

Creativity and Innovation

There is a microscopically fine line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth, so what the

hell - leap

Cynthia Heimel


CBI 2002 UK Innovation Survey

Internala general failure to prioritise innovation;the failure to use people-centred initiatives e.g. ideas training, suggestion schemes;the lack of an innovation ‘champion’ at Board level;the widespread failure to engage in ‘foresight’ activities;failure to maximise returns on investment in un-used ideas;poor management of the innovation process including ideas management and process review


NIEC NI Innovation Survey

NI weakest regionNI 11th of 12 UK comparator regions re expenditure11% of expenditure was for grants (4.7% UK)Top 10 companies – 59% of research and development spendLittle of university research and development on NI industry



“The habit of continually doing things in new ways to make a

positive difference to our working lives”



Insight +Ideas+ Impact=Innovation


Definitions of Creativity

Creativity - Bringing into existence an idea that is new to youInnovation - The practical application of creative ideasCreative thinking - An innate talent that you were born with and a set of skills that can be learned, developed and used in daily problem-solving.Creative people - Those people who do not suppress their innate creativity and who their creative ability in various aspects of life.



How we Think?Reductionist• Look for similarities• We become socialised• Perceptions• Our brain hard wired against creativity

Rivers of thoughtNeed expansionist thoughts• Need lateral thinking to trick our brains




Nature or Nurture


Ten Pattern Breaking Ideas

Change your route to workRead something differentMeet new peopleGet out of your normal environmentAsk family (especially children) to help solve a problemTake more time and always generate options before choosingTake time out in a refreshing environmentTake a walk – ‘get out more’ – to see and thinkListen to music (what is no.1?)Reinvent your job role and style at least once a year.



Assess creativityBuild a culture of creativityIllustrate that it is being led and is acceptable behaviourReward it Train people in it


Positivity PlayfulnessPassionPersistence

The 4P’s of Creativity


Creative Icons

Identify a creative iconWhy are they creative?How does this relate to you?Why?


Barriers to Creativity

About human behaviour

•Attitude•Skills •Structure•Environment•Behaviours


Creativity Enablers



Freshness Four River-Jumping Techniques

Re-expression – finding an alternative way of describing or experiencing the issueRelated worlds – finding an alternative but similar issue or benefit in another fieldRevolution – identifying, then deliberately challenging the rules and assumptions – using “what if ?” scenarios e.g. what if we did nothing or what if we halved or doubled the budget Random links – using a deliberate connection with a random item – must be random and you must find a connection



Young ideas easy to destroy – not rapid fire emergency roomNeed SUN• Suspend judgement• Understand• NurtureAvoid RAIN• React• Assume• INsist


RealnessStop talkingHow can I make it real for an audienceA revolution in the way we behaveLoop the loop – Dyson – over 5,000 prototypesEncourage imperfectionShare the realnessShow me

What I hear, I forgetWhat I see, I rememberWhat I do, I know.



The management of energyUnrelenting energy and excitementContagious – but so is inertiaLess meetings – more action•Seek alignment of others•Create a short term crises• Just say no


SignallingA behaviour with three distinct stages• Tune In, • Choose to Act and • Propose a response

Brush-offs are not goodTell others how you want them to react Navigate between the world of business and creativityGive people space




Expose yourself to potential judgement

Rabbit in the headlights.


What Hinders Ideas Generation?

Looking for the right answer

Approaching problem solving as a “serious” business

Avoiding making mistakes as far as possible

Pushing yourself even when tired to keep working on a problem

Asking advise only from “experts”

Dismissing all “silly” ideas


What Hinders Ideas Generation?

Telling your ideas only to people who will agree with or support themKeeping quiet when you don’t understand somethingFollowing the motto “If it isn’t broken, it doesn’t need mending”Not having a system of recording ideas that come to you


What Helps Ideas Generation?

Looking for lots of possible right answersHaving fun with problem solving and “play” with ideasAccepting mistakes as a natural by-product of the creative processTaking deliberate breaks when you put the problem on the back burnerGetting information from a variety of sources


What Helps Ideas Generation?

Using your sense of humour as a rich source of possibilitiesEncouraging feedback from a variety of sources including a “Devils advocate”Asking “stupid” questionsContinually looking for ways to improve all products, services and systemsKeeping an “ideas note-book” to record all good ideas


Creative Problem-Solving

Generating Ideas• Brainstorming

Assessing Ideas• Prioritising the ideas and then

building on them


Analysis of Cause and Effect

Ishikawa ‘fishbone diagram’Five Why’sMind mappingDO IT• Define the problem• Open mind and apply creative techniques• Identify best solution• Transform


Finding a Solution

Random word•Bridging ideas
