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christmas 2010

Help unwrap tHe true CHristmas story for 250,000 listeners(who may not otherwise give a second thought to Jesus’ birth)

This Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, CBA will bring together many of NZ’s top Christian communicators to present eighteen hours of sparkling, fun and faith-infused programming on NZ’s leading radio network [see over the page for details]. We’re excited about the team’s fresh and creative ideas to communicate what Christmas is really all about… that “God so loved the world, He gave his only Son…”

It’s easy to lose sight of this true meaning of Christmas under the tinsel and wrapping… but this is precisely what we’re about: finding opportunities to present the reality of God to the masses – using the media.

Although we also broadcast daily and weekly, we love Christmas because it allows us to speak in a more open and straight-forward way about our Christian faith and the centrality of Jesus.

This is made possible by the contributions of hundreds of supporters, like you, with a vision for bringing the Jesus-message to the marketplace.

Thank you for your part in making this possible. Please be sure to invite your friends and family to tune in!

We wish you a Christmas packed with joy and great meaning.

For God so loved the world that he gave

his one and only Son... John 3 v16

Page 2: CBA News - Christmas 2010

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Post to: Freepost Number 69602, cBa, PO Box 100, shortland st, auckland 1140 or phone 0900 80 222 to make a gift of $20 charged to your phone account.

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I want to help CBA broadcast the real Christmas message...yes!

a taste of ‘salt’cBa’s newly formed network of christians working in mainstream media is already having a positive impact. this is from one member:

“I just wanted to thank you [CBA] for having the vision to start ‘SALT’. I’ve been in the industry for 20 years now... I was a non-Christian for ten of these and really struggled for most of the other ten after I became a Christian. I came up against real adversity as an ad agency producer. Some of the stories I could tell! I really felt like I was alone for a lot of this time and something like SALT back

then would have been a life saver. I think it’s fantastic that you’ve had the ‘God’ insight to step out

and I really want to encourage you in

this.” t.h. – Producer

"“I love that CBA is all about connecting with ordinary people, opening hearts to the truth about Jesus. And what more important message

to be telling, than the greatest true story of all? Let s get behind CBA this Christmas. Please give as generously as

you can. Have a happy and meaningful celebration as we remember what Christmas is all about! "” - Jim Hickey

Christmas 2010 presenters will be (from left to right): Petra Bagust, Pat Brittenden, John Cooney, Ian Grant, Julia Bloore, Tim Sisarich and John Cowan

6pm-midnight Christmas Eve NewstalkZB // 6am-6pm Christmas Day NewstalkZB & Radio Sport

your Generosity makes this Happen Please give generously to help cover cBa’s christmas production costs. We’re very grateful for your support. thank you!

to donate online, please use our a/c 12 3110 0014706 00. include your donor number in the reference. Or visit to donate online by credit card. Or phone 0900 80 222 to make a $20 gift.

thanks to NZ On air for helping to fund cBa’s christmas, real Life and scrubcutter programming.

the power of radio a couple of days after the christchurch earthquake, we recorded kids giving messages of encouragement to the

people of canterbury. head to our website to have a listen ( – click on ‘specials’). it was played later that day on several major radio networks throughout New Zealand and here’s what some of the programmers said:

“A magic bit of radio” – C.H. Wellington

“I almost cried” – C.B. Christchurch

“Thank you, we’ll be honoured to play this” – D.A. Rotorua

…and here’s the response of a christchurch listener:

“I was driving along and heard all these children sending messages to the people of Christchurch. I ended up in tears!! It was just so lovely to know that people in another part of the country were thinking about us and it meant an awful lot! To hear these children on the radio saying stuff we needed to hear was amazing. I just can’t say enough how special it was to hear all these gorgeous kids say the things they said and how emotional it was hearing it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” J.G. (mum of 4!)

see for frequencies.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. – Luke 2:11 (KJV)