Cllck Nume -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Fxchunge Nume- If not correct chunge lnxtullutlon AJJrexx- Refer A2 Check Bllllng Account." If Account Settlement"- creute new Bllllng Account- Refer F4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servlcex- 1el No- 0o Cllck Nume Cllck Reconnect (BllllngAccount- Select new Account lf CreuteJ) Inxtullutlon uJJrexx- Select- OK (Select new uJJrexx lf creuteJ) ocumentx to be collecteJ Cllck New (In Ilne Itemx) Nomlnee- Relutlon- ProJuct (IunJllne) Number Selectlon -PreferreJ no-Avulluble no- Rexerve no(xume no to be choxen) Cuxtomlze II Plun-0enerul FMC 110 for Rurul or the correxponJlng plun (ont xelect None) Culllng Ievel- 44 Accexxorlex-No Selectlon- Importunt epoxlt- Zero epoxlt (If new BllllngAccount Select S00 ln next blll) Inxtullutlon Scheme - 100% OFF-( Importunt) one Accexxory Check VullJute- Succexxful (Note : If BB uvulluble fullow BB conflgurutlon) Cllck Fullow on BB ProceJure BB Conn 1ype- POS1 PulJ Cuxtomlze BB Plun- Select Plun (lf Combo II plun xhoulJ be chungeJ ux NONF) epoxlt- 0 Puy ln next Blll-( IMPOR1AN1) (Pl check other fucllltlex to be provlJeJ xuch ux Inxt Churgex) one Uxer I Creutlon - Refer B4 Whlle xubmlttlng orJer the xyxtem wlll prompt to complete II orJer Note orJer NO Cllck OrJerx- OrJer no- 0o Cllck OrJer no- Submlt orJer Syxtem wlll prompt to cleur BB OrJer- Note OrJer NO Cllck OrJerx- OrJer no- 0o Cllck OrJer no- Submlt orJer ============================================================================== AU. Clurlty- For Vlewlng P,Plllur,MF etullx of u number & to chunge Open Clurlty Cllck Inventory Select Clrcult- Clrcult etullx F7 In Column Nume enter tel no eg: 0472-287S1SS F8 Now clrcult Jetullx cun be xeen If you wunt to muke chungex -FJlt Fg:(S0jumper1VMPUPM01 MF00100404OU1FRON 079) (Chunge 079 ux 086 - MF Vertlcul Chunge) F10 Note :If u fuult lx ulreuJy penJlng for the number Open the xervlce orJer xcreen ouble cllck the tel no to get Clrcult Jetullx ============================================================================== AW. Clurlty-Returnlng u Servlce OrJer to CRM Open the Servlce OrJer Screen Attrlbutex Hult_Reuxon IOV 43 Select Reuxon- 1echnlcully not Feuxlble etc ============================================================================= BA.CRM-Shlft Wlth ln the X0F wlth out number chunge - Wlth or wlth out U,R Chunge-Numberx Wlth BB Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o o Stuge A2, AS (Refer A) If there lx Urbun,Rurul Chunge - o F4 (Refer F- Note Bllllng Account NO) o Stuge O1 (Refer O-But Select OrJer Sub 1ype ux Shlft wlth ln Xge W,o number chunge) o Stuge OS(Refer O) S1A0F- BA1 Select plun ux II 0enerul Plun wlth Monthly Rent 110( for Rurul)180(for Urbun) Cllck Culllng Ievel - Iocul, S1 Cllck Accexxorlex - CII Phone Cllck epoxlt Scheme- o Jepoxlt Cllck one (Whlle Cuxtomlzlng Select one II plun, whlch cun be correcteJ luter- ont xelect none) Alxo correct epoxlt,Culllng Ievel)Cllck Accexxory Check Cllck VullJute (Whlle cllcklng VullJute-1he xyxtem wlll uxk to complete BB Jetullx) Cllck Fullow on BB OrJer Cuxtomlze (Select or check forcorrect plun for II & BB) (If Prevlouxly MoJem Purchuxe then xelect Own MoJem to uvolJ Jouble churge) one UxerlJ Creutlon- OK Submlt OrJer (1he xyxtem wlll requext to complete lunJ llne orJer- NoteorJer noglven) Cllck OrJer -Fnter orJer no- 0O Cllck OrJer no Submlt OrJer ============================================================================= BB. CRM- Shlft from one Fxchungeto Another Fxchunge wlth or wlth out U,R Chunge wlth BB Note1.1he Fxchunge CoJe of the exchunge to whlch xhlft requlreJ& Worklng level 2.Whether U or R Open CRM Cllck Servlcex Fnter 1el No eg: 0472-287S1SS Cllck 0o o Stuge A2, AS(Refer A) If U,R chunge requlreJ- o Stuge F4 (Refer F)-( Note Bllllng Account NO) 46 DC -S1AGL-C1 DC- S1AGL-C2 DC- S1AGL -C3 DC- S1AGL -8A1 ============================================================================ BC. CRM- 1o get lnformutlon ubout BB Plun of u cuxtomer Open CRM Servlcex Fnter 1el No 0o Cllck Nume Cllck + Symbol to expunJ Servlcex Select BB Cllck + xymbol of BB to get Jetullx ============================================================================== B. CRM- Precuutlonx Before lxxulng u WO ln CRM other thun NPC, Pl Check 1.Whether uny work orJer lx penJlng ux not completeJ (In progrexx, Open etc)If xo Flrxt cleur thut cuxe or lf open cuncel the wo lf requlreJ. 2.Pl check R,U xtutux of the no S.Pl Check Buxlnexx,RexlJence Stutux of the no 4.Pl Check outxtunJlng uex S.Check for BB unJ If BB Avulluble, Check Plun 6.If xhlft WO to be lxxueJ to u new exchunge, Checku.worklng number level ut the new X0F. b.R,U xtutux ut the new X0F c.BB uvullublllty & Plun J.Correct Pln CoJe 7.For NPC u.Pl check Correct Pln CoJe ============================================================================== BF. CRM-1o get etulleJ cull llxt OPFN CRM Servlcex- enter 1el NO-0o Cllck Servlce No- More Informutlon Note the uccount no Cllck Bllllng Account Bllllng Account llxt Cllck on query Button Fnter Bllllng Account NO Fnter Select CR Fnter the 1elephone Number, Month, unJ Cull type, From ute unJ 1o ute unJ Cllck on 0o button.1o prlnt the CRS Cllck on Menu unJ xelect Fxport optlon. 1hlx wlll export the CRx ln un excel xheet. 47 OrCllck on Menu unJ Cllck on Prlnt optlon. AnJ ln thlx new xcreen cllck on Prlnt, thlx wlll prlnt the CRx retrleveJ from bllllng xyxtem. ========================================================================================== B0. CRM-BrouJ BunJ Sufe CuxtoJy Create Mod|fy 8roadband rov|s|on Crder. C||ck 8roadband L|ne Items v|ew tab. C||ck New 8utton and create the ||ne |tem. C||ck custom|ze button. C||ck |ans v|ew tab. Se|ect 8roadband Norma| |an (1) 88 SAILCUS1CD-WI1n WAI1ING LIS1 (or) (2) 88 SAILCUS1CD-WI1nCU1-WAI1ING LIS1 C||ck Done. C||ck Ava||ab|e Numbers, keserve Number, Accessory Check, Va||date, Demand Note C||ck Subm|t BH-CRM- AttenJlng NP Complulnt from Cuxtomer Cuxtomer muklng puyment of Juex ln Poxt offlce, FrlenJx or CSC but xtlll Juex xhown ln CRM. Note 1el No, Blll No, ute of Puyment, PulJ ut Open CRM- Servlcex Fnter 1el NO.- 0o Cllck Nume Check Stutux, Whether O0 BurreJ& uex penJlng. If xtutux lx lnuctlve or O0 burreJ &uex pulJ lx xhown ux xtlll penJlng( Note : If xtutux lx Actlve & O0 Not BurreJ Number lx ln worklng conJltlon unJ no further uctlon) Cllck Bllllng Account NoCllck Unburrlng New Fnter 1el No (Servlce I - or xelect) Fnter commentx (No Out xtunJlng uex ( Rx . pulJ on ... ut ..., Pluce... Blll no: ..... VerlfleJ- Nume & exlgnutlon of the SF) Cllck Submlt ========================================================================================= BI. CRM-Rexettlng of Secret CoJe 1.A new v|ew |s conf|gured for captur|ng request for the keset of Secret Code under the 1roub|e 1|cket Screen as "keset Secret Code". 2.1he Sk 1ype of the keset Secret Code w||| be "Interna|". 3.New Comp|a|nt 1ype for th|s k|nd of comp|a|ntw||| be "Serv|ce ke|ated" and Comp|a|nt sub type w||| be "keset Secret Code" 4.1he kequest Can be ra|sed for fo||ow|ng Serv|ces LandL|ne ISDN 48 WLL LL-CC WLL-MC8ILL ka|s|ng the kequest. 1.CSk ra|ses the new kequest by c||ck|ng new button 2.1he docket# w||| be auto opu|ated and the status and sub status w||| be "Cpen" and "Unass|gned" respect|ve|y 3.1he Comp|a|nt 1ype w||| be set to defau|t as "Serv|ce ke|ated" and |t w||| be read on|y. 1he comp|a|nt Sub 1ype can be se|ected. 4.Cnce the I|e|ds are entered the Docket # becomes hyper ||nk. S.C||ck Subm|t 8utton. Upon successfu| subm|ss|on of the t|cket the Status becomes Cpen And Sub Status becomes Ass|gned to I1C, the comp|a|nt |s subm|tted to the downstream systems for further process|ng. 1he response messages are rece|ved from the downstream system w||| be "IAUL1 CkDLk CkLA1LD". 1hen Status becomes Cpen And Sub Status becomes "In rogress". 6.C||ck troub|e t|cket Deta|| V|ew zAct|v|t|es V|ew to v|ew the status updates from the downstream systems. 7. Cn|y INDCCk task |s rec|eved from C|ar|ty apart from "IAUL1 CkDLk CkLA1LD" and f|na||y "SLkVICL CkDLk" 8. Cnce SLkVICL CkDLktask |s rece|ved |n CkM. 1he Status becomes "C|osed" Sub Status becomes "keso|ved".

    CLAkI1: 1.1Process Flow 49 1.2Process Points Clarity Fault Order Will be raised in clarity to reset secret Code. 1.3Pre Process Checks 1.4Process Description Fault Order is raised in clarity to reset the secret Code. ORDER TYPE: CREATESERVICE TYPE :LANDLINE_FLT ORDER SUB TYPE :Reset Secret Code

    Following tasks are present on New ISDN_BRI connection. a.VALIDATE_FAULTb.INDOOR c.INDOOR_UPDATE d.CLOSE SO Procedure to close the task:- INDOOR task is assigned to INDOOR workgroup. During this task the JTO has to Reset the secret Code and close the task. 1.5Post Process Checks Fault Order should be closed in status Bj. CRM-1hlrJ Purty 1runxfer wlth out BB Note : If BB Connectlon lx uvulluble lt xhoulJ be cloxeJ before trunxfer of telephone. AfterwurJx uguln WO for BB connectlon cun be lxxueJ Collect Rx S00 from cuxtomer Open CRM Cllck Cuxtomer Accountx- Cllck Cuxtomer Account IlxtCllck NFW-(Cuxtomer I 00000) Fnter Account Nume (Nume of the Cuxtomer) Account 1ype- eg: InJlvlJuul 30 Inxtullutlon AJJrexx & Bllllng AJJrexx lf uny chunge o Stuge A2 & Stuge AS (Refer A) Contuct Ilxt Cllck Contuctx (not ut the top of the xcreen) Cllck New Muke entrlex poxxlble ( 1ltle, Surnume, Nume, 0enJer, 1el Nox lf uny ulreuJy uvulluble- Home- Moblle, Fnter e-mull uJJrexx lf uvulluble, PreferreJ communlcutlon eg: Moblle lf moblle no uvulluble- Other wlxe - Mull) Bllllng Account Cllck Bllllng Account (not ut the top of the xcreen) Cllck NFW (Fnter FlelJx by xelectlon ) Contuct Iuxt Nume Bllllng Account type- eg: InJlvlJuul( 1hlx lx not uxuge CoJe- Uxuge coJe xhoulJ be buxlnexx lf Buxlnexx) Bllllng Account Sub 1ype- Otherx Bllllng AJJrexx- Select- OK Rurul,Urbun- Select ux uvulluble ln the lnxtullutlon uJJrexx Check Other entrlex Frequency- Bl monthly Blll PrloJ- Selectxuy B01 Blll 1ype- Summery PreferreJ Iunguuge- Fngllxh Amerlcun Blll Prlntlng Optlon- Contlnuoux Pre PulJ 1ype- None Cllck Menu & Suve RecorJ Cllck Creute Account (Remember Cuxtomer I)- IMPOR1AN1 Cllck Servlce 1el No- 0o Cllck Account Nume OrJer Sub 1ype- 1hlrJ Purty 1runxfer wlth Inxtullutlon AJJrexx Cllck 1runxfer Account Nume- query wlth Cuxtomer I Bllllng Account Inxt AJJrexx ocumentx to be CollecteJ Completlon Accexxory Check Cllck Ilne Itemx- Cuxtomlze Check Plun, Culllng Ievel etcone VullJute emunJ Note (Rx S00 emunJ note wlll Jlxpluy- Note emunJ Note No & OrJer No- Puy cuxh ln PMS for the emunJ Note No-Open OrJer no & Submlt OrJer) ============================================================================== 31 BK. CRM-SC Cloxure BI. CRM-SC Reopenlng Slmllur to V ============================================================================= BM. Uxlng Self Cure Portul (PrepureJ bySri. Sajeesh R. SunderJTO NIB) rocedure for reg|ster|ng |n se|fcare porta| for v|ew|ng 88 usage 1.Logln Lo hLLp:// 2.Cllck Lhe llnk "user 8eglsLraLlon(for exlsLlng 8SnL cusLomers)". 3.llll Lhe reglsLraLlon form by glvlng Lhe followlng deLalls a.cusLomer ld (avallable ln blll) b.user ld (as per cusLomer cholce) c.password (as per cusLomer cholce) d.favourlLe quesLlon (as per cusLomer cholce) e.favourlLe answer(as per cusLomer cholce) f.emall ld(any valld emallld) g.uo you have broadband(selecL ?) userld (broadband servlce userld) 4.Cllck nexL 3.Cllck flnlsh. Ior v|ew|ng usage 1.Logln Lo hLLp:// 2.LnLer Lhe userld and password as reglsLered above under 3(b) and 3(c). 3.Co Lo servlce Lab 4.Cllck unbllled broadband usage deLalls Lo vlew Lhe usage of currenL monLh 3.SelecL Lelephone number from Lhe drop down menu 6.Cllck Co lor any furLher clarlflcaLlon conLacL Loll free number 1304 32 BN. BB Plunx Avulluble Only moxt populur Plunx lncluJeJ. For full Jetullx of ull plunx refer ltpc 88 lans Avallable 88ural Pome uurban Pome 88uslness

    Cdr lan ld lan uesc lree C8 llxed monLhly Charges Annual 8enLal 8aLe er Mb nlghL 8aLe er Mb ls Combo Comm lLLed MonLhs LL 8enLal LL 8aLe er unlL LL lree unlLs 8701386 88 PCML 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C uL 300 (88 PCML 8u8AL CCM8C uLu 300) uL300300000?001130 8u701383 88 PCML CCM8C uL 623 uL623623000?001100 8u70069088 PCML uL 730uL730730000n0000 u700740 88 PCML CCM8C uL730 uL730730000?0010 8701417 88C PCML 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C uL 899 uL899899000?001330 8u701390 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 900 uL900900000?001400 8u701392 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1000 uL10001000000?001430 8u701393 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1000-CommlLLed uL1000000?1201430 8u700742 88 PCML CCM8C uL 1330 uL13301330000?000.8230 8u701646 88 PCML CCM8C uL 1330-CommlLLed uL1330000?1200.8230 8u701136 PCML uL 1330 LuS-CCM8C uL13301330000?000.80 8u701833 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1400 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? uL14001400000?00130 8u701834 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1400 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? - CCMMl11Lu uL1400000?120030 8700939 88C 8u8AL uSCl uL 1300 uL13001800000n0000 8u701833 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1700 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? uL17001700000?00130 8u701836 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 1700 - unLlMl1Lu PCML CnL? - CCMMl11Lu uL1700000?120030 8u870138488C uL 2130uL21302130000n0000 8u870138388C uL 2130-CommlLLeduL2130000n12000 8u870138888C CCM8C uL 2130uL21302130000?001230 33 8u8701389 88C CCM8C uL 2130-CommlLLed uL2130000?1201230 8u8700711 88C uLl 3300-CommlLLed uL3300000n12000 8u8700748 88C CCM8C uLl 3300 CommlLLed uL3300000?1200.90 8u870081088C uLl 3300uL33003300000n0000 8u870081788C CCM8C uLl 3300uL33003300000?000.90 8u8700749 88C CCM8C uLl 6000 CommlLLed uL6000000?1200.90 8u870081188C uLl 6000uL60006000000n0000 8u870081888C CCM8C uLl 6000uL60006000000?000.90 8u8701143 88C uLl 6000 CommlLLed uL6000000n12000 8u870067388C uLl 9000uL90009000000n0000 8u870073088C CCM8C uLl 9000uL90009000000?000.80 8u8701648 88C CCM8C uLl 9000 CommlLLed uL9000000?1200.80 8u8701797 88C uLl 13000 CommlLLed uL13000000?0000 8u870067688C CCM8C uLl 13000uL1300013000000?000.80

    870077688C 8u8AL uSCl 990.39999900.40.4n0000 8u870069488C1230.1312312300.60.6n0000 870077388C 8u8AL uSCl 130113013000.40.4n0000 8701212 88C 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C 230 1.323023000.40.4?001100 8701213 88C 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C 330 633033000.30.3?001130 8u870137488C CCM8C 630363063000.30.3?001330 8u870096388C CCM8C 749874974900.30.2?001230 8u870137388C CCM8C 8301083083000.30.3?001400 8u8701376 88C CCM8C -CommlLLed 1083000.30.3?1201400 8u701391 88 PCML CCM8C uLl 900-CommlLLed 0900000?1201400 8701214 88C 8u8AL uSCl CCM8C 999 1299999900.30.3?001300 8u8701847 88C CCM8C 1300 - LlMl1Lu PCML & 8uSlnLSS 231300130000.30.3?001200 8u8701848 88C CCM8C 1300 - LlMl1Lu PCML & 8uSlnLSS CCMMl11Lu 23130000.30.3?1200200 8u870137988C CCM8C 3300603300330000.20.2?0011000 8u8701380 88C CCM8C 3300 CommlLLed 60330000.20.2?12011000 8u870138188C CCM8C 4300734300430000.20.2?0011000 8u8701382 88C CCM8C 4300 CommlLLed 73430000.20.2?12011000 8u8701330 88C SuL8 SLLu CCM8C 9999 2209999999900.20.2?0011000 34 8u8701331 88C SuL8 SLLu CCM8C 9999 CommlLLed 220999900.20.2?12011000 8u870076388C uLl 1300001300013000000n0000 8700793 88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300L lC8 v8 CLnL8AL A8LA uL3300000?1228030.90 8700820 88 8uSlnLSS unLlMl1Lu 3300L lC8 v8 CLnL8AL A8LA uL33003300000?028030.90 ()((%Trouble shooting in Broadband (Dataone) Complied by Sri. Sajeesh R. SunderJTO NIB ProblemError-678DescriptionThis is most common problems. It is due to poor connectivity. Problem can be anywhere between B.RAS - Tier 2 - DSLAM - Modem - PC of the customer. RemedySwitch off / Switch on Modem (Power Switch at the back of modem ) and wait for 2 minutes. Then retry.

    If problem is not solved then Reset Modem [Back pin (in the hole) to be pressed in switched ON condition] [Note : Link PC in black type Modem or WAN / LAN in white type Modem will go Off and then ON and system may be stable. Then retry.

    If problem is still not solved thena)Check link lamp in Black type Modem or WAN lamp in White Modem. If it is blinking, then it is line problem.b)Check Modem to splitter connectivity. i) Jack in & Jack out the cable of / to the modem and to the splitter ii)Jack in & Jack out the telephone connection of the splitter.

    If lamp is still blinking - then it is due to poor line condition / fault. The case has to be referred to Area Broadband Team for attending the fault. ProblemError-691 DescriptionUser id and Password problem. RemedyThe case is to be referred to Central Broadband Team (08.00 AM to 08.00 PM). Central Broadband Team will reset the password and intimate that password has been reset. ProblemError-769 DescriptionLAN not enabled. RemedyThe LAN Card has to be enabled by following the steps given below. i)Go to Desktop. ii)Click "My Network Place". iii)Select Properties. iv)Click "Enable the local network". 33 ProblemError- 797 DescriptionModem or LAN driver problem RemedyReset the Modem (in on condition ) by pressing button available in the backside hole of the modem and wait for 2 mintues and then log on. If the problem is not solved then call your vendor to check computer LAN Card driver. ProblemError-718 Descriptioni)Peak Hour - This problem occurs if loading is high on the system and number of customers exceed the call handling capacity of B.RAS. ii)Slack Hour -This problem occurs if PPPoE is corrupted. Remedyi)Peak Hour - Please try after some time. ii)Slack Hour - Please load PPPoE again. ProblemError - 630-633 DescriptionComputer LAN Card problem. RemedyLAN Card has to be changed. ProblemOSP Internet is working, Data One is not workingDescriptionCable Internet is working. Tata / Reliance is working but Data One is not working. Data One is working through LAN Card. Problem can be seen by observing PC lamp (in black modem) LAN lamp ( in white modem) which might not be glowing or may be blinking. RemedyLAN Card has to be changed. ProblemSite not opening from Data One DescriptionFrom VSNL sites are opening, Dial-Up sites are opening but from Data One sites are not opening. Probable reasonsi)Internet explorer is not supporting the Pope (may be pirated OS). ii)Virus corrupting Internet explorer. RemedyThe customer is requested to set it right. ProblemBSNL BB DNS server may be having problem. DescriptionDNS is not responding. RemedyPing- or and check up whether DNS is responding.Common broadband error codes:Lrror 619 8roadband error 619 - 1he porL ls dlsconnecLed Lrror 629 8roadband error 629 - 1he porL was dlsconnecLed by Lhe remoLe machlne Lrror 631 8roadband error 631 - 1he porL was dlsconnecLed by Lhe user Lrror 633 36 8roadband error 633 - 1he porL ls already ln use or ls noL conflgured for 8emoLe Access Lrror 643 8roadband error 643 - lnLernal auLhenLlcaLlon error Lrror 630 8roadband error 630 - 1he 8emoLe Access server ls noL respondlng Lrror 631 8roadband error 631 - ?our modem (or oLher connecLlng devlce) has reporLed an error Lrror 678 8roadband error 678 - 1here ls no answer Lrror 680 8roadband error 680 - no dlal Lone Lrror 691 8roadband error 691 - Access denled because username and/or password ls lnvalld on Lhe domaln Lrror 718 8roadband error 718 - LlmeouL Lrror 721 8roadband error 721 - 8emoLe peer ls noL respondlng Lrror 797 8roadband error 797 - 1he modem could noL be found CLher error codes 600 An operaLlon ls pendlng.601 1he porL handle ls lnvalld.602 1he porL ls already open.603 Caller's buffer ls Loo small.604 Wrong lnformaLlon speclfled.603 CannoL seL porL lnformaLlon.606 1he porL ls noL connecLed.607 1he evenL ls lnvalld.608 1he devlce does noL exlsL.609 1he devlce Lype does noL exlsL.610 1he buffer ls lnvalld.611 1he rouLe ls noL avallable.612 1he rouLe ls noL allocaLed.613 lnvalld compresslon speclfled.614 CuL of buffers. 37 613 1he porL was noL found.616 An asynchronous requesL ls pendlng.617 1he porL or devlce ls already dlsconnecLlng.618 1he porL ls noL open.619 1he porL ls dlsconnecLed.620 1here are no endpolnLs.621 CannoL open Lhe phone book flle.622 CannoL load Lhe phone book flle.623 CannoL flnd Lhe phone book enLry.624 CannoL wrlLe Lhe phone book flle.623 lnvalld lnformaLlon found ln Lhe phone book.626 CannoL load a sLrlng.627 CannoL flnd key.628 1he porL was dlsconnecLed.629 1he porL was dlsconnecLed by Lhe remoLe machlne.630 1he porL was dlsconnecLed due Lo hardware fallure.631 1he porL was dlsconnecLed by Lhe user.632 1he sLrucLure slze ls lncorrecL.633 1he porL ls already ln use or ls noL conflgured for 8emoLe Access dlalouL.634 CannoL reglsLer your compuLer on Lhe remoLe neLwork.633 unknown error.636 1he wrong devlce ls aLLached Lo Lhe porL.637 1he sLrlng could noL be converLed.638 1he requesL has Llmed ouL.639 no asynchronous neL avallable.640 A neL8lCS error has occurred.641 1he server cannoL allocaLe neL8lCS resources needed Lo supporL Lhe cllenL.642 Cne of your neL8lCS names ls already reglsLered on Lhe remoLe neLwork.643 A neLwork adapLer aL Lhe server falled.644 ?ou wlll noL recelve neLwork message popups.643 lnLernal auLhenLlcaLlon error.646 1he accounL ls noL permlLLed Lo log on aL Lhls Llme of day.647 1he accounL ls dlsabled.648 1he password has explred.649 1he accounL does noL have 8emoLe Access permlsslon.630 1he 8emoLe Access server ls noL respondlng.631 ?our modem (or oLher connecLlng devlce) has reporLed an error.632 unrecognlzed response from Lhe devlce.633 A macro requlred by Lhe devlce was noL found ln Lhe devlce .lnl flle secLlon.634 A command or response ln Lhe devlce .lnl flle secLlon refers Lo an undeflned macro633 1he macro was noL found ln Lhe devlce .lnl flle secLlon.636 1he macro ln Lhe devlce .lnl flle secLlon conLalns an undeflned macro637 1he devlce .lnl flle could noL be opened.638 1he devlce name ln Lhe devlce .lnl or medla .lnl flle ls Loo long.639 1he medla .lnl flle refers Lo an unknown devlce name.660 1he devlce .lnl flle conLalns no responses for Lhe command. 38 661 1he devlce .lnl flle ls mlsslng a command.662 ALLempLed Lo seL a macro noL llsLed ln devlce .lnl flle secLlon.663 1he medla .lnl flle refers Lo an unknown devlce Lype.664 CannoL allocaLe memory.663 1he porL ls noL conflgured for 8emoLe Access.666 ?our modem (or oLher connecLlng devlce) ls noL funcLlonlng.667 CannoL read Lhe medla .lnl flle.668 1he connecLlon dropped.669 1he usage parameLer ln Lhe medla .lnl flle ls lnvalld.670 CannoL read Lhe secLlon name from Lhe medla .lnl flle.671 CannoL read Lhe devlce Lype from Lhe medla .lnl flle.672 CannoL read Lhe devlce name from Lhe medla .lnl flle.673 CannoL read Lhe usage from Lhe medla .lnl flle.674 CannoL read Lhe maxlmum connecLlon 8S raLe from Lhe medla .lnl flle.673 CannoL read Lhe maxlmum carrler 8S raLe from Lhe medla .lnl flle.676 1he llne ls busy.677 A person answered lnsLead of a modem.678 1here ls no answer.679 CannoL deLecL carrler.680 1here ls no dlal Lone.681 Ceneral error reporLed by devlce.682 L88C8 W8l1lnC SLC1lCnnAML683 L88C8 W8l1lnC uLvlCL1?L684 L88C8 W8l1lnC uLvlCLnAML Bq. Clurlty- 0lvlng Rebute for Cuxtomer Phone (Rx 2S0) unJ Wlrlng (Rx2S0) SelecL WC ln ClarlLy ALLrlbuLes- SelecL 'n' for lnLernal wlrlng SelecL CoasLed lLems- SelecL Lhe fleld and cllck deleLe x aL Lhe LopBR. Conflgurlng Iun PC for CR For CRM & PMS Site Address is For Clarity Site Address is Step 1 Configure DNS Server Address as follows Preferred DNS Server: Alternate DNS Server: Step 2 In Proxy Configuration in Internet Explorer Tools -> Internet Options Click on Connections Tab Click on LAN Settings button Click on Advanced button In exceptions add 10.*;192.*;* ================================================================== 39 BS. Cuncelllng un NPC orJer creuteJ before CR unJ now ln WI. IN CRM Cllck OrJerx Fnter orJer NO - 0O OR Select WultllxteJ orJer-0O 1op query- Fnter OrJer No-0O Cllck OrJer No Cllck WultllxteJ OrJer Cllck Releuxe ut the top ( lf Jutu uvulluble) Cllck Cuncel- OK

    B1. 1o get upllcute Blll from CRM Open CRM Cllck Servlcex-Home Fnter 1el no & 0O Cllck Bllllng Account No Cllck Involce Select the Involce - Cllck ownlouJ BU. 1o check BB uxuge Open CRM Cllck Servlcex-Home Fnter 1el no & 0O Cllck Bllllng Account No Cllck Involce Select the Involce Select BB BllleJ Uxuge ( Neur unburrlng) Select Month & 1el NO Cllck 0O =============================================================================

    * How to tuke CR from your PC wlth BB connectlon Conflgure your MoJem ln BrlJge Fnxure thut IF7 lx louJeJ ln your computer Creute u BB Connectlon Icon utthe Jektop Open IF Cllck 1oolx & xelect Internet Optlonx Cllck Connectlonx Cllck AJJ Select -Connect Network vlu BB Cllck Next 0lve nume ux CR Cllck Flnlxh Fnter Uxer Nume & PuxxworJ (Uxer I- Uxer I of VPN connectlon ut your offlce) 60 (PuxxworJ-PuxxworJ) OK OK NS AJJrexx Open IF Cllck 1oolx & xelect Internet Optlonx Select the 1ype of Connectlon & Cllck Settlng Cllck Propertlex Cllck Networklng Select Internet Protocol 1CP,IP Cllck Propertlex Cllck Uxe the fullowlng NS Server Fnter NS Server AJJrexx- Alternute AJJrexx- Cllck OK OK Securlty, Actlve X & Pop UP Settlng Open IF Cllck 1oolx & xelect Internet Optlonx Select USF BIANK(1he Browxer xhoulJ huve BIANK ux efuult uJJrexx) Cllck Securlty Cllck Cuxtom Ievel In Actlve X Controlx Pug In Fnuble-Allow prevlouxly unuxeJ Actlve X Controlx to run wlthout prompt Fnuble-Allow Scrlptletx Fnuble-Automutlc Promptlng for Actlve X Controlx Fnuble- Blnury & Scrlpt behuvlorx lxuble- Uxe Pop Up Blocker (Now enjoy CR browxlng -Flrxt tlme Clurlty & CRM wlll louJ utlllty xoftwure) (InxteuJ of VPN Uxer nume for CR uxe the VPN Uxernume for SSANF1 & browxe SSANF1) Slte uJJrexx CRM & PMS hLLp:// Clurlty hLLp:// Fr : hLLp:// (user name/assword- Cu81vM- SelecL ClarlLy SouLh 8eporL) ltpc : hLLp:// (user name/password - guesL) For Cuxtomerx : lttpselfcaiesucbsnlin ( In Normul BrouJbunJ Internet Connectlon Not VPN) ============================================================================== 1hunk You
